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T h e B a r b a d o s V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g B o a r d w o u l d l i k e t o j o i n

w i t h B a r b a d o s a n d t h e R e g i o n i n o f f e r i n g i t s c o n d o l e n c e s t o

t h e f a m i l y o f S i r L l o y d E r s k i n e S a n d i f o r d a n d t o t h e p e o p l e o f

B a r b a d o s o n h i s p a s s i n g .

S i r L l o y d w a s n o t o n l y P r i m e M i n i s t e r , b u t a l s o a v i s i o n a r y

M i n i s t e r o f E d u c a t i o n , w h o t i r e l e s s l y s e r v e d o u r n a t i o n a n d

h e l p e d i n n u r t u r i n g t h e m i n d s o f m a n y B a r b a d i a n s w h o m h e w o u l d h a v e e n c o u n t e r e d a s a n e d u c a t o r . H i s u n w a v e r i n g

c o m m i t m e n t t o g o v e r n a n c e a n d e d u c a t i o n l e a v e s a n

i n d e l i b l e m a r k o n o u r s o c i e t y . T h r o u g h h i s w i s d o m ,

c o m p a s s i o n , a n d d e d i c a t i o n , h e h e l p e d s h a p e t h e f u t u r e o f

t h i s c o u n t r y a n d e m p o w e r e d c o u n t l e s s i n d i v i d u a l s i n r e a c h i n g t h e i r p o t e n t i a l .

B a r b a d o s V o c a t i o n a l T r a i n i n g B o a r d s a l u t e s t h e l e g a c y o f S i r

L l o y d a n d t h e p r o f o u n d i m p a c t h e h a s m a d e a s a t r u e

c h a m p i o n o f b o t h p o l i t i c s a nd e d u c a t i o n . M a y h i s m e m o r y

c o n t i n u e t o i n s p i r e m a n y g e n e r a t i o n s t o c o m e .


1970s when he joined the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), a major political force in Barbados. His expertise in economics and finance earned him recognition, and he swiftly climbed the ranks within the party. In 1981, he was elected as a Member of Parliament, representing the St. Michael

His undeniable talents and dedication to public service led to a rapid rise in the political hierarchy. Sir Lloyd served as Minister of Education, Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, and Minister of Finance before assuming the

In 1987, following the resignation of Prime Minister Bernard St. John due to health reasons, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford ascended to the highest office in the land. He assumed the mantle of Prime Minister, a position he would hold for the next six

During his tenure as Prime Minister, Sir Lloyd focused on advancing Barbados’ economic development, implementing key policies to boost tourism, diversify the economy, and attract foreign investment. He was recognized for his prudent fiscal

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.chatinmanhattan.com/

management and his efforts to reduce Barbados’ debt burden.

In addition to his domestic achievements, Sir Lloyd played a pivotal role in regional affairs. He was an ardent advocate for Caribbean integration and worked towards strengthening regional cooperation, particularly within the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS).

After leaving office in 1994, Sir Lloyd continued to contribute to Barbadian society. He also worked as a consultant and lecturer on economic and political matters. Throughout his career, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford has remained a respected and revered figure in Barbados, earning accolades for his contributions to public service and his unwavering dedication to the nation’s progress.

In 2000, Sandiford was conferred the highest honour in Barbados; he was made a Knight of St. Andrew (KA) of the Order of Barbados. In April 2008, under Prime Minister David Thompson, a resolution was brought to the Parliament of Barbados that the Sherbourne Conference Centre – which was Sir Lloyd’s idea and brainchild – be renamed the Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Conference Centre.

Sir Lloyd was later appointed Barbadian Ambassador to China, presenting his credentials on 3 March 2010.

When asked, Professor Emeritus Sir Henry Frazier submitted “I admire Sir Lloyd’scourageinrescuingtheplunging economywithhis8%levyongovernment workers,becausenotalotofpoliticians

willbesobraveandsplendidlypatrioticin puttingcountrybeforepopularity.”

Former Prime Minister of Jamaica in his published statement said, “As has constantly consistently proclaimed by alliesandopponentsalike,PrimeMinister Sandiford, at every step and decision, invariably placed the national interest of Barbados first and foremost. In his calm style and meticulous fashion, he worked assiduously to build a caring and productivesociety.

On the regional landscape, he sought throughpatient,persistentandpragmatic stepstobuildacommunitythatmanifest the aspirations and dreams of Caribbean peopleforprogressandprosperity.”

Today, as we reflect on his life and political career, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford stands as a beacon of leadership, resilience, and statesmanship. His commitment to Barbados and his tireless efforts to improve the lives of its citizens has left an enduring legacy that continues to inspire generations to come.



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e L O S S A T T H I S T I M E T O A N G E L I T A L A D Y S A N D I F O R D A N D F A M I L Y .

“ I w a s c o n v i n c e d t h e n a n d r e m a i n s o e v e n n o w t h a t e d u c a t i o n i s t h e m o s t p o w e r f u l t o o l f o r n a t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t . I n a s m a l l , o p e n e c o n o m y l i k e o u r s w h i c h i s b e r e f t o f a b u n d a n t n a t u r a l r e s o u r c e s , w e a r e f o r c e d t o r e l y o n o u r h u m a n r e s o u r c e s t o p r o v i d e t h e w e a l t h n e c e s s a r y t o s u s t a i n o u r s t a n d a r d o f l i v i n g . T h e r e a r e n o c o p i o u s o i l f i e l d s , l a v i s h d e p o s i t s o f g o l d , z i n c o r b a u x i t e , w e h a v e n o u n d e r w o r l d r i c h i n d i a m o n d s , o n l y t h e b o u n d l e s s p o t e n t i a l o f o u r p e o p l e . ” S i r L l o y d E r s k i n e S a n d i f o r d – B a r b a d o s C o m m u n i t y C o l l e g e G r a d u a t i o n S p e e c h , 1 9 9 4

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D e a t h i s o u r f r i e n d p r e c i s e l y b e c a u s e i t b r i n g s u s i n t o a b s o l u t e a n d p a s s i o n a t e p r e s e n c e w i t h a l l t h a t i s h e r e , t h a t i s n a t u r a l , t h a t i s l o v e . R a n i e r M o r i a R i l k e W i t h o u r S u p p o r t , T h e C h a i r m a n a n d B o a r d o f M a n a g e m e n t , P r i n c i p a l , A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , s t a f f a n d s t u d e n t s



Angelita Lady Sandiford, a remarkable woman of strength, resilience, and compassion. As the beloved wife of the late Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, she stood alongside him, supporting his endeavors and actively contributing to the betterment of her community and nation. This biography seeks to illuminate the inspiring life of Angelita Lady Sandiford, shedding light on her accomplishments, challenges, and the enduring legacy she has forged.

It is a well-known fact that the wives of Prime Ministers often fade into the

background, their contributions overshadowed by their partners’ public roles. However, in the case of Angelita Lady Sandiford and the late Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, we have a remarkable exception. Angelita Lady Sandiford’s pivotal role in supporting her husband throughout his political career deserves celebration and recognition. Behind the scenes, she provided support, offering guidance, encouragement, and strength during the most challenging times. Her commitment to her husband’s vision and her active involvement in various social causes demonstrated her immense

PHOTO CREDIT: Barbabdos National Insurance

dedication to the betterment of her community and nation.


Born into a modest family in Chapelton, Clarendon Jamaica, Angelita Ricketts formative years were shaped by a strong sense of determination and a deep appreciation for the value of education. With support from her parents, she pursued studies at the University College Hospital of the Wes Indies, Jamaica ( UCHWI) with a fervent passion, excelling academically and blossoming as a natural leader. Angelita met her Barbadian husbandto be in 1958 while they were both studying there, she was pursuing nursing and he studying English. They later went to England and continued their studies. Angeliata entered St. Mary’s Hospital to do midwifery while Sir Lloyd did his Masters at Manchester University.


The union of Angelita and Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford on January 2nd 1963 producing three children Garth, Inga and Sherryann (now deceased) proved to be a prosperous, merging their shared commitment to public service and their shared vision for a more equitable society. Throughout their marriage, Angelita supported her husband’s political journey, providing invaluable guidance, and offering a steady hand during times of challenge. Together, they epitomized the notion of a partnership built on love, respect, and a shared sense of purpose.


Angelita Lady Sandiford emerged as a passionate advocate for numerous social causes, working briefly at he former Herbert

House recruiting nurses for jobs in Britain and later as a medical representative for Cow and Gate baby food. As a self employed person she opened a flower shop ‘Tropic Flowers’ in Holetown St. James. She played a pivotal role in establishing scholarships, mentorship programs, and initiatives aimed at enhancing educational opportunities for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Lady Sandiford also continued her studies holding a BSc degree in Psychology from Upsala College, an MA in Psychology and M.E in Education from Columbia University, in addition a Certificate in Adult Education and Clinical Developmental Psychology Harvard University and also did an internship in Continuing Education at Pensylvania State University. Lady Sandiford started her teaching career at the Alexandra School moving on to the Barbados Community College, full time, and became the head the General Education Department. Her career extend far beyond her immediate community.

Her unwavering dedication to public service, commitment to education, and advocacy for social justice serve as an enduring testament to her character and values. The lives she has touched, the bridges she has built, and the change she has inspired stand as a testament to her remarkable legacy.

Angelita Lady Sandiford’s life has been one of purpose, compassion, and leadership. Her unwavering belief in the power of education, her tireless efforts to uplift marginalized communities, is a story is one of inspiration, reminding us all of the profound difference that a single individual can make in the lives of many.




Again, it is with a sense of deep sadness, that I say goodbye to yet another Barbadian nation builder, a true statesman — and without doubt a through and through gentleman of post-Independence Barbadian politics, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford.

Sir Lloyd, who has been known affectionately across the length and breadth of Barbados as “Sandi” since the late 1960s, has had the distinction of maintaining a political career of more than three decades without a single instance in which bad behavior or the use of the robust language and colourful metaphors so common to Caribbean politics

has been attached to his name.

Indeed, I recall the period of the early 1990s, during what must have been the most traumatic and dramatic period of his political career, when he faced strong opposition both within and outside his party over the economic (and social) policies that culminated in his virtual impeachment. Sir Lloyd never lost his spirit of calm and respect.

In fact, those who knew him well might argue that the only feature of his personality that could have possibly rivaled his ever-gentle spirit, was his


capacity to take a position on any matter and remain resolute and unmoved, even in the face of the most unrelenting pressure. Sir Lloyd was what Bajans would respectfully describe as, “his own man” at all times.

Whenever I met Sir Lloyd he was always very gracious with me from a young Parliamentarian to my assumption of this Office. Indeed, I spent a long period of time with him just prior to the pandemic and he was passionate about our country and the need for us to do all that was necessary to keep it stable and unified. Indeed in spite of his own challenges, he insisted on being present on that historic night of November 30, 2021 when our country formally became a Parliamentary Republic.

No review of Sir Lloyd’s sterling contribution to Barbados would be complete without tribute to his leadership of the Ministry of Education. His tenure as Minister of Education included the establishment of the Barbados Community College, an institution at which he not only subsequently taught, but which has changed the future of thousands of Barbadian young people for the better.

It is ironic that as I issue this statement, I am in China. Sir Lloyd demonstrated his magnanimity of character and dedication to public service by agreeing, having completed service as Prime Minister, to once again serve this country as Barbados’ first resident Ambassador to China.

Sir Lloyd was also a genuine and dedicated regionalist and as Prime Minister, he took the decision to take Barbados deeper into the regional integration process by signing on to the Grand Anse Declaration, which eventually led to the establishment of the Single Market and Single Economy.

As was the case with those political leaders who preceded him, and certainly those who followed, we did not always

agree with his decisions, but it is certain that none of us can ever question the fact that his motivation was, what in his judgement, served the best interest of Barbados and Barbadians.

To his widow, Lady Sandiford, I say thanks to you and your family for sharing him with Barbados for more than three decades. The country mourns with you all at this time and I trust you will take comfort in the knowledge that so much of his life was dedicated to the selfless service of others.

May his soul rest in peace.




Fourth Prime Minister of Barbados from 1987 to 1994

BORN Lloyd Erskine Sandiford

Date of Birth : March 24, 1937

Parents: Cyril Gordon & Eunice Sandiford

Married: Angelita Petrona Ricketts January 2 1963

Children: Garth, Sherry-ann (deceased) & Inga

Education: St Albans Primary School

Colridge & Parry

Harrison College

University College of the West Indies, Jamaica

University of Manchester England

Teaching Career

Asst Master Modern High School

Asst Master Kingston College Jamaica

Asst Master Harrison College

Parttime tutor and Lecturer U WI

Senior Graduate Master Harrison College

Asst Tutor B’dos Community Colege

Membership of the legislature

Barbados Senate 1967-71

House of assembly 1971 -

Personal Asst to Prime Minister 1966-67

Minister of Education 1967-71

Minister Education, Youth /affairs, Development & Sport 1986-87

Appointed Prime Minister after the death of. Errol Barrowin 1987

Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Affairs, Minister of Education & culture June 1987 - 1994


as Barbados’ first resident Ambassador in Beijing, China, from 2010 to 2013


Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford served as the Prime Minister of Barbados from 1987 to 1994. His tenure was indeed contentious, marked by various challenges and controversies. However, despite the difficulties, Sandiford's actions ultimately benefited Barbados in certain ways.

One of the notable achievements during Sandiford's tenure was his government's commitment to fiscal responsibility and economic reform. Barbados faced significant economic challenges at the time, including high levels of public debt and a stagnant economy. Sandiford implemented austerity measures, including reducing government spending and implementing structural adjustments to stimulate economic growth.

These measures, though unpopular at the time, laid the foundation for Barbados' future economic stability and prosperity. Sandiford's administration successfully stabilized the economy, attracting foreign investment and paving the way for sustained economic growth in subsequent years. The reforms implemented during his tenure set the stage for Barbados to become a more resilient and competitive economy in the long run.

Additionally, Sandiford's administration made efforts to diversify the Barbadian economy beyond its traditional reliance on tourism and sugar production. The government encouraged investments in sectors such as financial services, information technology, and offshore banking. These initiatives helped to broaden the country's economic base and reduce its vulnerability to external shocks.

Furthermore, Sandiford's administration prioritized infrastructure development, including investments in education, healthcare, and transportation. These initiatives aimed to improve the quality of life for Barbadians and lay the groundwork for long-term social and economic progress.

While Sandiford's tenure was indeed controversial, and there may have been differing opinions on the specific policies implemented, his actions laid the foundation for Barbados' subsequent economic growth and diversification. The focus on fiscal responsibility, economic reform, and infrastructure development helped to position Barbados as a more prosperous and resilient nation.

PHOTO CREDIT: https://www.chatinmanhattan.com/




It is with profound sadness that the Barbados Community College (BCC) received news of the passing of former Prime Minister, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford. Sir Lloyd’s contribution to national development is marked by several achievements. However, it is his contribution to education that we wish to recognize and highlight.

In the 1960s, Barbados made an indelible mark in national development by creating greater access to free secondary education. However, with only four 6th form schools, there was heavy demand for post-secondary education. Parallel to that, Barbados saw the expansion of the various income generating sectors, in business, manufacturing, tourism, commerce and

other industries in the economic sector which created a huge demand for an educated and well-trained workforce.

Amidst this emerging reality, Sir Lloyd recognized that the concept of a community college was very new and with none existing in the Caribbean, he envisaged the Barbados Community College as the solution to this workforce demand. He saw the need for an institution that would assist with the training needs of Barbadians in an efficient and cost-effective manner.

This led to Sir Lloyd successfully piloting legislation through the House of Assembly, establishing the Barbados Community College in October 1968. The BCC became the first major education institution to be opened since Barbados gained


Independence in 1966. Over the last 55 years, the BCC has made a significant contribution to the overall development of Barbados by helping to shape the lives of young people across the entire island.

Beyond his national obligation, Sir Lloyd and his family are intricately woven into the fabric of the BCC, having contributed directly to its operations over the years. Sir Lloyd was a former Tutor in Caribbean Politics and Society’ as well as the ‘Government and Politics’ programme, while his widow Dr. Angelita Sandiford is a former Deputy Principal of the BCC and previously, a Senior Tutor in the Division of General and Continuing Education. In recognition of his pivotal contribution to education in Barbados and in particular the BCC, Sir Lloyd was conferred with an honourary doctorate, LL.D, in 2004.

The Chairman, Board of Management, Principal, Administration, staff and students of the Barbados Community College would like to thank Sir Lloyd for his landmark contribution to the College and extend our sincerest condolences to Dr. Angelita Sandiford and the other members of the Sandiford family.



“IamAfraidofnochargeagainstme!EverythingIhavedoneinmy publiclifehasbeendoneonthebasisofprinciple!Andwhenyoustandon principle,thecourtsoftheworldmaypunishyou.”

Sir Lloyd was speaking in Bridgetown on Thursday (in 2005) at a symposium entitled “Mighty Men Meeting – My Challenges, My Conquests”

Sir Lloyd Sandiford should be remembered as one thing, he was truly a Prime Minister of character who understood the Westminster model. He was first among equals and he exercised that prerogative. He responded to the critics by performing and distinguishing himself as a leader. The leadership offered at the time was of necessity. The ability not to ‘buckle’ was a character that I admired. I will not remember the late Prime Minister for his pioneering legislation or his desire to revolutionize education but

for his character. He was truly a humble gentleman.

He was a Prime Minister, punished for doing the right thing.

Fresh out of secondary school and no interest in public life, I met Sir Lloyd through the news. He was the news. I remember watching the news and hearing a clip which caught my attention.

‘They were adamant, and I was


adamant, and something had to give.’ These were the words of the leader who became a source of national contention. For me those words said first among equals rule applies.

When Sandiford also known as Sandi succeed the late Right Excellent Errol Walton Barrow, I was still at secondary school. In those years leading up to 1994, Sandi remained the news. His leadership of Barbados shaped my views in state governance and the notions of power. It also revealed the power of the media in reporting and the science associated with creating and writing stories which was a true eye opener.

I first met the late Sir Lloyd sitting at a table upstairs in the DLP’s then Executive Council Room. He was flanked by the late Sir Branford and the late David Thompson. It was a water shed moment for me as I had volunteered to engage in public service. It was the first time I also had reason to enter the George Street Mecca Little did I know that I would spend next 25 years in political and public tutelage.

The early 1990s was however a period of news in full blast. The papers of the past carried labels of an errant schoolteacher and an obsession with his glasses which apparently are now in fashion.

I am now left with the memory of the late Sir Lloyd as a man Herculean policy and political commitment. A man who stood tall and reminded the public that he was willing to put Barbados and its people first.

The late Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, a great Prime Minister was modest in his posture and humble in his life. The advent of suggesting a wage cut as a means to

assist the government’s expenditure was met with organized marches where the unions, private sector and opposition parties banded together in solidarity against the wage. It was open season for the opponents of the then Prime Minister. His proposed limited 8% cut was historic. The distraction offered then is embellished in history but what is lacking is the legitimacy of a policy decision that saved our country.

Sandiford was not one to raise his voice, but his character was raised along his political journey. As you passed his classroom at BCC, an institution which he carved out of necessity as an alternative to mainstream 6th form schools… You could barely hear his voice in the corridor as he delivered his lecture in Core 102. His definition of a constitution remains foremost in my mind as it is shared in many of the classes I had the honor of teaching alongside him. His publication of Politics and Society in Barbados and the Caribbean: An Introduction, was a must for any student of Core 102. The ability to move from being a Prime Minister to BCC and continue his journey as a teacher spoke to his character. This is the Prime Minister I knew and admired.

Rest in peace ‘Man of Character’ and rise in glory.



"The true measure of success lies in our ability to uplift and empower others.”

"Leadership is not about popularity, but about doing what is right for the people.”

"Progre accident vision, ha a comm cha

"We must understand that politics is a noble endeavor and not a spectator sport.”
"Educ to u p ind s
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is not an ; it requires rd work, and mitment to ange.”
ation is the key unlocking the potential of dividuals and societies.”
"Diplomacy is the art of building bridges and finding common ground, even in the face of differences.”
"A nation's wealth is not solely measured in monetary terms but in the well-being and happiness of its people.”
"In times of crisis, true leaders emerge, providing hope, stability, and guidance.”
ltural exchange fosters nderstanding, reciation, and a ebration of our red humanity.”
"The strength of a nation lies in the unity and collaboration of its people."

The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Barbados pays tribute and offers heartfelt words to the late Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford, former Prime Minister of Barbados and Barbados' first Ambassador to the People's Republic of China. Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford's life and his significant contributions as an ambassador have left an indelible mark on ChinaBarbados relations.

Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford was a visionary statesman, whose unwavering dedication and pioneering spirit were instrumental in forging the strong bonds of friendship between China and Barbados. As Barbados' first resident Ambassador to China, his legacy is one of remarkable achievement, diplomacy, and the unwavering pursuit of enhancing bilateral relations.


It was unusual for a former Prime Minister to be appointed Ambassador to a foreign country but it clearly shows the importance the country took in making sure that it was served and representative well by Sir Lloyd. His tireless efforts contributed to what has become a steadfast and flourishing relationship. Through his diplomatic acumen, he built bridges and fostered mutual understanding, fostering an environment conducive to sustained cooperation and friendship.

Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford's contributions extended beyond diplomacy and into the realms of economic collaboration. Recognizing the immense potential for trade and investment, he worked diligently to promote bilateral economic ties between our nations, benefitting both countries and their respective peoples.

Furthermore, Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford was a champion of cultural exchange and people-to-people diplomacy. He understood that true understanding and friendship flourish through cultural interaction. With his commitment to fostering cultural exchanges, he brought the richness and diversity of Barbadian culture to China, while also showcasing China's vibrant heritage to the people of Barbados. This cultural diplomacy has continued to deepen the bonds between our nations, fostering an appreciation and mutual respect for each other's civilization.

The legacy of Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford's work as Barbados' first resident Ambassador to China is enduring. His vision, dedication, and tireless efforts have paved the way for the strong and vibrant relationship that exists between our countries today.

"Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford was a champion of cultural exchange and people-to-people diplomacy. He understood that true understanding and friendship flourish through cultural interaction."

His remarkable contributions serve as an inspiration for current and future diplomats, reminding us of the profound impact that determined individuals can have in shaping the course of international relations.

The Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Barbados expresses deepest gratitude for the life and work of Sir Lloyd Erskine Sandiford. His unwavering commitment to diplomacy, economic cooperation, and cultural understanding has enriched the bilateral relations between China and Barbados. Let us honor his memory by continuing to build upon the solid foundation he laid, nurturing our friendship, and exploring new avenues of collaboration for the mutual benefit of our two great nations.

May his legacy continue to inspire us all.


T h e E m b a s s y o f t h e

P e o p l e ' s R e p u b l i c o f

C h i n a i n B a r b a d o s w i s h e s

t o c o n v e y i t s s i n c e r e

c o n d o l e n c e s o n t h e l o s s o f

t h e R i g h t H o n o u r a b l e S i r

L l o y d E r s k i n e S a n d i f o r d .



My first encounter with Erskine Sandiford later Sir Lloyd was in the 1980s,as a young graduate of Political Science and History of the University of the West Indies .

It was just before the 1986 election was called. He was a tutor of the Barbados Community College teaching Political Science.Once the election date was announced,he was un able to teach his classes. I was recommended to take over his students until the outcome of the election was determined. That election saw him elevated to the position of Deputy Prime Minister of Barbados.

On rejoining the Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation as a reporter in 1987 I worked covering his office in the late 1980s .Sir Lloyd was meticulous and thorough in his dealing with the media. He was approachable, engaging and always willing to share positive advice with the fourth estate.

As lead Prime Minister in the signing of the Grand Anse Declaration at the Grenada Heads of Government in 1989, Sir Lloyd clearly demonstrated his commitment to regional integration. He was a die hard regionalist who strongly believed in the great potential of Caribbean nation states.

As an educator he also took the role seriously and will forever be remembered for the establishment of the Barbados Community College and the Sherbourne Conference Center, which now bears his name.

May the ancestors welcome this Caribbean son with great jubilation.



UWIViceChancellor,SirHilaryBeckles. RememberingSirLloydErskineSandiford

TheUWIRegionalHeadquarters,Jamaica.Friday,June30,2023—The followingstatementisissuedbyProfessorSirHilaryBeckles,Vice-ChancellorofTheUniversityoftheWestIndies,onthepassingofCaribbean politicalstalwart,SirLloydErskineSandiford.

Reflecting on the political poetics of Caribbean small islands, I realize that long have I been of the view that while they are deeply troubled by their size, they are also adamant enough to say to the mighty ocean that seeks to engulf and erase them – ‘if you want to pass, go around!’ Ill winds, persistent and penetrating, have also made them even more adamant. These were my first musings when I heard of the passing of Sir Lloyd.

As a political stalwart Sir Lloyd was generally unhurried and often unshakable in his approach to divisive phenomena. This was also reflected in the manner in which he spoke. The steady certainty with which he engaged spoke to a confidence endemic to his belief system. Democratic in orientation, the core of his politics was grounded in ‘love of country’. From the beginning he threw his political weight behind the imperative of publicly funded education for the masses. This was a principle of his social democracy


and the vehicle on which he believed the nation would travel to economic prosperity and social stability. In this regard, he never failed to stand his ground in the pursuit of access to development for the historically disadvantaged, and the necessity to blunt the social sword of the traditionally privileged.

Sir Lloyd was an intellectual product of the ideological vision of The UWI. He was for example, adamant in his commitment to national independence and dignified nation building. He evolved as the quintessential servant leader and served The Right Excellent Errol Barrow’s strategy with skill and sustainability. When his turn came to serve as Prime Minister, he dug in his heels in defence of Barbados and its democracy and insisted that the rich and powerful had no personal keys to his private office. They too, like the mighty raging ocean, would have to go around. It was this sense of service to the nation that contributed significantly to its freedom from International Monetary Fund (IMF) enchainment.

Departing the Office of Prime Minister, he was called upon to serve his nation as ambassador to China. From Beijing he often took the opportunity to remind us that there was nothing surprising about the appointment since his father often said to him that he would go far in life. His has been the remarkable journey of a steadfast soldier. The UWI community is honoured to celebrate him for living a life selflessly in the service of his people. Travel well Sir Lloyd and thanks for your lessons in the art


S i n c e r e s t c o n d o l e n c e s t o t h e f a m i l y o f t h e l a t e

S i r L l o y d E r s k i n e S a n d i f o r d

1 9 3 7 - 2 0 2 3

S t a t e s m a n , E d u c a t o r , R e g i o n a l i s t


L e a d e r s h i p i s n o t a b o u t

p o p u l a r i t y , b u t a b o u t d o i n g

w h a t i s r i g h t f o r t h e p e o p l e . ”

S i r L l o y d E r s k i n e S a n d i f o r d

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