A newly renovated post-delivery unit. Ready for your new bundle of joy. With a newly renovated post-delivery unit and family-centered care, Methodist Dallas Medical Center is here to make sure your labor and delivery experience is memorable for all the right reasons. With advanced technology and a Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, we’re ready to support you and your baby every step of the way. Being there for our friends and neighbors, welcoming the newest member of the family. That’s community. And why so many people Trust Methodist. o
Scan this QR code with your phone for a 360 facility tour! 1441 N. Beckley Ave., Dallas, TX 75203 214-947-8181 Texas law prohibits hospitals from practicing medicine. The physicians on the Methodist Health System medical staff are independent practitioners who are not employees or agents of Methodist Dallas Medical Center, Methodist Health System, or any of its affiliated hospitals. Methodist Health System complies with applicable federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.
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A taste of Ted Lasso in Dallas Cathy McEachern, a Hockaday School alumna, drew inspiration from
Gillespie, Matthew Ruffner, Eric Folkerth, Contributing photographers: Kathy Tran, Emil Lippe, Corrie Aune, Yuvie Styles Chief Revenue Officer: Rick Wamre
214.560.4212 / Advocate (c) 2021 is published monthly in print and daily online by Advocate Media - Dallas Inc., a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation based in Dallas and first published in 1991. Contents of this print magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements and sponsorships printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The Publisher reserves the right to accept or reject ay editorial, advertising or sponsorship material in print or online. Opinions set forth in Advocate publications are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the Publisher’s viewpoint. More than 180,000 people read Advocate publications in print each month; Advocate online publications receive more than 4 million pageviews monthly. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate print and online publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one print copy per reader. For information about supporting our non-profit mission of providing local news to neighborhood readers, please call 214-5604212 or email
ABOUT THE COVER Roti at Preston Center. Photography by Jessica Turner.
the Apple TV+ series Ted Lasso to make these biscuits. Her bakery, Lemma's Bakeshop, has been making about 200 per day. Search “Ted Lasso” at to read more.
Dallas Mavericks fans gathered at
Center to watch the retirement
Talk to us:
David Newhouse, an AP
human geography teacher
ceremony for Preston Hollow
at Thomas Jefferson, re-
neighbor Dirk Nowitzki's No.
ceived the American Geo-
41 jersey. Tributes to Nowitzki
logical Society's GeoBoost
from several stars played on the jumbotron. Mark Cuban also
grant. Dallas is the top industrial
unveiled a model of a statue
portraying Nowitzki that will be
building market in the U.S.,
installed outside the stadium. FOLLOW US:
thanks to the Perot family's
Search “Dirk Nowitzki” at
sale of properties to CBRE.
Newsletter: FEBRUARY 2022
feb 22 contents
CLICKWORTHY 3 All the web news PROFILE 6 David Elliott DINING 10 Muchacho FEATURES 14 Salamanders with crowns 16 True love 22 Pamper yourself at these neighborhood spas COLUMNS 30 Worship 31 Book report
Axolotls at Axolotl Planet are fed live worms. Read more on page 14. Photography by Jessica Turner.
Together, we can fight to end heart disease in women.
Texas Health is proud to be the North Texas Go Red for Women® cause sponsor, and we believe that ending heart disease in women is more than a woman’s fight. It’s about men supporting women, friends supporting women – hearts supporting hearts. Through educating loved ones on the risks and the signs of heart disease, we can all take steps towards a heart-healthy future. Together with the American Heart Association, we’re ready to put our whole hearts into joining the fight to end heart disease in women.
Join the fight at
North Texas Go Red for Women® Cause Sponsor
Doctors on the medical staffs practice independently and are not employees or agents of Texas Health hospitals or Texas Health Resources. © 2022
p ro f i l e
RECOVERY AT THE RANCH Past cocaine and alcohol problems fueled this Preston Hollow resident’s desire to build a treatment center that works for tough cases. › Interview by CHRISTINA HUGHES BABB | Photography by JESSICA TURNER
lcohol, marijuana and cocaine brought David Elliott to the brink of a 20-year prison stay before he learned how to live chemical free. In 1998 he purchased property on the outskirts of Dallas and started a long-term substance abuse recovery center modeled after a program that helped him. His career and life today revolve around helping fellow sufferers, especially chronic relapsers, avoid the dire consequences of untreated addiction, and discover not only sobriety but also “a life of excellence.” WHERE IS YOUR BURNING TREE RANCH LOCATED, AND ARE YOU THERE OFTEN? In Kaufman. In 1998 I moved there from a ranch near Laredo, in the middle of nowhere. I bought land where I could build a treatment center and lived there from 19982003. We got our first client in November 1999. Side note: That client is still sober today. I am out there about once a week. I attend treatment planning meetings, and have since moved to Preston Hollow, near the Cooper Center. HOW ABOUT YOU — DO YOU HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH NEEDING TREATMENT? I started drinking when I was about 14. I grew up in Port Arthur, where Louisiana was right across the river. There the drinking age was still 18. It became such a problem that, after a blackout in 1968, I swore
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p ro f i l e
off. But I discovered marijuana. It was fun, innocent, natural, right? I went on a few years but alcohol crept back in and then cocaine, and those were dominating my life. I was arrested for possession. With a nudge from the judge, as we like to call it, I went to a 30-day rehab, for the first time. SO THAT DIDN’T CURE YOU? That didn’t work for a character like me. I found myself in and out of these 30-day treatments. I just kept getting worse. I smoked crack. I got to know the Bexar County jailers on a first-name basis. The judge could have revoked my probation, but he fortunately seemed to realize that I was a sick, sick person and not necessarily an evil person. BUT WHAT CHANGED? Facing 20 years in prison on a deferred adjudication, I had a moment of clarity. I realized that if this didn’t stop I was going to prison for a very long time. I knelt and told God this addiction was too much. I couldn’t handle it anymore, and I was willing to do whatever it takes to not pick up a drink or a drug again, and by the time I stood up, my life was changed. I was already inside a treatment center at that time, and I told on myself. I said it wasn’t going to work and that I knew I needed something more. The staff there helped me find another program — a year-long deal on a horse ranch where I could go to work if I completed it. Well, I really thought long term meant 90 days, not a year, but I was desperate and I wound up not only doing the full year of the program but also working there for another year. For maybe four years I worked at treatment centers outside of Texas, and some people remember me saying, “I’m going to build something like this in Texas but better.” I don’t really remember saying it. BUT THAT’S WHAT YOU DID? That’s what I did. I started looking in '96, '97, and it took about two years to actually find the location of Burning Tree. But when I told people what I wanted to do they said I was crazy. Treatment centers were closing their doors left and right in Texas. WHAT MADE YOU PURSUE IT DESPITE THE DISCOURAGEMENT? My recovery was rooted in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and part of that is establishing a spiritual connection with a higher power and trusting it. But, how do you do that? How do you know what is a good idea? I had to just do what was in front of me, put one foot in front of the other and if it’s God’s will for me
then it will be successful and if not, it won’t. And that was approaching 25 years ago. HOW LONG IS THE BURNING TREE RANCH PROGRAM? One of the things that makes Burning Tree different, it’s based on progress, not a specific time frame. What determines length of stay is willingness or resistance. The more resistant you are, the longer it’s going to take. But we figure somewhere between nine and 14 months is the residential part out on the ranch. We have a oneyear transitional and aftercare program which is pretty unique as well. We own halfway houses in Dallas — in Lake Highlands and Richardson — where they can live six months before transitioning to independent living. From start to finish it can be about two years. SOME EXPERTS DISCUSSING THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC SAY IT CAN TAKE TWO YEARS FOR THE BRAIN TO REPAIR — UNDERSTANDING NEITHER OF US IS A DOCTOR, HAVE YOU SEEN EVIDENCE OF THAT? IS THAT WHY PEOPLE NEED SO MUCH TIME? The brain is a very intricate and interesting organ. It has the ability to heal itself. But it does take time. We use neurofeedback to aid in that process, but time is the biggest factor for the healing of the brain. It takes a long time to get in the situation our clients are in, and it takes a pretty good amount of time to get out of it. HOW DO PEOPLE PAY FOR BURNING TREE? It’s completely self pay, out of pocket, which limits which clients we can serve. We’ve worked with people who are highly motivated who don’t have the funds. HOW OLD IS THE AVERAGE RESIDENT? Anywhere from 18 to 70. For life to get as messy as it is for them to come to us, probably in their mid 30s. Although there’s a lot of youngsters too. There are widows or someone in a midlife crisis who starts drinking or relapses. Some are in their 60s and they’ve been to 15 other treatment centers that haven’t worked. WHAT DO THEY DO WITH ALL THIS TIME? They stay busy all day. Often by the time they get to us they don’t have any life skills. They can’t keep a job anymore. They can’t show up to work on time. We start off the day with what we call chores. The clients actually help maintain the property by mopping the floors, cutting the grass and that kind of stuff — looking after the dogs — and then all day long we’re in groups. We have all licensed clinicians, equine therapy
David Elliott at his home in Preston Hollow with partner Jessica and dogs Max, Monkey, Cinco and Sugar.
and exercise therapy. One of our most important aspects of the program is that it is peer-to-peer driven. The ones who have been there longer help the newer ones. And there are 12 step meetings each day. CO O L — YOU H AVE DOGS AN D H O RSES? We have h or s e s o n th e prop e r ty, bu t we don’ t use thos e f or e q u in e th e rapy. We h ave a provider t h at ’s r i g h t d ow n th e road , bu t th e d ogs ar e t h e re . We’ ve a l w ays h ad d ogs , an d I h ave always b e e n a d og l ove r. It s e e me d th at a lot of peopl e wo ul d d u mp t he i r d ogs n e ar th e ran ch . Fo r a lon g t i m e we h ad a p olic y th at if the y sh o w u p a n d t h e y d on’ t bite pe op le or ch as e the h o rs es t h e y ge t to s tay. We ’ve re ally h ad some g re at d og s . T he firs t d og h e re be lon ge d to the l a dy w h o s old me th e p rope r ty. Sh e was going to p ut he r d og d ow n be cau s e of a lame le g. I paid t o s e t t h e le g a n d s h e was ou r firs t. Su gar. She wa s s wee t , a n d s h e live d a lon g time af te r that. We h ave 1 0 ou t he re n ow. A n d it was re ally quite a n ac c i d e n t a l s t ar t. On e of ou r d ogs , Cin co, is
a r esc ue fr om Afghanis tan. T her e’s a pr ogram , Puppy Resc ue (b ased in Cel ina, Te xas) wher e we adopted Cinco. ARE THE DOGS THERAPEUTIC? There’s nothing like a dog. Whenever our clients go through that low, down-in-the-dumps prospect of looking at their life — it’s not a pretty picture when we look in the mirror and see who we are — the dogs are always there to say it’s OK, lick your hand and sit down and talk to you and just be your friend. They are amazing therapists, in my mind. WHAT’S YOUR HOPE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO COME THROUGH BURNING TREE? It’s not just about quitting drugs or alcohol. This is about establishing a life worth living. I know a lot of people who have figured out some way to stop drinking but their way of life hasn’t changed and I wish they would. Because there is a way to establish a life of excellence beyond sobriety. Visit to learn more. FEBRUARY 2022
fo o d
H EY BA BY, M UC H AC H O ? An El Paso-native’s spin on Tex-Mex Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photography by KATHY TRAN
EV E N T H O U G H H I S DA D WORKED i n t he r es tau ran t in dus t r y, O ma r F l or e s n e ve r we n t o u t t o e at u n t i l h i s e a r l y t e e n s . B o t h of hi s p a r en t s we re s kille d in the kitchen. They cooked dinner at home, and Flores took p a c ke d l u n c h e s t o s c h o o l w h e n h e wa s g r ow i n g u p in El Pas o. “Thinking about when I was y o unger, I hat ed i t be cau s e I always had friends that had different kinds of food, Lunchables and all different stuff, and I never got any of that,” Flores says. “It ’s traumatizing as a kid, but you l o o k b a c k at i t n ow, it ’s like , oh , actually it was pretty cool, having
a h o m e - c o o ke d m e a l e v e r y d ay. Mis s it.” Food h as had a s tr ong infl ue n ce on h is l ife. His ear l y year s in the workforce were spent in restaurants. When he was younger, his family moved to C hicago, and his dad and uncle opened Taco Piñ ata, which ser ved Me xican c u is ine. “Ju s t real , k ind of homes tyl e cooking, counter ser vice, nothing too e laborate. Jus t good, homecooke d food,” he says. When it was time for college, Flores headed to New Mexico State University and graduated with a degree in hotel and restaurant management.
After that, he enrolled at the Culinar y Institute of America in Hyde Par k , Ne w Yor k , to fo r mal ize sk il l s he’d witnessed an d honed since childhood. He already knew the basics, but the s c h o o l t r a i n e d h i m i n Fr e n c h cook ing me thods. Flores s tayed in Ne w York for a few years before moving to Dall a s i n 2 0 0 6 . He f o u n d a j o b a t Abacus and eventually became e xec utive sous che f ther e. When he left, Flores began opening a ser ies of r es taura n t s. First there was Driftwood in the Bishop Ar ts Dis tr ic t, wh ich Texas Monthly dubbed one of its
LEFT: Muchacho serves chef Omar Flores' take on Tex-Mex. ABOVE: The chile relleno includes a beef picadillo-stuffed poblano pepper. FEBRUARY 2022
LEFT Marinated beef flap steak is one protein option for fajitas al carbon. CENTER Omar Flores designed the restaurant to be inviting and open. RIGHT Muchacho opened in The Plaza at Preston Center in 2019.
best new restaurants in 2012. Casa Rubia d e b u t e d i n Tr i n i t y G r o v e s i n 2 0 1 3 a n d w a s n o m i n a t e d f o r s e v e r a l Ja m e s B e a r d Awards. In 2016, the first Whistle Britches, a c h i c ke n a n d b i s c u i t s p l a c e , o p e n e d i n North Dallas. Then a few years ago, the oppor tunity arose for him to act on his long-held desire to start a Mexican restaurant. In particular, he wanted one that would feature dishes modeled after El Paso’s version of Tex-Mex, which is influenced by the c uisine of Chihuahua, the city’s neighbor to the south. Taco Diner had left The Plaza at Preston Center, and the shopping center ’s owners were looking for a replacement. Flores and his business partners me t with them,
pitched the concept and provided tastings. Their concept was selected, and in Nov e m b e r 2 0 1 9 , Mu c h a c h o o p e n e d i n o u r neighborhood. Inside, the bar was modeled after a Texas saloon, adorned with plenty of leather and wood. “ I t ’s a b e a u t i f u l r e s t a u r a n t . I t ’s a v e r y i n v i t i n g r e s t a u r a n t ,” h e s a y s . “ Yo u g o i n , i t ’s n i c e a n d o p e n .” S o f a r, t h e f a j i t a s , t a c o s a l c a r b o n and flautas have been the most popular entrees. Flores is partial to the tacos al carbon, a simple dish made with marinated, grilled meat and homemade tortillas. The ahi tuna taquitos — “really addictive a n d d e l i c i o u s ,” h e s a y s — a r e f a v o r i t e s a m o n g t h e a p p e t i z e r s . He l i k e s a l i t t l e
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kick in his food, which comes through in the salsa. “ I t ’s s t u ff t h a t I w a n t e d t o i n c o r p o r a t e o n t h e m e n u h e r e ,” h e s a y s . “ S t u f f I ’ v e seen done before, but my take on it, my f l av o r p r o fi l e f r o m g r o w i n g u p a n d e a t i n g i n E l Pa s o .” F l o r e s s a y s w h a t d i s t i n g u i s h e s Mu c h a c h o f r o m t h e r e s t o f D a l l a s ’ Te x - Me x e s tablishments is its reliance on madef r o m - s c r a t c h i n g r e d i e n t s a n d h i g h - q u a l i ty suppliers of meat and produce. “I think our customers can really taste t h e d i f f e r e n c e ,” h e s a y s . “A t l e a s t , I c a n .” Muchacho, 4011 Villanova St., muchachotexmex. com, 469.513.2944
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14 FEBRUARY 2022
A LIFELONG FAN OF ANIMALS, Jacob Pak started his career handling social media accounts and marketing for businesses in the aquarium industry. Now 22, he has kept aquariums for about 15 years. In his work experience, he noticed that one animal, the axolotl, wasn’t a popular choice for a pet, but it often went viral on social media. Naturally occurring in Lake Xochimilco and Lake Chalco in Mexico, axolotls are a type of salamander. Though they are critically endangered in the wild, they can be kept as pets in most states, including Texas. “I was like, ‘Man, if someone made a business breeding and selling these animals, then it could be extremely profitable,’” he says. Pak created an Instagram account to post about axolotls. In a year, the page gained 25,000 followers. “That growth is pretty explosive for this small, unheard of niche,” he says. About four years after he had the initial thought of breeding and selling axolotls, Pak and a business partner co-founded Axolotl Planet. The official launch in October 2020 followed months of research to determine how to safely ship the axolotls, handle the breeding operation and train new owners to care for the animals. They started setting up tanks and keeping the axolotls at their store on Shorecrest Drive near Bachman Lake in early 2020, while most people were still staying at home. Since Axolotl Planet launched, it has sold more than 1,000 axolotls to people in all states where having one of these animals is legal. Like some other pets, axolotls can live 10-15 years. They come in many different colors, or “morphs,” including green, pink and gold. Some colors and patterns, like the mosaic morph, are rarer than others. But, to the surprise of many Minecraft players, axolotls are never blue. “Our target audience changed from 16-18-year-olds to 9- and 10-year-olds overnight. It was pretty ridiculous,” Pak says. “And now I get all these phone calls from parents who are like, ‘Do you have any blue axolotls for sale? My kid wants a blue axolotl, the rarest one.’ And I’m just sitting here like, ‘Blue axolotls don’t exist. Minecraft, they made those up, and they put them in the game.’” The staff at Axolotl Planet keeps detailed records of
the genetic history of the axolotls to ensure a diverse gene pool and healthy animals. A female axolotl can produce up to 1,000 eggs, but the average is around several hundred. Pak says his business has seen a 99% survival rate of the animals. Only three had some minor defects that did not affect their quality of life, and all were sent to pet owners who agreed not to breed them. Responsible breeders will euthanize any unhealthy axolotls, Pak says, to ensure they don’t generate offspring that are physically unfit. If Axolotl Planet ever has a surplus of animals with defects, they would donate them to medical researchers. Axolotls can regenerate limbs and tissues, including parts of their brains. Pak says this could be beneficial to amputees and people with Alzheimer’s. Axolotls are also more resistant to cancer than people are. About 90% of Axolotl Planet’s business comes from online sales. Customers can schedule appointments to visit the store, pick out an animal and learn how to take care of it. “As soon as they walk in, their jaw just drops,” Pak says. “It’s one of the coolest things to witness, especially with these kids who absolutely adore axolotls. They think it’s the coolest thing ever. And then when they see this in person, they’re just mind-blown. I love seeing that joy in their faces because it’s something that’s just so precious.” Part of the appeal of an axolotl, Pak says, lies in the fact that these animals are neotenic, meaning they keep juvenile characteristics into adulthood. “Think of a human baby that never develops the characteristics of a mature human, but just keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger,” Pak says. “That’s what an axolotl is.”
me out on Jack's behalf,” she says. New Year’s Eve 1968 was their first official date. They went with three couples to see the Dallas psychedelic rock group Southwest F.O.B. play at a club. Jack asked her if she’d like to go steady. Peggy said yes. “He was so excited that he drove me to his next-door neighbor's house, after midnight, so he could introduce me,” she says. After dropping her off, Jack’s key broke off in the ignition. He had to walk home in the cold January weather. “I woke up the next morning and thought,' What have I done?,’” Peggy says. “But that was 53 years ago, and we're still together.” They dated through senior year. Jack went to Texas Tech. Peggy stayed in Dallas to work.
Interstate 20 hadn’t been built yet, the highways were smaller, and the speed limit was slower than it is today, but Jack drove home almost every weekend to see her. Jack lasted one year before he transferred to the University of Texas at Arlington. “He missed me too much,” Peggy says. eighbor Peggy Van Wunnik, 71, grew up attending a Presbyterian church in Oak Cliff. She walked into Sunday school one October day, and a blond, blueeyed guy she had never
They dated for three years before eloping in 1971 at the Oak Cliff courthouse.
At that time, the church-sponsored athletic league required attending Sunday school for three weeks a month to play on the basketball team. Theoretically, it prevented stacking the team with great players from all over town onto teams. But one of Peggy’s classmates managed to convince several guys to attend Sunday school just so they could play basketball. That’s why Jack Van Wunnik, a Catholic Dutch immigrant, was sitting in Peggy’s Sunday school class.
Her mother was thrilled because she loved Jack, Peggy says. His mother, who survived the Nazi’s occupation of Holland, wasn’t thrilled. Jack had been a tough delivery when he was born, Peggy says, and he also was a bonus baby and the youngest of three boys.
“I, all of a sudden, decided I needed to hang around to watch a basketball practice,” Peggy says. “Somehow, Jack and I just started talking afterward, and that's when we officially got acquainted.”
The Van Wunniks waited exactly three years before having the first of three daughters.
seen was sitting there.
Jack, who had only lived in Texas for three years, would take her home after practice, and they’d sit in the car and talk. “He was too shy to ask me out. His best friend was the one who actually phoned me and asked
“Nobody believes it now, because my husband comes across as really self-confident, but the idea of standing up in front of a church full of people just terrified him,” she says.
“Once the first granddaughter was born, all was forgiven, that's for sure,” Peggy says.
“I told each one of them before they started dating seriously, ‘I said you've got to marry a guy that makes you laugh,’ she says. “It makes such a difference. Even when I'm mad at him, he can say something to just crack me up.” — by Jeh adu Ab shiro FEBRUARY 2022
n a se nse, g ra nd ch i l d re n present a micro-world. Our s ix , wi t h o r wi t h o u t p hotos a n d p re - K d rawi ngs, a re u n iq u e i n d i v i d u a l s wi t h th e ir own c h a ra c te r i st i cs a n d p e rso n a l i t i es. A nd a ll of th e m fa irly w i l l i ng l y tea ch us t h e ba sics of o p e ratin g o u r p h o n es. . . I ca n’t s in gle o u t a mi n d - b e n d i ng or wo rld - c h a n gin g cont r i b u t i o n , b u t we have a b u n d a nt ta l es to s h a re wi t h re latives a n d frie n ds eve n — o r es p e c i a l l y — w it h o u t b e in g a s ke d to d o so. We’re way b eyo n d d i a p e rs now, nea ring th e e n d of ba bys i tte rs. O ur gra nd kid s a d d u p to t hre e b oys a nd thre e girls. No ! Excuse me ! Two of t h e gir ls c h a n ge d th e ir na mes, ma k i ng t he m less ge n d e r s p e c ifi c . I fi n d t h at’s cl ose to ave ra ge, th o u g h not a l l g ra nd k i d s a re a s co nfid e nt to s h a re wi t h us t h e i r pr ivate co n ce rn s. I n eve r fe e l we’ve bee n s h o r t- c h a n ged , j u st ve r y b l esse d that s u c h a live ly b un c h k now t h ey a re lovingly a cce pte d . A m o n g th e s ix , we h ave o n e wh o re cently s h ot a sq u i r re l on hi s gra nd pa re nts’ p rivate l a nd i n O k l a h o ma , the n stewe d it for a n u n u s ua l ur ba n Da lla s d in n e r th at wa s q ui te h a rd to stomac h by a ve geta r i a n g ra n d ma . O ne gra nd kid wo rks o n a st r i ct l y re g u l ate d canna b is fa rm in C o l o ra d o, a n ot he r one jet- sets a ro u n d t h e cou nt r y on a n exactin g, exc itin g j o b i n t h e mod e r n m usic wo rld , still ma n a g i ng to a ch i eve great gra d es in h is j un i o r col l e ge yea r. One is n ow a col l e ge f res hma n i n re ligiou s stu d ies, a n d o u r 14-yea r - o l d gra nd d a u ghte r s in gs i n t he G reate r Da lla s C h ild re n’s c h o i r. Me m o ries va c illate b etwe e n se r i o u s a nd a little less so. A whi l e ba c k , o n t h e walk h o m e fro m h i s ch u rc h p re - sch o o l a s a 3-yea r - o ld , a g ra n d son confi d e d to his o ld e r b rot h e r ’s f r i e nd , “ So me peopl e b e lieve Go d l i ves up t h e re,” he said. Eq u a lly co nfi d e nt, wh e n l ea r n i n g to rea d h e saw a s i g n p oste d on a t re e a nd p ro u d ly s p e ll e d ou t “ Lost f ro g ! ” Very yo u n g gra n d k i d s d on’t hes i tate to a r ticu late w h at is i mp o r ta nt to t he m. See in g th e yo u ng l i ves o u r t h re e childre n h ave b rou g ht i nto t he wor l d , a long w ith th e ir te mp o ra r y or l a st i n g spouses, I re co gn i ze h ow l uc ky we a re. Perpetu a l a p p re h e n s i on , a n n oya nces a nd n ot infre q u e nt re q uests for suppl e m e nta ry fu n d s a re we l l mi t i gate d
by j oy. We can “ tu t- tu t” as m u c h as we l i ke an d c l ai m h ow, “Wh en we were yo u n g , etc .” Bu t fo r su re o u r g ran dc h i l dren are m u c h m o re accept i n g of rel i g i o u s, rac i al an d l an g u age di fferen ces, an d far m o re sen si t i ve an d percept i ve t h an we were. — by Jane Mana ster
ngie Eckelkamp was working for Pricewaterhouse Coopers in Dallas as a consultant when her mom called one
“You should watch Oprah — it’s really good,” her mom said. “I’m at work,” Angie replied. “Well, her reruns come on at night so you can watch it then.”
That night, Angie happened to turn on Oprah. She had been preparing to attend graduate school to pursue a master of architecture at The University of Colorado at Denver. Though her undergraduate degree was in finance from SMU, Angie always loved architecture and had applied to schools with career-change programs which included Denver and UT Arlington. She was ready to live in a cooler climate among the mountains.
The U-Haul was reserved, and plane tickets were bought. She and her mom could scope out apartments and a new laptop for school had just arrived. However, watching Oprah that night sparked a lifechanging decision. Oprah’s guests featured financial author David Bach and guests who were in financial distress — including those in significant school debt. Watching the show, Angie realized that attending architecture school in Denver would put her in substantial debt, thanks to expensive outof-state tuition and the inability to work; architecture school is notorious for time-consuming studio projects. Her parents had always emphasized that financial management was of paramount importance, and Angie recognized she had been in denial about the total cost of school and its impact on her future. That night after the show, she called her parents; she would forgo her Denver dream and attend UT Arlington instead. She even asked to move back home to minimize potential debt. At 8 a.m. day one of architecture school, Angie sat in class — Construction Materials and Methods, dolefully knowing she had made the right decision. Right as class began, a cute guy hastily took his seat in the row ahead. His name was Dan Eckelkamp, and he was the teaching assistant for the class. Dan was in his final year as a graduate student and also in the architecture career-change program, having left a career in telecommunications. At the end of the semester, Dan asked Angie out on a date. That was in 2004, and they’ve been married for 15 years. If it wasn’t for the phone call from Angie’s mom about watching Oprah, their paths may not have crossed. — by Angie Eckelkamp
H A R M O N I CA MAN Dallas native Mickey Raphael made a career of wailing on the harp Story by RACHEL STONE Photo courtesy of MICKEY RAPHAEL
LEGENDARY UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS FOOTBALL COACH Darrell K. Royal introduced Mickey Raphael to Willie Nelson in 1973. “He was a big music fan and patron of the arts and a close friend of Willie’s,” Raphael says of Royal. “He had heard me play, I guess, at some clubs in Austin.” Coach Royal had a friend-of-a-friend invite Raphael to a “pickin’ party” in his room at what is now The Highland Dallas on Mockingbird Lane after a game at SMU. Willie and 30-40 other people were there. The harmonica player, who grew up in Preston Hollow, has been in Willie’s band ever since that night. Now 70, he’s still the young guy in The Family. “I started with him when he was 39, but he doesn’t look any different to me now,” Raphael says of his boss, who is 88. “Maybe a little bit. But he was seasoned when he turned 40.” Raphael graduated from Hillcrest High School in 1969, and the father of his inimitable style was Don Brooks. Brooks, a South Oak Cliff High School graduate, was a harmonica session musician who played on dozens of albums, including titles by Diana Ross, Bette Midler, Judy Collins and the Talking Heads. He was in Waylon Jennings’ band and stands out on Honky Tonk Heroes and This Time. He’s featured on the track “Harmonica Talk” off Walker’s 1970 album Bein’ Free. Brooks died in 2000 at age 53. Raphael met him at The Rubaiyat, a bygone coffeehouse and music venue in Downtown Dallas, where Jerry Jeff Walker, Guy Clark and Michael Martin Murphey also played. “He was the first real harmonica player that I ever saw,” Raphael says. “I heard him play, and that’s when I decided to focus on harmonica.” T h e t u b a w a s R a p h a e l ’s fi r s t instrument in the middle school band, which he joined to avoid gym class. “I think they just gave it to me because I was tall enough to march with it,” says the 6-foot-tall musician. “They didn’t even care if I could play it, but I learned a few things.” He loved music but was a lousy guitar
player. He says he was “just a music fan” noodling around on the harmonica when he ran into Brooks at the Rubaiyat one fateful night. “He taught me the basics of everything I know in 10 minutes, sitting on a step outside the Rubaiyat,” Raphael says. “I’d say about 80% of my style comes from him.” After that, he went on tour with Oak Cliff native B.W. Stevenson for about two years. Stevenson, who had hits with “Shambala” and “My Maria” at the time, died in 1988. Willie was on Raphael’s radar only because he and Stevenson were both signed to RCA, so they were allowed to grab free records from their office in Dallas. Now his harmonica playing is as much a trademark of a Willie Nelson song as the chords from Trigger, Willie’s guitar. The discography of Raphael’s work as a session musician could make anyone starstruck: Elite Hotel and Luxury Liner by Emmylou Harris, Two the Hard Way by Cher and Gregg Allman, Seven Year Ache by Roseanne Cash and TNT by Tanya Tucker, to name a few from the early years. Raphael moved to Nashville from Los Angeles about 20 years ago. He also tours with Chris Stapleton when Willie’s not on the road. He’s an avid cyclist who packs a road bike onto the tour bus with him. His dad, a furniture designer who died in 1994, built Raphael’s childhood home on Edlen Drive, where he and his older brother used to ride bikes around the neighborhood. His mother lived in that house for decades, and she died in 2019. Raphael supports Farm Aid and gives a lot of money to the Carter Foundation, Habitat for Humanity and the Southern Poverty Law Center.
ABOUT LIFE ON THE ROAD WITH WILLIE I can’t tell you anything about that. I’m sworn to secrecy. I’ve been around the world many times. It’s been fun. I’m very fortunate. I don’t take anything for granted. Willie is a great ambassador.
As split as the nation is now — and it was split when I first started because the Vietnam War was winding down — but our crowds were always a cross section of all types. It’s a mixed crowd, be it racial or political. You had your cowboys and your hippies back in the early ’70s, late ’60s. One thing Willie always told me is that music would bring people together.
AND IT LITERALLY HAS We played in Belfast during The Troubles. You’d pull into the city limits, and our bus would have to go through a checkpoint with machine guns, and there was a tank at the entrance of our hotel. But when we played the civic center, or wherever it was that we played, in Belfast, that’s one place where the two opposing factions were agreed upon not causing any trouble.
THE THING ABOUT WILLIE He’s got this longevity because he’s really honest, and what you see is what you get. He didn’t really follow any trends and just did what he wanted to do. Sometimes it was popular, and sometimes it wasn’t. But we’ve got such a great fanbase and such loyal fans. We’ve been very lucky.
THE SPORTATORIUM My favorite place to play was the Sporatorium. It was one of those places where you’d just be soaking wet by the end of it, and you know, we’d play two or three hours. You were surrounded by the audience on three sides, and it was just electric. We played in the boxing ring, and the promoter at that time was named Geno McCoslin. He also ran 57 Doors on Cedar Springs where we would play in the ’70s. He wound up promoting a bunch of Willie’s picnics. But anyway, he oversold the place by I don’t know how many tickets, and we got there, and the fire marshal said just the band could go in. They wouldn’t let any of our guests or anyone else inside. Someone asked him why he oversold it, and he said, “Well, bubba, airlines do it all the time. It’s because I was depending on a 20% no-show factor.” He was a colorful character.
treat yourself 22
JESSICA SHEPHERD IS A BOARD-CERTIFIED OB/GYN who spent years working in hospitals. She has been a guest on national programs such as Today Show and The Dr. Oz Show and has written for Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Essence and more. In 2020, she shifted away from hospital practices, wanting to focus on women’s holistic health. Shepherd opened Sanctum Med FEBRUARY 2022
and Wellness last July, bringing several other specialists to help achieve her vision. “I’m an M.D. But we allow people to experience all the other differences of health and wellness,” Shepherd says. There’s a licensed Eastern medicine doctor who prescribes Chinese medicine and does acupuncture and cupping. He specializes in sports injuries as well as reproductive medicine and infertility issues.
Sanctum Med and Wellness also has a trauma recovery coach, a life coach, a nutritionist and yoga and meditation instructors. A pelvic physical therapist helps clients improve strength and function of their pelvic floor muscles and alleviate pain, weakness and dysfunction in the muscles. Massage therapy, acupuncture and yoga are the most popular services among neighbors, Shepherd says. Customers can customize the time and type of yoga
session that works best for them. As a gynecologist, she can perform menopausal and sexual wellness procedures when it comes to aesthetics. Body treatments, Botox and fillers are also available. “What I want people to understand about what we do here is that we offer a complete menu of services that impacts people’s holistic health,” Shepherd says. “And also I want people to understand that the experience they have here at
Sanctum Med and Wellness can fit their entire journey in someone’s own, individual wellness practice.” The clinic uses a concierge model of medicine, which allows patients and doctors to interact more and focus on prevention strategies. “It’s all about sustaining wellness,” she says. “And that’s what we are able to do here.” Sanctum Med and Wellness, 5600 W. Lovers Lane, 214.729.6299, february 2022 23
IN 2016, LAURA HARBISON WAS DIAGNOSED with an autoimmune disorder. She started researching how she could treat it naturally and take a more holistic approach to health. At that point, she had built a career in the medical sales industry, working for large pharmaceutical companies. And when she turned 46, she decided to make a change. “I really had just been working for someone else for 23 years and just really thought it was time to spread my wings,” she says. Given her experience and wellnessfocused lifestyle, Harbison opened a spa, The Ozone Bar. She knew she needed to pick a shopping center with substantial foot traffic, so she set up shop in Inwood Village. The doors opened in February 2020, just weeks before the lockdowns. They stayed open throughout the pandemic because they were considered an essential business. The Ozone Bar is the only spa in Dallas that has a HOCATT sauna, which uses transdermal ozone, CO2/carbonic acid, infrared, pure oxygen, red light/color therapy and microcurrents to improve the immune system, build oxygen levels and burn hundreds of calories. This machine is one of the more expensive offerings, but Harbison says neighbors, who often report feeling pain relief, aren’t deterred by the price. All of the machines she selected are topof-the-line models, including the infrared sauna that delivers far-, mid- and nearinfrared to release toxins, and the ozone sauna, which detoxifies the body, increases circulation and stimulates blood cells. “I get approached every day by people trying to get me to offer other services, but we’ve been so successful with the four that we have,” she says. Harbison’s business also offers physician-grade supplements and the Dermashape, which uses cupping and heat to enhance the lymphatic system, break up fascia and lactic acid and reduce water retention and cellulite. “We are here to make people feel good for 30 minutes,” she says. “They’re trying to escape their life for 30 minutes and enjoy and do something healthy for themselves.” The Ozone Bar, 5360 W. Lovers Lane, 214.964.0760,
24 FEBRUARY 2022
OTHER SPAS IN PRESTON HOLLOW: COOPER SPA 12100 Preston Road, cooperaerobics. com, 972.392.7729 Massages, manicures, pedicures, facials, cosmetic dermatology treatments and more RENEW BEAUTY MED SPA 8687 N. Central Expy,, 214.369.1600 Skin rejuvenation, cosmetic injections, laser hair removal, cellulite reduction, body contouring and fat reduction and more BLUSH ‘N BEAUTY SPA 8335 Westchester Drive,, 817.797.9542
FROM ATHLETES LOOKING FOR QUICK RECOVERY TO SOMEONE INTERESTED IN TIGHTENING A TROUBLE SPOT OR TWO, iCryo Recovery & Wellness offers a variety of services from whole body cryotherapy to a cocktail menu of iV infusion therapy. Compression therapy, essentially a highintensity air massage, breaks up lactic acid. Another popular service, body sculpting, unlike fat-freezing CoolSculpting, uses ultrasound activation, radio frequency and lipo-sculpt to break down fat cells that are flushed through the lymphatic system. Namesake cryotherapy is offered as full-body, targeted or facial service. Medical
research shows cryotherapy can reduce inflammation and numb irritated nerves. According to iCryo, the 12-minute facial brightens skin, reduces age spots and stimulates collagen. General manager Nelly Vasquez has used the services to treat her acne, migraines and alleviate the pain from a herniated disc. “We take people who are in pain and help them to feel better,” she says. “So every person who leaves, they leave with a smile. They leave really happy.”
Custom facials, plasma fibroblast skin tightening, lash tints and lifts, waxing and more MARIBEL’S FACIALS AND MASSAGE 5934 Royal Lane, 972.832.7615, Facials, waxing massage therapy, aqua therapy MARA’S MED SPA 6110 Luther Lane,, 469.730.3333 Body contouring, injectables, facials,
iCryo Recovery & Wellness, 7949 Walnut Hill
skin rejuvenation, laser hair removal,
Lane, 469.840.1615,
massage therapy and more
HAROLD HOGUE AND LAUREN COPPEDGE have much in common. They both began their careers as public school educators, witnessed the inner workings of Dallas ISD and have seen, up close, social inequities and opportunities for change. What’s more, both have a record of acting on those realizations and improving the worlds they occupy. Their differences, however, make them an especially effective team. He lives in southern Oak Cliff. She lives in Preston Hollow. Last December the City of Dallas’ office of equity and inclusion
announced a collaboration with their small, albeit established, social impact consulting firm, Cospero, to create our city’s first racial equity plan. Hogue lightheartedly complains about delayed recycling pickups in his neighborhood. Coppedge smiles when the room jokes that sanitation services in her Sparkman Estates subdivision, located in a pricier part of the city, are probably on time, every time. And while that is a quip, an assumption, the Resilient Dallas study — a touchstone document in creating Dallas’ racial equity agenda — shows that white Dallasites
earn more money and live in more affluent neighborhoods with better services and amenities than their Black or Hispanic counterparts. Achieving racial equity in the City would mean that race or ethnicity no longer predicts economic or educational opportunity, access to housing and quality infrastructure, health services or levels of legal justice, the consultants say. “That we’re telling two stories, or a story from different angles, makes our partnership work. You need the heart and the head — and the different lived realities — every day,” Hogue says.
Whether Coppedge or Hogue is the heart or the head varies from day to day, they say. Hogue started as a teacher and later moved up to Dallas ISD’s central offices. He coached youth football in the Fair Park area after school. That’s where “the light bulb went off,” he says. He saw the disconnect between the administrators’ efforts and the needs of the parents and students he engaged with on the field. “Most of those working at DISD were well-intentioned — I was inside and never felt malicious intent — but they were dealing with systems, structures and barriers that keep them from delivering on the mission for families.” He wanted to package all the things he was learning, try to repair things at an institutional level. He joined nonprofit boards and entered a fellowship program at a nonprofit called Leadership ISD, which focuses on racial equity in public schools. That’s where he met Coppedge. As a teacher in St. Louis, she saw lowerincome families deprived of quality classroom experiences. Attempts to do better for her students were thwarted by administrative policies. The same realizations, frustrations and ideologies that motivated Hogue drove her to the nonprofit sector. Hogue was the first of the two to strike out on his own, quitting his job right after his wedding day and giving himself 90 days to start earning a living as a consultant. “It was a common entrepreneurial story,” he says. He sold his car, continued hustling and proved himself working with United Way, Fair Park and other well-established local organizations. He recruited Coppedge in part because she excelled at design and marketing. Cospero, with a staff of fewer than 10 employees, had a number of projects in its portfolio prior to submitting its racial-equity-plan bid. To name a few, they led United Way’s Grow South Grow Strong initiative, worked alongside Teach.
org to devise recruitment strategies for Texas Woman's University, and they facilitated a joint program venture between Leadership ISD and The Concilio, which empowers Lantinx families with students in public schools. The racial equity plan is slated to be presented to Dallas City Council in summer 2022 and will help the City prioritize and establish measurable short- and long-term goals and accountability metrics. Racial equity plan development relies heavily on input from residents. To that end, Cospero has launched in-person and virtual engagement strategies. At the center of that is the, a website, that explains the effort and allows Dallas residents to weigh in. There is no shortage of ideas and input, but people don’t trust that things will actually happen, Hogue says. Many feel this way, even some City Council members. Within the City’s numerous departments exist an array of commissioned plans and presentations — there are transportation plans, digital broadband equity plans, human rights plans, public arts plans, and the list goes on. Many of those have hit roadblocks and delays when it comes to implementation. During a recent subcommittee meeting, in response to an audit on the housing department’s comprehensive housing plan, District 1 representative Chad West (while pointing to the plan’s reported lack of racial equity goals) said, “Numerous strategic plans have been created by housing task forces and consultants over the years, but when staff and council are left to their own devices to implement them, little has occurred and goals were not met.” It is one of the things that keeps coming up, Hogue says. “One of the things that I'm trying to get the word out about is, yes, there are a lot of plans in the city, but what
we are doing actually has not been done before, involving every one of the City’s 40-plus departments. We've read through dozens of plans, and we want the racial equity plan to be a driver of all those other plans, the ones that directly impact race.” Coppedge describes the effort as creating a table of contents, making previous work more accessible and implementable. “It’s going to be the one place that people can go to see how disparities are being addressed,” Coppedge says. Interdepartmental cooperation is unique to the creation of this racial equity plan, says City of Dallas equity officer Dr. Lindsey Wilson. It’s different from anything that has been done in the past. It is more accurate to describe the plan as a “strategic framework” than to look at it as a new plan, Wilson says. “And the beauty of it being collective is that it gives us the opportunity to look at plans that are either in place or have been created and ask, ‘Where does the equity show up here?’” She believes every department at City Hall has a part to play when it comes to achieving racial equity. “In spite of how either internalfacing or community-facing our departments are,” Wilson says, “everyone literally has a critical role to make this happen.” The Cospero consultants are meeting one by one with those City departments. In fact, Hogue says, he’s meeting with the sanitation department this week, which is “so funny” considering the flyer he just received about the delayed recycling pickup in his Red Bird neighborhood. “It’s too much,” he says, laughing. “But it shows how real it is for us. The thing that excites me is that we're working internally to shift external practices that actually impact the day-to-day lives of all residents.” Visit
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Da r k n ess b re e d s h o p e, g ra ce a n d l ove T i m es of st r u g g l e b r i n gs o u t t h e b est i n o u rse l ves
hy do we still participate in daylight savings time? Yes, I know, farmers in t h e fi e ld s a n d w or k be fore th e school bell could ring. But honestly, that response has never quite felt sufficient. When we “fall back” an hour, I grumble a thousand times in protest! I grumble because it takes m e we e k s t o adjust to the “time c h a n ge .” I t ’s not time I’m struggling to adjust to; it’s the amount of light or lack thereof in the s k y. I l o v e long days and blue skies and grow weary of dark mornings and even darker afternoons. I assume I’m not alone, but I could be. Our relationship with the darkness is always a struggle, metaphorically speaking. When life is clear skies and long days, life is good. When life is dark and gloomy, life is bad. An oversimplification for sure, but not far from some of the theology that has been handed down throughout the generations. Though, I believe the Spiritual path reveals that Spirit is in all times, all places and through all seasons. Therefore, many of the
holiest moments of our lives are gifts to be found in the dark. Yes, in the darkness, there is struggle. In the darkness, there is doubt. In the dark, there is loss, and yes, even sometimes pain. But we also discover in the deepest darkness of fear that is the very place hope is born. In the deepest darkness of brokenness, we discover that is the very place grace is found, for we come to discover that the deepest darkness is not the place where hope, g ra c e o r l o ve goes to die. No, the deepest darkness is the very place grace, hope and love go to be reborn. So then, I wonder how the darkness may be the gift we didn’ t know we needed.
Our relationship with the darkness is always a struggle.
With great hope, Matthew
R E V. M A T T H E W R U F F N E R i s t h e Senior Pastor at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. He is a husband to Sarah Ruf fner and a father o f t w o . Yo u c a n f o l l o w M a t t h e w o n Instagram at @thisismatthewr uf fner and visit to watch the church’s live stream and listen to sermons.
Bible Study 9:15 / Worship Services 10:45 Traditional, Contemporary, Spanish Speaking / 214.860.1500 ROYAL LANE BAPTIST CHURCH / 6707 Royal Lane / 214.361.2809 Christian Education 9:45 a.m. / Worship Service 10:55 a.m. Pastor - Rev. Dr. Michael L. Gregg / WILSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100
Pastor George A. Mason / Worship at 9 & 11 a.m. Sunday School at 10 a.m. /
PRESBYTERIAN PARK CITIES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH/ 4124 Oak Lawn Ave Sunday Worship 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. To all this church opens wide her doors - SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION
Every day’s the 14th Ce l e b ra te Va l e n t i n e ’s Day w i t h t h ese rea d s
ou can’ t escape it. T he aisles are lined with nylon balloons, bouquets of flowers, cellophane-wrapped chocolates and p l u s h i e s o f a l l s i z e s . R e t a i l e r s b e c ko n u s t o s h a r e a n d p r o c l a i m o u r l o ve f o r each other. I like to think of it as a time to share and connec t with people closest to us. Instead of hear ts and flowers, le t’s celebrate enduring reads, new and old, that explore love from all angles and for all ages. As you reflect on what love is and those you love this month, I invite you to share the love of books. A great book is perfect for cuddling up with little ones before bedtime, sparking a conversation with growing teens, or sharing with the special someone in your life who brings you joy. Books give us the opportunity to connec t and grow toge ther. F I N D T H E S E T I T L E S AT W H O S E B O O K S , L O C AT E D AT T Y L E R S TAT I O N I N O A K C L I F F, OR USE INDIEBOUND’S BOOKSTORE FINDER TO SHOW YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD BOOKSTORE SOME LOVE.
I Love You Because I Love You, written by Muon Thi Van, tells the story of how unconditional love shows up in the biggest and smallest ways. The vivid illustrations bring this tender readaloud story to life with breathtaking scenes that represent and celebrate diversity in all its forms.
Love Makes a Family, a brightly illustrated board book, is sure to capture the imagination and hearts of little ones. Author and illustrator Sophie Beer uses vivid colors and shapes to bring to life a day full of love. Love shows up in a walk outside on a rainy day, a helping hand when things don’t go as planned, and getting tucked into bed with a goodnight kiss. This makes a perfect bedtime read. Tweens and early teens will love Planet Middle School. It’s written in short poems that give an authentic voice to the chaotic and crazy feelings of adolescence and first crushes. Award-winning author Nikki Grimes has crafted a delightful, often hilarious, heart-tugging story. A great book to read alongside middle schoolers, it opens the door for meaningful conversations about all the changes that come with those formative years. In young adult reading, Blackout: A Novel is a must read. Six award-winning authors come together to weave a heartfelt, unforgettable set of joyful love stories. A summer heat wave hits New York, leaving the city blanketed in darkness. A new kind of electricity begins to spark as six love stories unfold. Love blossoms, friendship transforms, and new possibilities take flight. Pablo Neruda’s Love Poems caused a scandal when they were first published anonymously in the 1950s. Today, they are some of the Nobel Laureate’s most celebrated works. Love Poems pairs the original Spanish poems with a translated version on the opposing page. The perfect gift for the romantic at heart.
Texas author Colleen Hoover’s new book Reminders of Him has romance fans in a flutter, describing it as tear-jerking yet heartwarming. It’s a contemporary emotional romance that tells the story of a mother trying to rebuild her life and reconnect with her daughter after five years in prison, while a relationship with a local bar owner that no one will approve of begins to surface. It’s a page turner that will take you on an emotional ride. FEBRUARY 2022
5138 Deloache Avenue $12,000,000
5335 Meaders Lane $9,750,000
Alex Perry 214.926.0158
Terri Cox & Kyle Crews 972.841.3838 / 214.538.1310
SOLD 9918 Avalon Creek Court $4,495,000
3005 Rosedale Avenue $2,895,000
Susan Baldwin 214.763.1591
Susan Bradley 214.674.5518
SOLD, Represented Buyer 4538 Irvin Simmons Drive $950,000
PENDING 7032 Town Bluff Drive $499,000
Lori Sparks 214.680.6432
Tim Schutze 214.507.6699