2011 June Preston Hollow

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2 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com FEATURES Eat here n avigating the Preston Hollow restaurant scene PhoTo by bEnjAmin hAgER 20 8 dESign ER Tv A neighborhood expert appears on an hg Tv reality show, helping homeowners transform their abodes and sell them in today’s real estate market. 16 mix iT UP When happy hour calls, you can count on these restaurants to serve up a stout but tasty cocktail. 28 hoPE bE yond PA in A local holocaust survivor recounts his experience in hopes of promoting peace and tolerance. in Ev ERy iSSUE department columns opening remarks4 / onadvocatemag.com6 / grab-bag8 / happenings14 / food + wine16 / worship34 / scene + heard35 / crime43 advertising the goods5 / dining guide17 / health resources31 / education guide32 / bulletin board35 / home services37 In thIs Issue jUnE/2011 volume 10 number 6_PH



At the Margot Perot Center for Women and Infants, newborns are in good hands. Survival rates at our Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are among the nation’s highest.* And our approach is familycentric, with rooms designed so parents have the option to spend the night. Each family is considered part of our team and welcome around the clock. And for babies who graduate from the NICU but still require daily monitoring, there’s our Special Care Nursery, where parents can also stay until their baby is ready to go home. All of which allows us to tackle the tiniest challenges with exceptional care.

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* Vermont-Oxford Network.

Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital except for resident doctors in the hospital’s graduate medical education program. © 2011

sUmmer DaZe

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advertising coordinator: JUDY LiL es 214.560.4203 / jliles@advocatemag.com


the lazy, hazy days while they last Summer is a season primarily defined by lack of school.

We’ve all been there at one time or another — there’s the school year, and then there’s summer. And summer was a time we looked forward to because it promised minimal responsibility, which is an asset unappreciated until it’s too late.

Once we start working year-round jobs, summer seems to lose its significance. The days of wistfully staring at a ticking clock don’t disappear, but no matter how many times we urge the clock along during an otherwise bleary day, and no matter how nice of a guy or gal the boss really is, we know we won’t be enjoying a three-month break in the middle of the year.

If you happen to have kids, particularly kids now at home after grinding through the school year, it doesn’t take long — two or three hours perhaps — to start wondering exactly when summer will be over and what day school begins again.

That feeling is predictable, and it’s understandable, and it’s inevitable. We don’t appreciate summer when it’s ours, and we look forward to it most when it’s gone.

My early, and best, summers were unplanned. My parents didn’t worry much about where I was or what I was doing — they knew I would be with friends or reading or playing baseball.

Aimless summers don’t happen much anymore, and they certainly don’t happen much around here. Urban parents, grandparents and caregivers plan children’s days like military exercises, with wake-up times dictated by camps and babysitters and programs and work schedules. And heaven forbid that a kid is left to wander from house to house looking for friends — what’s the point in visiting someone when you can simply text “yo” and start a 90-minute monosyllabic conversation from the comfort of your bed?

True, texting is a form of aimless, summerlike self-entertainment, but I haven’t seen much opportunity for self-enrichment in the process. And the very core of texting is imparting thought in small chunks rather than spending larger chunks of time interacting personally with each other.

I speak as both a victim and an accomplice in all of the above, and I wish there was some-

thing I could tell myself to ease this burden and return to the days when summer simply allowed us to unwind and reload.

Instead, I’ll leave you with something I read recently in a daily devotional book that our church serves up for free. The woman doing the writing is Melora Hirschmann from Nebraska; I don’t know her, have never talked with her and couldn’t pick her out of an icecream truck lineup.

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“My mother is in the last stages of her battle with cancer. Each day that I have with her is a gift from God. Some days are better than others, and sometimes in beautiful moments, we connect and have a great talk. After these times, I am glad that I was there, sitting with her and caring for her.”

Parents and children and the rest of us will all be gone soon enough, just as the passing years make summer relatively meaningless. And thanks to our own restlessness, there’s rarely enough time, even during the summer, to enjoy the day with someone we love.

But more than likely, summer is one of the only times we still have to do something like that.

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Advocate Publishing 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214

Advocate, © 2011, is published monthly by east Dallas –Lakewood people Inc. Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader.

4 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com p: 214.823.5885 F: 214.823.8866 W: advocatemag.com opening remarks
I wish there was syomething I could tell myself tyo return to the days when summeyr simply allowed us to unwiynd and reload.
Rick Wamre is publisher of Advocate publishing. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; fax to 214.823.8866; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com.



Express your inner artist! Instructors lead attendees in creating paintings with a featured piece of art, bring nothing more than your imagination,wine or beverage. Perfect for Private Parties as well. 5202 Lovers Ln. 214.350.9911 paintingwithatwist.com


Pucci inspired and exclusive from France, this power print top has embraced all the dramatic colors of spring while being playful in style.

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12,500 sq. ft. of great shopping for antiques, collectibles, vintage, furniture, décor, retro, art, glass, fashion, jewelry, garden and much more. 11722 Marsh Ln. @ Forest Ln. 214.366.2100


Start now for younger looking skin this summer! Our 3 favorite sunscreens: pick one for 25% off. 399 W.Campbell Rd., Ste. 412, Medical Plaza IIRichardson 972.388.1155 thefinertouch.com


can be a father. It takes someone special to be a gift for the special



Stained Glass Panel. Showroom: 905 Dragon St. 214.761.1100 glasshouseproducts.com

5 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011

on ThE wEb

June 4th 6:30pm-9pm


To read editor Emily Toman’s blog excerpts below in full and to follow more local school news, visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/ education.

Hillcrest, W.t. WHite debaters compete at national cHampionsHip

Hang with the “girls” and Plant the Town Pink! Don’t miss our annual, after-hours shopping event benefitting the Dallas County Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. With a $10 donation you’ll enjoy local wine from Callais Winery, music by Spyche, organic eats, FREE garden consults & more.

6:30pm-8:30pm FREE Garden Coach consultation!

6:30-8:00 Pre-order Spring Blooming Bulbs!

6:45 -7pm Container Garden Demo

7:00-7:15 Tour the NHG Chicken Coop & Market Garden

7:15-8pm live music by Spyche

A $10 donation at the door gets you a raffle ticket to win amazing prizes. Be one of the first 50 people through the door and get a goodie bag filled with discounts and gifts from local businesses.

04.26.11 The National Urban Debate League tournament brought the top two teams from 20 leagues across the country to compete in New York City, and representing the Dallas Urban Debate Alliance were Hillcrest High seniors Andrew Flores and Carlos Ramirez and W.T. White High juniors Joseph Reyes and Luke Strother. Luke says of his experience, “Meeting people from around the country and discovering how much we had in common reminded me that debate is a community, one that can be a gateway to unique opportunities.”

Need plant or garden design advice? Our NHG Garden Coach will offer FREE 15 minute garden coach sessions. Plus, pre-order spring blooming bulbs including tulips, lilies and daffodils to ensure you get the colors and varieties you want. Details at www.nhg.com.

advocate video: st. alcuin montessori’s international Festival 05.02.11 The school celebrated its cultural diversity through the annual festival, which brings together people from nearly 30 nations around the world. The event included food and regalia from different countries, student performances, and an origami workshop with artists from the Crow Collection of Asian Art. All of the booths represented the cultures that make up the St. Alcuin student body.

6 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Your Ultimate Urban Garden Center 7700 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75230 • 214-363-5316 www.nhg.com
Left to right: Joseph Reyes, Carlos Ramirez, Andrew Flores and Luke Strother

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05.06.11 Neighborhood resident and eighth-grader KK Pedigo reflects on her travel experience in this beautifully written recap: “While visiting Washington, D.C. early in April, the eighth-grade class of Providence Christian School realized how important and real history is. Through museums and monuments, we began to understand how fortunate we are today. ... While walking along the Vietnam Memorial, we saw the solemn list of soldiers’ names, who died fighting, and we were touched by the numbers of people who died for our country.”

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7 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com June 2011
©2011.Equal Housing Opportunity. 214-826-0316 Scan this HomeKeyTM Tag with your Smartphone to see all our listings Preston Center Office | 214.692.0000 | PrestonCenter.Ebby.com Ginger Gill, Manager, 214.725.9036 | GingerGill@ebby.com ©2011. Equal Housing Opportunity. 4524 Park Lane Dallas 5/7.1/4 spectacular contemp 7850sf. Offered at $3,595,000 Mary Poss | 214.738.0777 4319 Park Lane Dallas Backyd oasis; 5 car gar; 5284sf Offered at $1,495,000 Mary Poss | 214.738.0777 7241 Midbury Drive Dallas Fabulous Hill Country Reconstruction Offered at $750,000 Carole Steele | 469.744.3044 6906 Northaven Road Dallas Best Buy! Upd,4108sf, P&B, Hdwds, .47 acre Offered at $475,000 Eva Kaplan | 214.957.9063 6622 Mimosa Lane Dallas 2/2/2 Ornate Built-In Hutch Offered at $415,000 Carole Steele | 469.744.3044 5820 Royal Crest Drive Dallas Charm of the 50’s and the comfort of 2011 Offered at $599,000 Ralph VanDuzee | 214.695.2986 6616 Mimosa Lane Dallas 3/2/2 Gorgeous Treed Lot, Big Deck Offered at $440,000 Carole Steele | 469.744.3044 6335 W. Northwest Hwy. #517 Dallas ATHENA Remodeled with Refined Taste Offered at $325,000 Marilyn Donsky Pailet | 214.207.3123

L aunch

Sarah Pickard has 15 years of interior design experience, but her latest project put it all to the test. She entered the realm of reality television, signing on with h GTV as the project manager and designer on “ r eal Estate i ntervention”, which filmed for four weeks last a pril in the d allas area. Pickard and the show’s host, c ora Sue a nthony, surprised homeowners by redesigning homes of people struggling to sell in today’s tough real estate market. Pickard lives in Preston h ollow and owns Pickard d esign Studio, focusing mostly on hotel design with several projects to her name, including the c rowne Plaza West End h otel. For the show, she worked on four homes in Mesquite, Fate, Garland and Junius h eights in East d allas. Each will air as individual episodes on h GTV this fall.

How did you get involved with the show?

They were looking for interior designers or stagers. I sent in my portfolio, and they contacted me within five minutes. I interviewed, and they offered me the job. I work with the host, Cora Sue Anthony, who is a professional stager. I’m the project manager and designer.

8 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
JunE 2011
GoT a Launch-WorThy idE a? Let us know about it: Call editor Emily Toman at 214.292.2053 or email launch@advocatemag.com. CAN TürkyIlmAz



It was really interesting because you don’t realize what all goes into making it happen. It’s really amazing to see it all come together. It’s an incredible experience.


Everybody wants to have an open concept. So, we knocked down a lot of walls. We renovated the bathrooms, dining rooms, kitchens, added new carpet, painted walls. They want to show what you can do on a tight budget. One homeowner started crying on film. It was a very emotional experience. When you’ve lived in a home for 10 years, and you have people come in and make such drastic changes, it’s amazing. These homeowners just didn’t know what to do.


We did three rooms in each home. One was a large project, knocking down walls. One was a medium-range project, and one was small, such as repainting the walls. In my real job, it takes months. We were just on a mission; it was amazing. It really proved that I could do so much more. We had an amazing construction crew. It all turned out fabulous, especially the first show. I remember thinking there’s no way we’re going to get it done. Then, all of the sudden, it all came together.


I learned there’s a huge difference between designing and staging. With staging, you want to grab people right when they walk in a room. Designing is much more long-term. What we do is for longevity.


We’re definitely more contemporary and transitional. It’s high-end, classic but with a twist. I like the unexpected.


If the show gets picked up for another season, and they decide to come back to Dallas or the surrounding area, I’ll be doing the show. —EMILY TOMAN



To learn more about HGTV’s “Real Estate Intervention”, visit hgtv.com/real-estate-intervention. The Dallas area shows are scheduled to air this fall.

9 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
for gardeners, landscapers and homeowners.” Ricky Hanks Lake Highlands homeowner and customer since 1989 BRING THIS AD WITH YOU TO RECEIVE WHOLESALE PRICES on any in-stock nursery plants including trees, shrubs and flowers. Offer expires July 31st, 2011. Offering Wholesale Prices to our Neighbors, Friends and Family. 10190 Forest Ln. 214.343.9083 www.ndplants.com For a very different experience in shopping for plant material come visit us at North Dallas Plant Sales. We are in the business of making people’s lives beautiful at affordable prices. Walnut St. W. Walnut St. Forest Ln. Greenville Ave. I-635 Royal Ln. Walnut Hill Ln. W. Kingsley Rd. Jupiter Rd. Plano Rd. Audelia Rd. Abrams Rd. Audelia Rd. SkillmanSt. SkillmanSt. Miller Rd. North Dallas Plant Sales
“North Dallas Plant Sales is THE BEST KEPT SECRET in
10 JUNE 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LAUNCHgrab-bag CAN TÜRKYILMAZ
Walnut Hill Obstetrics & Gynecology Associates 8305 Walnut Hill Ln. Ste. 100 Dallas, TX 75231 214-363-7801 www.walnuthillobgyn.com
40 years of skilled, experienced and compassionate care. Please visit our new website where you can now schedule an appointment on line.
Hampton B. Richards, M.D. Jane E. Nokleberg, M.D. James K. Richards, M.D. Jeffrey M. Thurston, M.D. David M. Bookout, M.D. Julie M. Hagood, M.D. John D. Bertrand, M.D.


building a fairy tale

The Dallas Arboretum’s Fairy Tale Castle exhibit had to be more than just a display you’re likely to see children climbing all over the structures, experiencing the stories rather than just observing from a distance. So, two years ago, the board of directors decided to involve some professionals. That’s when longtime Preston Hollow residents Lance and Suzanne Charriere took the lead in bringing these fairy tales to life in true architectural form. The couple has been in the business for more than 30 years — Lance with Turner Construction and Suzanne with Corgan Associates. “I’m an outdoors person,” says Lance, who’s now an arboretum board member. I like to hunt and be around nature. “I thought this was kind of a nice thing to get involved in.” The Charrieres commissioned architecture firms to work pro bono, creating the real-life fairy tale castles for the juried show, which includes seven winners: “Beauty and the Beast”, “The Princess and the Pea”, “Aladdin”, “Rapunzel”, “The Little Mermaid”, “Jack and the Beanstalk” and “Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters”. Lance outlined building guidelines and construction materials for the project to help ensure the castles would withstand weather conditions and the traffic from rambunctious children through the year. “We totally love and support the Arboretum,” Suzanne says. “We think it’s one of the greatest assets that Dallas has.”


is on view through Dec. 31. 8525 Garland Road, 214.515.6500, dallasarboretum.org


Do you have a dog you would die for, the world’s cutest cat, a loveable lizard or a prissy pot-bellied pig?

The Advocate is scouting photogenic pets for the cover of the September issue.

Tell us about your animal friend — name, species, breed, age, funny habits, special talents — and send us photos or video to editor@advocatemag.com, or mail nonreturnable items to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214. Include your name, address and phone number.

The deadline is July 1, 2011.

Good luck and dogspeed!

11 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011

writer in residence: L.A. StArkS

these days, you can’t turn on the television or radio without hearing dramatic news about the rise in gas and oil prices. For Preston Hollow writer L.A. Starks, it’s the perfect subject for a thriller. “The stakes are huge,” she says. “There’s high emotion. It affects everything from the price you pay at the pump, the cost of groceries and getting on a plane. I like thrillers, and I hadn’t seen this topic reflected out there.” Drawing on her extensive knowledge on the subject she studied chemical engineering and works in the oil industry — Starks wrote “13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy”, a story about a plot to sabotage an oil refinery and one woman’s struggle to stop it. The narrative takes place over 13 days, and Starks chose the Pythagoras reference not only because of his famous theorem but also because of the lesser-known conflict surrounding the Greek mathematician — he once murdered a student for disputing one of his theories. “One of [Pythagoras’] students questioned the existence of irrational numbers, and he was killed. For speaking the truth,” she says. Starks has always been a writer at heart but knew she couldn’t make a living from it. So she pursued another passion. “I grew up in a small Oklahoma town during the oil boom. Just like with Texas, it was all around me.” She graduated magna cum laude with a chemical engineering degree from Tulane University in New Orleans and later received her MBA in finance from the University of Chicago. Most people know that rising gas and oil prices directly relate to supply and demand — when oil prices rise, so do gas prices. But there’s a middle factor that’s often overlooked, Starks says. “It’s the refinery part — the cost of operating the equipment to turn that straw into gold.” —Emily Toman

LeArN More

“13 Days: The Pythagoras Conspiracy” and the e-book edition is widely available. l.a. Starks donates a portion of sales to help rebuild new orleans. Her website offers a map to finding the cheapest gas prices in the area. Visit lastarksbooks.com.

12 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LAUNCHgrab-bag
Highlands Premier Checking Because It’s Your Money. * FREE ATMs anywhere in the USA * FREE Online Banking & Bill Pay * FREE Mobile Banking * No Monthly Service Fee * No Minimum Balance * No Asterisk Better Banking member FDIC FREE Preston Center 214.217.7030 Preston Royal 214.217.7280 Preston Forest 214.217.7290 www.thehighlandsbank.com


Small ways that you can make a big difference for neighborhood nonprofits


and raise money for breast cancer research. North Haven Gardens will host Plant the Town Pink 6:30-9 p.m. June 4, benefiting the Dallas County affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. The afterhours party includes music, local wine, food, gardening demos and free 15-minute coaching sessions. The first 50 entrants will receive a goodie bag of products and gift cards from NHG and other local businesses. The $10 admission fee plus 5 percent of the evening’s sales will be donated to Komen for the Cure. 214.363.5316 or nhg.org


and help support Preston Hollow mom Amy Zicarelli, co-owner of Kidville in Preston Royal Village, who helped establish Angels for EOS, a foundation dedicated to finding a cure for eosinophilic disorder. Her 3-year-old son Luke was diagnosed with the disorder, which affects the digestive system, characterized by an overactive type of white blood cell that, when triggered by food allergies, attacks the body and releases toxins. Patients must receive aggressive treatment on a regular basis, making it difficult to lead a normal life. The annual Angels for EOS Golf Tournament is the organization’s biggest fundraiser of the year, beginning at 1 p.m. June 4 at Tour 18 Golf Course, 8718 Amen Corner in Flower Mound. angelsforeos.com


for sick and abused children in area hospitals and shelters. In conjunction with Project Linus, Midway Hills Christian Church hosts its annual Blanketfest 11 a.m.-4 p.m. June 25. Instructors will be on hand to teach sewing, knitting, crocheting and techniques that do not require these skills.

11001 Midway, midwayhills.org

KNOW OF WAYS that neighbors can spend time, attend an event, or purchase or donate something to benefit a neighborhood nonprofit? Email your suggestion to launch@ advocatemag.com.

13 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
grab-bagLAUNCH at law attorney William R. Wilson Business Matters, Family Law, Civil Litigation, and Wills & Probate 214-871-2201 wrw@billwilsonlaw.com 7615 CAMPBELL RD. (NW Corner Campbell/Coit) 888-729-5664 totalhearingcare.com Debbie MCD, Owner / Board Certified When a simple sentence becomes a puzzle, it’s time to let Total Hearing Care help you hear. “ Gr a n dp a, I l o ve c a rs , fr o gs a nd yo u .” “ I have been helping people hear all day, every day for 20 years. That’s what best at Total Hearing Care.” demonstration CALL TODAY BY 5PM FOR $500 OFF! SOMELIMITATIONSAPPLY GIVE THE GIFT OF HEARING FOR FATHER’S DAY 4130 ABRAMS RD. (SE Corner Mockingbird/Abrams) 877-217-7636




FREE For three years, the Dallas Public Library’s Bookmarks at NorthPark Center has been bringing an array of programs and activities to children each week. To celebrate the third anniversary, the library will host a full day of events, starting at 10 a.m. with a silly drawing presentation by illustrator Steven Kellogg. The traveling Russian dance group Grand Jete will perform at 11 a.m., and children’s folk singer Spaghetti Eddie goes on at noon, singing from his latest album. James Wand presents his Secret Agent Magic Show at 1 p.m., the Graceland Hula Dancers perform at 2 p.m. and the popular David Chicken goes on at 3 p.m. In between each program, author Janie Bynum will read from her book “Noah’s Magic Shoes” which will be on sale at Bookmarks. All proceeds benefit the Genesis Women’s Shelter. And don’t miss David Slick — the juggler, unicyclist and balloon twister who will circulate the area 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 8687 N. Central, 214.671.1381, dallaslibrary2.org

06.03-06.18 MIDNIGHT MADNESS $10 The Inwood Theatre continues its Midnight Madness series, with screenings on Fridays and Saturdays. The line-up includes “Jaws”, “Tron” and “The Room”. 5458 Inwood, 214.352.5085, landmarktheatres.com

06.04 KIDS TRIATHLON $35 The Jewish Community Center hosts the sixth annual Kids Triathlon beginning at 7 a.m. The event is open to children age 7-14 and includes swimbike-run distances of 100-200 yards in the pool, 5-10k biking on residential streets and 1-2k around the JCC. 7900 Northaven, 214.739.2737, jccdallas.org


Terrific’s Carwash will hold a tribute to the days during the 1960s when teens would cruise down Forest Lane, “a place where cars, women and pride were won, lost and run into ditches”. A live band will perform and Forest Lane Reunion merchandise will be for sale. The event begins at 7 p.m., and admission is $5 at the door. 3541 Forest, 972.243.4323, cruiseforest.com


Hollow Presbyterian Church presents an Americana Concert with Johnny Mann at 7 p.m. in the sanctuary. An ice cream social will follow the performance. 9800 Preston, 214.368.6348, phpc.org.

14 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
LAUNCHgrab-bag GO ONLINE Visit advocatemag.com for a complete list of happenings or to post your event on our free online calendar. Posts will be considered for publication.
in JU nE
Spaghetti Eddie performs folk tunes for children.

happeningsLAUNCH R on & M ona H all

Ron’s Organics, Inc.

06.08 ONE LOVE FREE One Love Dallas presents a yoga event in which participants practice 108 sun salutations at CenterPark in NorthPark Center. Led by 12 teachers from across DallasFort Worth, each student is challenged to raise $108 in donations to benefit Off the Mat, Into the World, which helps build sustainable development for the 2011 Global Seva Challenge in Haiti. 8687 N. Central, onelovedallas.org

06.14 INTERNATIONAL DINNER WITH MAYORS $100 The DFW International Dinner with the Mayors begins with a reception at 6 p.m. at Lovers Lane United Methodist Church. The event recognizes the cultural contributions that new Americans bring to the region. The Parade of Nations starts at 7 p.m., representing 75 countries. A sponsor table is $2,500, a community table is $900, and individual tickets are $100. 9200 Inwood, 972.661.2764, dfwinternational.org/dinner

06.18 TOMATO, PEPPER & SALSA PARTY FREE North Haven Gardens hosts its contest for the best salsa recipes, beginning with a tasting at 10 a.m. from the garden’s organic market. Arrive by noon to receive a free taco lunch from Taco Joint. The garden will host two salsa-making programs at 1 and 2 p.m. 7700 Northaven, 214.363.5316, nhg.com.


$15-$18 Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse presents singer-songwriter Pierce Pettis, whose songs have been recorded by artists such as Garth Brooks and Art Garfunkel. Liz Longley opens the show at 8 p.m. 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org.

ron Hall wants to save the world, he says, “one yard at a time.” To some, that might sound corny. But Hall is serious, and for good reason. Before starting Ron’s Organics, Hall worked as a Dallas firefighter for 20 years. In that line of work, he says, “I saw all the damage that chemicals can do and decided to make a change, beginning with my own home.” So he studied, took courses, attended lectures, read books and consulted with some of the leaders in the field of organics. He is both a certified landscape and nursery professional, as well as a licensed irrigator and applicator and a member of the Texas Nursery Landscape Association. With all this experience behind him, Hall can help you obtain and maintain a beautiful and healthy landscape. Ron’s Organics sells nearly two dozen special products — called Ron’s Custom Blends — carefully formulated to make your gardening experiences more rewarding. They are, Hall says, “effective, easy to use, affordable and all natural.” Ron’s Organics also offers lawn maintenance and landscaping, landscape design, irrigation, organic fertilization and stone, flagstone and pavestone work. The garden center, which he runs with his wife, Mona, includes an organic nursery and gift shop. Though Hall worked hard to educate himself about chemicalfree alternatives in order to make his business a success, he’s not the kind of guy to rest on his laurels. He’s constantly striving “to know more, do more and be more” in the field of organic landscape management. “My organic conversion was a struggle,” he says. “But it’s been worth it.”

15 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com June 2011
oRganics, inc. organicdynamics.com
fax 972-288-0828
S. Beltline Rd. Mesquite TX 75181
Tune in to KLIF 570 Sunday Mornings 8-9am to the Natural Living and Garden Show with Ron and Mona Hall


A guide to dining & drinking in our neighborhood

Potent Potables

Mattito’s is known for its b ob arM strong di P — a yummy mixture of queso, sour cream, guacamole and ground beef. But the popular Tex-Mex appetizer isn’t complete without a tall glass of the restaurant’s signature Rumba Rita. The blue frozen margarita is Mattito’s topseller, but the bar serves up several other cocktails that you won’t find on the regular menu. “By the time you try it, you can taste how good it is,” says general manager Gabriel Sanchez. The raspberry Chambord combines the French liqueur with fresh raspberries and tequila. The swirl margarita mixes tequila with red wine, adding in fresh limes and lemon juice. For something sweeter, you can’t go wrong with the tried-and-true mojito, made with fresh mint. Happy hour runs 3-6 p.m. with $4 house margaritas, $5 top shelf tequila and $2.50 draft beers. —Emily Toman


ex-Mex forest & Central 214.377.9576


M attitos. CoM

Pictured: Rumba Rita, Swirl and mojito

three more spots to get buzzed

1 Vel V et elV is

This local bar embodies its name — a retro dive covered in rock memorabilia from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s. But the jukebox has a mind of its own, ranging from Dynamite Hack to Jimi Hendrix. Drinks are moderately priced and come in mix-matched glasses with fun designs. Come after 9 p.m. for live music every night.

Marsh & walnut hill


2 Neighborhood s er V ices b ar & g rill

nick Badovinus opened this neighborhood gem under the radar last summer, serving lunch and dinner along with tasty cocktails like the Beauty School Drop- out, which combines Plymouth gin, lemon juice, raspberry and Prosecco.

Preston & royal



3 t ime o ut taV er N

This one’s for the sports fans. But Time out Tavern doesn’t overdo it with a gigantic plasma screen lining every wall. This tiny dive bar is a low-key place to catch the game uninterrupted and enjoy stout drinks.

lovers & inwood

214.956.9552 totdfw.CoM

food and wine online. Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com/dining

16 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
MaRk DaviS


ASIAN MINT $$ODFBWB Our Highland Park location, The Mint, offers an array of Asian-fused cuisine, specializing in Bangkok style dishes. We feature farm fresh ingredients, beautifully presented, coupled with a chic atmosphere and friendly service. Happy Hour is 5pm-6:30pm Mon.-Fri. – all beers and house wines are $3; $2 off appetizers, soups & salads. 4246 Oak Lawn Ave. 214.219.6469. The Asian Mint, along with its fused and sushi menus, also offers one of the best dessert bars in Dallas. 11617 N. Central Expwy. 214.363.6655. www.themintdallas.com

17 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011 The perfect gift for the budding oenophile — and for people who like wine, too. WINE CLASSES TAUGHT BY TWO WINE EXPERTS IN YOUR OWN HOME two wine guys 214-727-1992 · TWOWINEGUYS.COM
PUT YOUR RESTAURANT IN THE MINDS OF 100,000+ HOMES MONTH AFTER MONTH Read RESTAURANTTALK every Monday prestonhollow. advocatemag.com/blog
Half Price Bottle Wine Night (w/ adult entree) Wednesday Nights: Kids Eat Free (w/adult entree. Limit 2 kids per adult) Saturday & Sunday Brunch: $1.00 Bellinis & Mimosas (w/ adult entree)

pink rosés


Welcome to the ninth annual Advocate rosé column, where our motto is: If it’s summer and you have $10, you can buy good rosé — and sometimes even get change back.

Surprisingly, despite the weak dollar and the passage of all that time, that price point hasn’t changed in the last decade. There are still dozens of terrific rosés that cost $10 or less from all over the world. The one thing that has changed? The quality of rosé keeps getting better, and it’s unusual to find a poorly made rosé (something that wasn’t necessarily true 10 years ago).

What you need to know about rosé:

(or white merlot or whatever); rosés are pink wines made with red grapes, and they aren’t sweet. Why are they pink? Because the red grape skins are left in the fermenting grape juice just long enough to color the wine.


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are mostly red berries (think strawberry or cranberry) or watermelon. They should be served chilled, and they pair pretty much with any food, including beef and barbecue. Rosé was made for Sunday afternoon, sitting on the back porch, rosé in hand and burgers on the grill.

Look for 2010, and be wary of anything dated before 2009. Rosés are not made to age, and should be fresh and flavorful. The color in older vintages starts to fade, like paper that yellows.

Rosé styles vary by country. Spanish wines are going to be bone dry with less fruit flavor. French rosés are not quite as dry as the Spanish, but they usually don’t have a lot of fruit flavor (and rosé from Provence is among the best in the world). Some U.S. wines are so full of strawberry flavor that they seem sweet, but that’s your taste buds playing a trick on you.

The best way to learn about rosé is to taste. My list of recommended rosés is in the dozens, and includes wines from Texas (McPherson), South Africa (Mulderbosch), California (Pedroncelli), France (Cep d’Or), Spain (Cortijo) or Washington state (Charles & Charles).


appear every Wednesday on prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

18 JUNE 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com LAUNCHfood&wine


Sort-of salad nicoise

Americans seem hung up on salads. They’ll eat all sorts of fancy ones at restaurants, but at home are less willing to try anything other than some lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes and bottled dressing tossed together. In fact, those fancy restaurant salads are quite easy to make at home, much less expensive, and they are rosé-friendly. The ingredients, by the way, are just suggestions. This is a terrific way to clean out the refrigerator — use leftover grilled chicken, hard-boiled eggs, potato salad, green beans and bits of grated cheese.

Serves four, takes about 25 minutes

4 to 6 c mixed lettuce, torn

2 to 3 c chopped, raw vegetables such as cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms, red onion and celery

2 c canned beans such as chickpeas or navy beans

2 cans best-quality tuna

1/2 to 1 c black olives

1/2 to 1 c best-quality vinaigrette

1. Arrange the lettuce in a layer on a serving platter. Dress lightly with vinaigrette. Arrange the rest of the ingredients on top of the lettuce, making a design that strikes your fancy. Presentation is part of the fun of this dish.

2. Dress the salad lightly, and pass the vinaigrette at the table.

ask the WINE GUY?


Rosé is made to be dry; that is, all the sugar in the grapes is converted into alcohol. White zinfandel (or white merlot) is made to be sweet. Either sugar is added during the winemaking process, or some of the sugar in the grapes isn’t converted into alcohol. Those wines will have a lower alcohol content.

ASK THE WINE GUY taste@advocatemag.com

19 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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restaurant rut

20 JUNE 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com
Story by Emily toman · PhotoS by Can türkyilmaz, bEnjaminhagEr,mark DaviS

Is your favorite restaurant

really your favorite restaurant, or is it just a comfortable standby?

Either way, it’s time for something new.

Shake up your neighborhood dining life with these suggestions for every kind of meal.

21 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
meal map: Carry an interactive map featuring the restaurants from this story in your pocket
just scan this box with your smartphone.
instructions on page 2.)

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The cupcake conundrum

Sometimes, presentation is everything. SPRINKLES gets it right with hip and clean topping designs that change with the seasons. Plus, you can often help out a local nonprofit by indulging in certain flavors. But beware, one of these rich cupcakes can easily be split two ways. 4020 Villanova at preston, 214.369.0004, sprinkles.com

Not only does its menu change daily, but GIGI’S offers truly unique flavors such as the wildly popular Kentucky Bourbon Pie — bourbon cake topped with pecans, chocolate chips and cream cheese frosting, and drizzled in caramel and ganache. 5450 W. Lovers at inwood, 214.352.2253, gigiscupcakesusa.com

Sure, the cupcakes are divine — especially the S’mores flavor with marshmallow filling topped with chocolate butter cream and toasted marshmallow. But it’s the cake balls and whoopie pies that keep us coming back to CRÈME DE LA COOKIE again and again. 6025 Royal at preston, Suite 127, 214.363.4766, cremedelacookie.com

The only thing more dangerous than a good cupcake shop is one that encourages you to stay awhile. In addition to its delectable edibles, TARTBAKERY doubles as a gift store and coffee shop, offering free wi-fi. 5219 W. Lovers at inwood, Suite B, 469.335.8919, tartbakerydallas.com


For your health

For good, clean food, head over to SOUTH PAWSORGANIC CAFÉ — the “healthfood Cheers” in Preston Center. The owners are purists when it comes to eating well. You won’t find any unfamiliar ingredients in these dishes. Try the signature gluten-free ZaZa Rice Bowl packed with fresh veggies or the Green Gobbler spinach wrap. 6009 Berkshire at douglas, 214.987.0351, southpawscafe.com

MY FITFOODS does all of the calorie counting for you, offering pre-proportioned, refrigerated but sophisticated meals such as pear salmon and stir-fry. The recipes harness healthy fat, lean meat and low glycemic carbs that go straight to your thighs. 6100 Luther at westchester, 214.360.7569, 5960 Royal at preston, 214.613.2841, myfitfoods.com

SNAPPY SALADS makes a killer Cobb salad, combining romaine and iceberg lettuce, topped with tomatoes, chives, crumbled egg, bacon, grilled chicken, fresh avocado, gorgonzola and the restaurant’s signature dressing. 5915 Forest at preston, 972.991.7627, snappysalads.com

Create your own healthy salad at SALATA, which offers a wide array of fresh lettuce, veggies, fruits, nuts and cheeses along with homemade dressings that won’t just tack those extra calories back on.

8307 Westchester at luther, 214.363.6991, mysalata.com

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Chill factor

Maybe you stumbled upon it while grabbing a quick soda. Or, maybe you never knew it existed. Tucked away in DOC’S FOODSTORE in the Meadow Central shopping center, Summer Snow serves up some of the best sno cones around. The stand has more than 49 varieties, including natural flavors made with 100 percent fresh fruit and no preservatives. Try the chamoyadas for something spicier. The seasonal shop is open April 1 through Halloween. Although news has spread mostly by word of mouth, you’re guaranteed to see a long line as the weather heats up this summer. 7814 Meadow at Central, 214.315.5589, summersnowballs.com

Besides the burgers and dogs, SCOTTY P’S serves some of the best milkshakes around. Try Tommy P’s ice cream shake, which comes in chocolate, strawberry, vanilla or Oreo topped with whipped cream and a cherry. 11661 Preston at Forest, Suite 131, 214.691.1200, scottyps.com

The flavor list is endless at PACIUGO, the locally owned gelato shop that can be found at nearly every end of our neighborhood. Mix it up by building your own flavor combinations in one cup. 5915 Forest at Preston, Suite 320, 972.392.0319, paciugo.com

Step just outside the neighborhood to HIGHLAND PARK PHARMACY, the old-fashioned soda shop that serves up tasty milkshakes with that extra nostalgia factor. 3229 Knox at Travis, 214.521.2126

Preston Forest Village 11661 Preston Rd #206 Dallas, TX 75230 214.764.2119 x102 North Dallas 14902 Preston Rd #612 Dallas, TX 75254 214.764.2119 x104 Intro Series Two-Class Introduction New Students Start Here! Designed for Beginners It’s worth $10 to find out if Sunstone Yoga could change your life. *Offer is for 10 consecutive days (1 week 3 days) of unlimited yoga. Attend as many classes as you like for a 10-day period. Limit new, first-time clients only. Not valid with any other offers or discounts.

Posh patios

Nothing’s classier than an outdoor lunch date at Rise No. 1, the Inwood Village “salon de soufflé” that specializes in French cuisine, following principles of the Slow Food Movement. The menu features several types of soufflés from creamed spinach to escargot, and each contains no more than 413 calories. The European-style patio encourages folks to stay a while. You can also curl up with a book from the in-house library. 5360 W. Lovers at Inwood, Suite 220, 214.366.9900, risesouffle.com

If you’ve ever been to BRead WiNNeRs Café aNd BakeRy for Sunday brunch, you know how loud and boisterous it gets inside. That’s why a detour to the patio is the perfect way to enjoy your eggs benedict and mimosa. Even on a hot summer day, the fans and forestry keep the area cool. 5560 W. Lovers at Inwood, 214.351.3339, breadwinnerscafe.comr

Whether sitting inside or hanging on the patio, R+dkitCheN carries an outdoor feel throughout. Enjoy a pulled pork barbecue sandwich by the cascading fountain, and don’t skip the indulgent banana cream pie. 8300 Preston Center Plaza, 214.890.7900, hillstone.com

Stop in just before the dinner rush, and the huge double deck patio at stRatos GReektaveRNa is a relaxing end to the workday. Stop by after dark, and it’s a full-on nightclub with booming music and belly dancers. The restaurant offers half-price wines on Wednesdays and Sundays. But don’t leave without trying the mango margarita. 2907 Northwest Highway at Webb Chapel, 214.352.3321, clubstratos.com

25 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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The fro-yo phenomenon

In our neighborhood alone, the list of frozen yogurt shops is endless, with new spots opening left and right. Instead of rambling on about each one and why we love it, we’ve created an interactive map online to help you navigate the fro-yo circuit.

Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com for the cold hard facts on these shops and more.

The morning doughnut run

Location and convenience mean a lot when choosing where to grab that box of doughnuts for the break room. That’s true of FORESTDONUTS, located at Forest and Central across from Medical City Hospital. But stop in early because they quickly run out of all the staples — glazed, sprinkled and chocolate. There’s also free wi-fi, and the interior is pleasant enough to sit and stay a while. 7726 Forest at Central, 214.363.1669

Another place aptly named for its spot on the map is INWOODDONUTS The family-owned shop near the Forestwood shopping center has become an institution for nearby families. 11814 Inwood at Forest, 972.387.9043

For a place that makes eating doughnuts feel trendy, try YUMMYDONUTS on Lovers near the Dallas North Tollway. The doughnuts are carefully crafted with flavors ranging from the traditional glazed to wider varieties such as birthday cake, mint Oreo and Fruity Pebbles. 4355 Lovers at Armstrong, 214.520.7680

26 JUNE 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com Northwest Hwy Dallas North Tollway Arapaho 75 Forest Royal Walnut Hill Park Ln.
Belt Line Alpha Inwood Rd. Midway Marsh 635 PINKBERRY Preston & Royal ORANGE CUP Galleria Mall FRESHBERRY Midway & Alpha Preston Hillcrest IHEART YOGURT Preston & Royal GOOEY’STREATS Preston & Forest ORANGE CUP Preston & Northwest Hwy FRESHBERRY Park Ln & Central Expy YOGURTLAND REDMANGO NorthPark Center TASTI-D-LITE Hillcrest & Northwest Hwy
YOGURT BYME Alpha & Noel FRUTTI Belt Line & Montfort

w here the kids are alright

At neuhaus café, you can satisfy the kids without sacrificing your adult taste. While the little ones are chowing down on PB&J and chicken tenders, you can enjoy bruschetta, a lox bagel or grilled salmon for dinner. Plus, the wall of candy machines in the back of the restaurant will keep the kids busy. 626 Preston Royal Shopping Center, 214.739.4600, neuhauscafe.com

We don’t have to go far for a good burger in our neighborhood (e.g., Balls, Chips, Goff’s, Elevation). But Gazeebo buRGeRs is complete with a sizable game room in addition to a menu of kid-friendly items such as chicken fingers, hot dogs and grilled cheese. 5950 Royal at Preston, 214.368.3344, gazeeboburgers.com

You can never go wrong with an old-fashioned menu of gourmet burgers, milkshakes and French fries. And if you’ve lived in the area for any length of time, you know that PuRPle cow is a hotspot for young families. So, if you need to get the rowdy munchkins out of the house, you’ll fit in here. 6025 Royal at Preston, Suite 110, 214.373.0037, purplecowtexas.com

Maybe it’s time to expose the kids to hummus and Greek potato salad. Or, stick with the foolproof kids menu at zoë’s KiTchen, where you can also call ahead to order family meals on the go, feeding four people for just under $30. For dining in, try the spinach roll-ups and the turkey stack. 6025 Royal at Preston, Suite 104, 469.341.0123, zoeskitchen.com

Try before you die

Fried green tomatoes at RaThbun’s blue PlaTe KiTchen, topped with crumbled goat cheese and a special sauce that combines Round Rock Honey, ancho chiles and fresh thyme. 6130 Luther, 214.890.1103, kentrathbun.com

Corned beef hash at Gio’s café & new YoRK Deli, shipped straight from Carnegie Deli in New York. Melts in your mouth. 12817 Preston, Suite 129. 972.387.4467, giosdeli.com

Chocolate caramel Tortugas at The culTuReD cuP, covered in a dark chocolate shell, filled with pecan and caramel, and dusted with

cocoa powder. 8312 Preston Center Plaza, 972.960.1521, culturedcup.com

Grilled shrimp tacos at Tacos Y Mas, loaded with onions, cilantro, a splash of lime juice and salt, and wrapped in a fresh corn tortilla. 7752 Forest, 214.824.8079

27 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011

Yes! Research by the Department of Energy shows you can SAVE 10% ON YOUR COOLING COSTS by setting your thermostat back 10% to 15% for eight hours a day. It’s hard, with our busy schedules, to remember to raise the thermostat setting when we leave the house in the morning. That’s where the programmable thermostat comes in. Once it’s set up, it will operate by your schedule. Your home will be as comfortable when you come home as it was when you left it. While you’re gone, you won’t be over-cooling an empty house, and that will definitely save you money.

‘Hatred Has to stop’

A Holocaust survivor relives his painful history to foster a hopeful future

Please proofread carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs: because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing and the pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute an acceptable delivery.

At least once a week for the past 14 years, Preston Hollow resident Jack Repp has traveled to the Dallas Holocaust Museum and Center for Education and Tolerance. The museum is an uncomfortable place for the 86-year-old Holocaust survivor, but still he makes the trip because he believes it is important to tell his story.

“He relives his horror each time he speaks,” says Alice Murray, CEO of the museum and center. “His only reason to come is to tell others that hatred has to stop.”

During the month of June, all Advocate readers will receive 15% off programmable thermostat installation.** Call for details and be sure to ask about the new Trane Comfort Link Thermostat. This model can be programmed from your smart phone and links to other smart home products.

Reppvividlyremembersthedayin September1939whenGermansoldiers first marched into his hometown of Radom, Poland. At first, his life went on as normal — a “sweet life,” Repp recalls, with his mother, father, sister and four brothers.

One day, however, the Germans showed up at his interfaith school, roughly twothirds Catholic and one-third Jewish. The Nazisescortedtheprincipal,assistant principal, teachers and all of the students, without distinction, to a work site consisting of two piles of mud and stone.

The Germans instructed the principal and assistant principal to show the stu-

dents how to work. When the work wasn’t completedtotheirliking,theGermans beat their forced laborers, Repp says. After about six hours of work, the students were hungryandthirsty.BecauseReppwas athletic, the principal chose him to ask the commandant if the students could have some water.

The commandant responded by selecting two students to tie Repp’s hands together and hang him by his hands. Then two German soldiers beat his back with leather straps until he began to bleed. He was cut down and immediately forced back to work.

“The work was of no use except to take our dignity, our childhood and our intelligence from us,” Repp says.

Yes! Research by the Department of Energy shows you can SAVE 10% ON YOUR COOLING COSTS by setting your thermostat back 10% to 15% for eight hours a day. It’s hard, with our busy schedules, to remember to raise the thermostat setting when we leave the house in the morning. That’s where the programmable thermostat comes in. Once it’s set up, it will operate by your schedule. Your home will be as comfortable when you come home as it was when you left it. While you’re gone, you won’t be over-cooling an empty house, and that will definitely save you money.

The students continued to work for anotherfourhours.Theprincipalinstructed another student to ask the commandant for food, but because the child feared being severely beaten, he refused. After working 12 hours, the teachers, principals and students were thrown into the mud, beaten and chased home.

When Repp arrived home, his parents immediately cleaned him, fed him, treated his wounds, and then sat down at a table to ask questions.

“Myfather,asuccessfuldepartment storeowner,askedmewhatworkthe Germans had the students perform, and when I told him, he immediately got up and brought a prayer book [Haggadah] to the table,” Repp says.

During the month of June, all Advocate readers will receive 15% off programmable thermostat installation.** Call for details and be sure to ask about the new Trane Comfort Link Thermostat. This model can be programmed from your smart phone and links to other smart home products.

“I said to myself, ‘What does that book have to do with this?’ My father went through the

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pages and found a verse where the Jewish people were slaves under Pharaoh, and read that the exact same work was ordered to strip dignity from people.”

Thedayafterthisinitialnightmare, Reppreturnedtoschoolandsayshis life returned to normal. A month later, however, the German soldiers returned. This time they seized all of the Jewish children and took them to a labor camp called Radom.

Repp was only 15. Never again would he be able to use the word “mom” or “dad.”

When he and the other children arrived at the camp, they saw a sign at the gate: “arbeitmachtfrei”— workwillmake you free. The children’s names were discarded, and they each were assigned a number.

Repp’s was 238.

The Radom ghetto was an ammunition factory, and Repp worked there as a prisoner for three years. One day, Repp says, the German soldiers rounded up everyone and took roll call. They announced that the Russians were coming.

“We knewthatiftheRussianswere coming, we would be free,” Repp says. But no one smiled. “If we had a smile on our face, they would kill us.”

The Germans led the prisoners on a death march to a camp. On the way to the camp, the boys were ordered to undress on one side, the girls on the other. They knew what that meant.

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29 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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Family Fun Weekend

Saturday: Fitness Extravaganza at Flag Pole Hill, 11am-4pm; Water Wise Landscape

Tour: Save Dallas Water at White Rock Pump House, 9:30am-3pm. Join us with your horse for a trail ride around WRL. Meet at Norbuck Park at 10am.

Sunday: Kite Flying Day at Norbuck Park, 11am-4pm.

WRL Centennial Bike Ride hosted by Greater Dallas Bicyclists. Join us for a ride around the lake with refreshments and fun afterwards. Gather at T&P Hill at 9am. www.greaterdallasbicyclists.com

WRL Bass Fishing Tournament. Register your team at www.whiterockdallas.org. Limited boat space available.

Sailing Clubs Open House and Wooden Boat Show.

Last month of Centennial Celebration . . . lots of great events for you and your family to enjoy! You especially won’t want to miss the Centennial Concert at the Arboretum with Hard Night’s Day on June 26.

The Comerica White Rock Lake Centennial Celebration Pave the Way campaign allows families and businesses to forever commemorate their love of the lake on pavestones that will permanently grace the plaza at the spillway. Visit www.whiterockdallas.org to Pave the Way today.

Beach Party of the Century at the Bath House Cultural Center hosted by For the Love of the Lake with support from The White Rock Lake Foundation and Friends of the Bath House.

We would like to extend a special thank you to our partners, volunteers and participants who helped make the White Rock Lake Centennial a spectacular celebration.

Centennial Concert at the Arboretum with Hard Night’s Day. Limited seating - buy your tickets early at www.whiterockdallas.org.

White Rock Lake Centennial Committee 2011 Designed by Allyn Media Photo provided by Land Design Partners

out,” Repp says. “At that time, we hadn’t had anything to eat or drink for three or four days.”

Reppshouldhavediedthatday,but insteadofforcingtheprisonersintothe gas chambers, the Germans took them to another camp, this one with a factory where they were instructed to build missiles.

Repp recalls that conditions in the camps were horrible. Rations consisted of two cups of colored water with one slice of bread for breakfast, and a bowl of soup with no substance for lunch and dinner. This “food”, however paltry, wasn’t guaranteed.

The prisoners slept on wood with no mattress, pillow or even a blanket. They wore dirty clothes, and lice were everywhere.

“Peopleweredyingrightandleft,” Repp says.

Several years passed until the day the prisoners had long awaited finally came.

“We were lined up beside a 24-hour crematorium,” Repp says. “The third morning, a young man in an American Army uniform came in and started hollering, ‘You’re free! You’re free!’ But we couldn’t understand his language.”

When Red Cross trucks arrived at the camp, Repp recognized the symbol and realized that freedom was finally within reach. The trucks carried Repp and the other prisoners from the camp to a hospital.

Repp was 21 years old and weighed 69 pounds. He had spent six years under the control of the Nazis.

When Repp recounts this tragic story to students visiting the Holocaust museum, they are riveted by his experience. Repp says these students share his story with theirparents,whoshareitwiththeir friends, so many people are able to learn from his experience.

Beyondthemuseum,Reppregularly speaks at schools, colleges and military bases, each event scheduled by his companion, Sarah Yarrin, who always accompanies him.

“Working for Dallas Holocaust Museum is very gratifying, and I feel that Holocaust should not be forgotten,” Yarrin says. “By Jack telling his story to younger generations, they will be aware of intolerance to people.”

ThisishowReppfindshopeinthe Holocaust’spainfullegacy:Hebelieves that telling his story will prevent others from experiencing what he endured.

“Freedom is priceless.” Repp says, “What happenedtomeandothersshouldn’t happen again.”

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eaSt dallaS cHRIStIaN cHURcH / 629 N. peak Street / 214.824.8185

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see more photos and video about

your favorite stories past

tHe gReate St IS lOve


I wonder if you got up in the wee hours of the morning on April 29, to watch the royal wedding? I thought it was a brilliant example of Christian worship.

In it, the Bishop of London gave a stirring sermon. He opened with the following words: “ ‘Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.’ So said St. Catherine of Siena, whose festival day it is today. Marriage is intended to be a way in which man and woman help each other to become what God meant each one to be, their deepest and truest selves.”

I hope the world remembers that. Be who God meant you to be. And God doesn’t mean for you to lock yourself away for fear, or for guilt, or for shame. God intends you to go and set the world on fire with love.

The bishop went on to say, “We shall not be converted to the promise of the future by more knowledge, but rather by an increase of loving wisdom and reverence, for life, for the earth and for one another.”

As I watched the royal wedding, I hoped that, if but for a little while, the joy of the day would overshadow the darkness that too often looms over this world — that the simple message of love and that spirit of celebration and hope would linger with us all, in every corner of the earth.

Call me a romantic, but that’s what I pray for.

On the same day as the wedding, I happened upon a little news release from NASA. Do you remember the spacecraft Voyager? It was launched in 1977 when Jimmy Carter was president. The news release announced that Voyager has now reached the edge of the solar system; now it peers, lonely and cold and dark, into the rest of the universe. It bore a message, contained in a record, not made of vinyl but gold. Back in 1977, there w as much debate about what to include on the record, in case someday — perhaps billions of years from now it is found by some extraterrestrial others.

According to the release, “When all was said and done, Voyager blasted off with 118 photo-

graphs; 90 minutes of music; greetings in 55 human languages and one whale language; an audio essay featuring everything from burbling mud pots to barking dogs to a roaring Saturn 5 liftoff; a remarkably poetic salutation from the Secretary General of the United Nations; and the brain waves of a young woman in love.”

The woman in the recording was Ann Druyan,

a member of the recording team, who was indeed in love. She said recently, “My feelings as a 27 year old woman, madly fallen in love, they’re on that record. It’s forever. It’ll be true 100 million years from now. For me Voyager is a kind of joy so powerful, it robs you of your fear of death.”

Both the wedding and the news from NASA brought me to the same conclusion: Let the message of our times be the message of love. It’s our greatest need and highest opportunity.

34 June 2011 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com HEALTH RESOURCEWORSHIP tO adve Rt IS e call 214.560.4203 W
As I watched the r,oyal wedding, I hoped that, if but for a little while, the joy of t,he day would overshadow the dar,kness that too often looms ov,er this world
— that the simple me,ssage of love and that spirit of celebration and hope would ling,er with us all, in every corner of, the earth.
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by Advocate Publishing and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
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PrinciPal of the Year

David Peter c hapasko of Preston Hollow Elementary was named Dallas ISD’s Principal of the Year, which included a $2,500 cash award. Chapasko has been an educator for more than 30 years and took the helm at Preston Hollow four years ago. Under his leadership, the school received its first “exemplary” rating from the Texas Education Agency among several other statewide honors.

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W.T. White High School students e loisa h ernandez and Justin f uentes clown around during a car wash fundraiser for North Dallas Young Life at Forest and Inwood. The event helped raise money for camp.
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Preston Hollow pre-schooler Ava Dahalander , daughter of Jon and HeidiDahlander , organized a bike rally on her street to help raise money for the American Red Cross. The 5-year-old invited her friends to come over and decorate their bikes and have a parade. The kids raised $76, and an anonymous donor matched the amount, totaling $152 to help victims of recent natural disasters.


The Preston Hollow Early Childhood PTA donated $5,000 to build a new circular park bench at Preston Hollow Park. The moms group also gave $500 to the Preston Royal Library and another $500 to the Bookmarks Library at NorthPark Center as a thank you for the children’s programs they provide. Pictured: PHECPTA president JenniferBryarly and Bookmarks manager AlexandraBurns


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Well-knownrestaurateur PatrickColombo (Cru, Steel, Ferré, Victory Tavern) plans to open anItalian restaurant in the former Popolos space at Preston and Royal (8411 Preston). The space has been split practically in half — 4,000 square feet went to AT&T and the remaining 3,000 square feet to Colombo’s intriguing new concept. He describes his vision for the new digs as “modern Tuscan farmhouse” where “rustic (beam ceilings, natural stone) meets modern with some contemporary elements.” The menu is focused on wood-fired pizzas (the crispy, Naples style) and housemade pastas, desserts and breads. Chef Kevin Ascolese has worked with Colombo on and off for almost 20 years. His résumé includes stints at Fuse, Ferré and Mi Piaci. When asked why he chose this location for the new restaurant, Colombo answers, “My new concept embraces families, and this is a very family-oriented area. There is a mature family market here.” The name had not been finalized at press time, but Colombo expects to have it nailed down soon. Construction began in May, and the opening is planned for the end of August. “I want to take the time and put the focus on getting everything right; I want this to be a part of the community,” Colombo says.

The Plaza at Preston Center recently welcomed Calypso St. Barth Home (8413 Preston Center Plaza, 214.750.4266, calypsostbarth.com) to its bevy of stores. Located just around the corner from its apparel counterpart, Calypso St. Barth Home carries Maison de Vacances bedding, Heidi Merrick textiles, custom upholstered furniture, and signature poufs and rugs. “We have enjoyed such a strong following from the Dallas community,” president Stefanie DiRienzo Smith says. “The small amount of home items we could carry in our apparel store always sold out, so when our manager, Amy, made us aware of a store vacancy, we jumped at it.”

The corner of Hillcrest and Northwest Highway has seen a lot of change with the opening of Elevation Burger and Tasti D-Lite. Most recently, Tiff’s Treats (8611 Hillcrest, 214.613.4700, cookiedelivery.com) opened. Started in 1999 by two University of Texas students, Tiff’s Treats has garnered countless fans of its made-from-scratch

goodies. Available for pick-up or delivery, it offers 10 flavors of warm cookies plus brownies, ice cream, ice-cold milk and soft drinks.

M Crowd’s marketing guru, Hillary Arzt, tells us that this summer marks Mi Cocina’s (11661 Preston, 214.265.7704, mcrowd.com) 20th anniversary. Being the original Mi Cocina, the Preston-Forest location will hold the 20th anniversary celebration in July.

The burger and grilled cheese joint MooyahBurgers & Fries just opened the doors to its latest location at Northwest Highway and Hillcrest (6713 W.Northwest Hwy, mooyah.com). Since its debut in 2007, this Plano-based burgerand-fries concept hasn’t stopped growing. By winter 2011, Mooyah will have 25 locations.

Mark your calendars for Kids Cooking Company’s (6025 Royal, 214.265.9949, kidscookingcompany.com) “Dinner for Dad” June 18 from 10 a.m.-noon or 4-6 p.m. In preparation for Father’s Day, pint-sized students will learn how to make oven-fried chicken, “marvelous” mashed potatoes, buttermilk biscuits and triple berry cobbler. One parent or special guest is invited to stay and cook with each child, and the cost of the class is $60.

Celebrity Café & Bakery (10720 Preston, 214.373.0783, enjoycelebrity.com) now has online ordering and a “Grab & Go” section, featuring select sandwiches and salads freshly preprepared, plus some pre-packaged baked goods.

According to Jon Alexis, co-owner of TJ’s Fresh Seafood Market & Catering (11661 Preston, 214.691.2369, tjsseafood.com), we are deep in the middle of crawfish season. “June ... is the best time to get them,” Alexis says. “They are bigger and cheaper than anytime in the season.” TJ’s can cater your entire crawfish boil. “We bring the bugs, boiling equipment and staff; the heaviest thing you’ll lift is your beer,” Alexis says. Save the date: TJ’s chef, Chase Cheatham, will be at Taste of Dallas in Fair Park July 8-10.

This month, Jennifer Carr of Jen Rosie Designs (214.876.2466, jenrosiedesigns.com) has started an “Apron of the Month” club. It’s free to join, and every month members have the opportunity to purchase a Jen Rosie apron for only $28 (including shipping), as opposed to the usual $39 per apron. “I will create a new apron every month; it will be totally different from anything that I have online or in stores, and there will be a limited quantity. Once they are gone, they are gone!” Carr says.

DO YOU KNOW OF A NEIGHBORHOODBUSINESS renovating, expanding, moving, launching, hosting an event, celebrating an anniversary, offering a special or something else noteworthy? Send the information to livelocal@advocatemag.com or call 214.292.0487.

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8616 Labron Avenue | Bluffview $339,000 | 3/2/2 car garage 5156 Meadow Crest Drive | Preston Hollow $449,000 | 4/3/game room/2 car garage 4407 Vandelia Street | Oak Lawn $469,000 | 3/2/quarters/pool/3 car garage Elisabeth Queal Davis 972.380.7863

Got a crime to report or cop question? Email crime@advocatemag.com


Louise Reeves had gone out to run a few errands, and was coming out of her neighborhood bank just before closing time on a Friday. She made a deposit, and was about to get into her car and head home. An SUV was parked next to her car in front of the bank, and she clutched her purse as she prepared to get in. Suddenly, she felt a powerful tug on her purse. She didn’t see who it was immediately, but instinctively held on.

The Victim: LouiseReeves

The Crime: Robbery

Date: Friday, April 8

Time: 5:45 p.m.

Location: 10700 block of Preston

“They didn’t get my purse because my strap broke,” says Reeves, who has lived in Preston Hollow for 25 years.

The man had come around the SUV while she was not looking, and attempted to grab and go. He probably did not anticipate that this spunky woman was not going to be a victim.

“He was running real fast,” Reeves says. “The bank manager thought I hollered, ‘Help’, but I hollered ‘No’. I put that purse in a hammer lock.”

The suspect kept running after the strap broke, and didn’t get away with anything during the attack. The attempted robbery lasted less than a minute, and Reeves did not get a good look at the robber, who is believed to have been working with another suspect functioning as a lookout. A customer attempted to follow the men after the robbery, but was unsuccessful.

Unfortunately, the attack knocked Reeves to the ground, leaving her with slight injuries such as scratches on her elbow and bruises on her knees. But Reeves says she learned some lessons from the experience and is glad she did not

have to go through the process of cancelling all her credit cards.

“Nothing has ever happened like this to me before,” she says. “Keep your ID and credit cards on your body and not in your purse.Now I always keep my keys in my pocket. Don’t take anything of any serious value in your purse.”

Reeves says police told her there have been similar robberies recently near other area banks. Despite the crime, Reeves is hopeful her attacker will find a better path in life.

“I’m so blessed that he didn’t get anything,” she says. “This young man couldn’t have been over 21. I just thought, ‘I hope God helps him and changes him.’ He’s too young to get caught up in this way of life.”

Dallas Police Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division confirms two other purse snatches outside banks that occurred in February in the 12900 block of Coit and the 15100 block of Preston.

“The detective has developed some leads on this case as to who the suspects may be,” Dwyer says. “Right now, he is in the process of trying to re-contact the witnesses to confirm some information.

Dwyer offers some warnings for women who find themselves in similar situations.

“A couple things to keep in mind is that material things can be replaced, and that a woman can be seriously injured if she holds onto a purse as a person snatches it and runs.

“Also, while exiting the bank, a person may want to have their keys already out and in their hand. This way they are not fumbling or looking for the keys as they walk to the car and therefore less aware of the people around them. In addition, if something does occur, the person can press the car alarm button on their key fob to bring attention to themselves.” —SEAN





SOURCE: Dallas Police Department

43 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JUNE 2011
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3001 Southwestern Blvd. $1,800,000 Gracious 2 story home on rare double lot with towering trees. Built in 1941 w/subsequent additions & renovations. Great flow. Spacious study with full bath on 1st floor. Lush backyard landscaping w/pool & waterfall! Full guest quarters. 4/4.1/3LA/Pool Nancy Martinez 972.381.6705 7202 North Janmar $1,585,000 Timber frame construction oversized lot in Janmar makes this as much a work of art as a comfortable family home. Oversized gourmet kitchen. Great room provides unmatched views! Situated at peak of neighborhood cliff, creating views unmatched by any home! 5/4.1/4LA/Pool Kyle Rovinsky 972.989.8568 6331 Park Lane $1,694,000 Lovely tree-shaded MECCA in Preston Hollow. Beautiful wood floors, outstanding molding, great flow in every area, center hall flr plan, Den w/wood burning fireplace, study w/wall of bookcases. Truly a must see! 5/6.1/3LA Linda Claycomb 214.755.6542 Lori Kircher Lori Kircher 9426 Green Terrace Drive $229,000 50’s modern ranch w/ oak hardwoods, recent interior paint and open den-kitchen area. Kitchen w/ granite counters, tile floor and newer appliances. Large backyard w/ covered patio. Vintage baths & tons of closets. Large utility room plus attached garage. 3/2/1LA Susan Melnick 214.460.5565 Nancy Martinez Lydia Player Lori Sparks Lori Sparks Linda Claycomb Linda Claycomb Lori Kircher Linda Biggerstaff Kyle Rovinsky Susan Melnick 4207 Melissa $389,000 Beautiful, updated & open flr plan! Great neighborhood! 3 large living areas, granite kitchen w/gas cooking, 3 updated baths & inviting pool, security gate & extra parking! Huge updated master w/2 walk-in closets. Approx 3,154 sq ft. 4/3/3LA/2-car/Pool Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 10808 Pinocchio $399,000 Professionally designed and updated on a large treed lot, with beautiful outdoor living area! Hand-scraped wood floors, plantation shutters, new windows, gorgeous granite kitchen with replaced cabinets, and beautiful updated baths with granite! Two master suites! 4/3/2LA/2-car! Approx 2,407 sq ft! Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 6304 Pemberton Drive $450,000 Prime building site on desirable & quiet block of Preston Hollow! Huge Red Oak and Pecan trees make a majestic statement! Many lovely new construction homes on the block. Steps to St. Mark’s School! Build your dream home & enjoy! Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 5318 Del Roy $769,000 Sensational remodeled home on a beautiful treed lot! Coveted three large living areas, all with hand-scraped wood floors! Remodeled granite kitchen has slate floors & butler’s pantry! Triple crown moldings, can lighting, new windows, shutters, gorgeous master suite with travertine bath! 3-car garage! 4/3.1/3LA/3-car! Approx 3,564 sq ft! Lori Kircher 214.443.4944 4407 Walnut Hill $899,999 Exquisite features in this 2-story home. Fabulous gourmet granite kitchen! Den w/floor to ceiling stone fireplace, built-ins, wet bar & view of back yard! Elegant master downstairs! Decorative iron staircase leads to 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths up! 5/4.1/3LA/3-Car Linda Claycomb 214.755.6542 3848 Echo Brook Lane $500,000 Incredible updated home on lush half acre near Peter Pan Park. 4 bedrooms, 4 full baths, 3 living areas, 2 dining areas all in 1 story. Gourmet kitchen, soaring ceilings, wood floors, plantation shutters, loaded with all the extras. 3,121 sq ft of wonderful. Lydia Player 214.632.2883 5651 W. Amherst Avenue $844,000 2007 construction in coveted Devonshire location! Exquisite finish-out includes handscraped wood flrs, granite/marble in kitchen & baths, butlers pantry, high ceilings & stone patio with wbfp! Master is down and 3 BRs + Game Rm & Media are up. Fabulous! Lori Sparks 972.733.8561 7216 Helsem Bend $820,000 Incredible, one-of-a-kind property that offers carefree lifestyle of zero lot line combined with beautifully landscaped grounds to give impression of estate! 3 car garage! Pool + grassy area! Huge dining room! Master down with fireplace! Linda Biggerstaff 214.803.1560 6060 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 Kathy Riggs Rylander, 972.407.4655 NewLISTINg

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