Sarasota Polo Magazine - 2023

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Welcome Sarasota Polo Enthusiasts!

Obe a o y w e M sdee a d yse , a o w t our ded cated staff, we are pleased to welcome you to the Sarasota Polo Club’s 32nd Season. Estab s ed 1991 as t e first deve op e t La ewood Ra c , t e Sarasota Po o C ub a d T e Po o Ra c es o Sarasota ave a re ar ab e legacy. As only the second family to own the Sarasota Polo Club, we are o ored to co t ue t s r c er ta e a d are exc ted to be t e fi t seaso as your host and hostess!

Every su er, our staff wor s qu c y to repa r t e wear a d tear caused by t e prev ous seaso o po o, w e p a a d p e e t ew add t o s a d prove e ts to t e ac t es. I October, Hurr ca e Ia pa d us a u r e d y v s t, orc us to re ove a y o our ar e oa a d pa trees, w e a so requ r repa rs t at were ot o t e sc edu e. We dod ed w at cou d ave caused uc ore s fica t da a e, a d our thoughts and prayers go out daily to our southern neighbors who endured much worse. We apo o ze we appear u fi s ed at t e start o t e 2023 Seaso .

T s seaso br s severa exc t ew eatures. T e ter or Me ber s C ub ouse re ovat o s t at be a ast seaso are fi a y co p ete, a d t e ve ue s offic a y ready or your ext ce ebrat o ! We are a so exc ted to troduce t e arr va o a a t que Lo do Bus. T e He way, as s e s ca ed, s a ope -top doub e dec er 1960 s Lo do Bus t at as bee co verted to a osp ta ty bar a d spectator ve ue. S e w be ocated at dfie d o our Nort s de a d offer a var ety o t c et opt o s. To purc ase t c ets or t e Lo do Bus Terrace, s p y v s t www.SarasotaPo a d c c t e Buy T c ets butto t e upper r t a d cor er.

We v te you to co e e oy a sa e a d ce ebratory a ter oo w t your a y, r e ds, or co ea ues every Su day ro Ja uary 1st t rou Apr 30t . F or da s we - ow or ts beaut u , sa dy beac es. We pr de ourse ves be ow or our u que, a d, oot- r e d y Gree Beac . We are a a y- r e d y ac ty, a d r e d y do s are we co e o eas es. Do t or et, we do t ust ave po o o Su days! For our wee s d-seaso , we w resu e our T ursday eve Su set Po o Happy Hour ser es.

F a y, we are ore t a ust po o! T e Sarasota Po o C ub s ac t es a d ve ues are o e to a var ety o co u ty a d soc a eve ts - c ud co certs, est va s, sport eve ts, corporate eet s, c ar ty u dra sers a d e e a t wedd s.

To stay up-to-date o a o t e Sarasota Po o C ub s eve ts, I e coura e you to co ect w t us o Faceboo ( SarasotaPo oC ubatLa ewoodRa c ) a d I sta ra ( SarasotaPo o).

M sdee a d I t a you or your co t ued support. We are t r ed to be s ar a ot er u -fi ed seaso o Sarasota Po o w t our a s, r e ds, e bors a d uests from around the globe.

Have a wo der u t e.

Ja es M er

Owner Sarasota Polo Club James & Misdee Miller
2023 Schedule APRIL MARCH FEBRUARY EVERY THURSDAY AT 5:30 PM March 16th through April 6th TO PURCHASE TICKETS, VISIT SARASOTAPOLO.COM JANUARY 1 New Year’s Resolution Cup JANUARY 8 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial JANUARY 15 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial 70’s Disco Party JANUARY 22 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial Pajama Slumber Party JANUARY 29 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial MARCH 5 16-Goal USPA Continental Cup Spring Break at the Green Beach MARCH 12 16-Goal USPA Continental Cup St. Patrick’s Day Celebration MARCH 19 16-Goal USPA Continental Cup Final Hawaiian Luau MARCH 26 12-Goal USPA National InterCircuit Challenge FEBRUARY 5 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial Woofminster Dog Show Presented by Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming FEBRUARY 12 8-Goal Wayne Brown Memorial Final FEBRUARY 19 Sarasota Women’s Challenge Presented by Sirius Day Spa, Salon & Med Spas Pretty in Pink FEBRUARY 26 16-Goal USPA Continental Cup Military Day EVERY SUNDAY AT 1 PM January 1 st through APRIL 2 8-Goal Gerry Aschinger Memorial Final Wild Wild West APRIL 9 12-Goal USPA National Inter-Circuit Championship Easter Eggstravaganza & Annual Helicopter Egg Drop JANUARY APRIL 16 12-Goal USPA National Inter-Circuit Championship Final Super Hero Sunday APRIL 23 Hillcroft Open Presented By Presented By
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28 People
. 56 Meet the
60 Sarasota
64 Keeping Polo Fit: Ever wo der ow our vetera e bers a d p ayers stay pea r d s ape? We t five o t e r fit ess re e s. 68 Chocola the Wonder Pony: T s po o po y s u flappab e demeanor has made her a staple of the Sunday Polo opening ceremony. 70 Behind the Scenes Heroes: Our 2023 Best Groo Award recipient and honorable mentions te t e r stor es o w at t s e being a groom. contents Meet the Cover Artist 12 The Season of 2023 Magazine cover artist, Lincy
captured the essence of the Sarasota Polo Club in her newest painting. Extreme Makeover: Clubhouse Edition 38 Discover how the Sarasota Polo Club Member’s Clubhouse has transformed from a western, ranch-style space to a contemporary, upscale retreat. All Aboard the London Bus 54 Get an inside look at how the Sarasota Polo Club’s newest addition traveled all the way from the United Kingdom to Sarasota, Florida. Seaso o 2023 Sc edu e ......... 1 Credits 10 Salute Our Sponsors 16 Lear t e Po o Bas cs ............. 18 Polopedia 22 Tools of the Trade .................. 26 W at s T at? 36 Dogs of Polo ........................... 43 The Continental Cup 50 Sunset Polo Happy Hour 52 Helicopter Easter Egg Drop .... 53 Salute Our Players .................. 77 Meet t e Staff 84 Sidelines 87 Kids of Polo ............................ 90 Action 92 2022 W er s C rc e ........... 104 2022 Best P ay Po es 112 2022 Seaso Award W ers 114 2022 Seaso Best Fa 116 Grou ds Map 118 C a p o s p F e d Map ... 120 FEATURES & DEPARTMENTS sarasota polo 2023 | 6
of Polo:
the stories of a few Sarasota Polo Club part ers. Lear ow t ey e ove w t t e astest a e o our eet
Viana Brothers: Two up-a d-co po o superstars w o are t r v at the Sarasota Polo Club.
Polo School:
of all ages and exper e ce eve s ave a e ove w t t e sport o po o u der t e d rect o o Ne and Ashlie Osburg.
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© 2022 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved THE MALL AT UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER Center Court | 941.893.3948
at post-press
to any information presented in this publication and ta
ty or oods or serv
advert sed. credits
Polo Magazine is the official annual publication of the Sarasota Polo Club.
Polo Club 8201 Po o C ub La e Sarasota, FL 34240 941.907.0000 Director of Operations Pa e Lautze e ser Director of Polo Mason Wroe Director of Sales & Marketing Ro Tryte Director of Maintenance Brya Zda cew cz Field Staff N c o as C avez Jaso Dav s Tuc er Rebac Sarasota Polo Magazine Co-Editors-in-Chief Pa e Lautze e ser Ro Tryte Project Management Partner A.E. Engine, Inc. 23110 State Road 54 Suite 293 Lutz, FL 33549 727.608.8102 Publisher Cra Baro ce Art Director Joe Rabuc Traffic Coordinator & Graphic Designer N co e Cooper Contributing Writers Da Gutte p a Pa e Lautze e ser Abby Weingarten Photographers Ju o A u ar Curt Le bac Jo Lo o Er c Na pas sarasota polo 2023 | 10
Sarasota Po o Ma
fies t
es o respo s b


de t o t e Net er a ds w o as beco e a avor te o

T s past su er, Hoo ve d was co ss o ed to produce t e cover artwor or t e 2023 ed t o o t e Sarasota Polo Magazine. She decided to use her layer painting tec que to cra t a eye-catc ca vas t at fits t e sp r t o t e Sarasota Po o C ub a d ts o -sta d trad t o o po o t e La ewood Ra c co u ty. Hoo ve d exp a ed t e ot vat o be d er art a d t e cover sub ect to

Polo Magazine

How long have you been a professional artist?

I ave bee a art st or a o y e. I so d y first p ece o art - a extraord ary cat - w e I was 10 years o d. Grow up, art was a ce tra t e e y e, as I was surrounded by my mother’s oil paintings and bronze sculptures. It was almost a natural process that I became a pro ess o a art st. W e I fi s ed sc oo , I radua y be a to deve op y ow sty e a d tec ques to beco e t e art st

t at I a today. I co t ue to deve op y s s; t s process does ot ever stop. Every day I wor ard to deve op further and further. How do you like to work? With music? In silence? In a studio? At home?

I wor best a o e y wor s op at home. I can concentrate on my ideas a d ta e t e t e t at I eed w t out be bot ered by v s tors. To be o est, t e ost per ect a d sp r o e ts are typ ca y dur t e eve ours, as y art ass sta t s o te prese t at y wor s op dur t e day. What inspires you? What do you love to create?

It s exc t to exp ore a d create ew t s a t e t eboth new materials and new designs. My challenge is to create co t uous ove e t, c a e a d pro ress y tec ques a d wor s.

Sarasota Polo Club patrons may not be familiar with the art of Lincy Hoogveld, a res Sarasota Po o C ub ow ers Ja es a d M sdee M er. Sarasota
sarasota polo 2023 | 12


press ve to see t e e e a ce, power a d co tro o t e orses - exact y t e elements that I try to capture in my pa t s. How did your relationship with James and Misdee develop?

I first et Ja es a d M sdee w e one of the galleries that I am associated with organized an art dinner, and my artwor was s owcased to t e atte dees. Ja es a d M sdee atte ded a d we were introduced, and before the end o t e t ad purc ased severa o y pa t s. T ey ave beco e rea a s a d a bassadors o y artwor , a d I a rate u to ave et t e a d beco e r e ds w t t e !

This summer, Misdee received a gift from you that she fell in love with. What is significant about that work?

What is the inspiration behind the art created for the cover of the 2023 Edition of the SarasotaPoloMagazine?

I wa ted a pa t w t power a d stre t , so I tr ed to a e t as power u as poss b e – stro co or, b t e des . I wa ted t to s ow t e ast-paced action of the sport, and the beauty and grace of the connection between the orse a d r der.

What is the texture of the art? What materials were used?

I bu d up y pa t s t rou ayers – about 10 ayers, o avera e. I use o pa t a d acry cs as we as , o d ea a d acquers. W e I a wa t or o e p ece o art to dry, I start wor (or co t ue wor ) o a ot er o e. O e day eac wee , I exper e t w t ew ater a s a d structures. At t e o e t t at I a sat sfied w t t e effects o t ese exper e ts, I add t ese ew ater a s, effects a d structures to y pa t s. T s a es y pa t s ore a d ore terest . Do you have experience with horses and/or the sport of polo?

My ot er rode orses w e s e was you er, but s e restr cted e ro r d because s e was a ra d t at I wou d a off a d et urt so I sad y ever ear ed to r de. Nevert e ess, a y o y c e ts are av d equestr a s a d orse overs, a d I ave atte ded a y equestr a co pet t o s a d eve ts across Europe. It s

I was co ss o ed by Dr v Va e swaard I ter at o a , a co b ed dr v co pet t o t at Misdee was competing at, to create artwor to ve away to a se ect ew of their sponsors and guests. Misdee was t e uc y rec p e t o o e o t e p eces - a beaut u swa . W e creating this particular piece, I wanted to a e so et d ffere t t a t e p eces t at I ave do e be ore. But I wa ted t to c ude t e sa e appearance and strengths. A swan is power u , protect ve a d race u - e y portra ts. M sdee e ove w t t e p ece because t e H cro t Far crest that she competes under, which has been passed down through the generations of her family, includes t ree swa s. It was very fitt t at s e was t e rec p e t o t s very u que p ece.

What do you love most about being a professional artist?

For e, be a art st s ot a ob; t s a way o v . It s very exc t to see ot er peop e a ove w t y artwor . My drea as co e true, as I ave ow beco e a art st w ose artwor s so d a arou d t e wor d.





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The Players Centre

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• Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming

Wrigley Media Group

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WRIGLEY MEDIA GROUP ® sarasota polo 2023 | 16

Our Season of 2023 Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors

2023 Sponsors

Your Jeweler for Life.

Learn the Polo Basics

A viewer’s guide to one of the fastest growing sports

The 2,500-year-old sport of polo is one of the fastest and most technical sports played today. It is gaining increasing popularity as a premier spectator sport and can be an easy game for the first-time spectator to enjoy. Here are a few basic facts to help you watch the game:


T e sport o po o s p ayed o a 10-acre rass e d t at s 300 yards e t by 160 yards w dt - t e approx ate area o 10 ootba e ds. T e oa posts are set e t yards apart o e t er e d o t e e d. T e ob ect o t e a e s to ove t e ba downfield, hitting the ball through the goal posts for a score. After each goal, the teams change their direction of play. The team that ends up with the most goals at the end of the match is deemed the winner.

Each team is made up of four players each and are designated on the field by ersey co or. T e ersey u ber correspo ds w t t e r ass ed pos t o . #1 s t e ost o e s ve p ayer, co ce trat o scor . Usua y, t e ost exper e ced a d est-rated p ayers wear erseys #2 a d #3. #3 serves as t e tea capta a d is responsible for coordinating the offense, passing the ball upfield to his or her

teammates as they press towards their oppos t o s oa . #4 s t e de e s ve player, primarily responsible for defending his or her team’s goal. Each player is also assigned an opponent to cover o de e se a d ust be prepared to s t betwee o e s ve a d de e s ve odes at a y t e.

The mallet, made of a bamboo shaft with a hardwood head, is the instrument that the player uses to hit the ball. The ball, formerly made of wood but is now plastic, is about 3 1/4 c es d a eter a d 4 ou ces in weight. In fact, the English word po o s der ved ro t e T beta word pu u, ea ba .

T e sur ace o a po o e d requ res careful and constant grounds maintenance in order to remain in good playing condition. During halftime of a match, spectators are v ted to ass st w t e d maintenance by participating in a polo trad t o ca ed d vot sto p , which helps reduce the mounds of eart (d vots) t at are tor up by t e orses ooves dur t e atc . It a so prov des spectators w t t e opportu ty to wa about a d socialize.

T ere are s x per ods, or c u ers, a atc . Eac c u er s seve a d a half minutes long. Play begins with an umpire throwing in the ball at the ope o eac c u er a d a ter eac oa . O y pe a t es, ur es or t e a otted or tac repa r ay stop the flow of the game, as there are no timeouts or substitutions allowed.

The four basic shots in polo are distinguished by the side of the pony on which they are made. The e t s de o t e po y s ow as t e ears de a d t e r t s de s ow as t e o s de. T ere ore, you ave t e ears de orward, t e ears de bac , t e o s de orward, a d t e o s de bac . S ots ca a so be ade u der t e po y s ec ( ec s ot ), be d t e po y s ta ( ta s ot ), or under the belly of the pony ( be y s ot ).

sarasota polo 2023 | 18
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Although there are many rules to the sport of polo, the primary concept to which all rules are dedicated is safety – for the player and his or her mount.

T e r t-o -way ru e s de ed by a player’s position in relation to the d rect o o trave o t e ba w e it is hit. Once hit, an imaginary line is drawn from the player to the ball, and extended ahead of the ball in the d rect o t at t s trave . T s imaginary line cannot be crossed by other players except under special circumstances and only in such a way as to legitimately gain control of the ball. When a player has the line of t e ba o s r t, e as t e r to -way. T s ca o y be ta e away by r d o ( a s ou derto-s ou der co tact) a d ov t e player off the line of the ball.

These rules help create safe traffic patterns that enable the participants to p ay at top speeds a d avo d dangerous collisions.


Eac p ayer s ass ed a d v dua a d cap o t e asce d bas s o C, B, A (-2 t rou 0) a d 1 t rou 10. T s a d cap reflects t e p ayer s ab ty a d s or er va ue to t e tea . T e er t e a d cap, t e better t e p ayer. T ere are o y a ew 10-Goa p ayers t e wor d.

The team handicap is determined by adding together the handicaps of each player on the team. The team with the lesser handicap is ra ted t e d ffere ce oa s (or po ts) pr or to t e start o t e atc . For t at reaso , a atc ay we ave a score pr or to t e start o t e a e based o t e d ffere ce tea a d caps.

P ayer a d caps are eva uated a d rev sed a ua y by t e U ted States Po o Assoc at o (USPA). Ha d capp s a sub ect ve eva uat o o t e d v dua s orsepower, a e se se, tt ab ty, a d overa va ue to a tea .


Polo ponies are central to the success of any team. They are co s dered t e ost at et c o equ e per or ers because o t e r requ re e ts to spr t, stop, tur a d acce erate to ope speed. A t ou t ey are ca ed po es, t ey are actua y s a orses, as t ey avera e e t ro 15 to 16 a ds (1 Ha d = 4 I c es). P ayers c a e ou ts betwee eac c u er, a d w a so so et es c a e orses d-c u er t ey ee t e r orse ett t red ro t e exert o requ red. Because o t s, a tea typ ca y as a u o 24 orses ava ab e to t e dur t e atc .

sarasota polo 2023 | 20

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Basic Definitions to add to Your Polo Watching Enjoyment

Back Shot: A shot that sends the ball bac wards w c ca be t ro e t er side of the horse.

Chukker: Per ods po o. Depe d o t e eve o p ay, t ere are e t er 4 or 6 c u ers per atc . Betwee eac c u er, p ayers c a e orses.

Divot Stomping: During halftime, spectators are v ted to o o to t e p ay fie d to rep ace p eces o tur t at ave bee du up by t e orses.

Double-Chukkered: Used to descr be a orse t at as bee approved to p ay a a a ater c u er.

Field: 300 yards o a d 160 yards w de (10 acres).

Goal: Occurs w e t e ba crosses over the endline and between the goal posts. There is no height limit as to how high t e ba ca trave , so o as t trave s between the goal posts.

Goal Post: Rou y 10 eet ta a d set 8 yards apart at the center of each end zone, they are collapsible upon impact. They ave a oa core a d are covered w t a eavy-duty v y .

Handicap: USPA-re stered p ayers are rated o a sca e o -2 t rou 10 (t e er t e better). -2 t rou 1-Goa p ayers ca o up a -po t increments.

Hook: A extre e y effect ve de e se tec que w ere a p ayer uses t e a et to interfere with an opponent’s swing.

Knock-In: S ou d a tea , a offe s ve dr ve, t t e ba across t e oppo e ts bac e, t e de e d tea resu es t e a e w t a ree t ro t e bac e.

Line-of-the-Ball or Right-of-Way:

This imaginary line follows the path that the ba ta es. O eac s de o t s e s a a e, a d t ese two a es deter e t e r t-oway of the player in possession of the ball.

Nearside Shot: A shot, either forehand or bac a d, ade ro t e e t s de o the horse.

Neck Shot: A shot hit from either side of the horse that sends the ball under a orse s ec .

Offside Shot: T e ost co o y-used shot in polo, where the ball is hit from the right side of the horse.

Penalty: A free hit towards the goal. T e sever ty o t e ou co tted determines what penalty will be awarded.

Penalty 1: An automatic goal awarded when a player commits a dangerous foul in the vicinity of the goal.

Penalty 2: Hit from a centered 30-yard line nearest the fouling team’s goal, or from the spot where the foul occurred.

Penalty 3: Hit from a centered 40-yard line nearest the fouling team’s goal.

Penalty 4: Hit from a centered 60-yard line nearest the fouling team’s goal.

Penalty 5(a): Hit from the spot where the ball was when the foul occurred.

Penalty 5(b): Hit from the center of the field.

Penalty 6 (Safety): When a player hits the ball over their own end line, the opposing team receives a hit 60 yards out.

Positions: Each of the four team e bers p ay a d st ct y d ffere t ro e. Players may momentarily swap positions, but they try to stay in their assigned position.

No. 1 is the most forward offensive player. No. 2 is just as aggressive, but plays deeper. No. 3 is the pivot between offense and defense and tries to turn all plays to offense. No. 4, or the back, is the defensive player whose principle role is to protect the goal.

Red Card: Issued when a player accumulates multiple yellow cards, and results in suspension from the remainder of the game and no substitution for the next two minutes of game time.

Ride-Off: Occurs when two riders atte pt to pus eac ot er off t e e of the ball.

Tail Shot: A s ot t at vo ves tt t e ball behind and under the horse’s rump.

Third Man: T e t rd re eree w o s ts off t e fie d. I a d w e t e two u p res o t e fie d are d sa ree e t, t e t rd a brea s t e t e a d a es t e fi a dec s o .

Throw-In: At t e start o a c u er or after a goal is scored, players line up at dfie d a d a u p re w t row t e ball down the line made by the two ready teams.

Umpires: Respo s b e or reco z infringements and imposing penalties, and also monitoring the safety of the game for the players and the horses, these two d v dua s are ou ted a d o t e fie d dur p ay.

Yellow Card: Issued when a player d sp ays u sports a e co duct. T e first offe se a a e resu ts a pe a ty. A seco d offe se a a e resu ts t e player sitting out for two minutes of play w t o subst tute. A t rd offe se a game could result in a red card.

sarasota polo 2023 | 22

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Tools OF THE Trade

Polo, also known as the “sport of kings,” is a pastime that demands a kit to match. A polo player’s equipment is very important not only for safety, comfort and performance, but also to demonstrate the right attitude towards playing the game.

The rules for equipment vary in details between the hosting authorities, but are always for the safety of the players and their mounts.

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Polo Knee Pads

Knee pads are an essential part of t e t, w t a p ayer s e s very exposed to the rigors of the match in t e sadd e. D ffere t p ayers ay avor d ffere t var at o s o po o ee pads, including either two or three straps (t e t rd e p to urt er secure t e pad ecessary).

Protective Helmet

Polo was once a form of training for cavalrya mentality that is easy to understand when you dress for a polo match today, with its own special protect ve equ p e t. Most porta t t s re ard s the helmet, to insure the player against any glancing blows from the polo ball, stray mallets and other potential hazards of the sport. When choosing a e et, t s a datory t at you se ect a product t at as bee approved by t e Nat o a Operat Co ttee o Sta dards or At et c Equ p e t (NOSCAE).

Polo Balls


Saddles are English-style with deep seats, e u p sadd es.

Polo Bags

Bags help carry each p ayer s equ p e t, c ud t e r boots, ee pads, oves, helmet, spurs, and more.

Polo Mallets

Different playing conditions can requ re d ffere t po o ba s, so t s best to consider which best suits your circumstances. In situations where weat er co d t o s t v s b ty, red balls can ensure a match goes ahead. The standard ball for outdoor polo is made of plastic, measures about 3 to 3 ½ c es in diameter, and weights about 4 ounces.

Regulation Spurs

Pair solid boots with some reliable spurs, preferably stainless steel, to help d rect your ou t to ove orward or laterally as needed.

Polo Boots

For the same reaso s t at ee pads are essential to a polo player’s safety during a atc , top qua ty riding boots are a must. Ideally, these ade- or-po o boots should be t c , qua ty leather with a good so e a d a e support.

At the business end of your polo game, the polo mallet needs the right spec ficat o or you. T e we t o t e a et ead a d t e e t o t e st c are bot customizable to ensure this instrument suits the height of the pony, as well as the rider’s p ay sty e. T e a et as a rubber-wrapped r p w t a webbed t o or wrapp arou d t e a d. It a so as a flex b e ba boo-ca e s a t w t a ba boo ead 9 ½ c es e t . T e e t re a et we s arou d 7 ou ces a d var es e t ro 48 to 53 inches, depending on the size of the pony and the length of the player’s arm. The ba s struc w t t e s de o t e a et, ot t e e d.

Polo Gloves

The best modern polo wear is des ed ot ust or protect o , but also comfort and challenging co d t o s. Good qua ty oves ca offer extra r p s ppery conditions and low temperatures, meaning a good pair can be the d ffere ce betwee success a d a ure t e ey o e ts o a match.


People of Polo Marc & Roz Bokoff

Owners, Cruise Planners


W e we eard about Ce ebr ty a d t e r vo ve e t po o, we reac ed out to t e , Marc sa d. T ey sa d t ey wou d abso ute y ove to be a part o a yt we d d ere Sarasota.

That enthusiasm led to the decision to tea up w t Ce ebr ty Cru se L es to partner with the Sarasota Polo Club for t e 2022 Seaso . T e exper e ce was so pos t ve or Ce ebr ty Cru ses a d or us, that we agreed that we wanted to be t e T t e Spo sor o t e 2023 Seaso o Sarasota Po o, Marc oted.

While their initial contact with the sport o po o was bus ess-re ated, Marc a d Roz ou d t at t ey rea y e oy t e sport s exper e ce o a ore perso a eve .

It s a u day or a a y, a coup e, r e ds, or eve or a bus ess to ost c e ts, Roz sa d. We rea y d d t ow w at to expect t e first t e we atte ded Su day Po o, but we e ove w t t e exper e ce a d ave bee v t ot er peop e to o us ever s ce.

arc Bokoff’s first experience around horses came as a young boy – but not the way you might expect. Ne t er o us (Marc or s w e Roz) are orse peop e. We ust d d ot row up arou d t e , Marc sa d. But when I was young, I attended summer camp, and part of our respo s b t es vo ved c ea t e stab es. At t e e d o t e ca p sess o , t ey ave out a award - ca ed t e Go de S ove Award - or do t e best ob. A d I wo t at award. Marc a d s w e Roz ave co e a o way ro t ose ca p days. Marc started s trave bus ess 1988 Co ect cut a d as row t to a prese ce La ewood Ra c , w ere e a d Roz oved 2019. T e coup e s part o t e Cru se P a ers etwor a d are depe de t ow ers o t e r trave bus ess. You t wo der ow t e r vo ve e t w t po o be a , espec a y or two d v dua s w o ad very tt e co ect o w t e t er po o or orses - bes des t e c d ood Go de S ove Award, o course.

We were oo or ave ues to part c pate ore our co u ty, a d to expose our bus ess to ore peop e, says Marc. We eard about t e Sarasota Po o C ub a d t ou t t at t e type o peop e w o e po o are t e sa e type o peop e w o e to ave u a d w o e oy trave . So, we be a ta w t t e Sarasota Po o C ub about a var ety o opportu t es.

Dur t e r d scuss o s w t t e Sarasota Po o C ub 2021, t e coup e ear ed t at Ce ebr ty Cru se L es s a pass o ate supporter o po o.

T a s to t s part ers p, o e t t at s a ready o t e a e da or Ju y o 2024 s a spec a Sarasota Po o Sea cru se, w c w be ar eted to t e Sarasota Polo Club audience throughout t e 2023 Seaso . Atte dees w fly to Seatt e, Was to a d e bar o a sevet cru se to A as a o t e Ce ebr ty Ed e, t e a esa e o Ce ebr ty s ewest s p ser es. T e t erary w be c oc u o u que exper e ces A as a.

T e Bo offs see t e t s: T e crowd t at e oys Sarasota Po o s per ect or t e v be o a Ce ebr ty cru se. T ey re casua , ave ood taste, are e er et c a d u , a d t ey ove soc a z a d av a ood t e. It s t e d o crowd t at wou d e oy cru s to et er a o w t so e o Sarasota Polo’s players and personalities.

Wor c ose y w t Ce ebr ty Cru ses, t s w be a spec a ca t- ss Sarasota Po o cru se exper e ce w t v tat o -o y eve ts.

W e you et to a certa a e, you rea ze t at you ave accu u ated a ot o stuff. W at peop e be to rea y wa t s exper e ces t at eave a ast press o , Marc said.

A u que, u -pac ed cru se a d a fabulous day at the Sarasota Polo Club are two o t ose ds o exper e ces.

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People of Polo Patricia & Peter Estes

Owners, PECKY


atricia Estes doesn’t just love the polo experience; s e a d er usba d, Peter, are a a or reaso w y t e ew y-re ovated Me ber s C ub ouse at t e Sarasota Po o C ub oo s t e way t at t does today.

The opportunity to partner with the Sarasota Polo C ub ca e t rou t e Estes o -t e r e ds p w t Sarasota Po o C ub ow ers Ja es a d M sdee M er. T e two coup es first et rou y 15 years a o, w e t e Estes oved to t e sa e co do u co p ex as t e M er s. Fro t ere, t e r e ds p b osso ed. W e t e M er s purc ased t e Sarasota Po o C ub 2018, t ey v ted t e Estes out to exper e ce t e r rst Su day Po o a d a o ts at osp ere. T e Sarasota Po o C ub wor ed ts a c o t e , as t does or ust about every spectator t at atte ds t e r first Sunday Polo match.

I d t ard to be eve t at a yo e wou d ot ave a pass o or both polo and horses after going out to t e Sarasota Po o C ub or ust o e t e, Patr c a says. It s a ways a great, friendly atmosphere, and everyo e s very we co .

Many people come away in awe after their first experience at the Sarasota Po o C ub, a d vow to co e again. The Estes’ are no different. T ey ow are reque t ers at Sunday Polo.

Their continued support of the Sarasota Polo Club, and their friendship with the Miller’s, helped t e a d a ro e t e re ovat o of the Member’s Clubhouse, as the Estes ow Sarasota-based PECKY. While this was not the first time t at PECKY ad bee vo ved w t pro ects at t e Sarasota Po o Club, this was by far their largest u derta .

We d d a co p ete re ovat o o t e ter or, Patr c a sa d. We upgraded the bathrooms, we designed an entirely new bar, we upgraded the flooring and the ceiling, and we changed the layout of the interior to create a more open floor plan. We also installed windows along the entire side of the building that aces t e C a p o s p F e d. T e v ew or watc po o s ow spectacu ar.

T ere s o quest o Patr c a s d t at, or t ose w o ave ot experienced the Sarasota Polo Club grounds before, this is now the p ace to be. O ce uests ave t e opportunity to experience a party in this new building, they will without a doubt want to return.

It w a e or a abso ute y re ar ab e day, Patr c a sa d.


People of Polo

Jacqueline Taylor

Creative Director, Equus Television Network


A day at t e Sarasota Po o C ub s a xture o ta at a d etwor w t a breat ta eatured eve t – t e po o atc – at t e ce ter o t a , Tay or exp a s. My ob s to capture t e esse ce o t e e t re eve t, ot ust t e cred b e po o act o t at occurs o t e fie d. Be ore t e po o atc be s, Tay or first decides where she wants to set up camp for t e day. L e a yo e do ca era wor at a sport eve t, s e oo s or t e best a es t at w a ow er to capture t e act owhich is not exactly an easy feat considering t e s ze o t e po o fie d.

T e fie d s so b a d ex arat , Taylor said.

Once Taylor gets set up, she begins s oot pre- atc oota e, captur the personalities and atmosphere of the Sarasota Po o C ub. S e a so a es t e to stop by the trailers to get footage of the horses and players getting ready for the match. Then, when the action starts, she does ot eave er ca era u t t e atc s over!

acqueline Taylor has her dream job, there is no other way to descr be t. S e was first exposed to t e equ e dustry row up in northern Alabama, where she had the opportunity to ride young Quarter Horses. W e s e was sc oo , er a y oved to Pa Beac Cou ty, F or da - a otspot or a t s equestr a . While her hometown changed, there was zero change in her pass o or t e beaut u a a t at s e wou d ater devote er life to broadcasting for all of the world to see. That passion is what as e ped dr ve er success. I 2020, Jacque e a d er a y troduced t e r equestr a -ce tered TV Networ , a ed Equus TV, w c covers a equestr a d sc p es ro po o to s ow u p , a d eve eatures t e Breeders Cup!

I ave a ways drea ed about av a career t at a ows e to be arou d orses, Tay or sa d. But I ever eve t ou t about wor w t orses t s u que way. I ow ave t e opportu ty to do w at I ove, w e fi t a d a ow y creat ve s de s ow.

Because o er career, Tay or as ad t e opportu ty to trave to a y d ffere t p aces, c ud t e Sarasota Po o C ub. S e e ove w t t e at osp ere a d t e e t us as o t e crowd t at a e t e Sarasota Po o C ub t e u que space t at t s.

You ca o ave coc ta s a d watc t e po o atc . Peop e br t e r ds, a es, a d co ea ues. T e Sarasota Po o C ub rea y as so et or everybody.

W e Su day Po o s a b ast or Tay or, s e arr ves at eac eve t w t a strate y w e st av as uc u as s e ca .

I a wor t e e t re t e, but t s rea y exc t a d u , Tay or sa d. T e Sarasota Polo Club has such an amazing community feel to it. The Sarasota Polo C ub as rea y prov ded a u que ve ue where people can connect with each other, as we as t e p ayers a d orses, a d ave a abso ute b ast do t.

Tay or oves av t e opportu ty to tell – and show – that story.

I t orses ca teac you a ot. I you ave ever bee arou d a orse, I y recommend it because it is an experience that you can simply not put into words. And the Sarasota Polo Club is a great place to ave t at exper e ce.

sarasota polo 2023 | 30
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People of Polo Dr. Tonya Olson

Owner, Centaur Physical Therapy


reason why the Sarasota Polo Club draws Dr. Olson. The community aspect, where people ro a bac rou ds are e oy t e sa e exper e ce, s w at fires er up.

T e peop e w o s ow up at t e Sarasota Po o C ub rou ds a ready ave a ot co o , O so sa d. T e exper e ce s what you want it to be. You can pay attention to the polo match and be super into the act o , or you ca o a d ot watc every seco d o t e atc but st ave a a az t e. Or, you ca o a d do a tt e o bot !

That is why she would rather not be anywhere but the Sarasota Polo Club when season is in session.

Dr. O so be eves t at t e exper e ce o be arou d orses - w et er you are a r der or a spectator - s tru y e c a .

Inspired by her time spent at the Sarasota Po o C ub, Dr. O so ou ded Move L e A R der, w ere s e teac es r ders ow to communicate more clearly with their horses t rou proved body aware ess. T s e deavor as bee extre e y we -rece ved by the community.

Move L e A R der s a pro ect I ave bee wor o or over a year ow, O so sa d. It s fi a y to t e po t w ere I ave e ou to offer t at I ca a d e reater pub c ty. I am proud of how the program has grown in ust a s ort per od o t e.

f you have never met Dr. Tonya Olson, owner of Centaur P ys ca T erapy, you w be a azed at t e eve o pass o t at s e as or orses. S e s ard y a o e w e t co es to er ove o t s precious animal, but she is about as dedicated to it as anyone you w ever eet.

That passion for horses began when she was only two years old in her hometown of Portland, Oregon and has yet to expire. She has oved a y t es t rou out er e, but o e co sta t as bee er vo ve e t w t orses.

W e v C ar esto , Sout Caro a, s e was offered t e u que opportu ty to wor as a orse carr a e tour u de or t e stor c d str ct. W e t s was a uc d ffere t ob t a s e ad ever wor ed be ore, s e e oyed t e se y a d exce ed at t. It was t rou t at exper e ce, a d t e peop e t at s e et w e dr v carr a es, t at s e rece ved er first exposure to the sport of polo.

O ce s e fi s ed sc oo a d beca e a P ys ca T erap st, s e spe t t e wor o t e west coast o t e cou try be ore be offered a ob o t e west coast o F or da. W e s e ot sett ed er ew o e o St. Petersbur , s e started searc or ways to eep er equestr a pass o afire. T at s w e she stumbled upon the Sarasota Polo Club.

Not o y d d s e e t e Sarasota Po o C ub, s e e ove - ot ust ro t e sta dpo t o ts vo ve e t w t orses, but a so w t t e e t re e v ro e t. Sure, t ere s a c a ce or er to etwor pro ess o a y, but t at s ot t e rea

For Dr. O so , t e equ e exper e ce is a spiritual one, and she credits it for her successes in life.

I wou d rat er be arou d orses t a a yt - or a ybody - a d I ove t at I ave t e opportu ty to wor a o s de t e w e e p peop e at t e sa e t e, O so sa d.

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sarasota polo 2023 | 32

People of Polo Trey Zoel ler


with his father, Chet, back in 1997, became more and more addicted to the sport while playing at his hometown club - Louisville Polo Club. Before long, he ended up with a few polo ponies of his own and was able to get his handicap raised to 0 Goals.

“It’s one of the few times in my life that I did not think about anything else,” Zoeller said. “I’m not a ver y accomplished rider. In the beginning, I was just concerned about staying on the horse. Then, I fell in love with the rush of hitting the ball perfectly at a good rate of speed ”

Zoeller has moved a couple of horses down to the Sarasota Polo Club for the winter season so that he can continue to play polo while visiting his friends Hamill and Miller In addition to his growing love for the sport of polo, he has discovered that he has developed a strong connection with his horses

cclaimed whiskey maker Trey Zoeller didn’t know that he was being groomed as a potential

the Sarasota Polo Club back in 2015

His friend, Brent Hamill, invited him to Lakewood Ranch to spectate on the sidelines of matches at the Sarasota Polo Club, and Zoeller did

“I didn’t really watch very closely,” Zoeller said. “I had a couple of cocktails and simply had a great time ”

A fter the polo match, Ha mill a nd current Sara sota Polo Club owner Ja mes Miller (who wa s just a play ing member at the Sara sota Polo Club at the time) took Zoeller back to Ha mill ’ s polo barn, a nd the t wo polo enthusia sts continued to push Zoeller to ta ke a n interest in the sport.

“They were teaching me the ins and outs of polo,” Zoeller said. “I thought it sounded ridiculous But, before I knew it, they called one of the professionals based out of the Sarasota Polo Club and arranged for me to go take a lesson ”

Although Zoeller had some equestrian experience in the form of trail a horse But, fortunately for him, that part came naturally - at least according to his instructor. impressed. He had told me that nobody picks up hitting the ball around that

“I love to get out of the truck and be around my horses,” Zoeller said. “It takes me away from thinking about what happened at work or other things in my life that cause stress The barn is my happy place W hen I started playing polo, I didn’t know anything about horses But I fell in love with learning each of their individual personalities and temperaments. ”

Zoeller’s zest for new experiences has also been an asset in his professional life. In recent years, he invented the process of aging bourbon at sea by testing the process

bow of a ship The caramelizing of the sugars in the barrel combined with the constant motion of the ship resulted in a dark bourbon that has a briny, savor y taste aged beyond its years

“I started this process 25 years ago at a time when I couldn’t give bourbon away,” Zoeller said “I grew up in Kentucky where everybody drinks bourbon. It’s a way of life. It wasn’t until I moved to half a dozen other places around the country when I realized that not too many people outside of Kentucky were drinking bourbon ourselves in all 50 states ”

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What is That?


A. Bandages

Protective wrapping that shields the ponies’ legs against contact with the ball.

b. Boots

Oftentimes placed on top of bandages on the front legs for further protection.

c. Braided Tail

Prevents interference with the mallet.

d. Breast Plate

Stops the saddle from slipping back.

E. Bridle

This series of leather starrings and supports gives the player steering and stopping control.

F. Horseshoe

Designed to enhance a horse’s hooves through additional cushion and protection, as well as prevent the hooves from wearing down too quickly.

G. saddle

A polo player’s seat during the game. It is kept stable by a girth that fits around the stomach of the horse.

H. stirrup

Holds the foot of the rider, and is attached to the saddle by a strap known as the stirrup leather.

I. Reins & draw reins

To enhance control of the pony.

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Clubhouse Edition

Evolving from a western, ranch-style space to a more contemporary, upscale retreat, the Sarasota Polo Club Member’s Clubhouse has recently u der o e a bo a fide a eover.

To prove t e v ew o t e po o fie d a d t e overarc exper e ce or Su day Po o atc es, the new design of the Clubhouse utilizes modern glass walls, new bathrooms with additional capac ty, a d a cater tc e t at ca serve a yw ere ro 50 to 250 uests. T ere s a ew, ore defi ed e tra ce a d e try roo w t a recept o des a d trop y d sp ay. T ere are a so p a s to add a otor poo so t at va et serv ces ca be offered.

T ese up rades ve us t e ab ty to better host larger groups of both members and guests, as we ave added seat areas a d proved t e flow o peop e s de t e bu d , Sarasota Po o C ub ow er Ja es M er says.

Ky e M s, a pro ect a a er or Dea Bu ds, collaborated on the design, and also hired Morris Wor s op Arc tects ro Ke tuc y to e p.

It s u doubted y a u e up rade ro t e prev ous C ub ouse, says M s. I y op o ,

the sliding glass exterior patio doors and the ter or part t o a e t e b est arc tectura impact on the building because they allow for flex b ty. T e or er a ows you to eas y access t e outs de pat o ro t e s de a d v ce versa, a d t e s ze a d oo e p ra e expa s ve v ews o t e po o fie ds to t e East, Nort a d West. The interior sliding partition panels separate the s a er Ma et Roo ro t e a roo ( ow ow as t e F e d Roo ), but ca a so be e t ope depe d o t e ature o t e eve t.

T ere s a so a wow actor t e co ors, textures, cab ets a d fixtures t rou out t e space— ro t e bat roo deta s (e c osed sta s, a ds- ree s s a d sco ce ts) to t e e era oo o t e F e d Roo . A ssa Su va , an interior designer for PECKY, said the rich blue co ors, Ra p Laure t fixtures, a d c ass c board and batten wainscoting were used in the C ub ouse to pay o a e to c ass c equestr a sty e. T e restroo floor p a s were rewor ed to prov de ore ac t es or busy po o atc days. A d a o t e fi s es were updated u que pallets for each room.

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T e ew C ub ouse reflects t e evo ut o of the Sarasota Polo Club as a whole. The prev ous C ub ouse was a reflect o o t e or s o t e c ub, w t bot ts oo a d ee , says M sdee M er, a av d equestr a w o coowns the Sarasota Polo Club with her husband, Ja es. As La ewood Ra c as row a d deve oped to a ore co te porary a d upsca e co u ty, Ja es a d I e t t at t e C ub ouse s ou d reflect t ose c a es.

W e t ca e t e to a e t ose c a es, Ja es ad a c ear v s o o w at e was oo for in the new Clubhouse design. As PECKY, a Sarasota-based ter or des co pa y, p e e ted t at v s o , M sdee served as t e sounding board.

T e b est t o t e C ub ouse s the new bar. It is incredible how an entire wall - o ce occup ed by a e or ous firep ace - s ow a very co te porary bar w t reat seat a d ar e te ev s o s, M sdee says. A ot er t s t e Ma et Roo —a d area

located in the north west corner of the building, w c ca be c osed off e t er or pr vate d or a s a roup eet space. For e, a ot er one of the biggest highlights is one that will not be seen by most members but will still be a u e asset - a cater tc e . T s w beco e va uab e as we co t ue to expa d t e Sarasota Po o C ub s d opt o s.

Reva p t e C ub ouse s part o a b er p cture. It s ust o e o t e a y prove e ts t at t e M er s are p a to bring to the Sarasota Polo Club in order to accommodate the burgeoning membership.

Ja es a d I are co sta t y oo or ways to prove a d e a ce our e bers experience, and the Clubhouse is central to t at, M sdee says. It s a versat e eve t spot, especially with the addition of the new outdoor pat o bar. We are oo to add ore spec a eve ts or e bers ow t at we ave suc a u que space to o d t e .

The location of the Clubhouse on the

sarasota polo 2023 | 40

property, and the fact that the exterior also got an updated pa t ob, a ows t to beco e eve ore o a p ace o at er .

Dea Bu ds s very proud o t s pro ect a d we ow that the Sarasota Polo Club is exc ted to s ow t off t s seaso , says Mills.

PECKY s a so proud to ave bee a part o t s pro ect.

It s y ope t at t e reva p w inspire members and patrons to use the amenities at the Sarasota Polo Club more often for polo matches a d pr vate eve ts, Su va says.

T e ow ers effort to co t ue t e e acy o t e c ub s w at a es t so spec a . I ope t at everyo e w be exc ted to see t e updates a d e oy t e ew space.

Ja es M er a rees. We ave rece ved overw e rat tude or be co tted to t e Sarasota Po o C ub a d a t e vest e ts to t e a e t es, says Ja es. T e prev ous

C ub ouse was bu t ore t a 20 years a o, at a t e w e t e Sarasota Po o C ub was t e o y deve op e t a o La ewood Ra c . T e C ub ouse as o e ro being a centralized building for Sarasota Polo Club members and their families to now becoming our premier entertainment and eve t ce ter. It was overdue or a a eover.

T a s to t e v s o o Ja es a d M sdee, t at a eover happened. Phase 1 is officially complete, and plans for Phase 2 are a ready t e wor s - w c w vo ve up rad t e pat os and gardens surrounding the building.

It is an exciting time at the Sarasota Po o C ub, a d t e M er s are oo orward to co t u to prove t e ac t es or e bers, p ayers, uests, a d spectators. T ey oo orward to see you out at t e Sarasota Po o C ub or t e 2023 Seaso !


Some are barn mascots, and often they’re more famous and recognized around the polo circuit

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We are proud to support the Sarasota Polo Club.

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Welcoming The Continental Cup

In what will be a major coup for Sarasota Polo Club players, the inaugural Florida Circuit 16-Goal Series Championship is coming to Wellington this winter. And one of the tournaments leading up to the final—the Continental Cup—will take place in Sarasota, Florida.

The series, launched by Tournament Committee Chairman Stev e Ort we , s a co aborat o betwee t e U ted States Po o Assoc at o (USPA) a d part c pat sout F or da po o c ubs.

There are four tournaments in the F or da C rcu t 16-Goa Ser es. T e Joe Barry Me or a w p ay Ja uary 3rd through 22nd at Port Mayaca Po o C ub. T e Y v sa er Cup w p ay Ja uary 20t t rou February 12t at t e ew Nat o a Po o Ce ter (NPC) o USPA F e d O e. T e I e art Cup w p ay February 10t through March 5th in Wellington. And the Continental Cup will play February 26t t rou Marc 26t at the Sarasota Polo Club.

Each of the four tournaments will serve as qua fiers, as t e w er o eac tour a e t w adva ce to the championship tournament held Apr 5t t rou 9t at NPC. T e ser es offers opportu t es or p ayers to tra s t o ro ow- to ed u - oa eve s, p ay at co pet t ve eve s outs de o - oa , a d test t e waters be ore ta t e r tea s to t e - oa eve . Mar Mu a , a Sarasota Po o C ub o eow er, e ber a d player, will be among the athletes competing. Mulligan has been playing at the Sarasota Polo Club for 12 years a d p ac tea s var ous tour a e ts or about a decade. T e p a or t s seaso s to e ter y tea , Barefie d Po o C ub, t e 12- a d 8-Goa tour a e ts, Mu a says. We w sw tc out our 2-Goa p ayer a d br a d ffere t p ayer to br our

tea up to t e proper a d cap or t e Co t e ta Cup.

I ave ever co peted a 16-Goa tour a e t, but I ow t at t e eve o p ay s qu te ast a d very exc t to watc . I ave bee oo to up y a e a d p ay er- eve tour a e ts, and it is great to be able to do it right here at home at the Sarasota Po o C ub, Mu a says. I t t s very exc t or t e Sarasota Polo Club to get selected to host such a prominent tournament. It really puts Sarasota on the map with the other South F or da po o c ubs.

C ub Ow er Ja es M er a so intends to enter his team Hillcroft Far t e tour a e t.

I ave bee ca pa or er- eve po o to be e d at t e Sarasota Po o C ub or qu te some time now, and am excited to a ou ce t at we are fi a y ab e to a e t poss b e t s seaso , M er says. This is not only the fun polo to watc as a spectator; t s a so t e u polo to play as a player! I hope that the membership is as excited as I am about t s tour a e t.

T e overa oa o t e Sarasota Polo Club’s participation in the series is to allow new sponsors, players a d or a zat o s to et a first a d experience of the grounds.

Be a part o t s tour a e t ser es s very porta t to us. Be the lone club on the west coast o F or da, t s porta t or us to s owcase our po o fie ds, our tour a e t p ay a d t e overa exper e ce t at we ave to offer ere at t e Sarasota Po o C ub says Sarasota Polo Club’s Director of Polo Mason Wroe. We are u que t e a ou t o co u ty vo ve e t a d large Sunday Polo crowds that we are able to draw here in Sarasota. So, for someone wanting to play in front of 3,000-p us peop e t at are c eer or you as you race dow t e fie d, t e Sarasota Polo Club is your chance.

I feel that we are a diamond in the rough, and there is no better way to ave p ayers a d tea s see t at t a to ave t e part c pate our tour a e ts.

Be vo ved t s ser es o tour a e ts s a so porta t to continue the spread and growth of polo.

Br so a y c ubs to et er w t a t e tea s av t e co o oa to represe t t e se ves a d t e r respect ve c ub t e c a p o s p s w at a es t s ser es o tour a e ts so u que, Wroe says. I rece t years, Sout F or da as see a resur e ce ed u - oa po o a d t s, a way, ca be t e c erry o t e top.

sarasota polo 2023 | 50

Every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. from March 16th to April 6th

Join the party for the Sunset Polo Happy Hour and Community Concert Series at the Sarasota Polo Club on Thursday nights at 5:30 p.m. from March 16th through April 6th. Enjoy exciting polo action, tailgating, food, drinks and divot-stomping against a backdrop of a breathtaking sunset. Once the polo action is complete for the evening, stick around and join us for live music!


March 16 March 23 March 30 April 6

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Presented by
4 TG ANNUAL HELICOPTER Easter Egg Drop Join us on Sunday, April 9th, 2023 for the 4th Annual Sarasota Polo Club Easter Eggstravaganza and Halftime Helicopter Egg Drop. 53

All Aboard the LONDON BUS

Adoub e-dec er bus ro Lo do , ow as T e He way, as arr ved at t e Sarasota Po o C ub to beco e t e ce terp ece or t e 2023 Seaso s ew e d-s de Lo do Bus Terrace. It was Sarasota Po o C ub ow er Ja es M er s dea—bor dur a tr p to W dsor Cast e at t e Roya W dsor Horse S ow - to br a stor c Lo do bus ro E a d o e to F or da.

T e Roya W dsor Horse S ow s o e o t e ost press ve orse s ows t e wor d, a d t e r osp ta ty a d a r s seco d to o e. T ere are typ ca y two to our Lo do buses o var ous a es a d co vers o s based at t e s ow every seaso , a d t ey serve as bars a d eater es or t e co pet tors a d uests o t e co pet t o , M er says. It s a very coo co cept, a d s o e t at I ave wa ted to a e poss b e or t e Sarasota Po o C ub or qu te so e t e ow.

Last su er, Ja es dec ded to trave to C epstow, U ted K do to v ew a raveyard o about 60 Lo do buses, a d t at s w ere e ou d T e He way.

S e was bu t arou d 1963 a d eeded qu te a b t o restorat o wor but, a ter two years, s e as a y arr ved at t e Sarasota Po o C ub, M er says. We w ave VIP seat o t e ope -a r seco d eve o t e bus, co p ete w t c a pa e bott e serv ce. T s s a reat ro a t c date opt o or a coup e. Dow sta rs, we w ave reserved tab es a d c a rs o t e aw out ro t o t e bus or uests to e oy t e po o atc ro .

T e He way boasts a u ter or bar, a d coc ta s w be served ro t e p-up w dow ocated o t e e t s de o t e bus. A yo e stro by or a oo w ave t e opportu ty to purc ase dr s.

T s bus s adorab e a d v ta e. It as ad a ew updates but t st very uc o ds ts or a c aracter,

sarasota polo 2023 | 54

says Mae S er , a re u ar barte der at t e Sarasota Po o C ub. T e upsta rs dec w prov de a reat, u que v ew dur t e po o atc es.

But t was ot so easy ett T e He way to Sarasota, accord to Brya Zda cew cz, t e D rector o Maintenance for the Sarasota Polo Club.

T e He way e t E a d o a car o s p a d arr ved at Port Jac so v e d-su er. W e t was supposed to arr ve wor order, t e rst atte pt to bring it home to Sarasota failed when t bro e dow ust 30 utes ro Port Jac so v e.

Towing companies refused to transport the bus due to its height, as it was too tall to fit under many of the highway bridges.

T at s w e I ew t e ob was o to a o e, says Zda cew cz. I was a et e e ec a c t e U ted States A r Force stat o ed at RAF M de a , a d o e o y obs was to x da a ed or bro e a rcra t re ote ocat o s - e t e u es o A r ca, t e sa ds o t e

Middle East, and as high as the Arctic Circle. Most times, all I had was a small too box, a ba u o o-r s, a d ots o as et sea er. I ca ed y best ec a c r e d, Da e Tras , a d to d , I ve ot a ss o or you!

So t e two ade t e our ey up to Jac so v e, too boxes a d, a d ot to wor o a t e ecessary repa rs to a e er dr veab e. Co s der t e act t at T e He way topped out at 41 es per our (a d t ta es 253 es to dr ve ro Jac so v e to Sarasota), t e tr p too rou y 9 ½ ours.

It was de te y a crazy a d exc t tr p, exc a s Zda cew cz.

But ow, t a s to t e ec a ca wor o Zda cew cz a d Tras , a d t e v s o o M er, t e Lo do Bus as ade t to its permanent home of Sarasota. The Sarasota Polo Club is excited to showcase t s exc t ew eature w t everyo e, a d e coura es everyo e to co e out a d c ec out T e He way dur t e 2023 Seaso .

This bus is adorable and vintage. It has had a few updates but it still very much holds its original character. The upstairs deck will provide a great, unique view during the polo matches.

Meet the Viana Brothers

Two up-and-coming superstars in the world of polo - brothers Nachi and Felipe Viana - have become familiar faces at the Sarasota Polo Club.

“I expect them to be not only a staple but a force to be reckoned with t e wor d o po o or t e oreseeab e uture, says Maso Wroe, t e Director of Polo at the Sarasota Polo Club.

T e V a a brot ers were troduced to t e Sarasota Po o C ub severa seaso s a o by ow er Ja es M er a d r e d Her do Radc ff. Radc ff, a o -t e tea ate o M er a d re u ar at t e Sarasota Po o C ub, t ou t t e brot ers wou d be a reat fit. M er brou t Fe pe to p ay o s H cro t Far tea , a d Fe pe as bee a be oved p ayer at t e Sarasota Po o C ub s ce, ow p ay w t ot er e bers t e var ous tour a e ts t at are offered.

Brot er Nac o ed tea H cro t ast seaso - a o s de Wroe, M er a d Vau M er Jr. - or two o t e c ub s t ree 12-Goa tour a e ts. T s stro tea t r ved w t Nac s outsta d ta e t a d eaders p, a d were v ctor ous bot tour a e ts

So, w o are t e V a a brot ers?

T e V a a a y does ot, act, ave a stor ed po o bac rou d. I stead, t e at et c s be a w t Fe pe a d Nac .

W e we were you , we were troduced to Ar e t e coup e Ju o Sa u er a d Mar a Garc are a. Ju o stud ed aw at New Yor U vers ty w t our at er, a d bot Ju o a d Mar a were eav y vo ved w t po o Ar e t a. T ey were t e first o es to p a t t e seed our at er s ead t at y brot er a d I s ou d p ay po o, Fe pe says. A d t at seed rew. At a e seve , Fe pe was se t ro New Yor to po o sc oo Uru uay. T s was t e start to y po o career, w c vo ved trave w t Uru uay to fi d t e best po o ava ab e t at wou d e p e prove, Fe pe says. I a so trave ed to Ar e t a occas o a y, w ere I ad t e opportu ty to p ay var ous yout tour a e ts. At a you a e, I wo t e Copa Potr os, w c s t e wor d s ar est yout po o tour a e t.

W e Fe pe tur ed 18, e e bar ed o s our ey to t e U ted States, atte ded t e U vers ty o V r a a d be a p ay po o pro ess o a y. I s ear y 30s, e as bee p ay po o pro ess o a y ever s ce, a d s u t ate oa s to bu d a top po o or a zat o a d p ay at t e est eve .

Po o s defi te y a esty e. It d ctates w at you do every day, Fe pe says. T e dr ve to co t to t s esty e s t e ove or orses a d t e sport. Bu d your str , breed ew stoc , brea ree orses a d tur t e to p ayab e po o po es, prov eac orse s at et c co d t o so t ey ca per or at t e r best, fly orses ter at o a y to co pete - every part o t s a az .

Felipe Viana

sarasota polo 2023 | 56

And the sport itself is spectacular. It is both technical and physical a d vo ves doze s o orses. But t s u que t at you p ay as a tea . It s ard to beat.

Nac a rees. A so a a u o t e U vers ty o V r a, Nac started playing polo around the age of six after being inspired by his brother.

I ave oved orses s ce I was bor , Nac says. Dad wou d et e r de arou d t e ar a o e w e I was o y t ree. I ave a ways e oyed r d a d ust be arou d orses. W e Fe pe started p ay , I wou d pract ce o s orses be ore e wou d p ay a atc . Nac co t ued deve op t e sport o po o a d, t rou Fe pe, started rece v opportunities to play professionally. Some o s ey acco p s e ts po o t us ar are be ab e to co pete t e Gau t et of Polo last winter as well as playing in this year’s Coronation Cup in England, where he represe ted s o e cou try o Uru uay.

It was a so a acco p s e t to w t e Ha pto s 16-Goa Tour a e t w t Fe pe ast year, Nac says.

W e t e brot ers ave p ayed po o arou d t e wor d, t ey ave w t out a doubt ou d a o e Sarasota.

Sarasota s defi te y o e o t e cest po o c ubs t at we ave bee to— ter s o t e a ou t o po o fie ds, t e s ze o t e crowds attending the polo matches, the stabling capacity for horses, and the acco odat o s, Fe pe says. We are proud to co e p ay ere.

T e V a a brot ers ave ots to be proud o . But t e r success as ot co e w t out a reat a ou t o effort a d support, ot o y

from each other but from their family.

We are t a u t at our pare ts support us as we trave e d ess es to co pete a sport t at we ove, Fe pe says.

It as bee a reat career so ar, Nac says, Hav t ese opportu t es to trave a d co pete s a tast c. Hope u y, Fe pe a d I ca eep row our or a zat o a d, so eday, I ca co pete w t Fe pe - oa po o. I order to do t at, we ave to co t ue support o e a ot er.

T at support co es a or s— ro pos t ve criticism and sideline coaching to building teams together.

I po o, to be success u a d possess o ev ty t e sport, you ot o y need talent and good horses, but also a support cast, Wroe says. T e V a a brothers are the most recent in a long line o po o-p ay s b s t at e p eac ot er at every step t e process.

Sarasota Polo Club members and players ave a so bee eav y support ve o t e V a a brot ers, co e t o t e r pos t ve de ea ors a d tre e dous wor et c. Everyo e s ea er to ave t e bac or t e 2023 Seaso o Sarasota Polo, where they can continue to showcase their talents on the Su day Po o fie d.

T e o d say oes t at you wa t everyo e to do t e r best, p ay we a d w because t ra ses your ow eve o p ay to atc your co pet t o , Wroe says. T ey bot root or a d e p eac ot er owever poss b e because, o e succeeds, t e e t re V a a a y succeeds.

sarasota polo 2023 | 58
The Viana brothers are the most recent in a long line of poloplaying siblings that help each other at every step in the process.
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The Sarasota Polo School Continues to Flourish

SSince its revival in 2020, the Sarasota Polo School has continued to grow expo e t a y—w t a avera e o 20 stude ts (ra a es ro seve to 72) part c pat every wee . I structor As e Osbur a d er pro ess o a po o p ayer usba d, Ne Osbur , ave deve oped qu te t e o ow .

As e - or a y ro C ca o, I o s - as bee r d orses s ce t e a e o seve . S e rew up co pet dressa e a d u ter u per s ows, and transitioned to training horses while she was in high school.

S e co t ued er equ e vo ve e t co e e, w ere s e stud ed Equ e Sc e ce at t e U vers ty o Ke tuc y.

Her usba d Ne , a C earwater Beac at ve, as bee p ay po o s ce t e a e o 10.

Ne a d As e et at a po o c ub We to , w ere Ne was p ay pro ess o a y at t e t e. T e coup e oved to Sarasota 2015 a d ave bee vo ved w t t e Sarasota Po o C ub ever s ce.

W e t e c ub s owed terest br bac t e Sarasota Po o Sc oo 2020, Ne a d As e u ped o t e opportu ty to et ore vo ved with the Sarasota Polo Club.

T e Sarasota Po o Sc oo offers ourlong lessons and mentorship to students o a s eve s. Stude ts are tau t everyt ro bas c orse a s p to sw ec a cs. Lesso s c ude t e re ta o a pro ess o a y-tac ed, experienced polo pony, as well as a helmet, mallet and ball.

Stude ts w t tt e to o r d experience start in the Sarasota Polo Club’s outdoor po o are a, as t e are a offers p ay at a s ower speed a co fi ed area, As e says. Stude ts w t r d exper e ce ave t e opportu ty to start d rect y o the grass, and they learn and master the d ffere t types o sw s a d t e ru es o p ay re ard t e e o t e ba .

The goal of the Sarasota Polo School is to prepare its students to participate c u ers o po o - e t er t e are a or on the grass. Ashlie says that students are prepared for this through group lessons, where students can participate in coached scrimmages that simulate the p ay o c u ers.

A a d u o stude ts ave a ready raduated ro t e sc oo to beco e utime Sarasota Polo Club playing members.

O e stude t, Me ssa W t a , too er first esso w t t e Sarasota Po o Sc oo 2021, a d says t e exper e ce was tra s or at ve.

Lesso s are a porta t part o ear to r de, w et er t s your first esso or your t ousa dt , W t a says. I ave r dde or ost o y e, so I came into the Sarasota Polo School with riding experience. So it is hard to explain ow t e exper e ce o ta a po o lesson at the Sarasota Polo School has be efitted e w t out sou d c c e.

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But ear to p ay po o as w t out a doubt c a ed y e. I ave beco e a better r der t a I ever t ou t was poss b e. I r de ore orses a wee t a I used to r de a year, a d I ave a ed co fide ce bac t at I ost.

I 2016, W t a exper e ced a bad a off o er orse a d co seque t y bro e er p. T s exper e ce ade er hesitant to ride new horses.

Ne a d As e e ped e re a y co fide ce r d , W t a says. As ar as struct o , t ey ow t e sport of polo and their horses, inside and out. T ey a ways as w at we wa t to wor o or t e day, a d ocus o bot s ort-ter a d o -ter oa s. T ey are a so reat at matching horses with riders. The number one thing that I always tell people is how safe and fun the horses are at the Sarasota Po o Sc oo .

Ne a d As e eve e ped atc Melissa with her own polo pony. O ce I e ove w t po o, I ew I wa ted to et po o po es o y ow , W t a says. Ne a d As e e ped e fi d y first are, M , w o as ve e t e co fide ce a d coura e to do t s t at I ever t ou t I wou d be ab e to do.

Wightman now owns two horses that s e boards a d p ays o -s te at t e Sarasota Polo Club.

Ho est y, you wou d ave to d 12-year-o d e w at I was do r t ow, I wou d ever ave be eved you, exc a s

Neil and Ashlie helped me regain my confidence in riding.

As far as instruction, they know the sport of polo and their horses, inside and out.

W t a . A d I ave ade cred b e, support ve r e ds t e process. There really is a great group of people at the Sarasota Polo C ub. T ey a wa t you to see you succeed.

A ot er Sarasota Po o Sc oo stude t, He e e Buc ey, ca a so attest. Buc ey as bee ta esso s every ot er wee e d, a d rece t y wo t e Sarasota Po o C ub s Seaso o 2022 Best Fa Award.

P ys ca y, po o s y e e. I ate exerc s a d I ave a sede tary ob. S ce r d po o requ res so a y ov parts, t s a tota body wor out or e, Buc ey says. E ot o a y, t a so pumps me up. I am full of enthusiasm mixed with a healthy dose of fear, which disappears as soon as I am in the saddle. Spiritually, r d a d wor arou d t ese power u , a -to a a s w o ave a az se s t v ty - bot p ys ca y a d e ot o a y - ust a es y eart ow.

Accord to Buc ey, you w ot fi d a better p ace to ear the sport of polo than through the Sarasota Polo School.

Try to fi d po o esso s t e Sarasota area was poss b e u t t e Sarasota Po o Sc oo reope ed 2020. Very ew po o c ubs offer esso s year-rou d. P aces e We to or T e V a es o y ope up t e r po o sc oo s dur t e r seaso s, Buc ey says. W e I saw t at t e Sarasota Po o Sc oo was o to reope , a d stay ope year-rou d, I ew I ad to et vo ved. W e I was first troduced to As e, s e assured e t at s e wou d a e y po o drea s co e true, a d s e as ept er word. S e as ve e co fide ce a d ope a d, at t e a e o 72, t at s a a or p us. W t out As e, I wou d ot be ab e to re s t e ee o be a part o so et t at s so u que a d wo der u as t e Sarasota Po o Sc oo . W t a a d Buc ey are ot t e o y two stude ts w o are s Ne a d As e s pra ses. T e Sarasota Po o Sc oo co t ues to flour s w t success stor es, as ot er stude ts ave oved o to beco e e bers o t e c ub, a d ore a d ore stude ts are s ow terest a d ett vo ved.

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How Sarasota Polo Players Continue Playing Past the Age of 50

For many of the Sarasota Polo Club’s older, veteran p ayers, eac seaso br s w t t a cost-be efit a a ys s. The inner monologue for each player might sound so et s ar to t s:

Is t wort t e r s to co t ue p ay or a ot er seaso ?

How uc ore t e w I eed to vest y po o a e day preparat o ?

How o w t ta e e to recover ro a po o pract ce or atc ?

Most porta t y, s po o st o to be u ?

For five o t e Sarasota Po o C ub s se or p ayers, t e be efits w a ways outwe t e r s s. T ese d v dua s spe d cou t ess ours prepar or eac po o atc , a so t at t ey ca prove t e r respect ve odds.

T ose sa e Sarasota Po o C ub p ayers – a o w o are over t e a e o 50 – de o strate t e r co t e t to t e sport o po o t rou t e r respect ve recovery efforts, w c vary ro bas c a t - fla atory ed cat o s a d ce bat s to ore vas ve et ods e aser , rece v ect o s, a d eve av ot er procedures or sur er es co p eted.

For t ose w o are terested p ay po o a ter t e a e o 50, ere s t e b uepr t. But, be war ed: T ere are o c eat codes or shortcuts!

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James Miller has centered the last 5 years of his life around the sport of po o, as e too over ow ers p o t e Sarasota Po o C ub 2018. He as bee p ay po o recreat o a y or a tota o 22 years but, s ce pass 50, he has completely restructured his training regime. Be ore I tur ed 50, y cross tra c uded art a arts, bas etba , triathlons, weight training, tennis and really any sport that helped me deve op extre e fit ess. Later y 40 s, y body be a te e t at I was overtra . I rea zed t at I ad to a e s fica t c a es. I ave a ways ocused o stretc , but ow I a so pay more attention to building my core strength as well as a ta y usc e to e a d fit ess t rou swimming. Swimming has reduced the wear and tear o y body s fica t y, w e e p e maintain a rigorous cross training program. I pract ce a our sto es t e poo , but I co s der butterfly to be t e er stro e. During the Sarasota Polo season, Miller a es a po t to e t er st c a d ba , pract ce or p ay tour a e t-sty e po o a ost every day. He ee s t at t e spe t t e sadd e s equa y as porta t or eep s body r d fit, as r d vo ves a co p ete y d ffere t type o fit ess. Pr or to playing polo, Miller warms himself up by stretching in s ot tub or 30 or ore utes, a d t e w r de s b e to t e Sarasota Po o C ub. Desp te o ow a var ety o preve tat ve easures, M er st suffers typ ca recurr a e ts ro t e to t e s ar to t at o a y ot er po o p ayers - s ost common being tennis elbow.

It s so et t at a y po o p ayers ave to stay o top o co sta t y because, o ce t flares up, t s d fficu t to p ay t rou .

M er s sp red by Ta pa Bay Bucca eers quarterbac To Brady because o s co t e t and ability to play a professional sport past the prime age range.

Po o s very d ffere t ro NFL ootba . Because we ave our orses to e p us p ay, we are ab e to co t ue p ay t e sport t at we ove co pet t ve y at a pro ess o a eve uc o er t a at etes a y ot er sports. Re ard ess, every u a body a es, a d we as at etes ave to a e c o ces every day t at affect ow o we ca a ta a co pet t ve ed e a sport t at s do ated by e u der t e a e o 30.


jocelyne groulx

Jocelyne Groulx might make it look easy while riding a orse, but t s t e wor t at s e does be d t e sce es t at a es er u que.

T e pact o p ay po o s a ot stro er t a p ay a sport e te s because t s a uc stro er pact w e ever you sw a d t t e ba , Grou x sa d. It s w t out a doubt o e o t e ost d fficu t sports to co t ue to p ay at t s a e.

Grou x ca a e a case or o t e ost ours spe t o a orse o a y Sarasota Po o C ub p ayer, av row up r d horses and continuing to practice daily in preparation for each polo season in Sarasota.

I ave bee r d a o y e, Grou x sa d. I r de every day. A ot o peop e y a e ust p ay t e atc es. But t ere s nothing that you can do to better prepare yourself for riding than spending time in the saddle.

Outside of riding, I am able to strengthen my muscles and tone my body. Other than that, I cannot do any exercise that s too repet t ve re ards to stre t tra , as I o te exper e ce ac es a d pa s ro t e wear a d tear.

Grou x u dersta ds t at s e w ever be a we t roo warrior, but that does not mean that she hides from the less des rab e wor outs. Qu te t e co trary. S e dec ded to bu d a y er Mo trea o e, v erse o excuses or avo d t e supp e e tary exerc ses t at eep er ea t y o top of her horses.

Desp te er best efforts to stave off t e a process, Grou x has encountered the typical polo maladies – tennis elbow and fla at o er o ts. S e prev ous y exper e ted w t a t - fla atory ect o s, but as s ce ocused er recovery efforts o ta supp e e ts.

I ta e supp e e ts a d a e sure t at I a eat we a o t e t e to e p reduce fla at o , Grou x sa d.

Grou x as ou d t at p ates a so pa rs we w t p ay po o a d a es t e eac day or t. S e a so devotes t e eac night for stretching.

T e a t at y a e s a ta y flex b ty. I a ortu ate to ave t e ab ty to re a qu te flex b e or so eo e y a e, but I a a so ot out t ere o t e po o fie d p ay a a st peop e y a e. So, I ave to do a tt e b t ore t a ost order to be ab e to per or at y best.

raymond guest

A 57-year-old polo enthusiast, Raymond Guest recommends adopting a disciplined lifestyle for those who want to age gracefully in the sport of polo. Cardio, strength training, stretching, diet and exerc se are t e te ets to Guest s po o p osop y.

I ocus o d et a d exerc se every day, Guest sa d. A d stay ydrated.

Guest does ot waste a seco d t e y , spe d 15 to 20 utes cyc o a stat o ary b e or a - te s ty war -up before rotating through supersets on multiple machines.

I w pa r two ac es to et er a d do t ree sets o eac , Guest sa d. A d t e I w pa r up two ore, a d so o a d so forth. I always pair up an upper body machine with a lower body machine. I shoot for a total of 12 sets at 15 reps each, and it usually ta es e about 15 utes to co p ete t e e t re rou d. T ere s abso ute y o rest.

Guest a so does ot spare s orses t e preparatory wor t at t ey eed or opt a per or a ce. He r des s x days a wee , ta o y Mo day off or bot se a d s orses to recover ro t e prev ous wee .

Part o ury preve t o s ett to ow eac o your orses a d see ow eac o e reacts a d respo ds, Guest sa d. It s about co u cat o betwee you a d t e orse. You ave to r de as o te as you ca order to ow w at you ave u der eat o you w e ever you p ay. It e ps you r de ore effic e t y so t at you ca preve t ur es.

Guest s so ew at o a atura st w e t co es to recovery. He subscr bes to a o ect o s, w atsoever p osop y, c oos stead to vest s e er y to proper utr t o , hydration and exercise.

I ta e supp e e ts t at are des ed to e p w t recovery, Guest sa d. A o ac ds, w c are t e bu d b oc s o usc es, are a porta t supp e e t to e. I a so ta e potass u , as we as ot er esse t a utr e ts. Creat er pH eve s y body e ps co bat sore ess a d a bu d-up o act c ac d.

W e Guest s proo t at po o s ot str ct y a you a s a e, e wa ts to a e t c ear t at se or p ayers ca ot adopt t e sa e care- ree approac t at t e p ayers a t e r a e are ab e to follow.

I ave see you uys a d Sarasota a d et o a orse o y a our ater, Guest sa d. T ey are ot prepared p ys ca y to et o a orse a d p ay s x c u ers. Because o t s, t ey are suscept b e to ur es because t ey d d ot stretc proper y or adequate y oose up before the game. In my opinion, if you want to be able to continue to p ay po o as you a e, t as to beco e a esty e.

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Brent Hamill’s advice to achieve longevity in the sport of polo is rat er s p e: F d a ood ort oped c sur eo .

Ha says t s a - o y, w e a so cred t s post-50 s p ay career to a yr ad o ot er preve tat ve a d restorat ve opt o s, c ud yo a, perso a tra , reque t orsebac r d , ru , cyc , sw , ste ce a d p ate et-r c p as a (PRP) ect o s, re uve at ve toc o dr a asers, a d co d tub ers o .

T e a t s stay flex b e, Ha sa d. I a ot t e ost flex b e, but w e you watc t e pro ess o a s a d see t e way t ey are able to balance in the saddle in order to reach the balls, you realize how porta t core stre t a d flex b ty tru y are.

O e o s avor te ow- pact wor outs to e p bu d stre t a d flex b ty s ps s tread water. He est ates t at s avera e sw wor out spa s 15 to 25 utes. Mus c a es t e t e spe t t e poo ore pa atab e. Ha says t at e o te p ays a e-up o five so s, sw tc t e exerc se rout e a ter eac so . For t e a or ty o s poo wor out, e a ter ates betwee us exc us ve y ar s a d e s, but fi s es by wor bot at t e sa e t e.

I x up y wor outs order to eep t e terest a d ot overwor a y o e usc e roup, Ha sa d.

Ha a so e oys ru , cyc , a d do yo a. Eve w t t s re e t o ow- pact wor outs, Ha as ou d t ecessary to see ed ca treat e t order to e p w t recovery a d fla at o . He rece ved ste ce t erapy a d PRP ect o s Ja uary o 2021 as reco e ded by s pr ary p ys c a to address pa s quadr ceps a d ees, a d u ortu ate y was e t out o t e sadd e or s x o t s order to recover u y. Later t at year, e too a ot er o t off o po o order to recover ro a ect o tar et s s ou der.

As I ave otte o der, I ave ad p e o e a success us ste ce a d PRP t erapy or recovery, Ha sa d. I ave ad bot quadr cep and ligament tears, and since tendons and ligaments are capable of row bac to et er, t ese t erap es e p exped te t e process.

Ha a so ear ed o t e be efits o re uve at ve toc o dr a asers w e watc s po o orses respo d pos t ve y to t e treat e ts. Ha soo be a rece v aser treat e ts se , v a newfound connection with his horses.

But t e ey or Ha , as e sees t, as bee t e ed ca terve t o t at e as rece ved ro s ort oped c sur eo . Fear t at s po o career was over five years a o due to pers ste t pa s p, Ha made the decision to undergo hip replacement surgery. It is honestly the best dec s o t at I ave ever ade.

slade sharpsteen

Slade Sharpsteen does not expect his polo competitors to take it easy o ust because e w be tur 63 t s seaso .

I act, ust t e oppos te s true. He ows t at t e ury r s creases w t eac year t at e co t ues to p ay po o. Ta e ast season, for example.

I ot ta e out tw ce, S arpstee sa d. My ost ser ous a appe ed w e a p ayer cut ro t o e a d too out y orse. I u ortu ate y w ac ed y ead pretty ood. Luc y, I suffered ore ro w p as rat er t a a co cuss o . Re ard ess, t at too qu te a b t o t e to recover ro .

Le t er recovery t es are u ortu ate y part o t e a process, a d t at s w y S arpstee atte pts to avo d t e ury bu by beco o e w t s orses. Hav stru ed t rou bouts of tendonitis, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, and the aforementioned w p as , S arpstee atte pts to t s ury r s by spe d as much time as he can on his horses.

I a rea y ot o e or wor out, so I do y best to stay fit by r d as o te as I ca , S arpstee sa d. I you r de a o t e t e to stay fit, t at s y op o t e best or o ury preve t o or po o.

S arpstee u dersta ds t at e w ev tab y ace t e prospect of rehabbing nagging issues since he is not adding body armor by reque t t e y . Te s e bow as bee a pervas ve co ve e ce or S arpstee or a ost 30 years, but e as ou d t at cort so e s ots ca prov de seaso - o re e .

I we t t rou a stretc bac t e 1990 s w e I cou d ot eve p c up a coffee cup, S arpstee sa d. A d t appe ed a a t ree years a o. It a ways co es bac dur t e dd e o t e po o seaso , a d I ave to o a d et a cort so e s ot order to be ab e to play through the rest of the season. One of the things most of us do at t s a e s ear ow to p ay t rou t e pa .

Sharpsteen has become adept at diagnosing the most timely treat e t a rotat o o ce pac s, eat co presses, cy ot patc es, a d a et c pu se t erapy - t e atter o w c e a so uses on his horses.

I ow a ot o p ayers w o ave used a et c pu se t erapy, S arpstee sa d. It wor s we o bot y bac a d ec , a d I ave used t a ew t es o y e bow.

S arpstee u dersta ds t at pa - ree po o ay be a t o t e past. Pa a a e e t po o t be a ore accurate descr pt o ov orward. Re ard ess, e says t beats t e a ter at ve.

W e I was you er, a o d-t er to d e t at t s a ways ood to be o t s s de o t e rass, S arpstee sa d. T at s y t eory w t po o.

Brent hamill 67

hocola, a 15-year-old Argentine Cr o o, as a very porta t ob at t e Sarasota Polo Club.

The polo horse has gained prestige as t e prese ter o t e A er ca fla dur the opening ceremony of the Sarasota Polo Club’s Sunday Polo matches. O te re erred to as t e fla orse, C oco a s perfectly suited for the position. It is a Sarasota Polo C ub trad t o t at t e A er ca fla s prese ted o orsebac . I prev ous seaso s, t e A er ca fla was carr ed by o e o o -t e e ber Geor e A exa der s beaut u C ydesda es. But, 2020, C oco a too over u -t e fla carry dut es. Sarasota Polo Club member Tammy Wyman owns Chocola, Sarasota Polo Club Director of Operations Pa e Lautze e ser r des a d carr es t e fla , a d A a da Ma e S e to s t e roo . But w o s t s equ e superstar, exact y?

W at or a y drew e to C oco a was er co or a d er beaut u , upbeat perso a ty, says Ta y

Wyman, who purchased Chocola at a polo club in Sa ta Barbara, Ca or a, s x years a o. I ew a atter o utes t at s e was so et spec a . Wy a was correct. It s C oco a s a d-bac de ea or t at a es er dea or t e fla orse position.

Not bot ers t s orse. You ca ave b crowds, us c b ar , peop e wav , a d t e w ds b ow stro - a d s e s so sto c a d ust co t ues o er steady arc arou d t e fie d w t out ss a beat, Wy a says.

It ta es a spec a orse to be w to prese t a oud a d flopp A er ca fla (t at occas o a y brus es er ears or touc es er ru p) arou d a po o fie d o 2,000-3,000 spectators c eer a d wav . S e s ot azed by uc , says Sarasota Po o C ub D rector o Operat o s Pa e Lautze e ser. T s a ows e to ride really close to the crowd and interact with the awesome spectators. Chocola also stands nicely for t e ve s o our at o a a t e . A d s e as a owed us to roc so e pretty r d cu ous costu es.

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Groo A a da S e to does t e costu a d so uc ore or C oco a, w o s a so ow as C o. C o s first a d ore ost a very so d po o orse. S e s neat and tidy in her stall. She will follow you around without eed a a ter a d ead rope. A d s e s a very eye-catc co or, says S e to , w o as wor ed as a roo t rou out t e U ted States s ce 2008. S e s t e ost pat e t orse I ave ever et. S e as a ways bee pretty bo bproo , so we ust started putt d ffere t t s o er to see ow s e wou d react. Every t e, we wou d try a tt e ore a d, t at process, we found that she is pretty much unfazed by anything we put on er or er r der.

Whether Chocola is dolled up in a Wonder Woman cape, St. Patr c s Day bow t es, Hawa a -t e ed u a s rt, sw o es, or poo float es, s e does ot see to d. S e ust oes w t t e flow.

S e s pretty ope to ust about a yt , a d t at a es t e exper e ce so easy a d so u , Lautze e ser says. We ave do e t s to et er e ou t at s e ow ows t e patter , a d a ost ust oes o autop ot as we o arou d. I do t rea y ave to steer uc , w c co es a dy o w dy days w e I ave to ocus ore o t e A er ca fla order to eep t upr t.

And, though Chocola is now becoming a household name among polo match attendees in Sarasota, one thing spectators ay ot ow s ow tu t ve s e s.

S e ows t e patter so we t at, you c a e t e patter up - e we d d or Su set Po o - s e quest o s you, Lautze e ser says. We do t r de a t e way arou d t e fie d or Su set Po o e we do o Su days, so w e I we t to a e a s arper-t a -usua tur at t e cor er to co e bac to t e ce ter, I e t er rab t e b t a d try to ta e e our usua patter . It was as s e was say , Are you co used? We go this way!’ And I had to assure her that I wasn’t os y bra - t at we actua y eeded to o a d ffere t way t a or a .

I a so swear s e ows t e at o a a t e , Lautze e ser says. Our patter vo ves ca ter off towards t e C ub ouse at t e e d of the national anthem. Cho will stand dead still ( ost o t e t e) but start to tur towards er exit corner as the national anthem is coming to a c ose. I usua y do t eve ave to te er to o. S e ust ows w e t s er t e to s e. C oco a s tru y a o e-o -a- d are.

I very rate u to Ta y or prov d us w t a sa e a d e oyab e orse to carry t e A er ca fla , says Lautze e ser. T s are s a spec a o e, a d I a uc y to ave t e opportunity to be the one to ride her. Chocola a d I oo orward to see everyo e or t e 2023 Seaso o Sarasota Po o!


From sunup to sundown, the grooms who work inside the equestrian community of the Sarasota Polo Club are constantly toiling to keep their equine partners ready for the sport that they were bred to play: polo.

The work of a groom is laborious and exhausting, with a schedule that is relatively unforgiving. Grooms devote their lives to the care and well-being of these talented animals. A typical daily routine begins early in the morning and can extend well into the evening on particularly busy days.

At the Sarasota Polo Club, many grooms work behind the scenes to get the horses spectators watch on the Sunday polo field ready for the exciting action. Last season, the Sarasota Polo Club members and players nominated many talented grooms for the title of the Sarasota Polo Club’s Season of 2022 Best Groom Award. Julian Montiel ultimately took home the trophy, but two others – Lytha Wendt and Joaquin Navarro – walked away with honorable mentions.

And now, we would like to introduce them to you in their own words.

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Julian Montiel


I come from a city called Mar del Plata, which is located 500 kilometers from Buenos A res, Ar e t a. My a y as bee vo ved w t orses or t ree e erat o s. W e I was row up, I watc ed y at er wor w t orses o var ous ar s. We a so a ways ad orses o our ow . So, ro a very you a e, I spe t qu te a b t o t e arou d orses a d co seque t y deve oped t s ove a d pass o or wor w t t e .

I started wor w t orses pro ess o a y at t e a e o 14 dur y su er sc oo brea a d, w e I raduated ro sc oo , I too a ob w t Puesto V e o - a po o c ub t at was ust start to deve op Bue os A res, Ar e t a. I wor ed t ere or two years, a d t was t rou t at pos t o t at I rece ved t e opportu ty to o to wor or Los Mac tos Po o, a ar e po o or a zat o Ar e t a. It was t rou Los Mac tos t at I was ab e to ove to t e U ted States. A ter I oved to t e U ted States, I rece ved a offer to wor w t s ow u p orses. I wa ted to try so et ew, so I tra s t o ed out o po o to t at, a d rea y e oyed t. I wor ed t e s ow u p dustry or two years but, w e I ou d out that I was going to be a father, I felt that transitioning bac to be a po o roo was t e r t dec s o as t e sport s co s derab y ore stab e a d a y-or e ted. So I started applying for positions.

I rece ved a ca ro t e a a er o t e H cro t Far po o tea w t a ce c a e e - to o to wor w t y w e, Ya a. T e opportu ty to wor a o s de er as we expa d our a y was something that greatly appealed to both o us. W e s e was a ace t at ew ew of in the polo industry, her attention to deta s seco d to o e a d I ew t at we wou d a e a reat tea .

We ave wor ed or H cro t Far or seve years ow, a d are ortu ate to be able to introduce our now two children to the sport of polo. We are passionate about what we do, and bot e oy ta care o t e orses o a daily basis.

The greatest reward for me is when t e orses t at I ta e care o ve t e r best at each match and return to the stable - appy, ea t y, a d sou d. I c a e e yse every day to prove t e care a d performance of these horses so that they can be the best that they can be.

W t e Seaso o 2022 Best Groo Award was a ce ac ow ed e t o t e effort t at I ve every day as a roo . I a proud t at t e effort o t e perso w o wor s be d t e sce es at a po o atc , but w o p ays a p vota part in the performance of the horses used in t e po o atc , s va ued.


Lytha Wendt


I grew up in Sealy, Texas, and worked many d ffere t obs, but ave a ways ad a ove a d pass o or orses. So I dec ded to pursue a career as a roo . T a s to t s pro ess o , I ave ad t e opportu ty to trave to a y beaut u p aces, including California, Wyoming, Colorado and Michigan.

I ave wor ed or severa d ffere t equestr a operat o s, but a now employed by Mason Wroe, the current Director of Polo at the Sarasota Po o C ub. I ave bee w t s or a zat o or our years now. We spend spring, summer and fall in Houston, Texas, and the winters in Sarasota. When we come to Sarasota, we typically bring 14 orses. Maso a d s w e, Kay ee, sc oo t e orses s e, a d I a respo s b e or ta t e exerc se sets a d co p et t e day-to-day care o t e orses.

The main highlight of this profession is when one of the po es s a ed Best P ay Po y o a part cu ar atc . I t up w e ever I et t e ews t at o e o our po es as bee o ated, as I t a y roo wou d. Because you spe d so uc t e arou d t ese orses t rou t e process o ta

care o t e , t ey beco e e your ds. So t s a o e tous acco p s e t t at everyo e ce ebrates w e ever your orse wins the award.

T e a c a e e o t e pro ess o or e s t e trave t at eeps e ro be w t y a y as o te as I wou d e. I add t o to y equ e c dre , I a so ave u a c dre a d ra dc dre o y ow , a d ate be away ro t e . But I see them as often as I can.

I was t r ed to rece ve a Ho orab e Me t o or t e Seaso o 2022 Best Groo Award. Groo s w at I ove to do. I a ortu ate t at y ob does ot ee e a ob to e because o t e ove t at I ave or t ese orses. I ove t e po es a d I ove ta care o t e . T ey are very spec a to e a d t ey are ust as uc family to me as my human family.

W atever t ta es to a e t e appy s w at I a o to do, eve t vo ves wor o ours. To ow t at so ebody as reco zed t e ard wor t at I put to t e sport o po o eac a d every day s a reat ee , a d I a rate u .

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I have worked as a groom for quite some time now. When I took my first roo pos t o , I a ready ew ow to r de orses, as I ear ed Mex co dur y c d ood. My dad wor ed o a ra c , a d I rew up e p w erever I cou d. It was t ere t at I ear ed ow to c ea a stab e a d overa ave ood or a zat o t e bar . Not o y d d I ear ow to r de t ere, but I was a so tau t ow to ta e sets to exerc se t e orses. I a so started ear ow to p ay t e sport o po o t rou st c a d ba .

I too y first roo pos t o bac 2011 We to , F or da, a d co t ued ear ow to be t e best roo t at I cou d be. Later y roo career, I was troduced to Mr. Ja es P. U e a d Mr. Ja es Morrow. I was offered a ob wor or t e r po o operat o . T e opportu ty was a exc t o e, so I accepted t 2018 a d oved to Sarasota to be y wor w t t e .

It as bee a reat exper e ce wor or t e r operat o so ar, as I a ab e to co t ue ear a d ee sat sfied w t w at I do or a v a d w ere I a at w t y e. T e orses t at I a respo s b e or are a very r e d y, a d I e oy r d a d wor w t t e o a da y bas s. I a appy a d fortunate to be in charge of such a fabulous group of horses.

Wor as a roo e ta s a ot o wor , a d you ust e oy w at you do a d be ded cated to your wor order to a so ave u . A d t at s exact y w at I do. Be ab e to offer t e e bers a d spectators o t e Sarasota Po o C ub qua ty, sa e a d u po o every wee e d s a o or, a d t was a eve b er o or to be o ated or t e Seaso o 2022 Best Groo Award.

Joaquin Navarro SEASON OF 2022 BEST GROOM AWARD HONORABLE MENTION Sotheby’s International Realty® and the Sotheby’s International Realty logo are registered service marks used with permission. Each office is independently owned and operated. Equal Housing Opportunity. The Hedge Team has been selling luxury local real estate and providing their customers excellent service since 1992. TH E HEDGE TEAM 941.587.6660 | HEDGETEAM COM L ike the Sarasota Polo Club, The Hedge Team Are Proven Winners When it Comes to Sarasota/Manatee Real Estate

USPA Secures a Permanent Home for Polo in South Florida

IJu e, t e U ted States Po o Assoc at o (USPA) a ou ced t at it had purchased the core assets of the International Polo Club Palm Beac We to , F or da ( IPC ). T e USPA acqu red 161 acres ro WEP Po o LLC a d WEP Po o Operat o s LLC, c ud F e ds 1 t rou 5, t e IPC ra dsta d, t e Pav o , t e Ma et Gr e, t e Seve t C u er, t e USPA C ub ouse s op, t e Outbac F e d, t e Outbac ac ty, a d t e IPC soc a c ub a d ts ac t es, c ud a swimming pool, gym, and tennis courts.

For er y IPC, t e ac ty as s ce bee dee ed t e T e USPA Nat o a Po o Ce ter – We to ( NPC ). T e purc ase br s to e t e USPA Board o Gover ors v s o o a USPA-ow ed Su day F e d t at w serve as the permanent center of polo in America and set the standard for excellence in po o. T at v s o was first art cu ated by USPA C a r a Stewart Ar stro a essay ca ed T e Su day F e d t at appeared t e Spr 2020 ssue o Hurlingham Polo Magazine.

T e USPA w co t ue to ost t e Gau t et o Po o at NPC, but t w a so use t e ac ty to support po o p ayed at t e ed u - a d ow- oa eve s. T e USPA te ds to eep substa t a y a t e curre t IPC staff p ace. T Ga o , co- ou der o Outbac Stea ouse a d t ree-t e w er o t e U.S. Ope Po o C a p o s p , w serve as C a r a o t e Board o a ew y- or ed USPA subs d ary created to rev ta ze t e soc a c ub a d hospitality facilities.

W t ts ow ers p o t e Nat o a Po o Ce ter, t e USPA as secured a perpetua o e or po o A er ca t at w serve t e sa e u ct o as t e

AAP-co tro ed Pa er o fie ds a d AAP-ow ed P ar fie ds do Ar e t a. I s ort, t e ac ty w e ab e t e USPA to s owcase ts tour a e ts, deve op A er ca p ayers, a d susta a e v ro e t t at w reta a d attract ew p ayers a d spo sors at every eve . It w a so secure t e uture o w ter a d spr po o Sout F or da, w c a y o t e sport s ey part c pa ts ro t rou out t e cou try re y o as a a or source o the annual income that allows them to participate in polo at their summer and fall club locations.

T rou ts use o NPC, t e USPA a s to promote excellence as the goal for all who play po o A er ca. T e USPA s co fide t t at co t u to str ve or exce e ce w ead to eve greater demand for polo. Excellence means many t s – a o t e are first-rate ac t es to present the sport in the best light, intelligent rules, a r a d capp , qua ty u p r , a d a eve p ay fie d or a . It sp res bot a ateurs a d professionals to be their best and play with the best and it results in an engaging experience for players a d spectators. Exce e ce requ res co t e t – t doesn’t happen on its own.

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T e USPA w co t ue to vest t e sport o po o at ts e ber c ubs across t e U ted States. A ts curre t pro ra s w co t ue to be u ded a d operated o t e r pre-purc ase tra ector es. T ese c ude t e Are a Tour a e t I t at ve, Br d e to H Goa (B2HG), I tersc o ast c/ I terco e ate (I/I), Le acy Po o Ser es, Nat o a Are a A ateur Cup, M tary I ce t ve Pro ra , Nat o a Yout Tour a e t Ser es (NYTS), Po o Deve op e t I t at ve (PDI), Pr ze Mo ey Matc (PMMP), Tour a e t Support Pro ra (TSP), Trop y Re burse e t, t e Pro ess o a a d Cert fied U p res pro ra s, USPA L vestrea , a d t e Wo e s Tour a e t I ce t ve Pro ra .

NPC ade ts offic a debut October 29 - Nove ber 6 w t t e USPAosted Federat o o I ter at o a Po o Wor d C a p o s p. A ass ve success, t e eve t attracted t ousa ds o ea er spectators a d s owcased t e -ca ber p ay t at t e ac ty offers. I t e uture, t e USPA p a s to ope the annual Wellington polo season in October. This expansion of play dates w a ow USPA e ber c ubs a d beyo d F or da to p ay t e r tour a e t se fi a s a d fi a s at t e Nat o a Po o Ce ter w e t s ot be used or t e Gau t et .

We to V a e Ma a er J Bar es s e t us ast c about t e USPA expa d ts ootpr t t e V a e. We to we co es t e USPA s purc ase o t e or er IPC ac ty a d t e estab s e t o t e Nat o a Po o Center, which will ensure polo’s permanent and important presence in the V a e or t e utua be efit o t e po o co u ty a d V a e res de ts. W de y re arded as t e w ter ub o wor d-c ass equestr a co pet t o ,

Wellington has played a critical role in the deve op e t o t e sport o po o t e U ted States a d abroad s ce t e 1970s. Every Ja uary t rou Apr , t e F or da - oa seaso attracts t e wor d s top po o or a zat o s, est-rated pro ess o a s, a d top orses. Sout F or da s t e o e o t e USPA a d USPA G oba L ce s , as we as t e Museu o Po o Ha o Fa e a d t e Po o Tra Fou dat o .

T e U ted States Po o Assoc at o ( USPA ) s organized and exists for the purposes of promoting t e a e o po o; coord at t e act v t es o ts e ber c ubs a d re stered p ayer e bers; arra a d superv s po o tour a e ts, co pet t o s, a d a es; a d prov d ru es, handicaps and tournament conditions for those eve ts. Its overarc oa s are prov t e sport and promoting the safety and welfare of its human a d equ e part c pa ts. Fou ded 1890, t e USPA s t e ar est vo u tary sports or a zat o Nort A er ca or t e sport o po o. T e USPA s curre t y ade up o ore t a 200 e ber c ubs a d approx ate y 5,000 re stered p ayer e bers. It a ua y awards a d oversees rou y 50 at o a tour a e ts osted by ts e ber c ubs. For ore or at o , p ease v s t uspo o.or .

U.S. Po o Ass . s t e offic a bra d o t e USPA. W t a u t -b o -do ar oba ootpr t a d wor dw de d str but o t rou so e 1,200 U.S. Po o Assn. retail stores, department stores, sporting goods c a e s, depe de t reta ers a d e-co erce, U.S. Po o Ass . offers appare or e , wo e , a d c dre , as we as accessor es a d ootwear 190 cou tr es wor dw de. Ra ed t e fi t ar est sports ce sor L ce se G oba a az e s 2020 st o Top 150 G oba L ce sors, U.S. Po o Ass . s a ed a o s de suc co c sports bra ds as t e Nat o a Footba Lea ue, t e Nat o a Bas etba Assoc at o a d Ma or Lea ue Baseba . V s t uspo oass oba .co .


We Salute Our Players

It is through the players’ dedication and commitment to the sport that the Sarasota Polo Club is able to provide residents of the Lakewood Ranch and Sarasota areas with the most exhilarating sport played today.

4 GOALS Guillermo Agüero Wellington, FL 4 GOALS Stuart Campbell South Africa 4 GOALS Nick Johnson Ocala, FL 4 GOALS Marcos Onetto Farmington, CT 4 GOALS Mason Wroe Cat Spring, TX 3 GOALS Agustin Arellano Port Mayaca, FL 3 GOALS Joe Wayne Barry Marion, TX 3 GOALS Francisco Llosa Argentina 3 GOALS Charly Quincoces Pilar, Argentina 3 GOALS Herndon Radcliff Point Clear, AL 3 GOALS Trevor Niznik-Reeves Wellington, FL 2 GOALS Leandro Berrios Buenos Aires, Argentina 2 GOALS Martin Eddy Carmen de Patagones, Argentina 2 GOALS James Miller Lexington, KY 2 GOALS Vaughn Miller, Jr. Dallas, TX 2 GOALS Neil Osburg Winchester, KY 2 GOALS Buck Schott Versailles, KY 5 GOALS Costi Caset Santa Barbara, CA 5 GOALS Toto Collardin Argentina 5 GOALS Alan Martinez Mauk, GA sarasota polo 2023 | 78
79 2 GOALS James P. Uihlein Lakewood Ranch, FL 1.5 GOALS Jon Luke Beck Tallahassee, FL 1.5 GOALS Meghan Okerlund Sioux Falls, SD 1 GOAL Hunter Jelsch China, Michigan 1 GOAL Grant Mayer St. Petersburg, FL 1 GOAL Roper Morrow Abilene, TX 1 GOAL Tommy Polk Crowell, TX 1 GOAL Devin Vass Powell, OH 0.5 GOALS Samuel Clemens Newport, RI 0.5 GOALS Raymond Guest Lakewood Ranch, FL 0.5 GOALS Mark Mulligan Frenchtown, NJ 0.5 GOALS Slade Sharpsteen Winchester, KY 0.5 GOALS Cash Shelton Wichita, KS 0 GOALS Anneke Beck Tallahasee, FL 0 GOALS Margaux Buchanan Bradenton, FL 0 GOALS Michael Bucklin Avondale, PA 0 GOALS Holly Chamberlain Sarasota, FL 0 GOALS Ramon Collardin Tandil, Agentina 0 GOALS Jocelyne L. Groulx Quebec, Canada 2 GOALS Josh Shelton Wichita, KS
sarasota polo 2023 | 80 0 GOALS
0 GOALS Amanda Shelton Wichita,
0 GOALS Jack Shepley Mechanicsburg, PA 0 GOALS Raj Singh Lakewood Ranch, FL 0 GOALS Roger Stainton England 0 GOALS Don Stemaly Dallas, TX 0 GOALS Max Stevens Atlanta, GA 0 GOALS Denny Woodruff Lakewood Ranch, FL -0.5 GOALS Kelly Beck Tallahasee, FL -0.5 GOALS Mike Beck Tallahasee, FL -0.5 GOALS Wadi Gomero-Cure Sarasota, FL -0.5 GOALS Jaymie Klauber Lakewood Ranch, FL -0.5 GOALS Ashlie Osburg Oswego, IL -0.5 GOALS Camille Ricaud Nantes, France -0.5 GOALS Vincent Ricaud Nantes, France -0.5 GOALS Trey Zoeller Louisville, KY -1 GOAL Dana Aschinger Lexington, KY -1 GOAL Chris Bales Sarasota, FL 0 GOALS Raymond Mayer Vail, CO 0 GOALS
Hamill Lakewood
Larry Robinson Lakewood Ranch, FL

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sarasota polo 2023 | 82 -1 GOAL Claire Dornak Dallas, TX -1 GOAL
-1 GOAL Arthur Hiscox Sarasota,
-1 GOAL Hanna Hornung Lakewood Ranch, FL -1 GOAL Kaitlyn Hornung Lakewood Ranch, FL -1 GOAL Rafal Krawczyk New York, NY -1 GOAL
Westchester, NY -1 GOAL
Knapp New
PA -1 GOAL Sylvia McNichol Lakewood
-1 GOAL James T. Taylor Bloomington,
-1 GOAL Scott Wheeler New York, NY -1 GOAL
-1 GOAL Jillian Beck Tallahasee, FL NOT RATED Mia
Mary Pat Guest Lakewood Ranch, FL
Mary Howard
Jim Moss
Gregory Shepard Bradenton, FL
Tammy Wyman Sarasota, FL
EdgarBoulder, CO
Lucy Landry Essex, CT
Kathy Taylor Cochabamba, Bolivia
Kathy Szabo
Melissa Wightman Jacksonville, FL

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Meet the Staff

Nick joined the Sarasota Polo Club Field Staff in 2012, and has been an integral part of the crew since then. On Sunday’s, you can likely find him in the end zone, flagging the polo match!

Paige joined the Sarasota Polo Club staff in 2018, a d was pro oted to D rector o Operat o s 2019. You ca fi d er ru arou d o Sundays, but don’t be afraid to stop her and introduce yourself!

A Northern Kentucky native, Michelle has dedicated 17 years to management within the hospitality industry. She is committed to prov d er uests w t t e est sta dards o serv ce a d qua ty, a d s exc ted to o t e Sarasota Polo Club team.

Jason joined the Sarasota Polo Club Field Staff in 2018. Poncho, as most people call him, is often found flagging the game on Sunday’s !

tucker reback

From Charlottesville, VA, Tucker is a former carpenter and 1-Goal player. He worked for George Alexander and Blackberry Polo Club for many years, and is now excited to be helping the Sarasota Polo Club!

Mason joined the club as Director of Polo in 2019, to cu t vate a d row t e sport bot o a d off t e fie d. Maso e oys br u , co pet t ve po o to t e Sarasota Po o C ub a d La ewood Ra c co u t es.

Bryan, an Air Force Veteran, joined the crew 2018, a d was pro oted to D rector o Ma te a ce 2019. He s pass o ate about s wor a d ea er to so ve a ds o challenges.

Michelle Nicholas Chavez Jason (Poncho) Davis
sarasota polo 2023 | 84

A Chicago native, Ron grew up riding racehorses on a T orou bred ar Barr to H s, IL. He as spe t uc o s career wor at R tz-Car to ote s t rou out t e wor d. Ro o ed our tea 2018. He is passionate about promoting the Sarasota Polo Club.

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Thousands of spectators congregate on the sidelines each Sunday at the Sarasota Polo Club to cheer on our players and tailgate with friends and family.

sarasota polo 2023 | 88
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sarasota polo 2023 | 92

There’s a reason polo is called the “fastest game on four feet.” Since 1991, the Sarasota Polo Club has been providing exhilarating polo matches every Sunday through the winter. With exciting tailgate themes, halftime entertainment, tailgating, and divot stomping, the Sarasota Polo Club is the perfect place for a family outing.

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sarasota polo 2023 | 98

Join us in the 2023 season for Kite Days at the Sarasota Polo Club! Go fly a kite and make an immediate difference in the lives of children.

Emersyn, Medulloblastoma Fighter Amara, Rhabdomyosarcoma Fighter
C h i l d r e n s C a n c e r C e n t e r . o r g @ C h i l d r e n s C a n c e r C e n t e r F a c e b o o k . c o m / D a i l y C C C Help support children in our community battling pediatric cancer, because kids should fly kites not fight cancer.
sarasota polo 2023 | 100
Safe, Reliable Horses Qualified Instructors All Ages Welcome Flexible Schedule At the Beautiful Sarasota Polo Club Grounds! For more information, call or text or email 941.907.0000 ADDRESSING TOMORROW, TODAY. ARCHITECTURE | PLANNING | INTERIOR DESIGN | CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION (941) 444-8845
sarasota polo 2023 | 102


6-goal manatee cup

Jan. 29, 2022

6-goal sarasota challenge

feb. 26, 2022

alan martinez, martin eddy, max stevens, margaux Buchanan martin eddy organic matters Avalon farm polo MVP Leandro Berrios, Sterling Giannico, Ramon Collardin, Barclay Knapp Sterling Giannico Hawkwood
sarasota polo 2023 | 104

6-goal ringling cup mar. 24, 2022

matters Avalon farm polo MVP

8-goal Wayne Brown Memorial jan. 28, 2022

Margaux Buchanan, Max Stevens, Martin Eddy, Alan Martinez Alan Martinez organic Kelly Beck, Neil Osburg, Horacio Lizaso, Stuart Campbell Alan Martinez
Ten Oaks MVP


8-goal uspa officers cup mar. 25, 2022
collardin, Guillermo aguero, Brent Hamill, Ava Hinkson-Rose Guillermo Aguero
Whiskey Pond MVP 8-goal gerry aschinger memorial feb. 27, 2022
sarasota polo 2023 | 106
stuart campbell, horacio lisazo, neil osburg, kelly beck horacio Lizaso
Ten oaks MVP



12-Goal USPA Commander-In-Chief Cup mar. 6, 2022 Vaughn Miller, Jr., Mason Wroe, Nachi Viana, James Miller Nachi Viana Hillcroft Farm Brent Hamill, Ramon Collardin, Valentino echezaretta, Guillermo Aguero, toto collardin 12-Goal uspa regional classic southeastern feb. 6, 2022 toto collardin
sarasota polo 2023 | 108
pond MVP
Connecting and supporting local moms while giving back to the Lakewood Ranch community for over 15 years. Join us at www lwrmomsgroup com Monthly Book Club Holiday Events Monthly Moms' Night Out Gabrielle Channell I Broker - CLHMS cell 941.586.6234 I fax 941.827.8956 9040 Town Center Pkwy. Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202 Serving Sarasota & Manatee County, Gabrielle & Ryan are committed to delivering excellence with 38 years of combined real estate experience. Whether you are in the market to buy or sell, we offer services from A-Z including residential sales, luxury homes, farm/ranch, land, and short-term rentals/corporate rentals. Results Driven for People Who Want More. 12-Goal USPA National Inter-Circuit challenge mar. 27, 2022
hillcroft farm MVP
Vaughn Miller, Jr., Mason Wroe, Nachi Viana, James Miller nachi vianA
C Flight apr. 3, 2022 B Flight apr. 2, 2022 A Flight apr. 3, 2022
boom boom played by Elizabeth Owen of Florado Polo Hazel Hill Kylie Sheehan, Guiliana Tarazona, Valentina Tarazona, Cecelia Cochran Kaitlyn Hornung, Dory Graham-Vannais, Camille Ricaud & Kerstie Allen
Sandra Bodo-McGowan, Mia Edgar, Hazel Hill, amanda Shelton Power Group Total Care
Malibu played by Alyson Poor of Ocala Polo BPP MVP BPP North South Wealth Management Landhope MVP Cecelia Cochran WOMEN’S CHALLENGE 2022 BPP MVP Epic Polo played by Loryn Butterworth of La Irenita Presented by sarasota polo 2023 | 110 Ricaud
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8-GOAL USPA OFFICERS CUP Sole | toto collardin 6-GOAL MANATEE CUP Hoby | Francisco Llosa 8-GOAL WAYNE BROWN MEMORIAL si quierida | Horacio Lizaso BEST PLAYING PONIES 2022 8-GOAL USPA GERRY ASCHINGER MEMORIAL Trevally | Neil Osburg 6-GOAL SARASOTA CHALLENGE Revancha | Sterling Giannico sarasota polo 2023 | 112 6-GOAL RINGLING CUP Scooby | Alan Martinez
12-GOAL USPA NATIONAL INTER-CIRCUIT CHALLENGE Carioca | Nachi viana Amish and American Made Furniture, Décor & Accessories Showroom and Design Center | 3709 N. Lockwood Ridge Road, Sarasota Ev e r y Pi e c e Co m e s With A S t o r y 12-GOAL USPA REGIONAL CLASSIC SOUTHEASTERN regia | toto collardin 12-GOAL USPA COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF CUP Regia | toto Collardin Presented By Celebrity Cruises - Marc Bokoff - Cruise Planners
MVP AMATEUR Max Stevens (received by Trevor Niznik) MVP PROFESSIONAL Alan Martinez MOST IMPROVED PLAYER Neil Osburg SPORTSMANSHIP
sarasota polo 2023 | 114
Awards presented by Sarasota Polo Club Owner James Miller
MAIN HEADQUARTERS 1751 Cattelmen Rd Sarasota, FL 34232 DOWNTOWN SARASOTA: 801 Apricot Ave, Sarasota, FL 34237 MAIN HEADQUARTERS: 1751 Cattlemen Rd, Sarasota, FL 34232 MAIN HEADQUARTERS: 1751 Cattlemen Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232 DOWNTOWN SARASOTA: 801 Apricot Ave., Sarasota, FL 34237 STAND OUT HORSE OF THE SEASON Toto Collardin’s Regia BOBBY BARRY UMPIRE AWARD Jamie Mirikitani BEST STRING OF THE SEASON Toto Collardin

A Passion for Polo

Buckley Recognized For Sharing Her Love of the Sport

He e e Buc ey s a ways oo or t e ext polo fanatic. Whether it is in the frozen food section at the grocery store, t e obby o a pro ess o a office, or the bar of a restaurant, she is constantly recru t or uests to o er at er Sunday Polo tailgate space at the Sarasota Po o C ub. W e ever s e eets so eo e, s e does ot es tate to as t e t ey ave bee to t e Sarasota Po o C ub. I t e r a swer s o, s e sta t y v tes them to her tailgate party.

T e ta ate space co es w t e t t c ets, so I wor to fi d seve uests eac wee , Buc ey says. I prov de a proper tab e a d tab ec ot set-up. I a po o mallets from the frame of my tailgate tent. My e et a d oves are t ere o d sp ay, a d I w eve pract ce o t e fie d w t y oot a et. W e peop e as e w ere I eep y orse, I te t e t at t s at t e bar.

Buc ey, a at ve o Lo do , d scovered t e sport o po o t e d-1990 s a ter ov to t e Sarasota area. Now 72 years you , s e wor s a u -t e ob as a recept o st at a e eer fir to e p offset t e costs o er wee y ta ates during the Sarasota Polo season.

Buc ey treats every Su day Po o atc as a opportu ty to s are er ove o po o w t t e ext pote t a super a . Upo arr va , s e prov des eac o er uests w t c a pa e, r ed c c e , potato sa ad, a we -decorated te t atc t e tailgate theme of the day, and a regulation po o ba souve r. Part o er ta ate

exper e ce a so vo ves a tour o t e Sarasota Po o C ub rou ds a d a opportu ty to eet so e o t e po o p ayers vo ved t e atc o t e day. But er fi a c a e e to er uests s a offer o y t ree ave ta e er up o so ar - to co e a d ta e a po o lesson with her at the Sarasota Polo School.

Every seaso , Sarasota Po o C ub e bers a d p ayers o to et er a seaso -e d ce ebrat o a d awards party. I sp red by He e e Buc ey s ove a d pass o or po o, but a so or er ro e pro ot t e Sarasota Po o C ub tse , t e staff o t e Sarasota Po o C ub voted to create a award t at reco zed a a or t e first t e t e story o t e Sarasota Po o C ub, a d w o better to rece ve t e au ura award. It was a u a ous vote to a e He e e Buc ey as t e Seaso o 2022 Best Fa . Buc ey was surpr sed w t t e award t e spr o 2022, at t e co c us o o one of the Sunday Polo matches.

It a es y eart ow, Buc ey sa d. For t e to reco ze me was such an amazingly gracious thing to do. I cannot get e ou o t s sport. I a a add ct a d a afic o ado, a d t touc es y eart to t t at t ey t ou t o e.

sarasota polo 2023 | 116
I cannot get enough of this sport. I am an addict and an aficionado, and it touches my heart to think that they thought of me.
2022 Best Fan Award Presented by Sarasota Polo Club Owner James Miller and Director of Polo Mason Wroe
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SEBleacher BleacherNE Scoreboard Fieldside Drive N Restrooms Gift Shop Concessions NWBleacher First Aid Gift Shop Patio South Tent Member’s Clubhouse VIP Midfield North Tent Reserved Tailgates Pavilion Clubhouse North 1-44 North 45-77 SOUTH ENTRANCE South 1-27 South 28-67 Drinks only available at select matches London Bus Terrace VIP MIDFIELD SEATING Chukker Lane P a v i l oi n & saE t aT i gl a set Cl ub h ou s e & West Tailgates L ef t at t h e F ork R gi h t a t t eh oF r k General Admission Reserved Tailgates VIP Midfield Seating NORTH ENTRANCE CHAMPIONSHIP FIELD MAP sarasota polo 2023 | 120

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Polo Is A Community Sport Like No Other.

o o s ot ust a sport w t a r c story; t s a co u ty. I a p eased to prese t you with this information regarding the Sarasota Polo Club, our sponsorship and advert s opportu t es, spo sor po o t c et pac a es a d roup eve ts. I ave c uded a w de var ety o or at o . Natura y I a appy to custo ze a pac a e for you that best suits your needs.

The Sarasota Polo Club is one of the largest, most dedicated and enthusiastic polo communities in the wor d. A est ated 50,000 spectators w be o a d dur our 2023 Sarasota Po o Seaso w c w ru Ja uary 1st, 2023 t rou Apr 30t , 2023.

T e Sarasota Po o C ub creates u a d exc t e a e e t opportu t es w t a afflue t aud e ce o 50,000 La ewood Ra c , Sarasota, Ma atee a d Ta pa Bay area po o spectators w t a avera e et-wort o $1M. Fa to t e top co e a d tar eted terest roups, our aud e ce s a superb ar et or your advert s , t ey are prove custo ers o -e d a d uxury products a d serv ces. Advert sers a va uab e exposure to a ar e, coveted aud e ce a d e oy osp ta ty po o t c et pac a es to e terta c e ts, staff a d uests.

Estab s ed 1991 as t e first deve op e t t e award-w , aster-p a ed co u ty o La ewood Ra c , t e Sarasota Po o C ub as a re ar ab e e acy. I 1922 our property was sett ed as a 28,000-acre t ber ra c . Or a y t e cowboys w o wor ed o our ra c be a p ay ocarou d po o a es t e r ree t e. R d t e r quarter orses w t stoc sadd es, us a e-s t equ p e t a d ow very tt e about po o, t e cowboys p ayed by t e r ow ru es. Ru e #1 was t e first r der to a off t e r orse bou t beer or t e tea , a trad t o t at re a s p ace today. Eve tua y a ets, sadd es a d a ew po o po es were do ated to t e cowboy a es a d 1991, a rea po o c ub was bor . Today our C ub spa s 170 acres. Our wor d-c ass ac t es c ude: 45 pr vate equestr a estates, 7 Ber uda rass po o fie ds, a re u at o -s zed po o are a, a a - e a -weat er tra trac , st c ba fie ds, r d tra s, o -s te stab or up to 300 orses, a o -s te veter ary c c, a e ber s c ub ouse a d a dfie d po o pav o .

P ease do ot es tate to co tact e d rect y I ca ass st you a y way. I oo orward to we co you as our uests to exper e ce t e t r o Sarasota Po o, t e astest a e o our eet!

Ron Trytek DIRECTOR OF SALES & MARKETING e: p: 941.704.8379 Ron Trytek 123
Players use one or more horses each chukker. 60 POLO PONIES ARE RIDDEN PER GAME. ABOUT OUR FACILITIES ABOUT OUR SPORT 4 Located in the award-winning community of Lakewood Ranch, FL just 30 minutes to Siesta Key Beach and 20 minutes to SRQ Airport Thursday Sunset Polo Happy Hour Mar. 16 - April 6 WEEKS MILE All-Weather Training Track 65+ PLAYING MEMBERS MIDFIELD PAVILION WITH FULL BAR hosting events up to 250

Sarasota Polo Club Venues

Our newly-remodeled Member’s Clubhouse is a popular site for weddings, parties, meetings and pr vate eve ts. S t a d aze at t e brea ta v ew o t e p ay fie ds ro our wrap arou d ro t porc ; pu up to our bra d ew a - arb e bar; or re ax a d e oy t e spectacu ar su set ro our bac pat o.

Seating for up to 100

Member’s Clubhouse

Polo Pavilion

Private Fieldside Tents

• Relax under a private fieldside tent.

• Perfect for corporate entertaining, small groups, social celebrations or charity fundraising events.

• Tents available for groups both small and large, 6-150 people.

• Catering options available through our local partners.

• Private bar service available upon request.

• Designated parking for your group. Valet parking available upon request.

50 x 50 a roo w t pr vate bar 64 x 15 wrap arou d porc 45 x 40 br c pat o

Our midfield Polo Pavilion, a favorite venue for bot po o a d o -po o eve ts, prov des a stu v ew o our C a p o s p Po o F e d. O Su days during polo season, our Presenting Sponsors can be see e terta t e r uests w e e oy t e up-c ose act o ro t e Po o Pav o s reserved dfie d seat .

Seating for up to 250 40 x 60 covered ope a r ac ty w t pr vate bar 2,000+ square oot o pat o area

London Bus Terrace

• Join the party at midfield on the North side at our VIP Midfield Seating zone.

• We offer a variety of premium ticket options, from plush chairs and Adirondack chairs to private party tables! There is something for everyone!

sarasota polo 2023 | 126
127 Presenting Sponsorships Season Title Sponsor WITH Seaso Na R ts Sunset Polo Happy Hour Series Title Sponsor WITH Seaso Na R ts Tournament Sponsors WITH Tour a e t Na R ts Presenting Sponsors WITH Matc Na R ts Best P ay Po y Spo sor Me ber s Eve t Spo sor Group Events & Venue Rentals M dfie d Pav o Member’s Clubhouse VIP M dfie d Terrace Group Te ts Pre- atc Pr vate Po o De o strat o s VIP Cabanas Pr vate Po o Matc es VIP Seaso T c ets, M dfie d P us Seats VIP Reserved F e ds de Seaso Ta ates Sarasota Polo Sponsorships Advertising Sarasota Polo Magazine Sarasota Po o Ga e Day Pro ra Sarasota Po o D ta Spectator s Gu de Sarasota Po o E a News etter Po o Tea Jersey Spo sor Staff U or Spo sor Po o T c et Spo sor Souve r Cup Spo sor Email, Website & Social Media posts Onsite & Spectator Engagement Vendor Village at Sunday Polo Onsite Signage Trophy Stand Signage PA Announcements Sidelines Sponsors Halftime Sponsors Contest Sponsors Trophy Sponsors

The Seventh Chukker

Congratulations to Fairfield Polo Club’s “Fresita” (Little Strawberry) who gave birth this December to a healthy filly nicknamed “Cerezita” (Little Cherry) at the Sarasota Polo Club.

CELEBRITY CRUISES AND MARC BOKOFF-CRUISE PLANNERS ARE PROUD SPONSORS OF SARASOTA POLO WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN SARASOTA POLO @ SEA Come along with Sarasota Polo as we sail to Alaska aboard Celebrity Edge ® July 19–26, 2024 • Attend invitation-only events with top players and personalities • Visit stunning ports of call along Alaska’s Inside Passage • Enjoy the beautiful Celebrity Edge with All Included amenities • Explore Alaska with other Sarasota Polo fans and players To join Sarasota Polo @ Sea, contact Marc Bokoff-Cruise Planners at or at 860-608-6095 Booking with Marc Bokoff will ensure that you are part of the inaugural Sarasota Polo @ Sea voyage! ©2022 Celebrity Cruises Inc. Ships’ registry: Malta and Ecuador. Scan below for more information: CELEBRITY EDGE ® IN ALASKA CELEBRITY CRUISES AND MARC BOKOFF-CRUISE PLANNERS ARE PROUD SPONSORS OF THE SARASOTA POLO CLUB
941.900.HOME (4663)

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