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Community involvement
WHENyou’ve been involved in the business of supplying products and services across multiple sectors from building, engineering, manufacturing, agriculture and beyond you are bound to establish not only rock-solid relationships within each industry, but also within the community itself.


“We’ve been in this game for over 30 years now and in that time, you build relationships, you build trust. Ultimate Fasteners has always enjoyed being heavily involved in the community and I think that’s why we give back to it wherever we can. The community supports us, and we support them. It’s a two-way street,” said co-owner of Ultimate Fasteners, Dean Jones.

Rolling up their sleeves to give support and get involved in a variety of sporting clubs over the years, Dean and business partner Mark Shanahan have also extended a generous hand to support the GV Hospice Rallye, Biggest Morning Teas at Lifestyle Community as well as getting behind both Grahamvale and Numurkah primary school events, where both Dean and Mark’s children attended respectively.

In addition to all this, Ultimate Fasteners donates annually to the Devenish, Dookie and District Good Friday Appeal, with all funds raised going to support the Royal Children’s Hospital. Impressively, Ultimate Fasteners were acknowledged this year for assisting the District Appeal to reach over $120K.

Best wishes to Dean, Mark and the team at Ultimate.