2022 January Preston Hollow Advocate

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contents JANUARY 2022 VOL.22 NO.1

6 CLICKWORTHY All the web news 8 PROFILE Laurie Moore-Moore 12 DREAD HEAD CHEF CBD-infused desserts 14 DESIGN DREAM Safe, chic interiors 18 REMEMBER LAST YEAR Twenty-two notable moments from 2021 24 QUEST CREATOR Author Naisha Randhar

A handmade shield in author Laurie Moore-Moore’s home. Photo by Jessica Turner. JAJANUARY 2022





HARGRAVE FAMILY LAW Divorce is not a defining moment in life, says DFW attorney Jennifer Stanton Hargrave with Hargrave Family Law. Instead, it’s a period of transition with a beginning and an end. An expert in collaborative law, Hargrave presents creative options to those facing divorce so they can navigate the process while minimizing conflict. “I want to empower my clients by helping them understand how the divorce process works. I want them to make informed decisions about their future.” “Of course, we can’t control the other side’s actions, but when divorce is being considered, I want clients to have a sense of hope and start with the end in mind,” says Hargrave. “What do they want life to look like afterward?” Find out how Hargrave Family Law can help. Call today at 214-428-6936 or email assistant@jhfamilylaw.com. 4201 Spring Valley Rd., Ste. 1210, Dallas TX 75244 4 prestonhollow.advocatemag.com JAJANUARY 2022

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ABOUT THE COVER Hiatus Spa + Retreat is located in Inwood Village. Photography by Jessica Turner.

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FOLLOW US: Talk to us: editor@advocatemag.com Newsletter: advocatemag.com/newsletter JAJANUARY 2022



c l i c k- w o r t hy

Philanthropy Dallas Mavericks CEO Cynt Marshall was recently named the board chair of Dallas CASA. The nonprofit helps kids in the child welfare system.

In memoriam: Michael Nesmith Michael Nesmith of the rock band The Monkees died at 78 of heart

Search “Cynt Marshall” at prestonhollow.advocatemag. com for more.

failure. The Thomas Jefferson High School alumnus grew up in Dallas before making it big in music. He was sometimes called “the only


musician of The Monkees.” Search “Michael Nesmith” at prestonhollow.advocatemag.com to read more.


Tootsies is back at its

Preston Center suite following a facelift n

“I think all mothers are amazing multitaskers.”

Summer Moon Coffee

coming to our neighborhood n

Mark Cuban bought an

entire Texas town n Police arrest man in For-





est/75 road rage killing


New year, new you. It’s time to shake off the COVID cloud, set fitness goals and take back your body.


hat’s the easiest way to do that? Set an appointment at Orangetheory — treat your personal fitness just like going to the dentist or doctor, says Kimberly Wesolowski, Chief Operating Officer for Maverick Fitness Holdings, which owns and operates 34 studios in DFW. “That makes it harder to just not show up and work out,” Wesolowski says. “With an appointment, we become in a sense accountability partners, keeping clients on target in achieving those fitness goals.” Fitness and timeline objectives are definitely not one-size-fits-all: We’re all different. Once Orangetheory pros have helped establish your fitness goal, whether it’s running a first 5K or preparing for a wedding, Orangetheory helps you reach that achievement bar and avoid common pitfalls people experience when setting self-improvement resolutions for the new year. Even though it’s easy to get discouraged if results aren’t immediate,

Michael Piermarini – Chief Product Officer and Kimberly Wesolowski Chief Operating Officer

Wesolowski says, Orangetheory promotes patience and perseverance with an annual transformation challenge. “We call it a transformation and not weight loss because it should be a process of transforming one’s self into someone better than before,” Wesolowski says, adding there’s a cash prize available to the winner. The male and female winners with the highest percentage of weight loss will receive $500! “The ultimate goal, at the end of the transformation challenge, is to feel better and have clothes fit better. Weight loss is the added bonus.” And should discouragement rear its ugly head, Orangetheory staff is ready

to help keep you on track. “Anyone struggling should not be dismayed. We help identify what’s going to connect them back to personal fitness ambitions or revisit initial goals to adjust where necessary,” Wesolowski says. “Anyone without support outside the studio definitely has it inside. From a staff perspective, we help clients vocalize aspirations. “Finding us at Orangetheory, letting us encourage clients along the way, makes it that much easier to achieve desired results,” she says. Visit Orangetheory.com today to find a location near you.


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p r o fi l e

FASHION TO SQUIRREL STEW After standing up to live, neighbor Laurie Moore-Moore sat down to write › Interview by JEHADU ABSHIRO | Photography by JESSICA TURNER




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a u r i e Mo o r e - Mo o r e w a s b o r n i n Ha m i l t o n , Te x a s , a n d g r e w u p i n K i l l e e n . He r f a t h e r, a four th- generation Te xan, was a pos t engineer a t Fo r t Ho o d w i t h t h e A r m y C o r p s o f E n g i n e e r s a n d c i v i l i a n C o r p s o f E n g i n e e r s . A n d h e r m o t h e r, a C a n a d i a n , w a s a k i n d e r ga r t e n t e a c h e r. S h e g r e w u p d u r i n g a t i m e w h e n t h e y w o u l d h ave b e e n c a l l e d “ f r e e - r a n ge k i d s .” D u r i n g t h e s u m m e r, Mo o r e - Mo o r e a n d h e r s i b lings were out the door after breakfast and only came back again for lunch. “ Yo u c o u l d n’ t g e t i n t o m u c h t r o u b l e b e c a u s e e v e r y b o d y i n t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d k n e w y o u ,” Mo o r e Mo o r e s ay s . A f t e r d i n n e r, h e r b e s t f r i e n d w h o l i v e d n e x t d o o r a n d Mo o r e - Mo o r e w o u l d s p r e a d a b l a n ke t o u t i n t h e b a c ky a r d a n d l ay d o w n a f t e r d i n n e r t o w a t c h the clouds and count the stars. “ D o e s n’ t g e t m u c h b e tt e r t h a n t h a t ,” s h e s ay s . Mo o r e Mo o r e ’s s m a l l - t o w n , f r e e d o m - fi l l e d c h i l d hood helped her fall in love with Te xas and writing. S h e r e a d j u s t a b o u t e v e r y t h i n g i n K i l l e e n’s s m a l l l i b r a r y o f d o n a t e d b o o k s . Na n c y D r e w a n d L o u i s a May A l c o tt ’s L i t t l e Wo m e n s e r i e s w e r e f av o r i t e s . A f t e r m ajoring in advertising and a graduate program in mass communication, she w o r ke d a s a f a s h i o n w r i t e r a t Jo h n Wa n a m a k e r ’s e i g h t floor department store in Philadelphia. After a stint at an ad agency in Wa s h i n g t o n , D . C . , she caught the entrepreneurial bug. Her first company made souvenirs for America’s bicentenn i a l a n n i ve r s a r y. T h e c o m p a ny c r e at e d a n i n t r i c at e t o - s c a l e m a p o f t h e Wa s h i n g t o n Ma l l , p r i n t e d o n a dark brown parchment suitable for framing. And it produced a picture map of the National Z o o w i t h p u n c h - o u t c h a r a c t e r s . Ne i t h e r w a s a b i g s e l l e r. Tu r n s o u t t h e b e s t - s e l l i n g s o u v e n i r s w e r e a p l a s t e r r e p l i c a o f t h e Wa s h i n g t o n Mo n u m e n t w i t h a t h e r m o m e t e r a n d a h u ge f l y s w a tt e r. “I learned the importance of doing your research b e f o r e y o u s t a r t y o u r c o m p a ny,” Mo o r e Mo o r e s ay s . S h e l a u n c h e d R e a l Tr e n d s , a r e s e a r c h c o m p a n y in the real estate industry space. It was a trend ladder for CEOs, top management teams at na-

There’s some humor; there’s a look at the power of friendship. And, you know, what’s life without a little love?




t i o n a l f r a n c h i s e o r ga n i z a t i o n s a n d t h e 1 0 0 l a r ge s t r e s i d e n t i a l b r o ke ra ge fi r m s . S h e s o l d t h at c o m p a ny t o a p a r t n e r a n d l a u n c h e d t h e In s t i t u t e f o r L u x u r y Ho m e Ma r ke t i n g i n 2 0 0 2 , w h i c h s h e s o l d t o a p r i v a t e e q u i t y g r o u p s i x y e a r s a go . About the same time, she and her husband of 57 y e a r s s o l d t h e i r K e s s l e r Pa r k h o m e t o m o v e c l o s e r t o t h e i r s o n i n Pr e s t o n Ho l l o w. R e t i r e d a n d l i v i n g t h r o u g h a p a n d e m i c y e a r w i t h l e s s t o d o , Mo o r e Moore sat down and wrote Gone to Dallas, the book s h e s ay s s h e h a s b e e n w a i t i n g t o w r i t e . W H Y D I D YO U W R I T E T H I S B O O K ?

I ’m a f i f t h - g e n e r a t i o n Te x a n . A n d I h a v e a l w a y s h a d a p a s s i o n f o r Te x a s h i s t o r y a n d a r e a l l y s t r o n g c u r i o s i t y, I g u e s s , a b o u t h o w e a r l y Te x a n s l i v e d . A n d f o r s e ve ra l d e c a d e s , I ’ ve h a d t h i s s t o r y ratt l i n g around in my head. I was always too busy to do anything about it because of my business. After I r e t i r e d , I t h o u g h t : O K , i t ’s t i m e t o l e t t h e s t o r y o u t . A n d I h av e t o t e l l y o u , t h e w o r d s j u s t s i m p l y poured out onto the page. I wrote about 50,000 w o r d s t h e fi r s t f o u r w e e k s . H OW WO U L D YO U SU M M A R I Z E T H E STO RY ?

It ’s a h i s t o r i c a l n o ve l w i t h a Te x a s tw i s t . It f e at u r e s a r e a l l y s t r o n g fi c t i o n a l w o m a n , S a ra D a r n e l l . S h e ’s a y o u n g n e w l y w e d , a n d s h e t r av e l s f r o m Te n n e s s e e t o Te x a s i n a w a go n t ra i n . S h e a r r i ve s i n D a l l a s a s a 1 9 - y e a r - o l d w i d o w. He r d r e a m i s t o o p e n a ge n e r a l s t o r e . A n d s h e a r r i v e s i n t h i s t i ny l o g c a b i n v i l l a ge o f D a l l a s t h a t ’s v e r y m u c h a m a n’s w o r l d . T h e b i g q u e s t i o n i s : Is s h e go i n g t o b e a b l e t o o ve r c o m e a l l t h e c h a l l e n ge s t h a t s h e f a c e s ? T h e r i s k s a r e p r e tt y high, because failure means being a single woman, y o u n g a n d d e s t i t u t e i n D a l l a s . T h at m a ke s i t s o u n d l i ke a s i m p l e s t o r y, a n d i t i s . B u t I t h i n k i t ’s a l s o what I would call an enduring story of determinat i o n a n d t h e r e s o u r c e f u l n e s s t h a t i t t o o k s e tt l e r s t o s e t t l e t h e We s t . I t i s s a l t e d w i t h a c t u a l Te x a s and Dallas history and peppered with some real h i s t o r i c a l c h a r a c t e r s . T h e r e ’s s o m e h u m o r ; t h e r e ’s a l o o k a t t h e p o w e r o f f r i e n d s h i p . A n d , y o u k n o w, w h a t ’s l i f e w i t h o u t a l i tt l e l o v e? I S T H E M A I N C H A RACT E R BAS E D O N SO M EO N E S P EC I F I C ?

S h e i s t o t a l l y fi c t i o n a l . A n d y e t , a l o t o f t h e c h a r acters who surround her are actual people who we r e i n D a l l a s at t h e t i m e . Jo h n ny B r ya n a n d , p a r t i c u l a r l y, h i s w i f e . A l s o , A l e x a n d e r a n d S a r a h Cockrell, two people not a lot of Dallasites know about but who are really the two people who were the most important, I believe, in building Dallas a n d s t a r t i n g i t o ff a s t h e t o w n t h a t g r e w i n t o t h e s u c c e s s f u l c i t y t h a t w e h av e t o d ay. S a r a h C o c k r e l l

was widowed during the time period of my book. S h e ’s k n o w n a s t h e fi r s t c a p i t a l i s t i n D a l l a s . S h e w a s a s t r o n g w o m a n w h o b e l i e ve d t h at s h e n e e d e d to be behind the scenes, the kind of woman who was an iron fist in a velvet glove, if that makes sense. When she died, she owned 25% of Dallas. I’ve tried to make the book as historically accur a t e a s I p o s s i b l y c o u l d . A n d I ’ v e b e e n g r a t i fi e d b e c a u s e I ’m ge tt i n g r e a l l y go o d r e v i e w s f r o m t h e historians. You know, it ’s been fun to see historians s a y : He y, y o u g o t i t r i g h t . H AV E YO U A L WAYS H A D A LOV E O F DA L L AS H I STO RY ?

I h a d a g r e a t h i s t o r y p r o f e s s o r a t Te c h . T h a t ’s o n e of the things that kind of fueled my interest in Te x a s h i s t o r y. I c h o s e D a l l a s f o r t h r e e r e a s o n s . F i r s t , i t ’s h o m e . S e c o n d , I t h i n k p e o p l e a l l a r o u n d t h e w o r l d h av e a f a s c i n a t i o n w i t h o u r c i t y. I t r aveled in business for more than 30 years, and you g e t i n a t a x i o r u l t i m a t e l y a n U b e r, a n d t h e fi r s t q u e s t i o n a l w a y s i s : W h e r e a r e y o u f r o m ? Pe o p l e w o u l d a l w ay s w a n t t o t e l l m e s o m e t h i n g t h a t t h e y knew about Dallas or tell me that they wanted to visit there or ask me questions about Dallas. The third reason is just because the history of Dallas is so darn interesting. W H AT I S YO U R FAVO R I T E PA RT O F T H E BO O K?

I l o v e t h e f i r s t s e n t e n c e o f i t . T h a t ’s k i n d o f a s trange thing to say, I guess. But the firs t sentence i s “ S a r a ’s h u s b a n d w a s a d i s a p p o i n t m e n t i n l i f e , b u t s h e h a d t o a g r e e h e w a s a h a n d s o m e c o r p s e .” T H AT ’S Q U I T E F U N N Y.

Ho p e f u l l y i t ’s a s e n t e n c e t h at w i l l p u l l p e o p l e i n t o t h e b o o k . I t r i e d t o b u i l d a l i tt l e h u m o r i n i t . W H AT WAS C H A L L E N G I N G ?

I c h o s e t o s e l f - p u b l i s h . I d i d n’ t k n o w h o w c o m p l i c at e d i t w a s . T h e t h i n g s t h at go o n i n t h e b a c kg r o u n d t h at y o u h ave n o i d e a t h at h ave t o b e d o n e i n o r d e r t o p u t o u t a b e a u t i f u l b o o k , y o u k n o w, with a great cover and a good description and have i t i n a l l t h e r i g h t p l a c e s a n d ge t i t r e v i e w e d a n d m a ke p e o p l e aw a r e o f i t . H OW D O YO U F E E L N OW T H AT YO U ’ R E D O N E W I T H YO U R B O O K ?

I ’m e x c i t e d . T h i s i s w h a t I s ay i s b o o k o n e i n t h e Te x a s B ra v e a n d S t ro n g s e r i e s . A n d I a m s t a r t i n g book two, which is Cotton Capital. And it starts w i t h t h e C i v i l Wa r, w h e r e b o o k o n e l e f t o ff, a n d carries through Reconstruction. So I am diving b a c k i n . Ho p e f u l l y, i t ’ l l b e a l i t t l e e a s i e r t o g e t i t o u t i n t o t h e m a r ke t p l a c e . A n d t h e o t h e r t h i n g

i s t h a t I ’ v e s t a r t e d a p o d c a s t c a l l e d Te x a s B ra v e a n d S t ro n g . W H Y D I D YO U D EC I D E TO D O T H E P O D CAST ?

I found what I consider to be these little gems o f i n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t Te x a s h i s t o r y. I r e a l l y h a d a motivation to do something with all those. One o f m y f av o r i t e o n e s i s o n e c a l l e d “ Tr av e l i n g w i t h S q u i r r e l S t e w.” I t ’s a b o u t s q u i r r e l s t e w a n d h o w t h a t w a s o n e o f t h e o n e o f t h e t h i n g s t h a t s e tt l e r s a t e t r av e l i n g , a n d I e v e n h av e a r e c i p e f o r i t . I ’m n o t s u r e h o w m a n y p e o p l e a r e go i n g t o b e h e r e t o t r y i t . I p o s t e v e r y T h u r s d ay. D I D YO U M A K E T H E SQUIRREL SOUP?

When I was growing up, I was sitting on the front porch at my g r a n d m o t h e r ’s , i n t h e swing. And the book I was reading had the characters eating s q u i r r e l s t e w. A n d s o I went running into my grandmother saying: Do people really eat squirrel stew? And she said: Yes. And I s a i d : Hav e y o u e v e r eaten it? And she said: Yes. And she proceeded to go out in her yard — here was this very elegant lady — she shot three squirrels, brought them in and taught me how to make s q u i r r e l s t e w.



I t ’s s o i m p o r t a n t t h a t w e s h a r e t h o s e s t o r i e s f r o m generation to generation, because if we understand the characteristics that our ancestors had to have to be successful and to deal with their challenges, then I think we can dig deep and find those characteristics in ourselves and deal with the things that we face. I want people to have a sense of that, and hopefully be inspired b y S a r a D a r n e l l a n d h e r f r i e n d s i n t h i s s t o r y, both fictional and real, that built the little village of Dallas.

I n t e r v i e w h a s b e e n e d i t e d fo r c l a r i t y a n d b re v i t y . JAJANUARY 2022





Story by RACHEL STONE | Photography by JESSICA TURNER




Michael Weinstein, aka the Dread Head Chef, makes CBD-infused desserts.

THE CANNABIS BUSINESS IN TEXAS IS IRONICALLY STRESSFUL.Legal cannabis is highly regulated. Products require third-party testing and lab reports. On the other hand, it’s difficult to find a banker and impossible to get a business loan. Cannabis can’t be advertised through social media, and building a website is more complicated because it requires a landing page with no mention of CBD or cannabis. But the opportunity to get in on a newly opened market appealed to Michael Weinstein, aka the Dread Head Chef, and his fiancee, Robin Riddle. They went into business this year with their longtime friend — the Dallas public relations maven — Lisa Oldham. Weinstein worked for a country club and a high-end restaurant, Mediterraneo, in the 1990s, and then he was the last executive chef under the original owners of The Grape. After that, he started a business called the Dread Head Chef making dessert salsas. That business started when he was inventing a dessert for his niece who has a wheat allergy. He made corn tortilla chips dusted with sugar and cinnamon, a gluten-free take on a sopapilla, and served it with a strawberry chutney he’d whipped up. Everyone said it looked like chips and salsa. He brought these Dread Head Chef products to markets and conventions, including a few dealing with cannabis. That inspired him to infuse his dessert salsas with CBD, and a whole new business began to blossom. “I’ve tried other edibles, and a lot of them are not very good,” Weinstein says. Most are made with full-spectrum CBD oil, which he says has a medicinal taste. Some people don’t notice it, but to Weinstein, it overwhelms everything.

So he started working with cannabis flowers purchased from Oak Cliff Cultivators hemp farm to make infused butter for salted caramels. This method gives the caramels an “earthy, grassy” flavor that Weinstein prefers over the chemical taste of the oil. The business partners attended multiple cannabis conventions in Texas, where CBD is legal and marijuana is not, and in California, where marijuana is legal for recreational use. They noticed that the market is flooded with gummies, so they decided not to make those. The next most common edibles are chocolates and chocolate-chip cookies, Weinstein says. So that’s why they went for caramels. “By far, they are the No. 1 seller,” he says. Besides dessert salsas and caramels, the company also produces tinctures, scented oils, an “intimacy serum” and pet drops named after Weinstein’s bullmastiff, Harper. A friend in California started sending CBD for Harper, who had arthritis in his back legs, before it was even legal in Texas. Although the dog has since passed away, Weinstein thinks it prolonged his life. Weinstein, who lives in East Dallas and went to Hillcrest High School, makes all the products in a rented kitchen in Garland. Oldham, who lives in Oak Cliff, handles the business side. She doesn’t use marijuana and only takes CBD sparingly because she says she’s sensitive to it. But she purchased hundreds of dollars’ worth of CBD products for research purposes before starting the business. “And I was like, ‘where is this stuff coming from?’” she says. Most packaging doesn’t indicate the origin of the CBD. At cannabis conventions, they heard speakers advising on how to make products as cheaply as possible. There are companies in California that unwrap Jolly Rancher candies, spray them with THC oil and repackage them as their own product, Weinstein says. That’s why their company, still branded as the Dread Head Chef, only works with hemp growers they know and CBD vendors with whom they have personal relationships. “We know the provenance of our products,” Oldham says. They design all their own packaging, which requires the advice of a good lawyer, she says. Regulations are “a moving target,” so they have to tinker with the wording all the time. “We all have really good printers at home,” she says. This all started as a way to have something to do when work slowed down for Oldham, Weinstein and Riddle during the pandemic. Oldham says it’s been a positive creative outlet and a way to focus on problems to solve rather than the scary big-picture things going on in the world since 2019. But they do want to make money selling their products. They found an old-school agriculture-focused bank in Amarillo that’s now carving a niche in cannabis. Their website is up and running. And they take all major credit cards. Find the Dread Head Chef ’s products at rebeldreadscorp.shop. JAJANUARY 2022




d e s i g n fo r l i fe By approaching accessibility as an opportunity rather than an obligation, Shelly Rosenberg became a rising star in the interior-decorating industry. Interview by CHRISTINA HUGHES BABB | Portrait by JESSICA TURNER


n a world where children and families are suffering, how could an interior design career be a worthy calling? Shelly Rosenberg asked herself the question during a “midlife growth spurt.” She’d been raising two daughters, both attending the Shelton School for students with learning differences, when son Ronen was born with Down syn-



drome. She figured, “It’s my lot,” and embraced a difficult but fulfilling lifestyle surrounded by other families she loved who also grappled with chronic illness, limited mobility and other lifelong conditions. Exemplified in her work on the prestigious 2021 Kips Bay Decorator Show House, Rosenberg is gifted, drivJAJANUARY 2022

en enough to hold her own alongside world-famous firms and professionals. But before reaching her potential, she had to realize design is not “puffery” and it has the power to change lives. Riding a wave of recent notoriety, the Acorn & Oak founder is on a mission to demystify interior design and make safe, chic spaces possible for every household.

This year’s Kips Bay Show House was located at 5138 Deloache Ave. in Old Preston Hollow. Photography by Stephen Karlisch.


Every time I start to feel negative I have to remind myself that I’ve been working on manifesting all these things for a while, so it is cool. I think all mothers are amazing multitaskers. When you have disabled kids, maybe it’s divine help. I think we get some kind of cosmic boost because it’s such a hard job. CAN YOU TELL US A LITTLE ABOUT YOUR EARLY LIFE?

I went through what I would call a very colorful childhood. I think I am a deeper, humbler, more honed person

because of it. It’s why as a divorced and single mom to two babies, I fought to be the best person I could be. Five years into that I met Barry. We married, time passed, and we figured we were not going to be parents again ... then I was pregnant with a son. H OW D I D T H AT P R EG N A N CY CHANGE YOUR LIFE?

Our very first sonogram showed markers of Down syndrome. I remember thinking, “Wow, OK, I guess this is just my life. I’m not going to have a typical child.” Doctors saw it early, so I had a choice of whether I wanted to terminate. We agonized calling about it for a few weeks of tears and prayers. I am glad

I had a choice. I want every woman to have one. But we talked to other families. They told us yes, it’s hard, but it can be an absolutely brilliant, beautiful, magical life and not as scary as some would have you believe. We decided, we have the means, a stable home. And in spite of all the potential devastations doctors warned of, Ronen was born completely healthy. Zero issues. Just has an extra chromosome. He’s 9 now. And he is a little Buddha. AND HOW DID THAT SHIFT THE TRAJECTORY OF YOUR HOME DESIGN CAREER?

We began thinking our outside lives didn’t match our insides. We were going




affect society’s health. I am paraphrasing a researcher who said, because we are inside 90% of our day, architects and designers have more power to affect health and wellness than actual medical practitioners. It’s not just about how aesthetics can make you feel or even affect your immune system. We can go deeper — let’s look at water and air quality, off gassing of toxins that are filling our homes from disposable furniture with glues and foams that are filled with those forever chemicals. It’s a rabbit hole. THAT’S A LOT. HOW ARE YOU USING THIS?

I’m teaching my clients. I’m starting to speak and teach designers and architects. I don’t go negative. You can scare the hell out of people and get compliance, but that’s not my MO and I never feel like that works as well as showing people all the amazing benefits of things that aren’t super difficult or expensive, like getting a Brita water filter. What it comes down to is that this approach reaches everyone — I don’t care whether you’re money driven, mission driven or you want to be famous, I have an argument that looking into building more universal spaces that support more people is better for your bottom line.

through this beautiful midlife growth spurt. Ronen’s birth led us to become part of this community of people who are making daily decisions that are heavy, deep and real. It made all the superfluous stuff feel inauthentic. Friends drifted away, and that’s OK. It was a blessing, because we discovered a new community. I just turned 50, and in years leading up, I was re-assessing, thinking about what I can do with my career that’s going to feel as deep and meaningful as these friendships and this journey. It felt a little ridiculous, for example, feilding complaints about a $75,000 coffee table when I’m about to go visit a friend whose son with Down syndrome is hospitalized with leukemia. At the time, in my mind, design was about aesthetics and wealth — a luxury business that didn’t jibe with this other lifestyle. I talked to my momma friends, and they go, “Hello! Why can’t you design for people with a disability?” That’s how it started. WHAT DID THAT LOOK LIKE ON THE PROFESSIONAL FRONT?

To justify the shift, ego wise and among the design friends, I looked into the science behind design. It’s not just me wanting this pious life, you know? There were more angles to this. What I found is that there is an incredible amount of evidence-based scientific research that interior design has great power to





My best friend Amanda Lang and I went to the show house Dallas’ inaugural year. We were like, if we could do this, it could help the cause, give us a national stage to talk about disability and accessible design. But, if we were selected, I don’t even have an employee, I worried I could never pull it off. She said she’d help. Her daughter has Rett syndrome. And my heart goes out to them. It’s another level. In the application, I asked if anyone’s ever done a handicapped room in the show house. I worried a little that they might not want anything political or sad. This is supposed to be about luxury. But it happened.


We overworked ourselves, but got it done. Amanda and I enlisted a small-scale contractor, Sam Graham’s 2g Habitats. We needed him — we’re here working alongside designers like Martyn Lawrence Bullard, who has a staff of maybe 75 rock stars, and we’re working from carpool lines, making chicken nuggets while ordering wallpaper. Our husbands both were a little frustrated at the time. HOW DID THE EXPERIENCE PLAY INTO YOUR BIGGER-PICTURE PLANS?

The recognition from national media — even a little blip in AdPro (Architectural Digest) — it’s a tiny snowflake that starts to snowball, where they start thinking about luxury rooms for certain needs, aging in place, and begin understanding that this is an important thing to start discussing. If I can plant seeds with every other designer and architect, then they run with it, we start scaling as a society. I’m not a great business woman. I’m a creative thinker. A nurturer. But I’ve got bills to pay like everyone else. It took some time to figure out what my business was. As usual, I sought input from families about what they needed, and it turns out they don’t want a consultant. Every person said, I don’t want one more email. I want you to come to my house, hold my hand and do it for me. And I do want to be in people’s homes doing design. Not just writing and advising on the website. So I may be working with one or two clients at a time right now, implementing inclusive, universal design that fits their lives. The goal is, make enough money to, at some point, create a foundation where the earnings can trickle back to families that could not afford to hire a designer. In Dallas ISD, 80% of our students are under the poverty line. There’s so much of Dallas that is desperate for help. I am wired to work with the underserved- not the typical design client, but I plan to change that. Interview has been edited for brevity.

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IN 21 Compiled by RENEE UMSTED

TRAILBLAZING Work began on the expansion of the Northaven Trail. When completed, the trail will cross over Central Expressway to connect with the Cottonwood, White Rock Creek and SoPac trails. Photo by Danny Fulgencio.




Another year is done. We still can’t get over the fact that Mark Cuban bought an entire town. And Lisa Loeb starred in a Geico commercial. It’s crazy to think about all that happened. Here are 22 moments that captured neighbors’ attention in 2021.

MASK UP After the Texas Supreme Court blocked mask mandates in Dallas County, Dallas ISD Superintendent Michael Hinojosa announced the district would continue requiring masks on campuses. DISD says it will keep the mandate through mid-January. Photo by Renee Umsted.

THE SHOW CAN’T GO ON On opening night, Dealey Montessori Academy canceled The Adventures of Lewis and Clark, its long-running student production. Principal Beth Wing sent an email to families, apologizing for “a lack of sensitivity in casting this play.”

LIVE & LEARN The Hockaday School Board of Trustees voted to phase out the boarding program by May 2025. All current students will be allowed to graduate. “We believe that for Hockaday’s Boarding Program to be competitive in the future, it would need to make significant investments in the program and facilities — and even with such investments, success is not guaranteed,” a committee investigating the program reported. Photo courtesy of The Hockaday School via Facebook.

DEVELOPMENT DRAMA The Dallas City Council approved the zoning change of a property on Forest Lane near Nuestra Drive. A developer can now build 26 single-family dwellings on a property originally zoned for no more than nine. Leading up to the vote, City Council member Gay Donnell Willis held a meeting with community members. More than 300 people attended, and 97% of them were opposed to the change on the 3.5-acre property, which the City purchased with 2006 bond funds. Map courtesy of the City of Dallas.




GAMERS Neighbors Dirk Nowitzki and Luka Doncic became the first Mavericks included on the cover of NBA 2K, a video game that was first released in 1999. They’re also only a handful of Europeans who have been selected as cover athletes. 8.7 million. Photo courtesy of Luka Doncic via Twitter.

NEW FACES Former City Councilwoman Jennifer Staubach Gates finished her stint as our neighborhood’s representative for eight years. The new District 13 City Council member is Gay Donnell Willis, who ran on a “neighborhoods first” campaign. Lee Kleinman also finished his term as District 11 City Councilman and was replaced by Jaynie Schultz, a former appointee to the City Plan Commission.

FAREWELL TO FURS Dallas-based retailer Neiman Marcus said it would stop selling fur products by early 2023. Photo courtesy of Neiman Marcus via Instagram.




PARTING WAYS Ursuline Academy of Dallas alumna Melinda French Gates divorced her now ex-husband and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates. In a May statement, the couple said they would continue to work together at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Photo courtesy of Melinda Gates via Twitter.

GROCER RETURNS Central Market reopened at the corner of Preston Road and Royal Lane. The store had been closed since it was destroyed by the tornado that swept through our neighborhood in 2019. Photo by Renee Umsted.

PRESIDENTIAL PORTRAITS Neighbor and former President George W. Bush released a book called Out of Many, One: Portraits of America’s Immigrants. It spotlights the stories of famous and non-famous immigrants who have made positive contributions to the United States.

REALITY CHECK The Real Housewives of Dallas ended its fifth and final season. Bravo announced in August there were no plans to tape a sixth season. Neighbor Tiffany Moon joined the show in 2021. Photo courtesy of Bravo.

NOSTALGIC NEWS Dougherty’s Pharmacy moved from its Preston Royal location to a spot near Preston Road and LBJ Freeway. At the new spot, the pharmacy added a soda fountain operated by Neuhaus Cafe. Photo by Kim Leeson.

WINNER WINNER Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas alumnus Jordan Spieth won the Valero Texas Open, ending a nearly four-year losing streak. The victory marked Spieth’s 12th career win and places him in an exclusive category; only a handful of other golfers in recent decades have won 12 or more tournaments before turning 28. JAJANUARY 2022



GOOD EATS This year’s DFW Restaurant Week included about 100 participating restaurants. A few of them were located in our neighborhood: Kona Grill at NorthPark Center; La Pizza, La Pasta, Terra and Il Pastaio inside Eataly; Oceanaire at Galleria Dallas; and Primo’s MX Kitchen on Hillcrest. Restaurants donated 20% of the proceeds from each meal to the North Texas Food Bank and Lena Pope. Photo by Haley Hill.

SHOT HEARD ’ROUND THE MALL On Memorial Day, shoppers at NorthPark Center heard what seemed to be gunshots. The mall was evacuated, crowds panicked and someone was arrested. But there was no shooting; it was only a person banging a skateboard on the floor near the food court. Photo by Jessica Turner.

SEEN AROUND TOWN Three houses in our neighborhood received national attention last year. A Colonial-style house on Deloache Avenue was featured in the Cruel Summer TV series. A



modernist home built in 1971

St. Mark’s School of Texas alumnus Victor

was featured in Architectur-

Vescovo received the 2021 Captain Don

al Digest. And a Georgian

Walsh Award for Ocean Exploration. He and

estate in Old Preston Hollow

Patrick Lahey won the award for the 2019

was the site of the 2021 Kips

Five Deeps Expedition and further dives “of

Bay Decorator Show House.

scientific or historical interest.” It recognizes

Neighbors were able to tour

“outstanding, sustained, international contri-

the house to see the creative

bution to the development, application and

work of 26 professional

propagation of marine technology toward the


advancement of ocean exploration.”

Photo courtesy of Eddie Maestri via Instagram and Stephen Karlisch.





Hockaday alumna and philanthropist Lyda Hill was selected to receive a History-Making Texan award. The honor is given by the Texas State History Museum to Texas legends whose contributions to the state and the country have been historic and exceptional.

Two staff members at Hillcrest High School received district-wide recognition. Joseph Sotelo was named principal of the year and Belia Martinez was named counselor of the year.

Photo courtesy of Lyda Hill Philanthropies

HELPING HAND Neighbors Mark Cuban, Luka Doncic and Cynt Marshall donated more than $1.25 million to help Dallas residents recover from the February snowstorm. They supported the Dallas Mayor’s Disaster Relief Fund and local organizations working to shelter and re-house people. Photo courtesy of Dallas Mavericks via Twitter.

BAKER FOR THE STARS Lauren Kitchens, whose bake shop — Fancy Cakes by Lauren — is located in Preston Hollow, designed a wedding cake for Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani. The five-tier cake was inspired by the one Stefani’s parents had at their wedding. Photo courtesy of Fancy Cakes by Lauren via Instagram.




FANTASTIC FABLE This young author’s imagination is worlds away Story by RENEE UMSTED | Photography by YUVIE STYLES

Naisha Randhar has been dreaming up worlds and characters for years. Usually after reading a compelling book, she is inspired to create. She details the ideas in a Google document, and over time, has compiled hundreds of them. One character is Phoenix, an orphan who had the power to heal and went to school to learn magic. Lacy is another; she escaped from an orphanage with her friends and went to another world, where she discovered she could



shape shift into an alicorn, a unicorn with wings. Randhar, who’s now a seventh-grader at The Hockaday School, first tried her hand at writing when she was a third-grade student at Founders Classical Academy. Her friend Nya introduced her to Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, and they began creating something that was very similar to Riordan’s stories. “And then we branched out,” she says. “And I think that was when I JAJANUARY 2022

realized that this is really cool, this is kind of my passion. I want to be an author when I grow up.” She has always loved reading and often asked her dad to tell bedtime stories about his childhood. In May, Randhar decided to weave her ideas into a publishable work. “It wasn’t a big deal because I’ve decided to write books so many times. This is the first time I’ve finished a book,” Randhar says. “But I just sat down and I was like, OK, it’s been a


I realized that this is really cool. This is kind of my passion.


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while. I think I should just write a story again.” Randhar named the characters, and the story grew from there. She took inspiration from the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series and the years of ideas she had saved in her Google drive. But much of the characters’ personalities developed throughout the writing process. “After I finished the first draft, I just kept on thinking about them. I got to know them. It was like getting to know a friend,” she says. Randhar struggled. There were periods when she didn’t want to write anymore. And as she read other works, she formulated new ideas and even started other stories while she was working on her book, Roses of Arma. It took about five months to compose the initial draft, working hours each day from the couch, her desk or bed. The story is set on the planet Arma. A character named Seamus is devastated when his parents divorce. Upset and feeling unwanted, he runs away from home with his best friend, Phoenix. They’re captured, but escape. They meet Glavio, who teaches them valuable skills, and the friends realize they have the potential to do more and are part of something bigger. “These characters are very dear to me, and they’ve been with me for a while,” Randhar says. Her primary goal was to create a work to entertain. But lessons about loyalty, courage and gratitude can be gleaned from the story. She edited her work then sent it to friends, but they didn’t suggest many changes. Her father was next in the chain, and he made more substantial edits. He thought Randhar was “way too dramatic” when describing Seamus’ emotions after his parents divorced. “He was part of a lot of the changes, and opened my eyes to see it as a reader,” Randhar says. The publisher, Notion Press, provided one additional editor. Randhar worked with an illustrator in India to design the cover, and Roses of Arma was published in October. She has already started writing the sequel. “I don’t think an author can completely write the story by themself,” she says. “I think the story sometimes writes itself, and it’s just coming through you.”

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Story by RENEE UMSTED | Ilustration by JESSICA TURNER






oolly mamm o t h s h a ve n ’ t existed for thousands of yea rs. M ost h a d d i sa p p ea re d a b o u t 10,0 0 0 yea rs a go, a n d the few remaining populations were gone by about 4,0 0 0 yea rs a go. B u t i m a g i n e i f t h ey roa m e d i n t h e 2 1 s t c e n t u r y. T h e i r s t o m p i n g i n t h e A rc t i c c o u l d ex p ose h ea l t hy, ca r b o n - t ra p ping grasses, suppress meth a n e a n d p reve n t l i g h t ref l e c t i o n . T h ey c o u l d re s t o re t h e tundra to a global climate protector. With the ever-prese n t t h rea t of c l i m a te c h a n ge, biodiversity loss and other i ss u es, t h e m a m m o t h s wo u l d address problems humans a re t r y i n g t o s o l ve. T h i s i s n ’t j u st hy p o t h e t i ca l . Ea r l i e r t h i s ye a r, a c o m p a ny called Colossal Biosciences a n n o u n c e d i t s go a l t o b r i n g back the woolly mammoth. And our neighbor Ben Lamm is at the helm. L a m m , a fe l l ow o f t h e Exp l o re r ’s C l u b a n d a Sc i e n t i f i c A d v i s o r y B o a rd m e m b e r o n

t h e P l a n e t a r y S o c i e t y, h a s been interested in nature p re se r va t i o n h i s w h o l e l i fe. T h ro u g h o u t h i s c h i l d h o o d , t h e Texa s n a t i ve t rave l e d f re q u e n t l y w i t h h i s fa m i l y. T h ey spent a lot of time in Afric a , w h e re t h e y s a w a n i m a l s ro a m i n g f re e l y. “ I ’ ve a l ways b e e n d raw n to a n i m a l s a n d p rese r v i n g w i l d l i fe i n t h e i r n a t u ra l h a b i t a t ,” says Lamm, who splits his t i m e b e twe e n Au st i n a n d h i s fa m i l y ’s m i d - ce n t u r y m o d e r n P re s t o n H o l l o w h o m e . “A n d then, over the last four or five ye a rs , a s t h e re ’s b e e n m o re and more science that’s come out showing the effects of man-made climate change, i t ’s j u st m a d e m e m o re i n te re s t e d i n l e ve r a g i n g m y s k i l l se t s w i t h e m e rg i n g te c h n o l o g i e s fo r t h a t ca te go r y.” D u r i n g h i s c a r e e r, L a m m founded several startups: H y p e rg i a n t , a n e n te r p r i se A I S o f tw a re c o m p a n y fo c u s i n g on critical infrastructure, space and defense; Conversable, a conversational intelligence platform that

fa c i l i t a t e s a u t o m a t e d ex p e r i e n c e s b e twe e n c o m p a n i e s a n d c u s t o m e rs , a c q u i re d by L i ve Pe rso n ; C h a o t i c M o o n , a creative technology company a c q u i re d by Ac c e n t u re ; a n d Tea m C h a os , a ga m i n g b u s i n ess a cq u i re d by Zy n ga . Given his interest in synt h e t i c b i o l o g y, L a m m m e t with scientist George Church, a leading researcher in the field, a couple years ago. Synthetic biology includes redesigning organisms to address problems by engineering them to have new a b i l i t i es. C h u rc h , t h e Ro b e r t Wi n t h ro p p rofesso r of ge n e tics at Harvard Medical School and a core faculty member at t h e Wyss I n st i t u te fo r B i o l o gi ca l l y I n s p i re d En g i n e e r i n g a t H a r va rd U n i ve rs i ty, i s k n ow n fo r h i s b rea kt h ro u g h s i n ge n o m i cs. Co nve rsa t i o n s w i t h C h u rc h about synthetic biology led to discussions about bringing back the mammoth. Together, t h ey fo u n d e d Co l ossa l . “It was really this opport u n i ty to b u i l d t h i s n ex t- ge n




Entrepreneur and investor Ben Lamm co-founded Colossal Biosciences with biologist George Church. Photography by John Davidson.

b i o te c h c o m p a n y t h a t wa s fo cused on a big moonshot that I t h i n k i s a s i m p o r t a n t fo r h u m a n i ty a s l a n d i n g o n t h e m o o n was, with the extinction, and then apply those technologies to both conservation and hum a n h e a l t h c a re,” L a m m sa ys. “ I t w a s a c o m p a n y t h a t re a l l y m e t m y c o re va l u es a n d go a l s, b u t a t t h e s a m e t i m e, p e a ke d my te c h n o l o g i ca l i n te rest , a n d I thought I could help build a t e a m t h a t wa s p re t ty c o m p l e mentary to George and his team a n d h i s res ea rc h .” Colossal is working with Asian elephants, which are endangered. They have a genetic c o d e t h a t i s 9 9.6 % s i m i l a r t o the woolly mammoths, their ancestors. If these elephants h a ve t h e g e n e t i c a d a p t a t i o n s



t o s u r v i ve i n t h e A rc t i c, w h e re there is less population density and human-elephant conflict, t h ey co u l d b e save d . Lamm says the goal is to have the first cohort of calves, somewhere in the low teens, four t o s i x y e a r s f r o m n o w. T h e y will look and act like woolly mammoths, but their unseen D N A w i l l b e a co m b i n a t i o n of a wo o l l y m a m m o t h a n d a n As i a n elephant. In the process, the team h o p e s t o m a ke o t h e r s c i e n t i fic advancements. For example, t h e y ’ re w o r k i n g o n a v a c c i n e and treatment for EEHV, a form of the herpes virus that can kill elephants. Lamm says other technologies such as genetic engineering tools and artificial wombs, which can benefit human


health, will also be invented. As of mid-November, Colossal h a d ra i s e d $ 1 6. 5 m i l l i o n i n i t s se e d ro u n d . T h e co m pa ny h a s l a bs i n B osto n a n d Da l l a s a n d of f i ces i n Au st i n . “ I , l i ke m a n y o t h e r s , a re exc i te d fo r t h e d ay to se e a m a mmoth back on this planet and b e a b l e t o i n s p i re o t h e r s ,” h e says. “On e of t h e t h i n gs t h a t I t h i n k we n o t o n l y h a ve a n o p p o r t u n i ty t o d o b u t we h a ve a responsibility to do is to ens u re t h a t we b r i n g to ge n e t i c s a n d b i o l o g y t h e s a m e l eve l o f a t t e n t i o n a n d exc i t e m e n t a n d hopefully inspiration that some of t h e g rea t s pa ce te c h n o l o g y companies like SpaceX, Blue O r i g i n a n d Vi rg i n G a l a c t i c a re d o i n g fo r e n g i n e e r i n g .”


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Begin with goodness Se e o u rse l ves h ow G o d se es u s


h e r e w e b e g i n m a tt e r s . Many of us know the arti s t Mi c h e l a n ge l o b y h i s famed 17-foot sculpture of David that resides in Florence, Italy. Michelangelo was 26 years old when he began sculpting David, a process that took him three years. The statue was carved out of a single piece of marble that was deemed by others as flawed, so it sat for nearly 25 years. That same piece of stone in the eyes and hands of Michelangelo was David. Michelangelo was the most famous sculptor of his day and the highest paid. And “ by 1508, the artistic community of Rome felt so threatened by Michelangelo’s mercurial rise to fame that they devised a plot intended to discredit and degrade the young artist.” They would persuade Pope Julius II to have Michelangelo paint the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel ceiling. They were convinced that the young sculptor, who had never attempted a fresco before, would inevitably fail or, at the ver y least, become embroiled in a time-consuming effort that would remove him from the competition for years. Michelangelo at first refused, protesting that he was a sculptor, not a painter. However, Pope Julius insisted and finally prevailed. It was arduous work that required Michelangelo to constantly paint while lying on his back atop scaffolding that raised him within inches of the ceiling. Michelangelo was concerned that his work as a painter was not up to the standards of other great artists at the time. Each time he looked at the chapel’s ceiling, he saw imperfection after imperfection in his painting.

Legend has it that Michelangelo was painting up on the scaffolding one afternoon, and he fell asleep. He dreamed that God looked at his work in the Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo said, “God, I am so sorry for the many ways I have defamed you in this painting. It’s not worthy of you, God.” And God said, “Michelangelo, what are you talking about?” Michelangelo said, “I mean, look here and there! I’ve made mistakes. It’s not perfect. Painting isn’t my gift; I’m a sculptor.” God said, “Oh Michelangelo, you have not defamed me. The painting is beautiful. The problem is, you are viewing the painting through your eyes; you’re not looking at it through my eyes. If you could see it through my eyes, you would see that it is beautiful!” It turns out where we begin matters. If we begin with imperfection, we will only see imperfection. If we begin with goodness, it changes everything. It changes how we come to know our very selves, how we understand the divine, how we live in a relationship with the divine, and how we live with one another. Where we begin matters. I want you to begin with goodness in 2022, for if we begin there, we may just catch a glimpse of how God sees us and the world.


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3616 Haynie Avenue Price Upon Request

Susan Baldwin 214.763.1591

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SOLD 6951 Pemberton Drive $875,000

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Lori Sparks 214.680.6432

Kimberly Cocotos 214.682.5754


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