2010 December Preston Hollow

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hEiR loo M RECip Es

Family favorites fill our bellies and warm our hearts

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3 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
4 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEATURES Home Cooking Preston Hollow residents share cherished family recipes and the stories behind them.
18 10 gUiTAR PiCkin’ A local musician talks about growing up in one of Dallas’ most notable guitar shops. 14 CoCo CRAving A neighborhood tea shop is catching a buzz with its newest chocolate. 26 An U nlik E ly bon D A reverend and a rabbi embrace rather than proselytize each other. in Ev ERy iSSUE department columns opening remarks6 / onadvocatemag.com8 / grab-bag10 / happenings12 / food + wine14 / news + notes35 / worship36 / scene + heard37 / crime43 advertising dining guide15 / health resources25 / the goods32 / / education guide34 / bulletin board37 / home services39 In thIs Issue DECEmbER/2010 volume 9 number 12_PH



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Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital except for resident doctors in the hospital’s graduate medical education program. © 2010

Holiday traditions stink

Mine did, but at least it’s mine

One of our family’s longstanding holiday traditions involved a food called lutefisk. It made its one and only annual appearance at the holiday meal the bigger the family gathering, the larger the pot of lutefisk.

It was our first scent of the holidays, because when we entered the host home, the overwhelming aroma of lutefisk literally seeped through the door.

I’m told that lutefisk is a Scandinavian “delicacy”. But what legitimate delicacy is soaked in lye, gives off a stench reminiscent of rancid meat, jiggles on the plate in the manner of a glob of greasy gelatin, and tastes like something I would never eat except under threat of death?

As far as I know, virtually every relative of mine, young and old, felt the same way about lutefisk — literally no one ate it. But there it was every holiday — in a boiling, hideously large pot right next to the turkey and ham.

Lutefisk was some now unremembered family member’s holiday tradition. And more than 40 years after it first entered my holiday consciousness, lutefisk remains there today as a “tradition” a tradition for all the wrong reasons, but still something I think about every holiday.

That kind of defies common sense, doesn’t it? A food I can’t stand is the most memorable holiday tradition of my youth, a memory that lingers fondly even today?

Of course, our family had other holiday traditions, too.

For example, my mom has a photographic memory for her holiday decorating layout, from precisely where the plastic Santa hangs on the wall to exactly where the intricate (for a thirdgrader) Crayon-colored holiday artwork is aligned on the kitchen cabinets. Even today, I can close my eyes, and tell you whether the Santa peeking from the wreath will be mounted to the left or right of Rudolph and his fellow reindeer.

Moving to current day, we always top our tree with a very juvenile rendition of an angel made from an overturned Dixie cup, rendered meaningful not because of its artistic value but because it was stapled and glued and penciled by one of our very own former juveniles. Same with a string of paper ornaments festooned with shimmering glitter and bearing the smiling face of another former juvenile, who also happens to be a favorite of ours.

And after the presents are opened and the

recycling disposed, my wife creates the most majestic breakfast of the year, serving up a holiday-decorated table lined with over-frosted cinnamon rolls and milk and orange juice and fresh-baked butter biscuits and the pièce de résistance: a medley of scrambled eggs, cheese, sour cream, butter and spices so full of calories and fat that it would spin the heads of those people on TV’s “Biggest Loser”.

By way of continued quirky family tradition, I’ve never seen my wife more than nibble at the feast she spends hours creating, just as her mother did for her. And even though none of those foods are my favorites, it’s a holiday tradition of the highest family magnitude anyway.

This brings me to the neighborhood recipes offered up in our cover story this month; all are something of traditions to the people who originated them, and the story suggests they might become holiday traditions for your family or mine somewhere down the road.

But as it turns out, the odds of specifically setting out to create a tradition and having that well-crafted and laboriously planned idea actually become a lingering family memory are pretty slim.

Because that’s the way holidays go. We endlessly scheme to create traditions, and we cleverly channel our efforts into building them. But most of the time, what people remember is the lutefisk.

Fondly, though.

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6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, tX 75214

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Advocate, © 2010, is published monthly by East Dallas – Lakewood People inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. the publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than200,000peoplereadAdvocatepublicationseachmonth. Advertisingratesandguidelinesareavailableuponrequest. Advocate Publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

6 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
P: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com opening remarks
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate Publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; FAX to 214.823.8866; or e-mail
to rwamre@advocatemag.com.

It is wonderful to be able to now hear everyone speaking to me. I feel more in control of my life again. It is very hard to feel you are partly shut out of your world because you cannot hear. Never give up. We are in a great world and there are always new discoveries for you and for me.

This Holiday, Join The Family...And The Conversation.
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Like most of us, professional burglars wake up bright and early every morning, and head off to work. Later that afternoon, they take a lunch break. But that’s long after they’ve ransacked your house and pawned your valuables.

Residents were able to hear all the secrets of a “career burglar” during a recent crime watch meeting in the Dallas Police North Central Division patrol area. Organized by crime watch expert EdFox and led by Sr. Cpl. D.J. Beaty, the PowerPoint presentation covered it all — the point of entry, the tools, the prime times and even the role delivery drivers play in the perfect crime — straight from an experienced burglar who is now serving a life sentence. He agreed to a video interview with Dallas Police, who have presented it at neighborhood meetings.

“James” is a 40-year-old grungy white man who has spent one-third of this life in prison. He is responsible for more than 850 burglaries since age 21, averaging to about four burglaries a day, six days a week. Here is just some of what he revealed:

can be in and out of a house within six minutes.

8 and 11 a.m., immediately paying a visit to his “fence”, a person who aids the burglar in selling/distributing the property. Your valuables most likely are sold and gone before you even get home from work to report it.

or back door, using a pry bar tool designed to rip the trim off the door and collapse the sheet rock with little effort. According to North Central police, most burglars in our area gain access through open garage doors.

he says in the interview. He simply followed the truck and waited for the driver to knock on

doors, discover no one was home, and leave the package at the doorstep along with a bright yellow sticker. “You’ll never look at the UPS guy the same again,” Beaty said.

But neighbors can take James’ advice:

2 deterrent: Get a dog, preferably one that barks at strangers.

at night. If a burglar sees a flat screen on the wall inside the house, you can bet he’ll be back to get it.

your neighbors. Burglars usually flee when they’ve been spotted by someone nearby who’ll likely notice when a car is parked in the driveway that shouldn’t be there.

TOCOMMENT on this post, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com and search: confessions

Does your organization, house of worship or school have a holiday event you’d like to promote? Submit it to our online calendar at bizfinder.advocatemag.com/event. It’s

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visit facebook.com/AdvocateMagazines and click the “Like” button for the chance to win prizes throughout the week and to stay on top of the latest neighborhood news.
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Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Rd #206 214.764.2119 x102 North Dallas 14902 Preston Rd #612 214.764.2119 x104 photo by Sandy Foster, Photoesque Give the Gift of Yoga: Gift cards available online and in the studio *Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts. Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here!









Community and school groups gathered for the third annual Hillcrestival at Hillcrest High School, which included student performances from several schools that feed into Hillcrest. Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/video-gallery to watch the video.


The Advocate Foundation helps local groups with programs and events that benefit our neighborhood. Help support it by purchasing our beautiful 2010 hand-painted glass ornament. It depicts a Dallas cityscape by local artist Dahlia Woods, and comes with a coordinating stand and black velvet keepsake box. Visit foundation.advocatemag.com for a list of local retailers or to buy the ornament online.



WEB EDITOR CHRISTY ROBINSON compiles the On Advocatemag.com section. If you have suggestions for this section or our website contact her at 214.635.2120 or crobinson@advocatemag.com.

9 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010 DON’T LET life living When the everyday chores of life interfere with living, it’s time to give us a call. Located on the shores of White Rock Lake, C.C. Young offers Dallas seniors a constellation of services and opportunities. Construction is on schedule for The Overlook, our newest expansion, and we will open Summer 2011. The Overlook is the latest residential addition to our ever-growing neighborhood. Extraordinary views, private balconies and a variety of dining venues are just the beginning at The Overlook. C. C. Young is where personal growth and development are encouraged and Where the Spirit is Ageless. 4847 W. Lawther Dr. Dallas, TX 75214 Visit www.ccyoung.org or call 214.874.7474 THE OVERLOOK Call for a Private Lunch-and-Learn Tour! 214.874.7474 GET IN THE WAY OF


Neighborhood residents can’t miss Charley’s Guitar Shop, a staple in the Dallas guitar scene since 1976. For more than 30 years, the last 14 at the Royal and Grissom site, Charley Wirz and his successors have been repairing guitars, teaching classes and providing customer service to vintage guitar enthusiasts from throughout the world. Wirz knew that “vintage” pieces were useable, not just junk. Two years after opening the shop, he had an idea: a show just for vintage guitars based on other collectible shows he had attended. The show became an annual event that continued after Charley’s death in 1985; it’s now known as The Dallas International Guitar Festival, one of the largest guitar shows in the United States. We spoke with STEVEN COOPER, a part-time salesman at Charley’s and lead guitarist for alt country/ Americana band Black Top Gypsy.

What makes the shop unique?

Charley was a former schoolteacher and bartender, and opened his shop in 1976 as a spot for musicians to go and “be”. He wanted his shop to be a home away from home for all musicians — particularly traveling musicians. The shop is a place where guitarists and vintage buyers can sit and talk about life and music, whether they are making a relaxing stop while they are on the road or are waiting for a repair. We also have strings, picks and amplifiers for sale pretty much anything a guitar player might need or want to buy.

10 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
GOT A L AUNCH-WORTHy IDEA? Let us know about it: Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com.
Benjamin Hager

more on Steven cooper

We [Cooper’s band] get all of our stuff from Charley’s; they’re really good about fixing our broken amps or busted strings on the spot. The shop is pretty family-friendly, too. I grew up here. I’ve gotten the chance to meet a lot of great people from all over the world.

WhaT Was IT lIke groWIng up In The shop?

Well, I started hanging out at the shop when I was 12, and after a while, they decided to put me to work. I loved playing guitars, and being in the shop gave me the opportunity to be around and learn from a lot of powerful male influences. I have sisters, and the guys in the shop are like the brothers that I didn’t have. They kept me straight going. They’d cut me down if I got a little bit too big for myself.

any CelebrITIes Come Through?

Charley had a very strong relationship with [the late blues guitarist] stevie ray Vaughan. he actually fixed most of Vaughan’s guitars when it was needed, and stevie thanked him by naming the white stratocaster that Charley made for him out of spare parts “Charley”. a lot of our customers are Vaughan fans making the pilgrimage to all the old haunts. John mayer has come in to hang out before, and so has billie Joe armstrong of green Day. members of bluegrass band favorite Cadillac sky have come in a couple of times, as well as local blues legend lance lopez.

any one CelebrIT y affeCT you mosT?

[Country music singer-songwriter] ray Wiley hubbard. We see him a lot when he’s off tour. he’s helped me out with songwriting for the band — he keeps an eye out for younger musicians.

any aDVICe on ChoosIng a guITar?

Go Fresh! Not Fake!

Nothing says “holiday” more than fragrant and fresh Christmas trees and greens. Decorate your home with the real thing this year for a “green” holiday!

Christmas trees are a renewable American resource. They also absorb carbon dioxide, create oxygen, can be recycled as mulch and provide refuge for wildlife. The U.S. Christmas Tree industry creates as many as 100,000 U.S. jobs each year. To ensure a constant supply, tree farms plant up to 3 new seedlings for each tree harvested. Plus, fresh trees and greens will never sit in a landfill for centuries after disposal! We have an amazing selection of healthy Christmas trees and holiday greens.

Not Your Standard Poinsettia!

Looking to make an impact in your holiday home? Decorate with hot pink, white or red poinsettias that are up to 3-feet tall & wide! 14” pots are only $39.99 each.

Dec. 4th Events: Chihuahua Rescue 10am - 3pm Create Christmas Yule Logs & Woodland Ornaments with Oil & Cotton 12:30pm - 3:30pm ($45. Sign up today. All ages.) Details at www.nhg.com

be sure to go into the shop and play something. feel the instrument in your hands and really listen to the different sounds and tones that the instruments make. That’s how you find the right instrument for you. —ELizabETh

to Learn more .visit charleysguitar.com

11 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
grab-bagL aunch 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 •
Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center! www.nhg.com
WedelivertoPrestonHollow!Opentil7pmThurs,Fri, Satto12/18.Detailsatwww.nhg.com/services.htm


petpause cat nap

Kathy Bateman thought her family cat, Bonsai, was dead when she saw him sprawled out on the driveway in front of their house near W.t. White high school. turns out that’s just one of his favorite spots to roll over and relax after a long day.

PLLC ▪ Meredith Kallaher Designs ▪ W by Worth ▪ DJ Jennifer Miller

Law Office of Edward W. Sampson ▪ WOW VIP Events ▪ Affordable Uniforms

The Barley House & Brian Street Tavern ▪ Kindred Spirits ▪ Suzi Neely Photography

Centennial Fine Wines & Spirits ▪ Fuzzy’s Tacos ▪ The Grubes with The Ticket

Sport Clips at Knox ▪ Sandy Calhoun with Kensington ▪ Cheesecake Love

Elkman Family ▪ White Rock Coffee ▪ Penne Pomodoro ▪ Lakewood Candle

Society Bakery ▪ D’Lish ▪ Paciugo L akewood ▪ Sweet Marcel ▪ Katie Fagelman

Candlelight Tour sponsored by English Heritage Homes of Texas, Inc.

And the gracious homeowners, home captains, market vendors, café vendors, auction donors, volunteer coordinators, and the hundreds of volunteers who made this event possible!

12 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Want your pet featured? Send a non-returnable photo to: pet pause, 6301 Gaston, ste. 820, dallas 75214; or email jpeg to launch@advocatemag.com A Warm Thank You Lakewood Early Childhood PTA would like to thank these wonderful companies and individuals for making the 34th Annual Lakewood Home Festival a huge success! Advocate magazine ▪ Tom Thumb ▪ Comerica Bank ▪ EMC 2 ▪ Quatre ▪ RBMM Briggs Freeman Real Estate Brokerage ▪ Keller Williams, Dallas City Center neighborsgo ▪ Times Ten Cellars ▪ David Bush Realtors ▪ One Arts Plaza/Art Cart Republic Title – Lakewood ▪ BB&T Bank ▪ Paige Whiteside Group, Ebby Halliday Gia Marshello, Coldwell Banker Previews International ▪ Roses & More Bella Vista Company Design ▪ Build ▪ Remodel ▪ Cozy Couture Interiors by Tiffany Fulmer Nancy Wilson, Coldwell Banker Previews International ▪ T Shop ▪ Martin Laurence – Auctioneer Unique One Decorative Painted Finishes ▪ The Corner Market ▪ Downing Hill bows and arrows ▪ Botanical Art Design ▪ MORE design+build ▪ Blow Salon Ebby Lakewood ▪ English Heritage Homes of Texas, Inc. ▪ Wilson Heating and Air Nancy Johnson, Sr. VP Ellen Terry Realtors ▪ Paper Place ▪ Dahlia Woods babybliss & miniME ▪ John Haynesworth Photography ▪ Professional Bank Local Blinds and Shutters ▪ The Gillespie Law Firm, PLLC ▪ Lure Salon Dallas Bankruptcy Lawyers ▪ Reginald Johnson, State Farm Insurance ▪ Urban Crust Dubose Law Firm,

out&about IN DECEMBER

THROUGH 12.24 CHRISTMAS AT NORTHPARK FREE You can’t escape it — at some point during the holidays, you’ll end up at the mall. And you’ll be doing a lot more than shopping. Everyone knows the NorthPark Santa is the “real” Santa, and he’ll be in his village in Macy’s Court to visit and take pictures with children through Dec. 24. NorthPark Center’s holiday events also include: more than 100 orchestral, choral and dance groups from across North Texas performing near Nordstrom and Macy’s and in the Dillard’s Court on Wednesdays Dec. 1-16; story time with Santa; Scrooge Puppet Theatre in EastCourt near Dillard’s; SPCA weekend adoption center; the Holiday Wish Fountain benefiting the North Texas Food Bank; the Salvation Army Angel Tree through Dec. 13; and the pecan reindeer and candy Santa Claus display in Neiman Marcus Court. There also are events like Camp Gingerbread for children ages 4 and older Dec. 4-5, and the Treats of Christmas holiday bake sale Dec. 18. For a detailed schedule, visit northparkcenter.com. —EMILY TOMAN

12.04 CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP $45 North Haven Gardens will host a program, Christmas Yule Logs and Woodland Ornaments, showing how recycled tree stumps can become crafty Yule logs, and pinecones can turn into holiday ornaments. Shannon Driscoll with Oil and Cotton Creative Exchange will lead the workshop, which runs 12:303:30 p.m., 7700 Northaven. For more details, call 214.363.5316 or visit nhg.com.


$10-$16 The Jewish Community Center, 7900 Northaven, will present Disney’s “Aladdin Jr.”

7:30 p.m. Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday in the Zale Auditorium. For tickets, call 214.739.2737 or visit jccdallas.org.

12.04 SLAID CLEAVES $15-$18 For the first time in 13 years, folk singer-songwriter Slaid Cleaves will perform at Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse, located at Northpark Presbyterian Church, 9555 N. Central. For details, visit unclecalvins.org.



DREAMS $60 The Kids Cooking Company will host a class Saturdays and Sundays at its store, 6025 Royal. Children can decorate their own gingerbread house and make chocolate sandwich cookies with peppermint cream filling along with Snow White hot chocolate. For times and other details, visit kidscookingcompany.com.


The Jewish Community Center, 7900 Northaven, will offer a viewing of “Shalom Sesame.” Set in Israel, the “Sesame Street” film teaches children about Chanukah. For details, call 214.739.2737 or visit jccdallas.org.

will be considered for publication.

13 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
GO ONLINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts

A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood



The R us TIC , dus Ty b RO wN TIles may not look like much, but they happen to be the most popular chocolates The Cultured Cup has ever carried. “People buy one, and come back and buy 30,” co-owner Kyle Stewart says. “We could fill the case up, and it’s gone. A woman came in, and I thought she was going to cry because we didn’t have them.” The Chocolate Caramel Turtles from Nib Chocolates have a dark chocolate shell, lightly dusted with coco powder. A whole Texas pecan is tucked inside, surrounded by fleur de sel caramel. “It really has a nice balance,” Stewart says. “It’s just the right amount of everything.” And it pairs well with the Christmas Spice tea for the holidays. Several gift packages are available, starting at $13.50. The Cultured Cup began in Addison 15 years ago and has spent the past five in the Plaza at Preston Center. In 2009, Stewart became the first certified Tea Specialist in Texas, learning about different tea rituals all over the world. He has made it his life’s mission to educate people about tea’s benefits. “I didn’t want it to be a nose-in-the-air kind of thing,” he says. “It’s a communal beverage. It’s the perfect beverage for the culture we’ve created.”

—EmIly Tom AN

The CulTuR ed Cup pR es TON & NORT hwes T hIGhwAy


T he C ulTuR ed C up. COm

Pictured: Chocolate Caramel Turtles

Three more spots to indulge:

1 Pa P er & Cho C olate

As the name suggests, this Inwood Village nook specializes in two of life’s simple commodities — paper and chocolate. Half stationery shop, half chocolate shop, the store carries gourmet chocolates and gift assortments. lOVeRs & INwOOd 214.357.2737


2 Neuhaus

This Preston Royal café started as a gourmet Belgian chocolate shop, and still offers its latest decadent desserts at the restaurant, plus plenty of candy in the back. pResTON & ROyAl



3 Noka Cho C olate

Located in NorthPark Center, this shop has received national attention for its goal to return chocolate to its purest and finest state. pARk & CeNTRAl expResswAy 214.295.4560


fOOd ANd wINe ONlINe. Visit our website at farnorthdallas.advocatemag.com

14 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
molly DICKSoN

The BE ST EAT S in our neighborhood


ASIAN MINT $$ODFBWB Our Highland Park location, The Mint, offers an array of Asian-fused cuisine, specializing in Bangkok style dishes. We feature farm fresh ingredients, beautifully presented, coupled with a chic atmosphere and friendly service. Happy Hour is 5pm6:30pm Mon.-Fri. – all beers and house wines are $3; $2 off appetizers, soups & salads. 4246 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.6469. The Asian Mint, along with its fused and sushi menus, also offers one of the best dessert bars in Dallas. 11617 N. Central Expwy. 214.363.6655. www.themintdallas.com

CHUBBY’S $ When looking for a restaurant to have breakfast, lunch or dinner, we all want a place that serves up variety, hearty helpings and even bigger portions of friendliness. The Touris family has developed a recipe that delivers all of the above at a good price. With four locations in the Metroplex, Chubby’s Family Restaurant provides a rustic setting with down home cooking. Catering available. Locations: 11331 E. NW Hwy. 214-348-6065 and 7474 S. Cockrell Hill Rd. 972298-1270.

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Call it what you will: Champagne, sparkling wine, bubbly, Cava or Prosecco. But whatever you call it, this is the time of year when the wine with all the fizzy stuff gets the most attention.

In one respect, this is too bad, because sparkling wine deserves to be enjoyed year-round. It’s much more than something to pour on New Year’s Eve. As I learned early in my wine-writing career, sparkling wine pairs with almost any kind of food, oysters to chocolate-covered strawberries to chicken-fried steak.

But even if this is the only time of year you drink sparkling wine, there’s plenty to go around. So take a chance. Try something different. The recession, though it has slowed sales of the expensive, high-end stuff, has been quite helpful for bubbly that costs $20 and less. And there is some excellent wine at those prices. All are available at Central Market.

One other note: Only sparkling wine made in the Champagne region of France can legally be called Champagne, thanks to trade agreements the European Union has signed with most of the rest of the world. The rest of the non-Italian world calls its bubbly “sparkling wine”; the Italians have Prosecco and Asti.

Here’s an overview of what you’ll find this holiday season: This is the stronghold of the Spanish and their Cava, which usually offers the most value. But I’ve always been impressed by an $8 French wine called Carousel, which has lots of chardonnay fruit and good acidity.

A Washington state wine, Domaine Ste. Michelle, provides quality, though it’s a bit soft. Also look for the cremants — French sparkling wines from the regions of Alsace, Burgundy and the Loire. Only the Burgundian wines are made with the traditional Champagne groups, but each is interesting and well worth a sip.

This is where you’ll find most California sparklers, as well as Champagne. I’m a huge fan of Gloria Ferrer ($20), Iron Horse ($38) and the French Duval-Leory ($44), which is reasonably priced as Champagne goes.



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My mom’s 7-layer brownies

Who knows how many versions of this recipe are floating around, but my mom has always done something special with these. And as hard as I have tried over the years, I have never been able to make them as well as she does. And yes, they go very nicely with sparkling wine.

Serves 6-8, takes about 90 minutes

1/4 c butter

1 c graham cracker crumbs

1 c shredded coconut

1 6-oz pkg butterscotch chips

1 6-oz pkg semisweet chocolate chips

1 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk

1 c chopped nuts

- Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and melt the butter in a 9x2-inch pan. Spread the graham cracker crumbs evenly over the bottom of the pan. Press down gently.

- Sprinkle the coconut evenly over the graham crackers. Then spread the chocolate chips over the coconut, the butterscotch chips over the chocolate and the nuts over the butterscotch chips. Pour the milk evenly over all.

- Bake 30 minutes or until the graham crackers are browned but not burned. Let cool in pan, and serve.

ask the WINE GUY?


Mostly not. It’s so difficult to make bubbly that the wine usually carries the NV (non-vintage) label. That means that grapes from more than one harvest are used to make it. Sometimes, in special years, the producers will make a vintage wine — and charge extra for it, since it’s supposed to be of higher quality.

17 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010 ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com food&wineLAUNCH
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Neighborhood food experts share their most special recipes and secrets for whipping them up right

18 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

It’s not the br I sk a Ir, the carefully wrapped gifts or the warm hugs from family that make the holidays so special. nope — it’s the food. and behind every treasured recipe is a story, usually one involving family, friends and traditions.

those who understand the value of great recipes — comforting creations made familiar after years of reunions, weddings and weekend trips hold the secret to genuine holiday happiness.

several Preston hollow neighbors who possess such cherished recipes are sharing the stories behind their favorite recipes this month. their recipes — already passed from generation to generation — could become new holiday traditions for your family this year.

Noel Cookies

from sandy Watson

In a 1952 issue of Better Homes and Gardens, Watson’s mother found a recipe that became her childhood favorite and, eventually, something of a family tradition.

“after my mom passed away last Mother’s Day, I wrote Better Homes to let them know how this recipe she introduced to our family has made a lasting memory down to her granddaughter. It


a 6 c all-purpose sifted flour

a 1 lb Crisco (21/2 c)

a 1 Tbsp salt

a 1/2 c powdered sugar

a 1 Tbsp orange juice

a 1 tsp vanilla

a 3/4 c chopped walnuts

was with pleasure that this past Christmas I had the privilege to make the noel Cookies for her with love, wonderful conversation and a lovely glass of red wine.” It’s no Weight Watchers recipe, Watson adds, but one in which to utterly indulge. “thank you, Mom, for the memories,” she says, “for the wonderful baking smells and for the bite of a noel Cookie with a glass of milk.”

- Mix basic recipe (flour, salt and Crisco) until pieces are about the size of peas.

- Store in a covered container if you wish (it will keep for weeks without refrigeration).

- Stir 2 cups of basic recipe with powdered sugar, orange juice, vanilla and walnuts.

- Blend well.

- Mold into 1-inch balls. Place on ungreased cookie sheet 1 inch apart. Bake at 375 degrees for 12-15 minutes.

- Roll in sifted powdered sugar while hot from oven. a

19 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010


For Brian Doebele of Sparkman Club Estates, a Buccioloni recipe passed down through generations has an everlasting connection to an unlikely object — a rocking chair.

In the late-1800s, Brian’s great-great-grandfather emigrated from Germany and developed about 10-15 homes in the French Quarter in New Orleans, La. When relatives visited his home on Dauphine Street, Doebele’s great-grandmother, Severin, served the dish, made with pasta, rolled meat and vegetables.

When Brian was born in 1975, his grandmother Theola Doebele noticed a story about a recipe contest in the Beaumont Enterprise The grand prize was a rocking chair, which she had to have for her first grandchild. Although she had never made Buccioloni before, Grandma Theola wrote down the recipe from memory, prepared it and entered it in the contest. Sure enough, she won first place and got her rocking chair, in which all the Doebele babies have been rocked, including Brian’s children.

tomato Sauce:

a 1 c cooking oil

a 1 c celery, chopped fine

a 1 c onion, chopped fine

a 1/2 c green pepper, chopped fine

a 2 3-oz cans tomato paste

a 2 Tbsp sugar

a 2 No. 2 cans whole tomatoes

a 2 6-oz cans tomato sauce

a 3 c water

a 3 Tbsp garlic, chopped fine

a 3 bay leaves

a salt and pepper to taste

a 1 Tbsp Italian seasoning


a 3 large round steaks cut 1/4-inch thick

a salt and pepper

a 1 Tbsp finely chopped garlic

a 1 c Italian seasoned bread crumbs

a 2 onions sliced very thin

a 3 tomatoes sliced very thin

a 4 hard-boiled eggs sliced very thin

a 1/2 lb cooked ham sliced in very thin strips

a 6-8 anchovies

a 1 c grated Parmesan cheese

a 1 c cooking oil

- Trim bone, and remove excess fat from round steaks. Place on a large cutting board slightly overlapping the meat and patching the holes together. This will form a piece of meat about 14-by-20 inches. Salt and pepper lightly and pound meat with meat mallet. Sprinkle breadcrumbs over the surface of the meat.

Top this with alternate layers

- Use large kettle or Dutch oven. Heat 1/2 cup oil. Sauté chopped greens. Remove. Add remaining 1/2 cup oil. Slowly brown tomato paste until deep brown color develops. Add sugar and mix well. Add water. Blend. Add mashed tomatoes and tomato sauce while stirring constantly. Add garlic, bay leaves, salt and pepper, Italian seasoning and sautéed greens. Allow sauce to simmer while preparing meat.

of onions, tomatoes, eggs, ham and anchovies. Sprinkle with garlic and Parmesan cheese. This preparation is now rolled into a tight roll. This must be handled in one operation and secured with skewers and tied tightly with cord to hold stuffing inside meat. Brown the roll in cooking oil in a large skillet. Turn carefully to brown on all sides and seal the meat. When brown, place in the simmering tomato sauce and cook uncovered for three hours, simmering very slowly. Remove Buccioloni from sauce. Let stand for 20 minutes while cooking spaghetti.


a 1 lb spaghetti

- Prepare as package directions indicate. Drain well.

- To serve, remove cord and skewers from meat. Place spaghetti on large platter. Top with sauce and Buccioloni. a

20 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
21 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010 Sherry Butterfield, ASID, Allied Member 972-497-9700 sher2m@aol.com
22 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
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Like many of us, Janet inherited her love of cooking from her mother and her grandmothers. “I remember Grandma and Grandpa’s house being the place to go on Saturday nights for a serious game of 42,” she says, reminiscing. “Grandma would make peanut patties, chocolate peanuts, fudge served with crackers, her famous banana ice cream, or some other tasty treat.” Later, when Janet’s parents would host Bible studies for local college students, her mother would always prepare one of the delicious desserts she learned to make from her own mother, including this holiday favorite.


½ c soft shortening

1 c brown sugar (packed)

½ c white sugar

2 eggs

1 c undiluted Carnation evaporated milk

1 tsp vanilla

2¾ c sifted Gold Medal enriched flour

½ tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

1 c chopped walnuts


2 Tbsp butter

2 c powdered sugar

¼ c evaporated milk

-Sift the flour, salt and baking soda together.

- Thoroughly mix shortening, sugars and eggs.

-Stir in evaporated milk, vanilla and sifted mixture.

-Blend in the walnuts.

-Chill for one hour.

- Drop rounded tablespoonfuls 2 inches apart on a greased baking sheet.

- Bake at 375 degrees for 8-10 minutes.


- Heat the butter until golden brown.

- Beat in powdered sugar and evaporated milk.

Option: add 1 c of moist shredded coconut.

-Frost cookies with glaze, and garnish with walnut halves. Makes about four dozen.

23 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
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Grandmother Vir G inia’s ChoColate Pie

It’s a dang-good dessert that’s so simple a sixth-grader can make it. Sherman’s recipe for chocolate meringue pie has been handed down in the family through five generations. “My grandmother always made this pie for all family gatherings: Thanksgiving, Christmas and for my mother’s birthday. It was her favorite,” Sherman says. Her son, Thomas, once made it for a sixth-grade class project. “My son called his great-grandmother, and asked her for a recipe that had been in our family for a long time,” she explains. “My son made the pie with very little help from me, and took it to school the next day. He was very proud to bring the pie to school because this has been in our family for almost 100 years.”

Pie shell:

a 2 c flour

a 1/2 c shortening

a 4 Tbsp water

- Mix ingredients together, and roll out will a rolling pin. Place in pie pan, and bake at 350 degrees until brown.


a 4 eggs

a 12/3 c sugar

a 4 heaping Tbsp flour

a 3 rounded Tbsp cocoa

a 11/2 Tbsp butter

a 2 c milk

a 11/2 tsp vanilla

- Separate egg whites from yolks. Reserve whites for meringue

- Beat egg yolks, and mix milk, butter, flour, cocoa and sugar.

- Heat in a saucepan on stove until thick.

- Remove from stovetop, and add vanilla.

- Cook crust, and pour cooled chocolate into pie shell.


a 4 egg whites

a Pinch baking powder

a 1 tsp water

- Fill a glass bowl with ice water, and put your beaters in the bowl.

- Once the beaters are cold, empty the ice water, add the above ingredients, and beat until stiff. Once mixture is stiff, add four rounded Tbsp sugar and 1/2 tsp vanilla, beat this in, and then spread on top of pie.

- Bake at 350 degrees for 5-10 minutes until the meringue is brown. a

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reverend rabbi A AND A

No, it’s not the beginning of one of those ‘walked into a bar’ jokes. And if you think one of them believes the other is going to hell, the joke’s on you.

“ ”
Photo by Can Türkyilmaz

You know the famous quote from George Bernard Shaw about England and America being two countries separated by a common language?

It’s that way with Jews and Christians, who are divided by a common person: Jesus, says the Rev. George Mason, senior pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church on Abrams near Mockingbird.

“He is a Jew, and he was a Jew, and we both claim him in one sense, but we claim him in different senses,” Mason says. “Everything about our differences probably comes about from our understanding of who Jesus is.”

In a nutshell, Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and Jews generally do not. The resulting disagreements between mother and daughter religion are “the topic of at least a semester course,” says Rabbi David Stern, senior rabbi at Temple Emanu-El on Hillcrest near Northwest Highway, who points out differing views on everything from earthly life versus afterlife to sin and salvation to monotheism and divine embodiment.

In addition to being plentiful, the differences often can be hurtful, such as some Christians’ belief that Jews will spend eternity in hell.

So how did Stern and Mason — a Jewish rabbi and a Baptist preacher — come to be such good friends?

Well, for one thing, they don’t try to proselytize each other.

“It is not at all Rev. Mason’s goal or my own to convert the other, but rather to add to the understanding of the other,” Stern says.

To say that it would be God’s will for Mason to come to believe as Stern does, or vice versa, “would be an arrogant position to take,” Mason says. “All faith is provisional. It’s always open to learning more and understanding more, so we should always hold our faith with great conviction but with open minds and hearts, too.

“The ultimate goal is that God converts each of us in whatever way necessary,” Mason says, adding that he expects there would be “far more people who will think I’m wrong for not trying to convert him to my position” than people who fault Stern for the reverse.

As for eternal destinies, “neither one of us wants to make the claim for God about the eternal destination of someone else,” Mason says. “We simply make our own confession, and call people to live in light of that confession.

“God does the sorting out in the end.”

A Jewish sermon on a gospel text

Thesubjectofsortinghappened to be the topic of Stern’s sermononanautumneveningwhenhetookthepulpit at Wilshire Baptist — a strange scenario for a Jewish rabbi, but stranger still was his chosen text for the evening’s service: the New Testament gospel of Matthew.

Theparticularstory,fromMatthew 25:31-46,isaboutsheepandgoats, the former being the “good guys” in this parable. That’s because of the way the sheep treated the “least of these” — the hungry,thestranger,thenaked,the sick and the imprisoned.

Jesus, who is telling this story, informs

both the sheep and goats that “just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” The reward for the sheep’s compassionate acts is eternal life; for the goats, the consequence of apathy is eternal punishment.

Stern began his sermon by addressing the uncharacteristic audience before him members of his own Temple Emanu-El congregationmingledwithmembersof Wilshire Baptist Church, who were hosting this gathering. On its face, it was a peculiar combination, Jews and Baptists gathered under one steepled roof. But as Stern reminded them in his introduction, this was not their first time to meet.

In fact, the two groups had grown somewhat accustomed to each other.

“It’s a little subversive. How? Because it’s ordinary,” Stern said. “Too often, we apply

the label ‘interfaith’ to high-profile ecumenical one-shot deals. Too often, we settle for the superfluous and symbolic when it comes to interfacing with each other.”

In contrast, he said, Wilshire Baptist and Temple Emanu-El “return again and again to the circles of sharing.”

However,noteverythingaboutthe gathering was commonplace.

“What isn’t ordinary at all is for a rabbi topreachonthebookofMatthew,” Stern said with a smile. “I approach my task tonight with some degree of trepidation. I’m grateful for the Q&A period when you all and my good friend George can set me straight.”

Mason’sflockhadarrangedforthe gatheringtoculminatein a potluck, theProtestanttraditionof a covered dish smorgasbord. The church’s community hall overflowed with Jews and Baptists sipping unsweetened tea and eating forkfuls of potato casserole and chocolate layered dessert, while the two religious leaders positioned themselves in the middle of the crowd, ready for questions from the audience.

One of the first that needed answering was how Stern wound up speaking on Jesus’ story in Matthew 25.

“The reason for the selection of the passageisthatyourpastorhasan alarmingly and annoyingly good memory,” Stern ribbed Mason.

During one of their many prior conversations, Stern says he had let slip his admiration for that particular text. “You know,” he had told Mason, “if there’s one passage in the New Testament that speaks to me, it’s the ‘least of these’.”

PreachingfromtheNewTestament, however, wasn’t the most challenging part of the service for Stern. The biggest obstacle, as it turned out, was a New Testament verse engraved on Wilshire’s wooden pulpit, which begins: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ …”

Sternconfidedtohisfriendbefore the Q&A session that he had spent the evening trying to push his notes over the engraving. When this was shared with the entire room, it exploded into laughter.

“So there you have it,” Mason says, “this is what happens in real interfaith dialogue.”

27 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010


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In Wilshire Baptist Church’s community hall after the combined service, audience members had the opportunity to quiz Mason and Stern on various aspects of their differing faiths, and the two clergy responded off the cuff. Here are excerpts from the Q&A:

Q: Most of my knowledge of Jewish faith comes from the TV show “South Park”. In what ways might daily life be different for Baptists and Jews?

A: Rabbi Stern answered by describing himself as “terminally uncool” and saying he doesn’t watch “South Park”, but that “you at Wilshire know that ‘Baptist’ means a lot of different things in this town, and ‘Jew’ does as well.”

Q: Jesus was born a Jew, so when did he become a Christian?

A: “When we made him one,” Mason says. “Christianity comes after the church was founded. We believe Jesus inaugurated the coming kingdom of God” and that Jesus is the “anointed one”, “the one who is to come”. The word “Christian” enters the language “a full generation after Jesus himself,” Mason says.

Q: Why are Christians more focused on the afterlife than Jews?

A: “In conventional Jewish reading, there are only a few late and scattered notions of afterlife in the Hebrew Bible,” Stern says. The consequences of sin in Hebrew texts are more “earthly — agricultural, military, having to do with safety and security of family Covenant relationship for us is so much about this earthly realm.” However, he points out, the Jewish notion of afterlife has been around 2,000 years, and “we could probably stand to emphasize it a little more.”

A: “Christians are all over the map about the afterlife,” Mason says, reminding the audience that “Jesus says, ‘Behold, I make all things new,’ not ‘I make all new things.’ Immediate afterlife is more Greek thinking. It is the restoration of all things here that we look forward to.”

Beginning of a beautiful friendship


“It’s not as if we sort of met on the racquetball court,” Stern says, now away from the limelight and relaxing with Mason in his Temple Emanu-El office.

joined an interfaith group that met monthly for breakfast, and through it he formed relationships with Temple Emanu-El leaders. Mason and Stern also began receiving invitationstointerfaithpanelsathigh school auditoriums or community colleges.

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The two men each found their way to Dallas in 1989 — Mason as Wilshire Baptist Church’s senior pastor and Stern as one of Temple Emanu-El’s assistant rabbis, later becomingassociaterabbiandthen,in 1996, senior rabbi. They are comparatively young leaders (Mason is 54, Stern, 49) ofprominentcongregations Wilshire Baptist, with 3,000-plus members, is one of the largest in the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, and Temple Emanu-El’s 2,800 families makes it the largest reform synagogue in the Southwest.

“We were both very young when we took the senior office of our parishes and congregations,” Mason says.

Sternsaysthatinperiodswhenhe needed guidance, “George has been a rabbi to me.”

If this is you, please email your resume to Kristy at kgaconnier@advocatemag.com with subject line: resume

Mason, seeming humbled by this statement, thanks Stern and says the relationship is “mutual”.


As they got to know each other, something just clicked.

“We get along because we get along,” Stern says. “I think that there is so much more conversation among diverse clergy than congregants expect.”

It’s not a traditional friendship, Mason says, in that “it’s not like we have dinner together every Friday night.”

“We wish we did,” Stern interjects, but what’s more important is that “we know we’re there for each other.”

Days like this, then, in which they have a few minutes to catch up face-to-face, are rare — even if a reporter and photographer are present for most of the meeting.

What makes this occasion even more unlikely is that it takes place during one of the busiest times of the year for each clergyman. It is Holy Wednesday for Mason, with PalmSundaybehindhimandMaundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter quickly approaching, while Stern celebrated the beginning of Passover the night prior with

28 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

his congregation in a three-hour Seder.

“How did we get you here during Holy Week?” Stern asks Mason, inquiring as to whether Mason has his sermon prepared for Sunday.

“It’s the same story every year, David,” Masonretortsgood-naturedlyabout the Christian holiday celebrating Jesus’ resurrection.Hethenasksabouthis friend’s Passover Seder.

“DidElijahshowup?”Thequestion refers to the Passover tradition of setting out a cup of wine and opening the door for the prophet Elijah.

“No evidence as of yet — the world is still broken,” Stern says.

“Oh, it surely is, isn’t it?” Mason agrees.

Getting comfortable with discomfort

“When you listen to and see someone else’s practice, it’s like holding up a mirror to your own,” Mason says. “You see the richness of someone else’s and the poverty of your own, and sometimes you see the richness of your own and the poverty of another.”

Thetwomen’sforthrightdiscussions about their differing views are “some of the richest I’ve ever had,” Stern says.

Their greatest satisfaction, however, is not in the dialogues that take place within their respective offices, but in the way their friendship has impacted their two congregations.

“If I wanted a successphotoofthese years of dialogue, it would not be George and me under the lights on the stage at Brookhaven,” Stern says, referring to the interfaith panels in which he and Mason have participated.

“It would be that night at Wilshire with peopleclimbingovereachotherand mushed together.”

Such a relationshipbetween a Jewish synagogue and a Baptist church has been more than a decade in the making. In the late ’90s, Temple Emanu-El began inviting Wilshire folk as honored guests to its annual interfaith shabbat services. Mason participatedintheTorahdiscussion,andthe Baptists were invited to sing in the Jewish choir — blue robes mixed with white robes. Mason, in turn, has invited Stern to lead classes and lectures at Wilshire, and most recently worked with Stern to arrange the combined service at Wilshire.

These days, they’re focusing on such congregation-to-congregationgatherings,and doing “less of the dog and pony, intentionally,” Stern says, referring to formal inter-

29 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
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To listen to Rabbi David Stern’s sermon on Matthew 25, visit and search: Matthew 25. Other portions of the service — including the prayers and a call to worship read by the Rev. Tiffany Wright of Wilshire Baptist Church and Rabbi Debra J. Robbins of Temple Emanu-El (who are also good friends) — also are available for listening.

After the joint service at Wilshire, Stern and the Rev. George Mason spent some time discussing the sermon and text. Here are excerpts from their discussion:

Stern: There’s always a risk in interfaith dialogue to cherry pick and, in doing that, disrupt the integrity of the whole. As a Jew, [I chose to] tread lightly on final judgment and sheep and goats The magnet for me was the set of criteria [rather than the end result].

Mason: The passage is intended to be read by the covenantal community who should be doing the reading It’s written to people who are already themselves insiders ... As you read the New Testament, the harshest judgment is always reserved for those who consider themselves insiders [the “included” are first, then the “excluded”] ... The assumption is we’re already here; now will your life reflect this, or will you miss this by your own choosing?

Stern: The sorting felt too tidy for me. What kept jumping out at me was the past tense: Everyone’s already in, and you have to sort of screw up to be out. What about the kind of existential, sometimes we have sheep days and sometimes we have goat days? How do we hear this as an ongoing challenge instead of a summary challenge?

Mason: If you look on a hillside grazing, can you tell the difference between the sheep and the goats? The shepherd knows the sheep from the goats; the sheep may not know, and the goats may not know. We are not to spend our time deciding who are God’s children, but being God’s children, and leave the sorting up to God. What does it mean to believe in Jesus but not to do what he says for the least of these? Do you really believe and not care for your neighbor? Clearly Jesus is saying, “No.”

faith programs. Usually in such contexts, “the focus will tend to be what you agree upon,” Stern says. “We’ve moved through and past that. I believe that the depth of our dialogue is the result of the depth of our relationship.”

And though their congregants may not feel confident enough to engage in the same kind of in-depth conversations, Mason says, “they are always happy to see it modeled for them, and that makes it easier for them somehow.”

Wilshire members probably feel more comfortable attending a bar or bat mitzvah, for example, or after attending a number of interfaith Shabbat services at Temple, feel welcome to visit on their own. Some Temple members worship at Wilshire on occasion, and one in particular meets Mason in the narthex almost weekly with a “clarifying question,” Mason says.

“A Jew from Temple Emanu-El would not worry that if they came to a Good Friday service at Wilshire, I would be blaming the Jews for killing Christ,” Mason says. “We would not take the easy road with that. We would wrestle with it and include ourselves in the complicity.”

Humor never hurts to break the ice,

either, and Mason and Stern are kings of the one-liner.

When Temple members visited Wilshire, Mason announced that “we will, because this is a Baptist church, take an offering later in the service,” which garnered a few laughs, but not as many as his smirking confession that “we considered an altar call, too.”

Afterward, during the discussion in the community hall, Mason was momentarily sidetracked by a conversation that reminded him of a movie he wanted to see, and he suggested Stern accompany him.

“I’ll like it better than the last one we saw together,” Stern said pointedly. Mason thought for a second, then smiled and told the two congregations: “That would be ‘The Passion of the Christ’.”

Suchwittycandorisnodoubtwhat encouraged Wilshire and Temple members to pose such questions during the potluck dialogue as: “Most of my knowledge of Jewish faith comes from the TV show ‘South Park’. In what ways might daily life be different for Baptists and Jews?” Or, “Jesus was born a Jew, so when did he become a Christian?”

Where it gets trickier for Wilshire and Temple congregants is when their leaders

begin to express jealousy.

“When we start talking about what we envy in the other’s tradition, then you start to see people fidget in their seats a little bit,” Stern says. “You tend to want to see your religious leaders in the ramparts saying, ‘Go team!’ ”

Some congregants have asked if Mason and Stern couldn’t just abandon the dialogues and return to solely sermons.

“Itookitas a hugesignofsuccess because they’re starting to make people uncomfortable,” Stern says.

The theological abyss

Just as Mason may be criticized more than Stern for his failure to proselytize his friend, he also takes more heat for his interfaith efforts.

“Reformcongregationsexpectreform rabbis to do this kind of stuff,” Stern says. “But when George shows up somewhere, he’s a Baptist minister, and for that reason he always has to wear a bit more of a flak jacket than I do.”

It benefits Mason that his Baptist brethren are not of the Southern ilk but of a self-professed progressive strain that broke away about the time the senior pastor took the pulpit at Wilshire. Plus, Mason has a

30 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

different background than most Texas Baptists in that he, like Stern, is a New Yorker. Staten Island, where Mason grew up, was more than 90 percent Catholic, and his family was Protestant. He attended public school, but remembers playing in baseball games that routinely began with the Hail Mary.

“And I would have no idea what they were talking about,” Mason says. “I had much more experience knowing what it was also like to feel like ‘the other’, and I do think that makes a difference. I don’t know who I would be if I had grown up in Dallas.”

New York also had a strong Jewish cultural footprint, and Mason had Jewish friends living across the street. It gave Mason a different perspective than most oftheChristiancommunity,hesays, many of whom assume that engaging in dialogue with a Jewish rabbi means conversation will be polite and placatory with watered-downconvictions,ratherthan seriously addressing differences.

Inhisownexperience,Masonsays, “that’s simply not been true.” He and Stern disagree, sometimes emphatically. But their disagreements take place in the context of a friendship.

“The relationship with David and I, we have no ulterior motive, [as in] if we could just get each other to do x or y then we will have succeeded,” Mason says. “Love doesn’t have ulterior motives. It simply gives itself out of a desire for well-being, and that’s the difference, I think.”

Finding such a relationship consists of “feeling your way through to the right partner where it’s someone you can learn from,” Stern says.

That’s why his friendship with Mason “doesn’t strike me as unlikely at all. I don’twanttodismissitascommon, either,” Stern says, but “all sorts of things make it make sense.”

There is one strong belief difference, however, that threatens to drive a wedge between them.

“We do come apart over the fact that I was a Mets fan,” Mason says.

“It’s a hugetheologicalabyss,”says Stern, a Yankeesenthusiast.“Ilove George. I know he’ll come around.”


To read the Rev. George Mason’s worship column on differences between Jews and Christians, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com and search: messiah.

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GIVesMArt is looking to involve more nonprofit organizations in its online business, which allows shoppers to purchase from major retailers and donate a percentage of sales to a nonprofit of their choice. Registration is free for the nonprofits. For more details, visit igivesmart.com.


nortH dAllAs eArly CHIldHood PtA will host its monthly meeting at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 2, Cochran Chapel United Methodist Church, 9027 Midway, featuring a holiday brunch and vendor fair. For details, visit ndecpta.com.

Preston Hollow eArly CHIldHood PtA will host Coffee and Coloring at 9:30 a.m. Dec. 1 at Preston Royal Starbucks, 6025 Royal. The group also will hold its Cookie Exchange and Christmas Party this month. For details, visit phecpta.org.

nortHwood woMAn’s CluB was honored at a reception hosted by David Yurman and Neiman Marcus Willow Bend, which had donated a percentage of sales to the club’s charitable fund. The philanthropic organization includes more than 400 women, including many neighborhood residents, who volunteer for women and children’s charities throughout Dallas and Collin counties. For more details, visit northwoodwomansclub.org.


Kyle BArnes of W.T. White High School is among the returning reporters for DISD’s 2010-11 “School Zone Dallas” television program, which airs at 7 p.m. Wednesdays on local Cable Channel 98. Jatsive Hernandez of W. T. White co-hosts the Spanish language version, “Zona Escolar de Dallas”.

PAolA ArreolA of W.T. White co-hosts DISD’s “News Beat” program, which airs at 9 a.m., 1 and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday on local Cable Channel 98 or online at dallasisd.org. New reporters include Taylor Hinojosa of Hillcrest High School.

MIKe eArsInG was selected as the 13th president of Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas. Earsing has served the school for 30 years as a teacher and assistant principal. He replaces the Rev. Phillip Postell.

MAureen sullIVAn, a physics teacher at Ursuline Academy of Dallas, received a Work of Heart Award in October from the Catholic Foundation for her commitment and leadership in the classroom. The award, which is given monthly to Dallas Catholic schoolteachers, includes a $500 grant. Over the past five years, the Catholic Foundation has awarded $450,000 in grant money.

w.t. wHIte JunIor reserVe offICers trAInInG CorPs received national recognition, making the 2010 Honor Roll for the program. They now rank in the top 20 percent of all JROTC programs in the nation. KIM wArGo will serve as the new headmistress at The Hockaday School — the eighth person to hold the position since the school was founded nearly 100 years ago. Wargo replaces Jeanne Whitman, who announced plans to retire after the 201011 school year.


YWCA of Metropolitan Dallas urgently needs bilingual volunteers to help deliver free financial education workshops and mammogram screenings in Dallas County. Training is provided. Call 214.584.2348 or email lhudson@ywcadallas.org.


In the photo caption titled

HAVe An IteM to Be feAtured?

Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@ advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

35 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010 news & notes
“Bearing It” in the November issue’s Scene & Heard section, Jackson Bowes’ name was misspelled.


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tHe cHRIStma S e ve cOnundRum


By the time you are reading this column, I’ll be preparing for my church’s annual Christmas Eve services. An anonymous poet wrote that people come in such numbers to catch “a whiff of incense” (even though we Presbyterians don’t use much of the stuff) and a “hint of hope”.

On Christmas Eve we find our way past the frenzy of the season with its shopping, cooking, entertaining and decorating, to the glow of candlelight and the warmth of carols, to meet an appointment with God. All too aware of the complexities and troubles of the real world, with its wars and rumors of war, and all the bad news in the papers, we come to catch glimpses of a world that is even more real — a world lit up by a light that came into the darkness.

A few years ago the New York Times carried an editorial titled “Hope For the Seasonally Challenged”. It described well what it means to be “seasonally challenged”: coping with the way Madison Avenue portrays Christmas as a perfect little world in which everybody in the family loves each other and says so; where everyone is still happily married, and obedient children lovingly gather around dear old Dad to hear Christmas stories on Christmas Eve. Christmas carols sing of perfect white Christmases, where everybody gets exactly what they want for Christmas. There are no fears lurking in the dark corners, and everybody’s expectations are met.

The seasonally challenged are those who know that their lives are not like that, and they are all too aware of the chasm between the real and the ideal. The seasonally challenged read all the magazine articles on seasonal depression, and they know exactly what they are describing.

Ca n you see why Christmas Eve is one of the greatest challenges preachers face?

Another article in the New York Times interviewed preachers all over the country about Christmas Eve. The tone of the questions was interesting — something like, “Don’t you find it difficult? All those people you never see any other time, trooping in with liquor on their

breath from the Christmas party they just came from, going through the motions in a once-a-year ritual?”

The assumption was that Christmas Eve must be terribly frustrating for preachers, who all the while resent the fact that the Sunday after Christmas, after all the falderal, will inevitably be one of the lowest attendance Sundays of the year.

Frankly, I have never felt that way, because

I believe I see something else happening here.

For one thing, whatever the reason people come out in such numbers on Christmas Eve, they come. For me, it is still heart-warming to see people jostling for places in church instead of a sporting event or a rock concert.

For another thing, I cannot but believe that we come not merely out of habit or convention, but because of something deep within us that leads us to make an appointment with God. There is something about Christmas that brings out the deepest yearnings of our hearts: perhaps a whiff of incense and a hint of hope.

churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.

36 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HEALTH RESOURCEWORSHIP tO adve Rt IS e call 214.560.4203 W
The assumption was that Christmas Eve must be terribly frustrating for preachers, who all the while resent the fact that the Sunday after Christmas, after all the falderal, will inevitably be one of the lowest attendance Sundays of the year. Frankly, I have never felt that way.
Blair Monie is senior pastor of the Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Publishing and the
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At the Jewish Community Center’s annual Senior Expo, neighbors learned how to protect themselves from scams in a session with Dave Lieber , investigative columnist for the Fort Worth StarTelegram From left: Clint Risner , Heather Cordova , Lieber and Anna Angorina

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Holiday/Birthday Parties Bridal/Baby Showers 214.683.0103

A DESIGNERS TOUCH FOR ORGANIZATION Declutter & Organize. Sue Benson 214-349-9064


Enhance Your Home And Life. Linda 972-816-8004

professionaL serviCes

1ST TIME BUYERS and Low Refi rates. Call UMAX Mortgage Stephanie Glazer 214-579-1493 sglazer@umaxmortgage.com

ACCOUNTING, TAXES Small Businesses & Individuals. Chris King, CPA 214-824-5313 www.chriskingcpa.com

37 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
W.T. White High School teachers Ramona Ford, Hillary Rinella and Mr. Rachmad Tjachyadi dressed up and performed a surprise act as The Supremes during the fine arts department’s Open Mic Night, which highlights student performances. TO AD v ERTISE CALL 214.560.4203
Because there's every reason in our world to learn another language Spanish & English Language School
>>e-newsletter sign up at advocatemag.com/newsletter


The Medical City Hospital staff recognized Breast Cancer Awareness Month by wearing pink, displaying a Memory Wall that honors loved ones who have lost their battles with breast cancer, and offering a resource fair to help educate other women.


Professional services

BOOKKEEPING NEEDS? Need Help Organizing Finances?

No Job Too Small or Big.

Call C.A.S Accounting Solutions. Cindy 214-821-6903

ESTATE/PROBATE MATTERS Because every family needs a will. Mary Glenn, J.D. maryglennattorney.com • 214-802-6768

HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE Small businesses, Individuals & Families. Local Agent Lori Huff 214-738-4783

QUICKBOOKS Having Issues? Free Consultation. Jack Hicks 214-734-4767 jchicks@sbcglobal.net




Karen Puckett , Preston Hollow resident and seventh-grade English teacher at Franklin Middle School, led her class in a project about the parts of speech, which included a song and dance competition.


AAAA DONATE YOUR CAR Free towing. “Cars For Kids” Any condition. Tax deductible. outreachcenter.com 1-800-597-9411

DONATE your car, truck, boat to Heritage For The Blind. Free 3 day vacation. Tax deductible. Free towing. All paperwork taken care of. 1-888-962-1498

OLD GUITARS WANTED Gibson, Fender, Gretsch, Martin. 1920s-1980s. Top dollar paid. Toll Free 1-866-433-8277

SAVVY CONSIGNMENTS Eclectic Furniture & Accessories. Great Gifts. Affordable Pricing. 214-660-8700

TEXAS RANGERS BASEBALL SUITE Share this prime suite on a partial basis (sets of 5,10 or 20 games) during the 2011 season. Our suite is located directly behind home plate, and each game includes 16 tickets, three parking passes, game day programs, private bathroom, air-conditioned seating, three televisions with cable channels, and a great view of the game and the Ballpark. Great for birthday parties, anniversaries, family reunions and client appreciation events. Email rangerssuite@gmail.com or call 214-560-4212 for more information.

Website Design

Flash Demos

Graphic Design

RibbitMultimedia .com 214.560.4207

Mind, Body & sPirit

HEALTHY WEIGHT LOSS Motivational, Compassionate & Confidential Sessions Offered To Those Wanting To Lose Weight & Gain A Healthier Lifestyle. Dr. Nicole Mangum, Health Psychologist. 214-692-6666 ext. 311

IN HOME professional personal trainer. moneyback guarantee. Many specialties. www.silverstarfitness.com 972-800-8031

W.O.W. WE ONLY WAX www.weonlywax.com

Full body waxing for men and women. 214-739-2929

WWW.TRAINWITHJEAN.COM On-Line Training Or Golds Gym White Rock Lke. email@trainwithjean.com 214-886-1459


BIRDDOGCATFISH Caring For Pets In Their Own Home With Familiar Sights, Smells & Routines. Dog Walks, Vacations, Overnights. Beth. 469-235-3374

POOP SCOOP PROFESSIONALS Trust The Experts. 214-826-5009

Park Cities

Grand Opening in December 2010! Gra

We buy and sell gently used kids stuff. You get cash on the spot for your gently used clothing, toys, furniture & equipment. 6300 Skillman St @ Abrams Rd 214-503-6010 www.onceuponachildlakehighlands.com

estate/GaraGe sales


Moving, Retirement, Downsizing. One Piece Or A Houseful. David Turner. 214-908-7688. dave2estates@aol.com

real estate

LAND LIQUIDATION 20 acres $0 down. $99/mo. Only $12,900. Near growing El Paso, TX. Guaranteed owner financing. No credit checks. Money back guarantee. Free map, pictures. 866-465-0177 sunsetranches.com

References. 214-732-4721


38 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
AD v ERTI sE c ALL 214.560.4203
In-home TLC for cats,
Pet Nanny.
Dallas’ First Doggie Daycare Featuring “Open Play” Boarding • 8,000+ sq. ft. Play Area Inside • 5,000+ sq. ft. Play Area Outside • 5 Lux Suites w/ Webcams • Grooming All Breeds • Training & Obedience Classes Mon-Fri 7am-7pm, Sat 8am-6pm, Sun 12pm-6pm 6444 E. Mockingbird at Abrams www.deesdoggieden.com • 214-823-1441
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Jan. DEaDLInE DEC. 8 TO aDVERTISE CaLL 214.560.4203
sUBmIT yOUR PHOTO Email a jpeg to

A FAMILY TRADITION FOR 60 YEARS Quigley Heat & Air 214-526-8533

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CHAMNESS SERVICES A/C & Heat Sales & Service. Res/Com. Serving Dallas 21 yrs. 214-328-0938 TACL003800C


LAKEWOOD HEAT & AIR Servicing Dallas 20+ years. MC/Visa 214-682-3822 TACLA28061E




Hurry. Offers expire 12-31-2010






Repair, Sales. 214-321-4228

JESSE’S A/C & APPLIANCE SERVICE TACLB13304C All Makes/Models. 214-660-8898


BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

DAVIS Custom Carpentry & Home Repair/Remodel davis.charles94@yahoo.com 214-608-9171

G&G DEMOLITION Tear downs, Haul. Interior/Exterior. 214-808-8925

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right! www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628


HardiPlank 50 Yr. Cement Siding, Energy Star Windows. Kitchens-Baths-Additions & More. 214-348-3836. See Photo Gallery at: www.previewconstruction.com

REMODEL FOR LESS 972-822-7501



Cabinet Refacing, Built-ins, Entertainment/ Computer Centers. Jim. 214-324-7398 www.squarenailwoodworking.com

TK COMPLETE REMODELING Carpentry, Doors, Drywall, Paint. 972-533-2872





RYAN & BOZEMAN HOMES Design | Build | Remodel Preserving neighborhoods Lakewood, Lake Highlands and Preston Hollow 214.828.4114 ryanbozeman.com


$10 OFF 1ST CLEAN A CLEAN SWEEP We Do It All. Pet Sit Also. 469-951-2948 214-938-4284

15.00 OFF - HOUSE CLEANING BY DEBBIE Free estimates. References. 972-333-7942

CINDY’S HOUSE CLEANING 15 yrs exp. Resd/Com. Refs. Dependable. 972-213-8614

CLEAN FREAKS Since 2005. Free Estimates. DallasCleanFreaks.com Call Today! 214-821-8888

DIANE’S CLEANING SERVICE Residential & Make Ready. Free Estimates. 214-549-5299

KDR SERVICES Residential and Vacant Property Cleaning. 214-349-0914

MAID 4 YOU Residential. Reasonable Rates. Bonded & Insured. Park Cities/M Street Refs. Joyce. 214-232-9629

Total Cleaning Service. 15 Yrs Exp. Residential.

MESS MASTERS Earth friendly housecleaning. 469-235-7272. www.messmasters.com Since ‘91

SUNSHINE HOUSE CLEANING Cleaning To Perfection. Reasonable Rates. Insured/ Bonded. 214-490-6659

THE MAIDS 4 Person Teams. Bonded & Insured. www.maids.com Free Estimates. 800-843-6243

WANTED Houses To Clean & Windows To Wash 20 Years Exp., Reliable, Great Prices, Excellent Refs., Free Estimates. 214-724-2555


Residential Specialists. BBB. 214-718-3134

TO ADVERTISE CALL 214.560.4203 HOME SERVICES H NARI HOME IMPROVEMENT General Contractor 972-342-7232 ADDITIONS BATHROOMS KITCHEN REMODELING BARRY O’BRIEN www.ccrbarry.com CREATIVE Construction & REMODELING See our excellent work at: Whole Home Renovations Kitchen & Bath Services Conservation & Historic Renovations Plan Drafting & Design 214.823.0033 www.BellaVistaCompany.com 214-341-1155 www.bobmcdonaldco.com Business Renovations Kitchens/Baths Bob McDonald Company, Inc. BUILDERS/REMODELERS 214.827.3747 C b C on stru c ti on C o.com Design Build Remodel Your Professional Remodeling Solution
Ask about our Winter
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Cleaning ServiCeS


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eleCtriCal ServiCeS

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ComputerS & eleCtroniCS

214-321-1110 I.T. ROADMAP Tech Support Home or Business computers repaired. Virus, Internet, wireless, slow, All fixed! Brad or Amy

BILL’S COMPUTER REPAIR Virus Removal, Data Recovery. Home /Biz. Network Install. All Upgrades & Repairs. PC Instruction, No Trip Fee. 214-348-2566

CONFUSED? FRUSTRATED? Let A Seasoned Pro Be The Interface Between You & That Pesky Computer. Hardware & Software Installation, Troubleshooting, Training, $60/hr. 1 Hr. Min. Dan 214-660-3733 Or stykidan@sbcglobal.net

I CAN FIX IT NOW! 214-926-7144 Computer & Network Support. Operating Systems, Hardware, Security & Game Consoles. OMGFixit.com.

ConCrete/ maSonry/paving

BRICK, BLOCK, Stone, Concrete, Stucco. Gonzalez Masonry. 214-395-1319

CAZARES CONCRETE Concrete retaining walls, Patios, Driveways, Removal, Sidewalks. 214-202-8958 Free estimates.

CONCRETE, Driveway Specialist Repairs, Replacement, Removal, References. Reasonable.

Chris 214-770-5001

EDMOND’S PAVING Asphalt & Concrete

•Driveways •Sidewalks •Patios •Repairs 214-957-3216 • www.edmondspaving.com

FLAGSTONE PATIOS, Retaining Walls, BBQ’s, Veneer, Flower Bed Edging, All Stone work. Chris 214-770-5001

MASONRY Brick/Stone Repairs. Don 214-704-1722

• Swimming Pool Remodel

• Patios

FireplaCe ServiCeS

CHIMNEY SWEEP Dampers/Brick & Stone Repair. DFW Metro. Don 214-704-1722

• Stone work

• Stamp Concrete



eleCtriCal ServiCeS

ABBA ELECTRIC Fast Courteous Service. Resd/Com. 10% Off for New Clients. 214-886-2202. TECL#20663


All Jobs.Panel Upgrades. Free Est. TECL# 27297. Steve. 214-718-9648

ANTHONY’S ELECTRIC Family Owned/Operated. Insd.19 Yrs Exp.TECL24948 214-328-1333

LICENSED ELECTRICIAN Res/Commercial 20 yrs exp. Free est. 972-489-1597 Brian

MASTER ELECTRICIAN Lic #TECL 55703. Resd/Comcl. Bonded. Contr Lic# TECL23423. Trinity Electrical Services. David 214-802-0436

SWITCH ELECTRIC Lic. #E19800 24/7 Calls 30 yrs exp. Federal panel chgs. 214-629-0391

TEXAS ELECTRICAL • 214-289-0639

Prompt, Quality Services. Days, Evenings & Weekends. 34 Yrs Exp. TECL 24668

TH ELECTRIC Reasonable Rates. Licensed & Insured. Ted. E257 214-808-3658

WHITE ROCK ELECTRIC All Electrical Services. Lic/Insd. E795. 214-850-4891

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4 QUALITY FENCING Specializing in Wood, New or Repair. Free Estimates. Call Mike 214-507-9322.

A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Wood Fences, Automatic Gates & Decks Call Haven Edwards 214-327-0560

AMBASSADOR FENCE INC. Automatic Gates, All Fences. Decks. Since 1996. 214-621-3217

AUTO GATES $2500 alwaysbiltrite.com 469-878-4450. cc’s accptd

AUTOMATIC DRIVEWAY GATES Installation, Repair, Maintenance, Residential, Commercial. Lone Star Access Control. 214-532-9608

KIRKWOOD FENCE & DECK New & Repair. Free Estimates. Nathan Kirkwood. 214-341-0699

LONE STAR DECKS Decks, Arbors, Fences, Patio Covers, TREX Decking & Fencing. www.lonestardecks.com 214-357-3975

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Flooring & Carpeting

AUREUS HARDWOOD FLOORS 972-207-4262. www.northtxflooring.com


Installation, Repair, Refinish, Wax, Hand Scrape. Residential, Commercial. Sports Floors. 25 Yrs.

MASTERPIECE HARDWOODS Install, Sand And Finish. Old World Handscrapes. 469-853-2039


New/Remodel. Staining & Waxing. Int/Ext. Nick Hastings. 214-341-5993


Jim Crittendon, 214-821-6593


Custom Marble Install. 214-779-3842



ACCESS GARAGE DOOR New Install. Repair/Replace. 24/7 Emgcy. Free Estimates. 214-585-7663 perfectaccessgaragedoors.com


Residential/Commercial. Sales. Service. All Brands of Garage Doors & Openers. Free Estimates. 214-348-7242. 9525 White Rock Trail, 75238.

ROCKET GARAGE DOOR SERVICE -24/7. Repairs/Installs. 214-533-8670. Coupon On Web. www.RocketDoorService.com

UNITED GARAGE DOORS All Types Of Garage Doors & Openers. Repair Or Replace. Commercial And Gates. 214-826-8096

glaSS, WinDoWS & DoorS

A FATHER, SON & GRANDSON TEAM Expert Window Cleaning. Storm windows our specialty. Haven Edwards 214-327-0560

CLEARWINDOWSANDDOORS.COM LH owned Replacement windows. Free Quote 214-280-9280

CUSTOM STAINED/ LEADED GLASS & Repair. 26 years exp. 214-356-8776

GREEN WINDOW COMPANY 214-295-5405 Specialty in Replacement Windows/Doors

KENNY’S CLEAN WINDOWS Res./Com. Window Cleaning, Powerwash, Etc. 214-881-8061

LAKE HIGHLANDS GLASS & MIRROR custom mirrors • shower enclosures store fronts • casements 214-349-8160

ROCK GLASS CO Complete Glass & Window Service since 1985. Replace, repair: windows, mirrors, showers, screens. 214-837-7829

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We do it all! Call 469-723-1000


Electrical, Plumbing & Carpentry. Call Tim 214-824-4620; 214-597-4501


All Home Repairs, Remodels, Maintenance, To-Dos. 214-699-8093


38 years exp. Ron Payne 214-755-9147

ALL STAR HOME CARE Carpentry, Glass, Tile, Paint, Doors, Sheetrock Repair, and more. 24 yrs. exp. References. Derry 214-505-4830

BO HANDYMAN Kitchens, baths, doors, cabinets, custom carpentry, drywall & painting 214-437-9730

CARPENTRY, PAINT & MORE Repair to Remodel. No job too small. Zane 214-778-9121

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” To Do’s Done Right. www.handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

Call 214-560-4203 to advertise

40 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
tO ad VER t ISE C all 214.560.4203 H
Gates ★ Art Deck-O artdeck-o.com 214-435-9574 Decks, Pergolas, Arbors & Fences Serving Dallas Since 1977 Reasonable rates and the best warranty available!
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Handyman ServiceS

HANDYMAN SPECIALIST Large, small jobs, repair list, renovations. Refs. 214-489-0635


Small/Large Jobs.Steve Brandt. 214-440-7070

HOMETOWN HANDYMAN All phases of construction. No job too small 214-327-4606

HONEST, SKILLED SERVICE With a Smile. General Repairs/ Maintenance. 214-215-2582

KIRKPATRICK Home Service 214-729-8334

Skilled Carpentry • White Rock area 28 Years

NEED HELP? FAST! Repairs/Remodel. Chris, Rick. 214-693-0678, 214-381-9549


One call does it all! 214-289-0307


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1 AFFORDABLE HOUSE PAINTING and Home Repair. Quality work. Inside and Out. Free Ests. Local Refs. Ron 972-816-5634 or 972-475-3928


85% Referrals/Estimates 214-348-5070


Since 1977. Int/Ext. Kirk’s Works 972-672-4681

ABRAHAM PAINT SERVICE A Women Owned Business 25 Yrs. Int/Ext. Wall Reprs. Discounts On Whole Interiors and Exteriors 214-682-1541

BENJAMIN’S PAINTING SERVICE Quality Work At Reasonable Prices. 214-725-6768


Residential painting. Call today for your free estimate. 214-346-0900


Int./Ext. Sheetrock. Manny 214-554-1327


Sheetrock, Repairs. 214-679-4513

TOP COAT Professional. Reliable. References. TopCoatOfTexas.com 214-770-2863


Sheetrock Repair, Resurfacing Tubs, Counters, Tile Repairs. 972-613-2585

KIM ARMSTRONG INTERIOR DESIGN www.interiorsbykim.com

Licensed/CID/ASID 214-500-0600

LILLI DESIGN Residential, Commercial. NCIDQ Cert.10 Yrs Exp. www.lilli-design.com

Katie Reynolds 214-370-8221

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A KITCHEN & BATH Remodeling Company. One Call Does It All! 214-574-9182

GET GRANITE at Heritage Stonecraft 972-496-3899 heritagestonecraft.com

HANDY DAN “The Handyman” Remodel’s Done Right. handy-dan.com 214-252-1628

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TOM HOLT TILE Expert In Tile, Backsplashes & Floors. Refs. Avail. 214-770-3444




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Removals, Pruning, Insured. 972-697-3956


Maintenance, Design, Stonework Call Aaron 214-636-0143


Complete tree services including Tree & Landscape Lighting! Call Mark 214-332-3444

A BETTER TREE MAN Trims, Removals, Insd.

10 Yrs Exp. Roberts Tree Service. 214-808-8925


Call Lakewood Tree Service 214-442-3165

A&B LANDSCAPING Full Lawn Care, Landscaping, Tree Trimming, Fireplaces & Stonework. Lic #0283917- Degreed Horticulturist 214-221-4421 - 214-534-3816


Curbside Appeal! Excellent refs. 214-893-2420


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Special: Receive $25 Off With This Ad. Trimming. Removals. Mistletoe Ivy Removal. Refs Avail. Free Ests. 44 yrs exp. Insured. Grady 214-275-5727


Weekly Service $30 Most Jobs. 214-725-9678

CASTRO TREE SERVICE Quality Work at Great Rates. Free est. Insured. 214-337-7097


Trim, Remove, Stump Grind. Free Est. Insured. 214-823-6463

DALLAS K.D.R.SERVICES • 214-349-0914

Lawn Service & Landscape Installation

DALLAS TREE SURGEONS Tree Trimming, Removal & Sales. Free Estimates. 972-633-5462 www.dallastreesurgeons.com

DAVID’S COMPLETE LAWN CARE And Tree Service. 214-459-7404

GREENSKEEPER Fall Clean Up & Fall Color. Sodding, Fertilization. Lawn Maintenance & Landscape. Res/Com. 214-546-8846

A Full-Service Tree Care Company Chuck Ranson, Certified Arborist c.ranson@sbcglocal.net 214-537-2008


Sprinkler & Valve Repair/ Rebuild Older Systems. Lic. #1742. 214-398-8061


White Rock Landscaping 214-415-8434

PARADISELANDSCAPES.NET · 214-328-9955 Installations of Fine Gardens, Patios, Paths & more!

RONS LAWN Organic Solutions. Not Environmental Pollution. Landscape & Maintenance 972-222-LAWN (5296) SPRINKLERS, LANDSCAPING, Stone Work, Drainage. Installed and Repair. Call Kevin at 214-535-3352,Lic#7840. www.bigdirrigation.com

TREE WIZARDS Trim Surgery Removal. 15 Yrs Exp. Insured. Free Est. 214-680-5885

U R LAWN CARE Maintenance. Landscaping. Your Personal Yard Service by Uwe

41 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010 to advertise call 214.560.4203 HoMe services H
URBAN LANDSCAPES www.TexasXeriscapes.com 469-586-9054 JUST TREES A Better Tree Company Your Trees Could Look Like a Work of Art, I Guarantee It. Free Estimates • Work Guaranteed Best Prices on Tree Removal Insured • Commercial & Residential • Tree & Landscape Lighting Call Mark Wittlich 214-332-3444 Xeriscape Native Plants & Grasses Perennial & Annual Color Butterfly and Herb Gardens Dan Coletti 214-213-2147 www.JustNaturalDesign.com JUST NATURAL DESIGN Dan Coletti’s 972-413-1800 www.salasservices.com Salas Services Voted Best Budget Tree Service Aug. 07 - D Magazine Expert Tree Removal & Trimming Free Estimates Insured ”WE CARE ABOUT YOUR TREES” On Staff: • 4 - Certified Arborists • 1 - Tex- Tech Degreed Ag • 1 - Tex A&M Degreed Forester • 3 - Certified Applicators 214-327-9311 FULLY INSURED Commercial/Residential www.holcombtreeservice.com Jan. DEaDLInE DEC. 8 to aDvErtIsE CaLL 214.560.4203
Reisch uwereisch@yahoo.com 214-886-9202 WATER-WISE

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Boxes, supplies. Free tape with $30 purchase!

PesT ConTroL


Keeping the environment, kids, pets in mind. Organic products avail. 972-564-2495


Pest Control #9989. Live Animal Removal. JDubDesigns.com Home Construction Services. Sprinkler Controller Repair. 214-794-4089

PesT ConTroL

McDANIEL PEST CONTROL Prices Start at $75 +Tax for General Treatment

Average Home, Interior, Exterior & Attached Garage Quotes for Other Services


Lakewood Resident


ANDREWS PLUMBING • 214-354-8521

# M37740 Insured. Any plumbing issues. 24 Hours/7 Days. plumberiffic@yahoo.com

Sewers • Drains • Bonded

*Joe Faz 214-794-7566 - Se Habla Español*

ARRIAGA PLUMBING: Repairs, Remodels, Water Heaters, Stopages. Ins’d.

Lic 20754 214-321-0589 214-738-7116

BLOUNTS PLUMBING REPAIR Rebuild or Replace. 44 yrs exp. Insured. 214-275-5727

FIXXER PLUMBING #M38904. BBB Accredited. www.fixxercompany.com. Call 214-534-1468.

JUSTIN’S PLUMBING SERVICE For All Your Plumbing Needs. ml#M38121 972-523-1336. www.justinsplumbing.com

M&S PLUMBING Quality Work & Prompt Service. Jerry. 214-235-2172. lic.#M-11523

REPAIRS, Fixtures,General Plumbing. Senior Discounts. Campbell Plumbing. 214-321-5943

SHEFFIELD PLUMBING We do it right the 1st time. Repairs, Rmdls. Insd. 214-941-8600

SPECK PLUMBING Licensed & Insured

C 214-562-2360 • H 214-660-8378

STAGGS PLUMBING • 214-521-5597

No Repairs Too Big or Too Small Master Plumber. M-17697

Slab Leak Specialists – inquire about reroute instead of jackhammering All Plumbing Repairs Licensed/Insured 214-727-4040




Service & Repairs. Insured. APSP Cert. Local Resident Jonathan. 214-729-3311


Maintenance & Repair 214-727-7650

PLAYMORE POOLS CO. Design, Construction, Consulting & Renovations. 214-823-0169 www.playmorepools.com

THE POOL LADY Personal/Affordable/Quality Pool Care since 1982. Marsha 214-553-1974


Friendly Service & Repairs. 20 yrs experience whiterockpools.com David 214-769-8012



25 years experience

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Steve Pillman and his wife have been doing some kitchen renovation. New countertops seemed like a nice addition, and maybe some new paint on the walls. It might be costly, but the project would add a fresh look to their home.

Unfortunately, the Pillmans’ work would offer a burglar an opportunity to victimize the family, and add a bit of frustration to their renovation plans.

Because of the remodeling, Pillman says, “we had some stuff in the garage, so we couldn’t pull the cars in the garage.”

As his family slept, someone shattered a window in his SUV, and then proceeded to steal the tires and rims. Pittman awoke the next morning to find the car up on jacks in his rear driveway. The tires and rims were missing.

“It made me feel like I wish I had woken up,” Pillman says. “We usually don’t get that type of crime over here.”

Pillman says his car has been broken into before at his home, but that was five years ago, and he was quite surprised that it happened this time. Replacing the wheels and rims cost $6,400, and while he had insurance, it will still cost him some money — as well as time and effort.

The Victim: Steve Pittman

The Crime: Burglary of a motor vehicle

Date: Tuesday, Oct. 19

Time: 10 p.m. and 8 a.m.

Location: 6900 block of Wildglen

Dallas Police Sgt. Gordon Hager of the North Central Patrol Division says this kind of crime is fairly common,with criminals seeking out high-end SUVs and cars.

“It’s a crime that does occur pretty often,” he says. “We see it occasionally, and it kind of comes and goes. They will tend to come in and sweep the area, and then be gone for a while.”

Hager says these types of criminals are very fast at removing the tires and rims from a vehicle, and usually leave the car up on jacks or stacked pieces of wood.

“It doesn’t take them very long; they’re very quick,” he says. “If you have a garage, park the car in it if at all possible.”







Source: Dallas Police Department

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43 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com DECEMBER 2010
Got a crime to report or cop question? Email crime@advocatemag.com TRUECRIME
44 DECEMBER 2010 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 5946 Park Lane $845,000 Partially updated traditional w/ a contemporary flair on just under an acre in prestigious estate area of Old Preston Hollow. Renovated kitchen, wood floors throughout, and updated paint colors. Backyard oasis for entertaining w/oversized pool & spa, ’80 cabana & terraced patio areas. Separate quarters are attached. Soozie Bul 214.673.6259 Linda Claycomb Sterling Deason Lydia Player Lori Kircher 4222 Alta Vista Lane $375,000 This pier & beam home boasts an open floor plan on an exceptional 100x182’lot, surrounded by trees & lush landscaping! Pretty French doors & walls of windows in front and back! Well equipped kitchen opens to family room. Awesome value for super location! Approx 1,831 sq ft! 3/2/2LA/2-car/.4 acre Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 Linda Biggerstaff 10588 High Hollows $97,000 Spacious Preston Hollow condo completely updated in 2010! 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Vaulted ceilings, granite, wood floors, and fireplace! Walk in closets! Washer Dryer connections! Gated! Linda Biggerstaff 214.803.1560 6411 Tulip Lane $460,000 Capturing the charm of Preston Hollow while offering the crisper look of today’s taste, this 3/2.1/2LA/2CAR has large open rooms, hardwoods, terrazzo, 2 wbfp & lots of windows offering views of deck & treed yard! Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 4407 Walnut Hill Lane $899,999 Stunning 1 ½ story English tudor. Exquisite features! Fabulous gourmet kitchen. Elegant master downstairs overlooking back yard! Decorative iron staircase! Oversized gameroom w/wet bar! Very special home! 5/4.1/3LA, Approx 4,558 sq ft Linda Claycomb 214.755.6542/Sterling Deason 214.415.6392 SOLD 7515 Marquette Street $625,000 Spacious & flowing living areas! Soaring ceilings & sophisticated elegance! A chef’s dream kitchen. Bedrooms w/plenty of storage. Generously proportioned qtrs. above oversized garage. 3/3/2LA, Approx 2,499 sq. ft. Cece Case 214.906.1121 Cece Case Lori Kircher Lori Sparks Lori Sparks 4207 Melissa Lane $435,000 Beautiful, updated & open flr plan! Great neighborhood! 3 large living areas, granite kitchen w/gas cooking, 3 updated baths & inviting pool, security gate & extra parking! Huge updated master w/2 walk-in closets. Approx 3,154 sq ft. 4/3/3LA/2-car/Pool Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 Newprice 6924 Orchid Lane $419,000 Lovingly maintained, 1-owner custom home! Huge rms with a great open f-plan! Lots of natural light & views of the gorgeous yard! Lg BR #4 is split & could be study or game room. 2010 roof! Exemplary Kramer Elem! Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 SOLD 7216 Helsem Bend $850,000 Incredible, one-of-a-kind property that offers carefree lifestyle of zero lot line combined w/ beautifully landscaped grounds to give impression of estate! 3 car garage! Pool + grassy area! Huge dining room! Master down w/ fireplace! Linda Biggerstaff 214.803.1560 Linda Biggerstaff Soozie Bul Lori Kircher 6464 Royalton Drive $560,000 Updated & expanded mid-century modern home in park-like setting! Wood floors! Granite kitchen! Enjoy views of incredible yard from living, master, kitchen & more. 2 baths w/heated flrs! Approx. 2,609 sq ft, 4/3/2LA/2-car/Stone spa. Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 6231 Pemberton Drive $550,000 Preston Hollow one story features hardwood floors, French doors, updated kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths and 2,569 sq. ft. on quiet cul-de-sac behind St. Marks. Fantastic price. Lydia Player 214.632.2883 NewLiSTiNg NewLiSTiNg 6060 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 Kathy Riggs Rylander, 972.407.4655

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