Host School Escola Secundária Frei Heitor Pinto Doing Research & Learning at University of Beira Interior
Beeches Route at Serra da Estrela
Covão D’Ametade – Serra da Estrela
Field Research & Water Collection Glacial Valley & Manteigas
Analyzing Water
Glacial Valley – Serra da Estrela
Analyzing water – chemical and biological components
Recheira Mining Site Geological Research Field Research & Water Collection Penha Garcia
Shapes of Water | Erasmus+ | 2021 | All the pictures were collected by teachers involved in Shapes of Water Project. All Rights Reserved
E R A S M U S+ S H A P E S - O F - W A T E R
ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PEATLANDS Ana Sardinha Henrique Laia Leonor Duarte & Joana
WHAT ARE PEATLANDS? Peat is a partially deteriorated plant material that accumulates under waterlogging conditions for long periods of time (Dias & Mendes, 2007). Natural areas covered by peat are called peat bogs or peatlands. Commonly used terms for specific types of bogs are peat bog forests, swamps, or peat bog (Dias & Mendes, 2007). Peat is found all over the world – in regions of permafrost towards the poles and at high altitudes, in coastal areas, under tropical forests and boreal forests (Gaspar et al, 2009). Peatlands represent a group of wetlands defined by the accumulation of organic matter under water-logged conditions (Grzybowski et al, 2020). Commonly, they are subdivided into bogs, fens and some types of swamps (Gaspar et al, 2009).
ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE Peatlands store large amounts of carbon. Peatlands belong to one of the largest carbon stores of the Earth (Antala et al, 2022). Although they cover less than three percent of the global land surface, estimates suggest that peatlands contain twice the world's forests (Grzybowski et al, 2020). Thus, its destruction has very serious consequences for climate change, as large amounts of CO2 are released into the atmosphere. This CO2 was “trapped” in the peatlands. Peatlands can indeed absorb and store large amounts of atmospheric CO2, and, therefore, they play an important role in global climat chance like no other ecosystem (Grzybowiski et al, 2020).
Methodology, Results and Discussion We weighed a portion of Polytrichum commune, another of Sphaghum spp and also of Pleurozium schreberi, constituent species of the peatland under study. Then, the mosses were immersed in water for about 15 minutes. After the excess water was removed, each portion was weighed again. We found that, depending on the species, the water retention capacity is different. In all cases the water absorption was significant. Since these species have a great capacity to retain and absorb water, any variation in pH, constitution and even temperature can jeopardize the survival of these species, destroying this type of ecosystem.
Fig. 3 Volume de cada espécie de Trufeira em cada grupo
DEVELOPMENT vs UNDOING Several authors believe that the conditions required for peatland development are relatively narrow, are ecosystems sensitive to a wide range of external and internal pressures, including chances in topography due to peat growth, climate chance, atmospheric pollution, grazing, burning, artificial drainage, afforestation and infrastructure development (Grzybowiski et al, 2020). According to Grzybowiski et al (2020), peatland ecosystems are sensitive to human impacts, e.g., deforestation, drainage, agricultural use, and pollution. In general, researchers agree that there is no other factor destroying peat-forming process as much as changes in hydrological conditions (Grzybowiski et al, 2020; Antala et al, 2022). In order to understand this, we carried out the following experiment which measures the amount of water absorbed by the characteristic species of peat bogs. If the water composition is different from the usual composition in their natural habitat, the species may succumb. April 2022
Percentagem de cada espécie de Trufeira em cada grupo
Fig. 4 Percentagem de cada espécie de Trufeira em cada grupo Percentagem de cada espécie de Trufeira em cada grupo
Fig. 5 Percentagem de cada espécie de Trufeira em cada grupo
Bibliography: Antala, M., Juszczak, R., van der Tol, C., & Rastogi, A. (2022). Impact of climate change-induced alterations in peatland vegetation phenology and composition on carbon balance. Science of the total environment, 154294. Dias, E. & Mendes, C. (2007). Ecologia e Vegetação das Turfeiras de Sphagnum spp. da ilha Terceira (Açores) in Cadernos de Botãnica 5. Ed. Eduardo Dias. Angra do Heroísmo. Dias, E. & Mendes, C. (2008). As grandes ameaças das turfeiras dos Açores. in QUERCUS /Ambiente 9 /2008. Gaspar, C., Borges, P., Cardoso, P., Gabriel, R., Amorim, I., Frias, A. M. Maduro-Dias, F. Porteiro, J., Silva, L. & F. Pereira. (2009)., Açores - Um retrato natural. Ver Açor Editores, Ponta Delgada. Grzybowski, M., & Glińska-Lewczuk, K. (2020). The principal threats to the peatlands habitats, in the continental bioregion of Central Europe–A case study of peatland conservation in Poland. Journal for Nature Conservation, 53, 125778.
INTRODUCTION Depending on the water source, the mineral composition, pH and the bacterial contaminants may differ significantly. This is due to the soil composition, the type of rocks, the landscape, the climate, the water flow, the biological and the antropic action (Espinha Marques J 2009). The hydrogeological study of Serra da Estrela can help us to understand some of the diferences in water composition (Espinha Marques J. 2011).
OBJECTIVE The main objective of this study was to characterize 5 water sources in Beira Interior Region.
The total alkalinity (TA) differed between sites. The nitrates were only detected in termal water (10mg/L). The pH was similar (6,2) in all the samples. The hardness values were very different, ranging from 16 mg/L in River Mondego to 50mg/L in Penha Garcia and PLM Fountain. Calcium values were also very different, ranging from 3mg/L in Mondego River to 50mg/L in PLM Fountain. In Penha Garcia 13,75mg/L of iron was detected n the water. Fluoride was also present in all the samples with results ranging from 30mg/L in Manteigas to 150mg/L in Penha Garcia. Small amounts of chromium (2mg/L) were detected in still water samples and in Penha Garcia samples. Cianuric Acid and Nitrites, Total Chlorine and the Viable Count were also performed with null results for all the collection sites.
Comparing water in the 5 collection sites
This study was performed by the Erasmus+ Students and Teachers. Five water sites were studied (River Zêzere (termal water), Penha Garcia, River Mondego at Covão D’Ametade, Paulo Luis Martins Fountain and River Zêzere (still waters). The water collection sites are caracterized in graphic1. Mineral and biological measurements were made in situ using water tests strips (Bebapanda EAN 0758223093308). Four samples were collected and analyzed in each site.
Fluoride Iron Calcium Hardness Total Chlorine Free Chlorine pH Nitrite Nitrate TA WT (ºC) 0%
The samples collected were analyzed and compared. The grafic 1 shows the data collected from the samples. The water temperature (WT) was similar in Penha Garcia and in River Zêzere (still waters). The termal water was at 47ºC.
Water Characterization in each collection site 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
River Zêzere
Penha Garcia
Manteigas (still waters)
PLM Fountain
River Mondego
Graphic 1: The comparison of the water samples show significant diferences between each collection site. The results are in mg/L and the temperature in ºC.
A larger study, with more samples collected and a more accurate method can be performed in the future to monitor the water composition and alterations in Beira Interior Region
River Zêzere River Mondego PLM Fountain
Penha Garcia Manteigas (Still Waters)
Graphic 1: Caracterization of the samples. The results are in mg/L and the temperature in ºC.
It was found that, depending on the water collection site, there are significant diferences in the amount of minerals and diluted molecules in the water. The soil composition, the rocks and human factors can contribute to the diferent results. Bibliography: Espinha Marques J et al, Avaliação in situ da condutividade hidráulica de solos de montanha: un caso de estudo na Serra da Estrela (Centro de Portugal), Cadernos Lab. Xeolóxico de Laxe Coruña. 2009. Vol. 34, pp. 143 – 164 Espinha Marques J et al , Evaluation of water resources in a high-mountain basin in Serra da Estrela, Central Portugal, using a semi-distributed hydrological model, Environ Earth Sci (2011) 62:1219–1234
Introduction: Water is a natural resource and can be found in nature as a liquid, a gas or in a solid state. Depending on the site of collection, each water has different properties such as pH, dissolved minerals and contaminants.
Objective: To collect and analyze water from a natural water source.
Sites of water collection: Site 1 Site 2 Site 3
River Zêzere (Glacial Valley) River Mondego (Covão da Ponte) Goldra Stream (Jardim do Lago)
Materials: 1 3 1
Test tube* Water Analysis Strips Analogic Thermometer
*Before the experiment, the test tube must be properly washed with water and soap, and lavishly washed with distilled water. It shall be wrapped in plastic to avoid contamination.
Methods: Water tests strips (Bebapanda EAN 0758223093308) will be used to test the water samples, in each site. Each strip has 16 water tests. When the strip is immersed in the water samples, it will change colors. The analyst will then compare the colors with a table provided by the manufacturer, and register the values/information provided.
Experiment Description: • •
The first step is to form groups of 6 people, and decide who will be responsible for the material (person 1), who will collect the sample (person 2), and who will report the results (person 3). Person 1 o Start by measuring the water temperature and register your results in the “results” table; o Prepare the materials by unwrapping the test tube and giving it to the person 2; o Prepare the water analysis strip by verifying the end date and taking it out from the recipient; o Find a flat place. Person 2 o Collect water from the site with the test tube. Fill the test tube to 2/3 of its capacity; o Put the water analysis strip inside the test tube for 2 seconds; o Lay the strip horizontally by 60 seconds; o Compare the results with the table provided by the manufacturer. Person 3 o Double check the results provided by the test strip; o Report the results in the “results” table.
Please register your results in the following table:
Site of collection Water temperature (ºC) Water test results Total alkalinity Nitrate Nitrite pH Free Chlorine Total Chlorine Hardness Calcium Viable Count (VC)* Bromine Chromium Lead Iron Fluoride Carbonate Root Cyanuric Acid
Sample Results
Acceptable Range
120 ppm 0 – 10 ppm 0 - 1 ppm -0 ppm 0 ppm 250 - 425 ppm ≤10 - 425 ppm 0 - 2000 ppm 0 ppm 2 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 0 ppm 0 - 20 ppm 0 - 50 ppm *Total viable count (TVC) is a test that estimates the total numbers of microorganisms, such as bacteria, yeast or mould species, that are present in a water sample. TVC may also be expressed as aerobic colony count. The results of a TVC test offer an indication into the general level of contamination within a system and the overall quality of the water.
End date (strips): ………………………………….. Sample Collection Time: …………………………
Sample Collection Day: …………………………
Name of the person that measured the temperature of the water: Name of the person that collected the sample: Name of the person that reported the sample results: Names of the group members: