Picture Story by Global Mission - 1st Quarter 2008

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DEAR FRIENDS estled in the picturesque mountains of central Sri Lanka, rural villages dot the landscape covered by thousands of acres of tea plantations. Women in colorful saris work long hours every day, rain or shine, carefully picking tea leaves by hand. Global Mission pioneers Ravi* and Madu* moved to one of these villages. Shortly after settling in, they went from house to house, introducing themselves to their neighbors. It wasn’t long before the friendly couple became acquainted with almost everyone around them. Since most folks in that area don’t have their own transportation, Ravi frequently offered pedestrians a ride on the back of his motorcycle whenever he headed to town. This helps him become even better acquainted with neighbors who appreciate the lift, especially when the alternative is walking up and down steep mountainous roads. Ravi would invite anyone who was interested to come to his home for Bible studies. Soon the couple built a small bamboo enclosure at the back of their house, where Madu offered to teach English and music to children during school breaks. Her classes were such fun, and the little classroom would quickly overflow with eager students. The children loved the new songs, and their parents and grandparents often stayed by to learn along with them. As a result of Ravi and Madu’s kindness and friendliness, several small groups in their village are meeting together to worship God and study the Bible. By demonstrating genuine care and concern for those around them, they are modeling a Christ-like spirit to their neighbors. Ravi and Madu are very busy with their work and family, but they still find ways to do what they can in their community. Their sincere desire to tell others about Jesus inspires me to look for ways to serve my neighbors. What can you do where you live? Thank you for your ongoing support of Global Mission. Your gift makes differences in many people’s lives. In Christ,

Nancy Kyte Adventist Mission Marketing Director

*Names have been changed

12501 Old Columbia Pike, Silver Spring, MD 20904







1Q O8





ussian immigrants in New Zealand are often reluctant to step into a Protestant church. This can make conventional evangelism difficult in Christchurch, New Zealand. Over the past three years Global Mission pioneer Ivan Nalchadzhi and his wife have led some 20 people to Christ st through their ministry of small groups and friendship evangelism. m. Here Luba, Ivan’s wife, leads a women’s nd that woome wome m nn’’s small smal sm all group. al g oouup. gr p. They The heyy fifind tha hatt sharing shhar arinng the thee gospel th gosp go sppel in people’s homes is quite effective. ive ve Ivan also reaches into the community by hosting weddings, women’s days, and holiday services at Bishopdale, the area Adventist church. He does whatever it takes to get people in the door. He’s invited nearly 500 people to the upcoming Bishopdale evangelism series. He’s also taping the series so that he can show it in the homes of people Official Languages: English, Maori, Sign Language who are unwilling to come to Religion: Anglican 15%, Roman Catholic 12%, the church. Please pray for Ivan Presbyterian 11%, Methodist 3%, other Christian 12%, and his family. other faith 21, none 26%



hree new Pioneer Mission Movement couples are ordained to go as frontline missionaries to Hong Kong and Japan. Pioneers like these leave the comforts of their home country to take a reduced salary and move their families to places where they must learn a new language and share the gospel in challenging circumstances. Usually Global Mission pioneers are lay members who work within w thhin their wi theeirr culture cul u tu ture re re and language group. However, the Northern orth or t er ern Asia-Pacifi A iaa-PPac As acifi ific Division Div ivis issio ionn sends send se end ndss out o t pastors ou p st pa stor orss or as Pioneer Mission Movement workers from countries such HONG KONG as Korea, where the gospel is Population: 7 million growing, to places where the Adventist membership: 4,219 church is struggling to grow. Over the past three years Adventist to population ratio: 1:1,656 pioneer pastors have planted Churches: 16 or revitalized more than 28 Companies: 3 churches in countries like Hong Kong and Japan, where the ggospel p needs neeeddss a boost. boooost s. JAPAN JAP Population: 127.8 million Pop Adventist membership: 15,153 Adv Adventist to population ratio: 1:8,433 Adv Churches: 118 Chu Companies: 65 Com Det Details: Det Hong Kong and Japan are both prosperous per pe rro nations with relative freedom. The first Adventist Adve Adv Ad vve missionaries arrived a century ago, yett tthe church still struggles to grow. In fact ye thee N th Northern Asia-Pacific Division as whole is,, on is one of the most unreached regions of the world. worl wo rl Please support Global Mission work in Northern Nort No rt Asian countries such as Hong Kong and an d Japan by giving to Fund # 6600.

Eth Groups: European 70%, Maori 8%, Asian 6%, Ethnic Pacifi Pac c islander 4%, other 12% Pa Population: 4.1 million Pop Adventist membership: 11,152 Ad Adventist to population ratio: 1:371 Ad Churches: 80 Ch Companies: 20 Co Details: In New Zealand some 26 percent of De people peo pe o claim no religion at all. Global Mission hopes hop ho p to reach those looking for a relationship with God. Please help spread the love of Christ by contributing to church planting efforts in the South Pacific countries, such as New Zealand, by supporting FUND # 6910.

s a law student at Bangkok’s Ramkhamhaeng University, Jacob (pictured on the left) was looking for a better life. Yet he felt a lack of purpose and meaning in what he was doing. Then one day a friend invited Jacob to take an English class with him at the Adventist language school. Here Jacob found answers to his questions as he studied the Bible with a Global Mission worker. Today Jacob has found the peace, purpose, and freedom he longed nge gedd for. f r. fo Since 2005 Thonburi Church plant has sponsored this community service, annt hha as sp pon onso ssoore ore red ed th hiss ffree reee co re omm mmun unitiitty se un serv rvvicce, Sabbath whichneiswarm part of the Hope morning a woman for Big Cities initiative. walked into the PortuThis initiative takes the Official Languages: Thai, English (widely spoken in cities) guese-speaking congregagospel to communities tion in Brussels, Belgium. Religion: Buddhist 94.5%, Muslim 4.5%, Christian less aroundJose thede world where Pastor Matos than 1% the Adventist has recognized her church as Anna, Ethnic Groups: Thai 75%, Chinese 11%, other 11% to had grow. astruggled woman he met when he was pastoring in Population: 62.5 million London. She was strugAdventist membership: 11,555 Ad gling to find a relationship with God and had a lot of Adventist to population ratio: 1: 5,645 Ad problems. Churches: 40 Ch


When the pastor left London he thought he would not see the believers again, but the members were never far from his thoughts

Companies: 81 Co Details: The skyline of Bangkok, Thailand, illusDe trates tra tr a the contrast between eastern heritage and modern capitalism. Monks in their coloran full robes peer from the walls of their monasfu tery, ter te r while people in power suits look down on the city from their glass skyscrapers. Please pray pra pr a for Adventist frontline workers who are reaching out to the nearly six million people who live in Bangkok. To support Global Mission work in Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, support FUND# 7100.

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