Exercises for Specific Spor ts Alyssa Figueroa Kinesiology 4702.01 Texas Woman’s University
Major Muscle Groups
The major muscle groups each sport needs to work on consist of the following: 1. Quadriceps 2. Hamstrings 3. Calves 4. Chest 5. Back 6. Shoulders 7. Triceps 8. Biceps 9. Forearms 10. Trapezius 11. Abs
Baseball Exercises
The main muscle groups worked while playing/training for baseball include: - Abdomen (core) - Upper/lower back - Hamstrings - Shoulders - Biceps - Quads Farmers Walk: (3x max duration, twice per week, perform only at end of workout) - Grab heavy dumbbells, lock shoulder blades into place, keep knees slightly flexed and walk around the gym until grip starts slipping. - Strong forearm muscles allow you to whip the bat through the zone, just like the powerhouse hitters. Plyo Push-Ups: (5 sets of 8 repetitions) - Assume push-up position, then lower body until chest almost touches ground - Explosively drive body up by fully extending arms - Land with hands shoulder-width apart; immediately perform next rep - This exercise develops chest explosiveness that baseball players need for powerful hitting. Rotational Med Ball Throws: (5 sets of 8 repetitions on each side) - Stand facing wall, with feet shoulder-width apart - Using both hands, bring medicine ball to the right side of body as you rotate your torso and throw the ball toward the wall. - Catch ball off wall and repeat - The rotation closely imitates the swing in baseball.
Baseball Exercises Cont.
Single-Leg Romanian Dead Lift: (5 sets of 8 repetitions on both sides) - Balance on one leg, holding dumbbells at sides - With balancing leg slightly bent and back flat, bend forward at waist until dumbbells are just above floor - Your hamstrings create speed by allowing the knee to flex and the hip to extend. By training hip extension, you can steal more bases and reach peak speed even more quickly. This exercise works the hamstring while stretching the muscle. Band Face Pulls: (3 sets of 8 repetitions) - Hold resistance bands with arms extended out in front of face, point thumbs up pinch shoulder blades and pull hands towards face. - For baseball players, the muscles that need particular work stretch from the upper back to the shoulder blades.
Plank: (3x for 30 seconds) - Lie flat on stomach with elbows bent underneath, raise body until only elbows and toes touch the ground, keep body tight and straight. - Planks are a great way to develop core stability and strength. A strong core allows baseball players to react to a ball hit in the gap or explosively drive a ball down the line.
Baseball Exercises Cont. ď‚ž
Barbell Lunges: (5 sets of 8 repetitions for each leg) - Begin with bar on back in standing position - Step forward into lunge position, keeping front knee behind toes - Lower until back knee almost touches ground and push back into standing position without changing torso angle. - Strong quads help you transition power from one foot to the other, like making a pivot on a cutoff throw.
Foam Rolling: - Place foam roller under muscle group - Roll slowly back and forth for one minute - When you work out, your body's soft tissue contracts and can develop tight spots. Baseball players particularly have tight hips, hamstrings, biceps and rotator cuffs. Foam rolling will cut your chance of injury; it acts as a massage for the soft tissue. This same type of procedure can be followed for the quads, IT bands, shoulders, upper back and lower back.
Football Exercises
The main muscles groups worked while playing/training for football includes: - Abdomen (core) - Upper/Lower back - Biceps - Triceps - Forearms - Quads - Hamstrings - Calves
- Chest Split Squats: (4 sets of 10 repetitions) - Set, grip, and place the bar on your shoulders the same manners as you would for a back squat. - Spread your legs apart till your legs are twice the width of you shoulders. - Gradually bend your right knee and lean right until your hips are the same level as your right knee. - Push off your right foot and return to your split stance. Be sure to not lean forward. Keep your back straight and look straight ahead.
Lunges With a Bar or Dumbbells: (3 sets of 10 repetitions) - Set, grip, and place the bar on your shoulders the same manners as you would for a back squat. - With both feet shoulder width apart, step with your right foot forward in a good stride, not to short or long. You should step at least 4 lengths of the length of your right foot. - With your legs in a split, drop and barely touch your left knee on the ground. - Push up off the ground using your right leg. - Step back with both feet shoulder width apart.
Hamstring Curls: (3 sets of 10 repetitions) - Find a hamstring curl machine. - Lay down on your stomach. - Lift the weight until the bar touches your butt. - Slowly let the weight down until your legs are straight.
Football Exercises Cont.
Upright Row: (3 sets of 10 repetitions) - Grasp the bar with fingers pointing to you
- Raise the bar up toward your chin breathing out as you lift and hold for 1 sec.
- Return to start position breathing in Incline Bench Press: (4 sets of 10 repetitions) - Lie flat on an incline bench with your feet firmly planted on the ground - Keep your buttocks, back, shoulders and head positioned on the incline bench - Grip the bar with your hands with your forearms perpendicular to the floor - Lift the bar off the track - Inhale as you lower the weight and exhale as you lift the weight (make sure you are being spotted at all times) Decline Dumbbell Sit-ups: (3 sets until Max is reached) - Set the decline bench at a 30 degree angle - Hold one dumbbell in each hand. Rest the back of your hands against your
shoulders. - Lie on the incline bench with your feet hooked under the pads and your back flat. down.
- Tense your abs to pull yourself to a sitting position, then slowly lower yourself back
Soccer Exercises
The main muscle groups worked while playing/training soccer include: - Quadriceps - Gluts - Hamstrings - Lower leg muscles Squats: (3 sets of 10 repetitions) - Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, while keeping the spine straight and the buttocks sticking out, slowly lower your body until your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Slowly raise your body until you are back in the starting position. - This exercise is a regular part of a soccer player's work-out routine, since it keeps their leg muscles strong and powerful. Sprints: (30 to 50 ft as fast as possible, then jog lightly for another 50 feet. 5-10x a day 2x per week) - A cardio exercise that also helps strengthen muscles and increase muscle mass in the players legs Uphill Runs: (5-10x) - Another cardio exercise that is more vigorous and high intensity. - More effective in building leg muscle and strength. Power Jumps: (5 sets of 20 jumps) - Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, get into a semi- squat position, and jump vertically as high as you can. - As you jump in the air, drive your knees to your chest and do it as quickly as possible. - Explosive bursts of power jumping increases muscular strength in the legs including the quadriceps, hamstrings and calves.
Strength Exercises for Baseball Players | STACK." Get Bigger, Stronger, Better, Faster STACK. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <http://www.stack.com/2012/02/24/baseball-exercises/>.
"3 Day Whole Body Football Strength Workout | Muscle & Strength." Muscle & Strength: #1 Muscle Building & Fat Loss Site + Supplement Store. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2012. <http://www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/football- strengthworkout.html>.
Reider, Bruce MD. American Journal of Sports Medicine. Chicago, Illinois: American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine., 2012. Print.