Women in Business Feature

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I N T R O D U C I N G I N S P I R AT I O N A L W O M E N O F T H E G O U L B U R N VA L L E Y TODAY, women make up more than half the paid workforce in Australia, alongside raising families, helping their communities, and caring for themselves and others. Women are no longer managing households alone but managing businesses and organisations as well. This looks quite different to Australia in 1966, where only around 30 percent of women held employment and many more were expected to remain home. For this International Women’s Day feature, we feature local inspirational women who live and work in the Goulburn Valley, and help make our region great. These are business owners and managers, doctors, veterinarians, retailers, women

Celebrating International

Women’s Day March 8, 2022

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who work in typically male-dominated industries like tools and trades. They are also mothers, daughters, sisters, sportspeople, volunteers, and much more. International Women’s Day is a day to recognise how far we’ve come towards gender equality while recognising the way we have left to go. In countries like Australia, we have rights our grandmothers could have only dreamed about, but we have not yet reached equality, and much of the world is far behind. Join us in celebrating local women and the contribution women make around the world, up against unique barriers like gender biases that still affect women and girls in work, education, and more areas of life.

TEACHING MORE THAN A LIFE SKILL… Lynda is a great role model for women proving you can do it all and rise above adversity to start her own business providing the skills to get from A to B starting with L’s to P’s…

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The Adviser. Australia No.1:1600 Wednesday, March 2, 2022 – Page 13

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