Preston Hollow has what it takes to make your holiday spread special if you know where to look

Preston Hollow has what it takes to make your holiday spread special if you know where to look
direct to DFW Airport. Connecting you to the ones you love this holiday season.
Today at Methodist Health System, our patients are experiencing the power of two renowned health care systems–and discovering how we can provide answers to the toughest health questions. As the first member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network in Texas, Methodist and its physicians are collaborating with the physicians of Mayo Clinic, ensuring world-class diagnostics and treatment. Learn how we’re working together at
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Requiring Additional Disclosures on Ballots for Bond Programs.
Shall Chapter XXI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the ballot for the approval of a bond program must state the amount of bond issuance authorization, estimated amount of repayment including principal and interest based on current market conditions, and the purpose of the bonds?
Revising Restrictions as to City Officials and Employees and Exempting Board and Commission Members from Certain Restrictions Involving City Contracts.
Shall Chapter XXII, Section 11 of the Dallas City Charter, which prohibits city officials and employees from having a financial interest in city contracts, be amended to exempt ownership of an interest of not more than 10 percent in a mutual or common fund; exempt non-negotiated, form contracts for general city services or benefits if the city services or benefits are made available to the city official or employee on the same terms that they are made available to the general public; and exempt board and commission members, but require that they comply with conflict of interest and ethics provisions in state law or the city code?
Allowing Certain Changes to the Thoroughfare Plan Without Mailing Notice to Adjacent Property Owners.
Shall Chapter XV, Section 8 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to allow changes to the Thoroughfare Plan that affect any area larger than one square mile and that does not increase the dimensional classification of a thoroughfare to be noticed through an alternate notice authorized by city council?
Amending the Provision for Nondiscrimination in City Employment.
Shall Chapter XVI, Section 16(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to include color, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic characteristics, national origin, disability, and military or veteran status as additional classes for nondiscrimination in city employment?
Requiring the City Council to Set the Annual Budget for the City Auditor Directly.
Shall Chapter XI, Section 2 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to require that the City Council shall set the annual budget for the city auditor’s office directly, rather than as a component of the city manager’s budget?
Revising the Redistricting Process.
Shall Chapter IV, Section 5 of the Dallas City Charter be amended to revise the redistricting process to provide for appointment of the redistricting commission after the federal decennial census data are available; require that a person appointed to the redistricting commission be a registered voter; set guidelines for drawing district lines; prohibit city councilmember contact with redistricting commissioners regarding the redistricting process, except in open meetings; and require a written explanation, 72 hours public notice, and a three-fourths vote for city council to modify the district map proposed by the redistricting commission?
Municipal Judges and Board and Commission Members Must Resign to Run for Other Offices.
Shall Chapter III, Section 17 and Chapter VIII, Section 4A of the Dallas City Charter be amended to clarify that the prohibition on running for other offices applies to municipal judges, all board and commission members, including Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) board members and Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) International Airport board members; and to clarify that a municipal judge automatically resigns if the judge announces that he/she is a candidate for an elected office?
Increasing Compensation for the Mayor and Councilmembers.
Shall Chapter III, Section 4(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to increase compensation for councilmembers to $60,000, effective upon the swearing in of city council members in June 2015, and for the mayor to $80,000, effective upon the swearing in as mayor of an individual who did not hold the office of mayor on November 4, 2014?
Technical Amendments to Conform to State Law, City Code, and Actual Practices; to Correct Terms; to Correct Spelling; to Clarify Language, and to Correct Cross-References.
Shall Chapter III, Section 6; Chapter III, Section 10; Chapter III, Section 11; Chapter III, Section 17; Chapter III, Section 19; Chapter III, Section 20; Chapter XI, Section 4; Chapter XI, Section 5; Chapter XI, Section 6; Chapter XI, Section 8; Chapter XI, Section 11; Chapter XI, Section 13; Chapter XV, Section 1(2); Chapter XV, Section 7; Chapter XVI, Section 12(a), Chapter XVI, Section 12(c); Chapter XVI, Section 16(d); Chapter XIX, Section 1; Chapter XX, Section 2; Chapter XX, Section 11; Chapter XXII, Section 1; Chapter XXII, Section 11; and Chapter XXIV, Section 13(a) of the Dallas City Charter be amended to conform to state law, conform to the city code, match actual practices, correct terms, correct spelling, clarify language, correct cross-references, and other technical amendments?
Early voting is being held between the time period of Monday, October 20, 2014, through Friday, October 31, 2014.
Early voting hours vary between Counties (Dallas, Denton and Collin), while Election Day, Saturday, November 4, 2014, voting hours are 7 a.m. through 7 p.m. in all Counties.
The hours for early voting as well as the early/election day voting locations can be obtained from the City Secretary’s Office by calling (214) 670-3738 or by also accessing the following websites:
Office of the City Secretary:
Dallas County: Collin County: Pages/election_day.aspx
Denton County: election-day-polling-locations/
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A book I’m reading, The Circle, offers an interesting take on privacy and politics in the future. Since this is an election month, maybe it’s worth thinking about.
The book’s protagonist works at a cross between Google and Facebook — hip and uberrich. Healthcare is free. Food is free. Rent is free. And, of course, everyone wants to work there. The story is told through the eyes of a young woman who graduated from college, took a humdrum job in her hometown and promptly wished for more. A friend invites her to work at the nirvana company.
The company is called the Circle, and at first no one knows why. Eventually, it appears the Circle refers to a way of life — there’s nothing worth doing that doesn’t start and end with the company and its endless technological tentacles. The company’s biggest breakthrough involves convincing a single politician to “go transparent” wear a camera everywhere, all of the time, to every meeting and event, every lunch and dinner. By being transparent, the Circle reasons, wouldn’t the politician bring honesty and integrity back to politics? As is the way of the world, after the first politician signs up to “go transparent” and is universally praised, the rest of the world’s politicians clamor for cameras. Even politicians who think it’s a dumb idea succumb to peer pressure and public scrutiny. The politicians are allowed a few minutes of solitude in the bathroom, and they can turn the camera off when they’re sleeping, but that’s about it. Their constant exposure to the light of day is trumpeted by the Circle as the best way to bring enlightenment to the world and return honesty to politics. Of course, in the book, the camera-wearing frenzy doesn’t stop with politicians. Soon cameras are being installed everywhere — on beaches, at restaurants, in offices, in homes, at schools.
The book’s protagonist stumbles from small-town anonymity to world-wide fame as she is selected to be the first regular person to “go transparent”. People spend their days watching her days. She even comes up with a series of personal belief statements that become the Circle’s mantra and support the idea that we are all better off if everyone knows everything there is to know about everyone else: Secrets are Lies. Sharing is Caring. Privacy is Theft.
Privacy is considered theft because if I don’t share all of my experiences with you, I’m stealing from you the opportunity to visit the places I’m visiting and see the things I’m seeing. It makes some sense on the face of it.
It’s a short jump from having cameras everywhere to having everyone always wearing cameras. If secrets are bad, transparency is good. Know someone cheating on his or her spouse? Today, it’s probably a secret; if everyone is wearing a camera, maybe it doesn’t happen. Know someone stealing money or plotting a terrorist act? If they’re wearing a camera, maybe they don’t.
The problem in the book, of course, is that all video is stored somewhere, and now everything that happens anywhere is forever captured and retained. Make a mistake, and it never goes away. Say something stupid, and it can be replayed a billion times. Stumble across your parents in flagrante delicto, and everyone sees it over and over again forever.
Transparency prevents some bad things from happening. But it also inhibits people from taking chances, speaking spontaneously or just thinking aloud. People still have free will, but they no longer have the courage to pursue it. The closest thing we have to that scenario now is watching celebrities, sports stars and even Average Joes stumble in the spotlight of social media, paparazzi and selfpromotion. A few seem able to handle it, but most are just like us: They crack under the spotlight, and they aren’t even on camera 100 percent of the time. Yet. Maybe this book isn’t so far-fetched after all.
Rick Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know ho,w we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email
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Advocate, © 2013, is published monthly by East Dallas Lakewood People Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.
Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.
At Preston-Royal, Casita Tex-Mex is out, Greek Isles is moving in
Councilwoman Gates supports a suffering Vickery Meadow community
During widespread outages, how does Oncor determine priority?
Dish to open at Hillcrest, Northwest Highway Walcrest pump station construction set for next year
On the second floor of the Dallas Police Department’s Jack Evans headquarters is a room piled high with boxes containing a century’s worth of incident reports and arrest warrants, department newsletters and newspaper clippings; vintage badges, patches and patrolman caps fill several glass display cases; books containing city code and local true crime stories line metal shelves; and a heavy, rusty ball-and-chain leg cuff occupies a dark corner.
Dallas Police Senior Cpl. Rick Janich, curator of the forthcoming Dallas Police Museum, is working to transform these artifacts into a proper exhibit.
“There’s been a desire to have a museum since the ’60s,” he says. “We’re just waiting on more money.”
The Police Department is accepting donations to help make it happen. Meanwhile, when his schedule permits, Janich shows visitors around, allowing them to sift through handwritten records and black-and-white photos. He might even show off the collection of handguns and badges, stashed under lock and key, that once belonged to famous lawmen such as Prohibition-era police chief Elmo Strait.
A descendent of the early Preston Hollow pioneers, Strait served as the Police Department’s seventh chief in 1921, enacting reforms and programs still in use today, such as the police reserve system. However, his tenure was brief. According to a report in the Dallas Morning News archives from that era, the demands of his job caused “a breakdown in health,” prompting him to resign his position and remain under medical care. Although he had been improving, he suffered in the end a “hemorrhage of the throat.” He died suddenly at age 46 and lies in our neighborhood’s small, private burial ground known as Merrell Cemetery (read more on page 28). The day after his death, the chief was honored across the city. “Every wheel in the Dallas street railway system will be stopped and all traffic in the city will halt for one minute at 4 o’clock …” reads the obituary.
Other artifacts that await viewing in the 4,000-square-foot museum reflect a time long before technological conveniences. Instead of the computer systems now equipped in every squad car, each officer had his own notebook, known as a “hook book,” to “keep track of bad guys,” Janich says.
A large vintage photograph of the Dallas Police force in 1893 shows wool-uniformed officers who all have one thing in common: the mustache. Janich says the department adopted the trend from England.
“It was one of those, ‘Well, it’s not required, but we would prefer it because it shows you’re more healthy.’ ”
And have you ever wondered what was inside those tall police hats? That’s where the officers kept their lunch. “They didn’t have anywhere else to put it,” Janich says.
The museum will undoubtedly be a popular attraction, Janich says. After all, the Dallas Police Department has groupies, he explains.
“Fans of the show ‘Dallas SWAT’ will show up here looking for Rich Emberlin or Ed Spila or other stars of the reality TV show,” he says, “hoping for an autograph.” —Advocate staff
November 2014
The Museum of Biblical Art features impressionist paintings inspired by Israel from Texas-based artist Barbara Hines, the first exhibit inside the museum’s new National Center for Jewish Art. Some artwork is for sale, and Hines donates 100 percent of her profits equally to the museum and Chabad of Dallas.
Museum of Biblical Art, 7500 Park Lane, 214.368.4622,, $10-$12
NOV. 4
The Jewish Community Center hosts its 13th annual resource fair, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., helping local senior citizens navigate the next phase of their lives. Since the expo falls on Election Day, a shuttle will transport attendees to the 75230 voting precinct. The event also features live music by Marty Ruiz, games, giveaways, sack lunches for the first 100 guests and a discussion with Donna Arp Weitzman, author of “Cinderella Has Cellulite and Other Musings from a Last Wife.” Jewish Community Center, 7900 Northaven, 214.739.2737, jccdallas. org, free
NOV. 14
Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse presents the Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter and activist who has earned respect in the roots, folk and Americana genres, learning from her father, Terry Gilkyson. Nashvillebased pianist Allie Farris opens the show at 8 p.m. Northpark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central,, $18-$22
This self-guided tour features nine homes throughout the city, including four in Preston Hollow. Curated by the local chapter of the American Institute of Architects, the tour represents a range of styles from modern villa to mid-century ranch as well as innovative concepts in sustainability, renovation, adaptation and new construction., $25-$30
NOV. 19
The Legacy Senior Communities hosts its annual fundraiser at noon, benefiting The Legacy Preston Hollow Dallas Home for the Jewish Aged. The luncheon features a discussion with journalist and author Jane Pauley, and the inaugural presentation of the Carmen Michael Miller Award to Molly Bogen, Senior Source executive director.
Winspear Opera House, 2403 Flora, 972.468.6162,, $200
NOV. 22
The mall’s 16th annual miniature train exhibit — the largest of its kind in Texas —opens for the season, featuring 1,600 feet of track winding through cityscapes from the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge to the Golden Gate Bridge. The event raises money for the Ronald McDonald House of Dallas. The display is on Level One between Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom and continues through Jan. 4.
NorthPark Center, 8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441,, $3-$7
Raise your hand if you’ve ever had one of those “Christmas Vacation” moments hanging holiday lights on the exterior of your home. If climbing ladders, saggy lights and tangled strands don’t thrill you, consider outsourcing this pesky task.
The new rage is paying someone else to hang your lights and the market has several options to consider. But none are turning heads the way Inception Lighting’s Trimlite 365 lights are. Scott Eddins, owner of Inception Lighting, says his company has taken holiday lighting to a new level.
Using a permanently installed exterior lighting system, you can customize your light colors and have access to timer options. With green technology and color changing properties, the LED lighting system is better for your wallet and the environment. Some Preston Hollow neighbors might spend as much as $2,000 per year on Christmas lights alone. With Inception Lighting, Eddins says you’ll have lights year-round, at the click of a remote. “And they will pay for themselves after two and a half years.”
“There’s nothing like this out there,” Eddins says. “It’s new technology and an awesome alternative to getting Christmas lights up.” Inception Lighting can help create a more uniform aesthetic for your Preston Hollow home and neighborhood. “What sets it apart is that the product blends in with architecture and is barely visible during the day,” Eddins says. Inception Lighting allows you to purchase the product while using your existing holiday light installers of choice. The lights are inside a decorative crown moulding enclosure,
Nov. 20
The Friends of the Dallas Public Library hosts a 6:309:30 p.m. dinner and program with journalist Susan Orlean, best-selling author of “The Orchid Thief,” on which the 2002 film “Adaptation” was based. In her forthcoming work, “The Library Book,” Orlean chronicles the story of the Los Angeles Public Library and its rebirth after a 1986 fire. All proceeds from the event support the library and its neighborhood branches. Ticket sales end Nov. 13.
Temple Emanu-El, 8500 Hillcrest, 214.670.1458,, $35 for program only, $180 for dinner and program
taking the work out of installing holiday lighting and adding to the cosmetic beauty of your home or business.
Inception Lighting’s LED light system is great for:
• Turning on your favorite colors for game day,
• Having lights in the back of your house for parties and events,
• Businesses that want to take advantage of a classy exterior lighting option, and
• Turning on any color combination for a variety of holiday modes.
So this year, no need to pull a Clark Griswold. This is the season to get your new lights installed and use them year-round. 877-733-1188 —
on a bustling Preston Center corner, the newly opened Cucina Neighborhood Italian provides the perfect setting for a progressive dinner — one with multiple venues — as soon as you step inside.
Enter the two-story restaurant through the front door downstairs and take a seat at the bar for Italian-themed cocktails such as the Aperol spritz, made with chilled Zonin prosecco, Aperol (an Italian aperitif similar to Campari, but milder) and orange zest. Move upstairs to the dimly lit dining room for a three-course meal, starting with the shrimp tower, piled high with romaine lettuce, shrimp, tomato, gorgonzola, egg, avocado, heart of palm and pancetta, topped with spicy avocado vinaigrette. It’s one of the restaurant’s most popular salads, says executive chef Mark “Kool Breeze” Sims. Follow that with the baked rigatoni with sausage, or for a lighter option, order the vegan menu’s stuffed portobello mushroom caps.
The bruschetta-like entree is topped with basil-pesto couscous, Italian pico de gallo and
toasted pine nuts.
Since fall is the time for al fresco dining in Dallas, step onto the second-floor patio for dessert. The enclosed space features a retractable roof and open-air windows, great for people watching as Preston Center visitors shop below.
Aside from fresh paint and new furniture, the space is essentially the same as its previous incarnations: Mi Piaci Restaurant and, before that, Ocho Kitchen and Cocktails. However, despite Cucina’s stylish interior, its menu focuses on Italian classics such as fried calamari and the aforementioned rigatoni. “We call it rustic Italian,” owner/partner Ben Crosland says.
He says chef Sims uses seasonal and local ingredients. For example, the restaurant makes an effort to buy organic and hormone-free meat from family-owned farms.
“Most dishes have five ingredients or less. Chef Sims likes to keep it straightforward and let the fresh food do the talking,” Crosland says. —Whitney Thompson
8411 Preston, Suite 132 214.468.4674
LUNCH: 11 A.M.-4 P.M. MON.-FRI.
DINNER: 5-10 P.M. SUN.-THURS., 5-11 P.M. FRI. AND SAT.
BRUNCH: 11 A.M.-3 P.M. SUN.
Photo cultline. Photo by Mark DavisVillage Burger Bar’s popularity has grown steadily since opening last year. So fast, in fact, that Preston Hollow Advocate readers voted the restaurant the best burger spot in our neighborhood.
Owners and Preston Hollow residents Mike and Susan Matta have opened four locations of the gourmet burger concept, each with its own feel. Our location, at 12300 Inwood, is decidedly family-friendly, with pingpong tables on the patio and flat-screen TVs inside.
The burger selection goes beyond the traditional cheeseburger order. There are also turkey burgers and portobello burgers. And why not splurge on fancy condiments such as champagne mustard and artichoke aioli?
General manager Thomas Hilbert says that the combination of a welcoming environment and cheffed-up burgers has garnered more than a few regulars.
“We’re doing something right if all of our business is repeat customers,” he says.
—Whitney ThompsonRunner-up: Liberty Burger
Third place: Chip’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers
NEXT UP FOR ADVOCATE’S 2014 BEST OF CONTEST: Best gift shop. Vote for your favorite at
Thanksgiving brings so much joy and excitement — a table full of more food than we can eat and surrounded by family and friends, sharing gratitude. With all the hard work that goes into this holiday feast, we want every last morsel to be enjoyed, and what is better than Thanksgiving leftovers?
The turkey pecan wreath, made with crescent dough and filled with turkey and other leftovers, is a creative idea that will change your holiday tradition. Add any of your favorite Thanksgiving menu items to make this wreath your own.
2 packages crescent rolls (16 triangles)
½ cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
½ teaspoon ground pepper
1 tablespoon rosemary, chopped
½ cup celery, chopped
½ cup apples, diced
½ cup dried cranberries
2 cups turkey, chopped (cooked)
½ cup Gruyere or Swiss cheese, shredded
¼ cup pecans, coarsely chopped
1. Preheat oven to 375 F. Lay out eight triangles of crescent dough in a circle, wide end toward the middle. Lay out the remaining eight triangles of dough so the wide ends touch.
2. Combine the mayonnaise, mustard, and black pepper in a bowl. Add chopped turkey, celery, apples, rosemary, and cranberries to the mayonnaise mixture. Shred the cheese and add it to the turkey mixture, and stir to combine all ingredients.
3. Using an ice cream scoop, place filling over the seams of the dough to form a circle. Sprinkle pecans over the turkey filling.
4. Crisscross the dough to create the wreath. Egg wash* the wreath and bake for 25-30 minutes or until top is golden brown and dough is cooked through.
*Egg wash: Separate the egg and beat the egg white lightly; using a pastry brush, lightly brush the egg white evenly over the dough.
A ROAST TURKEY, served with dressing and a side of cranberry sauce, is the centerpiece of the standard Thanksgiving dinner, and any variation on that is a tough sell. The next two months, however, are likely full of office parties, neighborhood potlucks and multiple family gatherings, providing plenty of opportunities to mix it up or simply refine the traditional fare. These offerings are not far from our doorstep good news for those who did not inherit the family gene for World’s Best Cook. We toured some of Preston Hollow’s artisan food shops and picked the purveyors’ brains for more creative ideas to bring from the shelf to the table.
Fall is the New Spring Dallas, Texas 214.824.7036
DENISE PAUL SHAVANDY SPENT much of her culinary career in the kitchens of upscale, white-tablecloth restaurants. About a year ago, though, she became the executive chef of Eatzi’s Market & Bakery on Lovers Lane. Now, instead of seeing diners enjoy her dishes at a table in the next room, she watches them browse the cases of prepared food, order from the counter and walk out the door.
But it’s just as gratifying, if not more so, she says.
“I actually get more interaction with customers here than in a restaurant,” she
says. “They see the person who is preparing their food.”
The Hockaday grad grew up in Preston Hollow, so she’s no stranger to Eatzi’s neighborhood following: busy families with no time to cook and limited energy to cart the kids to a restaurant.
It’s a lasting trend that the company’s founders realized when they established Eatzi’s 17 years ago.
“We saw that people were taking out more,” CEO Adam Romo says. And at the time, over-processed fast food was the only option.
Shavandy and her team of chefs make everything from scratch at Eatzi’s — from the daily specials at the open grill to the packaged pita bread displayed in the aisle.
The market thrives during the holidays, offering special menus. This year, you’ll find a few less traditional items, along with some tried-and-true year-round dishes.
miss out on the very best planting time of the year. Fall is the best time to design, install and plant your new outdoor living space to enjoy next spring. Let us create the distinctive landscape you will love to live in!
Queso chorizo: Eatzi’s has always offered its house-made queso, but on a whim Shavandy recently added a new twist: chunks of chorizo. It’s been flying off the shelf ever since. The dip is great for a holiday appetizer and for watch parties throughout football season.
Rotisserie chicken salad: Using chopped rotisserie chicken, instead of the usual roasted breast, brings a more intense flavor to this comforting but typically boring dish.
The “non-traditional” dressing: New to the holiday menu this year is a type of dressing that includes jalapenos, pecans and dried fruit. Weird, right? Only to those born in the south. “There are people here [from the north] who say ‘Wow, I haven’t had that since I was a kid,’ ” Romo says.
If you’re headed to a classy dinner party, grab a few servings of this pretty green couscous from the display case to use as a base for beef tenderloin from the open grill, paired with a tomato and mozzarella prosciutto salad (pictured on previous page).
Sweet apple cake: It’s flat, round and dark brown in color — not exactly the prettiest cake in the dessert case. But it might be one of the best, made with honey and apples, and topped with a sweet glaze. “It tastes a lot better than it looks,” Romo says.
TWENTY YEARS AGO, THE AVERAGE DALLAS GROCERY SHOPPER paid little attention to food labels, especially when it came to a commodity like bread. So when Preston Hollow resident Meaders Ozarow quit her job in high-end furniture sales to launch Empire Baking Company, it was an uphill struggle — at first.
“There was no challenge when people tasted it,” Ozarow says.
The typical industrialized loaf contains a dizzying number of chemical ingredients. Empire’s recipes have four: King Arthur flour, filtered water, starter (or a small amount of yeast) and salt.
The difference in flavor is significant, and it’s why wholesale makes up 80 percent of the business. Empire bread is used in recipes and adorns the tables of some of the best restaurants in town. At the factory, located on University just east of Central, bakers — many of whom have worked for Empire 10-15 years — spend all day baking 30 recipes delivered in the wee hours of the following morning.
The retail shop on Lovers Lane is a popular place to grab breakfast muffins, midday sandwiches or an entire loaf to slice and keep at home for meals throughout the week.
Empire changed the way people thought about bread, but even as food trends have come and gone (from the low-carb craze to glutenfree diets), nothing has changed about Empire.
“We’re making bread the same way we did 20 years ago,” Ozarow says.
Cranberry cinnamon walnut: For a party appetizer, slice and pair this holiday loaf with a complementary cheese such as brie. Ozarow says she likes to make a turkey sandwich with it; it’s a good bread to have around for Thanksgiving leftovers.
Cranberry paisano: Special during Thanksgiving, bakers add cranberries to the dough of one of Empire’s standard offerings, paisano, an Italian white bread. Sure, you could simply spread cranberry sauce on top of the regular paisano, but this method ups the flavor intensity.
Toasted sesame: Ozarow just rolled out this loaf last month, and the Empire employees (aka taste-testers) gobbled it up and have been raving about it ever since. With a crispy crust, soft center and bold sesame taste, it’s a perfect table bread to serve all on its own.
Pumpernickel: Empire’s version of this traditional sweet rye bread can take finger sandwiches to a new level (try using Eatzi’s rotisserie chicken salad). Or, use it in a dressing recipe for a twist on the Thanksgiving staple.
Empire pies: If you think the breads impress, try the piecrusts, available with holiday fillings just once a year: Texas pecan, pumpkin and apple-cranberry pie. The fresh apples are cored, peeled and sliced by hand.
to advertise call 214.560.4203
ON THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING, the scene at Celebration Market resembles a controlled chaos. The larger-than-usual staff includes runners who dash across the parking lot transporting prepared dishes from the restaurant kitchen to the market — about 300 orders by the day’s end.
“It’s like we’ve taken a whole month of food and sell it in one day,” says market manager Leah Ferraro.
Join us for our Annual Holiday Open House, Nov.15th. Demos on how to make cake pops, cookies, candies, cupcakes and more. Sample the goodies! Call to enroll. Home of the famous make your own Peppermint Bark. 1002 N.Central Expwy Ste. 501 @ Arapaho 972.690.4628
Vintage Turkeys, Silver, Goblets & Linens, for a one of a kind Tablescape. Holiday items that bring back memories. Put a little Vintage Nostalgia in your Holidays this Year! 6830 Walling Lane (Skillman/Abrams) 214.752.3071
Express your inner artist! Instructors lead attendees in creating paintings with a featured piece of art. Bring your imagination and beverage. Perfect for private parties and complimentary valet parking. 5202 W. Lovers Lane 214.350.9911
Celebration, both the restaurant and the market, is known for housemade traditional fare such as casseroles and pot roasts; it’s a reprieve from the trendy foodie scenes engulfing our neighborhood. That’s why Celebration is so busy during the holidays, when tradition reigns.
“Our food is the kind of food that you would cook if you had the time to cook,” Ferraro says.
The restaurant has been open for more than 40 years, making it a hub for regulars. The market, however, which opened in 2001, sometimes still goes unnoticed. Ferraro says some diners assume it offers the same menu, but with everything being cold.
“There’s so much more to it than that,” she says. “I consider us a cross
between the restaurant and catering.”
In fact, the market carries several items you won’t find on the restaurant’s menu, all freshly prepared from scratch by chef Ofelio Soto, whom Ferraro credits with much of the market’s success.
Once you’ve checked turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce off your menu, take a closer look at the other goodies available in the market.
In a Pickle jams: This local food purveyor from Fort Worth sells its homemade jams in the market with some creative and seasonal varieties, such as apple-bourbon-cinnamon, and sweet-and-spicy tomato. The pickle chips work well in tuna salads.
Creamy cucumber dressing: Served in the restaurant, this is one of Celebration’s most popular house-made dressings, and diners often stop to buy it in the market before leaving. Just toss it into some plain salad greens for an easy side dish and to avoid extra vegetable chopping.
Cajun-fried bone-in turkey: If your taste buds tire of the roast turkey, try substituting this Louisiana-inspired take on the turkey dinner, perhaps the only nontraditional item you’ll find on Celebration Market’s holiday menu.
Texas crunch: During the holidays, this packaged snack flies off the shelf by the hundreds. It mixes pretzels, Chex cereal, pecans, marshmallows, chocolate and other tidbits. The 20-ounce bags make a great hostess gift, or you can grab an armful to take to the kids’ class parties.
RASPBERRY CHIPOTLE TORTA: “I have to bring this to every party I go to,” Ferraro says. The cold appetizer, served with crackers, features raspberry cream cheese layered with chipotle sauce and topped with roasted peppers and raspberry chipotle sauce.
TIRED OF THE CORPORATE WORLD, Rex Bellomy quit his job in commercial real estate to open his own business, which became one of the best fish markets in town. But he didn’t start out as an expert.
“I have a love for cooking and a passion for seafood,” he says. “I learned as I went along.”
The neighborhood resident opened Rex’s Seafood Market in January 2006 at Lovers and Inwood, followed by the restaurant a year later. Bellomy says that when it comes to fresh seafood, being landlocked in Dallas actually helps. He brings in fish from both the east and west coasts six days a week.
“In Dallas, we have the best of both worlds,” he says.
Specifically, the fish seen in the case at Rex’s is caught from the coasts of Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, Boston and the Gulf.
Seafood isn’t exactly a staple dish at the holiday dinner table, but that doesn’t mean our fish markets go into hibernation this time year.
Shrimp cocktail: Made with Gulf shrimp not the pre-frozen kind found in most grocery store chains — Rex’s shrimp cocktail is a classic appetizer for seafood lovers.
Crab cakes: These are by far the most popular item in the display case year-round, Bellomy says, and it’s all crabmeat, no filler.
^^ SPICY TUNA TARTAR: One of the market’s most popular appetizers, featuring diced sashimi, AAA grade ahi tuna blended with Sriracha and coated in sesame oil.
Gumbo: For some Cajun flare, pick up a quart or two of Rex’s seafood gumbo, one of the market’s most-loved soups, along with the lobster bisque.
Red snapper: Salmon season ends in October, but the red snapper is at its best right now. Bellomy suggests keeping it simple by sautéing the filets with some salt, pepper and lemon juice. Your pescatarian friends will thank you.
About once a week, Randy Griffin drives his utility truck one street over from his Preston Hollow home to the historic, family cemetery in the 4000 block of Merrell Road.
He keeps the grass green and trimmed, protects against vandals, and watches over the graves and their curious mementos. He makes sure that the golf ball remains at the right side of John Crump Spicer, and that the dusty Dr Pepper bottle stays tucked behind Mark Allen Durham.
“My wife thinks it’s an odd deal that I’m out here doing this,” says Griffin, a professional landscaper who has worked on large
commercial projects at the Galleria and Medical City. “I enjoy the place. I love taking care of it.”
What began as just another landscaping job grew into a lasting dedication. Griffin now serves as board president of the Merrell Cemetery Maintenance Association. He buried his mother there in 2011 among the pioneers of Dallas.
Before the city developed around it, Merrell was a one-lane country road leading from Midway straight to the cemetery, established in the late 1840s. It contains names recognizable to anyone who has driven the streets of
A look inside the private cemetery on
Preston Hollow: Strait, Welch, Coppedge and Marsh, to name a few.
According to historian A.C. Green’s paper, “History of the Merrell Cemetery,” the burial ground sat on the Benjamin Merrell Survey, a piece of land obtained as a grant from the Texas Emigration and Land Co. also known as the Peters Colony. Eli Merrell, the cemetery’s namesake, was the first marked grave in 1849. The minister and his wife, Mary, settled on 640 acres near Bachman Creek. Nearby lies his nephew, Benjamin Merrell, Dallas County’s first tax collector, a title proudly engraved on the headstone. A
few steps behind it, though, a small, crudely carved stone marker reads, “Ben Merrell,” likely a temporary headstone that never was removed, Griffin says.
Another pioneer family, the Straits, rests in the cemetery, including the son, Elmo Strait, who became the seventh Dallas Police Chief in 1921 before he died suddenly a year later at age 46 (read more about Elmo Strait and the Dallas Police Museum on page 10).
Stories abound at Merrell Cemetery, including that of husband and wife T.A. and S. Merrell, whose marble tombstone reads, “Murdered in El Paso Co. Tex.” Both died young on the same day, Christmas Eve, 1884. No one knew why until 15 years ago when Dallas Morning News columnist Steve Blow unraveled the mystery: the newlyweds had settled on a ranch outside of El Paso, but just two months later the wife was found decapitated and laying next to her husband who had an axe in his skull. Two hired ranch hands were suspected of the murders, but it’s unclear whether they were arrested.
Even after his 20 or so years of maintaining the grounds, Griffin still is learning the histories of each grave from Merrell Cemetery’s aging membership.
“I was the youngest when I started, and I’m still the youngest,” he says.
In addition to grounds keeping, Griffin also serves as sexton and funeral direc-
tor, mapping out each plot and ensuring its inhabitant receives the best care possible. Ironing out the details can be a bit nervewracking for a landscaper who never intended to supervise the burial process, he says. When he began doing so in the early-2000s, he’d often wake up in the middle of the night before the service, re-thinking whether the person wanted to be buried on the right side or the left side of the deceased loved one. Now, he knows the system by heart.
“I’m reassuring them they’ll be where they want to be. I’ve buried a lot of people here. People I’ve known.”
All his work and friendships with the elderly relatives of the pioneer families means he inevitably will watch them pass away, and coordinate their burials, one of the most recent being Mary Cook, an esteemed board
member who lived to be 103 years old. Her family’s farm sat at the southwest corner of Walnut Hill and Midway where St. Monica’s exists today.
“I really value hearing from older people,” Griffin says. “A lot of that is just talked about and never written down.”
Merrell Cemetery Maintenance Association board of trustees formed in 1965 to raise funds for improvements as needed and, to deter vandalism, the cemetery remains locked at all times, with Griffin as the gatekeeper.
Strange as it may seem for a landscaper to spend so much time working around the dead, Griffin takes pride in it.
“It’s a process of life. I’ll be doing it with myself when the time comes.”
And when that time comes, he’ll lie in Merrell Cemetery.
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UNITY OF DALLAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living
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Sunday Services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am
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Thanksgiving dominates November. And whatever our religion, we all celebrate the holiday. In fact, more than any other national holiday, Thanksgiving has profound spiritual roots.
But almost as popular in our culture today is the day after Thanksgiving: the so-called “Black Friday.” The largest, craziest shopping day of the year. You can’t miss the stories on television every year of the mad shoppers, frantically trying to save a few bucks.
To me, it’s an extraordinary that these two “holidays” come back-to-back. Speaking about “Black Friday” a few years ago now, my colleague the Rev. David Weber deliciously summed up the ironies:
“Americans stopped for awhile yesterday to give thanks for what they have, then rose this morning, early, and left the house, praying ‘But it’s not enough.’ ”
I mean, it is ironic, isn’t it? We spend an entire holiday giving thanks to God, our families and friends. We gather to eat a bounty of food. We rest in the knowledge that we are richly blessed. And then, the very next day, we rush out to buy, spend and acquire more.
A few years ago, a department store did a radial thing during the holiday shopping season. Instead of a traditional display window with fake snow, or tinsel, or reindeer, it put up a sign that said, “I have everything I need.”
What would it take for us to believe that we have all we need? What would it take for us to stop saying, “It’s not enough”?
The answers to these questions point to why Thanksgiving is so profoundly a spiritual holiday — because the answers to these questions are always spiritual. To truly step back and give thanks for our many blessings takes spiritual insight and wisdom. It takes remembering that all of us are blessed be-
yond measure, whether or not we always remember or understand that.
How do we start? First, by remembering the incredible blessings that come to each of us, simply by being alive and in this time and place. Let’s say it this way: If you are reading this magazine, you are statistically among the wealthiest people in the entire world. Yes, I know, we don’t feel that way all the time. But if you’ve done any traveling in the broader world, it becomes clear how richly blessed each of us in this nation truly are.
And yet, time and time again, so many of us fail to realize this. Instead, we focus on what we don’t have. We focus on what others do have. We look across the fence and decide the grass is greener over there. Eventually, gazing at that grass turns us green with envy. And pretty soon, instead of focusing on our many blessings, we’re focusing only on what we don’t have instead.
All of the world’s major religions include worship. And all worship includes thanking God for our blessings. Studies have shown that making the intentional choice to focus on our blessings can increase our physical well being.
In my tradition, the great mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is ‘thank you,’ it will be enough.”
So, beyond turkey and football, let Thanksgiving be a time of spiritual renewal. Give thanks for the smiles of friends, the beauty of a sunset, the embrace of a child. Give thanks that there is life moving in and out of your body today.
We are, all of us, richly blessed. And once a year, if we pay attention, we’re given the chance to pause, take stock of those blessings, and develop a deep-level sense of gratitude once again.
Eric Folkerth is senior pastor of Northaven United Methodist Church ( The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
Two conflicting holiday traditions should remind us to remain thankful for what we have
Send business news tips to
Hillcrest High School teacher Dr. Ward Coats, who leads the school’s biomedical research group, received a $2,000 grant to develop a new program, “Structure and Function of the PTF1 Heterotrimeric Complex.” Voya Financial awarded Coats the grant as part of its 2014 Unsung Heroes competition, which had more than 1,500 entries. Coats will bring his teaching program to the 30 Hillcrest students he instructs in modern biochemistry and molecular biology research.
Alcuin School recently opened its new Innovation Studio, a high-tech facility designed to provide an interactive learning environment for students from first grade through the Upper School. The studio features a 3-D printer, a SMART Table and a presentation theater, all aimed at stimulating imagination, creativity, innovation and leadership exploration.
Known for serving upscale comfort food in the glitzy iLume complex, the popular Oak Lawn restaurant Dish is expanding to the northwest corner of Hillcrest and Northwest Highway. CEO Tim McEneny says he plans to open by Christmas in the space formerly occupied by Soleo Mexican Kitchen, which closed last spring. The Preston Hollow menu will be similar to that of Oak Lawn, which features signature cocktails as well as brunch and dinner items like barbecue-braised short ribs, the Dish burger and jalapeño mac and cheese.
8611 Hillcrest, Suite 100,
Neighbors headed to and from Love Field Airport have a new option for pet boarding. Through a partnership with Lovers Lane Animal Medical Center, just west of Inwood, pet owners can drop off their animal companions at the clinic. The pets are then shuttled to Paradise 4 Paws near DFW Airport. The new service comes in anticipation of increased Love Field activity after the end of the Wright Amendment. The boarding facility offers overnight suites for cats and dogs, daycare and obedience training, along with plenty of pet pampering such as grooming, fitness and massage therapy. Owners can watch their pets on webcams placed inside the rooms and play areas.
4660 W. Lovers, 972.456.0010,
For the holiday shopping season, the Nasher Sculpture Center launched its temporary satellite gift shop inside NorthPark Center. You can find art pieces, home design products, jewelry, handbags and children’s items. This year the Nasher store highlights the work of three artists: graphic artist Brian Cronin, whom Milton Glaser called “… one of the best practitioners for design and illustration in the field”; designer Thomas Heatherwick, who created the functional sculpture known as the spun chair; and porcelain by Bernardaud, a French-born company established in 1863. The store is open through Feb. 15 on Level One across from the Apple Store, next door to Aveda.
8687 N. Central, 214.363.7441,
The Plano-based restaurant, Greek Isles , is set to open soon in the space recently vacated by Casita Tex Mex at the southwest corner of Preston and Royal. Casita is one of several eateries to leave the space in recent years (its 5807 Blackwell locatoin is still open). The shopping center’s owner Robert Mitchell says Greek Isles is a safe bet. He has been eyeing the restaurant for about a year and a half.
5934 Royal, Suite 120,
The Preston Hollow Early Childhood Association hosts its monthly meeting at 9 a.m. Nov. 17 at Christ the King Catholic Church Community Center, 6050 Weldon Howell. The program, “Healthy Coaching & Eating,” features guest speakers Amy Bowers, a holistic health coach, and Bridget Koenitzer, founder of Happy Tummy Healthy Baby. For more information and to RSVP for childcare, visit
Katarina M. Jakimier, 13, earned the Girl Scout Silver Award, the secondhighest honor a scout can receive. The Preston Hollow resident and avid dancer created a recycling program to help keep hundreds of ballet pointe shoes out of landfills.
With help from the American Textile Recycling Services, she placed recycle bins at local dance studios and retailers where owners agreed to participate in the ongoing and self-sustaining program. Katarina is a member of Girl Scout Cadette Troop 502 under the leadership of Daisy Wong-Arnott. Her parents are Eric O. and Mary Y. Jakimier.
Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.
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Founded in 1965, Dallas Academy’s mission is to restore the promise of full academic enrichment to students with learning differences in grades 1-12. A meaningful connection with each student is established to overcome barriers to success. Dallas Academy offers students an effective program and strategies to meet the special educational needs of bright students with learning differences, while including the activities of a larger, more traditional school. Classes are small, with a student-teacher ratio of 6 to 1 where students are encouraged, praised, and guided toward achieving their goals. Diagnostic testing is available to students throughout the community.
9120 Plano Rd. Dallas / 214.348.3220 / Founded in 1966, Highlander School offers an enriched curriculum in a positive, Christian-based environment. Small class sizes help teachers understand the individual learning styles of each student. Give us a call for more information.
Leading to Success. 2720 Hillside Dr., Dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.
5740 Prospect Ave. & 4411 Skillman / 214-826-4410 /
Spanish House is a Spanish immersion school with two Lakewood locations for children ages 3 months - Kindergarten. We offer half-day and full-day programs, with extended care available from 7:30am - 6:00pm. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both onand off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.
7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391 St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.
848 Harter Rd., Dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service.St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency.
5707 Royal Lane Dallas, Tx 75229 / 214691-6950 / If your bright child struggles with things like Attention and Concentration, Executive Functioning and Dyslexia, The Winston School may be able to help. The Winston School has a robust academic program which prepares a student for college while at the same time developing the whole child. We understand bright children who learn differently and recognize their unique gifts and talents. Celebrating and validating these assets with our students enables them to discover who they are, and empowers them to be consistently successful. The Winston School brings hope for today and a road map for tomorrow. Open House: November 13th from 9-11 am.
9727 White Rock Trail Dallas / 214.348.7410 /
6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.
6121 E. Lovers Ln. Dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.
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We put so much time and effort into choosing schools for our children and purchasing homes in neighborhoods that reflect the values we hold dear. Perhaps we ought to use that same care to choose a retirement community for ourselves and our parents that meets the next stage of life — a season in which we not only have the freedom to pursue new educational opportunities and recreational activities — but a season that we just might be able to call the prime of our life.
Read on to learn about six retirement communities in and around Preston Hollow, where opportunities abound for living life to the fullest.
Currently, more than 400 residents enjoy the care and amenities provided at C.C. Young Senior Living. Says Russell Crews, President and CEO of C. C. Young: “People don’t come to C.C. Young to retire. They come here to live.”
Located on 20 acres of land near the shores of White Rock Lake, C.C. Young includes eight buildings and offers services from independent and assisted living to memory care, home health and hospice.
C.C. Young’s residents, staff and continuing care retirement community distinguish it from other options in the area, says Kevin Maloney, Vice President of Hospitality.
“We have a new vision statement at C.C. Young: to enhance the quality of life for all we serve,” Maloney says.
Part of that enhancement comes from C.C. Young’s new Central Park outdoor area, along with a new assisted living dining and lobby area.
Since 1922, C.C. Young has been dedicated to helping seniors enjoy an active, fulfilling lifestyle and providing personalized care and support, Maloney says. Through collaboration with more than 40 area
and national organizations, C.C. Young has enhanced its programs and services so that residents grow in body, mind and spirit, no matter their life circumstance or limitations.
“The most popular activities for residents include Southern Methodist University’s current affairs club, Wii Bowling and daily fitness programs,” Maloney says.
“A great way to see if C.C. Young is a good fit is to participate in activities at The Point, which offers memberships for residents and nonresidents,” he says. Memberships include discounts for educational programs, computer classes, and free monthly art gallery shows.
Last year, C.C. Young launched its “Senior Thursdays” program, connecting its residents to activities, resources and offerings appropriate for them. Partners include the Nasher Sculpture Museum, Bass Performance Hall and Dallas Arboretum.
Another community partner, Doctors Hospital, also partners with C.C. Young to offer health and wellness classes throughout the year.
Since it opened in 1970, Monticello West has been a leader in the community, dedicated to providing senior care.
“The forward-thinking staff envisioned that as baby boomers aged, they would need to provide a place where people felt at home and have access to individualized medical care,” says Robin Daniels, Monticello West Communications Representative.
Critical to the overall atmosphere is the combined sense of community with high-quality care.
“When you visit Monticello West, you immediately realize the difference, such as the tenure of staff,” Daniels says.
The care from the staff of Monticello West has not only earned strong family loyalty but also the industry’s coveted five-star rating.
Caregivers at Monticello West realize that families work to gain advance knowledge and expertise about care for loved ones, Daniels says. They welcome family discussion and interaction to ensure that residents are receiving personalized care. From personal grooming, to meals, to help with activities of daily living, Monticello West’s team members offer caring assistance 24 hours a day.
Life enrichment is another key to quality care, Daniels says.
Monticello West provides a full range of care, including all levels of assisted living to advanced memory care, so patients remain in a familiar environment. It’s also a pet-friendly residential community.
“Our goal is to enable our residents to live an active, independent lifestyle while our dedicated team members and licensed nurses provide assistance with medications, housekeeping, laundry, transportation and other specific services depending on the needs of our residents,” Daniels says.
This year, Monticello West has a new chef and a new Memory Care Director, Daniels says. Taylor Self, who trained at the Culinary Institute of America in New York, works to understand the food preferences of residents. Memory Care Director Saba Ahmed brings innovative programs such as her vocational approach to help residents share their expertise with others.
Presbyterian Village North is a community where retired residents enjoy an active, independent lifestyle. The nonprofit faith-based community — located on 65 acres just minutes from NorthPark Center — offers retirement and assisted living, short-stay rehab services, skilled
nursing, and certified Alzheimer’s and dementia care.
When you arrive at Presbyterian Village North, the first thing you’ll notice is spacious grounds, beautiful flowers and greenery, says Vicki Caldwell, Residential Sales Manager at Presbyterian Village North.
Activities for independent living residents at Presbyterian Village North include the Chautauqua cultural arts series and Emeritus lecture series, Caldwell says.
“Residents can do so many things, from attending the symphony, staying involved in their current organizations, and volunteering to make an impact in the lives of others,” she says.
Presbyterian Village North will soon break ground on a $93 million expansion for new residences that will add 103 independent living homes, 71 additional assisted living homes, and double transitional care facilities, such as short-term rehabilitation, she says. The assisted living unit also brings a new memory care area to the campus. Plus, Caldwell says Presbyterian Village North is creating a one-acre “Central Park” that will include a lake with fountains and an outdoor pavilion for outdoor grilling and entertaining.
“We have a rich history, and I believe an unmatched reputation in Dallas for caring for seniors,” she says. “With our new additions, we are honored to be able to enrich even more lives as we extend exceptional care and services in a faith-based culture.”
See more online:
Exciting new things are sprouting up at Presbyterian Village North.We’re part of Presbyterian Communities and Services, and we’re undergoing a huge campus expansion featuring new independent and assisted living, skilled nursing and short-term rehab residences. Discover the beauty of our revitalized campus and see how we’re setting a new standard in retirement living in North Dallas.
Residences are being reserved daily. Call 214.531.3128 today or visit to RSVP for one of our upcoming seminars.
8600 Skyline Drive | Dallas, Texas 75243 | 214.531.3128 |
The Lamplighter School’s 45th annual carnival culminated with the traditional Senior Jacket Ceremony. Fourthgraders, having reached the highest grade level at Lamplighter, received and proudly wore their red and black “senior” letter jackets. SUBMIT
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Fifth-graders from the Episcopal School of Dallas and St. Philip’s School and Community Center recently participated in 2theXtreme: MathAlive! exhibit’s Xtreme Math Match at the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. Each student was paired with a local meteorologist and solved equations in front of an audience. Pictured from left to right, Dalia Nabulsi, Mary Grace Altizer, Paco Gomez-Quinonez, Connor Awbrey, Evin Bishop and Jackson Lutz represented ESD. Early this year the students asked Mayor Mike Rawlings to declare November “Math Rocks Month,” encouraging other kids to write their own letters to the mayor.
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For many, a dog is a part of the family. Little Fido is pet and fed well and taken to the groomer’s once a week. The pampered pooch can also come and go as he pleases — maybe a quick trip through the doggie door to stretch his legs or answer nature’s call.
But what many may not realize is that that tiny cutout in your door intended to cater to man’s best friend can actually be an open invitation to a burglar looking for an entrance.
Reports of burglaries via doggie doors have been in the news recently including several cases in Dallas.
Sgt. Keitric Jones with the Dallas Police Department says he spoke with the investigative unit about break-ins through dog-
gie doors, and while it is not a common occurrence, it does happen; a doggie door creates a part of the home that is not secure — exactly what a crafty burglar is looking for.
“People should be mindful though, if their doggie door is large enough to fit a large dog, a human may possibly fit through the doggie door as well,” he says.
A locking door or security cover is recommended to deter burglars who might use this method to enter a home. Also, security experts recommend that doggie doors be installed in a wall, which is more difficult to kick in. Motion-sensing lights and security systems can also deter a burglar who does manage to get inside this way.
7:30 a.m. 6400 2
Time of day on Oct. 6 when someone pried open a garage door in the 4400 block of Mill Run and stole expensive sporting equipment, including a brand new mountain bike, golf clubs, a snow board and other gear as well as motorcycle helmets and lawn tools
SOURCE: Dallas Police Department
Block of Chevy Chase where a suspect stole Halloween decorations from a neighbor’s yard sometime overnight between Oct. 4 and Oct. 5.
Number of burglaries that occurred in Windsor Park at the end of September
Preston Hollow has always had a special place in the heart of Dallas. Ours, too. We’ve been living and working here for over four decades–and no one knows this neighborhood quite like we do. If you’re looking for something exceptional here in Preston Hollow, start with an exceptional team of Realtors. Visit
$2,500,000 Stunning architectural masterpiece on 1.63 acre lot that backs to spring-fed pond! Separate guest house! Two 2-car garages!
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$839,000 Majestic 4 bedroom home with extraspacious rooms on 1-acre lot! Outdoor living area with built-in grill and pool! 3 car garage!
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$799,000 Taken down to the studs in 2008, this transitional, 4 bedroom, 3 ½ bathroom home features high ceilings and a large, private backyard. Haymann/Savariego 214.625.9504/214.682.5088
$780,000 Many updates, beautiful chandeliers, wood floors! Granite countertops! Two car carport with electronic gate!
Simone Jeanes 214.616.9559
$635,000 Designer upgrades for gorgeous new look in 1994 2-story beauty! Family room with separate patio! Beautiful gardens on large lot!
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$500,000 Special 5 bedroom home with beautiful wood floors! Updated gourmet kitchen with professional Viking stove!
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$395,000 Spectacular, updated 4 bedroom charmer! Beautiful wood floors! Great landscaping!
Don Thomas 214.641.7001
$385,000 Extensive updating in this spectacular home. Interior looks like a new house!
Don Thomas 214.641.7001