Special iSSue Focus on Juvenile arthritis • Creating Impact Through Advocacy, Programs and Research • Get Moving for a Cure
Emily Fujita from Hawaii steps up for a cure! The mission of the Arthritis Foundation is to improve lives through leadership in the prevention, control and cure of arthritis and related diseases. Call 1.800.954.CURE (2873) or visit
leaDerSHip perSpecTiVeS arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn
meSSage FrOm THe cHair I am privileged and honored to serve as Chair of the Pacific Region Board of Directors in 2013-2014. During the past fifteen years as a volunteer, I have worked to address the prevalence and severity of arthritis, the leading cause of disability in the United States. Fifty million adults are diagnosed with arthritis nationally—more than the number of people with cancer, diabetes or heart disease. And there are the 300,000 children with arthritis in addition to the hundreds of thousands of young adults who are living with arthritis during the prime of their lives. Each person has a compelling story to share about the challenges of living with arthritis, a disease which affects the entire family, not just those with arthritis.
paciFic regiOn Board of Directors OFFicerS Peter Mainstain, C.P.A. Chair John A. Heydt, M.D. Chair-Elect Stephen A. Schneider, Esq. Treasurer Dennis M.P. Ehling Secretary Manuel Loya Chief Executive Officer E. Robert Harris, M.D. Past Chair BOarD memBerS Susan Beat Leroy Bobbitt, Esq. Robyn Browning, C.F.R.E. James Campbell Chow, M.D., A.B.O.S. Art Gladstone, R.N. Wesley Mizutani, M.D., M.B.A. Marcia W. Wasserman
I have experienced how the Arthritis Foundation has changed people’s lives through advances in research, patient education, programs, and advocacy at all levels of government. I have also supported regionalization, which has helped us more efficiently deliver programs and vital services to the growing number of people with arthritis who urgently need our help. I commit to dedicating 120 percent of my time and resources to support the Arthritis Foundation’s mission and to achieve a new level of mission delivery. Whether it be raising funds to provide needed services, building partnerships with other organizations, or collaborating with other national or local volunteers and staff, I stand ready to lead the charge. I urge you to join with us. Thank you for rededicating yourself to our vital mission and for making a difference in the lives of the millions we serve. —Peter Mainstain Peter Mainstain has served as a volunteer for the Arthritis Foundation for fifteen years. He was elected to the Board of Directors in 2001, and has served on the Executive, Board Development, Resource Development, Operations and Gala Leadership committees.
meSSage FrOm THe c.e.O. One of the most surprising and heartbreaking realities of arthritis is that “kids get arthritis too”. Yes, 300,000 kids nationally suffer from the debilitating impact of juvenile arthritis (JA) and related conditions—more than cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, juvenile diabetes and cystic fibrosis combined.
liFe BOarD memBerS T. Arthur Kvaas Philip S. Magaram, Esq. Mark E. Meyerson, Esq. Thomas R. Murphy Stanford K. Rubin, Esq. Leonard Unger, Esq.
This year, you can help the Arthritis Foundation dramatically change the lives of thousands of families of children with JA. In addition to our Region’s ongoing JA support (youth and family camps, research, provision of pediatric rheumatologist fellowships, and more), this July we are privileged to host the national Juvenile Arthritis Conference in Anaheim, the home of none other than Disneyland, where dreams come true.
aDViSOrY BOarD cHairS Kaleo Ede, M.D. Arizona Vacant Coachella Valley Art Gladstone, R.N. Hawaii David Hahn Inland Empire Dale Surowitz Los Angeles/Valley Timothy Jones, C.S.P., R.E.H.S. Nevada John A. Heydt, M.D. Orange County Eric Burger Greater Sacramento Valley Susan Beat San Diego Maury Hayashida, D.P.T., O.S.C., C.S.C.S. Santa Barbara
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More than 1,000 parents and their children from across the country will come together to learn about juvenile arthritis from leading medical experts. They will quickly realize that they are members of a broader community of passionate JA advocates who are dedicated to fighting the pain and disability of JA. They will also learn that the Arthritis Foundation stands right beside them in their fight for education, resources, community, and advocacy for better treatments and a cure. We are excited about helping kids with JA and their families realize the JA Conference’s theme: “Dream, Believe, and Achieve.” Please join us in our urgent quest to bring hope and a cure for kids with arthritis. —Manuel Loya
wHaT iS JuVenile arTHriTiS?*
Arthritis is a complex family of musculoskeletal disorders consisting of more than 100 different diseases or conditions that destroy joints, bones, muscles, cartilage and other connective tissues, hampering or halting physical movement. Juvenile arthritis (JA) is an umbrella term used to describe the many autoimmune and inflammatory conditions that can develop in children ages 16 and younger. JA can involve the eyes, skin and gastrointestinal tract as well as the joints. There are several different types of juvenile arthritis; the most common type of JA is juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Currently, there is no known cause for most forms of juvenile arthritis. *From
leaDing THe waY FOr JuVenile arTHriTiS reacHing FOr THe STarS: emilY’S STOrY
Optimistic. An expert in current affairs and trivia. A One Direction boy band fan. A budding astronomer. That’s how Hilo, Hawaii mom Sherri Fujita describes her adorable twelve-year-old daughter, Emily. Diagnosed with systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis before the age of two, Emily would cry from pain when she tried to walk. She would lie immobile in bed for days, and endured hospitalizations with steroid treatments that made her face and body swell. Two years ago, however, things began to look up. Emily responded well to weekly shots of biologic medication which helped to reduce the pain in her ankles and knees. Now she flies to Honolulu for doctor’s visits every two months instead of once a month, and has stepped up for an action-packed year of volunteer activities with her Arthritis Foundation “ohana” (family).
Hawaii’s Executive Director Jennifer Hee, Senator Gil Kahele, Sherri Fujita and Representative Richard Onishi congratulate Emily. (l-r).
In February, Emily shared her story with members of Hawaii’s State Legislature and was thrilled to receive a proclamation commending her service to the Foundation. As youth honoree for the Hawaii Arthritis Walk, she will inspire others with her courage and then lead her “Team Awesome” to the finish line amid the cheers of her many supporters. Then in July, Emily, her brother James and her parents will join hundreds of other children with juvenile arthritis and their families at the life-changing Juvenile Arthritis Conference in Anaheim. With your support, courageous heroes like Emily will someday gaze into the velvety, starlit sky of a world free of arthritis pain.
arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn reSOurceS FOr FamilieS OF cHilDren wiTH JuVenile arTHriTiS The Arthritis Foundation offers many resources for families of children with JA, nationally and here in the Pacific Region.
naTiOnal advocacy National Advocacy and Kids Summit Washington, D.C. communities Juvenile Arthritis Alliance Leadership Group JIA Mom’s Blog conferences Juvenile Arthritis Conference 2013 Anaheim, California, July 18-21 publications “Kids Get Arthritis Too” newsletter Books and Brochures Juvenile-Arthritis research The Arthritis Foundation funds critical pediatric research to support our efforts towards finding a cure for JA ja-research-initiative/ websites Kids Get Arthritis Too website ( kgat/) for kids and teens
paciFic regiOn camps Youth Camps in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada Family Weekend Camps in Arizona and California communities Camp Esperanza Facebook Page events Local educational symposia and family social events. Contact your local office for details. Fellowships Local pediatric rheumatologist fellowships are funded each year to ensure that there are more specialists to meet the growing need for professional care. physician lists for arizona, california and Hawaii Contact your local office for a list of pediatric rheumatologists in your state. programs Supporting Arthritis Kids (SAK) Backpack Program for newly-diagnosed children with JA. This backpack includes an excellent book (“Raising a Child with Arthritis”) for the caregivers and fun items for the child.
calenDar maY National Arthritis Awareness Month Arthritis Walks Arizona, Greater California, Hawaii June Arthritis Walks Southern California June 1-3 Camp Cruz - Teen Leadership Williams, Arizona June 4-9 Camp Cruz Wiliams, Arizona JulY July 2-7 Camp Esperanza at The Painted Turtle Lake Hughes, CA July 7-12 Joint Adventure Camp Julian, CA (San Diego) July 18-21 Juvenile Arthritis Conference Anaheim, CA auguST Advocacy Month August 1-4 Camp Sol Geater Las Vegas August 11-15 Camp Esperanza - Teen Leadership San Bernardino Mtns., CA August 30-September 1 Camp Mana‘olana Kapolei, Hawaii SepTemBer September 8 Taste of the Town Santa Barbara, CA September 13-14 Camp ILA Phoenix, AZ September TBD Massage Envy “Healing Hands for Arthritis” National September 28-October 5 California Coast Classic Bike Tour OcTOBer October 12 World Arthritis Day nOVemBer “Commitment to a Cure” Awards Gala Beverly Hills, CA DecemBer Jingle Bell Run/Walks Glendale, Orange County, Sacramento and San Diego, CA page 3
cHanging liVeS aT THe JuVenile arTHriTiS cOnFerence a perSOnal perSpecTiVe: Dream, BelieVe anD acHieVe aT THe JuVenile arTHriTiS cOnFerence
Every year, the Arthritis Foundation presents an annual Juvenile Arthritis Conference, featuring three days of education, fun, advocacy, family activities, camaraderie and the opportunity to meet people from all over the country. This year, the JA Conference will be held in our own Pacific Region on July 18-21 in Anaheim, California. The event is designed for the entire family, including siblings, because everybody who attends is the “Face of Arthritis.” The disease affects parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and siblings of a child with arthritis in ways that are not often spoken. At Conference, those unspoken realities are acknowledged and shared with others who understand. Over the three days, parents can participate in educational sessions covering a wealth of topics ranging from diet and nutrition to research and disease-specific sessions led by some of the top doctors and researchers in the country. Conference gives families tools to deal with insurance, school issues, making medical decisions, coping with stress, and finding a way to live well, in spite of juvenile arthritis. Meanwhile, the kids attend sessions with some education, doc talks, and mentoring from young adults with arthritis – but mostly they will tell you that they meet a lot of people their own age and have a blast!
Colleen and the Ryan family: Dave, Jack, Nick and Caitlin (l-r).
Even after years of education, we still learn so many new things at every conference. After all, the progress in understanding the disease and finding successful treatments is ever-evolving. We certainly expect our caregivers to know what’s new and what is on the horizon. It only follows that if we are an active part of the care team, we should be in the know as well. Beyond the education though, it’s what I learn and gain from being with so many people who “get us” that makes the whole experience incomparable. Like many others, my family leaves the conference with a full brain, a full tank, a full heart and engines revving with Hope. If that’s what it’s like for a veteran, it’s even harder to put into words what the experience means for a family of a child who has been newly diagnosed with JA. When you literally have never had the chance to speak with somebody else travelling the same road, you are dealing with a frightening new diagnosis, and your child is in pain – “dark” doesn’t even begin to describe what that is like. Add “lonely, overwhelming, demoralizing, intimidating and harrowing”, and you start to come closer to describing the situation. For those families, conference is literally a game changer. It makes all the difference in how they feel about the future – and they too leave feeling Hope, where there was once only Fear. The conference gives families tools to deal with insurance, school issues, making medical decisions, coping with stress and finding a way to live well, in spite of juvenile arthritis. The theme for this year’s JA Conference is Dream, Believe, achieve! The words are intended to inspire our 1,000 attendees while depicting our ongoing mission and the Hope which the conference brings. We Dream of a day that our kids won’t be limited by the pain of arthritis. We Believe that one day, we will find a CURE. And together, we will achieve this Dream! Come Dream, Believe and achieve with us this summer in Anaheim! —Colleen Ryan, Caitlin’s mom and Chair, Juvenile Arthritis Alliance and the Juvenile Arthritis Conference
make THeir DreamS cOme True - 2013 naTiOnal JuVenile arTHriTiS cOnFerence Families, children and young adults affected by arthritis and related rheumatic diseases are invited to participate in this fun, educational and life-changing experience. Thursday, July 18 – Sunday, July 21 Hyatt regency Orange county 11999 Harbor Boulevard garden grove, california 92840 (2 miles from Disneyland) Hotel Telephone number: 714.750.1234 For information and JA Conference registration, visit Registration period: Now – June 20th for Early Bird Rates!! To support the Juvenile Arthritis Conference, please contact: Jennifer Ziegler, or 323.954.5760 Ext. 243. page 4
FunDing reSearcH FOr a cure THe arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn parTnerS wiTH carra TO aDVance peDiaTric reSearcH iniTiaTiVeS The Arthritis Foundation research program in juvenile arthritis seeks to provide a universal standard of care accessible by all medical professionals who treat children with JA. Our Flagship Initiative in juvenile arthritis is our partnership with the Childhood Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance (CARRA). Through the partnership with CARRA, the Foundation is working to create a network of pediatric rheumatologists and a registry of children with JA — allowing researchers to identify and analyze differences and similarities between patients and their responses to treatment. Ultimately, the registry will help researchers develop personalized medicine, the ultimate weapon in battling JA. Already launched at 60 clinical research sites, the CARRA registry currently has 8,000 patients enrolled. Within the next five years, the registry will assist medical professionals in the following ways: • Developing a better understanding of the effective use of existing drugs in children; • Identifying newer drugs that are safer and more effective in children; • Finding key predictors of who is at risk for developing JA, based on genetics or environment; • Improving access to medications and other treatments; and • Developing therapies to slow or halt the progression of JA. To help achieve these goals, the Arthritis Foundation has invested more than $1 million in JAspecific research grants and CARRA support in 2012. Since CARRA’s creation, the Foundation has invested $2.3 Million in the CARRA network and registry. Through this initiative, the Arthritis Foundation and CARRA will establish a solid database of information to guide researchers to newer and safer drug therapies for JA patients and help physicians technological advances in treatments determine the best course of personalized care for every JA patient from the outset of their treathave changed Emily’s life. Every year ment.1 “Developments in research and
that passes brings more hope. If research continues on this path, in a year or two there will be something even better–a cure.”
–Sherri Fujita
Deborah McCurdy, M.D., Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and Director of Pediatric Rheumatology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles, encourages parents of children with JA to enroll them in the CARRA registry. “It is important that as many patients be enrolled as is possible to capture the picture of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in all of its presentations and manifestations. Most importantly, the CARRA registry will optimize therapies for the treatment of rheumatic diseases in children.” For more information, please visit arthritis. org/research/.
2012-2013 arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn reSearcH awarD recipienTS Congratulations to the following research award recipients from the Pacific Region for their outstanding work in enhancing the lives of those with arthritis and moving us ever closer to a cure: OSTeOarTHriTiS ru Bryan, phD Veterans Medical Research Foundation Innovative Research Grant
rHeumaTOiD arTHriTiS michael e. Selsted, mD, phD University of Southern California Innovative Research Grant
Sin-ae lee, phD University of California, San Diego Postdoctoral Fellowship Psoriatic Arthritis
grayson Duraine, phD University of California, Davis Postdoctoral Fellowship
primarY DiSeaSe FOcuS: OTHer Suzanne kafaja, mD University of California, Los Angeles Clinical to Research Transition Award Scleroderma
John c. Scatizzi, phD Scripps Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship Lupus
Dominik Haudenschild, phD University of California, Davis Innovative Research Grant lick pui lai, phD University of Southern California Postdoctoral Fellowship
Jennifer king, mD University of California, Los Angeles Postdoctoral Fellowship Lupus
Zejin Zhu, mD University of California, Los Angeles Innovative Research Grant Sjögren’s Syndrome
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miSSiOn DeliVereD: aDVOcacY anD prOgramS aDVOcacY: making Our VOiceS HearD FOr THOSe wiTH arTHriTiS washington, D.c. More than 350 dedicated Arthritis Foundation advocates braved snowy weather to meet face-to-face with members of Congress in Washington, D.C. on March 4-5. Their goals? To proclaim that “Ignoring Arthritis is Unacceptable” and to request that legislators address the needs of those with arthritis by providing more affordable medications, paving the way for more pediatric rheumatologists through funding of a pediatric subspecialty loan repayment program, and including post traumatic osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the Department of Defense (DOD) research program. Virtual summit meetings allowed many more advocates to participate in the Capitol Hill events, while testimonials from Washington, D.C. were featured in radio broadcasts across the country. You too can make your voice heard on Capitol Hill! Sign up as an e-advocate by visiting
2013 Advocacy Summit
M a r c h 4 - 6 , 2 0 1 3 • Wa s h i n g t o n , D.C .
Face to Face
Learn about our priority advocacy issues, receive training for congressional meetings, and meet face-to-face with your Member of Congress and their staff.
Sacramento, california The California Arthritis Foundation Council hosted the California Advocacy Summit in Sacramento on April 30 – May 1. Forty participants learned about California State advocacy priorities and met with State legislators to educate them about the unacceptable impact of arthritis for the 5.4 million Californians living with arthritis. For Please visit for more information, more information about the Arthritis Foundation’s advocacy initiatives, please contact Krystin Herr, Director of call Laura Keivel at 202-887-2913 or email Advocacy for the Pacific Region, at Early Bird Registration - November 14, 2012 - January 25, 2013: $175 per person with a maximum of $400 per family. Regular Registration - January 26, 2013 - February 1, 2013: $225 per person with a maximum of $500 per family. No late registrations will be accepted!
A special rate of $249/night at Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA is available for Summit participants.
new parTnerSHipS eXpanD arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn prOgramS TO THOuSanDS The Arthritis Foundation is partnering with nearly sixty new organizations to change the lives of tens of thousands of people with arthritis. Organizations include hospitals, county and city departments, senior living/retirement communities, YMCA’s, school districts, healthcare organizations, fitness centers, retailers, health insurance carriers and other corporate partners throughout the Region. The new partners host worksite wellness programs featuring evidence-based Arthritis Foundation exercise classes including the highly popular “Walk with Ease” individual and group walking programs. Chief Program Officer Vickie Fung speaks to the importance of the new partnerships: “Fifty percent of adults diagnosed with arthritis are under the age of 65 years. By promoting wellness programs to employees, we take an important step in fighting against the potentially debilitating effects of arthritis through physical activity and self-management.” For more information on Arthritis Foundation partnerships, please contact Vickie Fung at new reSOurceS FrOm THe arTHriTiS FOunDaTiOn Now it’s easier than ever for you to find life-enhancing Arthritis Foundation resources online! The newly redesigned includes a “Resources section” which features all of the great tools and programs that you need to help you live better with arthritis. Visit the new resources page at One of the new products available from the Arthritis Foundation is “Arthritis Friendly Yoga”, a 60-minute DVD created especially for people who are seeking a natural, gentle way to ease pain, increase strength and flexibility, and improve overall well-being. Find out more at
PACIFIC REGION SUMMER CAMPS FOR YOUTH WITH ARTHRITIS Hundreds of kids and teens with arthritis and related diseases will enjoy a variety of fun and educational activities while making lifetime friendships at this summer’s medically-supervised youth camps in Arizona, California, Hawaii and Nevada. Arizona - Camp Cruz Williams/Northern AZ June 1-3 Teen Leadership Session June 4-9 General Session Allie Avishai
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California - Camp Esperanza at The Painted Turtle Lake Hughes July 2-7 California - Camp Esperanza, Teen Leadership San Bernardino Mtns./Big Bear August 11-15 Jennifer Ziegler
California - Joint Adventure Julian (N. San Diego) July 7-12 Sandra Hayhurst Hawaii - Camp Mana‘olana Kapolei, HI August 30 – September 1 Jenny Sung
Nevada - Camp Sol Greater Las Vegas August 1-4 Crystal Schulz
mOVing TOgeTHer TOwarD a cure 2013 arTHriTiS walkS: leT’S STep up FOr a cure!
Join thousands of enthusiastic walkers from Honolulu to Phoenix who are stepping up for a cure at this year’s Arthritis Walks, the Arthritis Foundation’s signature awareness and fund raising events. Honor friends or family members with arthritis by sporting a colorful team T-shirt or walking as an individual along the one- or three-mile scenic course. Be inspired by the camaraderie and commitment of fellow walkers as you cross the finish line to a festival area featuring lively entertainment, a kid’s zone, educational resources and delicious food and beverages. Help the Pacific Region maintain its #1national Arthritis Walk status by moving with us again this year! To register online or to make a donation, visit your local Walk website or contact the Arthritis Foundation office in your community. Let’s “walk on” for a cure!
Mikayla Minnig from the Pacific Region is this year’s National Arthritis Walk Youth Honoree.
leT’S mOVe TOgeTHer aT THe arTHriTiS walk in YOur cOmmuniTY Saturday, april 27 Saturday, may 18 Sunday, may 19 Central Coast Walk Sacramento Valley Walk Orange County Walk San Luis Obispo Sacramento Irvine
Sunday, June 2 Los Angeles Walk Santa Monica
Saturday, may 4 Arizona Walk Phoenix
Saturday, may 18 Central Coast Walk Santa Barbara
Saturday, June 1 Inland Empire Walk Corona
Saturday, October 19 Coachella Valley Walk Palm Desert
Sunday, may 5 Hawaii Walk Honolulu
Sunday, may 19 Magic Mountain Walk Valencia
Saturday, June 1 San Diego Walk San Diego
riDe HigHwaY One FOr a pain-Free wOrlD
Experience the beauty of the scenic California coastline while raising awareness and funds to help those with arthritis! Sign up now at to ride on the 8-day, 525mile California Coast Classic Bike Tour sponsored by Amgen. The tour begins on September 28 at Fort Mason in San Francisco. As you wind your way down the coastline to the finish line in Los Angeles on October 5, you will meet youth honorees with arthritis who will inspire you with their personal stories of courage and hope. Among this year’s cyclists you will meet riders with arthritis, like CCC Bike Tour veteran Pete Staylor. Pete is team captain of the CP Tribe Riders. This year marks Pete’s tenth year as a Tour participant—three years as a volunteer, and seven years as a rider. Pete is powering through his arthritis pain to help find a cure for family members with arthritis, and will serve as a role model and champion for a pain-free world on this year’s tour.
Bike Tour veteran Pete Staylor celebrates the magnificent view of the California coastline.
Join Pete and many other heroes on the California Coast Classic Bike Tour—the ride of a lifetime. Registration is limited to 300 participants, so register today! For more information, visit or contact Amy Robertson or Jill Canova at the Pacific Region office.
GLITZGLAMGIVE aT OScar® eXperience: pHOeniX
Many thanks to Francis Tesmer and Rolf Lohse of Rolfs Salon, Anita Helt of ABC15 and JoAnn Holland of Wells Fargo for making this year’s event a huge success! (l-r)
The Oscar® Experience: Phoenix was truly the GlitzGlamGive event of the year! 350 glamorously-attired guests experienced Hollywood’s 85th Academy Award® ceremonies by telecast while enjoying exciting onsite Oscar® night festivities. Participants snapped up the very popular Mystery Boxes, stopped by Rolfs Glamour Lounge for a make-up touch-up, captured their memories at the photo booth, bid on live auction items and enjoyed their amazing gold swag bags full of souvenirs of a magnificent evening. Thank you to our stars of the evening, Chair JoAnn Holland and honorees Anthony K. Hedley, MD; Krista Hom and Rowan Balma. We also thank key sponsors ABC15, Gila River Casinos, Rolfs and Wells Fargo for supporting Phoenix’s premier social event which raised almost $240,000 for the 1.2 million Arizonans with arthritis. page 7
U.S. Postage
Community Connections Community Connections arizona CALIFORNIA 1221 E. Osborn Road, Suite 201 Phoenix, AZRegion 85014 / Los Angeles Office Pacific 602.212.9900 800 W. Sixth Street, Ste. 1250 Los Angeles, CA 90017 CaLiFornia Ph. 323.954.5750 PACIFIC REGION/LOS ANGELES ValleySuite Office 800Coachella West Sixth Street, 1250 Waring Drive, Ste. 104 Los73-710 Angeles,Fred CA 90017 Palm Desert, CA 92260 323.954.5750 Ph. 760.773.3076 800.954.CURE (2873)
Greater Sacramento Valley Office COACHELLA VALLEY 3040 Explorer Drive, Suite 1 P.O. Box 1395 Sacramento, CA 95827 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Ph. 916.368.5599 760.773.3076 Inland Empire Office GREATER SACRAMENTO VALLEY 9 Technology 1851 Heritage #183 Irvine, CA Lane, 92618 Ph. 949.585.0201 Sacramento, CA 95815 916.368.5599
SANTA BARBARA INLAND EMPIRE 2261 LasHAWAII Positas Road 9140 Haven Ave., Suite 109A Santa Barbara, CAOffice 93105 RanchoOrange Cucamonga, CA 91730 County Office Hawaii 805.563.4685 9 Technology 615 Piikoi Street, Ste. 1109 MailingIrvine, Address CA 92618 Honolulu, HI 96814 Hawaii P.O. Box 130 Ph. 949.585.0201 Ph. 808.596.2900 760 Halekauwila Street, Suite 201 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91729 San Diego Office Honolulu, HI 96813 951.320.1540 9089 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite 104 NEVADA 808.596.2900 ORANGE SanCOUNTY Diego, CA 92123-1288 800.462.0743 Ph. 858.492.1090 P.O. Box 53490 Nevada Office Toll-free: 1368 Paseo Verde Pkwy., Ste. 200B nEVaDa Irvine, CA 92619 800.422.8885 NV 89012 P.O. BoxHenderson, 778213 949.585.0201 Santa Barbara Office Ph. NV 702.367.1626 Henderson, 89077 2253 Las Positas Rd., Ste. A SAN DIEGO 702.367.1626 Santa CA 93105 8555 Aero Dr.,Barbara, Suite 200 Ph. 805.563.4685 San Diego, CA 92123 858.492.1090 Valley Office 800 W. Sixth Street, Ste. 1250 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Ph. 323.954.5750
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