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Get to know our Industrial Officers

Our Industrial Officers, Mika and Cecilia, are here to support the AEU and our members at a legal and industrial level.

CECILIA  I’m still new to the role, but so far I’ve been part of researching for enterprise bargaining, researching and writing the AEU submission to the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care, and sorting out award variations that are relevant to our members.


What attracted you to work at the AEU?

MIKA  I am a qualified teacher with over two decades of experience and a qualified lawyer. I have a strong social conscience and believe everyone should get a fair go. Funding cuts have hurt public education and I want to be part of the solution. The AEU wants that, too.

What do you do as an Industrial Officer at the AEU?

MIKA  I handle legal and industrial matters for TAFE SA and the Department. I make sure your rights are protected by going to court when they are not. I provide legal and industrial advice to the AEU President, Secretary, VicePresidents, Executive and Campaign Director. I usually handle state and industry-wide matters.

CECILIA  My partner is a public school teacher, and I’ve seen the ups and downs of a fresh educator as they’re wrung out by the profession. I’ve had industrial experience in the past and wanted to use my knowledge and skills to change conditions and help educators.

What’s the most fulfilling part of your role?

CECILIA  I recently wrote the AEU’s Submission into the Early Childhood Royal Commission. Being able to represent our members’ concerns and ideas through that big platform was something that I found incredibly fulfilling.

What’s the most challenging part of your role?

MIKA  Gathering evidence from members when they are afraid and exhausted. I understand because I’ve worked as a teacher but the trouble is, sometimes I can’t get a case going because no one will put their name to it. This is how the employer is sometimes able to trample your rights and for me, that’s the most challenging.

MIKA  I love getting a fair go for members. I love stopping the employer from taking away your rights. I love holding the employer to its word i.e. the Enterprise Agreement. I love defending TAFE SA and the Department members’ rights. I love making SA great because I think happy workers are effective workers.

CECILIA  Learning all the education terminology and the way the education system functions. I’m from a union and legal background, but everyone in the team (and my partner) has been great in helping me wrap my head around the complex stuff. I’m taking it a day at a time.

CECILIA  Public education should be the most accessible, equitable, consistent, and high-qualityno matter if you’re in Bordertown or East Adelaide. More needs to be done to support our sites, students, and workforce. Quite frankly, what’s happening now isn’t enough.

We Work With You

The AEU is committed to ensuring your work is valued and your conditions are improved. AEU officers support members in achieving positive outcomes both in the workplace and through industrial negotiations with the employer.

If you're having issues at work, contact the Info Unit who can point you in the right direction, aeusa.asn.au/info

Why is public education important to you?

MIKA  A well-funded and resourced public education system is instrumental in ensuring that each of us has the opportunity to live our best life according to our abilities, not our postcode. Education creates skilled, educated citizens who will continue to provide employers with the agile workforce that our state needs.

What’s on the horizon for you this year at the AEU?

MIKA  This year I will be working in the team negotiating an Enterprise Agreement for Department educators. Later in the year, I’ll be working in the team negotiating an Enterprise Agreement for TAFE SA educators. Throughout the year I will also defend your rights at law in the court, the tribunal, or in negotiations each and every time they are challenged.

CECILIA  We’re currently enterprise bargaining with the Department. I anticipate much my first year at the AEU will be dedicated to reforming clauses and strengthening our bargaining platform with legal analysis and research. Very fun!

What are your tips for members facing challenges at work?

CECILIA  It may be intimidating to go to your site leader and say, ‘I’m having an issue’. Instead, banding together with your colleagues (comrades), who may be facing similar challenges, to collectively fight for changes is a great way to get around that fear.

MIKA  Unite and stand strong in your sub-branch. If you don’t have a sub-branch then form one, even if it’s only two people to begin with. Then, link up with us at Greenhill Road. We are the union and we get the best outcomes when we are active together. This is the secret the employer doesn’t want you to know.

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