Our Sales Team Manual

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manual Version 1.10


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Table of Contents Training Manual “Building a Team of Inspired Leaders” Dear new associate, team member, and friend,

WELCOME TO THE A-TEAM! The A-TEAM SYSTEM IS NOT NEW..IT HAS BEEN AROUND 40 +YEARS.. I USED THE SAME exact system over the last 21 years to build a giant income year after year. It is designed for simplicity and duplicatability…PERIOD.


pg 4

Team Building

pg 6


pg 13

The Presentation

pg 21


pg 35


pg 44

You cannot build a GIANT MARKETING ORGANIZATION without a simple, duplicatable system that everyone can plug into and believe they can do. Plug in and sell-out to the system…You will be glad you did! Good luck!

Gary Wood -Team Leader


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The System

Keys to Success

The A-Team Business Affiliate System

Distribution is King!

Part 1 The Vision (100 Billion Dollar Company) Part 2 An Overview (Business Affiliate Program) Part 3 The Baseball System (Prospecting and Contacting) Part 4 The Field Training Sales System (Presentation, Start-Up, Duplication)

You Must Grasp & Understand the Concept of Building a Giant Distribution System… There are Four Things you must have to be successful in this business:

1. You Must Be Committed: The Vision and Mission! 2. You Must Be Willing to Learn: Paradigm Change! 3. You Must Know How to Duplicate: Systematized! 4. You Must Be Fully Engaged: A Crusader!

You’ve got to be able to look past today. Develop a Builders Mind set, and see yourself overriding a giant marketing organization in the future!


1. The Crusade…Our Vision: Save money & Increase Sales with AdzZoo’s Local Search Marketing Technology!

“Marketing is the creation of an outlet and the movement of the product simultaneously.”

2. Hope and Opportunity…The Mission:

Hubert Humphrey

Create Financial Freedom By Helping Others Build A Business of Their Own!

If you really want to learn how to sell… “To Help Small Business across the Globe, Save Money & Increase Sales with the Power of AdzZoo’s Local Search Marketing Campaigns” The #1 Priority of an AdzZoo Leader is...

To Build a team of Inspired Leaders!

Build leaders and Teams will come! 1. Belief- The Commitment to the Crusade! 2. Vision- Ability to Communicate Clearly! 3. Focus- Mission: Hope and Opportunity!


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Here’s the Secret: Stop thinking about selling Ads!

Start selling our Concept,

Benefits and Opportunity!

1. Learn to sell Concept with Enthusiasm…Acquire the knowledge! 2. It’s NOT what it is…It’s what it will do for YOU! 3. Marketing and Articulation of the Concept and Opportunity… is what sells! 4. AdzZoo’s concept is simple: 5. “Would you prefer to use your advertising budget in a ‘hit and miss fashion’, or specifically target your local customer base with AdzZoo’s Geo-Targeting technology… Targeting your exact customer demographic is very important, wouldn’t you agree?”


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Team Building Sales is Linear… You may be the best salesperson in the world, but you still only Have 24 hours a day… and you’ll never have any more than that. And even more importantly, you can’t be duplicated! You might be able to teach one or two, or maybe even 3 or 4 people how to Sell. Teach them everything that took you years to learn… But if you want to Build A Giant Marketing Organization… You Must Understand the Art and

Power of Base Shop Building and Field Training By rapidly Finding and Field Training new Business Partners, so you can start overriding their production immediately! Speed Width… You can establish a business that has the potential to create a serious income quickly, and you can generate massive ‘Dynamic Depth Force’ Momentum NOW! If you’re just selling – you have to sell every day just to survive!

To Achieve Greatness You Must:

Team Building

1. 2. 3.

Think Strategically! Commit Specifically! Focus Constantly!

Your Team Building Personal Success Will Always Revolve Around These Four Things: 1. Your Belief- in the A-Team Business Building Concept and your commitment to that belief! 2. The Vision- of the AdzZoo Opportunity and your ability to communicate it conceptually! 3.

The Team Mission- and your ability to stay focused, and not become distracted!

4. Having a Base Shop Building / Field Training Team Mentality!

We don’t just sell ads… Our Business Affiliates Sell Ads to Themselves, Get Paid and Refer New Customers!

We just show them a proven system of how it is done!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Find Outlets

Business Affiliates The Business Affiliate Sales Approach

Aim for a Recruit…and Hit a Sale!

*The below scenarios are hypothetical examples that are intended to explain the AdzZoo Compensation Plan and are not income representations. Your success with AdzZoo is a direct result of your efforts. The AdzZoo Compensation Plan is subject to change without prior notice. All commissions and bonuses are paid solely based upon the sale of AdzZoo Campaigns.

Speed Width – Depth Force! 1. 2. 3. 4.

As a Qualified

Sell the Concept – Close the Sale. Ask the Question: Wholesale? Retail? Sell the Dream: Discount Agency Pricing Part Time Second Income Show him How - Referrals!

Campaign Director...

If you sell an Ad for $900:

“Principle No.1 of a Builder’s Mind set is you must have a ‘Hiring Mentality’. You can’t build unless you do. Do not make the mistake of focusing on SALES. You must always think OPENING OUTLETS!” –Hubert Humphrey

If you sell a CD Ad Package for $299:

• You receive a $252 (28%) commission • No Team Building • The Business receives a 3 Month $300 per month advertisement • No Override Income • You must follow up on renewal ads • No help for promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $252 NO RECRUIT

We’re Looking for Outlets!

- $2.50

And an Outlet is anyone that can help us refer AdzZoo to other people! As an Area

If you sell a CD Ad Package for $299:

• You receive a $279 (31%) commission • No Team Building. • The Business receives a 3 Month $300 per month advertisement • No Override Income • You must follow up on renewal ads. • No help for promotion to Higher Override Levels!


Total = $279 NO RECRUIT + $7.50


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Total = $249.50 + 1 Recruit


If you sell an Ad for $900:


• Business Receives a $300 CD Ad • You Receive $110 Fast Start & you build your team! • The Business receives a $112.50 split Fee on the $900 Ad! • YOU receive $126 split Fee! • YOU receive $13.50 Override! • Future renewal is internal usage. • Quicker promotion to Higher Override Levels!

• Business Receives a $300 CD Ad • You Receive $120 Fast Start & you build your team! • The Business receives a $112.5 split Fee on the $900 Ad! • YOU receive $139.50 split Fee! • YOU receive $27 Override! • Future renewal is internal usage. • Quicker promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $286.50 + 1 Recruit Updated July 22nd, 2010

Business Affiliates As a Regional

If you sell a CD Ad Package for $299:

• You receive a $306 (34%) commission • No Team Building • The Business receives a 3 Month $300 per month advertisement • No Override Income • You must follow up on renewal ads. • No help for promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $306 NO RECRUIT

+ $17.50

As an Senior

• Business Receives a $300 CD Ad • You Receive $130 Fast Start & you build your team! • The Business receives a $112.50 split Fee on the $900 Ad! • YOU receive $153 split Fee on the $900 ad! • YOU receive $40.50 Override! • Future renewal is internal usage. • Quicker promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $323.50 + 1 Recruit


If you sell an Ad for $900:

If you sell a CD Ad Package for $299:

• You receive a $369 (41%) commission • No Team Building • The Business receives a 3 Month $300 per month advertisement • No Override Income • You must follow up on renewal ads • No help for promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $369 NO RECRUIT + $37.50


The F.T. Referral Field Training System


If you sell an Ad for $900:

Business Affiliates

• Business Receives a $300 CD Ad • You Receive $150 Fast Start & you build your team! • The Business receives a $112.5 split Fee on the $900 Ad! • YOU receive $184.5 split Fee! • YOU receive $72 Override! • Future renewal is internal usage. • Quicker promotion to Higher Override Levels!

Total = $406.50 + 1 Recruit

Updated July 22nd, 2010

Referrals/ Sales


Split %

Cum. Sales Volume


Commission/ Override

Cumulative Income


Bus. Partner



$900+$300 $50




Referral 1


28/3% 28/3% 28/3% 28/3% 31/6% 31/6% 31/6% 34/9% 34/9% 34/9%

$2,400 $3,600 $4,800 $6,000 $7,200 $13,200 $25,000 $37,200 $49,200 $61,200

$126/13.50 $126 $126 $126 $139.50/$27 $139.50 $139.50 $153/$13.50 $153/$13.50 $153/$13.50

$412 $538 $664 $790 $966.50 $1,564 $3,059 $4,934 $6,799 $8,664

2 3 4 5 6 11 21 31 41 51

Referral 2 Referral 3 Referral 4 Referral 5 Referral 10 Referral 20 Referral 30 Referral 40 Referral 50

$110 $110 $110 $110 $120 $120 $120 $130 $130 $130

Common Sense Cost Comparison for the Business Owner Business Partner Wholesale Pricing: 1 year Ad Contract $300/month Here is an example of what can happen when the business owner gets 1,620 in BV: • • • • • •

Become a Campaign Director - $300 Purchases a 1 year ad for $3,600 less 10% Discount: Save $360 Receives a split sale commission on the ad: Earn $405 Total ad cost now $2835 = $236.25 Monthly Avg. (21.25% Discount) Immediate promotion to QCD (Commission % now 28%) Earns Secondary Income on Referrals: Ongoing Residual Override Income / Renewal Income Fast Start Bonuses $50 + 3% override on Referral sales Continually Growing


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Business Affiliates By becoming a Campaign Director, the Business Owner earns an AdzZoo commission on all future ads he sells to his OWN BUSINESS! And… by plugging in to the A-TEAM Field Training Referral System we can help him develop a serious secondary income stream!

We show Sam how to increase sales, buy his advertising at wholesale, and make an additional income.

This is Sam - a local business owner who became a Campaign Director to buy his ads wholesale and make an additional income.

Become an ‘A-Team’ Player and you are on your way to Building A Giant Marketing Organization…and making an ongoing Residual income by overriding a massive Internal Consumption Renewal Income Stream!

Marketing is the creation of an outlet and the movement of the product simultaneously… And the Best Outlet is a Committed Business Partner!


Updated July 22nd, 2010



Updated July 22nd, 2010



The more you know…

Preparation is the Key

Know What’s Best for the Client!

Competitors Pricing SOURCE: http://www.webpagefx.com/SEO-Pricing.html

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Know Your Competition! Be Prepared! Know The Options! Know The Objections In Advance! Get Field Trained!

Knowledge = Confidence = Enthusiasm = Success! Preparation is The Key!

Web Presence Pricing? Business Options Today: 1. Employ Internet Experts

SOURCE: http://www.g3group.com/services/seo-pricing.html

Optional Only For Large Companies 2. Contract with SEO Company Most waste your money and time working on your site vs. building you an optimized landing page! 3. Learn to do it Yourself

Spend thousands of $ and months of your time to become a certified google expert vs rookie wasting time and money. 4. Do Nothing

Quitting Is Not A Real Option!

5. Find out about AdzZoo


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Field Training

Getting Results

Why field training?

The 10 Step Sale Process

This is where it all starts and ends. If you do not become adept at this, then your success in this business will be seriously limited. You need to be trained.

Step 1

Make a Friend

Step 2

Establish the Premise / Concept

Everyone should be in agreement with that. The key is what kind of training, and how should you be trained. You won’t get it from a book (from this presentation or a few sheets of paper)…although many people will try.

Step 3

Explain the Benefits / Concept

Step 4

Explain the Costs / Different Packages

Step 5

Needs Analysis

Usually you won’t learn it by yourself, but many people will try that as well. You need to see it, and hear it…in real time! You need to personally participate in as many training sales as possible with a well trained Field Trainer before you will become ‘expert’ enough to ‘go it alone.’

Step 6

Get the Decision – The Application

Step 7

Make the Offer: Retail or Wholesale?

Step 8

Explain the Opportunity : 2nd Income Stream

Step 9

Sign the CD App – Close the Sale

Step 10 Start the Referral Process

How many? In my opinion there is no such thing as ‘too many’! As many as possible is the right answer.

The 1st step is to Make a Friend

What’s the goal? The goal is for you to become a perfect Field Trainer YOURSELF… not just make sales. You’ll know when that happens… and so will your Field Trainer!

Don’t rush this process. Remember you’re there (to continue) to make as good a friend as possible. Here’s a simple rule to follow: “The better the friend, the better the referrals!” So how good of a friend do you want?


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Asking Questions The Key To Making Your Dream Come True…

Questions rather than positive statements, are the most effective means of winning people over to your point of view. “The difference between the right question and the almost right question is like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug!”

The Three Principles of Asking Questions 1. Always establish a bond before you start ‘selling’. Make a friend! Use the F.O.R.M. Technique. 2. Never ask questions that give them too many choices, or too much to think about….The answer they come up with may not be the one you want! 3. You can’t lead them to a decision, until you make it first! You must know the answer to every question you ask… and so must your customer!

What is F.O.R.M.? F - Family O - Occupation R - Recreation M - Money

The Presentation

“If they say it, it’s true…if you say it, it doesn’t have to be!”


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The Presentation Ask Questions, Compliment Sincerely, Build rapport, Listen carefully & don’t interrupt!

The Presentation Questions, Questions, Questions are the key!

“How is this economy treating you and your business?”

The location of your online information matters... That makes sense doesn’t it?

Wait for them to answer, and let them talk. Remember you are getting to know them. Then say…

With over 1 trillion websites in the world and growing, it’s easy to get lost isn’t it? It’s not enough just to have your business somewhere online… you have to be seen wouldn’t you agree?

“Can you share with me a little about your business and what you are currently doing in terms of Advertising? How is that working out for you?”

1st we decide how large of a radius you would like to target for your customers 10, 20, 50, 100, 150 or ?

“AdzZoo has developed a very unique internet advertising program using Geo-Targeting Technology that’s designed to help every American business, small or large, save hundreds and thousands of dollars in advertising costs by showing them how to specifically target their marketplace to drive their local customers to their business.” “When it comes to your advertising budget, you do believe in getting more value for your dollar, don’t you?” “The one thing every business knows is that no matter how bad the economy is, they cannot stop advertising and marketing for customers. Stopping is quitting…and quitting is just not an option. You would agree with that wouldn’t you?” “Here is a brief look at how AdzZoo builds and manages your business with an effective Web Presence for far less money than any other company in the marketplace.”

Target your local market!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The Presentation

The Presentation

Next, we have our Google Certified Experts build you an optimized landing page.

Then our experts place your business in a rotation on page 1 of Google in the Sponsored links!

This page is designed with Google in mind to try and get you the highest relevancy score from Google for the key areas of your business you want to target.

The goal is to also get you also on page one organically over a period of months as well.

Do you understand the difference between sponsored links and organic? Contact Info

Google had 2.7 billion searches per month in 2006 and 61 billion per month in 2009!

Custom Graphic

Do you understand how having your business on page 1 is vital to your business?

Website Link Contact Form

Sponsored Listings #1-3

Call to Action

SEO Optimized Content

Sponsored Listings #4-10

Key Services

Google Map

Map Listings

Organic Listings

For an extra $200 we can custom build the landing page to mirror your website!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The Presentation

The Presentation

Your ad will also be placed on the Google ad network, which includes thousands of the most popular sites on the internet to begin your Branding campaign.

Facebook • Now gets more hits than Google per month • 130 million active US Facebook users, 300 million globally • Facebook added 5 million U.S. users in January of 2010 alone!!! 166,000 per day average! • 50% log on to Facebook in any given day • 35 million users update their FB status each day • Average user spends 55 minutes per day on Facebook • 100 million active users access Facebook through their mobile devices

Facebook surpassed google in April 2009 as the #1 site in the world but Google has since come back as #1.

Those are pretty amazing statistics wouldn’t you agree? Our experts will also build and manage your targeted Facebook ad campaign matching the interests of the users in your geo-targeted area.

W e also immediately submit your information to Google, Bing and Yahoo for the maps section as well.

Highly Targeted advertising on Facebook is included in our service!

Another great way to pinpoint the people who need your services!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The Presentation

The Close

e will also enter your business into over 100 of the most popular busiW ness directories: YellowBook, Yellow pages, Yodle, Kudzu, Merchant

The Common Sense Comparison

Circle, Amazon, Edmunds etc…

What makes more sense to you? Did you know that 63% of people search on-line- Before they make a purchase at a store?

Traditional Advertising Concepts: 1. Traditional print advertising is becoming less effective. 2. Most consumers have traded in their Yellow Pages for a more comprehensive online search. 3. Newspaper readership is down with many papers declaring bankruptcy. 4. DVR devices, such as TiVo, allow people to skip commercials. 5. Search results bring information overload and local businesses get lost. 6. Pay per click way too expensive - Search results are dominated by large companies.

Will you continue to do what you are currently doing?

AdzZoo is 1 of only 168 companies in America that is a Google Adword Qualified Company!


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Did you know? • 97% of people with online access will research products and services online before they purchase. • 80% of people that search never click beyond the first page. • 55% of all local searches are done with intent to buy. • Of all local searches, 8 out of 10 call or visit a store and 60% of those result in a purchase.


Updated July 22nd, 2010

The Close

The Close Always assume the sale... Have as much of the application as possible already filled out!

The AdzZoo Advertising Concept: 1. Optimized Web Page: AdzZoo gets clients a web presence and local online traffic. 2. Geo-Targeting: How? Our exclusive geo-targeted software and our localized search function allows for direct, measurable and monitored ads. Simply put, geotargeting enables local businesses to be matched with local searches. 3. Search Engine Marketing: Enables local businesses to be matched with local searches. AdzZoo increases customer traffic to your brick and mortar business without the high cost of traditional media or blanket internet advertising. Where? Right where you want it. In your local targeted market The localization of the internet is Here Now. Your customers are using it…are you? 4. Search Engine Maps: Put your business on the map! 5. Popular Websites: Your geo-targeted ad on high traffic websites like CNN, Food Network, AOL, and thousands of others. 6. Social Networks: Demographically targeted marketing to specific people, markets, and interest. 7. Why? 63% of consumers search for local businesses and services online before they purchase. Will they see your business when they log on? 8. All of that for less than the cost of a monthly yellow page ad… Can the Yellow Pages do that?

We do all this plus: • • • • • •

You have a local rep to help you Your own 7/24 back office to view your results in real time Live customer support during business hours We guarantee our services No long term contract Have a large full time staff of certified experts monitoring and managing your results and campaign daily!

Leading Question “So, what do you think Bill? Are you starting to get an idea of just how powerful this advertising and marketing concept is?”

Discovery Question “What aspect of what you’ve just seen and heard makes the most sense to you Bill?” Once he gives you the answer to this question, he’s telling you what to say next to help him make a positive decision. Usually it will be that he likes the idea of marketing his local customers directly, paying less for advertising, etc.…

Tie-Down Questions: “You’re right on the money Bill! This concept really comes down to two things: saving money on your ad costs and making more money on sales by specifically targeting your advertising dollars directly at those customers that are able geographically to spend their dollars at your business! That’s a simple as it gets, wouldn’t you agree?” “That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Once you understand the facts, and apply your common sense to it, it’s an obvious decision, isn’t it”?

All for a substantially lower monthly cost than ourcompetitors charge for a similar level of service!

Have the paperwork in front of you and say…. “So the only question is, how soon is too soon for you to start making money with this common sense choice… Isn’t that about it?”

When He Says Yes… He’s ready to sign!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Don’t Stop There! Make the Offer – Transition…

The Close Leading Question:

The ‘A Team’ Affiliate- Business Partner Sales Approach.... 1. Before we finish Bill, let me ask you a question… 2. Would you prefer to pay retail or wholesale for your advertising? 3. Well, If I could show you how to get this ad at a reduced advertising cost, and at the same time create a pretty serious secondary income stream, would you be interested in hearing about it?

You see what I’d really like you to consider, is becoming my business partner, and then I could show you how you could make a pretty serious part time secondary income. In fact as my business partner you could earn serious money and a substantial residual income as well. “Would you be interested in hearing a little more about that?

Leading Question: “Well, let me ask you a question…. what other small business owners do you know, that could benefit from hearing about the AdzZoo concept ?” “Well, I’d like to share something with you… is that alright?

“Let me ask you a question Bill…” Leading Question: “Now that you’ve seen what AdzZoo’s advertising program will do for you, do you see how this concept can help almost any business that wants to target their specific local customers on the internet? Help them to save money on their marketing expenses and increase their sales?”

Tie-Down Question: “I mean if this makes sense for you it would probably make sense for most American Businesses, would you agree with that?”

Tie-Down Question:

Tie-Down Question: “If you would be willing to help me introduce this concept with 10 other businessmen or women that you know, that you could introduce me to, I’d be willing to do all the work and help you create a secondary income stream…help you get to the point where your advertising is free. That’s even better than wholesale isn’t it?“

“You would be helping other businesses, and you would be helping yourself. How does that sound to you?”

“It does make sense, doesn’t it? Probably just about every business owner that you know, could use this program, couldn’t they?”

Tie-Down Question: “And what would you say if I told you that you could start getting paid right now not only on this ad for your own business but also for everyone that you helped me introduce this concept to? Would a secondary income stream be a good thing or a bad thing for you right now?”


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

Finalize 1st - Enroll as Campaign Director

2nd - Finish filling out the Sales Order Form If they’re interested in the business opportunity, invite them, and make sure they come to the next Business Overview either online or at a meeting. Let’s set up a time where I can come back and help you develop a basic business plan on how I can help you make money with our affiliate program and work on developing your database.

Rep # 1 is the original trainer Rep # 2 is the new business owner/affiliate partner



Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010



The Baseball Prospecting System

Lets Play Ball! 2nd Base

The Keys To Playing Baseball: One Base at a Time… • • • • • •

Stop ‘Swinging for the Fences’! Keep your eye on the ball… Learn to ‘Hit Singles, Doubles and Triples’…And the Home Runs will come! Remember: A ‘.300’ Hitter in baseball makes Millions $$$ just to swing the bat. How much ‘Practice Time’ do you think these players spend in the batting Cage? How much ‘Would You Practice’ to make this kind of money?


We’re in the sorting business, Amateurs try to convince. Professionals sort.

Build belief over time... 0

3-Way Call Power Play Show concept/benefits Send additional info Schedule Sales Apt.





5 6 7


3rd Base

1st Base

Set Sales Appointment Business Mans BPM Businessman’s Luncheon

Video Links 3-Way Call Open for more information?

9 10 Dugout... Not Now!

The Baseball system is about building belief in the prospect.

Focus on building belief and increase your sales!


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Home Plate Close the Sale Recruit Complete Sign Up Get Referrals

On Deck... Who’s Up?

Updated July 22nd, 2010



Initial Cold Call Contact Script

You Say:

First Base - Prospecting System! Cold Call Scenario: Your first step is to get by the Gatekeeper (secretary, etc.) and to get to the Decision Maker. Do not ‘throw your pitch away’ by wasting it on someone that either can’t (or won’t!) make a decision about our product. Remember the Gatekeeper’s main function is to act as a filter and screen out unnecessary calls. Nine times out of ten their internal decision will be TO NOT BOTHER THEIR BOSS, unless they perceive it to be of value to their boss and the company. Your job is to break through this filter, and get by this person in order to speak directly to the one person that can make the decision. You must hit the Gatekeeper with a Fear of Loss decision designed to make them decide to let you through. That’s the only decision you want from them…nothing more and nothing less!

Here’s an example: You Say: “Hello… whom am I speaking to? Hi Brenda, my name is Mike Johnson with AdzZoo... I need to speak with the person in charge of your advertising or marketing department.”

“Absolutely Brenda…as I said my Name is Mike Johnson, and my company’s name is AdzZoo. We specialize in helping companies like yours maximize their website’s profit potential, by increasing their web presence to those customers that are geographically able to spend their dollars for your product and service. We have a new proprietary Geo-Targeting Technology that will put your company specifically in front of the exact demographic that your company depends on for sales and income growth. These folks are dedicated buyers, not shoppers, they’re in your target markets, and they’re looking for your product or service right now!” “Who’s the best person for me to speak to about this?”

Once you’re on the phone with ‘Decision Maker’, you give them a quick introduction. “Hello Mr. Jones. My name is Mike Johnson, and my company’s name is AdzZoo. We specialize in helping companies like yours maximize their website’s profit potential, by increasing their web presence to those customers that are geographically able to spend their dollars for your product and service. We have a new proprietary Geo-Targeting Technology that will put your company specifically in front of the exact demographic that your company depends on for sales and income growth. These folks are dedicated buyers, not shoppers, they’re in your target markets, and they’re looking for your product or service right now!” “Well Bill… by the way, do you mind if I call you Bill? Great!” “Bill, let me ask you a question: “Have you ever heard of AdzZoo, or the advertising concept of local market Geo-Targeting?”

The Gatekeeper Says: “Can I tell him/her what it’s regarding?”


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010



Regardless of whether they say yes or no…. Say this:

“It’s as simple as that! If this information makes sense to you then we can get all your questions answered right away. All right?

“Well…AdzZoo has developed a very unique internet advertising program using Geo-Targeting Technology that’s designed to help every American business, small or large, save hundreds and thousands of dollars in advertising costs by showing them how to specifically target their marketplace to drive their local customers to their business.” “The one thing every business knows is that no matter how bad the economy is, they cannot stop advertising and marketing for customers. Stopping is quitting… and quitting is just not an option. You would agree with that wouldn’t you?” “If I could show you how to increase sales at a reduced advertising cost, would you be interested in hearing about it?” “Do you have just a couple of minutes so I can give you just a few facts to mull over?”

If they say No:

“I’ll send them right now while I’ve got you on the phone to make sure you get them…”

Send a form email that is already to send with these links:

Send this Link: Watch the CBS4 News story featuring AdzZoo in action http://cbs4.com/video?id=88348@wfor.dayport.com

Send one of these Links: 1st Link for Businesses: http://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/Videos/AdzZooClient1.wmv 2nd Link for Businesses: http://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/Videos/AdzZooClient2.wmv

After he’s confirmed receipt, ask him to click on the links to make sure they open up for him.

“I understand completely Bill. What’s a good time for me to call you back so I can fill you in on the details of this customer acquisition and sales opportunity?”If they say Yes:

Then say, “Can you do me a favor Bill?” Could you take just a few minutes to watch these right now, then I could call you right back and see what you think and get your questions answered. Would that be all right with you?”

“Great! I know your time is valuable Bill, so here’s what I would like to do. Do you have an email address?”

Set the follow up appointment.

“To save time I’m going to send you a couple of very short visuals that will go a long way towards giving you a real clear idea about our technology. This will quickly outline all the main points of the AdzZoo program, so you can make a fast decision about whether or not you would like some more information.”


Updated July 22nd, 2010

That’s it: You are safe at first base! Footnote: If you cannot get by the gatekeeper, simply ask for the appropriate NAME and EMAIL address of the person in charge of advertising and then send them an introductory email with the video links. BE SURE TO SAY IN THE SUBJECT LINE THAT BRENDA ASKED YOU TO CONTACT HIM/HER!


Updated July 22nd, 2010



1st Base

Rounding 2nd Base-The 3-Way Call

One Base at a time! Spark interest... Don’t bombard them!

2nd Base - The 3 Way Call

The main goal of these calls is to raise the belief level of the prospect (cultivate the ground before planting the seed) and schedule a time to get the prospect in front of a Video Webinar, Live Webinar, or Business Overview, so that they can make an informed decision based on all of the facts. The Power Play should be scheduled within the next 24-48 hours of going through 1st and 2nd Base so that the prospects excitement level remains high.

“Are you open for more information?”

The Three Way Field Trainer:

• Pre-Qualify • Expose Slowly • Use the AdzZoo Video Links

The purpose here is to increase their belief that there is something here worthy of more investigation. Do not get caught in the scenario of disaster, by answering questions from a person with limited and partial information. Do the 3-way call and watch them open up for more information. Remember: sift and sort, instead of selling.

“Hello ________, this is ______. Nice to meet you.”

The Three Way Call (Second exposure or 2nd Base) What to say when you call your prospect back for the 3-way call:

Then say “So..What do you think about what you’ve seen and heard so far? You probably have a lot more questions don’t you? But, what questions stick out most in your mind; do you have any questions about any particular aspect of what you just saw and heard?”

1. “Hello ________, this is ______. I’m getting back to you with some more information.” 2. “So..What do you think; you probably have a lot more questions don’t you? But, what questions stick out most in your mind; do you have any questions about any particular aspect of what you just saw and heard?” 3. “Well, I’d like to introduce you to my Business Partner. He/she can answer your questions more directly. His/Her name is _______.”

What is F.O.R.M.? F.O.R.M The Prospect…Essentially get to know them by asking questions about who they are, what their life is like. Find out what motivates them.

F - Family O - Occupation R - Recreation M - Money

Answer their Questions. Talk about the Concept and Benefits (Product). What it does, and what it will do for them. But just go over the highlights… Remember you are only looking for them to agree to ‘more information’… Main Focus: Get them to 3rd Base… Setting the Sales Appointment

Remember the phrase that pays… “SAY LESS TO MORE PEOPLE”


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

One Liners Appendix


I was looking on Google, and couldn’t find you!


How important is advertising on the internet to you?


Do you have a website? (If yes) how do you drive traffic to it?


Are you on the first page of google? Because your customers are…!


Hows business? Could you use more people coming in and buying?


“Would being on page one of Google be good for your business?”


“ You can be on the first page of Google within 30 days for a low fixed-cost guaranteed or your money back. Is that something you’d be interested in?”

Script for Mobile texting campaign: Walk into a business and say: Hello Bill, how’s it going? WFA (wait for answer) You guys have more than 1 location, don’t you? Great……thought so.. How many people on a monthly basis come in each month would you guess? (They say 500 for example)


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

One Liners

More Scripts

Great..What is your slowest day of the week? (They say Wednesday between 4 and 8pm…) Hmmm..what would you think of being able to push a button on your computer at 4 pm every Wednesday and have 500 text messaged coupons for ½ off 2nd pizza or some special you have go out in 5 seconds to 500 people’s cell phones who already know how to get here? WfA…(after they stop shaking with excitement)…say “Do you think that would help drive people into your business here?” Set up an appointment to do a presentation and start to build their lists… Have a sheet already made out for them to leave near the cash register!


Hello Bill, My name is Gary Wood, we have a mutual friend .. Kevin Anderton. Do you know Kevin?

(WFA - Wait for answer) Great. He put you down on our application as a reference on his application for a position with our company and I was wondering if you had a minute or two to answer some quick questions about Kevin for me?

(WFA) Great. How long have you known Kevin?

(WFA) Okay. And how do you know him?

(WFA) Alright. Any other ways you know him? (WFA) Okay. Do you know his family at all?



Okay. Do you think he’s a person of integrity?


(WFA) Alright, So you think we can probably trust him with money?

(WFA) Okay. Do you do any social activities with him at all?

“NET zero cost” ADVERTISING”


“Secondary income stream” “If the idea of wholesale pricing appeals to you wait till you hear about our “free” PROGRAM! How would you like to get your add for free”?

Okay. Okay great.... Well, based on what you’ve said and some others I’ve called, we’re going to go ahead and probably bring him on and put him in our management training program and if we did that would you be willing to help him with his training?

(WFA) Well what that involves, there’s really nothing for sale, this is to help Kevin..

“How would you like to override the entire city of New York”?


Gary’s warm market script for setting appointments.

Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

More Scripts

3 Pronged Marketing

what it involves is we’re with a company called Adzzoo, and we do Internet advertising for small and mid-sized businesses, we put businesses on the first page of the Google search engine, guaranteed, everyday, for a very low fixed price each month, and Kevin is actually a customer of ours, and he was so happy with the service, he actually came to work with us!

The 3 Pronged Marketing System Networking is about YOU providing value and referrals to others 1st and then allowing the golden rule to take place.

Use a 3 Pronged Marketing System So what we do is, some practice presentations of how the product works and so forth. It takes about 10 minutes, and we’d like to watch Kevin doing that, to see how he presents and articulates the product, and we’d like to start with people he’s not too nervous with.

• Warm market • Advertising Resources • Meetings and Mixers

Warm Market

Would you help him out with that?

(WFA) Great! Alright, he’s going to be working Tuesday and Wednesday next week and the week after that, which of those two, Tuesday or Wednesday, may be better for you?

• • • • • •

(WFA) Okay, great. And he’s got a 1:00 pm or a 3:00 pm on Thursday.

Cold market

(WFA) Great, 3:00 pm. Okay I appreciate it, Bill, and I’m sure Kevin will as well, and we’ll look forward to seeing you for a few minutes on Thursday. Take care. Bye.


Friends with Businesses Businesses you do business with Credit Card Statements Check Registers and Debit Card Statements You use Page 3 of Google for your needs Centers of Influence- Sharp people you take to lunch or Coffee to share what you are doing and ask for possible referrals

Updated July 22nd, 2010

• Yellow pages-Build a list of 100 targeted business’s to call each week, call & get their email and a time to call back w/trainer • Google Page 3 and on to build list • Local Magazines ( Reader, Penny Saver…) call business’s that advertise locally • Union Tribune advertisers• School or Church Newsletters- Call business’s advertising in directories • TV Commercials- call business’s advertising on TV locally • Radio Commercials- call business’s advertising on radio locally


Updated July 22nd, 2010

3 Pronged Marketing Meetings and Mixers

Tools Click on one of the following links to view the training tutorial. If you get a “Forbidden” message

• Build a few key contacts and relationships & pick up groups of business cards of small business to use for sending news • Sign up for meetingsandmixers.com weekly email newsletter in your area • Trade Shows- go to each booth and pick up cards to e-mail and call • Business Mixers • Chamber of Commerce- great source for networking events and contacts • Meet up groups • Rotary, Lions, etc… (only join an organization if you truly want to help the cause)

One Additional Powerful Prospecting System ( Drop, E-mail, Call, Follow-up ) we would like to encourage everyone to do is: • Drop of 60 Trifolds in targeted small businesses per week and be sure to get their business card & email address. • E-mail Sendingnews.info e-mail as well to each of the 60 weekly. • Call all 60 each week Mondays from 9-1 to set up 15 minute appointments with each business owner to review the program and how it can help them. (Use Adzzooprospector.com or CRM and your google calendar to have systematic tracking and follow-up to maximize your efforts)

when clicking a link below, please cut and paste the link into a new browser to view the video.

• AdzZoo Recorded Business Overview Presentation! http://adzzoo.com/AdzZoo_Business_Overview/player.html • AdzZoo 101 Webinar- Scott Anderton http://adzzoosupport.com/training/2010-04-26_AdzZoo_Training.html • AdzZoo New Training Tools Webinar- Scott Anderton http://adzzoosupport.com/training/2010-05-03_AdzZoo%20Training.htm • AdzZoo University http://www.adzzoouniversity.com/wordpress/ • Tutorial- Client FAQ http://adzzoo.com/FAQ/engage.html • Tutorial- FAQ from Campaign Directors http://adzzoosupport.com/CD_FAQ/engage.swf • Tutorial- AdzZoo Products http://adzzoosupport.com/engage_content_10/engage.html • Tutorial- Campaign Feature Details http://adzzoosupport.com/Feature_details_updated/engage.html • Sales Info- Standard Plan Order form https://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/PDFs/SalesInfo/StandardForm.pdf • Sales Info- Advantage Plan Order form https://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/PDFs/SalesInfo/AdvantageForm.pdf • Advantage Plan Quick Quote Guide https://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/PDFs/SalesInfo/AdvantageGuide.pdf • The Compensation Brochure: https://www.adzzoo.net/bo/images/PDFs/CompPlan/CompBrochure.pdf • AdzZoo Webinar- The Compensation Plan -Kevin Anderton http://adzzoosupport.com/training/2010-04-19_AdzZoo_Training.htm • The AdzZoo Store- Order Business Cards and Brochures http://www.powerhouseprinting.com/adzzoo/title.html www.ateambuilding.com www.adzmap.com www.adzzoo.net www.searchsample.net www.adzzoo.biz


Updated July 22nd, 2010


Updated July 22nd, 2010

www.AteamBuilding.com 50

Updated July 22nd, 2010

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