TAMAN KOTA DAN ALUN-ALUN DEPOK Sketchup, Autocad, Adobe Photoshop
Depok is a city in West Java Province, Indonesia. Depok City is located in the South of Jakarta, which is between Jakarta and Bogor. Nowadays, the development of Depok city is perceived to grow rapidly. However, population growth and its economy are inversely proportional to the growth of green open spaces in Depok that is currently only around 10.06%.
Taman Kotadan Alun-AlunKota Depokis aproject pioneeredby Depok Government. It is one of the efforts of the Depok City Government in realizing their vision and mission. Create Depok as a friendly city for its citizens, one of which is by providing open space facilities. The facility will serve as a place that accommodates the activities of Depok residents outdoors. A place of development of Arts and Culture and Creativity of the citizens of Depok itself. Moreover, it can use as an open area that accommodates all celebration events such as festivals and bazaars in Depok City.
Taman Kota dan Alun-Alun Kota Depok Alun-Alun Kota Depok developed to fulfill the purpose of emphasizing the importance of good interaction between humans, flora, and fauna in sustainable natural ecosystems. The spirit of greening becomes one of the essential parts of daily life that needs to be maintained and passed down to the next generation.