guide book
Why not to leave? A boy or a girl? Technology of our era. Miss Comunismo. The key to prosperity. Subsidies for families. Smooth thighs. Going to work like going to war. This is our man. Women’s time. Last minute. Atomic carp. Men and wrinkles. Truths and myths about sausages. X’s and Y’s. The world looks towards the sun. Gross happiness. Army with no commanders. Live your life to the fullest just before you die! Salaam alaikum, bro! *** In the past you used to walk through meadows, taking in the scent of dry grass, and your search for the essence of life would never be disturbed by the flies buzzing around. You kept your eyes closed. Eyesight as such wasn’t necessary - a mere palm of your open hand was enough to examine the surroundings. Your touch would leave a mark on your neighbour’s hand, your mother’s gaze, a stinky dog. You roamed freely, hurting your bare feet with the pleasure of hard stones. Your blood mixed with earth. The moisture of human body. A Simple World. You stuffed your ethereal memories in your pockets along with delusions of rediscovering them later and unwrapping like unexpected presents. Those forgotten crumpled packages multiplied over the years. All those trips to the seaside, arguments with your father, words of love or pain, a comb, which had slid under the fridge, a broken leg, some red jelly… Your pockets wouldn’t hold this excess anymore. Beautifully wrapped, beautifully lost, beautifully non-experienced, they gave so little hope for the future. So you don’t walk through the meadows anymore. You don’t venture into the forest at night to curb your fears in some square of darkness. The looks into the old man’s matted eyes have started to reek of too much sentiment for you. This excess of emotions is always left ‘till later’. ‘Always’ always seems better later. Unwrap the presents. Don’t wait for ‘later’. Later - there is nothing.
Tom Swoboda
3 3 3 5 8 10 12 32 36 38 40 44 46 47 48 51 52 53 56 57 60 61 64 65 67 70 72
fot. Kacper Gunia
FESTiVAL RULES! FESTiVAL iNFO 5 days free from chemicals and violence: * on the festival terrain there is an absolute ban on consuming, possessing or handling any sort of alcohol, drug (it doesn’t matter what kind) or any other mind-altering substance. Security has the right to control and confiscate any such substance – people under the influence of any of the above will not be allowed onto festival terrain. * possessing, and even more, using any object that could threaten the health or life of another person is totally forbidden. * wearing wristband /name tag on your neck / is obligatory. Please, show the wristband / nametag before crossing the festival gates and at every security call or information desk request. If you break these rules you will be escorted off the festival terrain by security! One more thing: after 22:00 please try to keep as quiet as possible on the camping grounds so you won’t disturb your neighbors. The festival day is from 11:00 to 11:00.
iNFORMATiON (location i)
The most informed place! You’ll find all necessary info connected to SAF ’12 here daily from 8:00-23:00. Polish and other languages spoken.
MEDiCAL POiNT (location 2)
If you need any kind of medical care it’s available here 24 hours a day.
Just inside the main courtyard, close to the main stage. From 10.00- .00.30 daily you can buy all sorts of Slot gadgets as well as CDs from bands playing at the SAF this year.
CAFES CiNNAMON (location 12)
Cinnamon Café is the ideal place for long talks and unforgettable meetings! Relax on the cinnamon couches, drink delicious coffee and enjoy some good music. Cinnamon is a totally new place at SLOT. Come once and you won’t want to leave!
KiWi (location 57)
fot. Kacper Gunia
Come to the Kiwi where you can find something for yourself at any time! Want to re-new your strength before a workshop? Spend the afternoon with some music? Or just drink some coffee in good company? Come- you won’t be sorry! There’s no problem finding us since all roads lead to Kiwi!
JEŻYNA (Blackberry, location 53)
Jeżyna is once again new! From the new place-
the restored Carriage House to the attractions- this year the game room is here. Plus there’s new cozy interior design with emphasis on ecology and up-cycling. There’s an expanded menu of drinks and food as well. The Hard Core and Punk Scene will keep the sounds flowing and for good-night there’s films over sweet blackberry tea. Check it out- we’re here for breakfast at 8:00 ‘til the last client…
tent is full of life 24 hours a day. Afternoons we’ll hold meetings with interesting characters from the “I Am Second” project and after midnight the Unplugged Stage will keep you going! See ya!
GAFA (location 34)
This year Gafa will host the Literary Stage and as always the key word is- spontaneous! There will be board games, silent films, and of REGGAE TENTWORK (location course, karaoke And all that in a jazz, hip-hop, chill atmo59) By day, the place that’s an oasis of peace with sphere. smells of tea from around the world in the air. If you write, sing or make music you need to Then the nights are filled with sounds from Ja- visit us! On the first day of SLOT we invite you to the maica. Tentwork.CZ hosts this tent. “Slam Poetry Night”.
KALAFiOR (Cauliflower, location PRALNiA (Laundry, location 5) 49) In the calm with full light we can see more: joy, Renovations in the Cauliflower! Like every year you can find a cool place of peace in the furthest reaches of SLOT in the walls of the Kalafior. Each morning we’ll serve up sandwiches and on rainy days we’ll offer a teapot of leaf tea and crunchy cookies to share with friends. And if the grey gets to you, come and paint your life at the Cauliflower.
peace, love. Relax from the whirlwind on a comfortable couch, drink some juice and hear some music. We’ll get you re-charged and surprise you- of course in good company. For dessert we offer the evening concerts and something unexpected.
FAiR TRADE (location 16)
See, try, buy wonderful coffee, tea and other products from the poorest countries of the Southern Hemisphere at the Fair Trade. Fair This is the place to taste REAL tea. No bags Trade is a movement that guarantees small here! Come try the Oriental specialties while producers and farmers a fair price and supyou get to know the Middle East and beyond ports their local society. You can find more info about the Fair Trade movement at their through slides shows and seminars. booth. SLOT is a member of the Fair Trade CAFÉ WiRYDARZ (location 41) Commission. Cafe Wirydarz (Small Courtyard) is unique at SLOT. When you come into the courtyard you find yourself in a world of good coffee, tea and chocolate. The team from Lublin will serve you with all their heart. You’ll find a nice atmosphere, long talks, and sweet music here. The
CZAJOWNiA (Eastern Tent, location 52)
MAiN STAGE - main courtyard - (location DS) 20.00-0.15
What is Hardcore/Punk? Music? Ideals? People? Come! See! Listen!
UNPLUGGED STAGE - Café Wirydarz (location 41) from 0.30
Each day four bands will play on this stage, in- Not always acoustic, but always with characcluding the winner of the Small Stage from the ter! Lots of sweet and mellow, yet dynamic, previous day. Slotv at the end of the concert. sounds.
CLUB SCENE - Cauliflower Café PRALNiA STAGE - Café Pralnia (location 5) 17.00 (location 46, 49) from 22.00A mix of styles and voices on a professional 5.00 level, classical and alternative with a twist.
Once again, no lack of partying here…we’ll try Surprises and guests are planned. Discover to assure you sleepless nights with 2 stages something new! for house/ techno/ electro/ funky/ breaks/ drum’n’bass/ dubstep/ chillout + visualiza- SMALL STAGE - Carriage House tion
EXPERiENTiAL STAGE Cathedral (location 26) 0:30
(location 53) 17:30-19:30
This is the competition stage where young, ambitious bands have the possibility to present their music to a wider public. The audience will vote for and choose their favorite band from the ones that play each day. That winner will open the concert on the main stage the next night.
The Experiential Stage is something that can happen only at night in the cathedral. Each night will be a unique experience with great chemistry somewhere between gentle reflection and unrest, between the known and the undiscovered, between jazz, classical, experi- LITERARY STAGE (location 34) mental and improvisation. Unique music in a Workshops in creative writing unique place. Slam Poetry Night Meetings/lectures with authors REGGAE TENT - in the main Expert guests Andrzej Ziemiański, Jacek Incourtyard (location 59) from glot, Leszek Budrewicz
this year we go back to a smaller, more cozy tea tent and to players who we have to thank About 129 this year including, manual, theater, for more than one bloody knee while dancing musical, sport, psychological, language and many others. Each workshop is offered daily inside and next to this special place. for 1 hour 45 minutes during one (or more) of 3 rounds between the hours of 11:00 and 17:00. HARDCOTE PUNC CLUB They’re spread all over the SLOT grounds. Carriage House (location 53),
Theory and practics, Mind and body. Those who like to act and those who find joy in thinking- often the two don’t meet. This year the seminars integrate theory with practics and teach us to think so that we can act. Come!
SOCiAL iNiTiATiVES FAIR (location 38)
that doesn’t work you’ll find the Eastern Tent. You’ll discover its Oriental decorations, Eastern atmosphere and real chai. Come and experience a distant culture while you+ learn about the changes brought about in the Middle East by the Arab Spring + get to know Israel + watch slide shows about the Caucasus, Cambodia, Albania, Syria and Africa
Open from 16.00 to 19.00 daily. You’ll find booths, exhibits and presentations of organizations that responded to our invitation this year. Even with their differences these organizations have one thing in common. They all believe that our personal involvement can change the reality around us. In addition we’ll have NGO films and NGO breakfast
iNDiAN COURTYARD (location 42)
EASTERN TENT (location 52)
Ancient traditions in a modern society. Big business, arranged marriages, extreme poverty and amazing wealth on the same street. Walking into the Indian Courtyard you can feel the atmosphere of far-away India. Take part in seminars (Hinduism and Christianity, Bollywood, holy cows and wanted/unwanted girls, EXHiBiTS - ArtCathedral Indian cooking, cultural differences) see good (location 23-32) films on India and beautiful photos, check out Does „easy” mean „better”? the mini- bazaar. Visit us and discover India! Changing and shaping images is an important Converse over Indian chai, relax and ask diffistrategy in today’s world. A commonly beaucult questions. Details at the Info Point and in tified life is considered “esthetic’ and simple. the courtyard. Is mass culture feeding us only substitute values? What happens to our human reflexes and EXTREME SUMMER (miejsce 54) feelings if living life in harmony with nature be- The newest version of this extreme summer comes something original and unique? Is there place with a skim board lane on the beach and still room for asking questions in a reality that a new 5 meter x 2.5 meter mini-ramp for skaterewards producers and consumers? board and skate fans. We’ll provide a great atmosphere, space, xbxox, riders, and lots of SLOT FiLMS - (location 53); prizes from sponsors. Bring your skim board, godz. 0:30 skateboard, shorts or swimsuit and maybe This year is special! Not only will we see films even a lounge chair for the beach! but we’ll meet their creators. It’ll be nostalgic, a little serious but also happy and carefree. Serious questions and honest Something for everyone conversations, answers, faith, If you’re interested in deepening the spiritual Salam! In front of the monastery, by the fountain side of your life, if you struggle with questions
or problems and want to talk, if you’re interested in the practics of being a Christian you might want to check out some of the following propositions: Eye to eye/Healing Room a quiet space, set aside for prayer, meditation and reflection 24/7- location 8 Prayer Concert - Main Stage (location DS) 9:30-10:30 The concert is given by the public with help from some musicians. Come and spend some time expressing your prayers with others “Road Help”- in the Café META-noja you can talk over all those hard questions and other things while enjoying a cup of coffee or tea. A team of people who are deeply grounded in their faith are ready to talk. They’re united in a deep faith, aren’t afraid of the tough questions and guarantee you honesty and discretion. Each evening there will be surprisesmini-concerts and mega-stories. “True Life Stories”- tales from people who have been changed by God. location 9 Radio report- 15:00, live meeting 17:30
The place at SLOT where we focus on an issue that you can’t escape from- PROFESSIONAL WORK. The more consequential we approach this subject, the more satisfaction (not only financial!) and fun we’ll have. We invite you to: BUISNESS INTELLIGENCE Pralnia Café round 1 (11:00-12:45) A series of interviews with free-lancers and business owners. We’ll look at all aspects of these two forms and give painfully honest answers. Consultation point PRO ZONE corridor by the Small Courtyard, 17:00-18:00 Co-op Wall PRO ZONE corridor by Small Courtyard
is a new part of SAF. It’s a new place and the beginning of a dialog on how we can join forces to fight for the good things around us that we’ve received from the Creator. Take up the challenge- look at your life and ask yourself, “What else could I change”? Together we want to protect and respect what is good and beautiful.
DiSCOVERY CLUB (location 65/66)
Kids at SAF- Discovery Club The youngest participants at SLOT are very important to us and that’s why we want them to be able to take part in the festival. * Family Zone- for children under the age of 2 where parents can take a break on some carpet with a basket of toys close to the Family Campground * Pre-school for kids age 2-6, daily from 10:0018:00 at the Lubiąż pre-school on the main road into town * Discovery Club for kids age 7-12, each day from 11:00-15:00. It’s NOT a pre-school so that’s why we’ll meet at the Culture House on the main street in Lubiąż, 1st floor and outside when possible. INFO about Discovery Club: - child care is free, but it’s not a traditional preschool. We can not provide food and there will be no nap time. We encourage parents to pick up their kids for a meal mid-day and then bring them back. The care-givers in each group are teachers and future teachers or young people full of ideas and passion. The youngest group of 2-6 year-olds will have a specially equipped room where they can safely play. The older kids will have a wide range of games, creative activities and ideas of how to spend time together under the watchful eye of adults.
STAGES EACH DAY - WHERE, WHO, WHEN tuesday, 10.07 main stage / page 32 / location: DS 20:00 20:45 21:45 23:00 00:00
Turnip Farm (od.20.30) Ms. No One Lao Che slotv
small stage / page 52 / location: 53 17:30 18:15 19:00
hc punk club / page 47 / location: 53 21:00
Cztery metry od chodnika Exit ReForma Astrid Lindgren, Garage 11
Fuzja Wlazi Acoustic Band Lena Romul Harrison Chord
Jam Session Katedra Martyna Baranowska Rifferton Flying Moses DJ Pan Cake
clubbing - dance floor / page 40 / location: 46 22:00 djs vjs
Naaman (od.20.30) Dikanda Luxtorpeda slotv
Malchus, Ape
pralnia (laundry) stage / page 48 / location: 16 17:00 19:00 20:00 21:15 22:30 0:30
wednesday, 11.07
dubstep dnb Another dose live act, Magix, AtakK, Fio Crunk'em + Gotta Go, Broflow, Havok wobix, Olila, VisualToGo VisualToGo, blendyM, wobix
clubbing - chillout / page 40 / location: 39 22:00 djs
house/elektro/breaks Loony W, Crunk'em + Gotta Go, Havok
funk/breaks/house Q-wire, Ziontist, Kartal
experiential stage / page 38 / location: 26 00:30
Chłopcy kontra Basia and vj mico Grzech Piotrowski + Paweł Bzim Zarecki
Muflon Dub, Macca Dub and zasad
Japko Selecta, Freedom Sound
KidBrown Ensemble
Beavers HOTEL RWANDA dir. Terry George, RPA, USA, UK, Italy, 2005
reggae tent / page 48 / location: 59 unplugged / page 51 / location: 41
social films / page 61 / location: 46 18:00
slot films / page 65 / location: 53 00:30
Etudes from students of the Radio and Television Department of Silesian Univeristy, named Krzysztof Kieślowski
Life As A Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease, dir. Krzysztof Zanussi, 2000
STAGES EACH DAY - WHERE, WHO, WHEN thursday, 12.07
friday, 13.07
saturday, 14.07
winner small stage Duch SEA + AIR Frühstück slotv
winner small stage Massive Scar Era Tres.B Gooral slotv
winner small stage Off-C 3moonboys Me Myself & I slotv
The Daybreak Project Cinemon Polish Gitarre
Boso NaSenNie Poison Words
Kaw-Tseer Bezsensu 3 kluski śląskie
There Is No Tomorrow, Blank Flaces
Eye For An Eye
Jam Session Jam Session Blue Balls Effect Symbioza Flawish Dobry Wieczór Naczynia Połączone Holly Blue & Soundpetersburg Trzynasta w Samo Południe The Band of Endless Noise Hush Hush Pony Youth Rave Center Kickbeat night Kickbeat, Mazubar Kickbeat, FkS
Jam Session Jabbadiah Tymek Śnieżek Band Lody Funky Carnivale Dirtysounds
dnb mash up Audiomanufacture, NYP, Junior D, Q-wire NYP, Junkie Punks, Capitan Commodore Olila, Emiko, FkS NYP, blendyM, malaga
dubstep/dnb/hh Another dose live act, Junior D, Magix
house/elektro/techno Kartal & Loony W, Sebastian Freymut, Capitan Commodore
techno/elektro/house Lugozi, Ziontist, Mazubar, AtakK
Mate.O Akustyczny
Dr Sinielnikow Będzie Zadowolony
Joachim Mencel - Bedi and Yarecki
DNS, Janek, Sensil
Ena and RBS
Soundrise: Unknown Niemen URBANIZED dir. Gary Hustwit, UK, 2011
João THE AMBASSADOR, dir. Mads Bruggner, Denmark 2011
DUCH: Silent Films SURVIVING PROGRES, dir. Mathieu Roy, Harold Crooks, Canada
Someday We’ll Be Happy, dir. Paweł Wysoczański, 2011 / On the Way, dir. Paweł Wysoczański, 2008
Microphone, dir. Ahmad Abdalla, Egipt 2010
Slip, dir. Greg Zgliński, 2011
WORKSHOPS iNDEX ROUND 2 [13.00-14.45]
name of workshop- location
Round 1 (11.00-12.45)
WORKSHOPS iNDEX ROUND 3 [15.00-16.45]
fot. Kacper Gunia
12 1. STiLTS
round 1 / location 60 / level 1 / max. 20 Marcin Szydłowski- has 7 years experience on stilts and built his own. Has performed on stilts, even with fire. We’ll practice on stilts that are 1/2 a meter tall, 1m and 1 1/2 m. For the brave and coordinated.
round 3 / location 65B / level 3 / max 15
Marta Kontny – graduate in acting plus advertising. Works as actress at Contemporary Theater, Krakow and at an advertising agency. Award winner in acting and screen writing. Elementary acting and creative use of space, words
ing in artistic performances and workshops on soap bubbles We’ll create bubbles- big, small, tunnels… We’ll play ping-pong… and have a great time. BUBBLE MORNING- on the last day of SLOT we’ll meet at 5:00am in the meadow with the sunrise and dew and fog and we’ll play like children with bubbles.
round 1 / location 3 / level 1 / max 30
Daniel Dębniak – has played bass with the band OX for 12 years. Music without with bass is like a meal without salt! With new technology in amps and effects there are endless possibilities for this amazing instrument. We’ll present various techniques from different styles. From basics to bass heaven!
round 1 / location 59 / level 1 / max 6
Edyta Wiatrak- degree in cultural studies, dance instructor. Works as a hair dresser. Likes to match a hair style to the person’s character Want a fun hair style? Are you brave enough for a radical cut? Come see me!
round 2 / location 39 / level 2 / max 30 Karolina Oleksik- graduate of the Wrocław Fine Arts Academy, has taught batik for years. Batik is an old Indian technique of dying fabric, like stained-glass on cloth.
Krzysztof Pokorski – has played since he was a kid. His partner, Julia, will help show how to surprise your opponent Badminton isn’t as innocent a game as it seems. You’ll learn how to prepare, some tricks, the correct posture, technique and of course we’ll play. If all goes well we’ll have a mini-tournament with awards.
Urszula Tabaka- psychologist, nutritionist, coach If the word, „assertiveness” is interesting but scary for you this is the workshop for you. If the “Me” obsession bugs you, come join in. We’ll look at limitations to being yourself, who you truly are, how to set borders, emotions…
round 1 / location 62C / level 1 / max 15
round 3 / location 62 / level 1 / max 24
round 1 / location 51 / level 1 / max 20 Henryk Tereszczak- heads a firm specializ-
round 2 / location 17 / level 1 / max 25
Wojciech Ziółkowski- photographer who
builds his own drums and teaches how to play 14. BULDERiNG/CLiMBiNG them round 3 / location 62A / level 1 / max 10 Learn basic rhythms and manners for playing Adam Konik – studies at the Wrocław Univerin a group, how to get different sounds from sity of technology, is responsible for the footthe drum. ball project, “Young Legs of Wrocław” 10. BASiC BiBLiCAL HEBREW Learn some techniques of climbing like grabbing handholds and placement and transfer AND GREEK of body weight. An extra will be learning beround 2 / location 48 / level 1 / max 10 lay knots. Piotr Matuszek- degree in philology, leads workshops at various events 15. CAJON AS A MAiN RHYTHM The goal is to introduce the Hebrew and Greek iNSTRUMENT alphabet with basics of reading- an interactive round 1 / location 57 / level 3 / max 20 workshop. Wiktor Machowski- musician, sound techni11. BiKE POLO cian As well as teaching basic techniques of playround 3 / location 53 / level 2 / max 12 Szczepan Grosel- has played bike polo for 2 ing the cajon I’ll share some methods I use for 1/2 years, co-organized a national bike event creating rhythm parts. Everyone will have the chance to play and we’ll even use some backincluding Bike Polo This game is very similar to classic polo, just us- ing tracks to show different possibilities. ing bikes instead of horses. learn the history 16. BASiC CHiNESE and rules and hopefully be prepared to play. round 3 / location 47 / level 1 / max 25
Paulina Cygan – student of Far-Eastern Cultural Studies with Chinese, also leads workAgnieszka Głąbała- has been making brace- shops in dancing with flags lets for 15 years and for 6 years has a blog We’ll learn some basic phrases, some songs and on the last day we’ll do calligraphy where she shows how to make them Friendship bracelets- the ideal present for 17. BABY CARRiERS friends and family. Make your own bracelet ei- round 2 / location 42 / level 1 / max 6 ther simple or difficult Aleksandra Górska- full-time mom, a fan of 13. THREAD BRACELETS wearing your baby in scarves and soft carriers. Has led the “Kangaroo Club” for 3 years- meetround 3 / location 25 / level 1 / max 10 German Cerezo Ruiz- a Spaniard doing a 9 ings for parents of small children who are intermonth project in Poland with the society, Os- ested in the idea of attachment parenting. toja, Social Worker who loves to speak Span- Our kids are made to be carried, and the best way to do that is with a scarf. Why? Come and ish Learn how to make simple or difficult forms of learn! We’ll talk about the needs of small children and their parents. We’ll learn how to wrap bracelets from thread
round 1 / location 27 / level 1 / max 15
kids in scarves so that they’re safe, comfort- We want to show SLOT people how much fun able and healthy skateboards are. Guaranteed fun!
round 1 / location 16 / level 2 / max 25
round 3 / location 58 / level 2 / max 15
Jadwiga Skowron- getting her doctorate in philology, teaches university classes, translates Ukrainian literature, published writer Beginning poets and writers can bring their texts to experts for advice. Learn what your strong points are and what you need to work on, or just come and listen.
Bartosz Krawczyk- degree in music (bass), law student, began his adventure with Diabolo at SLOT 2006 and then studied with Gullaume Carrignona at the circus school in Amiens. Diabolo- an average ball with joined edges, add a stick and lines- seems simple but isn’t
round 2 / location 63 / level 1 / max 20 round 2, 3 / location 35 / level 1 / max 15 Ernest Drelich- studied art education
fot. Piotr Bujak
Marcin Kaniewski- film editor and camera- We’ll focus on basics of playing- vibration and man, crazy about skateboarding modulation, then move on to advanced tech-
niques like circulation breathing, two-tone knitting and crocheting are her hobby since playing or imitating animal sounds forever Basic knitting and crocheting
round 3 / location 41 / level 1 / max 20
Jaga Kłapa & Ania Frączek- have worked together 6 years and even though they are totally different they’ve found a common musical language How to not fear creating and presenting your music to other musicians, how to find your voice, your sound. How to care for your voice and use it fully. And finally who gave us a voice and for what?
round 2 / location 59 / level 1 / max 40 Piotr Piech – weaves, repairs, lengthens and dyes dreads since 2003 Teaching and practice for making dreadlocks. We’ll use materials and tools (dreads, synthetic hair, hooks, combs) to learn how make dreads and care for them. We’ll show slides and have music along the way.
round 3 / location 59 / level 1 / max 50 Maciej Wójcik – dreads are his passion and since 2009 his job. He has a huge amount of experience and knowledge about dreads, both natural and synthetic What you should know before you do dreads, various techniques of doing them (from braids, wool, with sugar, etc.) how to care for them and actually making them, repairing, additions, etc.
round 1 / location 25 / level 1 / max 10 Lina Wawrzyńska- housewife, knits because
round 2 / location 62C / level 2 / max 25
Patryk Zakrzewski – studies percussion at university and has learned from world-famous Indonesian drummer Nippy Noya We’ll present instruments from around the world, traditional techniques on certain instruments, basic rhythms and playing together. We’ll also deal with things like feeling, improvisation, using these type instruments in modern jazz and pop. Bring your djembe or other similar instruments!
27. TiE-DYE
round 3 / location 39 / level 1 / max 10 Wiktoria Rajca – graduate of art High School, organizes activities for kids in orphanages and for handicapped kids Learn how to make “hippie” t-shirts. How to prepare the dye and how to tie the shirt so that you get the most colors and patterns. Bring a white t-shirt or two with you and take them home colorful.
round 3/ location 27/ level 1 /max 10 Anna Pichler- art historian, teacher, art therapist, loves to create something out of nothing Learn the “worsted” wet technique with felt. Learn to make elements that then combine to make a bracelet or brooch. If you’re ready to get tired hands and learn something new to create something for yourself, come join us! Children can do this with some help from an adult
16 WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS pher since 2006, loves extreme sports 29. DOCUMENTARY FiLM- A Practical and theoretical- beginning parDiFFERENT POiNT OF ViEW
ticipants will learn how to put together their first photo report and more advanced will be Tomasz Nycz – degree in Cultural Anthropl- inspired to deepen their knowledge and abiliogy- Visualisation in Documentary Film mak- ties. Bring your portfolio if you have one and ing we’ll discuss how to develop more. The goal is to raise artistic-esthetic awareness through documentaries. A subjective view of 33. BEGiNNiNG PHOTOGRAPHY the world, big-picture view of docs which re- round 2 / location 46 / level 1 / max 25 flect society. Introducing a doc, preparing the Grzegorz Markowski- merchant, award winviewer, cinemaverite, direct cinema, social is- ning photographer sues docs, reports etc. Basics- the camera, composition, ISO and time, clarity… 30. FLOWER STiCK
round 1 / location 15 / level 3 / max 25
round 1 / location 58 / level 1 / max 20
Patrycjusz Miazgowski- degree in political science, has juggled for years In the beginning, how to build your own stick, then some words on theory and basic and medium tricks. For the more advanced you can try your hand with fire and jolleysticks.
round 2 / location 13 / level 2 / max 20 Krzysztof Janiszewski- degree in architecture, owner of artistic-promotion firm, years of experience in realizing projects and teaching hand drawing The goal is to see the world differently, to stimulate imagination through 3-D forms and widen our esthetic consciousness. We’ll create spatial forms (dynamic and static) from cardboard which we’ll then sketch from different views. We’ll also look at architectural forms
round 1 / location 46 / level 1 / max 50
round 3 / location 48 / level 1 / max 15 Tomasz Kochanowski- degree in Romance languages Basic communication- thanks to dialogues, exercises and group work you’ll see that French isn’t really all that hard
35. BASiC ENTREPRENEURSHiP, CHANGE OF iDEA AND GOAL round 2 / location 4 / level 2 / max 20
Anna Kornelia Wydra- strategist, schooling designer, creative thinking coach, PR specialist A cycle of teaching for talented and creative young entrepreneurs. Something for those who have an idea for a quality, original activity including owners of businesses and organizations. It’s for those who want to have a quality business with their own brand and image. We’ll have interaction, case studies and workshop activities.
Jakub Ochnio- journalism and social commu- round 1 / location 55* / level 1 / max 150 nication student. Award-winning photogra- Bartosz Ignacy Wrona- vocalist, improviser,
WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS choir director. 8 years ago started reading stories on the street and 4 years ago began looking at a wide range of vocal techniques, performs and leads workshops at various festivals and events How can you make music without singing? How can you beat a rhythm without percussion? Make a song with no melody? Some fun, experiment, improvisation with exercises on breathing, emission, diction…
round 2 / location 26 / level 1 / max 150
Sarah Allen- American who has led many Gospel choirs internationally, sings, plays piano and composes Gospel music is known and loved world-wide. For sure lots of you would like to know it better and meet new people. We’ll learn new songs and choreography this year!
round 2 / location 61 / level 1 / max 20 Philip Shorey- grew up surrounded by art and marionettes, music and performance. Graduate of the Institute of Production and Recording in Minneapolis in film music and creating sound. Learned to play the saw from his grandpa. Together with his wife, Sari, has a Shadow and Marionette Theater philipshorey Learn the history of the instrument, hear some recordings and learn to play. We’ll play as individuals and as a group. We’ll learn some simple songs and the 8 best players will play them in a concert at the end of the festival (and receive the saw and bow as a prize!)
round 1 / location 34 / level 1 / max 10
Marcin Piórkowski – consultant in IT safety We’ll play the game “Settlers of Catan” as well
as the wild card game “Sabotażysta”
round 1 / location 41 / level 2 / max 16
Sean Clancy- studied jazz in his home land, New Zealand. Award-winning guitarist (including finalist of “ New Zealand’s Got Talent”) has played concerts all over the world, author “Guitar Virtuosity for the Everyday Man,” “Learn to Burn: The Guitar Speed Manual,” New Zealand demonstrator Fendera and Gibsona, creator and programmer “Guitar Freak Workstation with Sight-reader Master.” Each lesson will have two sections. The first section will cover accompaniment and playing rhythm parts. The second section will cover soloing in a song. The length of each part will depend upon the preference of the students. Depending on the ability of the student the subjects of motor coordination and usable harmony and melody will be altered so that the student get the most out of the lessons. All examples will be given in tab and the music as hand out during the lesson. This will also be hosted online with audio examples shortly after Slot. All examples are based upon realworld playing situations. All 16 or less electric guitar players may plug into the mix and have the same effects on their sound as Sean. Some exciting techniques and sections will be given to inspire the students.
round 3 / location 16 / level 1 / max 25 Magdalena Lazar – architecture student, young, avant-garde lady who makes something out of nothing You’ll see that you can make something really interesting and original from simple materials. I’ll show you how to combine things to make cool jewelry for little money
18 WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS we’ll imitate various instruments and sing with 42. HiP HOP DANCE round 3 / location 64B / level 2 / max 10 beats. Finally films and music with beatbox.
KATARZYNA KIPIEL- teaches dance, has danced since she was a child with the talent that God gave her and she enjoys everyday Hip-hop street dance that developed on the streets of NYC in the ‘80’s has its own history that expresses the colorful culture of hip-hop. Musicality and a feel for rhythm are essential to a dancer and the music defines the movement. Come and express yourself!
round 3 / location 28 / level 1 / max 20 Sebastian Osiak- assists handicapped people at a help center Holender consists of wooden tubes with four openings at the end as well as 29 wooden discs. The goal is to release the discs so that they fill all the holes and form a “line”. A simple but fun game!
round 2 / location 62 / level 1 / max 10 Marta Mądry- has been doing circus arts for 3 years We’ll see that hula-hoops aren’t just for kids, but they can be a great way to spend free time as a fun sport. We’ll focus on the basics of spinning on different parts of the body and move on to harder tricks that don’t take a lot of work.
round 3 / location 30 / level 1 / max 10 Joanna Lisicka- studied journalism, takes to heart Mark Twain’s words, “I never let school stand in the way of my education.” Each participant will build their own house out of wooden blocks. Paint, tape, stickers, natural decorations and other accessories will be provided to make original designs
round 2 / location 41 / level 1 / max 20 Pawel Zarecki- award-winning producer, musician, has worked with the top of Poland’s music scene I want to encourage those who have never played to give it a try as well as help those who already play to learn some new things.
round 1 / location 47 / level 1 / max 20 Katarzyna Wawrzyńska- translates from Polish-Czech for years as well as teaches Czech at various events Ceský je hezký- learn the basics and beauty of this language as well as some of the culture of Poland’s neighbors
round 1 / location 62D / level 1 / max 25
Marta Bilczewska- biologist, analyst, level 3 teacher of sign language In the beginning was the word and the word Jakub ZgasŻmijowski- human beat boxer, was… Each of us uses words, but which ones only 2x Polish Champion of Beatbox are used by those who can’t speak? Please First a few words about the history of beatbox, bring a mat to sit on and a happy attitude! then some gymnastics for the mouth, basics of bb, and rhythm with different beats, tem- 50. iTALiAN FOR BEGiNNERS pos, breathing, holding a microphone… Then round 1 / location 48 / level 1 / max 15
round 3 / location 4 / level 1 / max 20
WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS Iga Alberska- High School student with a focus on language All about Italian- I want to share my knowledge and impart a love for this language and culture.
2 years Learn one element of fire show- Sticks. Beginners and more advanced are welcome. Learn not only techniques or turning but also how to move during a fire show and safety tips.
round 2 / location 27 / level 1 / max 20
round 2 / location 11B / level 1 / max 25
Alicja Pelc- student of economics and florist studies Learn how to “paint” with string to make beautiful cards, pictures, book-marks… make a design with tiny holes and colored threads. For anyone who isn’t afraid of a needle and a piece of paper.
Marta Gadomska- graduate in politics and international relations, loves handmade things We’ll paste colorful fun paper on a round, wooden ball, put a finish over it, glue the clasp on and… VOILA! Fast, easy and doesn’t require any huge artistic talent to get a nice result. Men are welcome and can make a nice present for that special lady in their life.
round 2 / location 57 / level 1 / max 15
Paweł Siemaszko- the owner of Kafo Café in Gliwicach, Master of Polish Cup-Tasting 2010, Mikołaj Panasik- Master Polish Cup Tasting 2012, barista at Relask Café in Warsaw. Experience? A million cups of coffee consumed Learn how to discern good coffee from bad, how to read a package and how to make a cup at home or at work. We’ll compare instant coffee to real. Along the way we’ll bust a few myths and open your eyes.
round 2 / location 30 / level 3 / max 15
round 2 / location 11A / level 1 / max 20 Mariusz Wildeman- painter, leads workshops for handicapped children, illustrator, in his spare time puts together American bikes from the ‘60’s I invite you to an artistic adventure that doesn’t require painting talent. We should surprise ourselves, yet go with our intuition. Participants will draw lots for a word such as love, happiness, righteousness… Then each will illustrate that word using colored paper and chalk.
Jakub Zajączkowski- graduate in musical art, many years of workshop experience at SLOT 57. BLACK SMiTHiNG AND How to create this instrument out of a tube and ARTiSTiC METAL WORK some seeds and then decorate it. On the last round 1, 2, 3 / location 23B / level 1 / day we’ll get together and make some rain (al- max 12 though usually we have it anyway at SLOT!) Filip Pasek- graduate in artistic metal work, 54. STiCKS- GRAB AND TURN! Agnieszka Pasek – also finished artistic metround 2 / location 58 / level 3 / max 15 al work. Together in 2009 they opened their own business. Many years experience at SLOT. Grzegorz Jastrzębski - has been juggling for
Wojciech Król –crazy about smithing and creating side-arms Learn the basics of smithing under the eye of the pro’s.
sports of Freerun and Le Parkour. We’ll show how to prepare for these physically demanding sports, protect from injuries and then teach the basic elements and onto more difficult things
58. A CULiNARY TRiP AROUND 62. LiNORYT - SLOT THE WORLD round 2 / location 62B / level 1 / max 15 POSTCARDS Michał Kochaniewicz- loves cooking, writes a culinary blog and edits a cooking section for a newspaper During the 4 days we’ll prepare together food from Asia to Africa and Southern Europe to America. Learn some helpful hints as well as what it means to be a “conscious consumer” or an “eco-cook”.
round 2 / location 25 / level 1 / max 15
round 3 / location 11 / level 1 / max 10 Ewa Makowska – studies art education Each participant will get a piece of linoleum where they will sketch their design, such a post-card from SLOT. Then you dig the design out with a special wire, smear ink over it and press onto paper.
round 3 / location 67 / level 1 / max 40
Paweł Świerczyński- has led archery workshops at SLOT for years, works with a knights association for boys, loves sailing and kites Beginners will learn to shoot and those who already have some skill will improve it. There will be opportunities to shoot with historic 60. LACROSSE bows with hand-made arrows as well as modround 1, 2 / location 64D / level 1 / max 15 ern ones, but the most important is fun and Maria Browarska- High School student, has satisfaction. played Lacrosse for over a year 64. PAiNTiNG ON GLASS AND Lacrosse, the 1st national sport in Canada has been making its way into Poland since 20 It’s CERAMiCS a team sport where you try to make goals us- round 1 / location 11B / level 1 / max 10 ing a stick with a small net on the end. We’ll Barbara Kunicka – student of architecture show how to move on the field, pass the ball and graphics, translates articles, mainly about and shoot a goal. At the end we’ll play a match. ecology and social issues from English-Polish Each participant will have the chance to Men and women of all ages are welcome! change a bottle into a pretty candle-stick 61. LE PARKOUR/FREERUN holder or a tile into a treasure. Basic painting round 1, 2 / location 10 / level 2 / max 40 is easy and uses the imagination, but there are EKIPA FREEDOM (Freedom team)- lead more complicated techniques such as mixing trainings and workshops all over Poland, have decoupage, papier mache, painting with stencils… We’ll also encourage you to be ecologiyears of experience in Le Parkour We’ll introduce you to the not-so-well-known cally minded by re-using items. Anna Walisko- High School student, interested in the history of art, decoupage… Making crepe paper flowers is a simple as can be. We’ll learn lots of different types
round 3 / location 58 / level 1 / max 15 Kornel Matusiak- has 3 years of experience as a street performer and with fire-show Manipulating sticks are a basic part of fireshows and light shows. You’ll have the chance to learn different techniques from basic to advanced
round 1 / location 62 / level 1 / max 20 Agata Filar- High School student who likes foreign languages, msuci and sport MANZO is a dynamic movement game in which not only physical quickness and flexibility are important, but also tactics and planning. Two teams square off on a grass field where the goal is to break through to the opponents side and reach the furthest point possible “MANZO”. It’s easy and lots of fun. Just wear sport clothing and bring a positive attitude.
67. UNiCYCLE FOR BEGiNNERS round 2 / location 37 / level 1 / max 25
Piotr Pajda – rider with Rider Team, takes part in many competitions Everyone who takes our advice and really puts their heart into it will learn to ride alone. We hope to have 1 unicycle for every 2 participants so the pairs will help each other in the beginning and then slowly you’ll go it alone. Once you can go forward well, we’ll add some other tricks.
fot. Kacper Gunia
round 1 / location 37 / level 1 / max 22
Piotr Pajda – rider with Rider Team, takes part in many competitions Everyone who takes our advice and really puts their heart into it will learn to ride alone. We
hope to have 1 unicycle for every 2 participants so the pairs will help each other in the beginning and then slowly you’ll go it alone. Once you can go forward well, we’ll add some other tricks.
round 1 / location 67 / level 1 / max 20
Darek Cieślak- assistant pastor at “5N” church, works at “Bread of Life”, owner of “Disisound” sound company. has been part of the Christian Motorcycle Club, “Boanerges” for 13 years. Marcin Bruździński- has been part of „Boanerges” for 4 years, loves to build hot rod cars and “bobber” bikes Basic mechanics as well as how to ride. Principles of use and servicing. Safe riding tips and some first aid. Do’s and Dont’s of riding. *Due to the type of workshop please come in long pants and full shoes or boots.
round 3 / location 3 / level 1 / max 16 Bożena Gawrych - life coach, court mediator, HR consultant. For 10 years has led workshops on personal development, psychosocial skills, and professional competence. As president of the society, “BoWarto” she realizes social projects, especially concerning women and people on the fringe of society. Your life can be a series of accidents or you can consciously make use of each hour given to you. Those who succeed in managing their time are those who find their individual, optimal style of organization. Come seek and plan the MOST IMPORTANT things for all of us.
and works to protect animals and the environment Bring your make-up and find out what substances in them are safe and what’s not, learn how to choose cosmetics that fit your beauty. What herbs can you put in the bathroom to use in place of cosmetics? Learn how an herb garden can aid your beauty and health.
72. RELAX!
round 3 / location 14 / level 1 / max 25 Katarzyna Ślawska-Wlizło – psychologist, manager of Health Protection at a health clinic Paweł Wlizło- theologian, coordinator of onsite research for VRG Strategia The goal is to help participants recognize their way of functioning, working and relaxing
round 1 / location 39 / level 1 / max 20
Artur Szabatowski- degree in industrial design and social therapy, High School teacher We’ll learn the secret of preparing paper pulp, how to color it and then make a piece of paper from it. You can then create colorful pictures, cards, or other paper products
74. PAPER WONDERSworkshop will only be held Friday, July 13
round 2, 3 / location 41 / level 1 / max 10
Bogumiła Janowska- teacher, graphic artist, organizes and co-leads educational workshops You can create many interesting things with a simple piece of paper found in every home. 71. EVERYDAY RECYCLiNG everyone who values hand-made items round 1, 3 / location 11A / level 1 / max 30 For and manual challenges we’ve prepared this Magda Kałecka- computer graphic artist and chance to make cards, decorative flowers, journalist, leads artistic workshops for kids, butterflies, etc. cosmetic workshops with society “BoWarto”
WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS 23 75. PERFORMANCE- DO iT 78. POi FOR BEGiNNERS YOURSELF round 2 / location 58 / level 1 / max 50 round 3 / location 31 / level 1 / max 15
Sebastian Świąder- Co-founder of Society of Drama Teachers, works with various theaters A simple workshop in movement and words. We want to awaken creativity and the desire to pass it on. We’ll use performance art- a mix of theater, flash mob, movement theater and happening. We’ll move out and take over the whole festival grounds with our work.
round 1 / location 55 / level 1 / max 30
Pawel Kulikiewicz- computer programmer who loves street art and takes part in events Learn the basic tricks of poi with joy and satisfaction. Along with the physical exercise you’ll practice concentration and manual-perceptive skills
round 3 / location 57 / level 1 / max 10
Martina Stanicka - a postcrosser for 3 years, addicted to licking stamps, co-founder and moderator of the Polish Postcrossers Forum Postcrossing was started in 2008 by Paulo Magalhães, from Portugal. It is an exchange of cards between random people around the world. For instance- I send a post card to Finland and get one back from Australia. Checking your mailbox becomes fun when besides advertisements you find colorful cards.
Maciej Ziółkowski – 1st level coach in French federation, coach for Polish Federation, certified referee, has led the Polish team, refereed many of the most important tournaments in Poland and this region Petanque is a sport that originated in the south of France and is also known as “boule”. You’ll learn the rules, basic technique, tactics and strategy. It’s a lot of fun! And once again there will be our traditional “Black Boule” at night. 80. iT’S A DOG’S WORLD The leaders speak English well so all foreigners round 3 / location 17 / level 2 / max 30 are very welcome. Iwona Koliczko- teacher and dog therapist, led lessons with dogs for children with 77. FOOSBALL iN AN iNFLATED has various illnesses and handicaps as well as for RiNG healthy kids at pre-schools, orphanages, reround 3 / location 62B / level 1 / max 20 hab centers… leads the society “Złote Psy” Tomasz Szkwarek- coach at the Center of In- (Golden Dogs) whose main goal is to help chilformation and Social Development in Wrocław, dren and animals loves sports, but mostly football/soccer The goal is to introduce people to the idea of Since EURO just ended we invite you come dog-therapy and its influence on children’s play on this inflated arena 8x 16 meters. Play- motivation. A trained dog will help with the ers move aluminum poles and try to shoot workshop. We’ll show different forms of work goals. It’s a maxi version of the popular foos- with dogs, how to train them, types of work ball bar game. with children (art, educational, movement play). We’ll also present different schools of training dogs and elements of communication between humans and animals.
24 WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS 81. STiLTS- PROJECT PARADE round 3 / location 60 / level 2 / max 7
Bartosz Sobczyński- walks on stilts and has led juggling workshops, including fire show, for 5 years This is for people who already know how to walk on stilts and the goal is to learn some basic steps used in stilt parades. You’ll learn how to take part in parades safely and professionally as well as how to lead. Grab your stilts and come!
round 2 / location 15 / level 1 / max 14 Karolina Sosnowska- graduate in psychology, leads workshops on assertiveness, interpersonal communication, personal time management The goal is to create a safe place to practice communication behaviors, recognizing and avoiding barriers, sharing knowledge as a bridge and not a wall, learning effective communication and solve a lot of problems
Anna Straczyńska- student of choreography and physical therapy, has worked at many theaters in Poland and abroad, teaches modern dance Modern dance for beginners as well as those who have danced this form before. We’ll strengthen our bodies, work on condition, form and co-ordination so that dance is not a battle with our bodies, but a way to use our energy. Please wear comfortable clothing. We’ll dance barefooted or in socks or ballet shoes.
fot. Mateusz Bilski
round 2 / location 64A / level 1 / max 20
WORKSHOPS - DESCRiPTiONS 25 Marcin Kuźlakdegree in chemical technol84. MOVE YOUR HEAD- GAMES round 3 / location 61 / level 1 / max 16
Ewelina Helios- works at the Youth Center for Information and Development, writes, edits, designs… Loves to discover new games with her friends This workshop will awaken creativity and logical thinking as well as promoting game playing which have taken a backseat to computer games. Games are a great way to spend time with friends and family. We’ll introduce the newest games and teach how to play them, and also recommend our favorites. Come play, for instance, Carcassone, Jengę, Tabu, Scrabble, Inside, Gobblet, Quarto, Monopoly, Chinese Checkers and Checkers.
ogy, loves to dance Learn to dance the salsa and a related dance, the rueda. The workshop is geared for those who have had some sort of dance experience. We’ll show the basic steps and move on to harder things.
round 3 / location 13 / level 1 / max 12 Monika Galińska - a surgical nurse who has been scrapbooking since 2008 Learn the ideas behind scrapbooking- theory + practical exercises like creating greeting cards, your own background, art-journaling, albums, book covers, etc.
89. LEATHER STUFF 85. ARCHiTECTURAL DRAWiNG round 1 / location 13 / level 1 / max 20 round 1 / location 28 / level 1 / max 30 Andrzej Kabat – teacher at the Art Academy of Wrocław, has created several courses, Sebastian Płaszewski- degree in interior design, works at a firm that supplies stage scenery for theaters, TV studios and cultural institutions Exercises in elementary perspective using the nave of the cathedral as our example. Explanation of terms and architectural issues connected to interior design
round 3 / location 23A / level 1 / max 20 Janusz Ochocki- degree in zoology, recreational movement instructor, award-winning amateur sculptor Make a sculpture or craft from wood, learn the tools of the trade, types of wood and their use
round 1 / location 64B / level 2 / max 20
Gabriela Boczarska- degree in economics with the heart of an artist. her adventure with sewing began when she couldn’t find the ideal purse, so she designed and made one herself, then she did the same for friends, cousins… We’ll learn how to create unique jewelry from leather such as earrings, bracelets, necklaces or an original phone cover
round 1 / location 50A / level 1 / max 15 Marcin Korzeniewski- studies in Wrocław, has led sport workshops at SAF for years Slackline is the art of walking on a loose tape hung from two stable points. Learn how from the start
91. SLACKLiNE! :)
round 2 / location 50A / level 1 / max 25 Janusz Sikora- student of aerospace, industrial climber Slackline is a young, dynamic sport of walking/ doing tricks on a narrow tape strung between
two points. It’s great for balance, co-ordination, spatial orientation, patience and endurance. Beginners will learn how to stand/walk on the tape, more advanced will learn some tricks and PROslackliners can spend some nice time among other crazy people.
round 1 / location 61 / level 1 / max 25
Szczurek Wojciech- studying engineering, works as a volunteer doing workshops on organizing events, public performances and team building. Maybe you’ve seen a group of people acting strangely at SLOT, pointing fingers, opening and shutting their eyes, suddenly becoming silent… Is it some serious discussion? No! It’s the fun game of Mafia! It’s a battle between the informed minority and the uninformed majority. We’ll play a special SLOT version.
round 1 / location 53 / level 1 / max 20 Łukasz Kłykow- graduate in economics and theology, Baptist pastor, teaches English and chess 24 hour chess café!! Possibilities to learn from the beginning or play as an expert
round 2 / location 16 / level 1 / max 12 Elżbieta Głowacka- degree in landscape architecture and computer graphics, works in graphics and designing jewelry as well as photography The goal is to acquaint participants with the technique of chainmail by doing basic weaves then more decorative ones. Participants will choose from designs to make their own project
Sergiusz Zasada- plays drums in a band, but also plays pots, boxes, chairs, glasses- whatever makes noise and sounds good Street drumming is percussion on things that aren’t normally considered instruments. It’s not limited by finances, but only by imagination and ideas. You’ll see how to play on basically anything, even “trash”. learn the difference between normal drumming and street drumming.
Marta Hajdrych- educational and art therapist Make figures, pictures, frames, candle sticks from plaster forms that you can take home with you and paint.
round 3 / location 62C / level 2 / max 30 round 3 / location 29 / level1 / max 10
98. THE ART OF DEVELOPMENT round 1 / location 17 / level 1 / max 15
Katarzyna Grad- psychologist, Gestalt therapist We’ll seek our true self during the workshop by 94. SOUTACHE discovering and expressing our emotions and needs in various ways (painting, movement, round 1 / location 11 / level 1 / max 10 Agnieszka Grabałowska- psychology stu- vocal…), attempt to find your strong points dent, has been designing jewelry for 3 years and areas that need growth, in contact with Have you ever wondered how that beautiful, other people see how they react to you colorful wire jewelry is made? We’ll dig into this 99. CLiMBiNG WALL technique of “soutache”. It’s takes precision round 2 / location 62A / level 1 / max 15 and hard-work with focus and imagination.
Tomasz Rynk – has spent most of his life playing football/soccer, also loves to climb… Learn the basics of climbing, tying knots and using a harness. There will be opportunities to practice on a 7 meter high inflated wall
emy in Helsinki We’ll learn short dance routines that use elements of modern technique. Learn to use energy, feel your body’s weight and focus on flexibility and fluidity
round 3 / location 32 / level 1 / max 10 Łukasz Antoniszyn- occupational therapist, has led workshops for years at places like SLOT You’ll make a candle from a special form. The needed supplies will be provided but you can bring extra things to add to the melted wax
round 1 / location 26 / level 1 / max 50
Dorota Herok - graduate of the Christian School of Pantomime and Drama, degree in architecture. Leads workshops around Poland and abroad in Jewish and Israeli dance plus leads a dance group at a culture house. Takes part in workshops each year in Israel. 101. COURT DANCE Learn Jewish, Israeli, Hassidic and Yemeni round 1 / location 64A / level 1 / max 30 dances. The Jewish and Israeli dances are not Angelika Mizera- has led workshops and only dance steps but also prayers that express groups in Court Dance for years joy. Hassidic Jews believe that when someone Learn some dances from the Middle Ages. dances they pray 2x and it’s true! We’ll have lots of fun while we learn ancient 105. DANCE! FEEL iT! customs.
102. iRiSH DANCE
round 2 / location 65A / level 1 / max 16 Wioleta Anna Kotwicka – co-leads Irish and Medieval dance workshops, student at a Rince Colman school of Irish Dance Irish dance for beginners. Each day we’ll learn the basics of traditional Celtic dance. Wear comfortable clothes and bring some water to drink. It’s going to get hot!
round 2 / location 64B / level 1 / max 30
Daria Pick- High School student, has won many Latin American Dance competitions including Polish championships and was a Polish representative at the world competition The goal is to show that anyone can dance- you just have to listen to the music. Please come as pairs, ideally couples, since one goal is to get to know your partner. All steps and moves are based on “action-reaction” and are dependant on trust.
round 1 / location 65A / level 1 / max 30
Grażyna Słaboń- dancer and teacher with years of experience, graduate of the Laban School of Modern Dance in London, degree in physical therapy Anna Sochacka- dancer, teacher, physical therapist, finished the Art University in Linz, Austria, currently studies at the Theater Acad-
Agnieszka Zygmont- educator, choreography therapist Ethnic dance is done in circles, lines, groups. The most important is that we dance together in a circle- the basic symbol of unity and oneness. The character of these dances mean that
round 2 / location 62 / level 1 / max 20
fot. Piotr Bujak
anyone, regardless of gender or age, can take Dorota Ogrodzka (Piwowarska)- doctoral part. student in culture studies, degree in art therapy 107. JEWiSH DANCE The workshop, as the title implies, will be both round 3 / location 65A / level 1 / max 50 a theater lab and a look into public spaces (in Agata Strzyżewska- teacher of English, this case SLOT and Lubiąż). We’ll have simple math, physics and chemistry, loves Jewish cul- exercises to become aware of our bodies, using space, the rhythm of groups and combinture, especially Hassidic dances Jewish dance is a great way to have a spiritual ing words and body. adventure among laughing, new friends. The workshops will not only provide fun, sweat 109. THEATER- THE OTHER SiDE and joy but they’re also a magical place where OF THE MiRROR God is very close. Come discover that dance is round 3 / location 64A / level 1 / max 15 prayer! Paulina Antoszczyszyn- graduate in culture studies, creative education and media, chil108. OPEN AiR THEATERdren and youth theater direction. has been PERFORMANCE LAB involved in theater for 10 years round 12 / location 31 / level 1 / max 20 We’ll focus on movement and art theater. A
multitude of individual and group exercises 114. COVENANT WARRiORS will teach participants basic techniques of round 2, location 67, level 1, max 20 improvisation, movement theater and panSzymon Drozdek- studies mechatronics and tomime has been into warfare for 2 years 110. TYPO-TOPO-GRAFiCS First we’ll learn the rules of warfare and then make some weapons like swords/mace/ round 2 / location 34 / level 2 / max 16 Małgorzata Stroka – designer and educator, shields. We’ll use all sorts of materials for currently studying visual communications this. We’ll have exams for becoming a fencing Mieszko Budzyński- studied industrial de- knight, split into teams and compete against each other to win a flag, save a princess, get sign, both work as art teachers Workshop to create visual communication sys- the coca-cola… Finally we’ll have a knights tems for commercial spaces and our space is tournament to find the best knight. the Lubiąż monastery 115. JEWiSH PAPER CUTTiNG
round 3 / location 46 / level 1 / max 15 Janka Jankiewicz- Maśląkowska- actress, puppeteer, director With the help of cameras, projectors and macaroni we’ll create animated pictures. It’s somewhere between animated films and theater animation.
round 1 / location 31 / level 1 / max 15
Małgorzata Trepte- law student, learned to wave board at SLOT 2009, isn’t yet a master of it, but getting closer all the time A wave board is a 2-wheel skateboard that you ride without pushing with a leg, but only by hip movement
round 2 / location 11 / level 1 / max 30 Monika Błoch – artist, teacher and beautician who owns her own cosmetic studio with 15 years experience A course in professional female beauty care. The art of bringing out hidden beauty and hiding faults. How to look beautiful for women of every age.
round 1 / location 29 / level 1 / max 25
Agata Szepe- humanities student, likes anything that challenges her imagination You’ll each make your own cuttings from sample reproductions of examples, learn the history of this art form in Poland and abroad, different types, Biblical symbols and traditions and their connection to Jewish holidays and celebrations
round 1 / location 58 / level 3 / max 40
Adam Waligóra- just graduated from High School, optimist who loves the moment and enjoys life Aren’t afraid to swing for hours? Do you like to do it? You’re not alone! Come to the workshop. One move of the wrists creates a show in your hands.
round 3 / location 11A / level 2 / max 12
Karolina Ruchlewicz- Art High School student, loves to sculpt The idea is that several people work together
to make one sculpture. First we’ll make a frame we’ll focus on Russian applied arts and try our from wire and then put plaster and bandage hands at some so that everyone will have a litaround it. This gives a cool effect and everyone tle piece of Russia to take with them. can try their hand at creating sculpture.
121. RE-DO YOUR FORGOTTEN 118. DEAL WiTH STRESS- FREE CLOTHES YOUR BODY AND MiND round 3 / location 11B / level 1 / max 10 round 2 / location 3 / level 1 / max 18
Beata Bober- degree in psychology Each of us have resources within us to help deal with difficult situations, but sometimes we just lack the tools to use them. At the workshop you’ll learn to recognize the most helpful techniques to immediately fight stress and get to know your own body and mind better to be able to act effectively regardless of the situation. The workshop will be divided into 2 groups, group 1 will meet days 1 and 2 and group2 will meet days 3 and 4.
Piotr Nyczka – doctorate degree in physics, co-owner of ecological brand of clothing “Kungszwu” A practical workshop where everyone can bring their clothes and iron onto them designs cut from flock foil/flex. You’ll create something that you won’t want to part with!
round 2 / location 60 / level 1 / max 30
Mateusz Dąbkowski - heads up an artistic ad agency, participant in many festivals in and 119. REACH YOUR DREAMS outside of Poland round 2 / location 14 / level 1 / max 16 Everyone can come try their skill a few centiBeata Pręcikowska- psychology student meters above the ground. If you like it come Do you know you have dreams hidden deep everyday in your heart that would bring you great satisfaction and joy if they were realized? It’s the 123. CLASSiC AND FRONTAL time and place to find them and start making JUGGLiNG round 2 / location 58 / level 1 / max 50 them happen. Marcin “Ex” Styczyński - eternal student, 120. FiND A COMMON barman and juggler, likes to sleep late and… LANGUAGE- RUSSiAN juggle CULTURE First we’ll practice ‘til our backs hurt a bit and round 2 / location 47 / level 1 / max 12 then suddenly the balls will start to rise into Izabela Tylkowska- student of Russian and the air… So, if you already juggle, would like Ukrainian, volunteer with Youth In Action in to juggle, don’t know what juggling is… come see us! We’ll start with 3 balls and move on to Russia, Mariya Kaplieva will co-lead The workshop will be led by two Slovak spirits. 4 then add some tricks. Each day we’ll introduce you to the largest nation on Earth. We’ll look at the language as a 124. ADDiCTiON FREE LiFEmeans of communication, show the differenc- STOP SMOKiNG AND OTHER es between “mine”, “yours”, and “ours”, look ADDiCTiONS at everyday life, food, holidays, etc. Two days round 3 / location 15 / level 1 / max 25
Maciej Strzyżewski- completed courses in healthy lifestyle at the center “Living Springs” in the USA and HeartGood Foundation in Norway, teaches healthy lifestyle These will be 4 integrated meetings. participants go through the whole therapy and become a support group for each other. Together we’ll fight addictions with the knowledge and therapy tips given. 80% success rate!
round 1 / location 53 / level 1 / max 20
Urszula Mras- student of musicology and Bulgarian, has been sailing for 9 years and has had her yachting license for 4 years, took a monthlong yacht voyage to Lapland last year. Hold on, it’s blowing! Guaranteed tilts and sea sickness! We’ll look at practical points like knots and theory and build a kryp (a type of yacht) that we hope will be seaworthy by the last day of SLOT. We’ll sing shanties while we work and dream sea dreams. If you have a musical instrument with you, please bring it so our shanties will be doubly good!
Grzegorz ‘Grzech’ Piotrowski- saxophonist, producer (concerts for national TV, records for EMI, Sony, Universal) and a publisher. He’s won many prestigious awards and has toured with the best jazz and pop musicians. Paweł ‘Bzim’ Zarecki- pianist, composer, arranger, awardwinning producer and visionary, he works with the top of Poland’s jazz and pop world Both musicians will work with instrumentalists. A few people will be chosen to perform with Grzech and Bzim during their concert in July 11. If you’re an advanced player grab this chance!
fot. Piotr Bujak
July 10 / 17:00 / location 14 / level 3 / limited space!
Alphabetical list of performers:
AiM (Italy)
AIM comes from Monzy and consists of Marco and Matteo Camisasca (bass and percussion) and Marco Fiorello (vocals, guitar, texts). AIM was formed in 2003 and became quickly known from their intense concert schedule both in Italy and outside. They played 200 concerts around Europe in 2 years! In April 2012 they put out their third album, “We Are Sailing”. The album takes us on a metaphorical voyage through life where we visit 11 islands in a sea of unique and dirty sounds. AIM is famous for their energetic live performances which we’ll experience at SLOT.
Dikanda, in an African dialect, means “family” and that words tells it all about this band. They live and work as a small family. The band was born in 1997 in Szczecin. A love for traditional music and hard work allowed them to create their own style and sound. In their totally acoustic repertoire you can hear inspiration from the Orient, Balkan and Macedonian folk and Gypsies. One characteristic of Dikanda is their created words and meanings that are present in the compositions. Dikanda’s concerts are a unique voyage through a musical world, a meeting full of energy, charisma, true emotions and joy for the audience and the performers alike. tuesday, 10.07 20:00 - 20:30 20:45 - 21:30 od 20:30 Turnip Farm Ms. No One 21:45 - 22:45 Lao Che 23:00 - 24:00 slotv 00:00 - 00:15
wednesday, 11.07 od 20:30 Naaman Dikanda Luxtorpeda slotv
DUCH combines classical string instruments with modern heavy sounds and stage expression. They’ve found an ideal way to join their inspirations from the creativity of classical composers such as Arvo Parta and Wojciech Kilar, with their fascination with the sounds of modern electronic and alternative music stars such as like Bjork, Sigur Ros, or Tool. They’ll be presenting their very new material from the album AKUSTRONIKA.
Frühstück is very closely related to SLOT so they had to be here for the 20th anniversary. They formed in 1997 and after several changes in members they are: Martijn Krale (vocals), Wojtek Karel (bass), Tomek Kuźbik (drums) and Marcin Karel (guitar). In early 2012 their latest album, “Quiet”, was released. “Quiet is an important album for us. We’ve experienced a lot in the last few years and we’ve matured through it. I think the new songs reflect that. They speak honestly about joy and demands, but I think there’s more faith and hope than on our other albums.”
Gooral is a producer, generator of sound and a precursor joining electro, dubstep and dnb with all things mountainy (góra in Polish means “mountain”). In the ‘90’s he fell in love with the electronic and techno music of the time. He co-founded and created the project PSIO CREW and in 2008 he began his solo
thursday, 12.07 winner small stage Duch SEA + AIR Frühstück slotv
friday, 13.07 winner small stage Massive Scar Era TRES.B Gooral slotv
saturday, 14.07 winner small stage Off-C 3moonboys Me Myself & I slotv
musical wanderings. In April, Gooral’s debut album, “ETHNO ELEKTRO”, came out. One of his strong points is his live performances where he can move even a tax collector so what will happened with a SLOT audience?!
Lao Che
Their debut album took us into the dark depths of Slavic mythology. “Powstanie Warszawskie” was a shocking post-punk soundfest that gave them star status and brought crowds to their concerts. Then “Gospel” confirmed their position as one of Poland’s top rock bands. These guys won’t stay in any box and their latest, “Prąd Stały / Prąd Zmienny” is beyond concept. Each song is a different story. The texts are full of absurd tales that pull you in with their characteristic humor from Spięty. The band emphasizes experimental sounds harking back to retro-electronic and cold wave.
With no hesitation you can state that 2011 and 2012 belong to Luxporpeda. They won a ton of awards for their debut album, “Luxtorpeda” and played masses of concerts at places like Jarocin Festival and Przystanek Woodstock 2011. Their song, “Autystyczny” was a #1 hit. They’ve opened for Metallica and Slayer. Their 2nd album, “Robaki” was released in May and not only has it gotten great reviews but it’s selling like crazy. You can hear them live on the Main Stage at SAF 2012!
fot. Kacper Gunia
Massive Scar Era (Egypt)
Mascara (short for Massive Scar Era) is a 4 person band from Alexandria, Egypt who plays post -hardcore and whose leaders are ladies. From their beginning (2005) they’ve garnered lots of attention not only because of the women’s touch, which is rare in this type
resents one of those three elements but only as a whole do they form the ship that sails to places unknown. Music without instruments, songs without verses and chorus and all without words. Just human voices which carry you away. They’ve performed with dozens of world-renowned jazz artists such as B.Mcfferin, L.Wright, R. Bona, and L.Możdżer and even performed before the Dalai Lama when he visited Wrocław. One of their pieces Me Myself & I is on the Wiedźmin soundtrack. You could say Me Myself & I is an attempt to unite three ele- they got their start at SLOT so it’s even nicer to ments of music- melody, harmony and rhythm- welcome them back, especially with their new in one voice. Each member of the group rep- release, “Do Not Cover!”.
fot. Kacper Gunia
of music, but also for the way they combine heavy sounds with classical music (one of the leaders, Nancy Mounir, is a classically trained violinist). They’ve played at the famous Alexandria Library as well as outside Egypt where they shared the stage with band such as Dream Theater, In Flames, ZZ TOP, MOTORHEAD, THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA and AUGUST BURNS RED.
Ms. No One
during the European tour of Whitney Houston in 2010 when Daniel and Eleni played support at her concerts. They realized then that they were able to reach the public in a huge hall, even though they might not be interested in them, with just their voices and by being themselves. During their concerts each of the performers play 5 different instruments which makes a backing track or other musicians unnecessary. SEA+AIR have played with artists such as Stevens, The White Stripes, Jose Gonzalez, and The Flaming Lips.
Turnip Farm
Ms. No One is 4 years old, lives in 2 cities, can be divided by 3 and is in practice 5 people. They’ve produced 1 EP and 1 LP as well as 8 re-mixes. They’ve played 7 festivals in 3 countries. Half of their songs are sad and the other half are very sad. Half of the texts are in Polish and half are in another language. 1 song is still looking for words. They will play 12 songs at SLOT: 4 from “The Leaving Room”, 2 surprises and 6 from the new album, “Pretty in the Dark”. For years, this band has played a wide range of reggae (roots, modern roots, dub, dancehall) with great energy and emotion. You’ll also find some elements of funk and soul. The main voice of the band, Nadia, makes sure that there’s an explosion of emotions as well as gentle energy and interaction with the audience. They’ve played many concerts at festivals like Przystanek Woodstock and Ostróda Reggae Festival.
A fusion of folk, roots and electronic rhythms. They say that music brought them together, originally in Psie Crew. That group no longer exists but most of the members felt they still had a lot to do together and now they’ve discovered new energy that shows in their music. In 2010 they came up with the idea for a new project and OFF-C is that unique formationspontaneous, optimistic and passionate.
SEA + AiR (Germany)
SEA + AIR is a duo that was born after 10 years of the group Daniel Benjamin, recording hundreds of songs and playing more than 120 concerts around the world. This duo was formed
Their debut album, All the Tangled Girls” won rave reviews in the media and music pages have praised their might saying,” this band plays music that we lack in Poland”. Turnip Farm is: Kuba Ziołek – vocals, guitar, Marcin Lokś – guitar, Tomek Sztrekier – bass and Piotrek Brzeziński – drums. Melodic vocals, strong guitar songs and a sound borrowed from American Alternative of the ‘90’s. Their first album made it onto many lists of Poland’s best of 2011.
3moonboys is one of Poland’s most underappreciated bands! Their dreary, trance-like alternative rock can be wild and loud while at the same time garage and romantic. They’ve played with short breaks since 2004 and have one album and one EP under their belts. They’ve performed at the most important alternative music fests in Poland. They’re working on their fourth album at the moment.
64 - school (64A-6 65 - cultural house 66 - kinder garden
R - registration point biuro - festival office i - information 1 - depozyt /tu naładujesz telefon 2 - medical help DS - main stage
camping site pn 2
biuro i
wozownia 53 cariage house
3 55
4 5
camping site pn 1
51 54
s asin
32 25 31 cathedral 28 26 27 30 29 38 40 39 41 42A 33 37 42B 42 wirydarz
57 23B 23A 23
we rs
45 43 68 50B
46 47
48 49
camp sit pn
palace 1st floor: 2 - medical help 4-5 - Café PRALNIA 7/8 - consultation point 9 - Café METAnoia
64D) e MDK n
6 7 8
palace 1nd floor 59
62C 60
62 62A 62B
pn rodzinne family camping site
ping te n3
17 16 11B 15 14 11 13 11A 12
palace 2nd floor
palace 2nd floor: 12 - workshop office 12 - Café CYNAMON 18 - SLOTv
23-32 - ART CATHEDRAL 26 - experimental stage 34 - Café GAFA 38 - social initiatives fair 39 - chillout 41 - unplugged stage / Café WIRYDARZ 42 - indian courtyard 67 46 - clubbing stage / social films 49 - Café KALAFIOR 51 - the tree 52 - Eastern Tent 53 - Café JEŻYNA / small stage / hc punk club / FILMS 54 - Extreme Summer 55 - fountain 56 - SLOT SHOP 57 - Café KIWI 58 - DZIEDZINIEC 59 - Reggae Tent 61 - Created to move 64 - school 65 - cultural house (MDK) 66 - kinder garden 67 - court P - parking pn 1,2,3, - camping site pn rodzinne - camping site for family with kids
(location 26, Cathedral) The Experiential Stage is something that can happen only at night in the cathedral. Each night will be a unique experience with great chemistry somewhere between gentle reflection and unrest, between the known and the undiscovered, between jazz, classical, experimental and improvisation. Unique music in a unique place. Concerts begin around midnight each night.
July 10
ChKB take Polish folklore as their starting point. The authors of the texts and music reach back to frivolous songs, old ballads, patriotic songs and village sing-alongs with mythological roots. The band is very minimaljust vocals, clarinet, percussion and bass and their sound is subtle and dark, fun and shocking, somewhere between jazz and folk. Chłopcy Kontra Basia is: Basia Derlak - song, clarinet, mouth harp
fot. Tomasz Waldowski
EXPERiENTiAL STAGE Marcin Nenko – string bass Tomasz Waldowski - drums, futujara, percussion The band will be accompanied by an “old wave” VJ who was co-founder of the collective 247 crew. He bases his work on simple video mixes which, combined with the material he’s discovered, gives an interesting and strong visual effect.
July 11
Grzech Piotrowski and Paweł Bzim Zarecki
Grzech Piotrowski (sax player with the top of Poland’s and Europe’s musicians, producer, creator of World Orchestra, Alchemik) and Paweł Bzim Zarecki (pianist, composer, arranger, producer, winner of Poland’s Grammy “Frederyk”) are two of the most interesting individuals in the Polish music scene. They’ve worked together for years. Their stage personalities compliment each other and their music goes straight to the hearts of their listeners. You won’t forget their concert in the ArtCathedral for a long time! Grzech Piotrowski – saxophone Paweł Bzim Zarecki – piano
July 12
Mate.o Acoustic is a duo of Mateusz Otremba (composer, vocalist, guitarist who had his debut at SLOT 20 years ago and is still with us) and Tomek Lipert (an excellent guitarist who plays with the top of Polish musicians). Their music is full of acoustic sound as well as their characteristic and expressive vocals. We’ll hear songs from the new album by Mate.o Acoustic and Friends, “Sit With Me/Live” during their concert on the Experiential Stage.
39 July 13
Dr Sinielnikow Będzie Zadowolony This project started as one big improvisation and experiment with music. The funky sounds weave simultaneously with dissonance which enters the atmosphere, never to return. Using images from the Soviet anatomy professor, Sinielnikow, VJ Mico will surgically cut the air with his sleight of hand. Jadwiga Agata Kłapa – vocals, sax Paweł Zarecki – piano Jakub Dworak – string bass Nathan Williams- trumpet vj mico – visualization
July 14
Old-timers at SAF for sure haven’t forgotten the musical feast that was served us a few years ago by Joachim Mencel and friends. This talented jazz pianist, composer and arranger plays concerts world-wide with the crème of jazz artists such as Dino Saluzzi, Charli Mariano, David Friedman, Jarek Śmietana, Nigel Kennedy and Brad Terry. He’s a true wizard at the keyboard and this year he’ll charm us solo! He’s worked with groups such as New Life’m , jm Trio and has composed for Nina Stiller, Ewa Bem, Anna Maria Jopek. He’s also the composer of the jazz cantata Miłość mi wszystko wyjaśniła (Love Will Explain Everything) Concert patron is Capitol Theater
Another Dose is a band formed in 2011 by Piotr Grymek and Maciej Milczanowski. Already at the beginning of their cooperation guys achieved success - when they took the second place in a contest to mix Marek Biliński’s record. What they create is electronic music combining dubstep and electro. Playing live they use modern equipment and devices such as iPad, Lunchpad, Ableton or Wii controllers. They use digital as well as analogue synthesizers. They strive to make every single live performance special. Listening to them, you will hear vocals, live instruments along with modern electronic music. Both Piotr and Maciej study sound production.
akK won’t stop exploring the world of electronic music. His party mix is a blend of dubstep, fidget house and techno in a dark, aggressive, rolling style. AtakK in his search of local artists founded a sound collective named Kondeferacja. His goal was to throw gigs with the best alternative music selection. Playing experience in several clubs gave him an occasion to practice mixing. This year he joined the Slot Art Festival crew. Sounds:
The collective focuses on creating electronic music in general (mostly dnb, liquid funk, trip hop). It is always a live-act with acoustic instruments in play. The main principle is permanent sound exploration and the arrangement of samples, loops, melody and bass motives is very often improvised depending on the ambience. Currently AMF is collaborating with the following: - Kamil Komendecki - bass guitar synths + production ATAKK - Pola Trąbińska - vocal samples Around 2007 he became fascinated with low - Wojciech Ziniewicz - production frequency bass of dubstep and since then At- - Paweł Oleszkiewicz - live drums tuesday, 10.07 dance floor dubstep
wednesday, 11.07
thursday, 12.07
friday, 13.07
saturday, 14.07
mash up
Crunk'em + Gotta Go Broflow Havok
22:00- 2:00 2:00 - 4:00
kickbeat night djs Kickbeat Mazubar
VisualToGo wobix 22:00 - 24:00 blendyM Olila 0:00 - 2:00 wobix VisualToGo 2:00 - 4:00 nie ma takiego chilloutu: house/elektro/breaks funk/breaks/house Loony W Q-wire 22:00 - 24:00 Ziontist 0:00 - 2:00 Crunk'em + Gotta Go Havok Kartal 2:00 - 4:00
22:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 4:00
vjs Kickbeat FkS
22:00- 23:00 Another dose live act Magix 23:00 - 1:00 AtakK 1:00 - 3:00 Fio 3:00 - 5:00
22:00- 23:00 23:00 - 1:00 1:00 - 3:00 3:00 - 5:00
Audiomanufacture NYP Junior D Q-wire
22:00- 24:00 0:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 4:00
NYP Junkie Punks Capitan Commodore
22:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 4:00
Olila Emiko FkS
22:00 - 24:00 0:00 - 2:00 2:00 - 4:00
NYP blendyM malaga
dubstep/dnb/hh house/elektro/techno techno/elektro/house Lugozi 22:00 - 23:00 Another dose live act 22:00 - 24:00 Kartal & Loony W 22:00 - 23:00 Sebastian Freymut 23:00 - 1:00 Ziontist Junior D 0:00 - 2:00 23:00 - 1:30 Mazubar Magix 2:00 - 4:00 Capitan Commodore 1:00 - 3:00 1:30 - 4:00 3:00 - 5:00 AtakK
soundcloud: audiomanufacture fb: anufacture/170934969591489
techno, and at the same time you can feel in his music a connection between a simplified postdaftpunk electro house a la Justice.
Broflow (Cologne Germany)
Broflow started DJing back in 1999. He was a stage DJ for different Hip Hop artists and played sets in clubs and venues around Germany and Europe. When he started experimenting with electronic music in 2005 it didn´t take long until he discovered his passion for drum´n´bass. His style as a club-DJ is influenced mainly by liquid tracks and melodic sounds, but there´s always room for the harder tunes as well. With this combination of tunes he´s been representing the English label Spearhead Records in Germany since 2007 and he has already played out in clubs and at festivals in Germany, Poland, the Ukraine, Luxembourg, Belgium and Spain. Beyond that he´s organized a diversity of electronic music parties and has worked as a booker for different festivals over the last few years. Links:
Capitan Commodore, aka Mariousz Socha, RzutnikB9, and Electric Boy, has been active in the electronic music scene for years. He’s fascinated with the sound of 8 beat computers and especially the whine of a program loading from a tape. In 2008 he put out an EP with Gigolo Records, published by DJ Hella who also has Miss Kittin, Tigi, Fischerspoonera, Presets, Boys Noize and Justice in their catalog. He mixes electro, house, techno, IDM, microsample post-
Crunk’eM - a young & fresh selecta straight from the south of Poland (Cieszyn), he’s as fierce as the tunes he’s droppin’ on his gigs. His two main weapons are really heavy and drilly dubstep/drumstep and fidget/bass/punk electro. As for his sets, he’s loyal to two ground rules: “If the music is too loud, you’re too old” & “There’s no place for any other love than the love of bass”. He goes absolutely mental when dj’ing - dancin’, yellin’ and jumpin’ with the crowd. His signature is the amount of bass in the club, (IT’S OVER 9000!) and the huuuge drops he’s laying at the floor. Check out his sets at !
The co-founder of one of the most popular, dubstep-electro collectives – The Lordz Team. He’s most known for merging club bangers with Hardcore Dubstep as well as club mainstream of all kinds. Fio supported Jazzstep, Breakage, RSD and Borgore among others.
Gotta Go – Young hypeman/screamer from Cieszyn, Silesia. Member of Łopopopo Crew with Crunkem. Forthcoming dj, promoter, music journalist and type of guy you want to know when is need of such. Maniac of blastbeats, overwhelming breakdowns, addicted to oldschool hardcore/punk and lemon. Already shared stage with: Son of Kick, Digital Chocolate, Borderline Personality Disorder, Blood Dries First, Crunk’em, Bad4You, Dubsknit, ChokeSick, Junkie Punks and more…
Being an active live and studio drummer for many years, Havoc has shaped his sense of musicality and groove. Behind the turntables he creates a highest quality blend of ghetto funk, breaks and mash-ups that shake every dancefloor. That resulted in many gigs, mostly in the Silesian area and Cracow, with regular parties in legendary Caryca and Off-Centrum clubs among them. You can’t miss this funky bastard when he’s coming to your town!
Junior D (BG/PL)
Junior D - even he doesn’t know, in which music universe he would be if not for his older brother’s tapes with The Prodigy albums and Sonic Trip sets recorded in the middle of the night from the radio. Happily he’s on the right path, and what is more, he is involved in spreading the good vibes. Either by the Are you Ravin Or Behavin fb page, introducing to polish people the goods of British music (as long as it has anything to do with syncopated beats) or personally from behind the dj console, heating up the public with a mix of dubstep and UK funky. He mostly likes playing b2b - especially with his jump-up-drum-and-bass-loving-half. So you need to be ready all the time, ‘cause you never know what he will serve you. Presently Junior D and VJ FkS form Ravin or Behavin which is an audio-visual project.
Aoki, The Bloody Beetroots DC77, Atari Teenage Riot, Busy P, Krazy Baldhead, Borgore, Cyberpunkers, A1 Bassline, Blatta & Inesha, Pelussje, CCC, Gooral, Novika, Kamp!, Rebeka, Rubber Dots, CKOD... They love all types of music but mostly fresh hits at about 130 bpms in electro, electro house but sometimes they’ll slow it way down.
DJ and promoter from Cieszyn. One of the founders of the Podaj Kabel audio-visual collective who animate the club scene in Silesia. He has been turning the tables since 2005 and has had the opportunity to play with the top of Poland’s House musicians. His sets are a mix of nu-disco, deep house and techno.
Members of the Association “Impulse of Tunes” known for their club - Kickbeat project, will present its new audio-visual show, which will combine dj’ing, live music and visualization. The project, prepared especially for Slot-art, music will be alluded to electronics, dub and techno in a technical form. It is hard to tell what plays a bigger role - the visualization or sound. One thing is certain, though each of these elements is considered and prepared with the utmost thoroughness, the performance will not lack elements of improvised sound and image. Turntables and machines - David Grabowski and Maciej Sobolewski, trumpet - John “Jiggah” Michalec, visualization - Radoslaw Janicki
These 3 Djs, promoters and producers from southern Poland in their short careers have played at festivals such as Heineken Opener Festival, No Border Music Festival, Electric Nights Festival, Connection Festival and LOONY Plener Festival. They’ve played in the far corThere are rumors that he is the son of Kerri ners of Poland on stages with artists like Steve Chandler and Nina Simone. He likes good
CLUB SCENE chords on the organ, Roland TR-909 sounds, and herring sandwiches from PSS Cieszyn. Winner of dj contest and active member of the Podaj Kabel collective. He serves deep house track’s and pretty tracks for cute girls.
Lugozi it’s a solo project of Łukasz Dziedzic, visual artist, curator, co-founder of Paracetamol vs KSZ. Combining dark electronic sounds with processed live and looped vocals, all flavored with a heavy and dirty section. The music is the result of many styles from improvised electronics through hip-hop to synthpop melodies. His track was released on a compilation Exterritory 01 together with artists such as Monosylabikk, Etamski or Woody Alien. Released the single Peaceful Sleep (Strefa Szarej Records 2011) - track/lugozi-peaceful-sleep-sp This year in June, his debut album was released in the revived cult label MIK.MUSIK!. / lugozi / lugozi
Born in 1987 in Poland. Brought up in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie, where he soaked the hip hop culture. He was a part of crews like: Triad Squad, that transformed into TRD squad and Brzydale Sound. He performed on stage on such festivals as One Love (2009), Rap Raggae Love and Wroclove. He shared the stage with many Polish and foreign artists, such as Gural, Grubson, Junior Stress, Tede, Abradab, Rahim, LUC, Sage, Sobota, Smagalaz, Marika, Jamal, Afromental and many more.
Right now he is working on his first studio album, on which you will be able to hear many great, known and unknown artists.
Malaga creates sculptures during the day and in the evening sits at her comp. In her visualizations she uses a medley of actual images, videos, animations with a bit of blur and noise. Just as much as black’n’white she likes the multicolor. Her adventure with visualization began in 2008 and, just a year later, she started a Polish-Czech project called “Podaj kabel” (tran. “pass the cable”), uniting dj’s and vj’s experimenting with electronic music and video art.
MAZUBAR - Bartłomiej Mazur, dj from Cieszyn. Fascinated by drone music. Participant and co-inititiator of some projects, propagator of clear vibes. He plays: techno, tech-house, deep, nudisco.
A group of creative people from Silesian electronic music scene, got together by simple will to create remarkable events promoting more ambitious sound. Their characteristic mark is undoubtedly alternative way of event organization. Every single NOT YOUR PARTY means countless hours of preparations, tons of designed and produced promo-materials, and enormity of auditioned, then carefully selected music. During the NOT YOUR PARTY cycle, the group hosted many acknowledged artist, like: Amoss, Sam KDC, Nuage, Hybris, Joe Syntax as well as many great representatives of Polish electronic music scene.
Now NYP™ is committed to the STARY DWORZEC KATOVVICE project - which is an attempt to adapt and bring back to life Katowice’s old railway station. On the list of invited producers you can find names like: Spectrasoul, Consequence, Synkro, Cristian Vogel, Karenn, Inigo Kennedy.
Vocalist and saxophonist- he’s been playing live for the past 3 years with the help of a looper and guitar effects, with vocals as the only instrument. He’s been fascinated with jazz and African ethno for years and creates music full of improvisation. It’s music that touches the senses with a mix of euphoria and nostalgia… You can float away to a world of spirit and emoQ-WIRE tions. This year at SLOT he’ll perform with Djs Q-wire, privately known as Kamil Maszkowski, on the club scene. main character of Oko Miasta Club in Katowice since its beginnings; Manager and originator ZiONTiST (CH) of Katowice Na Stolicę Music Festival and This year, ZIONTIST (aka Mark Hollinger) is many other events. His music career started again on Slot Art Festival. Anyone who has on the turn of 2003 and 2004 when He was 13 seen him once in the club scene, knows his years old. As a member of 42Na crew He was ability to dj quite well. In addition to his perfascinated by turntablism (table-turning). For formance, he also will present his latest althe next nearly 8 years as a DJ He was work- bum “Digital Lifestyle”, which received many ing with most of music genres. In the time positive comments abroad (Germany, Switzerbetween 2007 and 2009 He was concert DJ land). Mark is celebrating the 10th anniversary of Przyjdź Jutro Familia and Vademecum rap of friendship with the Slot Art Festival. bands. Now he is mainly interested in Drum He had the opportunity to work together with And Bass and similar genres, simultaneously international artists such as “Faith Massive” He still plays on Rap parties mixing it with elec- (USA), “Jorge Junior” (BR), “Mendez” (DE), tronic music. He performed with most of top “DJ Darryl” (USA), “Prodigal Sons” (USA), polish D’n’B/Dubstep and Rap DJs as well as and is in friendship with the Top-Producers of with a lot of foreign artists. Dance Music in Germany. Link: Sebastian Freymut (D) After having committed many years of his life first to Hip Hop and later to Drum´n´Bass, Cologne´s very own Sebastian Freymut decided it was time for a change and started to dedicate his turntables to Deephouse. Since the beginning of 2012 he has been mixing positive and melodic tunes, meant to make people move and to put a happy smile on every clubber’s face.
Marcin Młynek started getting into Vjing when RAVE was dying on the European stage and Viva Zwei put out live VJ mixes. He firstly experimented with pixelart on a Comodore C 64; wrote a demo in BASIC along with a video. When PCs arrived he began experimenting
CLUB SCENE with 2D and 3D animation as well as sound. Then Flash appeared and he began integrating all the elements. He co-founded a VJ group, 247, and has a company of the same name where he can use his knowledge commercially. He’s worked with the creative agency Sha Creative for years making videos for various brands and companies.
the CDQ. He was shown on the Night of museums in Warsaw and the Warsaw Electronic Festival.
OLILA – Olga Olechowska Spontanity is the most attractive thing in vjing. Presenting her video material is the best way EMiKO to show her great love for music. Music is the Emilia Gumańska/ vj Emiko- visual artist, pho- greatest inspiration for her. She is a part of the tographer, video designer and producer. Podaj kabel collective. Vj and a/v sets are created on the basis of vari- ous video projects of her own authorship. She experiments with light, self-made scenog- VisualToGo raphy elements and stylisation. Visual charac- VisualToGo or GoToSee caught the vj in the ter of her productions is very minimalistic and Slot through the Vj workshops in 2005, since then he’s lit his hometown where he shines at clear. Visual transmission is strongly connected to events from DnB ending at Minimal. He was emotional states of a human. By means of vi- the author of the eternal EyeCombatCollecsual symbols she creates emotional tunnels tive; Started from Resolume and ended up on the Hungarian CoGe. He likes the variety of vibetween her and the viewer. Since January 2011 emiko cooperates with Cz- sual, warm colors. He sometimes makes music wórka Polish Radio HDTV, making real-time vj as Tomas Parkerr. sets for music programs. She is the winner of VJ Torna Championship Live Performers Meeting Mińsk edi- lective tion/. WOBiX portfolio: Wobix loves vjing since SLOT saved his life. Loves live act and stimulating his public’s fb: brains. Filmmaker and animator, media artist. He would like to have projector embedded in FkS (BG/PL) Fan of motion graphics. In his vj sets minimal- his head and shine wherever it’s possible. He ist shapes can be seen integrated into the believes projections should be pleasant to the shots of dirty industrial shots. He uses every eye and make sense. space to display his artwork in the form of map- ping. Associated with collective “Are you ravin ‘or Behavin’?” On his account he has appearances on many club events at places such as 1500m2 do wynajęcia, Mandala, Club 19 and
on Slot is a comeback… To a smaller and more intimate tea tent, and of the bandsmen, who repeatedly caused knee bleeding to those dancing inside and anywhere near this specific area.
Night One – Tuesday/Wednesday: Welcome back!
Nearly full range of Jamaican music: rocksteady - early reggae - rootsdub reggae - rub a dub - wczesny dancehall – dub. Muflon Dub, Macca Dub i zasad (Pozytywny Ferment).
Night Two – Wednesday/Thursday: Welcome in the past!
What sounds roamed in Jamaica before roots reggea? Ska - rocksteady - early reggae - skinhead reggae - 2Tone (yeah, I know, it’s not exactly the answer on this question). JapkoSelecta, Freedom Sound (Feellike jumping).
Night Three – Thursday/Friday: Welcome in the after-sound! crew will show you how dub ub - ub - ub – ub sounds like: representing Bedi and Yarecki.
Night Four – Friday/Saturday: Welcome on the dance floor!
Modern roots - dancehall – raggamuffin. A selection from the beating hearts of Amsderdam’s dance halls, raggamuffin tales from the city of textile workers and the hundred-bridge city vocals. DNS, Janek, Sensil. If the festival is to its end, why to bother with any style division? A lot of base, good humour, dialogues from behind the gramophone and between the dj’s place and the dance floor. After them a flood comes, so don’t be startled by shanty (and not necessary shantytown): Ena i RBS (Pozytywny Ferment)
fot. Mateusz Bilski
Night Five – Saturday/Sunday: Welcome, welcome – go, go!
July 13, Friday
APORiA + something more
APORIA This music, dripping with emoWhat is Hardcore/Punk? Music? Ideals? Peo- tion and full of passion, is reminiscent of the achievements of French bands playing screaple? Come! See! Listen! mo with a solid punk foundation. This band July 10, Tuesday from Tczew rips bowels apart, yawn worthy they most certainly are not. Aporia is back on MALCHUS + APE MALCHUS A band that’s hard to fit into any stage after a short break! category of heavy music. In general they play progressive, melodic metal with a Christian
July 14, Saturday message. They have 4 demos and 2 albums out and their newest release will be this month. APE Started in 2008. They play melodic punk EYE FOR AN EYE EYE FOR AN EYE One of the most popular rock in the style of Rancid. Polish groups on the independent hardcore/ July 11/ July 12 punk scene. The group was formed in 1997 and since then has recorded a few CDs and done ASTRiD LiNDGREN, GARAGE concerts both at home and abroad. 11, THERE iS NO TOMORROW + countless Eye For An Eye plays an exuberant hardcore something more punk with a big dose of melody. ASTRID LINDGREN hardcore punk band charged with emotion, ASTRID LINDGREN brings to mind the Zlodzieje Rowerow (Bike Exact updated information on a poster by the Thieves – a Polish punk hardcore band from Carriage House. the 1990’s). This young band from Poznan quickly wins their listeners sympathy. GARAGE 11 This group from Warsaw plays energetic garage punk. Something creaking, something scratching, dirty sounds as you’re listening to a 100% punk rock band ! THERE IS NO TOMORROW The dark side of human existence. Discomfort, fear, claustrophobia, neuritis and hope. Everything in the convention of broken hardcore/metalcore. It won’t be nice and pleasant. We play to impair your personality…
is spinning! Spin in the laundry higher, higher, higher! Stop the spinner and stay with us. There’s plenty of room. Pralnia Cafe is about change! A change of party and type in good company and full of energy! Pralnia Cafe is renewed- the stage which will host only native performers, the climate that you can’t find on a big stage, full contact between the artists and the audience, total professionalism, total fun.
Fluidacje- one of the Brothers Ebert projects from the Analog Visuals label. The result of 5 years of experiments is a wealth of visuals on the cusp of liquids and light. Instead of using a computer the artists use colorful chemicals that they mix on an overhead projector.
Made in Cosmos- magical visualisations daily during the concerts! Artistic Live Painting- each day’s concerts will be accompanied by live painting to the music. Everyone will be able to see how the artists envision jazz, progressive, rap, rock... All the paintings will be hung in the cafe for the duration of the SAF.
Blue Balls Effect
Once a trio, now a quartet, their goal is to amaze the listener with their rock sounds. They live for music and love to share it with others and that’s why they love what they do!
A duo of DJs that have been together for 3 years. They’ve played almost every club that counts in Poland. They play deep, tech house and often reach into tribal sounds during their sets.
DJ Pan Cake
PRALNiA (LAUNDRY) STAGE 49 Holly Blue & Soundpetersburg
Robert Ciastoń plays melodic house, funky, disco, and artists such as Breakbot, Jesse Rose, 2Bears, Gramophondzie, Homework, Cassius, Caravan Palace, and Daniel Dexter in live re-mixes. His music is energetic and danceable but never forgets its roots.
This is a project from 17-year-old vocalist, Sonia Kopeć who has won many musical competitions and Emile Blant, musician and producer. They play „intelligent pop“ in the climate of Regina Specot, Emilian Torrini or Tori Amos but with their own inspiration
Dobry Wieczór
Hush Hush Pony
A fun escape to the past leaving the world behind. We’ll look at the world from a distance and add some new emotions. Acoustic butter from the inner man.
The music from these guys is a mix of fascination and experiences from the band members.FLAWISH is about playing with vocals and painting background sounds with the instruments and the pieces never sound the same twice! You can find traces of alternative, trance, electronic and ambient in their stuff.
A collective from Wrocław who plays a braod range of electronic music. They played support for Faithless at last year’s Selector Festival in Krakow. This trio is currently working on their debut EP in Paris.
Come and see!
These guys have been friends since High School and decided to form a group with no stylistic borders. Mostly they found inspiration in classics and progressive rock but soon Flying Moses branched out into hard rock with electronic The name of the band comes from the Eng- keyboard sounds and added secret Polish lish expression for when someone stage dives texts. but the crowd parts instead of catching them. Their music is nu-jazz, progressive rock, trip Lena Romul “Industrialnie hop, easy listening, funk, club and even avand- An original project from Lena Romul. She sings of the problems of a young women of the 21st garde. Century in her texts. This 22 year-old “Singing Funky Carnivale Saxophonist” is known from “Poland’s Got TalThey say of themselves, „We’re drawn to ent” and together with five other musicians groovy funk classics, but what would they be they play a mix of pop d’n’b, dub, dubstep, without the NYC climate of the ‚90’s?“ house and nu-jazz.
A phase of development for this garage, funk, rock band. Their new name covers a new sound that is approaching jazz in unconventional ways along with texts from famous Polish poets.
These two met on the back seat of a bus on a school trip to Detroit. They sing of loss and stimuli with sounds like Commodore ’64trance and everything to do with heavy vocals.
50 PRALNiA (LAUNDRY) STAGE Martyna Baranowska Trzynasta w Samo Południe A young, very talented vocalist for whom music is everything. She’s got an amazingly strong voice and charisma which comes across well in concert. Since 2008 has been with the band Rayne and just recently has branched out into acoustic with elements of reggae and soul.
Naczynia Połączone
Five crazy, young guys who are absolutely in love with music. Every concert and sound proves that rock in NOT dead and the audience confirms it. It’s pure rock and roll spiced up with harmonica.
Harrison Chord
A new project from Kobster, known in the clubSeven members from various musical back- bing world, and Tom Bednarczyk to share mugrounds form an explosive mix of funk to tra- sical experiences, especially in the field of proditional rock and on through psychedelic. duction, and with a desire to play their original stuff live. The characteristic funky bass and a Riffertone large dose of analog synth are their ID. Two young guys who figured one fine night in 2006 that since they play and sing while shav- Youth Rave Center ing or over a beer why not try it publically? And Their interest in cards and chess brought them it worked… together, plus a love of craziness on the dance floor and dirty sounds ala Haters Gonna Hate. Symbioza They’ve played many clubs and every month Fly away with good, old rock combined with you can hear their program on Berlin’s Sweat beat and trip-hop served up with flute, violin, House Radio. keyboard and bass…
The Band Of Endless Noise
One of the best known alternative rock bands in Poland. They’re known abroad as well in places such as the USA and England where legendary BBC presenter, John Peel, played their recording.
Tymek Śnieżek
In his music you’ll find pop, rock, blues, soul and funk. John Mayer is his biggest inspiration. Tymek had the pleasure of meeting Jakub Jamieluch, who plays percussion and they’ve played together since 2011, adding Kuba Leński recently on bass.
Wlazi Acoustic Band
This group plays acoustic music with hints of reggae and sung poetry and all with a positive message.
(location 41)
Tuesday, July 10: KidBrown Ensemble
8 very different people from 8 different musical worlds meet on 1 small stage. The project is even more unusual since 2 women face-off with 6 men. The ladies lead the project, write the music and give it their sometimes delicate and sometimes not-so- delicate character. 6 free and not set in a mold musicians follow their ideas and interpret the waves differently. Original music, simple texts about life and truth. Lots of vocal and instrumental improvisation.
Wednesday, July 11: Beavers
The roots of this band is sung poetry but now due to the character of the sounds produced together they do acoustic original songs. Their inspiration is too wide to note but it’s worthwhile to add that the band is made up of jazz, reggae, rock and illustration musicians
fot. Keesho
Thursday, July 12: Soundrise: Unknown Niemen
This group is unique in Poland. They present the repertoire of Czesław Niemen, one of Poland’s best singer-songwriters, in today’s musical language using lots of electronics and interesting experimental sounds. They say of themselves, “We try to present Niemen in a way that people of our generation will be interested in the music of this great artist.”
Friday, July 13: João
This band was formed in 2011 by João de Sousa, from Portugal. He spent many years finding his musical path. The creativity of this band leads you through history and experiences that touch us all. The musical inspiration comes from America in the ‘70’s, ’80’s and ‘90’s and runs from acoustic rock through electronic sounds.
Saturday July 14; DUCH: Nieme Filmy (Silent Films)
This band plays their unique sounds to old silent movies. They are described as, “acoustic trip-hop” and have been gaining accolades at festivals and concerts (they play about 100 a year). They are one of few bands, and probably the only one in Poland, who play this type of hypnotizing material combined with the unusual visuals.
(location 53) Each day has a certain theme. For the first three days the public and a jury will chose a band to open the concert on the Main Stage the next evening. The voting takes place during the last concert of each day. Wednesday, July 11, “Three Colors- red, yellow and green!” Bands somewhere in the reggae, ska and rock genre. We’ll sway and jump to these dynamic concerts. Come and feel the pulse and help decide who plays on the Main Stage. 17.30 Cztery metry od chodnika 18.15 Exit 19.00 ReForma Thursday July 12, “There’s no roses without thorns- no SLOT without rock” Rock Day. Rock in twos, threes and fours served up fast. Even though each band plays
rock they all sound different. It’ll be solid and real. 17.30 The Daybreak Project 18.15 Cinemon 19.00 Polish Gitarre Friday July 13, “Ladies take the mic!” Bands with female singers. It’ll be gentle, electric and savage. Last chance for voting. 17:30 Boso 18:15 NaSenNie 19:00 Poison Words Saturday, July 14, “Game Over” No contest today. The stage will open with a post-industrial show, then alternative rock and finally acoustic grunge. 17.30 Kaw-Tseer 18.15 Bezsensu 19.00 3 kluski śląskie
fot. Mateusz Bilski
SEMiNARS Under the Tree
Krzysztof Zanussi
Prominent Polish director, producer, screenwriter and lecturer. The Illumination (1972), Camouflage (1976), A Year of the Quiet Sun (1984) and Persona Non Grata (2005) are just a few titles of Zanussi’s films and each has its place in the history of Polish cinematography. Each film is full of meaning and is challenging, enriching, appreciated and memorable. Meeting with Krzysztof Zanussi, Wed, 11th, 13.00, Carriage House.
Jacek Żakowski
A leader in Polish journalism, winner of many prestigious awards. His interviews with leading intellectuals through the years have gathered a perspective and interpretation of the changing reality in Poland. His articles are always stimulating, inspiring and cause for reflection. They’ve become fuel for refection for many of us on the mechanism of our world that is becoming less and less understandable. Meeting with Jacek Żakowski, Thursday July 12, 13.00 Carriage House
Tomáš Sedláček
Blind spot - what you don’t want to see, when you look in the mirror Each of us has a picture of ourself. What’s most important in the picture is found in the blind spot. The things that define your life are the things you ceased to see so long ago, that you don’t even see that you don’t see them. This year under the tree, we’ll get 3D glasses, and take a close look together at those fragments of the picture that have remained in our blind spots, hidden from sight. 1. Disappointment. The mold on your soul. 2. Sex. You want it. You’ve got it. Why aren’t you happier? 3. Why your dad is still looking over your shoulder 4. No matter how good it goes, it’s never enough! Why? Dan Hash, Under the Tree, 15.00
Seminars in rooms Be your own boss!
Szymon Surmacz and friends Social Entrepreneurship, from co-ops to new ideas for business. Historic and modern democracy, self-managed enterprises created by people with a common passion. 1. History and traditions of the co-op movement 2. Modern Social Entrepreneurship- problems and solutions 3. Democratic Entrepreneurship 4. Modern forms of co-operation, economic exchange room 19, 11.00
One of the most thought provoking economists in Central Europe, combining an academic knowledge of economics with life experience and a gift of story-telling. Former economic consultant to Vaclav Havel, president of Czech Republic. The author of the bestseller, “Economics of Good and Evil” which has been translated into many languages. Meeting with Tomáš Sedláček, Fri, 13th, Change 13.00 am, Carriage House Bożena Gawrych When you invite it, you look forward to its arrival. More often, though, it comes uninvited. Change.
1. Change as a planned process 2. Human reaction to change 3. The role of a group leader in change 4. Communication during change Bożena Gawrych- life coach, court mediator, HR consultant location 20, 11.00
For Men Only
3. The world of Islam 4. India Open Doors- international organization serving Christians around the world for 57 years room 19, 13.00
Can buying chocolate be harmful?
Borys Bińkowski A look at righteous and unrighteous trade on the international market and in daily life. 1. Modern, global economic system 2. Alternative economic models 3. The most important rules and practices of Fair Trade 4. Controversies around Fair Trade Borys Bińkowski - Partner Fair Trade Coalition. Expert on Fair Trade: practical and theoretical. Co-founder of firm Szczypta Świata. room 20, 13.00
Bogdan Pszczoła and Piotr Tkaczyk 1. Dad or father? 2. Where’s your team? 3. Fighting for ...her. Fighting with...her 4. Understanding or heart Piotr Tkaczyk-educated as a lawyer, heads a consulting firm, business trainer, co-founder of Polish Innovation Institute Bogdan, “Bzyku” Pszczoła- has been with SLOT for years, Founder of KompaniiBraci. org., life coach, works with Institute for Men’s Enjoy Life More Fully Development Andrzej Burzyński room 21, 11.00 How to create a successful relationship How to befriend emotions Consultation Point Lectures How to have a real adventure Leszek Korzeniecki and friends How to be happy 1. What is addiction? Andrzej Burzyński is a certified trainer with MS 2. The trap of co-dependency TEAM and founder of the Institute for Person3. Auto-destructive behavior- roots, mechaal Development. Author of the Polish book, nism and way out “Przebacz i Uwolnij Siebie” (Forgive and Free 4. Spiritual threats Yourself) Leszek Korzeniecki- experienced pastor with room 21, 13.00 personal experience that helps him look at problems from a unique, spiritual viewpoint Love- what’s it all about? Asia i Janusz Żydek room 22, 11.00 What happens to love after the wedding? Where the cost of faith is greatest How to express love and be understood Open Doors Gourmet Sex Four days along the path of persecution in the Conflict- how not to be destroyed XXI century Asia and Janusz both have degrees in theology 1. North Korea- once the “Jerusalem of the and Asia has a degree in Family and Court MeEast” now the country of work camps and diation, together they have done marriage and starvation family counseling. 2. Bhutan- Asian kingdom of contrasts room 22, 13.00
SEMiNARS Pro Zone Seminars room 19, 15.00
Educational Alternatives
We’ll look at several unconventional approaches to education. Is school as we know it the only legal alternative for us? We’ll look at education outside of school as well as individualized ed. modeled after the Artistic High School, ALA. 1. Childhood without school- is it possible? Is it new? 2. “Can I pass physics this year in two years? Do I have to have biology this year?” Weird school #1 3. How does school function where you don’t repeat a class? Weird school #2 4. Tutor- a personal teacher Paweł Zakrzewski- president of the Society „Parents Union” who promote non-institutionalized education Mariusz Budzyński- author of idea and director of Artistic High School, ALA Andrzej Horyza- teacher, tutor and coach, part of SLOT for… 20 years room 20, 15.00
We’ll begin with a trip to the roots of tomorrow- yesterday. On the 2nd day of SLOT we’ll look at the tomorrow of technology and science. Day 3 is reserved for the tomorrow of culture. And finally, personal tomorrow. Can we plan our future? Jan Masajada – teacher at Wroclaw Poly-technical University has led interesting discussions combining science and world-view at SLOT for years room 21, 15.00
A trip through the world of books
The following will talk about their own book as well as those of others…
Andrzej Goworski (born 1979)- editor of literary and scientific publications, literary critic and writer Jacek Inglot (born 1962)- author, organizer of “Wroclaw Forum of Young Creators”- workshops for young writers Leszek Budrewicz (born 1956)- journalist, writer, poet, activist in the underground “Solidarity”, author of several collections, juror at literary competitions. room 22, 15.00
Eastern Tent The Middle East and North Africa After the Arab Spring
It’s been about 1 1/2 years since Mohamed Bouazizi poured gas on himself and set himself on fire before the Town Hall of his hometown. Since his death, North Africa has changed beyond description. Have the changes in power trickled down to changes in the material situation for people? Saturday, July 14, 11.00
Nowak Africa- the largest excursion of Poles
130 people took part in this excursion to Africa in the footsteps of Kazimierz Nowak. They travelled through Africa for almost 2 years in the same way that Kazimierz Nowak did it in the 1930’s- mainly by bike and on foot. Magazine “Traveler” called this trip “The trip of the Year 2011” and we’ll hear about it from one of its participants. Friday, July 13, about 21.00 Konrad Pędziwiatr- sociologist, anthropologist, interested in religion and ethnicity in the process of migration, Islam and Muslims in Europe and Poland
(location 52) Salam! In front of the monastery, by the fountain that doesn’t work you’ll find the Eastern Tent. You’ll discover its oriental decorations, Eastern atmosphere and real chai. Come and experience a distant culture while you+ learn about the changes brought about in the Middle East by the Arab Spring +get to know Israel + watch a slide show about the Caucasus, Cambodia, Albania, Syria and Africa Our guests will include: Zbyszek Pawlak- lecturer with years of experience in the cross-cultural ways of man, more at Konrad Pędziwiatr- sociologist, anthropologist, interested in religion and ethnicity in the process of migration, Islam and Muslims in Europe and Poland more at Nowak Africa- the largest excursion of Poles- Friday, July 13, about 21.00 130 people took part in this excursion to Africa in the footsteps of Kazimierz Nowak. They travelled through Africa for almost 2 years in the same way that Kazimierz Nowak did it in the 1930’s- mainly by bike and on foot. Maga-
zine “Traveler” called this trip “The trip of the Year 2011” and we’ll hear about it from one of its participants. The Middle East and North Africa After the Arab Spring—Saturday, July 14, 11.00 (2nd round) It’s been about 1 1/2 years since Mohamed Bouazizi poured gas on himself and set himself on fire before the Town Hall of his hometown. Since his death, North Africa has changed beyond description. Have the changes in power trickled down to changes in the material situation for people? Iza Bućkowska- university teacher, Old Testament scholar, co-organizes trips to Israel Tymek Rabinek- works with „Olive Tree”, participant in an archeological program in Israel Kazimierz Barczuk- author of book on Israel, organizes exchanges between Polish and Israeli youth Mark Verma- leads a work similar to SLOT in Egypt Leszek Szczasny- by education a political science and philosophy major, by passion a social worker, photographer and mostly an independent globe-trotter, more at leszekszczasny. Find out details of our program at the tent, order something to drink and play a game of tick-tack-toe or dominoes...
fot. Łukasz Krzywda
LiTERARY STAGE (location 34– Gafa Café)
Creative Writing Workshops
Do you write? Do you get stuck sometimes? Get those texts out of the drawer and bring them to an expert. Find out what your strong points of writing are and what you still need to work on. Literary newbies can get advice from experienced authors during this creative writing workshop. Chosen works will be analyzed and discussed by everyone interested.
in each one they have 3 minutes on stage with no props or instruments since good text needs no help! The winner is chosen by the audience and SLOT will provide a prize. So come on July 10th in the evening and take part in the Slam led by Bujakasza. Bujakasza- activist, involved in social issues, slammer and organizer of slams, a fount of enthusiasm, ideas and intuition. Her main inspiration is the collective The Native Tongues.
JULY 11-14 5:30pm-8pm in Gafa Café (except Friday, July 13 at 7:30pm we will move outside) The individual voices in the program essentially talk about the same thing: literature seen as an alternative world which has existed since the beginning of civilization, and to which we will always run. Literature has its own type of therapeutic function which is quite obvious and yet not often spoken of. We read in order to free ourselves from the weight of reality, if only for a moment, to understand ourselves and others. That’s what this year’s literary stage is going to be – we will be transported into the faraway realms of the imagination, lost kingdoms of childhood; we will look into the eyes of our fears, but return in one piece, because everything will turn out to be just a random group of words. We will experience the escapist function on literature through the discussions on the world as text – read SLAM POETRY NiGHT through magic spells; text as a home – a shelter for social outsiders; text as an antidote – Tuesday July 10, 9PM-11:30PM An alternative evening of poetry based on a de- for a reality that is too tough. sire to take it outside the stiff lines and theory. 11 July Slam was born in Chicago during the ‘80’s and Ukraine today it consists of sketches, rap, poems and For centuries the Ukrainians have treasured anything else that’s on the heart of the per- literature in which they have embedded their former. Slammers compete in 3 rounds where
The experts are:
Jacek Inglot (born 1962)- author, organizer of “Wroclaw Forum of Young Creators”- workshops for young writers and poets which produces almanacs, albums and books. Jacek will join us July 11th. Leszek Budrewicz (born 1956)- journalist, writer, poet, activist in the underground “Solidarity”, author of several collections, juror at literary competitions. He will be our expert guest on July 12th. Andrzej Ziemiański (born 1960)- science fiction and fantasy writer, author of book series and stories. Teaches creative writing at Wrocław University department of Journalism and Cultural Communication. He’ll be with us July 13th. Maciej Taranek (born 1986)- winner of several poetry competitions, studies creative writing in Wroclaw, will join us July 14th.
Next we will move even further east. The theme of the meeting Homelessness of the Orient – A Vision of Literature will be contemplation of lacking one’s own place – a home, a physical and psychological space – described in Asian literature. Andrzej Gaworksi invites participation from people who are interested particularly in Indian and Chinese literature and the cultural differences between the European and Asian view of society. July 12 Andrzej Gaworski – editor of literary and Address: Literature. Homeless creators. Outsiders, those who don’t want to “live” in scholarly journals, literary critic and unfulfilled prose writer. the mainstream. TAKOJE KINO – film project done by the The night will be completed by a performance homeless of St. Petersburg. Their lives invol- by Leszek Budrewicz (see info about creative writing workshop and lectures) untarily create unusual stories.
fot. Piotr Bakiewicz
values. It helped them protect their identity when they were not an independent country. People who study Ukrainian culture will serve us up the most delicious flavors of modern Ukrainian literature including the works of Serhij Żadan, Halyna Kruk, Jurij Andruchowycz and Lina Kostenko. For desert, Ksenia Charczenko, a Ukrainian writer and journalist, will perform.
important. We won’t impose the topic, genre 1. “I know that from someplace”: the func- or author. Childhood storybooks, classics and tion of myths and archetypes in contempo- literary news are all welcome. rary culture 14 July Some things have been known since the begin- 1. Maciej Taranek’s Set ning of time and are repeated time and again in Maciej Taranek – one of Wroclaw’s most inliterature, paintings, comics, street art, plays, teresting young poets films, even computer games. All forms of cre- 2. The Literary Genius Loci of Brunon ativity are full of these archetypes: perpetual- Schulz ly repeated stories and well known characters. Those who know the works of Brunon Schulz Orpheus becomes Dante in the underworld, know about the existence of impeccable sensiWiedzmin, Mario the plumber, Galahad of tivity of a different dimension, saturated with the Arthurian legends, the archetypical Bard a different, weird type of beauty. This lecture in RPG games, and Tolkien’s Aragorn. They is a reflection on the fascinating imagination of change shape but the model and meaning re- the author who, through his character, young main the same. Joseph, journeys through a forgotten mythical The lecture will encompass all types of creativ- land. What is it that attracts and marvels us in ity without division between high and low art. this mysterious, somewhat disturbing, often The goal is to abolish the popular archetype evasive world? which connects myths with fossilized cultural We will present fragments of films and elemonuments and boring classroom analysis. ments of the autobiography of the author, Joanna Kleczar – freelancer, involved in whose 120th birthday would be celebrated on graphic design and illustration, studied the July 12, 2012, Polish language, loves science fiction, comics Agnieszka Szydziak – Polish language speand computer games, and most of all visual cialist, biblio-therapist, cultural animator. communication, widely defined. Coordinates the “Readers for Grown-ups” Irmina Korda – independent spirit dabbling meetings. Schulz’s poetry will be presented in copywriting, editing and illustration, inter- by Barbara Armata. ested in cultural anthropology, film, alterna- 3. Narration as a Game with Reality tive music and various unveilings of artistic What connects Wiedzmin with Superman, activity. Bullerbyn with Mordor, the priest Twardowski 2. Story Time for Grown-ups are biblio-ther- with Wojaczek? Which curtain do you choose? apeutic and cyclical meetings with books. This is an open discussion panel. Their goal is to share the individual and inti- Follow our literary gazette and you will mate process of reading. The rules are simple: find information about contests, texts by we meet to read together and get to know winners and invited guests, announcebooks. Every participant has a few minutes to ments about future events and possibly inpresent a fragment of a book he or she choos- formation about changes in the program. es. It doesn’t matter what type of book it is or The Gazette will be available everyday at what the fragment is about, but the process Café Gafa. of choosing and reading it to others is what is
SAF. He’s recorded 4 albums and played hundreds of concerts in and outside of Poland. He The place at SLOT where we focus on an issue also works as a photographer and has worked that you can’t escape from- PROFESSIONAL for several ad agencies. WORK. The more consequential we approach Saturday, July 14 this subject, the more satisfaction (not only fi- FREELANCE- the art of independent activnancial!) and fun we’ll have. Come join us for: ity: Michał Kochaniewicz, graphic artist, VJ, cook… Has been a freelancer for 10 years and BUiSNESS iNTELLiGENCE has created for brands such as Snickers, Red Pralnia Café round 1 (11:00-12:45) Bull, Goodyear, Kérastase Paris, Mars, Matrix, A series of interviews with free-lancers and Vichy, Pedigree, Whiskas, Schwarzkopf Probusiness owners. We’ll look at all aspects of fessional. Add to that his love for cooking and these two forms and give painfully honest his culinary blog answers. Sebastian Pawłowski, co-founder of SLOT, co-founder and director of creative BASiC ENTREPRENEURSHiP agency, SHA CREATIVE GROUP, will be the Pralnia Café, round 2,(13.00-14.45) host. A cycle of teaching for young entrepreneurs. Something for those who have an idea for a Wednesday, July 11 FAMILY BUISNESS- passion and freedom: quality, original activity. We’ll have interacAgula and Tom Swoboda, painter and multi- tion, case studies and workshop activities. media artists. They’ve gone through many, various forms of professional activity such as starting their own gallery and taking part in a international resident artist program. Since 2009 they’ve run the School of Painting, Drawing, Photography and Thought in Cieszyn. Tom created the SLOT logo and this year’s graphics.
Thursday July 12
Your Own Business- passion and freedom: Keith Shortley (UK), owner consulting firm, “Solutions”. A business advisor who has supported firms and NGOs for years with his knowledge and experience, both in England and in Poland. Privately a happy husband and dad of two adult daughters. fot. Joanna Jackowska
Friday, July 13
FREELANCE- the art of independent activity: Mate.O composer, vocalist, photographer. His artistic endeavors and involvement in SLOT reach back to the ‘90’s and the beginnings of
SOCiAL iNiTiATiVES ZONE Wednesday, July 11
The importance of a great idea in the beginning- potential, strong points, taking the chance- structure of market opinion, building a marketing strategy
Thursday, July 12
Brand environment- Political communication- This year we have three hot premiers straight Position and quality of service & products- Key from the Planet Doc Review Festival as well as the world-renowned and comparable to Schinto fascination dler’s List, Hotel Rwanda. Come see these Friday July 13 challenging films daily in Café Cauliflower, loCreative thinking - Critical thinking- Visual cation…, at 18.00. communication and management- Building a Wednesday 18.00 – Hotel Rwanda brand experience and capital trust Thursday 18.00– Urbanized Saturday, July 14 Friday 18.00– Ambassador Myths of creating a brand and good image- Cri- Saturday 18.00– Surviving Progress sis-Planning contact with the media Urbanized dir. Gary Hustwit, Great Teaching will be led by Anna Wydra- strate- Britain, 2011, 85 min. gist, schooling designer, creative thinking After “Helvetice” and “Objectified”, director coach, PR specialist Gary Hustwit decided to expand his theme the design of objects to design of cities and Consultation point PRO ZONE of prove that in the day of urbanization this is one corridor by the Small Courtyard, 17:00-18:00 of the greatest challenges facing modern sociThinking of starting your own business? Wonety. He shows who and how cities are formed dering how to develop your firm? If you’re lookusing the history of architecture and urbanizaing for advice about your present or future protion (Jacobs and Moses in New York), modern fession this is the place to be. Keith Shortly, citizen’s movements (protest Stuttgart 21) owner of consulting firm, Solutions, will give and expert comments on spectacular failures individual help. of city planning, such as in Brazil. Co-op Wall PRO ZONE corridor by Small In the beginning of the 19th Century only 2.5% Courtyard of the world’s population lived in cities, about Do you have a great idea and need people to 30 million people. That number grew to 2 bilhelp? Maybe you have a firm and need new lion in the following 100 years. According to workers? Looking for a free-lance artist? Are the World Bank, city dwellers make up over you a free-lancer who’s looking for new clihalf of the world’s population and by 2030 ents? that will grow to 60%. If this migration from Creative activities and interesting projects rural areas to cities isn’t met with appropriate arise when you meet the right people. Where political development and interest on the part better to find them than at SLOT? Put your anof leaders and citizens, urbanization may turn nouncement on the wall and maybe you’ll find into slums. who you’re looking for! Selected festivals and awards: 2011- MFF To-
ronto/Toronto IFF, 2011 - CPH:DOX Kopenha- the book, A Short History of Progress, by Ronga/CPH:DOX Copenhagen, ald Wright, and produced by the same producers who made “Corporation”. It’s a documentaThe Ambassador dir. Mads Brugry, in the vein of “Inside Job”, that looks at the gner, Denmark 2011, 93 min. Danish journalist and satirist, Mads Brugger, whole of man’s condition and shows the chalsets off on a journey to the heart of Africa to lenge before us as homo-sapiens to survive. show the terrifying face and depth of cor- Canadian directors, Mathieu Roy and Harold ruption that exists in that part of the world. Crooks, made this film as a warning that man He pretends to be a weird, enigmatic and de- is on the brink of destroying Earth. This happraved diplomat from the west that looks like pens mainly due to our inability to reject the a cross between Henry Stanley and Karl Lager- development paradigm- conquest and unlimfeld. After buying a diplomatic passport on the ited use of our planet. Referring to the history black market he becomes the Liberian Consul of civilization, the directors show the “progto the Central African Republic. With a cigar in ress traps” which have destroyed previous hand and shiny, leather boots he plays the dy- civilizations. Ours, it would appear, is not an namically active, rich businessman who comes exception. Using arguments from theorists to central Africa to do business. Officially he is and economists such as: Stephen Hawking, to build a match factory where he will employ Jane Goodall, Margaret Atwood, Vaclav Smil, Pygmies, who are according to the locals, en- Daniel Povinelli, Gary Marcus, and Marina Sildowed with “magical powers of fire”. In real- va, the directors challenge us to change our ity, though, he plans to meet up with diamond thought process, but not by becoming hysterical or seeking an enemy. salesmen who will help him buy diamonds. Despite warnings that he could die, this false “Surviving Progress” presents a wonderfully ambassador doesn’t reveal his true identity illustrated diagnosis of modernity, going beand keeps up the masquerade of a diplomatic yond the current economic and climate probmagnate. His mission turns out to be harder lems. It tackles the source of the world situation- our way of thinking and false belief in than he expected, however. “Ambassador” is an interesting example of a growth as a panacea for all bad. Even though documentary- journalism approach to film. the ideal of development has been challenged The Ambassador is a genre-breaking, tragic today, it remains a strong weapon in the hands comedy about the bizarre and grotesque world of those who accumulate wealth and have no of African diplomacy whose budget was 1 mil- time for rational thinking. The film suggests lion Euro. The film had negative consequences a way out of man’s never-ending-cycle of destruction but it seems victory will be very diflegally for many of the characters shown. Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - IDFA , ficult and time is short. opening film /International Documentary Fes- Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - MFF tival Amsterdam, Opening night’s film, 2012 - Montreal/Montreal IFF, 2011 - MFF Vancouver/Vancouver IFF, 2011 - MFF Toronto/ToronFF Sundance/Sundance FF. to IFF, 2011 - IDFA/International Documentary Surviving Progress, dir. Mathieu Festival Amsterdam, 2011 - MFF Dubai/Dubai Roy, Harold Crooks, Canada, 86 min. IFF “Surviving Progress” is a film essay, based on
We invite you daily from 15.00-9.00 to the Social Initiatives Fair in the corridor where you can find out more about the organizations we’ve invited to the festival. They work in a large range of areas in the Third Sector. Here is the list of organizations joining us as of June 1: 1. Środowiskowy Dom Samopomocy CURATUS- a home for people with chronic psychiatric problems and illnesses 2. Society “Azyland”- work with those excluded from society, specifically now in three prisons in Silesia 3. Society “Inny Dom”- a group of young people devoted to the idea of helping and inspiring others to act. Have been running a day center for children age 7-17 since 2006 4. Serve the City- a group who wants to change the city by helping at orphanages, social therapy centers, with the homeless… 5. Foundation Na Rzecz Kultury Ottenbreitworks within and promoting culture, science and society
fot. Mateusz Bilski
HOTEL RWANDA dir. Terry George, South Africa, USA, Great Britain, Italy 2005, 121 min. The hero of this film, based on fact, is Paul Rusesabagina, manager of the luxury hotel, Mille Collines. By using his contacts and bribing and scaring enemies, he saved 1268 refugees, both Tutsi and Hutu, who sought refuge in the hotel in 1994. Western film critics often compared Hotel Rwanda to Schindler’s List and there is a lot of truth to that. They tell similar stories in a Hollywood way. After viewing the film at the Berlin Film festival, several critics accused the director of bias. It is obvious that Terry George tells only one side of the story without delving into the roots and reasons behind the conflict. He tells the story of individuals and their tragedies. In this case, that attitude is understandable. Hotel Rwanda is above all a moving story of an exceptional man as well as a warning and pacifist appeal that that sort of tragedy never happens again.
6. Society “Twoje Sprawa”- consumer organization that fights vulgarity, lack of culture and violation of good manners in advertising. Recently they were able to remove an ad in a popular TV magazine for porno films on cell phones. 7. Foundation “Ośrodka Karta”- deals with documenting and popularizing the newest history of Poland and Central and Eastern Europe as well as promoting democracy and tolerance. Was founded during the Marshall Law period in Poland and has lasted until now. 8. Pallottine Missions- run by the Polish Pallottine order has a “Heart Adoption” program which sponsors children, especially orphans, in needy countries. Through “Heart Adoption” concrete children are helped. 9. Humanity in Action- an international organization which works to strengthen human rights as well as minorities. They work in Europe and the USA. 10. Gaja Club- one of Poland’s oldest organizations caring for the environment and animals. We invite you to a cycle of meetings with them this year. 11. “Czas Demokracji”- a co-op of organizations under the „My Obywatele” (We the Citizens) umbrella. Their goal is to show how democratic procedures and grass-roots initiatives that are based on co-operation, solidarity and member activity succeed. NGO Breakfast 9:45-11:45 Wednesday-Saturday, only for those interested in involvement in NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) we’ll have coffee and rolls for breakfast with conversation about problems of the Third Sector. Each day we’ll cover a new topic- working with people, organizations and surroundings. Find us by the Social Initiative Fair SAF 2012.
(location 42) How can you be in India while at the Slot Art festival? Come visit us and see! When you enter into the small “Indian” courtyard you’ll be transported to exotic and distant India. You can find how the world’s largest chaos functions, how impossible things happen everyday in India. Come and drink some Indian chai and try the tasty specialties while relaxing with the colors of India. You can take part in lectures where we’ll visit Indian huts in the slums and hear about the future of a small Indian girl. Learn how those amazing Indian tastes are created then jump aboard a crowded train that stops at Bombay’s historic Victoria Station where you’ll catch a rickshaw and play with street children. We’ll take to you to the palaces of Rajasthan and tell tales of the maharaja who saved hundreds of Polish orphans. On the way to Waranasi we’ll stop at the modern airport in New Delhi and at a traditional Indian bazaar. We’ll visit Indian Christians and learn that all things are possible to him who believes. Meet a family with 90 daughters… More info soon!
This will be an exceptional year! You’ll not only see films but you’ll meet their creators. There will be nostalgia, a few serious moments, but also happy and carefree films. There’s something for everyone
on his own. It’s a story of dreams and coming to terms with fate.
Kiedy wstają ranne zorze (When the Northern Lights Shine in the Morning) (2012) 29 min. Director: Mateusz Głowacki
Poland- the 1960’s. A company excursion for mushroom gathering. The boss announces Etudes from students of the Radio and Televi- that whomever finds the biggest mushroom sion Department of Silesian Univeristy, named will get a bonus. However, sucking up to the boss becomes more important than finding a Krzysztof Kieślowski mushroom.
Tuesday July 10
Muka! (2012) 27 min. Director: Kordian Kądziela
Josef is 40 years old and doesn’t have many reasons to greet each day with a smile. He’s had as many women as friends-zero. His life space extends all of three square meters. That’s how much room he has at work, a hut at a parking lot, as well as in his room at his mother’s. The situation gets even more complicated when he’s arrested by two strange guys in ugly suits.
Twist & Blood (2010) 32 min. Director: Kuba Czekaj
An eleven year old boy with the nick-name Brzucho (“gut”), is laughed at by his peers. His parents want him to change and lose weight at any cost. Brzucho has his own way to deal with negative emotions however. It’s a secret. In time he tells it to a friend that he’s fallen in love with.
Babcia wyjeżdża (Grandma’s Leaving) (2009) 18 min. Director: Tomasz Jurkiewcz
16 year old Jurek, from a small village, has problems at his trade school. He constantly makes things up and lies. But those abilities come in handy when his grandma, who’s the closest person to him, gets put in the hospital. Jurek is going to have to deal with his alcoholic father
Póki wilk syty (As Long as the Wolf is Satisfied) (2012) 18 min. Director: Olga Kałagate
Silesia, a house inherited from Grandma, a rabbit, an elderly neighbor. 30 year old Łucja is unsatisfied and torn between a need for contact and a fear of men. She lives alone in a world where reality mixes with fantasy. Then one day she decides to tame the wolf.
Wednesday July 11
Meeting with Krzysztof Zanussi on Wednesday in the Carriage House at 13.00
Życie jako śmiertelna choroba przenoszona drogą płciową (Life As A Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease) 96 min. Director: Krzysztof Zanussi
Not many films tackle the subject of death in a serious, responsible and original way. Not many directors who are brave enough to deal with the issues of the end of life are able to avoid simplistic moralisation and trivilisation. Zanussi has done it. “Life As A Fatal Sexually Transmitted Disease” is moving and wise and proves that films should deal with serious and universal subjects.
Thursday July 12 Meeting with Paweł Wysoczański on Thursday in Cafe Cinnamon at 17.00 Kiedyś będziemy szczęśliwi (Someday We’ll Be Happy) (2011) 45 min. Director: Paweł Wysoczański
The story of Daniel, a young man from a small town, Lipin, who dreams of making his own movie. He wanders around the neighborhood using the camera in his cell phone to film and hold a casting for his production. His grandmother waits for him at home. She’s loving and committed, but she doesn’t waste words when it comes to setting him straight. The film weaves the themes of an individual’s drive for self-realisation with family attachment. Lipin provides the background and turns out to be not so sad as it seemed.
W drodze (On the Way) (2008) 50 min. Director: Paweł Wysoczański
Mieczysław Bieniek worked in the Wieczorek mine for 27 years. A dramatic accident ended his work and the doctors said he could never go back to the mine. He decided to spend his forced retirement travelling to India, Africa, South America and the rest of Asia. During a casting, Bieniek met Paweł Wysoczański, a student, and after seeing pictures of Beniek’s travels the director decided to make a documentary about one of his trips. He accompa-
nied Beniek on his attempt to meet the Dalai Lama.
Friday July 13 Microphone 120 min. Director: Ahmad Abdalla
Microphone is an inspiring film full of energy and sound that tells of the modern, young music and street art scene growing in Alexandria. The first draft of the film was a documentary by Abdalla about an 18 year old graffitti artist, Ayi. Thanks to her, the director met other young artists who were immortalized in this fictional film where they play themselves. Hip-hop and graffitti artists, skateboarders and rockers are the people in Egypt who often have to step outside accepted political correctness and push the borders of artistic freedom to express themselves. The band, Massive Scar Era, who will play on the main stage at SAF appear in this movie.
Saturday, July 14
Meet with the screen-writer of “Wymyk”, Janusz Margański, Saturday, in Cafe Cinnamon, 17.00
Wymyk (Slip) 83 min. Director: Greg Zgliński
“I don’t remember a Polish film since “„Krótkiego filmu o zabijaniu”(A Short Film About Killing) that so deeply and artistically deals with the subject of redemption. In “Wymyk”, like in classic Hitchcock thrillers, sensational accidents become a force in someone’s fate.” Tadeusz Sobolewski, Gazeta Wyborcza The film shows that your life can be changed unexpectedly and diametrically in a second. The question then is, “What will you do? How will you react and what fruit will come eventually from your decisions?”
thing unusual, so where have we missed human instincts and feelings? In the reality rewarding consumers as well as (location 23-32, Cathedral) producers, is there still a place for those askDoes ‘easy’ mean ‘better’? If we are given any choice, how can our de- ing questions? cisions affect the image of contemporary Ania Witkowska /// Loopery world? The important strategies today are for those Her activity involves a kind of piracy designfor shaping and changing the image. The com- ing, pretending to be but boycotting at the mon process of making life more beautiful same time the persuasive marketing of corpomakes it ‘esthetic’ and simple. Does the mass ral strategies. In some way, the artist, having culture feed us only with substitute of values? been worked as an art director of a huge corpoContemporary civilization needs its own icons ral, takes a hacker revenge. But it is not just a and symbols as any other – why do the imag- simple criticism schematically used, well known es of celebrities and exclusive brand products virus operation evolving from the art of 90s.The course of actions taken by the artist are more take their place? The passion of a modern man is creating better like poetic advertising ( emphasing poetic charand better world produced today. The Word acter) with the existential dimension. full of simulacra, copies, and “more nicer than Bartek Jarmoliński /// SANTO real” elements of the surrounding. Does replacing the natural by the false also take place SUBiTO in the spiritual aspects where that what is true The artist establishes his private panteon of those who are worth being glorified and woris replaced by that what is right. If a life in respect to nature appears as some- shiped. Who are they? They are the martyrs of global (pop)culture industry, so then of busi-
ness, and of global (pop) culture consumption. Their fame was sacred with sudden and premature death. They are known because they are famous – as Daniel Boostin described them- always in the light of flashes, present on the TV screens, portable chapels for millions of viewers and pages of tabloids, also in legends , they paid the highest price for popularity.
Agula Swoboda /// Mi POWiEDZ [TELL ME]
I am an iguana. My skin is soft and smells of apples. I touch milk with my nose in a saucer for domestic animals. Take me away from here. Unless I will grow thick scale at the back of my ear. For several years I have been watching and painting my own reality. I look at me, people who are close with me, and I can see something more than just a body. The only thing I know is that I must paint as I need it. The project “Mi powiedz” (Tell Me) has arisen out of those observations and conversations with Nadia. The conversations between a mother and a daughter, an artist with a child, a woman with a girl. – they became a pretext ( and a challenge!) to get out of the skin…
Paulina Buźniak /// [O]BŁĘDY
It is the result of a need for reflection on her life at the end of studies and some necessary summaries. In a bit brutal way she depicts emotions jerking a young man using graphic images on textile. The diploma is placed in discussion about perceiving a person by the world, what is more, even about the image of this perception only. It contains a vision of escape and every day camouflage that in some of calculating makes us not know whether it is
US or just one of our every day masks. www.
Ania Bujak /// Archeologia form 2011-2012
The work uses one of the archetypal figures of animals inspired by a frieze of flowing deer from a cave in Lascaux. Decapitated, empty inside creatures are just skin taken from animals. The theme of ‘Archeology of form’ is discovering archetypes, model situations or hidden symbols, fixed in subconscious. It tells us about the attitude of a contemporary man.
Anna Karolina Zając /// Ogród rozkoszy ziemskich
Inspired by Hieronim Bosch 3D triptych. Depiction of creation of the world and the influence of evil and sin on people. The three different worlds: paradise, the garden of earthly delights and the hell.
Dominika Stanczyk /// Goście i pielgrzymi
„admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth”- Hebr 11:13. The project ‘Guests and Pilgrims’ evolved from the desire for illustrating the aspects of faith from the perspective of a believer. By presenting ordinary people in ordinary surrounding the concept of faith is stripped off difficult to decode symbols, and also separated from not understandable traditions far not connected with life of a contemporary man. http://www.
Jakub Czyż /// Portrety
He is staring at them deeply. They are gazing. They are straying with their eyes. They cannot hide. He is showing faces. True and poignant. We have a set of portraits of a young drawer. And the whole world of his heroes.
EXHiBiTiONS Mirosław Słomski /// Ikonostas
The presentation of ordinary people who, thanks to Revelation, became unusual. Can we, people of the Internet and Facebook, afford such a transformation? Will we be able to accept a miracle? Believe in a reality different from that one in which we share every day? Brass, deprived of ornaments and gold plating, cheap and not computerized iconostasis is not an altar, to which priests only have an access, but the testimony of faith and doubt of a man of today, times when upstream technology replaces religion.
Tomasz Rolniak /// Elektryczny Pastuch
He is not indifferent to surrounding him world, but is drilling into reality, marking it with its own comments, leaving full of humor printsalthough it is sometimes a smile in tears. Many of cow worshipers emphasizes beauty of their deep, black blush. “who looks deeply into cow’s eyes, the one will see in them existing for centuries, mysterious, and maybe even holy glare - wrote a traveler and a sailor, Tomasz Mazur. Electrical shepherd contrariwisely encourages to look into a cow’s backside- because our reality is not always beautiful and friendly, but instead always unusually intriguing. Meetings with artists: 10.07 Ania and Adam Witkowscy, at 17.0018.30, Cafe Cynamon, place 16 11.07 Bartek Jarmoliński, at 17.00-18.30, Cafe Cynamon, place 16 12.07 Agula Swoboda, at 15.00-16.30, cathedral side chapel 13.07 Mirek Słomski, at 17.00-18.30, Cafe Cynamon, place 16
is a new part of SAF. It’s a new place and the beginning of a dialog on how we can join forces to fight for the good things around us that we’ve received from the Creator. Take up the challenge- look at your life and ask yourself, “What else could I change to live more in harmony with the world, environment, people and animals?” Together we want to protect and respect what is good and beautiful. May a part of that respect be learning new things and practically acting on that knowledge everyday!
WE’VE INVITED: – Vegan Catering: a culinary project that was born of a passion and respect for our planet and all forms of life plus a love of cooking and discovering new flavors, especially from around the
world. They’re about more than just making a profit. It’s about promoting a vegan lifestyle and good taste. Come visit their booth at the Small Courtyard. Workshop/Seminar, “A Culinary Voyage Around the World”. Come cook with Najadzcze July 13, location 20, 17:0018:45 Society EkoRozwoju FER – Development in harmony with nature - FER, together with AERIS FUTURO, have taken up the challenge to make SAF more green. Together we hope to raise a green standard in festivals. Society “Wrocław Bicycle Inititative” - www. – is devoted to bikers and promotes bike travel as an essential element to healthy urban transport, as well as lot of fun! WIR is organizing a bike excursion from Lubiąż to Wrocław (and back!) on July 14. Look for details around the SAF grounds.
fot. Piotr Bujak
fot. Piotr Bujak
Society AERIS FUTURO - pl – “Let’s create a climate for the future” is the motto of this organization who combines practical action with education in a wide range of areas. As a SLOT partner the goal is to make SAF more green. You can load your cell-phone with a solar battery, count your carbon footprint and learn how to limit and neutralize it. Take part in recycling art (flower pots from cans, lamps from spoons, buttons from carpet…). Visit the booth in the Social Initiatives Fair plus come to the workshops July 12 and 13, 15:00-17:00 at the booth, led by Magdalena Pastuszak, Aleksandra Wierzbiak, Barbara Partyka. ECO-PARENTS- Poland’s first community service for parents who support healthy curiosity. Every eco-mom can learn the cleaning properties of vinegar or citric acid, eco-dads will create lamp shades from plastic bottles and the kids won’t want to part with their crocheted puppets or toys from toilet rolls. Workshops: Jolanta Walczyk, Łukasz Wrzesiński. July 13 & 14, 17-18.45 location 13.
We’ll show how being „eco” is simple, healthy and inexpensive. As well as some theoretical help we’ll share some eco- tricks for everyday like eco-face masks and cleaning. EKOSTRAŻ Foundation for Animal Protection- local, independent animal shelters with the larger goal of using all lawful ways of protecting pets and wild animals. Come to the booth at the Social Initiatives Fair July 13 and 14 as well as to a meeting with volunteers July 14 at 17.00, location 20. We’ll tell you what we do, how to get involved and answer all your questions. GAJA CLUB- a modern, Polish ecological organization who encourages involvement in environmental protection and animal rights. They’ve been active for 25 years. What does it mean to be ecological? They stress the importance of daily choices in regard to nature and animals. Seminars- “Meet Club Gaja”- led by Jarosław Kasprzyk who has been with the club since 1997. He’s the coordinator of the “Adopt a River” project as well as regional coordinator
of the consumer education project “Buy Responsibly”. Daily workshops at 17:00, location 19 July 11- Ecological Shopping- how to choose wisely while shopping. How do our choices affect the fate of the world? July 12- Animal Industry and Us- how does the mega industry of animal breeding affect our lives and the world around us? July 13- The unknown treasure- about the forests and rivers around Lubiąż – an excursion to them July 14- My Two Cents- how to get involved Creative Society “BoWarto”- works with marginalized people as well as in ecological ed. Lead artistic and educational workshops for parents, elderly and youth. Come visit their booth at the Social Initiatives Fair. Workshop- Magdalena Kałecka, “Ecological Alternatives for Everyday” check the workshop list for time and place. Workshop sponsor is the shop EKO HOCKI KLOCKI HOCKI are blocks made from cardboard. Their large size and simple manner of joining makes it possible to construct on a large scale. 4 basic modules allow endless possibilities for building. They’re made from plain cardboard so can be drawn on, cut, and individually designed. Project: odRzeczy, Production: odRzeczy The blocks can be purchased at www.sklep. You can see and play with HOCKI at the SLOT Pre-school/ Young Discoverers Club Workshop and contest sponsors: ZDROWE KOSMETYKI I LOVE NATURE Pracownia Artystyczna DRU Media sponsor: EKOLOGIA.PL
Association of Local Creative Centers Contact: + 48 71 / 341 46 56, + 48 600 097 092 ul. Robotnicza 36/38, 53-608 Wrocław Poland SLOT is a platform unifying young people for whom Christianity is the inspiration for involvement in culture, education and society. SLOT is a more of a movement than an organization. It is hard to set the borders of ideas when those ideas are carried by individuals. SLOT is a channel to break through human indifference, intolerance, selfishness and apathy. SLOT is a space to meet people who want to share themselves, their spirituality, art, abilities and skills with others in an atmosphere of true openness, love and creativity. SLOT is a non-profit organization, which means taxpayers in Poland may give 1% of their income taxes to SLOT each year. SLOT is not a profit-making or commercial organization. All profits are used to realize the goals set out in its statutes. To support SLOT please send a bank transfer to: ING Bank Śląski S.A. Oddział Regionalny we Wrocławiu, SWIFT CODE: INGBPLPW PL 93 1050 1575 1000 0022 7542 2810 To stay in touch throughout the year check out:
layout and design: Marek Krystoń /
Honorary Patron / Festival Financed With Founds From:
Media Patronas:
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Wrocław :: Hala Stulecia :: 17.11.2012
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