2010 November Preston Hollow

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Mary Poss (214) 738-0777 | mary@dallastex.com


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Adella Woods 972-979-7116 | adellawoods@ebby.com

Offered at $150,000

Eva Kaplan (972) 733-9620 | evakaplan@sbcglobal.net

Offered at $139,900

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Douglas Avenue | 214.692.0000 Ebby’s Little White
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4 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEATURES Call of Duty How neighborhood World War II veterans reacted to extraordinary circumstances
HAGER 22 10 UKULELE LADY A Preston Hollow resident spreads her passion for the tiny, four-stringed instrument. 18 EATAT EATZI’S This neighborhood market offers a Thanksgiving feast that keeps Mom out of the kitchen. 29 SCIENCEROCKS One group of high-school students performs biomedical research outside of class. IN EVERYISSUE department columns opening remarks6 / onadvocatemag.com8 / grab-bag10 / happenings14 / food + wine18 / news + notes33 / worship34 / scene + heard35 / crime42 advertising the goods12 / dining guide19 / health resources29 / education guide32 /bulletin board35 / home services37 IN THISISSUE NOVEMBER/2010 volume 9 number 11_PH 15 A SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION SENIOR CARE RESOURCE GUIDE

mUCH appreCiaTeD

Shouldn’t we all take time to thank others?

Most of us will never bask in the unrequited glory of a stadium filled with adoring fans. That seems to be a station in life reserved for sports heroes, rock stars, evangelical ministers and the occasional politician.

What must it feel like to have thousands of people cheering uncontrollably because you’re there, because of what you’ve done and because of what you might do?

As part of the crowd for one of these lovefests, I’ve felt my own blood pressure rise simply because of the excitement around me. And I’m just anonymously along for the ride, not even an afterthought in the day’s celebration.

More than anything else, perhaps a crowd’s frenzy serves as validation of the recipient’s life lived well.

Truthfully, and perhaps a little bit secretly, it’s a good feeling when people seem to like us, and it’s even more of a rush when they love us. The power of appreciation is immeasurable in terms of what it does for the recipient. And energetically giving thanks seems to make givers happy, too.

Why is it, then, that most of us slog through each day doing our jobs and living our lives without handing out or receiving meaningful recognition? Or if we are recognized, it’s for a negative rather than a positive? Why is mocking someone online or chewing them out behind their back more common than saying “thank you”?

And what’s the ultimate point of life if, at the end of the journey, we’re unlikely to be feted in a stadium, much less than receive boundless praise from those around us?

This month’s story about neighborhood residents who were part of World War II answers those questions. These are people who, for the most part, didn’t set out to be heroes, didn’t strut around after taking their turn, and didn’t expect to be patted on the back when they came home. Instead, they dug in and did their jobs, perhaps hoping the satisfaction of a job well done would be appreciation enough for the sacrifices they made.

On a global scale, we’ve worn out and, to a certain extent, devalued the moniker “the greatest generation” by essentially commercializing this dwindling group of heroes. But their life-changing bravery and sense of

responsibility a generation ago remains a gift the rest of us continue to enjoy every day.

It just so happens we’re entering our country’s annual time of thanksgiving for the good things impacting our lives. These war-veteran neighbors deserve a stadium full of adulation. But failing that, they deserve a pat on the back directly from us. And for that matter, so do our

Why is mocking someone online or chewing them out behind their back more common than saying “thank you”?

families and our teachers and our co-workers and maybe even some of our bosses.

Being appreciated isn’t necessary to live a good life. It isn’t required to be happy. But it sure doesn’t hurt to let people know we’re thankful for them. It’s kind of like creating our own little stadium of support for the relatively anonymous around us who deserve our respect, even though they probably aren’t holding their breath waiting to receive it.

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AdvocAte publishiNg

6301 gaston Avenue, suite 820, dallas, tX 75214 ricK WAmre|presidenttom ZieliNsKi|vice-president Advocate, © 2010, is published monthly by east dallas – lakewood people inc. contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. more than200,000peoplereadAdvocatepublicationseachmonth. Advertisingratesandguidelinesareavailableuponrequest. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

6 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
opening remarks
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Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate publishing. let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 gaston, suite 820, dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or email to rwamre@advocatemag.com.



We know there are plenty of reasons you want to spend as little time away from home as possible. That’s why Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas is at the forefront of many minimally invasive surgeries for women. Our minimally invasive surgeries mean little scarring with less pain and, most importantly, much quicker recovery times. Find out more about minimally invasive procedures available at Texas Health Dallas at: 1-877-THR-Well | TexasHealth.org/cuttingedge

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For two weeks in September, it looked quite possible that Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa would leave the district to take the head at Clark County schools in Las Vegas, roughly twice the size of DISD. News headlines told us he was resigning, then told us he wasn’t, then he was one of three finalists, then the DISD board, after declining twice to extend his contract past 2012, voted to extend it until 2015, and then Hinojosa was passed over for the Vegas job. Advocate publisher Rick Wamre followed the back and forth on our Back Talk blog and, amid the hullabaloo, gave two cents of his own — or more like a quarter’s worth. Read post excerpts below, and for the full posts, plus links to much of the news coverage, visit and search: Hinojosa.


09.19.10 It wasn’t the relentless carping by teachers’ groups that turned Michael Hinojosa into a civic punching bag. It wasn’t the endless stream of Dallas Morning News investigative stories (and blog comments) about this or that DISD shortcoming that destroyed the man’s spirit. It wasn’t the surprise $64 million budget shortfall two years ago that permanently damaged his reputation. It wasn’t even the currently divided school board, which has three or four automatic “no” votes for just about any initiative Hinojosa brings forward. All of that contributed to Hinojosa’s ongoing flirtation with the Las Vegas school system, but none was the final straw.

Instead, it was the oddly timed and ill-fated powergrab by Mayor Tom Leppert to take DISD control away from Hinojosa and the board that ultimately made DISD’s superintendent realize that he had better look after himself because no one who counts in Dallas was going to cover his back. We’ve collectively created a toxic environment that Hinojosa can no longer stand, even for $300,000 a year and even though he’s a Dallas guy through-and-through who likely would have been happy to end his career here had we given him the chance.


09.20.10 There’s something fundamentally wrong with a job description that requires one person to be both a right-brain and a left-brain genius. That person may, indeed, exist. But if that person really is out there, he or she is by definition way too smart to take a job as DISD superintendent.

Talk about a dumb career move: Who in their right mind would want a job that is a guaranteed political minefield, one that will assuredly result in you being


called a racist and an idiot, even if you’re being paid $300,000 a year? The job expectancy is only around three years, so about the time you’re getting settled and have surrounded yourself with people you can trust, you’ll be shown the door for some perceived failing that will likely damage your future career prospects and might not even involve what you’re best at doing.

That’s the situation we’re in right now with the job description for DISD superintendent. The single person running the district is equally responsible for everything financial and everything academic. And I submit to you, that’s a big, big mistake. We need to break the superintendent’s position into two separate jobs staffed by two separate people. That’s right — we need an academic superintendent and a financial superintendent, and both should be independent of each other and report directly to the school board.

And here’s the other beautiful part of that plan: Suddenly, the school board is responsible for hiring and/or firing the person for each position independently, so we as stakeholders know exactly who to hold accountable for what.

VEGAS BOARD VOTES 6-1 AGAINST HINOJOSA 09.29.10 In a weird way, this whole thing could be a turning point for DISD. The board has now given Hinojosa more than four additional years to run the district. And once he signs the contract, he’ll have his money guaranteed. That puts him in a unique position to take some dramatic action in Dallas to continue turning around the district, and it could make him a motivated man on a mission because he really has nothing to lose. Think D.C.’s Michelle Rhee with a whole lot more guaranteed money.

DISD trustee Edwin Flores, who was part of a panel discussion after a screening of the education documentary “Waiting for Superman”, said something interesting: He predicted that within 10 years, DISD will have one of two structures — either the district will be a veritable multi-pronged collection of public and charter schools, or 130,000 of its 160,000 students will be enrolled in charter schools.

“Those PR folks at In-N-Out really know how to work it. There was no way they were opening the first of several locations in Garland. I think they’ll open them all at the same time. But will anyone really care?”


EVENTS ONLINE Does your organization, house of worship or school have a holiday event you’d like to promote? Submit it to our online calendar at bizfinder.advocatemag.com/event. It’s free, or you can purchase an enhanced listing

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THAT IT’S YOUR WEEK WITH THE GRANDKIDS. PAUL S. WORRELL, D.O. 214.349.4909 MON - FRI 8AM - 8 PM SAT. 8AM - 4:30PM 75 Forest Ln. Walnut Hill Ln. Walnut Hill Ln. Audelia Rd. Royal Ln. Miller Rd. RoyalLn. SkillmanSt. SkillmanSt. Abrams Rd. Audelia Rd. 635 635 Abrams Rd. Abrams Rd. Whitehurst Dr. WhitehurstDr. SkillmanSt. Forest Ln.

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Most popular hollow bloG




Q uestion of the Month

what’s favorite dessert?

My wife makes an roll with cream cheese then she also adds filling. It’s definitely the season. —NATHAN VAUGHN

Pumpkin and spice


My mom made this wonderful pumpkin cheesecake put pecan halves drizzle it with caramel ... scrumptious! —ANNETTE BOARDMAN

Pumpkin flan! —L

Pumpkin milk or Doghead Punkin Ale! —JADA HARDI

Marbled pumpkin and chocolate cheesecake. Time intensive but yummy! —ELIZABETH ARDANOWSKI

Pumpkin crème brulee.


Cinderella cake with Prince Charming icing. Made with walnuts and real pumpkin, bundt style. Deeelish! I make it every year.


web editor Christy robinson compiles the On Advocatemag.com section. If you have suggestions for this section or our website contact her at 214.635.2120 or crobinson@advocatemag.com.

9 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com November 2010 on


uke it up

NoeL tArdy Gives free UkULeLe LessoNs starting at 10 a.m. every second Saturday at Keep U N Stitches, 718 N. Buckner Blvd. Otherwise, her rate is $35 an hour. If you buy five lessons, the sixth is free, and she offers discounts for siblings taking lessons together.

fiNd more iNformAtioN at ukeladymusic.com, lonestarukefest.com and ukesintheclassroom.com.

Noel Tardy took a ukulele lesson during a Hawaiian vacation eight years ago, and when she returned to Dallas, she had a hard time finding strings, sheet music and other ukulele accoutrements. “There really wasn’t even much available on the internet at the time,” she says. So the Preston Hollow resident became the Ukulele Lady of Dallas, selling instruments and other uke-related stuff online at ukeladymusic.com. This past summer, she opened a ukulele shop near White Rock Lake, and she’s already finding ways to give back to the community. The store is inside Keep U N Stitches, the custom embroidery shop that fellow ukulele enthusiast Gina Volpe opened at Buckner and Northcliff in 1997. The shop has a selection of 30 or so ukuleles on display in a range of prices from $30 to $4,000 (for serious musicians). Tardy and Volpe host an open mike night at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month, and on the second Saturday of every month, they give free ukulele lessons starting at 10 a.m. Of all the string instruments, ukulele is one of the easiest to learn, Tardy says. “You can play so many genres of music on a ukulele,” Tardy says. “It’s little, and it’s portable. You can take it anywhere.” She and Volpe started a nonprofit, Ukes in the Classroom Texas, to help provide music study in North Texas elementary schools. So far, they’ve given 24 ukuleles to two schools, and they provide free instruction for the music teachers. “Ukulele is an ideal instrument to introduce kids to music,” Tardy says. There are some 300 people in the Dallas ukulele meet-up group, and every year they have a big Fourth of July party and ukulele jam session. And in April, volunteers produce the three-day Lone Star Uke Festival. They’re a quirky group of Hawaiian-shirt-wearing strummers, and they don’t take themselves too seriously. Next they’re planning to form a marching band — the Dallas Ukulele Marching Band. That’s right, D.U.M.B. —RACHEL STONE

10 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com November 2010
Got A L AUNCH-wortHy ide A? Let us know about it: Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com.

what Gives?

Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits

Texas Tough Bulbs for beautiful color year-round

Eat a cupcakE and help support the Salvation army. Sprinkles cupcakes will donate 100 percent of proceeds from every Dallas cowboys Red Velvet cupcake sold Nov. 1-6 to the organization. throughout the campaign, the shop will choose six winners daily to receive a dozen cupcakes and a cowboys Jersey. the grand-prize winner receives four tickets to the thanksgiving Day game Nov. 25. Last year, Sprinkles raised $12,000 for the Salvation army. to learn more, visit sprinkles.com.

You’ll be amazed at our huge selection of Texas grown perennial bulbs. Choose from an array of Grape Hyacinth, Daffodils, Spanish Bluebells, Alliums, Spider lilies and so much more. Pick your favorites now before they’re all gone!

Shop Organic & Local

Did you know that NHG grows many garden plants and veggies organically right at the garden center? Blue Label Herbs, grown by our local sister company, are also grown organically. Don’t forget to pick up some NHG Organic Herb Food!

DoNatE a bLaNkEt

to your neighborhood Sleep Experts, and help needy families keep warm this winter. this month, the store will host its Share the Warmth blanket Drive to benefit victims of domestic violence. thousands of blankets, sheets, comforters and towels have been collected for the cause since the annual campaign began six years ago. Donations will benefit the Genesis Women’s Shelter. You can drop off a blanket at any Sleep Experts location, including the store at Royal and central. to learn more, visit sleepexperts.com.

Know of ways that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.

Start the Holiday Season Right!

 Select your fresh wreaths, swags, garland & fresh cut trees the day after Thanksgiving, November 26th.

 Choose from the best fresh-cut Christmas trees in town!

 Check out the new Poinsettia ‘Orange Spice’ and exotic Amaryllis varieties.

Miss Mawkers Coffee & Tea at the Dallas Farmer’s Market? They’re here at NHG each weekend in winter. Check online at www.nhg.com for their schedule.

11 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com November 2010
grab-bagL aunch
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Introducing the Advocate Foundation’s 2010 limited-edition, numbered, and individually hand-painted ornament. Sales benefit neighborhood organizations and events. For more information, call 214.292.0486 or go to foundation.advocatemag.com


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12 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

writer in residence

Touting a Yale Law School degree, Amy Bourret set out to protect society’s most vulnerable, working as a child advocacy lawyer. But in her debut novel, the Preston Hollow resident explores a situation in which a mother must fight to keep a child that wasn’t hers to begin with. Now out on paperback, “Mothers & Other Liars” follows Ruby who, at 19 years old, makes a splitsecond decision to rescue an abandoned baby from an Oklahoma rest stop. Ten years later, she has a picture-perfect life with her daughter, Lark, surrounded by a loving community. All of that begins to crumble when the real parents emerge, searching for their kidnapped daughter. “The foundations for the protagonist, Ruby, comes from my work,” Bourret says. “She faced some pretty devastating choices. You take a child, rip him out of his home; from society’s standards we’re protecting him, but from his perspective, that’s all he’s known.” Bourret says child advocacy work requires thick skin, and she couldn’t handle it full-time. So she switched to the corporate realm, working a few pro-bono cases on the side. She eventually stopped practicing law to focus on writing. “I kept going, and then said, ‘Well, I think I’m writing a novel.’ ” Bourret is dreaming up a second novel, but will only share the details with her critique group that has been meeting at Dunston’s Steakhouse for the past 10 years. “We just call ourselves the ‘Dunston’s Group’,” she says. “It’s not just about the writing. Over the years, they have become very important to me.” —EMILY TOMAN


$10 paperback; available at Target, Borders, Barnes & Noble, amazon.com and amybourret.com

13 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 grab-bagLAUNCH
TOM BARRETT OPTICAL 5500 Greenville Ave. @ Lovers Ln. (in Old Town) 214.368.0170· tombarrettoptical.com EXCEPTIONAL EYEWEAR SINCE 1981 SPEND IT OR LOSE IT Don’t forget about your flex account.

out&about in

11.25.10 YMCA TURKEY TROT $12.99-$27.99

Thanksgiving Day brings plenty of family traditions — turkey dinner, the Cowboys. But for more than 36,000 people, the morning begins with an eight-mile or 5k race through downtown. The 43rd annual Dallas YMCA Turkey Trot starts at 9 a.m. at City Hall, 1500 Marilla, but arrive bright and early at 7 a.m. for day-of registration. The Turkey Trot began in the early 1940s at the fairgrounds, and became an annual event after the 1968 race at White Rock Lake with only 107 runners. The race now includes timed and un-timed categories for the eight-mile run and 5k fun run plus toddler and wheelchair events. All proceeds benefit neighborhood YMCAs, including Town North, with a $50,000 fundraising goal. To register, visit thetrot.org. –E


The Jewish Community Center is hosting the J Book Fair with special author talks and luncheons throughout the month, including Joan Nathan (“Quiches, Kugels and Couscous: My Search for Jewish Cooking in France”) at noon Nov. 3. Ticket prices for other programs vary. For details and a full schedule, visit jccdallas.org.


$25 The Dallas chapter of the American Institute of Architects will have its fourth annual tour of homes 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. The citywide tour includes one Preston Hollow home at 5707 Del Roy. For details, call 214.742.3242 or visit hometourdallas.com.

11.01 CONCERT CLASSICS FREE The Dallas Symphony string quartet and pianist Baya Kakouberi will perform a concert, Mostly Schubert, at 7:30 p.m. in Emmanuel Hall at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church. An optional $10 dinner with the musicians takes place at 6 p.m. in Jubilee Hall. A reception will follow the concert. For details, visit phpc.org/concert_classics.

11.14 TRUCK TIME FREE The community-wide event features tractors, fire engines and other large trucks for children to view up close 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at Congregation Shearith Israel, 9401 Douglas. For details, visit shearith.org.

11.21 TOWN NORTH 5K $25-$30 Town North Family YMCA, 4332 Northaven, will hold its 2010 Koala TNY5K at 8 a.m., taking advanced and recreational runners on a scenic tour of surrounding neighborhoods. Registration is $25 before Nov. 14, then it jumps to $30. Call 214.357.8431 or visit townnorthymca.org.

14 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
LAUNCHhappenings gO ONLINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.



When you are home for the holidays visiting your elder loved one be aware of the following:

These warning signs should alert you that your loved one may not be capable of meeting all of his or her needs.

For more information please call us!

Your loved one is not eating right.

Your loved one is not bathing or is uninterested in personal hygiene.

Your loved one has lost interest in appearance or does not dress all day.

Your loved one takes medicine at the wrong time or takes the wrong dose.

Your loved one is not able to keep or clean house as before.

Your loved one has frequent falls.

Your loved one is alone, vulnerable, and may require daily visits.

Your loved one is increasingly dependent on others for assistance with daily needs.

Your loved one is not in contact with others.

Senior Living Resources 2010 15 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010
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16 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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The Point, Center for Arts and Education, on the campus of C. C. Young is open to everyone aged 55 and better.

The Point is open every day from 6 a.m. - 8:00 p.m., including The Dr. Ken Cooper Fitness Center inside The Point and The Art Gallery.

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Senior Living Resources 2010 17 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010
DON’T LET life living When the everyday chores of life interfere with living, it’s time to give us a call. Located on the shores of White Rock Lake, C.C. Young offers Dallas seniors a constellation of services and opportunities. Construction is on schedule for The Overlook, our newest expansion, and we will open Summer 2011. The Overlook is the latest residential addition to our ever-growing
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A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood



Ea TzI ’s p I on EERE d the idea of not cooking at home. “We fired Mom,” executive chef Jay Valley says. As Thanksgiving approaches, the takeout market offers a holiday meal for four at just $18 for an alternative to grocery store meals to-go. And it’s all there — sliced turkey, sweet potatoes, cornbread stuffing, wild rice salad, gravy and green beans. With 35 different types of bread and 400 varieties of wine, Eatzi’s has Thanksgiving dinner covered, right down to the flowers you put on the table. “We try to keep it traditional,” Valley says. “When we have our Christmas menu, that’s when we get to experiment more.”

A trip inside the eatery resembles an authentic European market with a smorgasbord of gourmet foods, and the place is crawling with employees appropriately dressed in white chef uniforms. There’s the bread station, the deli, the dinner to-go area, the meat market and rows of wine bottles. Valley says that unlike similar establishments, Eatzi’s is 80 percent prepared and only 40 percent grocery. The market on Oak Lawn has thrived since 1996, and the Inwood Village location opened in April. Valley has been in the business for more than 30 years, and has learned a few tricks to running a successful restaurant. “It’s having good, fresh, consistent food. Listen to your customers. They’ll tell you what they want. You make it their store.”


EaTzI ’s Ma RKET & Ba KERY

Lov ER s & Inwood · 214.358.3100 · EaTzI s.co M

Pictured: Sliced turkey

Three more spots for holiday grub:

1 The Mercury

This acclaimed, upscale restaurant from culinary mastermind Chris Ward has a Thanksgiving buffet, featuring all the staples. pREsTon & FoREsT 972.960.7774


2 TJ’s s eafood Marke T

This take-out spot offers fresh seafood creations like crab cakes, cooked shrimp and smoked salmon, but there are plenty of Thanksgiving entrées for those who want to keep it traditional. Place orders early because TJ’s is closed Thanksgiving Day.

pREsTon & FoREsT



3 Bread Winners c afé & Bakery

Roasted turkey, glazed ham, sour cream mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and homemade pies can be picked up or delivered to your doorstep for an easy Thanksgiving dinner.

LovERs & Inwood


BRE adwInnERscaFE.coM

Food and wInE onLInE. Visit our website at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

18 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

ASIAN MINT $$ODFBWB Our Highland Park location, The Mint, offers an array of Asian-fused cuisine, specializing in Bangkok style dishes. We feature farm fresh ingredients, beautifully presented, coupled with a chic atmosphere and friendly service. Happy Hour is 5pm-6:30pm Mon.-Fri. – all beers and house wines are $3; $2 off appetizers, soups & salads. 4246 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.6469. The Asian Mint, along with its fused and sushi menus, also offers one of the best dessert bars in Dallas. 11617 N. Central Expwy. 214.363.6655. www.themintdallas.com

CHUBBY’S $ When looking for a restaurant to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, we all want a place that serves up variety, hearty helpings and even bigger portions of friendliness. The Touris family has developed a recipe that delivers all of the above at a good price. With four locations in the Metroplex, Chubby’s Family Restaurant provides a rustic setting with down home cooking. Catering available. Locations: 11331 E. NW Hwy. 214-348-6065 and 7474 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. 972-298-1270.

EL TIZONCITO $ New location at Forest Lane, this Mexico City taqueria is a Dallas mustvisit. The décor offers a casual experience that corrects the misconception of an original Taqueria. The Tacos al Pastor shaved down from the vertical oven and the unique Tamarind Margarita are a must-try. “What a pleasant surprise.” George Bush. “Excellent service complements exceptional food.” Gary Fisher. “Best Tacos in Dallas.” Mico Rodriguez. Sun-Thurs 10am-11pm Fri-Sat 10am-1am. Catering available. 3318 Forest Lane Suite 100 Dallas TX 75234 972.247.8797

19 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010
PUT YOUR RESTAURANT IN THE MINDS OF 100,000+ HOMES MONTH AFTER MONTH >> YOUR GUIDE TO DINING OUT The BE ST EAT S in our neighborhood SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION OD OUTDOOR DINING / WB SERVES WINE & BEER / FB FULL BAR / RR RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED / NCC NOCREDITCARDS $ MOST ENTREES UNDER $10 / $$ BETWEEN $10-$20 / $$$ ABOVE $20 / www.highlandparkcafeteria.com Pre-order to insure availability Online Ordering and Express Pick-up Casa Linda Plaza Garland Road @ Buckner Blvd. 214.324.5000 Open 11am - 8pm Everyday Delicious Homemade Thanksgiving Feast … A Dallas Tradition Since 1925 LET US BRING YOU THE PARTY. ORIGINAL MEXICOCITYSTYLE FLAVOR Catering available or visit our 2nd location at: NOW OPEN 3318 Forest Lane 972 247 8797 LOOKING FOR A RESTAURANT? >>click on / food & dining New Greenville and Southwest location NOW OPEN 1152 N. Buckner Blvd., Ste. H101 at Garland Road Mon. - Fri. 7am - 2pm Sat. - Sun. 7am - 3pm www.AnotherBrokenEgg.com Breakfast, Brunch, & Lunch at its Finest! Catering and sandwich platters available GetyourWeekdayLunchin15mins. FREE...@bothlocations... WiFi



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drink and be merry BOUCHAINE


It’s time for my annual holiday and Thanksgiving wine plea: Drink what you like, and don’t worry about food pairings. The next couple of months are about celebration and appreciating the good fortune that has given us the opportunity to be with family and friends. It’s not about wine geekdom, comparing snob notes, and boring everyone with your visit to Napa and how special it was. If someone at Thanksgiving dinner likes white zinfandel, then let him drink white zinfandel.

This month’s wine suggestions are firmly in that vein. There’s a little bit of something for everyone, and of the wines would make nice gifts for the wine drinker on your holiday list. All are available at Central Market. Don’t be afraid to experiment: This

stunning wine, but a steal at $10. It’s made by the Lurtons, one of France’s premier winemaking families, and it comes from quality Bordeaux fruit. You can’t say that about most rosés. Look for lots of strawberry fruit, but don’t be surprised if it morphs into something with a long, minerally finish.

Winemaker Michael Richmond is a Dallas native who ended up in California 40 years ago and found himself in the wine business. That’s our good fortune. This white wine is more fruit than oak (think lime), and shows just how interesting California chardonnay can be.

Kunde has made solid, dependable years, a family-run winery that has successfully competed with the corporate-ization of the California wine business. It’s an old-fashioned and much appreciated wine: lower alcohol, raspberry fruit and balance.

JEFF SIEGEL’SWEEKLYWINE REVIEWS appear every Wednesday on the Advocate Back Talk blog, prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/blog.

Go ahead, take credit for delicious free-range, oven-roasted turkey or whipped organic garnet sweet potatoes. No one needs to know it was from Central Market.
Save time and call our holiday hotline.


Thanksgiving leftovers

The most pressing food problem this time of year is not what to cook, but what to do with the leftover turkey. So here are several suggestions to remedy that problem:

from the November 2009 Advocate: perfect for the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

from her epic “The Way to Cook”: A lot of work, but well worth the effort.

This baked omelet requires nothing more than eggs, leftover turkey and whatever cheese and vegetables are in the refrigerator. Mix all together, put in an over-proof pan, and pop in a 350-degree oven until the eggs are set.

One of the best versions comes form Jacques Pepin’s “Cooking with Claudine”, which uses turkey and the leftover carcass.

Slice the leftover turkey and marinate it in lime juice and soy sauce with sliced onions, bell peppers, and garlic for 30 minutes or so. Drain the marinade, and saute the vegetables until browned. Then add the turkey to warm it up.

ask the WINE GUY?

We usually serve red wine too warm in Texas — at our room temperature, about 78 degrees, instead of room temperature in Europe, which is about 10 degrees cooler. Don’t be afraid to chill a red wine for 20 or 30 minutes before you drink it.

21 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com food&wineLAUNCH
Holly Bock Deason 972-380-3421 hbockdeason@briggsfreeman.com Specializing in Preston Hollow, Park Cities, Bluffveiw and Downtown/Uptown Dallas. But, no matter where you are buying or selling I’ll be there to help with a fresh outlook and enthusiastic energy. Let Holly’s Expertise Move You.
22 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com EMILY TOMAN STORY & WORDS


WE WAIT ALONGSIDE them in the grocery checkout line and hurry past them on the street. They are members of our churches and grandparents to our children, but how often do we pause to ponder the content of their lives?

As teenagers and 20-somethings, they traveled to distant countries, knowing they might die there, and returned to lives forever altered by their experiences. They risked their lives, left jobs, and cast passions and aspirations aside until their missions were fulfilled.

Sam Kogutt sat with his family at the kitchen table and listened as the news transmitted over the radio. Pearl Harbor had been attacked. Kogutt hadn’t even turned 16, but he had already made his decision.

“I knew right then and there that I would be in the Army,” he says.

And he’d get there as soon as he could. After enlisting at age 17 during his senior year of high school, the Army placed him in the Reserves until he turned 18. To go overseas, he had to turn 18 by the Dec. 1 cutoff, and Kogutt’s birthday was Dec. 9, so he asked his commanding officer if he could be deployed early.

“He said, ‘No, you’ll go soon enough.’ He probably saved my life.”

(continued on page

Indeed, all who served in World War II — in battle or supporting roles — deserve unyielding gratitude, but as each Veterans Day passes, the time for thanks dwindles. We can still shake their hands and hear their stories, but for how much longer?

According to the U.S.Department of Veterans Affairs, the ranks of World War II vets are shrinking by about 1,200 a day nationwide. A few of those who have retired in Preston Hollow take time to recall, for those of us who weren’t there, an era that shaped the world.

If you run into one of them today, it might be the right time to say “thank

What it means to be part of The Greatest Generation
“I didn’t think I was coming back. I thought I had a 1 percent chance.”

In March 1945, Kogutt landed in Le Harve, France, with the 97th Infantry Division, moving east into Germany.

The mission: clear enemy territory south of the Ruhr River. Kogutt will never forget the battle at Siegburg, where his unit lined up behind the levees to cross the Sieg River.

“The Germans knew we were there. They dropped mortar shells up and down the levee and got a lot of our guys. I was covered in dirt. That was as close as I’ve ever been to death. Right there, I had a talk with the man up above.”

His division captured Siegburg along with its final objective, Düsseldorf, where soldiers set up a command post and prepared to move into Czechoslovakia. Along the way, the division liberated a concentration camp in Flossenburg, rescuing about 2,000 sick prisoners and finding countless corpses. Kogutt’s company arrived afterward.

“I went into the main office,” he says. “My commander wouldn’t let me go any farther.”

The experience hit home for Kogutt, a man of Jewish faith. Only decades later would he discover the amazing connection between that event and another Dallas resident.

He arrived back in the States in June on the U.S.S. Brazil for a 30-day furlough and was reunited with his family — something he never expected to happen.

“I didn’t think I was coming back. I thought I had a 1 percent chance.”

The soldiers then prepared to invade Japan, leaving on a ship from Seattle. Kogutt laughs because he still remembers the song that played as they depart-

24 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com SAM KOGUTT NOVEMBER 12–14, 2010 lakewood home festival .com Anniversary Sale!!! The largest selection of professional beauty products in the metroplex at surprising low prices... plus AWESOME DEALS... Thank you for 19 years! Great specials will be available at all 4 locations throughout the month of November in appreciation of our loyal customers. We thank you for your patronage old and new. Sincerely, & staff 19 Years Locally Owned & Operated Restocking Daily granite marble soapstone quartz WHEN YOU’RE READY FOR Family Owned and Operated Since 2003 2801 Belt Line Rd. Garland, TX 75044 972.496.3899 heritagestonecraft.com

ed, “Gonna take a sentimental journey …”

Butbeforetheyleft,thesoldiers received word that U.S. forces dropped anatomicbombonHiroshimaand, threedayslater,Nagasaki.Thewar was over. If not for that, Kogutt says, “there wouldn’t be a chance I’d be talking to you today. A whole generation of American men would have been wiped out.”

His division continued on to Japan as an occupation force during fall 1945.

After his Army days, Kogutt received a business degree from the University of Texas at Austin. After a few ventures,hesettledinPrestonHollow, joinedCongregationShearithIsrael and owned DART Manufacturing Co. He retired in 1999.

Oneyear,Kogutt’sgrandsontook a trip overseas to experience Israel’s IndependenceDayandvisitformer concentrationcampsitesinEurope. The trip is an annual expedition for students at Yavneh Academy, an orthodox Jewish high school in our neighborhood.Koguttlaterread a story published in the Dallas Morning News about the areas the teenagers visited.

“The last one listed was Flossenburg,” Kogutt says. “I couldn’t believe it.”

Hecontacted a Holocaustsurvivor mentioned in the story, Max Glauben, who accompanied the students on the trip. The two met over lunch at a local deli and later spoke during a Veterans Day presentation at Yavneh Academy.

“After I spoke about my experiences, Max got up and said, ‘His division liberated my camp.’ He and I have been friends ever since.”

prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 A special thanks to all A 15-minute Drive 1820 S. Belt Line in Mesquite 972-329-4769 Area’s largest Organic Garden Center In order to make your holidays more enjoyable, we have rolled back our fall planting prices. Pansies and Violas $25 per flat installed Aeration $75 up to 5000 sq. ft. Cedar Mulch to Beds $75 per cubic yard Compost to Yard $100 per cubic yard Beds $75 per cubic yard Landscape Consultation $1 per minute Cabbage and Kale $8 - $10 installed Tune in to KLIF 570 Sunday Mornings from 8-9am to the Natural Living and Garden Show with Ron and Mona Hall Quality is not expensive, it is Priceless Fireman-Owned Family-Operated of our past, present, and future clients.


While soldiers in the Army, Air Force and Marines endured weeks of intense boot camp, Fred Wiedemann pored over textbooks for months, studying for the rigorousexamrequiredbytheUnited States Naval Academy.

“They were laughing at the amount of physical work we had to do,” Wiedemann says.

But he had always dreamed of making it to Annapolis, ever since he saw the 1937 film “Navy Blue and Gold”, starring Robert Young and James Stewart.

“It sounds silly, but it struck my heart. I decided I wanted to go there.”

Six months after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, 18-year-old Wiedemann passed up a Cornell scholarship and joined the Navy. Hestillremembershisnumber,440879, reciting it like it’s his telephone number.

Hetookspeed-upcourses,which crammed four years of training into three, covering everything from electrical engineering to navigation.

“We didn’t get a day off for about three

years,” he says.

After what he calls a terrible first year, Wiedemann ended up in the top 10 percentofhisclass.Aftergraduatingin spring 1945, he was posted to the Little Rock, a light cruiser equipped with guns six inches in diameter and 40-millimeter cannons. And so began his life at sea.

“Navy life was a very attractive lifestyle for many people,” Wiedemann says.

But it required a strict regimen.

“We were under watch-on, watch-off — four hours on and four hours off, day and night. Someone could snap their fingers, and I could fall asleep or wake up. I loved it. I enjoyed Navy life, even though it was tough. We were a happy-go-lucky bunch.”

Fortunately for Wiedemann, the atomic bomb ended the war in the Pacific before his ship made it to the invasion. He describes the energy onboard as “exuberant”.

“It was a very happy occasion. They knew they were going home.”

After the war, the Little Rock sailed the

26 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
WIEDEMANN North Dallas 14902 Preston Rd #612 214.764.2119 x104 Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Rd #206 214.764.2119 x102 The
Fitness Experience *Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.
“We were liberators back then.”

coast of South America and was the first U.S. Naval ship to sail around the treacherousCapeHornsincetheSpanishAmerican War.

“It can get terribly rough down there,” Wiedemann says. “At the end, our ship rolled a lot — the maximum you can roll without tipping over.”

The sailors continued on to the North Sea to monitor Russian submarine passages betweenGreenlandandIceland.Later, they made goodwill visits to Brazil and other smaller South American countries.

Wiedemann eventually chose family life over Navy life and resigned his commission in 1947. He went into the insurance business, moved to Preston Hollow in 1952, and helped develop the Royal Northaven neighborhood, where he has lived with his wife ever since.

After visiting nearly 30 foreign countriesthroughouttheMediterranean, BalticandAtlanticregionsduringhis time in the Navy, Wiedemann spent the rest his life traveling the globe.

“We were liberators back then. It really was a lot of fun. It whetted my appetite for a lot of world travel.”

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John Sutherland was serving as an Army Air Force mechanic, stationed at Seymour Johnson Field in Goldsboro, N.C., where he worked on B-25s and trained American and French combat pilots. (The Air Force became a separate branch of the Armed Services in 1947; until that point, it was part of the Army’s Air Corps and collectively known as the Army Air Force.)

Sutherland first noticed Bea at a USO dance.

“I always loved to dance. She had on a black skirt, a white blouse and a bright red belt — that caught my attention. She was always dancing with someone. I had to keep cutting in. I asked her for a date for the next day.”

After a six-week courtship, he proposed.

“She said she had to think about it,” he says with a smile.

The two appeared in “Love Stories of World War II,” compiled by CNN’s Larry King. Published in 2001, the book profiles different couples and what it was like to be in love during a time of such uncertainty. Some stories are filled with romance, while others end tragically.

“People were leaving, and you might get killed,” Sutherland says. “You did things more in a hurry back then because you didn’t know what your future was going to be.”

He married Bea shortly before leaving for Riverside, Calif., where soldiers were preparing to invade Japan.

“I wrote her just about every day while we were apart.”

Fortunately, their story had a happy ending after the atomic bomb was dropped, and Sutherland never saw combat. He retired in 1965 as a lieutenant colonel, and went to work for Sun Oil Company, settling in Preston Hollow. He and his wife were married for nearly 60 years and traveled the world together, visiting all 50 states and 72 countries. She died of cancer eight years ago.

“We had a nice life,” he says. “I can’t complain.”

When King’s book came out, Sutherland bought several copies, and gave them all to his family as Christmas presents.

“And I said, ‘In case you’re interested, look on page 77.’ That’s the first they had heard about it.”

He has one daughter, four grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Two of his three grandsons joined the military. One brought home an American flag that flew during a mission in Iraq; the flag now sits in Sutherland’s dining room.

“I’m quite proud of what they’ve done. I guess I’ve been lucky all my life.”

More than 300 World War II veterans from Dallas are on a waiting listtotakeanall-expensepaid, overnight tour to Washington, D.C., to see the National WWII Memorial. A local nonprofit was founded on the belief that all of them deserve to see it before it’s too late.

Honor Flight of Dallas, based near Preston Hollow, aims to get as many WWII vets as possible to the monument — “their memorial”, organizers emphasize.Theyoffertheopportunitytwice a year,inMayand October. Last month, 41 veterans took the trip.

“It is a shame our country waited until a few years ago to build a monument to the greatest generation,” Honor Flight of Dallas president Rhonda Ensey says.

Honor Flight originally was organized in 2004 in Ohio, and Honor Flight of Dallas began in 2008.

Ensey says money is the biggest challenge when it comes to getting the veterans to D.C. She and the other volunteers work hard to raise it, sometimes collecting donations outside Walmart.

Volunteersleadthetwo-day adventurethatincludes a bus tour with professional tour guides throughD.C.Inadditiontothe WWII memorial, the travelers visit Arlington Cemetery, the Iwo Jima Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans and Korean War Veterans memorials. They also spend an afternoon at Walter Reed Hospital with wounded Iraqi war veterans. Tom Gardner, who took the trip in May, called the experience an event he will remember for the rest of his life.

“Honor Flight made 35 old soldiers feel proud, feel worthy, and feel young again,” he says.

Older vets and those with terminal illness take top priority during the Honor Flight selection process. Application forms are available on honorflightofdallas.org.

28 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
You did things more in a hurry back then because you didn’t know what your future was going to be.”

Lab Rats

Hillcrest students spend their weekends conducting biomedical research

Every week, huddled over labnotebooks and testing equipment,studentsrecord data and map out procedures for experiments that shed light onwhatmakesthehuman pancreas tick.

but this isn’t biology class. It’s a typicalSaturdaymorning at one of the top biomedical research labs in the country. And these aren’t graduate





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Dr. Ward Coats, center, leads an experimental procedure with Hillcrest Biomedical Group members Zack Montoux, left, and Sam Williams, right, at UT Southwestern Medical Center. PHoTo By BENJAMIN HAGER
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students, they’re some of Hillcrest High School’s amateur scientists.

The Hillcrest Biomedical Group conducts actual, scientific research in the MacDonald Laboratory at UT Southwestern Medical Center, executing graduate-level procedures. Each year, the students attend the annual conference for the American Society for Biochemistry and MolecularBiology, hearing from thousands of scientists from around the globe, including Nobel Prize winners. Last year, Hillcrest students presented their own research on protein modeling.

Kelly Stein, Biomedical Group president and Hillcrest senior, says they were probably the only high school group attending the conference, much less sharing work.

“It was just us and other graduate students,” she says. “You could tell they were impressed.”

Hillcrest science teacher Dr. Ward Coats advises the extracurricular group, recruiting students who commit to work at least two shifts in the lab each month. Several students even spent 40 hours a week in the lab over the summer.

“We’re trying to put young people into the life sciences because there just aren’t enough people doing that,” he says.

InMarch, Coats received a $10,000 grant from Toyota and the National Science Teachers Association for his innovative work in secondary science education. The award helps fund the students’ research.

This year’s project involves the crystallization of proteins, analyzing the transcription factor PTF1 — a key regulator of pancreatic development in the embryonic stage. When students isolate it, they can determine its function and identify where it bonds within the entire genome.Eventually, they could discover where the organ doesn’t develop properly in specific genes.

Lauren Schuller has been in the Biomedical Group since her freshman year, when all the formulas and apparatuses seemed quite complicated — way beyond what’s covered in class. Now, as a senior, she nods her head as Coats helps plan out procedures in the lab, sometimes beating him to the answers.

“We come in as freshmen, and everything is new, the equipment is new,”

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Schuller says. “It’s very intimidating, but we work through it. We’ve learned a lot.”

Coats says the students are performingproceduresthathedidn’tknow how to do until graduate school, when he worked in the lab until all hours of the morning.

“Thebestthingyou’lleverexperience is when an experiment that you designed works, and it gives you that ‘aha’ moment,” he tells his students.

Butlikeanysuccessfulschoolprogram, parent involvement is key, Coats says, from making sure the students get to the lab each week to leading important fundraising initiatives such as the pajama sale, which will help send the students to the April ASBMB conference in Washington, D.C., where they plan to present their research again.

“Withouttheparents,thisprogram would not exist,” he says.

AlisannMarshall,whosedaughter, Andrea, has been a long-time participant in the group, says the experience these studentsreceiveeachweekautomatically makes their résumés stand out.

“When you’re 17 years old, to be able to say that your first work experience was at a biomedical lab, that’s pretty good,” Marshall says.

To remaininthegroup,students must maintain passing grades. That’s a cinch for these wiz kids who take all Advanced Placement classes and juggle other extracurricular activities such as cheerleading,volleyballandNational Honor Society.

For Nicholas Osborn, a National Merit Scholarsemifinalist,theBiomedical Group has been invaluable. In fact, he transferred to Hillcrest from a private school in Mesquite for the program — something he’d never seen at the high school level.

“This is practically unprecedented,” Osborn says. “At the end of sophomore year, I was simply sold. Biology is my passion. This just resonates with me.”


The group is selling pajamas, three pair for $25, through mid-December. The fundraiser will help send the students to the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology conference in Washington, D.C. Email Jan Osborn at janosborn@ sbcglobal.com. The students also will have a booth Nov. 19-21at the Lovers Lane United Methodist Church marketplace, 9200 Inwood.

31 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 Caring for You for Life. www.walnuthillobgyn.com Walnut Hill Location 8305 Walnut Hill Ln., Suite 100 and 200 Dallas, Texas 75231 214-363-7801 (For Our Pregnant Patients) Margot Perot Building 8160 Walnut Hill Ln., Suite 209 Dallas, Texas 75231 214-739-8511 We look forward to caring for you at one of our locations Is this your future Super Star? Come see us at Walnut Hill OB/Gyn Associates Celebrating 40 Years of Skilled, Experienced and Compassionate Care
Dr. Hampton B.Richards

St. John’s Episcopal School

32 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com E EDUCATION GUIDE TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 BISHOP LYNCH HIGH SCHOOL Apply Online now at www.bishoplynch.org or request an application by calling the Admissions Office at 214-324-3607 ext. 134. BL Proven Excellence BISHOP LYNCH HIGH SCHOOL 9750 Ferguson Rd. Dallas, TX 75228 Your Choice . . . . . . Your Future www.stjohnsschool.org
Experience St. John’s at an Open House Program begins at 9:00 a.m. Please R.S.V.P. to Nancy Jacobs at 214-328-9131 x103. School Preview Dates: Sun., Oct. 17th 4-5pm & Thurs., Dec. 9th 6-7pm SAVE THE DATE ST. ALCUIN OPEN HOUSE Sun., Jan. 9, 2011 2 P.M. - 4 P.M. ST. ALCUIN MONTESSORI SCHOOL See for yourself how St. Alcuin’s proven Montessori Method of teaching will inspire your child to excel. 6144 Churchill Way Dallas, TX 75230 www.saintalcuin.org Individual-based Curriculum Let’s students progress at their own pace. 18 Months through Eighth Grade Strong lower/upper school curriculums with Middle School participating in the Int’l Baccalaureate Program. Success 98% of all graduating eighth graders are accepted to their choice of high school. 1601 Oates Drive (214) 324-5580 Serving families of Dallas since 1975. Faculty includes specialists in Art, Music, Spanish, Integrated Computer and Environmental Education Curriculum. Affiliate American Montessori Society. 1601 Oates Drive whiterockmontessori.org


KIDVILLE is scheduled to open in Preston Royal Village in early 2011, taking over the former Roy’s Natural Market space. It will be the first Kidville in the Southwest, offering a range of early childhood programs and activities.


THE PRESTON HOLLOW EARLY CHILDHOOD PTA will host a program at 9 a.m. Nov. 22 at Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church, 9800 Preston. Pediatrician Dr. Karen McClard will explain how to be prepared for a child emergency. For details, visit phecpta.org.

THE NORTH DALLASEARLY CHILDHOOD PTA will host a program, ‘Tis the Season for Stress-free Holidays, at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 4 in Meaders Hall at Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway. For details, visit ndecpta.org.


NICHOLAS OSBORN, a senior at Hillcrest High School, is one of only five Dallas ISD students who qualified as a semifinalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program. There were more than 22,000 entries for the program, which recognizes outstanding academic achievement.

ANTONINO ABUNDES, KELLY ALBRIGHT ANDYIFEI HOU at W.T. White High School qualified for AP Scholar with Distinction, earning an average score of 3.5 on all Advanced Placement exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.

PETER BROOKE, GREERGARDNER, NANCY LOPEZ, CASEY RADICEANDLUKESTROTHER of W.T. White qualified for AP Scholar with Honor, earning an average score of 3.25 on all AP exams and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.

OLIVER VOWELL AND MANNY CANTU of W.T. White earned places in DISD’s All-City Orchestra. Vowell earned 14th chair in first violins, and Cantu earned fourth chair in basses. JEREMY MARTINEZ, a W.T. White freshman, won a secondplace red ribbon at the State Fair for his art exhibit in the Creative Arts Craftsman Division.

ANTONIO ABUNDES AND NATASHA MOUSHEGIAN at W.T. White were selected as National Hispanic Recognition Scholars based on their PSAT scores. Only 5,000 students out of 200,000 received the honor.

ALEX WARD, GREERGARDNER AND ANTONIO ABUNDES are among the 34,000 Commended Students in the nation for the 2011 National Merit Scholarship Program, placing in the top 5 percent of more than 1.5 million students who took the PSAT.

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

33 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 NEWS & NOTES

BaPt IS t

WIlSHIRe BaPtISt / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org

dIS c IPle S Of cHRIS t

eaSt dallaS cHRIStIan cHuRcH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah morgan / www.edcc.org

ePIS c OPal

cHuRcH Of tHe IncaRnatIOn / 3966 mcKinney Ave / 214.521.5101

Sunday: Traditional 7:30, 9:00, 11:15 am and 5:00 pm

Contemporary 9:00, 11:15 am and 6:00 pm / incarnation.org

Inte R- denOMInat IOnal

GRaceHIll cOMMunItY / www.gracehill.cc

10:30 am @ Dallas Children’s Theater / Skillman & NW Hwy.

Awesome Kid’s ministry / Use Entrance Facing Home Depot

l ut HeR an

ZIOn lutHeRan cHuRcH & ScHOOl / 6121 E Lovers Ln.

Sunday: Sunday School 9:15 am, Worship 8:00 am, 10:30 am, & 6:00 pm / 214.363.1639 / www.ziondallas.org

M et HOdIS t

l ake HIGHlandS uMc / 9015 Plano Rd. (at mcCree)

214.348.6600 / www.lhumc.com / Sun. School 9:45 am

Sun. Worship 8:30 & 11:00 Traditional / 11:00 Contemporary


nORtHPaRk PReSBYteRIan cHuRcH / 214.363.5457

9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

New Pastor: Rev. Brent Barry / 8:30 & 11:00 am Sunday Services

WHen GOd WInkS

Once in a while, seemingly unrelated circumstances collide into a sort of miracle of timing. We call them “coincidences”, but through the eyes of faith, they are often something more. They are hints of God’s presence — what author SQuire Rushnell (that’s really how he spells his name) calls “God Winks”.

In his book, “When God Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life”, Rushnell offers definition: “A God Wink is ... a message of reassurance coming when you most need it: when you’re at a crossroads in your life, and when instability is all around. It might be said, in fact, that coincidences are the best way for God to establish a perpetual presence in your life”.

Someone else defined coincidence as a time when God acts anonymously.

I experienced such a time on the evening of Sept. 8, 2010. That was when a tornado hit downtown Dallas, then made its way up the Dallas North Tollway.

I was in the sanctuary of our church that evening, orienting a group of youth who were going to serve as readers in worship. Suddenly someone came bursting into the room, announcing with some urgency that a twister was headed up the Tollway toward our location on Walnut Hill Lane. All who happened to be in the building that evening were told to head for Emmanuel Hall, a large choir rehearsal space at the center of the building with no windows. Attendees at committee meetings, classes and other gatherings were herded quickly into the hall to wait out the storm.

As it happened — and this is where the coincidence begins — Emmanuel Hall was also the place where a musical rehearsal was in progress. The next evening, the Claire College Choir from Cambridge, England, was to be in concert as a part of their American tour. If you don’t know the Claire College Choir, you may want to listen to one of their recordings. They are one of the finest choirs in the world. But its members are also college students, and English scholars are not accustomed to tornado warnings.

To put it mildly, they were terrified at this

scene, right out of “The Wizard of Oz”.

So what were we to do? The obvious solution was to invite the choir to sing for all those who were waiting out the threat of the tornado. So there we were — an odd assortment of folks seeking shelter from the storm — when one of the world’s finest choirs overcame their fear and broke into the beautiful German “Evening Song” by Josef Rheinberger. The room became

hushed, and a strange peace began to replace the fear. The strains of that perfectly blended choir washed over us, and imparted a gentle evening blessing.

It was a holy moment. A coincidence? Perhaps. A God Wink? I suspect so. It served as a timeless reminder of the power of sacred music to soothe the human soul. The songs are always there to see us through, until the storms pass.

34 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HEALTH RESOURCEWORSHIP tO adve Rt IS e call 214.560.4203 W
Claire College Choir is one of the finest choirs in the world. But its members are also college students, and English scholars are not accustomed to tornado warnings. To put it mildly, they were terrified at this scene, right out of “The Wizard of Oz”.
we’re the
>>weekly update e-newsletter
Blair Monie is senior pastor of the Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
talk of the neighborhood


Dr. Sandell , a pediatric critical care physician, gives Jackson Brown’s teddy bear an exam during the Medical City Children’s Hospital Teddy Bear Clinic to help ease children’s fears of doctors and hospitals.


Brandy Taylor and Shauna Trieb were among those recognized at The Family Place Escapade Underwriters Party. The escapade event benefited the nonprofit family violence resource center in our neighborhood.

To AD v ERTISE c ALL 214.560.4203

TuToring & Lessons

ART: Draw or Paint. All Levels. L. Highlands North Rec. Ctr. Jane Cross. 214-534-6829, Linda 214-808-4919.


Art Classes For All Ages. Casa Linda Plaza. 214-821-8383. www. artisticgatherings.com

BACK TO SCHOOL TUTORING Retired Teacher Tutors 1st4th Grade Reading and Math. 214-349-4599 Ginger Wood

CLASSICAL GUITAR INSTRUCTION Call 214-827-2156 10:00am-6:00pm

DALLAS TEST PREP Tutoring: SAT, ACT, THEA, TExES, Algebra, Geometry, Pre-Cal. www.dallastestprep.com, 214-686-8980(M)

DRUM & PIANO LESSONS All Ages/All Styles. Your location. UNT Grads. Betty & Bill 972-203-1573

FUN TUTORING FOR PRE K - ELEMENTARY! Learning with games, songs and prizes. Call “Grambo.” 214-824-2960

LEARN GUITAR OR PIANO Winter Special. Fun/Easy. Your Home. UNT Grad. Larry 469-358-8784

PROFESSIONAL PIANO & THEORY LESSONS All Levels & Ages. Exp Teacher MM Degree. Nadia 214-543-7903

TUTOR-K-5 All Subjects. Specialized in Reading/Resource. Cert. Teacher Lives In LHE Neighborhood. Erin. 832-816-6662

TUTORING ALL SUBJECTS Including Algebra 2/ Chemistry. In Your Home. Jennie. 214-597-6925

VOICE TEACHER with 38 years experience. MM, NATS, MTNA www.PatriciaIvey.com 214-324-5625



CHILD CARE - East Dallas Developmental Center (eddc.net) Spaces avail. 3/4 yr. olds. eddcad@gmail.com 214-821-7766

CHILDCARE HELPER NEEDED. Experience & References. 214-553-0915

EXPERIENCED OVERNIGHT CAREGIVER FOR INFANTS including multiples. References. Kendell 214-346-9220


Lake Highlands Christian Child Enrichment Center Ages 2 mo.-12 yrs. 9919 McCree. 214-348-1123.


AIRLINES are hiring. Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Housing Avail. Aviation institute of Maintenance. 866-453-6204

COMPANIES desperately need employees to assemble products at home. No selling. Any Hrs. $500 weekly potential. 1-985-646-1700 Dept TX-1856

serviCes for you

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Private and Small Group Classes for Adults & Children Spanish Immersion Preschool Mon. - Fri.

5740 Prospect Ave. #1000

DallasSpanishHouse.com 214-826-4410

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training. $60/hr. 1 hr min. Dan 214-660-3733 or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

PREMIER HOUSE SITTER Mature, professional, highly referenced. Neatnik. Also property management. Heather. 214-500-7876. premierhousesit@aol.com

THE CHANGING STATION Cloth Diapering & Eco-Essentials. 469-575-6837. www.thechangingstation.net

YOUR COMPUTER GEEK Let Me Solve Your Computer Problems. 25 Yrs. Exp. Hardware/Software Issues/Install. Network Setup, Home & Small Business. $50 per Hr. Mike. 214-552-1323. mikecomputergeek@gmail.com

Creating extraordinary parties and unforgettable memories


Holiday/Birthday Parties

Bridal/Baby Showers 214.683.0103


35 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com November 2010
Because there's every reason in our world to learn another language Spanish & English Language School
Immersion Classes in East Dallas
December DeADLINe Nov. 10 >>weekly update e-NewsLetter

WhAt ’S cooKiN’

From left, Erasmo Gonzales , v ictor c alo , c hip Glispin , ted c zyzewski and Steve Kahn of the Preston Hollow Elementary School Dad’s Club cook up a hot dog supper for the community to help kick off the new school year.

GirL poWEr

Fourth grader c ormick Stockham asks a question during a girls workshop with author rachel Simmons at The Lamplighter School. Simmons spoke to a packed house of young girls, discussing how to overcome the pressures society places on them.



Declutter & Organize. Sue Benson 214-349-9064


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We buy and sell gently used kids stuff. You get cash on the spot for your gently used clothing, toys, furniture & equipment. 6300 Skillman St @ Abrams Rd 214-503-6010 www.onceuponachildlakehighlands.com

estate/GaraGe sales


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece Or A Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

lost & Found



If Seen Or Captured Please Call 214-236-2565

real estate

DUPLEX FOR RENT Charming 1914 Prairie Style Home. 5424 Alton Avenue. 1 Bedroom/1 Bath

Newly Remodeled. 828sf. $675 + Utilities. Call 214-460-1667

36 November 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Submit your photo. Email a jpeg to editor@advocatemag.com.
ArD to AD vE rtiSE c ALL 214.560.4203 b
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MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91

37 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com NOVEMBER 2010 NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT 214.348.4200 www.remodeldallas.com The Vaughan Group Remodel Experts Kitchens - Baths - Additions Design - Build Services 20 years experience General Contractor 972-342-7232 ADDITIONS BATHROOMS KITCHEN REMODELING BARRY O’BRIEN www.ccrbarry.com CREATIVE Construction & REMODELING See our excellent work at: Whole Home Renovations Kitchen & Bath Services Conservation & Historic Renovations Plan Drafting & Design 214.823.0033 www.BellaVistaCompany.com 214-341-1155 www.bobmcdonaldco.com Business Renovations Kitchens/Baths Bob McDonald Company, Inc. BUILDERS/REMODELERS NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT 214.827.3747 C b C on stru c ti on C o.com Design Build Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution AC & HEAT A FAMILY TRADITION FOR 60 YEARS Quigley Heat & Air 214-526-8533 BLUE RIBBON HEAT & AIR Lic#TACLB28522E Best Service - Best Prices
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FOLLOW US facebook.com/advocatemagazines twitter.com/advocate mag TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H

Cleaning ServiCeS


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THE MAIDS 4 Person Teams. Bonded & Insured. www.maids.com Free Estimates. 800-843-6243

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eleCtriCal ServiCeS

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ALL ELECTRICAL SERVICES 972-877-4183 Res/Com E19347 McCarter Electrical Service, Inc. $50 Off Service Calls in November

AMPLE AMPS for home/business. TECL 19031

Specializing in Wood, New or Repair. Free Estimates. Call Mike 214-507-9322.


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AMBASSADOR FENCE INC. Automatic Gates, All Fences. Decks. Since 1996. 214-621-3217

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KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699

LONE STAR DECKS Decks, Arbors, Fences, Patio Covers, TREX Decking & Fencing. www.lonestardecks.com 214-357-3975


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ComputerS & eleCtroniCS

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Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training, $60/hr. 1 Hr. Min. Dan 214-660-3733 Or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

I CAN FIX IT NOW! 214-926-7144 Computer & Network Support. Operating Systems, Hardware, Security & Game Consoles. OMGFixit.com.

ConCrete/ maSonry/paving

BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319

CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist

Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable. Chris 214-770-5001

EDMOND’S PAVING Asphalt & Concrete

•Driveways •Sidewalks •Patios •Repairs 214-957-3216 • www.edmondspaving.com

FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

MASONRY Brick/Stone Repairs. Don 214-704-1722

MHK Electrical Contractors, Inc. 214-675-1375

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Family Owned/Operated. Insd.19 Yrs Exp.TECL24948 214-328-1333

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. handy-dan.com Fans, etc 214-252-1628

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Res/Commercial 20 yrs exp. Free est. 972-489-1597 Brian

MASTER ELECTRICIAN Lic #TECL 55703. Resd/Comcl. Bonded. Contr Lic# TECL23423. Trinity Electrical Services. David 214-802-0436

SWITCH ELECTRIC Lic. #E19800 24/7 Calls 30 yrs exp. Federal panel chgs. 214-629-0391

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TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658

WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891 ‘07, ‘08,

STEEL SALVATION Metal Specialist. Welding Repairs, Design, Metal Art, Unique Crosses. Local Resident Over 40 Yrs. 214-283-4673





AAA CHIMNEY Sweep, Repair, Caps, Gas Logs. Since 1987. Online coupon at Chimneymasterdallas.com. James: 972-977-5469

CHIMNEY SWEEP Dampers/Brick & Stone Repair. DFW Metro. Don 214-704-1722


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James and Holly Lee love spending time out in the country with their sons at their deer lease in Seymour. They enjoy hunting dove and deer, and generally have a great time as a family.

“We have two boys,” Holly Lee says. “So if I want to hang out with them, I go, too.”

Recently, Lee says, they had their 16-foot trailer at home for an upcoming trip to the lease.

“We haul our jeep back and forth to the deer lease with it,” she says.

The Victim: James and Holly Lee

The Crime: Trailer theft

Date: Thursday, Sept. 23

Time: Between 11 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.

Location: 7400 block of Authon

They had planned to haul some other items to Seymour, and the trailer had been parked in the rear driveway of their Prestonwood East home for several days. Around the same time, however, the Lees had some work done on their home, including replacing the garage door. Because of this, they parked the trailer on the street in the front for one day while the replacement was underway. They moved their cars, parking them close to both ends of the trailer so that someone wouldn’t be able drive up, hitch the trailer to a truck, and drive off.

Despite their efforts, the next morning the trailer was gone. The Lees had forgotten to lock the trailer latch, and crooks had somehow managed slide the trailer away from the curb so that it could be driven off.

“The one day that we moved it out front, it got stolen,” Lee says.

The Lees are already looking for another trailer, and expect it will cost about $1,500 to replace. But with deer season approaching, the family is already planning another trip to the great outdoors.

Dallas Police Lt. Barry Payne of the North Central Patrol Division advises that residents never leave a trailer parked on a residential street not connected to a vehicle because it is not only a parking violation, but also a target for thieves.

“There are two major reasons why these trailers are stolen. Obviously, the number one reason is for resell,” Payne says. “The second reason to steal a trailer is for personal use. Many people regularly haul equipment and such, and they use them for that.

“Trailers are required to be registered and licensed like vehicles. And when stolen, they can be listed on the National Crime Information Center database. Should an officer come in contact with the trailer and check it on the system, it will be reported as stolen, and can be recovered.”


42 NOVEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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