How to Choose a Web Development Platform for Small Business
Sometimes having a lot of choices is not so good. The number of web development platforms has actually made things just a bit harder! With so many high-quality platforms available today, how do we decide on one? What makes one platform better or more suitable than others? For small businesses, this criteria is important. Unlike a big business with substantial funds, a small business can ill afford to make wrong choices. Most small businesses today run on a very strict budget, which limits the scope to learn from mistakes. A website or app with its reach and potential is too important to ignore and this is what makes the choice of web development platform so important. Sure, you can write your own code from scratch, but this is a time-consuming process and one error can set you back. A framework gives you the basics in place. At least some of your must-haves — such as authentication, session management — are already covered. But that brings us back to our original problem. How do we decide on the framework for our web development platform? You can’t really just run a survey of who’s using which one because each developer and business has its own requirement and to each his own. So what’s good for X may not