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List of abbreviations


2FA Two-factor authentication AI Artificial Intelligence AML Anti-money Laundering API Application Programming Interface ATM Automated Teller Machines AuRep Austrian Reporting Services BNR National Bank of Rwanda BSP Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas BVN Bank Verification Number CAR Capital Adequacy Ratios CBN Central Bank of Nigeria CDD Customer Due Diligence CECL Current Expected Credit Losses CFT Combating the Financing of Terrorism CNBV Comisión Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (Mexico) CONSAR National Commission for the Retirement Savings System COVID-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 DFS Digital Financial Services DFSWG Digital Financial Services Working Group DLT Distributed Ledger Technology DNB De Nederlandsche Bank DP4DFS Data Privacy for digital financial services EDW Electronic Data Warehouse EFIF European Forum for Innovation Facilitators e-KYC Electronic Know Your Customer ESAs European Supervisory Authorities FCPD Financial Consumer Protection Department FDPs Forcibly Displaced Persons FI Financial Institution FinTech Financial Technologies FSP Financial service provider GDP Gross Domestic Product GIF Gender Inclusive Finance GIS Geographic Information System IDPs Internally Displaced Persons IT Information Technology KYC Know Your Customer LCR Liquidity Coverage Ratio MAS Monetary Authority of Singapore ME&L Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning ML Machine Learning ML/TF Money Laundering/Terrorism financing MM Mobile Money MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs NIBSS Nigeria Inter-Bank Settlement System Plc NLP Natural Language Processing NRB Nepal Rastra Bank OeNB Central Bank of Austria ORASS Online Regulatory and Analytical Surveillance Software OTP One-time password P2P Peer-to-peer R2A RegTech for Regulators Accelerator RegTech Regulatory technology RPA Robotic Process Automation RWA Risk-weighted Assets SACCOs Savings and Credit Cooperatives SAR Suspicious Activity Report SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SMS Short Messaging Service STR Suspicious Transaction Report SupTech Supervisory technology TSP Technology Service Provider UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund USD US Dollar




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