INTRODUCING THE PICTOU – ANTIGONISH REGIONAL LIBRARY (PARL) FIVE FUN LIBRARY FACTS The Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library (PARL) has seven library branches and a Books-by-Mail service for rural library patrons. PARL’s seven branches are located in the downtown areas of Antigonish, New Glasgow, Trenton, Stellarton, Westville, Pictou and the village of River John. Library cards are available for free at any of the branch locations, by phoning the Library Headquarters toll-free at 1-866-779-7761, or online at
• You can borrow up to 50 items (including up to six DVDs) at a time • Overdue fines are just 20¢ per day up to a total of $2 per item. If you are 65 years or older, there are no overdue fines at all • The Regional Library offers 120+ free library programs per month, in addition to partnering with many community groups for special events. Check out the PARLEvents calendar on their website • Library rooms are also available free of charge for use by the community (not-for-profit purposes) and when not in use by the library. For more details, please inquire at your local library • The typical borrowing period is three weeks for each item, unless it is a special item, like the Fun Fit Passes which give you temporary access to select fitness facilities, or to things like snowshoes