ZIGZAG THERAPY is a mobile Occupational Therapy service for children, with services provided in your own home, via telehealth or, by negotiation at your child’s childcare centre, primary or high school, or another agreed location. This allows busy families to balance work and after-school commitments with therapy appointments.
ZIGZAG THERAPY offers individual and group OT services including: • OT Assessment + Reports I am an OT with over • School readiness 15 years’ experience, • Handwriting, fine and gross motor skills, a registered Medicare provider, and I hold full visual perception skills registration with AHPRA. • Executive Functioning - attention, I’m also a registered school memory, planning, organisation, teacher and a GA Mum! motivation • Play and Social Skills – sharing, turn-taking, making friends and emotional regulation • Self-Care Skills – eating, dressing, toileting and sleeping ALISON ALDERSON alison@zigzagtherapy.com 0405 866 088 www.zigzagtherapy.com 28