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Reception/ distribution
from The Adviser 1651
by The Adviser
Permanent Part Time 3 days a week new start in 2023?
We have an exciting opening in our Administration team for an all-rounder who loves a challenge and variety in their role!
The position involves:
Organising and co-ordinating our distribution including the weekly instructions for walkers, agents, our driver and liaising with our print centre. A good understanding of Excel is important. Training will be provided.
The following tasks also relate to this position:
• Reception duties
• Process advertising bookings
• General Administration duties
• Provide support to administration team
In this role you must:
• Have a professional manner
• Be well presented and articulate
• Have a ‘Can Do’ positive attitude
• Have excellent communication and customer service skills
• Have demonstrated computer skills including proficient use of MS Office programs
• Show initiative and be motivated
• Have the ability to work without supervision
A Position Description is available upon request email admin@sheppartonadviser.com.au
If this sounds like the position for you, please don’t delay, get in touch today because we are interviewing now!
Please send your letter of application including your CV and other relevant information to admin@sheppartonadviser.com.au
** Only permanent Australian Citizen/Residents may apply
The Shepparton Adviser is the Goulburn Valley region’s largest circulating community newspaper www.sheppadviser.com.au
38-40 Welsford Street, Shepparton Ph 5832 8900
How to place Classifieds line ad
Career Opportunitie s
Early Childhood Te ache r
Fu ll Ti me an d Pa rt Ti me av ailabl e*
$40. 81 ph + supe r
Wa ngarat t a C hild re n’s S er vice s i s c urre ntly lookin g fo r a full-tim e a n d p ar t-tim e q uali fi ed
Early C hildhood Teacher to oin our team in 2023.
Thi s n ew p os itio n to child re n s er vice s w il l fa c ilitate an d ru n o u r M onday a n d Tuesd ay sessiona l k inde r g ro up w ith th e o ptio n of s choo l holiday o available.
We pay over awa rd wages , w ith g enerou s ince ntive s c urre ntl y ava ilable which includes a $1 00 0 s ig n o n b onus w hic h w ill be paid t o the successful applicant.
Th e s u ccessful a pplicant w ill require the fo llowing:
• Ba chelo r of Teachin g (Ea rly C hildhood) o r equi va lent (a pprove d by ACECQA)
• Current F irst A i d C er ti fi cate
• Anap hy la xi s C er ti fi cate
• VI T R egistratio n
* Please include in your cover letter if you are applying for Full Time or Part Time work.
Fo r fu rther enquiries: Zo e Kon ko ly Childcare C entre C oo rd in ator at z. ko nkol y@wa ngarat ta .v ic .g ov.a u The successful applicant will be re quired to prov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt
Rural City of Wangaratta is a child safe and equal opportunity employer. Employment applications from AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandpeople from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged. In addition, applications for positions that work with children must provide referees who can comment on their experience working with children. These roles also require a valid Working with Children
Check and all roles require a National Criminal History Check
Applic at ions fo r th es e posi tion s close 3p m
Mond ay 6 Ma rc h 2023
Fo r fu rthe r in fo rm at ion: www.wanga ratt a. vic. gov. au /a bout-c ouncil /c areers or phon e 03 57 22 0 888
Editorial policy and complaints procedures
Editorial Policy
To view our full Editorial Policy please visit our website.
Complaints Complaints will be accepted up to one (1) month from the date of the behaviour(s) or first publication.
To view our full complaints procedure policy please visit our website.
Postal address: PO Box 1664 Shepparton VIC 3630
By person: 38-40 Welsford St, Shepparton VIC 3630 By email: editorial@ sheppartonadviser.com.au sheppadviser.com.au
Career Opportunitie s
Rural City of Wangaratta currently have a number of vacancies across a variety of departments!
We are currently lookin g fo r Fu ll Time, Part Time an d Casual people fo r th e below ro les:
• Ad mini stra tion Offi cer –Fa mily & Ea rly Childhoo d
• Aq uatic & Health Prog ra mming Coordinato r
• Childcare Educ ator
• Early Childhood Te ache r
• Executive Assistant –Community & In frastructure
• Ga rdener
• Mechanic – Heav y Stream
• Membership Offi ce r
• Pu blic Fa c ilities Cleaner
• Safety & Wellbeing Coordinator
• Senior Café At te ndant
• Ve getation Management
As si stant
The successful applicant will be re quired to prov id e a co py of thei r Covid-19 Va ccin at io n Certifi cate prio r to commenceme nt Rural City of Wangaratta is a child safe and equal opportunity employer. Employment applications from AboriginalandTorresStraitIslanderpeoplesandpeople from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds are encouraged In addition applications for positions that work with children must provide referees who can comment on their experience working with children These roles also require a valid Working with Children Check and all roles require a National Criminal History Check.
Public Notices
mentioned with
addition of new 5G equipment: 50 Williams Road, SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 (RFNSA: 3631006)
The proposed upgrade consists of -
•The replacement of three (3) existing panel antennas with three (3) new panel antennas (each is no more than 2.8m long).
•The replacement of six (6) existing Remote Radio units (RRUs) with nine (9) new RRUs.
•The installation, relocation and removal of ancillary equipment including RRUs, antenna mounts, feeders, cabling, combiners, and
•Other associated equipment, and the works within the existing equipment shelter 20 Fraser Street, SHEPPARTON VIC 3630 (RFNSA: 3630004)
The proposed upgrade consists of -
•The replacement of three (3) existing panel antennas with three (3) new panel antennas (each is no more than 2.8m long).
•The installation of three (3) new panel antennas (each is no more than 2.8m long).
•The installation of six (6) new Remote Radio units (RRUs)
•The installation, relocation and removal of ancillary equipment including RRUs, antenna mounts, feeders, cabling, combiners, and
•Other associated equipment, and the works within the existing equipment cabinet.
Optus regards the proposed installations as Low-impact Facilities under the Telecommunications (Low-impact Facilities) Determination 2018 (“The Determination”) based on the descriptions above
In accordance with Section 7 of C564:2020 Mobile Phone Base Station Deployment Code, we invite you to provide feedback about the proposals.
Further information and/or comments should be directed to: Wannan Bao or 0428 684 927, or via the Service Stream Wireless Consultation inbox at Optus.submissions@servicestream.com.au or Zenith Centre, Level 3, Tower B, 5pm, Monday 20 March 2023.
If you would like to know more about this sites, further information can be obtained from www.rfnsa.com.au