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Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education & Care

Late in 2022, the State Labor Government established a Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care. A key purpose of the Commission is to investigate the implementation of universal access to three year old preschool.

The AEU has been recognised as a ‘key partner in the delivery of quality early childhood education and care’ by the Commissioner and invited to participate in the 3-year-old preschool roundtable. To inform our work in representing you, and to develop an AEU submission to the Commission, consultation with members was vital.


The AEU recently completed a state-wide consultation process with members and potential members working in the preschool sector. ‘Early Childhood Catch Ups’ were held in person in Mt Gambier, Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Whyalla, Port Augusta, and Port Pirie, and an online opportunity was also provided. Participants attended to provide experiences and expertise around three key questions: What’s working well in your Preschool that you want to maintain if universal access for three year olds is adopted in South Australia? What are your concerns? And, what do you see as solutions to these concerns?

Members have made it clear that any implementation must continue to provide for local flexibility, consider the continuation of highly valued programs such as Play Group, Rural Care, and Occasional Care, and that relationships with families are critical to success in early childhood education and care.

Members expressed serious concerns around fit-forpurpose facilities, capacity in preschools, workforce shortages, further strain on an already under-resourced support system for those with additional needs, and any implementation that could see an exacerbation of disadvantage.

AEU members are calling for an immediate audit of preschool capacity and fit-for-purpose early learning spaces, more accessible professional development, salary and conditions to attract and retain preschool leaders, teachers and support staff, and systemic change and resourcing that will result in timely assessment, support and intervention for those with the highest needs.

About this article

+ Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care recognises the AEU is a key partner

+ The AEU has been invited to participate in the 3-year-old preschool roundtable

+ The AEU held consultation catch ups with early childhood educators and leaders around the state to inform our submission to the commission


Read The Submission Online

Thanks to all who attended a catch up –you are our experts.

Find out more and read the submission online at aeusa.asn.au/RCECEC

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