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The nuts and bolts to succeed
WITHa fixed focus on delivering exceptional customer service as well as supplying a diverse range of industrial fasteners, fixings, abrasives and tools to the construction and related industries, Ultimate Fasteners has had over the last 15 years, quite simply, the nuts and bolts to grow from a two-man operation into a thriving and responsive enterprise.
Opening its doors on January 1, 2008, Ultimate Fasteners was the conception of co-owners Dean Jones and Mark Shanahan, two colleagues who had spent over twenty years working together before biting the bullet to go out on their own.
Beginning with a small showroom, an office and some stock, Dean and Mark saw an opportunity in the market that was too good to miss, and it wasn’t long before their perceptiveness, determination and hard work paid off.

Hiring their first employee just one month after commencing operation, the co-owners joined-up with Construction Supply Specialists (CSS) eight months later, forging an advantageous and valuable relationship to this day.
A leading buying, marketing and promotional group serving the construction, mining and industrial sector, CSS is a nationwide alliance harnessing the collective volume of around 80 businesses to generate corporate multi-national buying power, resulting in competitive prices passed onto the customer.
“We started Ultimate Fasteners in January 2008 and joined CSS by September that year. Basically, the names behind the brands, CSS have supported us very strongly from the beginning in marketing and dealing with suppliers. It has been a beneficial experience for us, and our membership has opened doors that we’d never have opened on our own, CSS’ marketing is something we hang our hat on,” Dean said.
Rapidly growing their presence in the region’s marketplace, Ultimate