Career Expo Online Magazine 2017

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How to Build an ATS-Friendly Resume Before the Interview: How to Prep for Success The Importance of Workplace Diversity Top 8 Networking Hacks for the Aspiring Young Professional How to Make Student Jobs Look Good on a Resume

Contents 4

How to Build an ATS-Friendly Resume


Before the Interview: How to Prep for Success


The importance of Workplace Diversity


Top 8 Networking Hacks for the Young Aspiring Professional

Upcoming Event Women In Work March 6-10, 2017 | 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Join us for the inaugural Women in Work Conference to celebrate diversity, equality and inclusion in the workplace. Held in conjunction with International Women’s Day, Women in Work (WIW), will feature four full days of events that will inspire and empower women to reach their personal and professional goals. Visit to learn more. 2 Online Career Fair Magazine

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Before the Interview How to Prep for Success

by Ting Ting Pan Demonstrating knowledge about a company you’re interviewing for is a sure way to show a recruiter that you’re interested in the position. While that’s not surprising at all, it is astonishing how many people go into an interview unprepared.

Don’t be one of those people – in addition to impressing the interviewer with your knowledge of the company, doing a little background research of your own is an important process to understanding whether this is an organization you want to be a part of. Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered with these tips.

1. WHAT DO THEY DO? Do your research and find a couple of interesting facts. What does the company actually do? You’ll be surprised at how many people don’t know the answer to this question. Go on the company website. Read their mission statement. Learn about their vision. Google them. Check out their social media accounts (If you really want to be keen, follow/ like their social media accounts). What, in their eyes, differentiates them from the rest of the competition? Even spending an hour researching will benefit you in the interview. Once you know what the company does, you’ll be able to better tailor your answers to better suit what they’re looking for.

2. WHAT’S THEIR STYLE? It’s up to you how far you want to take this, but at the very least, go on the company’s website and social media. In addition to giving you a leg up for the interview, this will also give you a feel of whether this is a company that you might enjoy working at. The tone used in their communications

will give you an idea into the organization’s culture. Is the tone on their website super formal? This company probably has a more traditional culture (perhaps with a stronger sense of hierarchy) and their dress code most likely is more formal as well. This means when you’re dressing for the interview, think suit and tie, or at the very least a nice button down shirt and no jeans. Skirts/dresses should fall only slightly above the knees and a nice blouse is a must. When you’re dressing up for this interview, ask yourself: does this dress code reflect who I am and who I want to be? I know – it’s just an interview, but every step is a chance for you to evaluate whether this might be a suitable opportunity for you.

3. IS THERE ROOM FOR GROWTH? Companies promote when it makes business sense for them. A company without growth potential can very easily turn into an organization that cannot support your personal career growth. Whether this is the be all and end all is completely up to you and your personal situation- but it’s definitely a good thing to know before you go in the room. Again, the company website and Google are great places to start. This can also be a good question to bringup with the interviewer.

4. WHO WILL BE INTERVIEWING YOU? It’s always good to know a little about

the person who’ll be interviewing you. If the initial message notifying you of the interview doesn’t clarify who the interviewer will be, it doesn’t hurt to ask (ie. “Thank you for giving me this opportunity for an interview. May I ask who will be interviewing me?”). Once you know, try searching up this person on the company website or LinkedIn. What is their current position in this company? What is their role in relation to the position you’re interviewing for- are they potentially going to be your direct manager? How long have they worked in this company for? What’s their background/what did they do prior to joining this company? The interviewer will have already performed a background check on you. It helps to walk in the room knowing a little about them as well, so that you’re both on more equal footing.

5. HOW WILL THE ROLE FIT INTO THE BIGGER PICTURE? Once you’ve learned as much as possible about this organization, think about how the position you’re interviewing for will fit into the overall structure of the company. What is this company looking for specifically? What will you be expected to do? How will you be expected to act (ie. are they looking for a self starter? Someone who’s detail oriented? etc.)? It never hurts to go back through the original job description and read between the lines. Every interview is a chance to improve your interview skills. Make the most of every chance by doing the research before walking in the room. In addition to better being able to impress the interviewer, being prepared will also help calm the nerves, which leads to a better interview in general. interview-prep-success

How to Build an ATS-Friendly Resume by Zach Bailey With the advent of online job boards, it has never been easier to find work.

In just a few clicks, you can upload and submit your resume to any online job posting. While online application systems can help you find and apply to lots of exciting positions at once, there is a downside to this system. Since it is now so easy to apply for a job, companies are flooded with more applications than ever before. With hundreds or possibly even thousands of candidates applying for each position, it becomes a very timeconsuming task for hiring managers to read through every single resume. To respond to this trend, a lot of companies are starting to use applicant tracking systems, or ATS for short. If your resume does not pass the ATS criteria, then it is unlikely that a hiring manager will ever read it. In fact, over half of the resumes submitted online are scanned by applicant tracking systems. What does this mean for the modern job seeker? You will need to format and design your resume so that it will make it through the ATS and into the hands of a human. To help you with that goal, here’s the definitive guide on how to build an ATSfriendly resume.

STEP #1: USE KEYWORDS FROM THE JOB DESCRIPTION One of the advantages of applicant tracking systems from the perspective of an employer is that it can scan and search your resume for specific keywords to ensure that you are qualified for the position. For example, if you are applying

for a graphic design position, an ATS might scan your resume for the keywords “Photoshop” or “Illustrator.” There is an incredibly easy way to figure out which keywords to include on your resume – just look at which key skills or requirements that are used in the job’s description and use those. While the ATS is a fairly recent development in application processes, tailoring your resume to the specific job is nothing new. No matter what you’re applying for, it’s always been a good idea to include the same core qualifications and skills to your resume that are on the job description.

STEP #2: USE COMMON HEADER TITLES As you will notice with the next few tips, formatting is very important when it comes to creating an ATS-friendly resume. Another important step in this online application process is to use common header titles such as “skills,” “work experience,” and “education.” These are the most commonly used header titles in resumes and thus, applicant tracking systems know how to read them and extrapolate the necessary data from each section. If you use non-standard header titles such as “major abilities” instead of “skills,” the ATS may not recognize it. When it comes to your header sections, stick to the basics. TIP: Save your resume file as “Firstname_Lastname_Resume,” since thisfilename looks professional and easy

for the ATS to read.

STEP #3: KEEP THE LAYOUT SIMPLE One of the most important pieces of advice with regards to creating an ATSfriendly resume is using a very basic layout. All you need are three headings (skills, work experience, and education) with bullet points for each section. This is the basic format for the modern resume and ATS are designed to read applications with this format. . Adding images, tables, or columns to your resume may hurt your chances of being selected, because many tracking systems cannot read them. However, if you’re applying for a job in a creative industry, providing a portfolio or examples of your past work can help your application stand out. For these types of positions, there will likely be a section to upload these materials separately, but you can always add a link to your personal blog or online portfolio in the “contact” section if you’re worried an ATS may screen these materials.

TIP: Replace the “career objective” section at the beginning of your resume with a skills summary, or a few bullet-point sentences that sum up your experiences, skill set, and accomplishments.

STEP #4: FONT AND FORMATTING There are several things you can do to make your resume easier to read for both applicant tracking systems and hiring managers. When you’re formatting your resume for an ATS, less is always more. Remember to avoid italics, underlined words, and special characters (such as accent marks) because many systems will be unable to read them. Additionally, you’ll

want to add a space in between every position on your resume. Spacing correctly can help the system determine where your experience from one job ends and another begins. Even though it was your high school English teacher’s favourite font, don’t use Times New Roman on a resume. Instead, pick a font that is easier to read on a screen such as Georgia or Garamond, since ATS will be able to process this kind of text more easily. To further improve the readability of your resume, increase the line spacing to 120% of the font size. For example, if are using size 12 font, then you should set your line spacing to exactly 13 points. It may seem like more complicated resume editing than you’re used to, but these adjustment hacks will help you get through the ATS every time! TIP: Replace the “career objective” section at the beginning of your resume with a skills summary, or a few bullet-point sentences that sum up your experiences, skill set, and accomplishments.

STEP #5: SAVE YOUR FILE AS A WORD DOCUMENT You may have read that it is best to

save your resume as PDF – and this is certainly true if you are sending your resume directly to a hiring manager via email. When submitting your resume to an applicant tracking system, however, you are better off saving your application materials as a Word document (.doc or .docx). The reason is simple: many applicant tracking systems cannot read PDFs and thus will not be able to extrapolate all of the information from your resume. TIP: If possible, use specific metrics on your resume to prove what you have accomplished. For example, write: “I increased sales by 21% year over year,” rather that “I have extensive sales experience.”

there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Better still, ask a friend or family member to also review your resume. It never hurts to have a second set of eyes look over your work! While online application systems have made the competition a little stiffer, these tips can help you adjust your resume so that it will always beat the ATS. Put these tips to use right away and update your resume so that it adheres to ATS criteria. Even if you are not currently seeking a job, it is useful to bookmark this page so that you can implement these steps the next time you are on the job hunt.

STEP #6: SAVE YOUR FILE AS A WORD DOCUMENT A single spelling mistake on your resume will all but end your chances at getting your dream job. Not only does this error look careless to a hiring manager, but applicant tracking systems simply cannot process misspelled words, meaning that your resume will be discarded immediately. Thus, it is imperative that you double and triple-check your resume to ensure that

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2017 Career Expo 7

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The Importance of Workplace Diversity Being one of the most diverse countries in the world, we embrace one another’s differences. We sat down with Heba Khalife from Accenture recruiting team to talk about the importance of workplace diversity. WHAT DOES DIVERSITY MEAN TO YOUR ORGANIZATION? Quite simply, we are committed to an inclusive and diverse workplace where people can feel comfortable, be themselves and perform at their best – it’s fundamental for our culture. For us, this means respecting the individual regardless of differences. And, while constantly improving our policies and programs is essential, what matters most is how we connect with each other as human beings. Everyone must feel able to bring their authentic selves to work every day, knowing the full support of Accenture is behind them.

WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT FOR ORGANIZATIONS TO RECRUIT AND RETAIN A DIVERSE WORKFORCE? We strongly believe that our rich diversity (you’ll find us in more than 200 cities in

55 countries) makes us stronger, smarter and more innovative as a company overall. In this way, we’re able to better serve the needs of our clients and our communities.

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE WAYS IN WHICH YOUR ORGANIZATION SUPPORTS INCLUSION INITIATIVES AND EMPOWERS YOUR EMPLOYEES TO BE THEIR AUTHETHIC SELVES? One of the best examples is our Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) – vibrant communities within Accenture, around the world, that help our people strengthen their networks, grow their skills, celebrate their heritages and give back to their local communities. Right here in Canada we have many ERG’s, including the Women’s Group, Aboriginal, LGBT, and Person’s with Disabilities.

WHAT ARE SOME OF THE THINGS YOU THINK STUDENTS SHOULD DO DURING THEIR TIME IN UNIVERSITY TO BECOME BETTER ALLIES AND ADVOCATES FOR DIVERSITY? Join diverse student groups, strive to understand, embrace and celebrate differences in the people you meet, and support causes that will help you learn and grow as an individual. If you’re thinking of a career with Accenture, you’ll be working with diverse teams every day. These experiences at University will give you a great head start. Visit Accenture at Career Expo on Feb. 7, 2017.

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Top 8 Networking Hacks For An Aspiring Young Professional by Lauren Marinigh Attending networking events can be intimidating, even if you are a seasoned pro.

Being in a room with hundreds of people can be scary, and you’re probably worried that you don’t look professional, or that you’ll become incredibly nervous and sit in a corner the whole time. With so many worries on your mind, it can be difficult to juggle tasks. You have etiquette to worry about, files you might misplace, and names to remember. We’ve put together some handy networking hacks to help your big day of connections go a little more smoothly!

1. TAKE PHOTOS OF BUSINESS CARDS Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of the piles of business cards you receive from different networking events. They end up in the bottom of your bag, in the back of your cell phone case, and in your pockets (then through the wash!). A good trick is to take photos of all the business cards you receive, and create an album on your mobile device.

2. CARRY A PEN AND PAPER Don’t ever be left without the tools to jot down notes, names, or other key information. Always carry some sort of writing utensil and paper or notebook, just in case. Even though we live in a world of tablets and cell phones, they aren’t always dependable. Having a pen can also be great if you want to make notes on the business cards you receive to help you remember each person.

3. MAKE A STATEMENT WITH YOUR OUTFIT Dress in something professional, that will help you stand out for all the right reasons. Sometimes when you’re at a networking event, it can be difficult hard to keep track of the people you meet. This also goes for your contacts – and as important as it is for you to remember them, it’s equally important that they remember you! Wearing something identifiable can help. For instance, if you are wearing a bright coloured blouse, or a polka dot bow tie, it helps others remember you.

4. WEAR COMFY SHOES Your shoes are arguably the more important part of your wardrobe when it comes to professional business events. It’s hard to look good, and be comfortable, but the last thing you need is for your feet to be so sore that you’re stuck sitting down. Make sure your shoes are comfy and broken-in (save those new heels for another day!). Consider buying insoles for your shoes and pack Band-Aids just incase. If you’re really not feeling confident, pack a pair of more comfortable shoes in your bag.

5. SAVE YOURSELF FROM AN EMBARRASSING MOMENT Nobody wants to be stuck with a stained shirt, messy hair, or fur or lint all over their black pants (preach, pet owners!). Pack the necessities that will save you from this situation like a portable stain remover, lint brush, hairbrush, and anything else that you feel may come in handy. If you have long hair, packing extra clips can come in useful. Makeup essentials like lipstick or

powder can also be very useful for touchups through the day.

6. STAY CLEAR FROM STINKY BREATH You decide to devour something with onion and garlic on your lunch break. Now, you’re stuck talking with a hand in front of your mouth… but there’s a silver lining. Not only are packs of mints or chewing gum great for masking stinky breath, it can also be a great icebreaker. Offer someone a piece of gum or mint when you take one out for yourself, and it may open up a new conversation!

7. PRE-NETWORK Still not feeling confident? Check out the Facebook group or online event page to see who else will be attending. Try looking them up on LinkedIn and connecting with them prior to the event. Having a short conversation with people before the event can make you feel more confident when attending, as you’ll already have some people you know you can automatically talk too.

8. MAKE A TARGET LIST Often networking events have hundreds of attendees, which can be completely overwhelming. You’re never going to meet everyone that is attending, but having a list of the people you really would like to meet and chat with can be helpful. Again, take a look at who is attending, what they do, and why it is beneficial for you to connect with them. Having a hard time spotting them at the event? Find them on Twitter and let them know a place you can meet up! top-8-networking-hacks-aspiring-youngprofessional

2017 Career Expo 11

How to Make Student Jobs Look Good on a Resume by Sarah Bartnicka With today’s competitive job market, putting together a resume can be a discouraging process – even for the most qualified job applicant. Still, while it is normal to compare yourself to the competition, you should not let that impact the way you see yourself. Even if your work experience is limited to part-time positions and summer jobs, it is still valuable. Everyone has skills in their background that are relevant and transferable to their future career – you might just have to dig a little. Fortunately, we’ve done the first bit of the work for you and put together a list of the most popular student jobs, and how to make them work for you on your resume.

RETAIL Retail experience can act as a fantastic stepping stone towards future salesoriented roles within an organization. After all, sales associate positions often require you to effectively influence customer opinion in order to increase overall revenue, and your attitude and approach can make a huge difference. This is especially true in the way you react to unexpected problems and handle particularly busy times. Want to highlight this experience on a resume? Say, “Able to identify and address customers needs while applying detailed product knowledge and creative problemsolving,” or “Proven ability in suggestive selling to meet daily targets.”

RESTAURANT Working in a restaurant is arguably one of the most demanding jobs you can have. You can count on a server to think quick on

12 Online Career Fair Magazine

their feet (literally!) and have a high level of patience. To succeed in this role, you must have incredible organizational skills and the ability to work well under pressure. Servers will also be expert communicators and enjoy working with people, as it is an industry where success relies on outstanding customer service. Want to highlight this experience on a resume? Say, “Excels in a fast-paced, high-pressure environment that requires efficient multitasking.” Additionally, “Developed invaluable communication skills while interacting with all levels of management, as well as hundreds of patrons every day.”

CASHIER he common perception of cashiers is that they just provide customer service and receive cash in exchange of goods and services sold. This alone, is not true. Cashiers need to possess a multitude of skills and qualifications to be able to work effectively in this challenging role. For example, you need to be able to troubleshoot problems, pertaining to both cash and sales, work efficiently, and do it all with a smile! This requires strong interpersonal skills, as well as problemsolving abilities. Want to highlight this experience on a resume? Say, “Proven skills in multitasking and effective problem-solving while providing timely and memorable customer service.”

CONSTRUCTION The construction industry can be incredibly challenging, yet rewarding. Since success in this field is based on teamwork, results and accountability, construction attracts employees who are driven by results and have the desire to work hard and effectively to achieve them. Having a role that is both physically and mentally demanding isn’t for everyone, but having said that, it can definitely make your resume stand out if you emphasize the right skills. Want to highlight this experience on a resume? Say, “Maintained a high level of professionalism while working in a resultsdriven, self-motivated and goal-oriented environment” or “Demonstrated the ability to be organized, dependable and punctual in order to effectively execute projects.” Of course, while knowing how to frame your experience is important, potential employers will also want examples of when you have demonstrated the skills you are advertising. The best way to do this is to write a list of specific situations you have encountered and write down which skills you applied for each one. Every job experience provides you with important skills necessary to succeed in the post-grad world, and hopefully this article will help you showcase them in your job search. Happy hunting! student-jobs-good-resume/


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