2013 July Preston Hollow

Page 22

July 2013 | advocatemag.com
SWEET BEE [ 100,000,000 B.C. - 2014? ] The local push To save The pollinaTor populaTion from exTincTion Ins I de: Outstanding WOmen in Business Special Section
Be LocaL IN Preston Hollow

Opening this summer for your improved well-being.

AlSo oPeNiNg FAll 2013 Methodist Family Health Center –inwood Village

5709 W. lovers lane Dallas, TX 75209

Brand new and just for you, Methodist Family Health Center –Preston Hollow is conveniently located and available to keep your family healthy. Jennifer Bang, MD, and her staff are now nearby for everything from aches and pains and allergies to back-to-school physicals and preventive services for the whole family. Most patients can be seen the same day, and most insurance plans are accepted. So schedule an appointment today and get to know your new family physician for life.

Methodist Family Health Center –Preston Hollow

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Jennifer Bang, MD

Methodist Family Health Center – Preston Hollow is owned and operated by MedHealth and is staffed by independently practicing physicians who are employees of MedHealth. The physicians and staff who provide services at this site are not employees or agents of Methodist Health System.
At ViewPoint, our loan decisions aren’t made by corporate honchos headquartered out of a home office located nowhere near home. In fact, home for ViewPoint is right here in North Texas, with bankers who know customers want their answers fast, and their relationships long-term. Sound like a nice change of pace? We’re ready when you are. Local business loans, actually approved by local bankers. MEMBER FDIC viewpointbank.com 214-210-1477

The ‘servant’ leader New District 13 Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates shares her vision for Preston Hollow.

In her new play, one Preston Hollow mom explores a Hasidic community in New York, its transition to the secular world, and hipsters on bicycles.

4 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JULY 2013 From Passion to Profit Gurus of inspiration continue to offer sage advice, but finding satisfaction in work still takes creativity and a talent for looking at the workday through lens of curiosity and enthusiasm. One important key is to identify what motivates you. Example: One person may want to be a rock star because she’s attracted to the life style, while another has an arsenal of songs and talent for singing them. Both are equally valid reasons. If it’s the lifestyle, do you need to be a rock star, or would you rather book tours? it’s singing, are you willing to quit college and live in cheap apartment for year (rent subsidized by parent) and work long and hard to be discovered? That’s how Lady Gaga paid her dues. Not everyone has family help (or father to pay the rent for year, like Lady Gaga) but many women are surprised to learn, away forward where they didn’t know it was possible. In her book Wishcraft, Barbara Sher says you identify goal, get all your friends together for brain storming session to help you with If rock and roll doesn’t excite you, how about lasers? For Dr. Lynne Roberts, it all started with an interest in pediatric birthmarks. Until the early days of laser surgery, there was no treatment for birthmarks. “Once was able to offer laser treatment for removal of birthmarks, that really sparked my interest in the laser field.” As use and capability of lasers expanded in skin treatment, Dr. Roberts’s fascination expanded as well. “Now don’t do any medical dermatology, do all laser and cosmetic,” she says. have seven lasers in the office. Lasers R Us,” she says, with pride. With today’s lasers Dr. Roberts has expanded from removal of birthmarks to pixel fractional resurfacing, treatment of fine lines, sun damage, and even tattoo removal. Vicki White, who flipped 21 houses before she became Realtor, noticed she had talent for staging houses in way that caught the fancy of buyers. She even ran business staging homes, including the delivery and arranging of furniture, which she stored in warehouse. After years of being in and around home sales from all sides, she realized she had done everything 2013 PRESENTED BY WOmEn In BUsInEss OUTSTANDING features 8
Hasidism and hipsters
July. A bee’s life War, on this life-giving insect’s behalf, is being waged here in our neighborhood. cover 16 in every issue DEPARTMENT COLUMNS opening remarks 6 launch 8 events 12 food 14 live local 23 news&notes 24 worship 32 scene&heard 33 crime 39 ADVERTISING dining spotlight 15 the goods 19 education guide 22 health resources 24 worship listings 32 bulletin board 33 home services 35 PRESTONHOLLOW.ADVOCATEMAG.COM for more news visit us online Outstanding Women in Business features secrets to success from local business women SPECIAL SECTION PAGE 25 Volume 15 Number 7 | PHJuly 2013 | CONTENTS
Sweet finds Try these neighborhood bakeries to sweeten up your

Care as unique as you are.

Comprehensive Care: The Margot Perot Center

At The Margot Perot Center for Women & Infants, we’re all about women’s health. For 30 years, we’ve been caring exclusively for women and their babies. With services ranging from reproductive health, to obstetrics, to gynecology, to breast care, we’re committed to every stage of a woman’s life. As one of the most comprehensive facilities in North Texas, you’ll fi nd a medical staff in tune with the unique needs of women and advanced medical techniques. Doctors on the medical staff and our nurses are dedicated to providing exceptional care, while never forgetting about the person being treated. When it comes to women’s health care, no matter what stage of life you’re in, there’s only one name you need to know - The Margot Perot Center for Women & Infants.

Doctors on the medical staff practice independently and are not employees or agents of the hospital except resident doctors in the hospital’s graduate medical education program. ©2013
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Sweet memorie S


I’m going to tell you a secret, but you need to promise you won’t tell my wife and sons: I ate something in my car.

OK, I wasn’t actually “eating,” unless you call drinking a milkshake “eating,” but I still broke one of my self-imposed family rules: You shalt not eat in the car.

My wife says I have a lot of arbitrary, unwritten rules. I don’t agree, but she says she’s better at keeping track of stuff like that. And stuff like that tends to accumulate over the years, doesn’t it?

It’s not like I set out to break the rule. There was just something about the hot summer day that made it happen.

I went to Sonic to get a gallon of unsweetened iced tea for the office refrigerator, and when I pulled into the shady, breezy parking spot and crackled my order through the intercom, I decided I deserved a strawberry cheesecake shake to drink at home, too.

When the shake arrived at the precise moment a song from the rock group Boston’s only decent album began playing on the car radio, I decided instead to sit there and slurp on the shake and listen to the song.

And then the next good song came on, and the next one, and the next one.

As the breeze blew through the open car windows, the procession of songs took me back to when I was young and seemingly without responsibility and could sit in my car and listen to the radio for as long as I wanted, and no one would notice or miss me.

There were no dependents at home. There was no mortgage. My old AMC Javelin two-door was paid for, and the money I

earned working part-time at a grocery store sacking groceries and stocking shelves in a red apron and white shirt and clip-on bowtie paid for everything else. Golf. Bowling. Cinnamon rolls. Pizza. Mountain Dew.

Back then, I wouldn’t have said I had it made. Looking back now, I could certainly make that case.

The poet John Donne wrote that “no man is an island, entire of itself; each is a piece of the continent, a part of the main each man’s death diminishes me, for I am involved in mankind. Therefore, send not to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”

This was one of those days when I wished I wasn’t connected to everyone, or anyone. This was one of those days I wished I could just be the island.

That day won’t be today, though.

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My shake is gone, except for some whipped cream that has more cholesterol than I’m supposed to eat. It’s time to head back to real life.

“Where were you?” my wife asked a few seconds after I walked back in the door at home. She wasn’t scolding or worried, just making conversation.

She knew where I had gone. She didn’t know where I had been, though, or why.

No matter. I’m back now. And I won’t be eating in the car again anytime soon.

photo editor: DANNY FULGENCIO 214.635.2121 / danny@advocatemag.com


copy editor: LARRA KEEL


is published monthly by East Dallas Lakewood People Inc.

Contents of this magazine may not be reproduced. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for the content of all advertisements printed, and therefore assume responsibility for any and all claims against the Advocate. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising material. Opinions set forth in the Advocate are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the publisher’s viewpoint. More than 200,000 people read Advocate publications each month. Advertising rates and guidelines are available upon request. Advocate publications are available free of charge throughout our neighborhoods, one copy per reader. Advocate was founded in 1991 by Jeff Siegel, Tom Zielinski and Rick Wamre.

6 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
Wamre is president of Advocate Media. Let him know how we are doing by writing to 6301 Gaston, Suite 820, Dallas 75214; or email rwamre@advocatemag.com. Opening Remarks
now and then, bend the rules, sip a milkshake and look back
Advocate Media 6301 Gaston Avenue, Suite 820, Dallas, TX 75214 Advocate, © 2013,
As the breeze blew through the open car windows, the procession of songs took me back to when i was young and seemingly without responsibility.


comments and letters

“There is a time and place for them. It isn’t along roads and in parks. That is the issue, really. Canvas and re-usable bags have been shown to often be bacteria-laden. What will small businesses use to replace them? It isn’t an easy problem to solve.”

—mt Dreaming, commenting on “Banning plastic bags in Dallas: good or bad idea?” at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

“Biking for recreation on most of the neighborhood streets I feel is safe with caution. But biking to actually get someplace, like most of the businesses in Preston Hollow, which are almost 100 percent on heavily busy street corners/intersections, no, I would not feel safe at all, just being a casual biker with a helmet. I would love to be able to bike to a Tom Thumb, but there’s no way for me to get to any of them without going through one of those intersections. It’s a bummer, but I like being alive.”—Elle, commenting on “is our neighborhood bikeable? ‘Somewhat,’” at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

“Meso Mayo in Preston Forest serves the best margaritas, especially the watermelon margaritas. Best hot sauce ever.”

— g ab, commenting on “Preston Hollow restaurant serves the best margaritas in Dallas,” at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com

“Ahh!! Dirk!!!! That’s amazing! Proud of you!”— a nna Trotzuk Temple, commenting on “Preston Hollow resident Dirk Ebel makes waves,” at facebook.com/prestonhollow.advocate Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com for more.

Talk to us.

Visit prestonhollow.advocatemag.com to read and comment on this month’s stories and daily blog updates. Comments may be printed in the magazine.

Email EDiTOR mOnica S. nagy mnagy@advocatemag.com

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 7
What’s online
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Q&A: Jennifer Staubach Gates

On June 24, Jennifer Staubach Gates was sworn into office as our new District 13 Councilwoman representing Preston Hollow. She says she’ll always be a nurse at heart and believes her experience will help her nurse the city. Advocate sat down with her to talk about her future as our leader.

What is your vision for Preston Hollow?

I plan to focus my attention and time on basic services. Attention on needed repairs for the streets and the roads. District 13 has the lowest satisfactory rating regarding the roads. I want to work on enhancing and maintaining parks and recreation centers. Work with DISD trustees regarding schools in our area and public safety, because we can’t have a city that’s too safe.

What do you see as the main issues you need to tackle in the neighborhood?

It’s the streets and the roads, and crime, particularly in the Vickery Meadow or Five Points area, which is a top crime hotspot. I want to work in the Vickery Meadow area to reduce crime and work with the nonprofits in the area that provide social services for the refugees who live there.

What do you plan to do from a police standpoint and a social-service standpoint? Work not only with the Dallas Police Department,

8 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
community | events | food
District 13 Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates: Chris Arrant

but also Safer Dallas Better Dallas, which provides funds for cameras and technology to fight crime. It’s also working not only in Vickery Meadow, but also with crime watch groups and neighborhood associations on how to not become victims and keep their neighborhoods secure. Working with nonprofits to provide technology and the equipment necessary to fight crime.

When your constituents speak about you, what is one issue that you want to be known as being on top of?

That I’m available. A good communicator. That I’m able to listen to their needs and get things done on their behalf. Hopefully be described as a consensus builder.

You previously said you support the expansion of Northaven Trail into District 13, while nodding to cities like Austin, Portland, Boulder and Seattle. What made you think of those cities in relation

to Preston Hollow, and what will you do to facilitate the trail’s expansion?

I mention those cities because they have the quality-of-life amenities I would like to see brought to Dallas. For expanding the trails, money has been set aside by the county and Ann Margolin in the past. I’ve been communicating with [District 11 Councilman] Lee Kleinman, and plan to work with the Friends of Northaven Trail. I need to do more investigative work to find out how we can move it forward and get it done.

In a previous candidate forum you said one of the problems with drilling on park land is that there isn’t an ordinance to protect neighborhoods and park land. What will you do as a councilwoman to address this issue?

There is a drilling ordinance in place in the

City of Dallas, but there was a committee formed to look at the current ordinance and make recommendations, which was headed by [former Councilwoman] Lois Finkelman. Their recommendations were not adopted by the City of Dallas. I believe the city could adopt stricter ordinances to protect neighborhoods and park land.

Can you give me an example of one of the recommendations?

Like the distance that drilling can take place from neighborhoods.

You got some grief about using your full name in the elections. Some said that gave you an edge. Do you plan to show others they may have misspoken?

Simply put, I used my full legal name that I’ve used civically, and on all the boards that I’ve been a part of. I’m very proud of my family’s legacy to the City of Dallas. I’m not going to comment any more regarding that issue. It’s my name.

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 9 Launch COMMUNITY
WeArePrestonHollow.com Dallas City Center Realtors ® 3480 Salisbury Drive - SOLD in 1 Day! Micah Weaks 214.202.1234 MWSellsHomes.com mweaks@me.com 3948 Courtshire $674,000 3/3.1/2 Natalie Alfrey | 214.601.9944 9215 Middle Glen $474,900 4/2.1/2 2001 N. Buckner - $1,150,000 Vicki White 214.534.1305 vicki@vickiwhitehomes.com 3720 Pallos Verdas Dr. - $439,900 Katherine McCullough 214.868.7757 kdmccullough@live.com Juliette Bouchard Your Key to Buying and Selling Your Home Realtor ® 214.732.6602 DallasHomesToBuy.com 3/3/3 Preston Hollow 1-2 Page July.indd 1 6/10/2013 4:55:25 PM

Can you describe your leadership style in a few words? Servant leader.

What about when you’re not focused on city matters? What is your favorite hobby? Really?

Exercising. I run outdoors in the neighborhood. I used to have hobbies until I ran for city council. I used to read, go ranching and golfing, but in the last five months my hobby has been campaigning. The only thing that lasted during the campaign was my exercising and prayer time.

What music do you listen to when you exercise? What’s on your iPod right now?

My favorite band is Journey — it’s my ring tone. I like classic rock and country. Zac Brown and Pat Green kind of country.

Is there anything you wish I would have asked you?

You didn’t ask me about my nursing career.

OK. Tell me about your nursing career.

I still keep my license. I haven’t worked full time for 20 years. I substitute. I was a substitute school nurse, and even as of last year I was a camp nurse at my nephew’s camp. I always did pediatric nursing. Hospital pediatric nursing and school nursing.

For how long?

I worked for about five years full-time. But I’m proud of my license. I do the continuing education to maintain it. I thought I might go back to nursing as a recent empty nester. I thought that until I decided to do this. I still practice as a family nurse and a neighborhood nurse. My education and nursing experience trained me to pay attention to detail and make informed decisions, which is good training for a councilmember. I think it’s good for the council to have people of different backgrounds.

10 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
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Drama on the ‘Division’

Far from her Preston Hollow home, Miki Bone and her husband walked the streets of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where she became fascinated with what she saw before her. Hasidic Jews and hipsters walked parallel to each other, and that impression evolved into a painting and ultimately her play, “Division Avenue.” The play is about Ephraim, a young Satmar Jew who, recently widowed, decides to leave his strict Hasidic life behind and step into the secular world. Add hipsters, cell phone tracking and bicycles to the mix, and you’ve got a poignant and funny piece. Bone says Satmars, who are the strictest of Hasidic Jews, see it as their express mission to repopulate the world for every Jewish person killed in the Holocaust. She set out to explore the Satmar community, who, much like the Amish, are shunned from their community once they leave. After visiting the Tenement Museum in New York, hiring a personal tour guide, reading and watching countless books on Hasidism, and spending most of her time living in two “homes” the past three years, Bone felt she had ample background information — well, almost. The former Ursuline Academy acting teacher struck up a relationship with Footsteps, a social work group that acts as a safe house for people who decide to leave. “Reaching out to someone who feels displaced is very important to me,” Bone says. As a mom to two adopted children, Bone decided to leave the teaching world when she realized she was spending more time at work than with her three children. Now Bone will bring her 14-year-old daughter along with her to New York this summer, where she’s subleased a place since June 15 and will remain until Aug. 5 to help out with her play, which will be featured in the 14th annual Midtown International Theatre Festival July 17-Aug. 3. Her husband, who is a lawyer, and two older sons will visit on the weekends. One of Bone’s former Preston Hollow students, Jojo Nwoko, a Jesuit College Preparatory alumnus, has a role in the play. “Every actor, I’m excited to say, has a Yale, Juilliard or NYU background,” Bone says. She adds that she could not have turned her original impression into a piece if it weren’t for the help of her UTD graduate class and professor Fred Curchack, or “the artist whisperer.” She’s also grateful to the people at Footsteps, her Jewish friends in Dallas, and the people who have gone through the transition themselves. “I hope the play will open up different ways for dialogue to occur within the community that left,” Bone says. “The play doesn’t pose any solutions, but hopefully it’ll pose some questions.”

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 11
CLI BURNCON CERTS 817.212.4450 ClibuRN.ORg SubSCRipTiONS ON SalE Now
Miki Bone: Chris Arrant

Out & About

July 2013

July 2-Aug.18


Dallas Theater Center presents “Fly,” a new musical based on J.M. Barrie’s “Peter Pan.” For the 30-person play with both child and adult cast members, three-time Tony Award-winning producer Jeffrey Seller wanted to re-create one of his childhood favorites. “My mind always went back to my childhood and, ultimately, Peter Pan,” he says. “This vision became so compelling to me that I soon realized I had my next musical. There’s a version of Peter Pan that’s in my head that sounds different, looks different, and feels different than any I’ve seen before.”

Wyly Theatre in the AT&T Performing Arts Center, 2400 Flora, 214.880.0202, dallastheatercenter.org, $15-$85

July 8-31

We Yogis’ camps

We Yogis’ kids summer yoga camp lets kids work out, explore their emotions through yoga, read stories, learn about gratitude, make crafts and eat healthy snacks. The camp for children ages 3 to 13 takes place from 2 to 4 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There’s a new theme each week, such as “feeling good,” “gratitude” and an animal camp.

We Yogis, located in The Pavilion at 5600 W. Lovers, Suite 150, 214.351.1229, weyogis.com, $90 a week

July 9, 11

Teen Collage

Youth are invited to create collages about themselves at Churchill Recreation Center’s “Teen Collage” event. At the event, teenagers will share what makes them unique and talk about famous

artists Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali and Max Ernst — all men whose collages can be found in museums across the world. The 6-7:30 p.m. event is for teens 13 to 17 years old.

Churchill Recreation Center, 6906 Churchill, 214.670.6477, dallasparks.org, $5 plus a City of Dallas recreation card ($15 if you don’t already have one)

July 12

A trio of Texas music

Texas singer-songwriter George Ensle’s tunes will remind you of Townes Van Zandt and Willie Nelson, while Brian Kalinec’s award-winning songwriting and 18-year-old Kathryn Hallberg’s American music will tune you up as the opening acts at 8 p.m.

Uncle Calvin’s Coffee House, 9555 N. Central, 214.363.0044, unclecalvins.org, $18

Through Sept. 1

Beautifully dirty

Berlin-based artist Katharina Grosse created two new large installations for the Nasher Sculpture Center. Grosse sprayed brightly colored acrylic paint on piles of dirt, ceilings, walls, and sculpted plastic foam and fiberglass to demonstrate how painting can “appear in space.”

Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora, 214.242.5100, nashersculpturecenter.org, $5-$10

12 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
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editor@advocatemag.com pres T onhollo W.A dvo CAT em A g. C om/even Ts more local events or submit your own
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isabela moner and grant vehable play Wendy and Peter: Josh lehrer

July 19

’Til Midnight at the Nasher

The concert/movie event features a picnic with snacks from the Nasher Café and Wolfgang Puck Catering. Garagerock band Oil Boom will perform from 7-9 p.m. Bring a blanket to watch “Cars” following the band, from 9-11 p.m. in the garden. Admission is free. Nasher Sculpture Center, 2001 Flora, 214. 242.5100, nashersculprecenter.org

July 29-Aug. 2

Destination Dallas: Summer Architecture Workshop

Architect and educator Peter Goldstein hosts a weeklong workshop for high schoolers concerning Dallas’ innovative architecture. At the 9 a.m.-3 p.m. classes, students will visit buildings designed by leading architects and experience behind-the-scenes tours of the Nasher Sculpture Center, Wyly Theatre and Rachofsky House. Students also will visit architecture firms and recently completed projects such as Klyde Warren Park and the Perot Museum of Nature and Science. The Rachofsky House, 214.442.2878, 8605 Preston, rachofskyhouse.org, $250 including lunch and supplies

July 28-Aug. 2

JCC Maccabi Games

The Jewish Community Center hosts “Team Dallas Maccabi Games,” where Jewish teenage athletes will compete among 750-1,500 visiting athletes from across the world in various sports. Athletes must be 13 to 17 years old, a member of JCC of Dallas, and have a Jewish background. Athletes will compete in sports such as baseball, soccer, basketball, dance and more.

Jewish Community Center of Dallas, 7900 Northaven, call Cathy Kinder at 214.239.7147, austinjccmaccabi.org, $150

July 6 FREE admission

Art Scavenger Hunt 10 am – 2 pm

Children’s Art Activity

10 am – 12 noon

Art in Action Sculpture Demo

10 am – 12:30 pm

Family Tours

Hourly from 10:15 am – 12:15 pm

Yoga in the Garden 11:30 am

Presented by YogaSport (weather permitting)

Creative Writing with The Writer’s Garret 12 pm

Storytime with Dallas Public Library 12:30 pm

NasherKids Live! 1 pm

Family Dance Party with DJ Sober

NasherKids Meal at Nasher Cafe

11 am – 2 pm


July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 13 Launch Ev E nts
*Annual Percentage Rate. Vacation loan offer subject to credit approval and can change without notice. The 5.49% rate is for 12 month financing and includes the rate discount of 0.10% for automated payment. Repayment Example: 12 payments of $85.88 per $1,000 borrowed at 5.59%. Offer ends August 31, 2013. This credit union is federally insured by the National Credit Union Administration.
Have a

Delicious Sweet shops

Roshi Muns didn’t set out trying to open a nationally acclaimed bakery. Growing up in Austin, Muns admired funky neighborhood spots like the Sweetish Hill Bakery. In her free time she would use her grandma’s recipes and create some of her own to make baked goods for family, friends and co-workers. Years later, when Muns was working a corporate job, her boss asked her what she’d like to be doing in five years. Muns told her boss she wanted to bake sweets, and soon afterward Muns opened Society Bakery on Lower Greenville. Shortly after, a production member for the Ellen DeGeneres show came in and loved the cupcakes so much that Ellen put the bakery on one of her top 10 lists. As business grew, Muns was looking to add a second location, and that’s when she was approached by Medical City to open in the hospital. “A lot of the growth has happened organically,” Muns says. Her work ethic and passion for her cakes prove that heart, not formal culinary training, lies behind her success. Some of her employees went to culinary school, some didn’t, but Muns says she hires people who love baking as much as she does. The proof is in the product: The cupcakes are one-of-a-kind. July’s flavors are key lime pie, s’mores, and banana pudding. Each one of these cupcakes has a yummy Twinkie-like, uniquely flavored filling, and frosting that isn’t overly sweet. Special touches — such as graham cracker crumbles and whipped cream, and the cutest little vanilla wafer you’ve ever seen — top the cupcakes. Even the mini marshmallows on the s’mores cupcake are “roasted” with a butane lighter, because “it tastes better than just browning them with a broiler,” says Muns. Society’s doors kept swinging open the rainy afternoon we were there, and customers didn’t just ask for cupcakes. Petit fours, brownies, bread-pudding whoopie pies and cookies bigger than your face were flying out the door.



3426 B Greenville




7777 Forest Lane

(Inside Medical City Hospital Atrium A)



AMbiAnce: neighborhooD bAKery

Price rAnge: cUPcAKeS AnD SPeciALTy TreATS $2-$4 cAKeS $30-$100

hoUrS: MonDAy-FriDAy, 8 A.M.-6 P.M. SATUrDAy, 8 A.M.-5 P.M. cLoSeD SUnDAy

DiD yoU KnoW?

The MeDicAL ciTy LocATion hAS The SAMe SeLecTion AS The greenviLLe LocATion AnD More, incLUDing KoLAcheS, DoUghnUTS AnD ice creAM.

(Above) S’more cupcakes. (Left) Key lime pie cupcakes: Mark Davis

three more sweet spots

1. The Hospitality Sweet

Why visit? a) They are located in a historic post office b) macaroons c) coffee, cakes, cupcakes, cake pops and cookies. you’re welcome.

400 N. ervay, suite 175



2. Yummy Donuts

No need to fire up the grill and roast marshmallows. yummy Donuts’ s’mores doughnut with marshmallow filling does the job quite well.

4355 Lovers


3. Meringue Bakery

Meringue Bakery specializes in custom cakes — from a Jack Daniel’s bottle to a baby bottle, they’ve got it all. They also craft custom cupcakes in a plethora of flavors, but the strawberry just might be the best.

13605 midway, suite 160



Launch food finding vino

Yellow + Blue Chardonnay ($10) California

Availability makes even the crankiest wine writer cringe. That’s because the laws that govern how wine is sold, called the three-tier system, vary from state to state, and sometimes even within states. Just because a wine is for sale in Dallas doesn’t mean it will be for sale in Houston or Austin (or somewhere else in Dallas, for that matter). In addition, wine is not like ketchup, where there is an almost infinite amount. When a producer runs out of that year’s wine, that’s it, and there is no more until next year.

So what’s a wine drinker to do?

• Ask the retailer to check distributor books. More wines exist than any retailer can possibly carry. A distributor book lists every wine — often thousands for the biggest distributors — that can be sold at retail in that market. If the wine is in one of the books, a good retailer will get it for you.

That’s how I found the Bonny Doon wines, including the rosé ($15), which are quite limited in Dallas.

• Check with the winery. Obviously, if you can buy it from them, all the better. But if you can’t (thank you, three-tier system), send an email. Some producers have database apps on their site that let you search for retailers in your area.

That’s how I found Yellow + Blue, including the chardonnay ($10 for a 1 liter box).

• The importer should know. If the wine is not made in the United States, there’s a line on the back label that says “Imported by such and such.” Look for the importer’s website; sometimes, they’ll have a database app. More likely, you’ll have to send an email. —Jeff

Get local dininG news. sign up for our dining newsletter at advocatemag.com/newsletter/ph.

Dough Pizzeria Napoletana

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 15 Launch food
07-13 Please proofread carefully: pay attention to spelling, grammar, phone numbers and design. Color proofs:
and the pressroom operations, a reasonable variation in color between color proofs and the completed job shall constitute an acceptable delivery. o Approved as is o Approved with corrections o Additional proof needed Signed Thank you for your business! 6301 Gaston Avenue Suite 820 • Dallas, Texas 75214 PH: 214.823.5885 FX: 214.823.8866 DiningSpotlight_07-13_PH 11909 Preston Rd. @ Forest doughpizzeria.com 972.788.4600
because of the difference in equipment and conditions between the color proofing
Serving authentic pizza napoletana. Enjoy simple, fresh, delicious pizza made with passion and artful skill. Texas’ #1 Pizzeria, as rated by Zagat Mon.-Thurs. 11am-9pm, Fri. & Sat. 11am-10pm, Sun. 4pm-8pm hot dogs pizzeria dining spotlight special advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203 Jerry’s Wood-Fired Dogs Come on in, relax, have fun and experience the unbeatable flavor of Jerry’s Wood-Fired Dogs, Sausages, Burgers and More! Now Catering! 6340 Gaston Ave. (between Abrams & La Vista) jerrysdogs.com | 214.750.7053

Requiem Bee for a

Photographer Danny Fulgencio, led by local apiculturists Brandon and Susan Pollard, explores the honeybee world — at a neighborhood level — its dwindling population and how it all impacts our lives.

Requiem Bee for a

Brandon and Susan Pollard herd honeybees. “Urban bee-wrangling,” they call it. Beyond being honey purveyors, the Pollards, via their Texas Honeybee Guild, save residential colonies from extermination, offer public education on the importance of bees and rally on their little charges’ behalf as environmental activists. As the Pollards often attest, bees are responsible for about 30 percent of our food. They pollinate more than 100 species of fruits and vegetables. Without them, we are in trouble. And that’s where we are headed, they say. In recent years, bee populations have been crushed by insecticides, disease, parasites and the enigmatic colony collapse disorder, a phenomenon that has caused the mysterious and widespread disappearance of worker bees. Last year proved especially brutal for the Pollards and their bees: The couple estimates they lost 60 percent of their hives, often after city-backed trucks and planes sprayed swaths of Dallas with neurotoxin to combat disease-carrying mosquitoes, which incidentally also threatens the humble bee. With mosquito season upon us, the Pollards attempt to rebuild their colonies while bracing for another possible round of chemical warfare.

18 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
RELOCATION EFFORT (Above) The Wischkowsky family taps Brandon and Susan Pollard to remove bees from their residence. At just over an acre, the Preston Hollow property offers a botanical catalog of passion vines, strawberry gomphrena and cherry laurels and is home to two feral hives squatting in the walls between brick and tile. The Pollards rescue bees less often than they did years ago — they are busy trying to keep their existing colonies alive. Unlike exterminators, the Pollards take great pains to relocate feral hives when possible.

listening for life (Above) In Preston Hollow, Brandon Pollard listens with a stethescope for a feral hive in the walls of the Wischkowsky home. He says extracting the hives will be a mentally draining job. “The physical work — the cutting and the sawing — that’s easy, but the big-picture aspect of all that in an emotional sense is the hard part.” Pollard estimates a pest control service could fetch more than $1,000 to destroy the bees. “We could charge that,” he says, “but that’s not why we’re doing this. We’re not chasing money. We’re chasing the bees. And that’s why it’s hard. Because we want to do what’s best for them.”

soothing smoke (Opening spread) Brandon and Susan Pollard, founders of the Texas Honeybee Guild, use a smoker while tending to hives at the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center just outside the city. Smoke sedates the insects, the beekeepers say, because they are hardwired to conserve energy for flight when they anticipate a hive fire. Bee smoking is an ancient practice — 15,000-year-old cave paintings show people sedating bees with smoke.

the goods

baby bliss

get ready for the 4th with adorable outfits from tea collection. summer sale going on now!

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city view antique mall

Fill your castle, cottage, lake House or ranch House with one-of-a-kind finds from city view antique mall. come visit 55 dealers at our new facility. 6830 walling ln. (off skillman/abrams) 214.752.3071 cityviewantiques@homestead.com

and hand-painted ornament; perfect gift for the new home owner or dallas transplant. sales benefit neighborhood organizations. 214.292.0486 foundation.advocatemag.com

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 19
7 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com August 2011
speciAl Advertising section to advertise call 214.560.4203

Requiem Bee for a

LOCAL HONEY (Above) In their efforts to sustain and repopulate the species, the Pollards and their honeybee guild oversee several honey-producing hives in backyards and gardens in and around the Preston Hollow area, and they monitor dozens of hives around the city. Honey from those hives is sold in neighborhood eateries and stores, such as Natural Grocers, and is known as Zip Code Honey.

LET BEEDOM RING (Right) Protesters oppose Monsanto, bioengineers of agricultural chemicals. A thousand strong, protesters wind from City Hall toward the Farmers Market and back. Monsanto opponents blame the corporation, among some others, for the drastic reduction of bee populations. The company has publicly denied that its products are the problem and has announced its intentions to help find a solution. As the crowd thins, Brandon Pollard shakes his head, laments the lack of media presence and says, with a sad smile, “Preaching to the choir. Preaching to the choir.”

20 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 21

education guide

daLLas LUtheran schooL

Spanish Immersion


4411 Skillman and 5740 Prospect Ave.


8494 stults rd dallas / 214.349.8912 / dallaslutheranschool.com Come learn more about DLS, a school that serves families and their students from 7th through 12th grade. Set up an appointment for a tour or shadow experience by calling Admissions Director Betsy Bronkhorst with questions. DLS strives to be a Community of Grace that develops young people to be Christian leaders. A full complement of athletics, drama, music, and clubs allow students to develop outside the classroom as well. Over 97% of our seniors attend the college of their choice. DLS is a one-to-one school where each student and faculty member uses an iPad. Financial aid is available. A few openings remain for the 2013-14 school year.


Educating for ovEr 100 yEars


For nearly 30 years we have been giving children the opportunity to develop at their own pace in a safe and nurturing environment.

first baptist academy

1606 patterson st. dallas / 214.969.7861 / fbacademy.com

First Baptist Academy serves students PK-12th grade, and has provided a rigorous academic program and Christ-centered environment for 40 years. A platform for education and building a relationship with Jesus starts with the youngest students. During Interim Week, Middle School students attend a spiritual emphasis retreat and participate in mission projects, and Upper School students choose from mission and educational trips, both local and abroad. FBA also offers a Summer Camp program each summer as well as competitive sports and fine arts programs during the school year. Call today to schedule your tour!

LakehiLL preparatory schooL

Leading to success. 2720 hillside dr., dallas 75214 / 214.826.2931 / lakehillprep. org Kindergarten through Grade 12 - Lakehill Preparatory School takes the word preparatory in its name very seriously. Throughout a student’s academic career, Lakehill builds an educational program that achieves its goal of enabling graduates to attend the finest, most rigorous universities of choice. Lakehill combines a robust, college-preparatory curriculum with opportunities for personal growth, individual enrichment, and community involvement. From kindergarten through high school, every Lakehill student is encouraged to strive, challenged to succeed, and inspired to excel.

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7900 Lovers Lane, Dallas, TX 75225 214.363.9391


5400 e. mockingbird Ln. dallas / 214.821.2066 / schoolofcbd.com We’ve relocated to 5400 E Mockingbird Ln. 75206. Five new beautiful studios across from Mockingbird Station, servicing Lakewood, M Streets, Park Cities, Uptown, Downtown, SMU, and more! Adults and Children’s programs ages 2+ in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop & Contemporary. Morning, Afternoon & Evening classes available, Beginner thru Advanced levels! Adults get in shape with one of our Dance Fitness classes: Dance Workout, Just Barre, Zumba, Samba, Pilates Mat, Ballet Boot Camp, Ballroom, Let Your Yoga Dance & MORE! Private lessons and Studio Rental available! Professional Rates & SMU student discounts! Professional instructors in a positive environment! Schedule is online. Enroll Now!


5740 prospect ave. & 4411 skillman / 214.826.4410 / dallasspanishhouse.com

Spanish House is a Spanish immersion school for children ages 3 months - Kindergarten. Our new location at 4411 Skillman opens in August for preschool and Kindergarten. Our Spanish immersion nursery program (3 months - 2 yrs) starts in September at 5740 Prospect Ave. We offer half-day and full-day programs, with extended care available from 7:30am - 6pm. We also offer after-school and Saturday classes for PK and elementary-aged students, both on- and off-site. Additionally, we have an adult Spanish program for beginning, intermediate and advanced students.

22 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
E Lovers Ln (@ Skillman) Dallas, X 75214
Call us for enrollment information 214-363-1630
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SJES admits qualified students of any race, color, religion, gender, and national or ethnic origin. Accepting 2013-14 applications for select grades Come for a visit. stjohnsschool.org 214-328-9131 x103 Pre-k through Eighth Grade Co-educational • Godly Play • Computer • Fine Arts • Drama • Gymnastics
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st. christopher’s montessori schooL

7900 Lovers Ln. / 214.363.9391 stchristophersmontessori.com St. Christopher’s Montessori School has been serving families in the DFW area for over a quarter of a century. We are affiliated with the American Montessori Society and our teachers are certified Montessori instructors. Additionally our staff has obtained other complimentary educational degrees and certifications, including having a registered nurse on staff. Our bright and attractive environment, and highly qualified staff, ensures your child will grow and develop in an educationally sound, AMS certified loving program. Now Enrolling.

st. john’s episcopaL schooL

848 harter rd., dallas 75218 / 214.328.9131 / stjohnsschool.org Founded in 1953, St. John’s is an independent, co-educational day school for Pre-K through Grade 8. With a tradition for academic excellence, St. John’s programs include a challenging curriculum in a Christian environment along with instruction in the visual and performing arts, Spanish, German, French, and opportunities for athletics and community service. St. John’s goal for its students is to develop a love for learning, service to others, and leadership grounded in love, humility, and wisdom. Accredited by ISAS, SAES, and the Texas Education Agency

white rock north schooL

9727 white rock trail dallas / 214.348.7410 / whiterocknorthschool.com

6 Weeks through 6th Grade. Our accelerated curriculum provides opportunity for intellectual and physical development in a loving and nurturing environment. Character-building and civic responsibility are stressed. Facilities include indoor swimming pool, skating rink, updated playground, and state-of-the-art technology lab. Kids Club on the Corner provides meaningful after-school experiences. Summer Camp offers field trips, swimming, and a balance of indoor and outdoor activities designed around fun-filled themes. Accredited by SACS. Call for a tour of the campus.

Zion LUtheran schooL

6121 e. Lovers Ln. dallas / 214.363.1630 / ziondallas. org Toddler care thru 8th Grade. Serving Dallas for over 58 years offering a quality education in a Christ-centered learning environment. Degreed educators minister to the academic, physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of students and their families. Before and after school programs, Extended Care, Parents Day Out, athletics, fine arts, integrated technology, Spanish, outdoor education, Accelerated Reader, advanced math placement, and student government. Accredited by National Lutheran School & Texas District Accreditation Commissions and TANS. Contact Principal Jeff Thorman.

Business Buzz

The lowdown on what’s up with neighborhood businesses


Chiladas brings its ‘Fresh-Mex’ to the Hollow Tex-Mex restaurant Chiladas Fresh Mex Grill of Plano opened a Preston Hollow location in early June. The restaurant, which goes by a “no added MSG, no microwaves and no shortcuts” policy, is open seven days a week. Management touts hand-picked ingredients and knowledge of the origin of all food down to the veggies. “The Chiladas team has curated a Tex-Mex menu using produce that can be traced back to the exact farm and, more precisely, the plot of land it came from,” according to a press release. Chiladas offers brunch on Saturdays and Sundays. The restaurant is owned by Williamson Family Investments (of regional chain TaMolly’s), and the company plans to open five more Chiladas locations throughout the Metroplex by 2014.

Dough Pizzeria wins Zagat award — again Zagat just named Dough Pizzeria the “#1 Pizza in Texas” for the second year in a row. On its Facebook page, the restaurant shares, “Of all the awards we have been fortunate enough to win, we are most proud of this one, because it is voted on by the guests who dine in our restaurant.” —monica s. nagy

fortunate to voted on onica s

more business bits

more business buzz every week on


C atema G.C om/ B iz

1 CityDoc used its Preston/Royal location’s grand opening party June 6 to benefit local schools: Hillcrest, Ursuline, St. Mark’s and Good Shepherd Episcopal. 2 Shinsei owners Tracy Rathbun and Lynae Fearing celebrated their restaurant’s seven-year anniversary June 10-16 with seven of their favorite dishes for $7 each.

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 23 Live Local Get in ContaCt Chiladas 4448 Lovers 214.365.9900 chiLadasfreshmex.com Dough Pizzeria 11909 Preston 972.788.4600 doughPizzeria.com CityDoc 10759 Preston 972.480.3400 citydoc.net Shinsei 7713 inwood 214.352.0005 shinseirestaurant.com
business news tips
chiladas’ shrimp tacos

health & wellness

general and CosmetiC dentistry

Ashly R. CotheRn, DDs, PA www.drcothern.com

Dr. Ashly Cothern has a passion for life, faith, family and dentistry. As a patient, you are welcomed by a team of professionals that understands the direct link between your oral health and the rest of your body’s well being.

Excellent Dentistry,

Comprehensive Care and an Exceptional Experience — They love what they do… Now that’s something to SMILE about!

9669 N.Central Expwy., Ste. 220 Dallas, TX 75231 214.696.9966


DR. Clint MeyeR www.dallaseyeworks.com

80% of our perception is processed through our visual system. It is estimated that one in four school age children has an undiagnosed vision condition. Regular vision exams will ensure that your child’s eyes and visual system are helping them gain the most from their school experience. Call Dallas Eyeworks to schedule a convenient exam with Dr. Meyer.

dallas eyeworks

9225 Garland Rd., Ste. 2120, Dallas, TX 75218 214.660.9830

neUro mUsCUlar massage therapy

lUZ A. loPeRA


Massages not only reduce stress, pain and muscle tension but considerably reduces anxiety, insomnia related to stress, digestive disorders, headaches, and much more. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the caring, comfort and empowerment that is only given by a talented therapist. Call Us today for a healthy life style.

luz’s nmt & BodyWork

4230 LBJ Freeway., ste.216 Dallas, TX 75244 214-978-7050 214-607-7565


Walk Score, a Seattle-based company that rates how walkable a city is based on how far residents must go to reach grocery stores, entertainment, parks and other amenities, recently expanded its website to include Bike Score. Bike Score uses a similar algorithm to rate a city’s bikeability, based on factors like terrain, bike lanes and destinations. Dallas is ranked “somewhat bikeable.”

The LBJ Express Project’s leaders were honored at the American Road and Transportation Builders Association’s 14th annual globe awards June 3. The project was recognized for “outstanding efforts in maintaining environmental protection and standards throughout each phase of construction.”


The brains over at Cooper Aerobics released a product, which they promise will improve athletes’ vision and, in turn, their performance. Cooper Complete Nutritional Supplements, which were developed by Kenneth H. Cooper of Cooper Aerobics, just released a new supplement to its line that is said to help eyes’ tolerance to light, immunity, muscle strength, endurance and more. The new supplement, Cooper Complete MVP, combine Flora-GLO Lutein and Zeaxanthin, Omega-3, and Vitamin D-3 for athletes of any age. MVP uses vision improvement to aid athletic performance. The company says that food alone cannot provide athletes with enough nutrients for optimal eye health.


Lamplighter’s Young Alumni Association participated in the private school’s third-annual car wash May 18 to help pay for the land the school acquired from Hockaday in 2010, while also collecting accessories for the nonprofit Attitudes and Attire. Young alumni chairwoman Katherine Dau and fellow alumni organized the event and held monthly meetings prior to it. Their hard work paid off: They raised more than $7,400.


Please submit news items and/or photos concerning neighborhood residents, activities, honors and volunteer opportunities to editor@advocatemag.com. Our deadline is the first of the month prior to the month of publication.

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Dan neal 972-639-6413 stykidan@sbcglobal.net Computer troubleshooting Hardware & Software InStallatIon, repaIr & traInIng no problem too Small or too large $60/hr. minimum one hour Don’t paniC, Call me. prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 4.625X2.25 10.40 sq. in
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to advertise in this section. Want dallas’ most aFFluent, proFessional and educated residents visiting your office for health care? “I survived ...” share your story
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Women in Business outstanding

From Passion to Profit

Gurus of inspiration continue to offer sage advice, but finding satisfaction in work still takes creativity and a talent for looking at the workday through a lens of curiosity and enthusiasm. One important key is to identify what motivates you.

Example: One person may want to be a rock star because she’s attracted to the life style, while another has an arsenal of songs and a talent for singing them.

Both are equally valid reasons. If it’s the lifestyle, do you need to be a rock star, or would you rather book tours? If it’s singing, are you willing to quit college and live in a cheap apartment for a year (rent subsidized by parent) and work long and hard to be discovered? That’s how Lady Gaga paid her dues.

Not everyone has family help (or a father to pay the rent for a year, like Lady Gaga) but many women are surprised to learn, when they dig into their own resources, that they can identify away forward where they didn’t know it was possible. In her book Wishcraft, Barbara Sher says if you identify a goal, get all

your friends together for a brain storming session to help you with ideas to overcome the obstacles.

If rock and roll doesn’t excite you, how about lasers?

For Dr. Lynne Roberts, it all started with an interest in pediatric birthmarks. Until the early days of laser surgery, there was no treatment for birthmarks. “Once I was able to offer a laser treatment for removal of birthmarks, that really sparked my interest in the laser field.”

As use and capability of lasers expanded in skin treatment, Dr. Roberts’s fascination expanded as well. “Now I don’t do any medical dermatology, I do all laser and cosmetic,” she says. I have seven lasers in the office. Lasers R Us,” she says, with pride. With today’s lasers Dr. Roberts has expanded from removal of birthmarks to pixel fractional resurfacing, treatment of fine lines, sun damage, and even tattoo removal.

Vicki White, who flipped 21 houses before she became a Realtor, noticed she had a talent for staging houses in a way

July 2013 special advertising section 25 From Passion to ProFit55 · LiFe, 24/758 · sUCCess stories08 · When BUsiness thrives61
2013 Presented by a special advertising section

Lynne J. Roberts, m.d.

Internationally Known Laser Surgeon

Dr. Roberts offers a fullyequipped in-office laser suite , with all lasers on site, where she performs laser surgery daily. In addition to laser surgery for adults and children, she also specializes in cosmetic Dermatology, including skin rejuvenation, Botox, and “fillers”.

Pixel fractional resurfacing provides firming of the skin and improves skin texture and tone, sun damage, wrinkles and acne scars with minimal downtime.

We are excited to offer our HigH sPeeD ligHtsHeer Duet laser Hair removal system!

This advanced technology with a new vacuum assisted, high speed handpiece eliminates the need for topical anesthetics and provides improved comfort, treatment speed and effectiveness. Treatment times for large areas such as legs, back or chest are reduced up to 75%. It is now possible to treat several different areas of the body in one session.


• Pixel Fractional Resurfacing

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J. Roberts, M.D.

8144 Walnut Hill Lane, Suite 360 Dallas, TX 75231 469.232.9300 • lynnerobertsmd.com

that caught the fancy of buyers. She even ran a business staging homes, including the delivery and arranging of furniture, which she stored in a warehouse. After years of being in and around home sales from all sides, she realized she had done everything but get a Realtor’s license. So she took that step, which led to so much success that last year, she hired an assistant, Karen Peeler. Now that White has help, her business continues to grow.

In the health care industry, patients can sometimes feel distant from their providers. But Dr. Debbie Schirico of Total Hearing Care says, “Patients tell me all the time, they can just tell I love what I do.” That’s because they pick up on Dr. Schirico’s passion for making sure each patient gets the best possible boost and improved quality of life from better hearing. “I love helping people hear, and enjoy their life to the fullest,” Dr. Schirico says.

Johnette Taylor of Roundtree Landscaping loves being outside, and she loves sharing that passion with her clients. “I want people to enjoy the outside of their home as much as the inside,” she says. “I had a client (couple) who literally laughed when I told them they would be outside using their yard every day. They said, ‘We don’t go outside, we just want it to look nice.’ Well, it looked great. They called a year later and said, ‘You changed our life, we sit outside every day when we get home and wind down from the day.’”

Taylor finds that kind of positive change rewarding, and she wants to bring that same joy to all her clients. “It’s important to take advantage of all that space you own outside your home,” she says. “Turn it into a room you and your family and friends love being in.”

These women have learned that when they work their passion from the inside out, rewards come in more than one form. They run profitable businesses but they focus on so much more. They have tapped into their inner rock star. ■

Source: Wishcraft: How to get what you really want, by Barbara Sher; success.com/articles/160-5-questions-to-help-turn-yourpassion-into-profit

26 special advertising section July 2013 special advertising section Women in Business outstanding

Do A Little Dance... Enjoy Life with Better Hearing

Total Hearing Care has been doing business and changing lives in the Lakewood area for 26 years.

Most Dallas physicians dealing with patients with hearing concerns often refer to Dr. Debbie Schirico and Total Hearing Care as they have heard great stories about the care provided. Even other area Audiologists and Hearing Aid Dispensers/Specialists recommend Total Hearing Care.

These clients return to Total Hearing Care because of the quality of care, attention to detail, the follow up care and service after the sale. They offer walk in service all day, Monday through Saturday, to focus on patient solutions, unlike any of the competition. Everyone deserves the very best hearing solutions and Total Hearing Care provides the opportunity for patients to listen to various products and choose one that provides the best sound quality to them.

Total Hearing Care also will exchange products/ manufacturers within the first 30 days if the patients

feel something might be a better fit after experiencing their world amplified.

Dr. Schirico says, “Your family and friends would much prefer to see you enjoy life and laugh at the joke on time, than to sit and not participate or constantly ask someone, ‘What did you say?’ ” We would like to give you the opportunity to try amplification for 30 days. We will offer you a 100% risk free money back guarantee. Compare the difference for yourself— you will be glad you did. Offer expires 08/30/13.

Abrams office 214-827-1900 Campbell office 972-380-0222 Dr. Debbie Schirico, Au.D., CCC-A Board Certified Doctor of Audiology/ Owner Gloria Buckley, M.S., CCC-A Clinical Audiologist opportunity the Lakewood: 214-827-1900 4130 Abrams Rd. @ Mockingbird (SE Corner) Richardson/Plano: 972-380-0222 7615 Campbell Rd. @ Coit (NW Corner) Call us now to find out how better hearing can change your life. Call for Your Appointment Today! www.totalhearingcare.com Paige Gainey, Au.D. Doctor of Audiology Jill E. Copley, Au.D., CCC-A Board Certified Doctor of Audiology

Life, 24/7

Does Super Mom even exist?

Dr. Ashly Cothern – dentist by day, mom of four young children by night.

“That question of balance is forever on the table,” Dr. Cothern says. “When I had zero children, my life looked a little different. Now I have four children, and all along the way it changed. When I used to work 4 days a week, it felt unbalanced. Now I see patients typically three days a week.” The reduced schedule helps Dr. Cothern rejuvenate between work days.

Kevin Caskey, Dallas City Center, believes flexible hours are the reason many women are attracted to real estate. “It’s a business they can work around their families and still be successful,” he says, and then adds, “Men do real estate for that reason too. They want flexibility around their family and their other interests and events in their lives.”

Vicki White, whose real estate business has grown even during the lean years, says, “Balance is something I’m still working on. I still take real estate calls seven days a week, and I still do real estate every single day of the year.”

To help ease her work load, two years ago White hired a full-time assistant, Karen Peeler.

“She is making my life bearable,” White says. “If I didn’t have her I couldn’t do this.” The results of having a good assistant has had surprising effects, because together the two women are two times as successful as one. “It’s made my business bigger,” White says. ■

28 special advertising section July 2013 special advertising section Women in Business outstanding
214.696.9966 www.drcothern.com yoursmile is the first thing people notice about you. Make sure they notice how beautiful it is! Even slight changes in your smile can make a dramatic difference in the way you look and feel. With new advances in dentistry, you no longer have to settle for chipped, stained or poorly aligned teeth. Our practice offers a variety of treatment options designed to deal with such problems. N N 9669 N. Central Expy., Suite 220 Dallas, Texas 75231 Now Accepting New Patients! • Cosmetic Dentistry • Teeth Whitening • Hygiene/Periodic Exams • Invisalign Braces • Porcelain Veneers/Laminates • Dental Implants • Composite Fillings • Crowns and Bridges • Periodontal Therapy (bone/gum) • Clenching/Grinding Appliances Complimentary nitrous oxide & numbness reversal medication.
July 2013 special advertising section 29 special advertising section Women in Business outstanding 4325 Belmont Ave., Dallas, TX 75204 214.824.7036 oundtree landscaping Since 1984, Roundtree Landscaping, Inc. has been helping yards reach their full potential. Partnering with you to turn your dream into a design, see it installed and continue the relationship with maintenance services. The difference is in the design! The difference is Roundtree Landscaping, Inc. Johnette Taylor, owner See more of our work online at RoundtreeLandscaping.com Bringing you from Bland to Beautiful

When Business Thrives:

Women in local businesses talk about starting and growing their client base

All the local business women profiled in this section have kept their businesses thriving through the past few years of economic turmoil. How did they do it?

Dr. Ashly Cothern has been practicing dentistry for over ten years. “I feel that’s a blink of an eye, but a lot of things have happened in that time,” she says. She describes how, in her office, she and colleagues begin their day with a morning “huddle,” where they re-visit their touchstone, which is concern for their patients. “It’s important when our patients come in our doors that they know they’re cared for,” Dr. Cothern says. “This is a team effort,” she says, referring to her partnership with each patient. “I present the dentistry, and the patient and I decide together how we’re going to move forward.”

Dr. Cothern also relies on her strong staff. “When I first started practicing, I felt that if I were a good leader, then I could handle it all myself and be the one-stop shop,” she says. “I’ve learned over time that in order to increase longevity — for myself, my team members, and my patient relationships — I have to empower my team members, and allow their leadership qualities to come out.”

Economics have had an effect on the way people think about dentists. “In hard economic times, people shop around, I understand that,” Dr. Cothern says. “We’ve had patients that leave, but ultimately they come back. They don’t want to be a number. They want to see a familiar face.”

Taking time to analyze what’s working well is part of the success story at Roundtree Landscaping, which has been going strong for 29 years. Roundtree’s owner, Johnette Taylor, says, “When things are busy and the business is thriving, it’s time to look at what’s working so you can make sure to replicate it. Ask yourself, what did you do to get there? Are you still doing it?”

Referrals are another great way to generate new business. It’s no surprise that people trust their friends when they ask about good service, but research shows that most people also trust internet reviews, even though they don’t know the reviewers personally.

Dr. Debbie Schirico at Total Hearing Care says she gets referrals not only from past and present patients, but from medical specialists in the area. “Audiologists as well as those that wear hearing instruments who have worked with us throughout the years refer to us,” Dr. Schirico says. Over the 26 years she has been in business, she has built a strong reputation. “Our clients return to us because of the quality of care and attention to detail to assure their satisfaction and success.”

30 special advertising section July 2013 special advertising section Women in Business outstanding
all about kids DENTISTRY 5211 forest lane, suite 127 dallas, texas 75244 972-233-4439 allaboutkidsdentist.com j diane colter, d.d.s. pediatric specialist Infants Children & Teenagers Sign up now for our weekly newsletter advocatemag.com/newsletter Preston Hollow Now Portable advocatemag.com GOODNIGHT, SWEET BEE 100,000,000 2014? The local save The pollinaTor populaTion exTincTion WOmen

“Patients tell me all the time, they can just see I love what I do.” That’s because they pick up on Dr. Schirico’s passion for making sure each patient gets the best possible care and improved quality of life from better hearing. “I love helping people hear, and enjoy their life to the fullest,” Dr. Schirico says. “Our clients return because of the quality of care and attention to detail to assure their satisfaction and success. And our follow-up care after the sale is second to none.”

Dr. Lynne Roberts, who specializes in adult and pediatric laser surgery and cosmetic dermatology, also benefits from a strong level of referrals. “Almost all of my patients come from referring physicians and patients I’ve already seen,” she says.

Dr. Roberts begins each patient relationship with a 45- minute consultation. “We just sit and talk, because with skin rejuvenation there is a lot to talk about,” she says. “I like my patients to be fully informed, and I give them all their options, and I tell them the pros and cons. Mostly, I want to be geared to what their goals are.”

Dr. Roberts is known in her industry as a very conservative practitioner of cosmetic skin rejuvenation. She does not take chances on risky procedures, and her caution with patient care extends to her choice of equipment. “For a laser, the company has to prove to me it works, because if I don’t have confidence in a procedure I’m not going to do it.”

Pediatric dentist Dr. Diane Colter focuses on her specialty. “Parents know we’re going to focus on what’s important to look at with their child, as opposed to the overall population, pediatric and adult,” she says. “It doesn’t matter if they’re a new patient coming into the office, or if they’re a patient that’s been with us for over five years. We block out time and make sure we are addressing their issues.”

Dr. Colter sees education as part of the added value she can provide her patients. “Because we are strictly a specialty, we can educate parents and the child, depending on their age, on what’s best for them. We can set guidelines for healthy snacks, and reinforce better choices today, so there will be less dental work in the long run.”■

Source: attractclientswithease.com: Grow Your Business by Caterina Rando

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worship lis T ings

Give it a rest


PARK CITIES BAPTIST CHURCH / 3933 Northwest Pky / pcbc.org

All services & Bible Study 9:15 & 10:45. Trad. & Blended (Sanctuary),

Contemporary (Great Hall), Amigos de Dios (Gym) / 214.860.1500

WIlSHIRE BAPTIST / 4316 Abrams / 214.452.3100

Pastor George A. Mason Ph.D. / Worship 8:30 & 11:00 am

Bible Study 9:40 am / www.wilshirebc.org


GRACE BIBlE CHURCH / www. gracebiblechurch.org

Sunday Worship: Traditional 9:00 am; Contemporary 10:30 am

Adult Bible Classes both hours /11306 Inwood Rd./214.368.0779


Sunday: Lifequest (all ages) 9:00 am / Worship 10:30 am

Wed: Student Ministry 7:00 pm / 9626 Church Road / 214.348.9697


CENTRAl CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 4711 Westside Drive / 214.526.7291

Sunday Worship 11:00 am ./ Sunday School 9:45am

Wed. Bible Study 5:00 pm./ www.cccdt.org / ALL are welcome

E AST DAllAS CHRISTIAN CHURCH / 629 N. Peak Street / 214.824.8185

Sunday School 9:30 am / THE TABLE Worship Gathering 9:30 am

Worship 8:30 & 10:50 am / Rev. Deborah Morgan / www.edcc.org


Sundays: School for all ages 9:30 am / Worship service 10:50 am 214.352.4841 / www.midwayhills.org


lAKE HIGHlANDS UMC/ 9015 Plano Rd. / 214.348.6600 / lhumc.com

Sunday Morning: 9:30 am Sunday School / 10:30 am Coffee

Worship: 8:30 am & 10:50 am Traditional / 10:50 am Contemporary



9555 N. Central Expwy. / www.northparkpres.org

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UNIT y Of DAllAS / A Positive Path For Spiritual Living

6525 Forest Lane, Dallas, TX 75230 / 972.233.7106 / UnityDallas.org

Sunday services: 9:00 am & 11:00 am

Share your story

Have you experienced an illness, injury or situation that should have killed you?

Email the details, including your zip code and phone number, to editor@advocatemag.com.

Write “I survived” in the subject line.

In this midsummer month, my thoughts turn to the ancient idea of sabbath. I suspect that, of all the Ten Commandments, this may well be the most frequently ignored and broken. We understand the seriousness of offenses like murder, idolatry and adultery, but we have relegated the commandment to rest to the realm of good advice rather than law. I suspect, however, that the cost of breaking the sabbath law is extraordinarily high when measured by the quality of our physical, mental and spiritual health, and the state of our relationships.

What is sabbath? Sabbath is imbedded in God’s relationship with Israel. According to Exodus, it’s the fourth commandment given to Moses on Sinai. In both versions of the Ten Commandments, God even gives reasons for this requirement: In Exodus the sabbath command is warranted because even God rested on the seventh day of creation: “For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day and consecrated it.” If God takes time off, why do we think we’re so important?

Deuteronomy reports a different emphasis, where the commandment is warranted by the Exodus from Egypt: “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the sabbath day.” Keeping sabbath time is a statement to the world that you are not a slave!

It may be that our difficulty with the commandment to keep the sabbath is that it is difficult to apply to the culture. We live

in a world that worships productiveness, busyness and progress. Resting seems to go against these modern idols. Taking a day a week to “do no work” sounds lazy and counterproductive. Again, it is treated as a “good idea,” but this just may be the least utilized good idea of them all.

My clergy friends and I are not exempt from the problem. For 40 years I have

worked on Sundays. My Saturdays are often filled with weddings, memorial services or workshops. I call Thursday my “day off,” but board meetings in the community interrupt even those. So I publicly confess: I am a sabbath breaker. Mea culpa. God forgive me.

So I guess we’re in this together, you and I. Sabbath Breakers Anonymous. “Hi. I’m Blair, and I’m a sabbath breaker.” I must admit that my Jewish neighbors in the North Dallas Eruv put me to shame, as they walk to Temple on a sabbath evening, careful to stay within the area where one can at least carry a water bottle or push a stroller. Yes, they are careful, full of care, knowing that there are good reasons for sabbath time, and that we break the commandment at our own peril. Not that I think God will punish us for driving on the sabbath, but that we punish ourselves when life constantly drives us.

32 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com July 2013
Not just good advice, it’s an order
So I guess we’re in this together, you and I. Sabbath Breakers Anonymous. “Hi. I’m Blair, and I’m a sabbath breaker.”
Blair Monie is senior pastor of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church (phpc.org). The Worship section is a regular feature underwritten by Advocate Media and the churches listed on these pages. For information about helping support the Worship section, call 214.560.4202.
sPeCiAl A dver T ising se CTion to advertise call 214.560.4203
“I survived ...”

Lamplighter Layers raise chickens and $1,500

Selwyn Rayzor and Gowri Sharma, Lamplighter parents and UNICEF volunteers, accept a check worth $478 from Lamplighter littles Everett Graves and Jenny Mitchell. The check was part of the $1,500 the Lamplighter Layers recently raised by selling 5,000 eggs in their chicken and egg program during the academic year. The funds were divided between the Lamplighter Land Fund, North Texas Food Bank and UNICEF.

A friend of the Fearings’

From left, Bill Barfoot, St. Alcuin Montessori school parent, head of school Walter Sorenson and St. Alcuin student Campbell Fearing welcome chef and dad Dean Fearing to the school’s annual field day May 28. Fearing is chef and partner of Fearing’s Restaurant.

to advertise call 214.560.4203

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accepted) 214.691.6622 www.reaganmclain.com

Celebrating Texas in style

Stephanie Weislak, Providence Christian School of Texas teacher and Preston Hollow resident, poses for a photo with student and resident Will Huffman at the school’s Texas Day event

Carry the Load

The Young Marines group, a youth education and service program, trek Katy Trail on May 26 and the following Memorial Day. The group was a part of thousands that came out for Carry the Load, an overnight walk in support of men and women who have made great sacrifices for community and country.

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First a trailer , now a mower.

The Victim: Len Miller

The Crime: Burglary

Date: Tuesday, May 28

Time: Between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Neighbors recently had seen men cruising the alleys in pickups, Len Miller says of his Meadows neighborhood. The men didn’t appear to be residents of the area and may have had criminal intentions — scouting out easy opportunities to make off with someone else’s property. One night recently, a neighbor walked outside to find two men rummaging through his car. They fled the scene when discovered. While the men have not been identified, Miller has been the victim of crime himself recently.

Location: 7400 block of Meadow Oaks

Someone helped themselves to the Snapper lawn mower in his garage, a loss of about $300. Last year, he also had a trailer stolen from his driveway. Even though the trailer had cables on the wheels, a lock on the hitch and was squeezed in tight against his gate, house and a vehicle on three sides, someone managed to move it and tow it away.

“It’s just a pain,” he says of the recent crimes.

At this point, Miller says he will just have to get another mower and move on.

Lt. Richard Dwyer of the North Central Patrol Division says it is imperative for residents to always keep garages closed and locked if at all possible.

“Most people don’t realize they’re spending an hour or hour and a half working in the backyard or away from the garage, and that is more than enough time for someone to take something,” he says.

This small effort can be preventative, he says, and cause a crook to move on to another location.

2  Tacos  y  Mas If  you're  hungry  for  tacos  to-­‐go, this  may  be  your  best  bet.  Its crave-­‐worthy  taco  meat  is  what put  this  little  joint  on  the  map, but  it  also  serves  a  variety  of other  Tex-­‐Mex  options. 5419  Ross 214.824.8079

3  La  Victoria This  hole-­‐in-­‐the-­‐wall  boasts  of being  gluten-­‐free  friendly,  but  it's the  meaty  pork  tamales  and breakfast  burritos  Victoria

The  Lot  opening  Feb.  25RoRo's  Baking  Co.  looking for  a  home  in  East  Dallas On  lower  Greenville,  adios to  Tex-­‐Mex  and  hello  to Paleo

Time of morning when a 26-year-old woman was greeted with a rubber mallet to the head while walking into her Preston Hollow workplace May 13

Location of the building on Hillcrest the woman was walking into when a man (police don’t have an accurate description) said, “Good to see you this morning,” before hitting her on the side of the head and stealing her purse 4

Number of items stolen from the woman’s purse

Source Dallas Police Department

July 2013 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com 39 True Crime
| crime numbers | 9
Sean Chaffin is a freelance writer and author of “Raising the Stakes”, obtainable at raisingthestakesbook.com. If you have been a recent crime victim, email crime@advocatemag.com.
William R. Wilson Attorney at Law There are often many ways to avoid or resolve a dispute without costly litigation. Family Law, Civil Litigation, Business Matters, and Wills & Probate 6440 N. Central Expressway, Suite 505, Dallas, TX 75206 214-871-2201 wrw@woolleywilson.com  Sign up for free exclusive dining news advocatemag.com/newsletter Sign up FREE From: Lakewood East Dallas Advocate Dining Newsletter <editor@advocatemag.com> Subject: Three mom-and-pop Mexican favs The Lot opening soon Wine giveaway Date: February 11, 2013 7:23:07 PM CST To: chughes@advocatemag.com, bnunn@advocatemag.com, jneal@advocatemag.com Reply-To: editor@advocatemag.com chughes@advocatemag.com, bnunn@advocatemag.com, jneal@advocatemag.com Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Advocate Magazine | Be Local For February 12, 2013 | lakewood.advocatemag.com Tamales from La Popular Tamale House, photo by Elliott Munoz Three mom-and-pop Mexican favorites | 1  El  Taquito  Café This  cozy  spot  in  Old  East  Dallas feels  more  like  your grandmother's  kitchen  than  a restaurant,  and  serves traditional  enchiladas  and fajitas. 5427  E.  Grand 214.823.5872
customers  rave  about. 1605  N.  Haskell 214.827.0101
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