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H-Links - Forged and Plate Styles
Oceanside Equipment is the world leader in the design and manufacturer of mooring H-links. With many high-profile projects Oceanside has worked closely with it's client to complete and innovate connecting components for deep water moorings. Many of these project span over several years from concept to installation. The experience we have acquired is used in the designs and customization of the Links to improve the installation and in-service requirements of our clients. The deep-water industry has evolved over the years with new standards and class requirement. Many of these moorings have a service life of 20 years to 40 years.
Oceanside has worked with clients and Class with engineering studies and full size testing to confirm the inner workings of the design and features of our links. The traceability of our components begins at the ladle steel pour, followed and tested at many stages throughout production. Project specific ITP and MPS are prepared for full compliance to client and class requirements. The final load testing is done with our 3000 te purpose built test bed.
Introducing Sea-Stab
A rapidly deployed, preset, re-usable, high-load connector, container latching and lifting system. Innovative, 'hands free' cargo lifting connection in a dynamic environment.