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Gary Krause Adventist Mission Director
o p e n i n g
Prayer Journal Inside
In Christ,
12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904
astor Eric B. Hare was just 21 years old when, in 1915, he and his wife, Agnes, left Australia for Burma—also known as Myanmar. They served there nearly 20 years as missionaries among the Karen people. His unique stories of life as a missionary have delighted generations of young Adventists, and given them a fresh vision of frontline mission. How would missionaries such as Pastor Hare feel if they could see the impact of their work? I’m sure Pastor Hare would be stunned by the generations of Karen believers who have remained faithful Adventists. He would be shocked to see the beautiful Eric B. Hare Memorial School built in the area where he worked, and several other schools, funded by an American family who first caught their vision for the international mission work of the church through his stories. I visited Burma for the first time about 15 years ago. Back then, all visitors were required to exchange a large amount of hard currency into local money. Tourists were few. And there were just a handful of Seventh-day Adventist church members. I remember for the first time seeing the Shwedagon Pagoda, a mighty Buddhist symbol, soaring above the capital city, Rangoon. I’ve met Global Mission pioneers in Burma who, on a small stipend and facing huge challenges, have planted new Adventist congregations in new areas. I’ve visited their small house “churches” where the Word of God is opened each week. I’ve met pastors who have spent decades in prison for their faith. And I’ve met boy and girls, men and women who met Jesus through the pioneers and now have peace through faith in a God of grace and love far more powerful than evil spirits. Burma lies within the heart of the 10/40 Window. Within a 3,000 mile radius of Rangoon, 60 percent of the world’s population live. They’re the world’s poorest people, and most have never even heard the name of Jesus. Thank you for caring. Thank you for your prayerful financial support of Global Mission’s efforts to build God’s kingdom in the most challenging parts of the world.
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