Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration without Customization
Speaking of digital economy, technology and business process automation are the integral components for success. Therefore, you need to look for an automated integration solution for your Dynamics 365 and EDI – without customizations. No matter what professional field you belong to – ranging from retail, CPG, distribution, manufacturing or even in the automotive and food industry – your business purely depends on two vital business applications – ERP and EDI.
Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) - ERP works to improve the performance of your business processes from your particular software system. Divided into a number of components such as Financial Accounting, Customer Relationship Management and Manufacturing Resource Planning, ERP controls the financial, manufacturing, inventory and business execution part of your software Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) – EDI is simply a computer-to-computer exchange of business data between two business partners, done in electrical format. Therefore, it handles the transactions between you and your supply chain, such as customers, logistics organizations, banks, suppliers and others.