Top 4 financial goals , everyone should plan

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Financial Goals You Should always Plan

#1 Kid’s Education Challenge • Costly Education- Child Education gets costlier • Non Extendable – Education Goal cannot be rescheduled and delayed .

How to Plan STEP 1- Find the Amount of the Total Education charges as per present cost STEP 2- Add Inflation and Taxes STEP 3- Start Saving in an SIP and review periodically

#2 Vacation Challenge • Rising Costs – Hotels Travelling cost going up

How to Plan and

• Frequency of Vacations- With present hectic lifestyle we often plan for short vacations every six months

STEP 1- Find the Frequency of Vacations. Yearly/Bi-yearly etc.

STEP 2- Expected expense per vacation added with inflation STEP 3- Start SIP for the right amount to cover whole life vacation expenses

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#3 Retirement Challenges

How to Plan

• Inflation- Prices of Daily needs going UP

STEP 1- Find the Monthly Amount you require

• Which product to choose- What is right product to invest for my retirement Funds

STEP 2- Add rate of Inflation

• Taxes- Taxes could eat into my retirement savings returns

STEP 3- Find Right mix of Investment products as per your Risk Profile STEP 4- Start Saving Regularly with an SIP and review periodically

#4 Lifestyle Challenge

How to Plan

• Inflation- Lifestyle products are getting costlier

STEP 1- Keep 5% of monthly savings in a Separate Savings funds

• Unplanned expenses- Most of lifestyle expenses are Unplanned and are more of Impulsive buying's

STEP 2- Invest this Fund in Long term SIP STEP 3- Withdraw the money as and when required

Right Approach






Right Portfolio

Buy/ Sell

Regular Monitoring

Risk Profiling

Financial Goals



Risk Capacity- How much Risk you can afford to take

All Financial Goals of the life

Investment Products right as per risk profile

With least Brokerage & Commission

Of Portfolio and Markets

The Inflation adjusted amount required to meet them

Portfolio efficient

With Nil hidden costs

Rebalance Investments when required

Risk Attitude- How much Risk you want to take




Know right Investment Portfolio for your Profile

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Our Offer

Advisory Fees Rs. 365 Per Annum Customized advise only for you Regular Review and Rebalancing Unlimited Long Term Investment Advise Tax efficient portfolio design No Minimum investment Substantial Savings in Commission ( Optional)

Customized , unbiased Wealth Management

@Rs. 1 per day

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Financial Management @ Rs 1 per day

Wealth Creation Advice

Monthly Savings Advice

Tax Saving Investments

In case you want to invest Lump Sum

In case you want to invest On Monthly basis

In case you want to Make Tax Saving Investments

Portfolio Restructuring Advice

Goal Planning

Online Transaction

If you want to Restructure your portfolio

In case you want to Plan your Financial Goals

In case you want to Buy and Sell any product

Why AdviseSure

Simple & Easy

Our Simple and easy Personal Finance Tools & self-help process, ensures that you take Better control of your entire Finance in 7 Minutes , to your satisfaction.

Paperless Process

Invest and Manage Online , on a Single Click. No need to Fill boring Physical forms and storing statements. Manage Your Finance with easy and simple back office..


We advice on almost all Financial Products except banking accounts. You can transact in all products through us. Our technology will ensure superior Experience

Cost Effective

We don't Push Products to our Customers Like Agents or Brokers, for commissions or brokerages. You can continue buying and selling with your current Broker or Agent. However you can also transact through us at substantial low Cost.

Online Access

You can manage your account from anywhere through multiple support points

AdviseSure Investment Advisors is India’s first only Advise platform where we help individual, managing personal finance. AdviseSure Investment Advisors is part of AdviseSure Ventures Private limited. AdviseSure Investment Advisors is a SEBI registered Investment Advisor and its associate/group company empanelled with AMFI as a distributor .You can execute transactions with your banker, stock broker or agent/ financial intermediary . We also offer transaction services through various associations, at a substantially lesser cost to our clients as compared to other financial intermediaries, so that you start your financial plan with AdviseSure Investment Advisors is a safe and secure platform. Our recommendations rely on historical data. Historical/ past performance is not a guarantee of future returns. The information and views presented here are prepared by AdviseSure Investment Advisors. The information contained herein is based on our analysis and upon sources that we consider reliable. We, however, do not vouch for the accuracy or the completeness thereof. This material is for personal information and we are not responsible for any loss incurred based upon it. This document is solely for the personal information of the recipient. The investments discussed or recommended here may not be suitable for all investors. Investors must make their own investment decisions based on their specific investment objectives and financial position and using such independent advice, as they believe necessary. While acting upon any information or analysis mentioned here, investors may please note that neither AdviseSure Investment Advisors nor any person connected with any associated companies of AdviseSure Investment Advisors , accepts any liability arising from the use of this information and views mentioned here. Each recipient of this document should make such investigations as they deem necessary to arrive at an independent evaluation of an investment in the securities of the companies referred to in this document (including the merits and risks involved), and should consult their own advisors to determine the merits and risks of such an investment.

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