™ Vol. 13 Issue 9
TEXAS’ Widest Circulated and Read Newspaper with a Black Perspective
April 2-8, 2008
Houston - Galveston - Texas City - Missouri City - Conroe - Woodlands - Huntsville - Beaumont - Port Arthur - Grove - Orange - Lumberton - Liberty - Cleveland - Livingston - Crockett - San Antonio - Mexia - Gatesville - Bellmead Austin - Brenham - Hempstead - Prairie View - College Station - Bryan - Killeen - Temple - Waco - Dallas - Irving - Fort Worth - Arlington - Waxahachie - Elgin - Round Rock - Harker Heights - Copperas Cove - Ennis - Corsicana
Was Wright, right? ALICIA CAMPBELL Contributing Writer
Leading Houston’s favorite family outing PAGE 5
Cycling good deeds
Bike buff pedals the metal for Red Cross
For the last few weeks we have been inundated and entertained with an abundance of commentary over the merits or demerits of portions of sermons from the spiritual leader and minister of Sen. Barack Obama. In response, Obama felt See WRIGHT page 3
Obama’s speech on race should make us all think MARIO SALAS
African-American News&Issues
When Barack Obama announced his presidential candidacy, there were those who attacked him over his middle name Hussein, and even claimed that he is a Muslim. Unfortunately, even some AfricanAmericans joined in with these false Nazi comments. There is a correlation between this issue and the pitch of the inflamed national debate over ille-
gal immigration that is growing uglier and more racist as we speak. Racist comments are becoming more common among “mainstream” anti-immigration activists, conservative radio hosts, and knuckle-headed public servants. While their dehumanizing bombast usually stops short of openly endorsing bloodshed, much of it by inference advances or even endorses violence by designating immigrants from Third World counSee SPEECH page 3
Gregory Tennessee (in black shirt) who was saluted by seven-time Tour de France winner Lance Armstrong (right) has initiated a Tour du Rouge Bike Ride to raise money for Katrina and Rita victims. BUD JOHNSON
African-American News&Issues
Senator Barack Obama’s “State of the Race” speech has the country talking about race—somewhat.
If you HISTORY don’t know your past, you don’t know your future! 24/7/365 Proud to sponsor
Quote of the Week “A heavy guilt rests upon us for what the Whites of all nations have done to the colored peoples. When we do good to them, it is not benevolence--it is atonement.”
-Albert Schweitzer
Far too many African-American families fail to see their elders as living historians much of our rich history has never been recorded. However, the little known history of a colony of courageous and industrious, free Black people in Burleson County, Texas is among the many precious memories that George Hamilton left for those who celebrated his life on April 7, 2005 at First Metropolitan Church, 8870 West Sam Houston Parkway North. Pastor John D. Ogletree, Jr. officiated an order of service that included: Gwendolyn Atkins, Cynthia Tompkins and Maxine Westberry who read the poem a “Farewell to George from Georgia.” Michael Rushing, Gerome Wiltz, Gerald Wiltz Jr., Donald Hamilton Jr., Sherman Hamilton and Henry Johnson were active pallbearers for George, Ervin and Alice Hamilton’s only child, who was born on February 6, 1921, in Burleson County, a small town in east central Texas, which lies approximately 45 miles east of the state capital at Austin. It’s bordered by Milam
Several years ago television news cameras focused on a young Black man addressing a controversy in Houston, Texas’ Third Ward’s embattled community, with then HPD Chief Clarence O. Bradford.
FEB. 6, 1921- MARCH 30, 2005
County on the north, on the east by Robertson and Brazos counties, on the south by Washington County, and on the west by Lee County. Caldwell, the largest town and the county seat, is 60 miles east of Austin. Most of the early settlers and their families, like those brought to Texas by Robertson’s Nashville Company, came from the Old South. Once in Texas, they set about perpetuating Southern culture and institutions—including slavery.
His name was Gregory Tennessee, who was further identified in the African-American News&Issues as an excellent role model for innercity kids to emulate. The most memorable thing about the television news snippet was the fact that both Chief Bradford and Tennessee were riding bicycles, replete with Many brought with them considerable investments in slave property and soon established large plantation in the Brazos bottoms. Gabriel Jackson of Kentucky, for example, who arrived in Robertson’s colony in December 1833, was the owner of 100 slaves. Burleson County was eventually named for Gen. Edward Burleson, and designated Caldwell the county seat. However, George loved to recall the history of Hendricks Arnold, a free Black from Mississippi and a veteran of the battle of San Jacinto, who is one of the many forgotten heroes in Black America’s history. In the mid1830s, Arnold founded a Black community that was known for many years as the “Free Settlement.” Unfortunately the eastern half of the county, in which the Black population was concentrated, fell within the twentieth sub-district of the Freedmen’s Bureau, variously headquartered in Grimes and Brazos counties. The records of the sub-assistant commissioner include numerous reports of vio-
gear that’s worn by serious cyclists. As it was later reported, Tennessee, a very unusual young man, was indeed, a very serious cyclist. Inasmuch as bicycles have become a standard mode of transportation for aspiring “low income drug dealers” in the ‘hood, cycling isn’t a See CYCLING page 3
lent crimes committed by Whites against Blacks in Burleson County. Although many, perhaps even most, of these crimes were political in nature, some were blatant. In July 1868, a freedman named Wilson, a county registrar, was dragged from his bed at night by an armed mob and hanged and his body mutilated before being tossed into the Brazos River. Racist history aside, George, who accepted Christ at an early age, lived a good life. He married the love of his life “Lola” in the summer of 1952. To this union, a daughter, Georgia, was born. Both George and Lola had children before they met. His wife Lola died in 1959 and George never remarried. George’s only son, Donald Ray Hamilton, Sr., passed away in 1990. George joined them on March 30, 2005 at 8:30 a.m. Many will cherish pleasant memories that George left for his daughters, granddaughters, great granddaughters, grandsons, great grandsons, aunts, nieces, nephews, daughter-in-law, cousins, and other loved ones. TX-1
2 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008
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“We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us.” -John Russrum, Publisher of Freedom Journal, March 16,1827
imply tated
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Racist Advertisers’ Lies
Roy Douglas Malonson
here’s unique terminology that African-American News& Issues’ readers are familiar with that Black people who depend on White newspapers for their major source of information won’t see. Thus, they fail to fully grasp the concept of our Black perspectives. One in particular is “Black faces in high places,” that in most readers’ minds translates to “House Negroes.” Another is “Wannabe politically-astute leader.” The best way to interpret that one is to compare them to pseudo-intellectuals who don’t how things work, or can’t recognize political Trojan horses. I’m well aware that neither of those correlations are flattery. I get e-mail, and/or phone calls that accuse me of hurting Black leaders’ images when we objectively tell it like it is. That, in itself, tells me that media-anointed Black leaders are politically naïve. Surely, they should realize that descendants of slaves’ images aren’t much different from a racist American’s perspective than our slave ancestors. And if you observe how Black leaders throughout the nation react to “poli-tricks” (that has been part of America’s Democratic process since the Continental Congress era), it becomes obvious that they either don’t know, or have forgotten, how political games have been played since the serpent beguiled Eve in the Garden of Eden. Divide and conquer notwithstanding, I’ve always wonder if the serpent could’ve conned them if they had been together? I often refer to Willie Lynch’s letter, excerpted from “How to Make a Slave,” but I also read Nicolo
Machiavelli’s book (The Prince: The famed Renaissance treatise on the politics of power), which should be required reading for any Black leader, because the infamous letter is a dumbed down version of The Prince’s mind control stratagem. Then again, from the feedback we’re getting (for attempting to analyze the Obama-Clinton phenomenon objectively), I think Black people are so caught up emotionally in putting a Black man in the White House until they don’t want to know the truth. Even so, our job is to report all news without fear or favor from a Black perspective. I bet somebody is thinking, right now: Then why don’t your editorials compliment the majority of Black Americans who support Obama? Black publishers that realize that White America is dealing with Obama the same as they do us, can easily answer that question. Sadly, Black leaders tend to think of media advertising as business, rather than politics. But the reason the rich and powerful control politics is because they control a media that’s dependent on advertising to survive. That’s why I recalled how advertisers use our editorial content (to ignore Texas’ widest circulated and read newspaper with a Black perspective), when Obama was blindsided by Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s damning video. You can be sure, freedom of speech, and the myth of a free press doesn’t apply when it clashes with power politics. Denial aside, White America puts Obama in the same catch-22 that Black newspapers find ourselves in trying to deal with racist adver-
WE MUST UNDERSTAND: Double Edged Swords
f Black America is, indeed, a nation within a nation, we should understand the term double trouble. For sure, we share the nation’s collective problems, as well as problems unique to descendants of slaves, in a racist nation built on our blood, sweat and tears. In Andrew Hacker’s 1992 bestseller (Two Nations: Black and White, separate, hostile, unequal), he uses statistical evidence to prove that America is a nation of inequality, hostility, and separatism. Benjamin Disraeli’s quote: “Two nations, between whom there is no intercourse and no sympathy; who are as ignorant of each others habits, thoughts, and feelings, as if they were dwellers in different zones, or inhabitants of different planets,” in the preface sums the entire book. We Must Understand, however, that the foregoing excerpts were written 16 years before a charismatic African-American espousing a “Change We Can Believe In,” intoxicated a wide diversity of people who are obviously desperate for change. Thus, citizens of good consciences must realize that changing times are motivated by changing minds. Lest they will fail to seize this pivotal moment in America’s political history. If you agree with what you’ve read so far, African-American News&Issues has cause to pause and ponder, whether or not, you condone a partnership between the White and Black nations’ lines of communication? We just thought we would ask. Primarily because some of our readers asked us why we weren’t privy to the same relationship with TV stations as the other Black news-
papers. An answer to that question should be obvious for politicallyastute Black people who understand where the Freedom’s Journal was coming from to espouse, “We wish to plead our own cause. Two long others have spoken for us.” In addition, telling it like it is, validates our Black nation’s scripture-based perspective (“The Word of God is a double-edge sword.”), in Hebrews 4-12. Especially since a footnote in The New Catholic Answer Bible explains: “…the Word of God brings judgment as well as salvation, which, like a two-sided sword, can cut either way.” Other references to the word of God and/or sword also come sheathed in imagery, typically using the figurative language of metaphor. Perhaps it’s presumptuous to believe our readers agree that God’s Word is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth (See Eyeview), but you’ll see where we’re going with this when you connect your intellectual dots to the educator Linda Connors’ assertion, “Freedom of expression….can be a double-edged sword.” Barry Murdock’s Nov. 9, 2005 blog expanded on the metaphor premises: “As a method of using metaphors well, one should always create a mental image, it’s clear to me that having a double-edged sword in my hand allows a telling blow in two directions and is therefore a double advantage of harm: harm over a single-edged sword, not one producing the potential for opposite results i.e. harm: heal. We use the idiom ‘mixed blessing’ to identify something which
On: God’s Ugly Truth
Bud Johnson: The Old African Warrior
oebeit God says seeking truth sets ye free, in a world ruled by evil in high places, “free” translates to alone, or gone. I’m talking my detractors’ collective conspiracy to render a living historian persona non-gratis. No man is an Island notwithstanding, if I’m wrong for reporting all news without fear or favor, I don’t want to be right. For real, “Treeshakers” who tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, or name, blame and shame “jellymakers” become political pariahs. Nevertheless, as we speak, I’m in the option year (of a five-year, no cut contract that I negotiated with the good Lord back in 2003), so they can kiss my gluteus maximums. Square business, I’m obligated to write the good…the bad… and the ugly truth…that God lays on my heart to report in African-American News &Issues until 2008’s clock chimes the midnight hour. Hey, you can queue up The Twilight Zone if you dare, but you benefit from a trip into The Outer Limits of God’s ugly truth. For sure, I know it’s difficult for politically-naïve Black folks (programmed to believe that you’re nobody unless the White media loves you), to feel me. Especially in an era when Bible-thumping believers-who ignore God’s ugly truth--and flat out lie: “I’m blessed and highly favored,” although they’re catching hell. Nonetheless, I’m sure all of God’s children agree that when you
play with truth, you’re playing with God Almighty. But this isn’t about Obama’s pastor, or “poli-tricks.” This is about “rocks” crying out God’s ugly truth. So can we talk? I was listening to conservative radio talk when the hosts kept checkmating callers that understood where Sen. Barack Obama was coming from when he explained why he didn’t condemn Rev. Jeremiah Wright forthwith (See Editorial), when he spoke God’s ugly truth from the pulpit. In fact, the racist propaganda cells had cause to pause and ponder, why Obama remained at a church that preached against this great nation for 20 years. Conversely Obama must play a wee bit with an ugly truth, because it portends political suicide to do otherwise. Self-aggrandizement aside, I think God holds journalists as accountable for lying as preaching rocks He built his church on. In addition, crusading preachers sho’ nuff need uncompromised journalists at their backs. Accordingly, Black newspaper must be a bold voice for those who have no voice to freely speak the truth. Ergo, being nurtured by two clans of the most creative and colorful liars in Da’ Big Nickel (known worldwide for playing mind games), uniquely qualified me to be God’s rock of truth. Yet, before you call me a lie, mayhaps I should share what my folks taught me about lying that prevented me from becoming a politician, or law-
tiser’s lie. Not only is he held accountable for what he says, but whatever his associates say, including his pastor (see Editorial), or his own wife. You have no idea how many times I’ve told advertisers that a right-
thinking person wouldn’t dare try to manipulate a newspaper’s editorial policy. On the other hand, I can’t call them racists for punishing newspapers that write objectively about Minister Louis Farrakhan or any other pariah that they
Read us online at TX-2
has benefits and drawbacks concurrently.” We Must Understand, however, that politics never was and never shall be a godly endeavor. Politics portends an evil element that divides and confuses, rather than unites people. Accordingly, dirty tricks must be factored into a political equation that pits a White woman against a Black man. “As usual we’ve violated proper journalism’s wordiness protocol, but it’s no use of telling it like it is, unless our readers understand what we’re trying to tell. And it is that the Black media should be dedicated to objectively edifying citizens with enough political wisdom to protect them from the race baiting media’s double-edged political subterfuge. Quite frankly, it should insult White voters’ intelligence to suggest that they don’t have sense enough to understand where Sen. Barack Obama’s dynamic pastor was coming from. Then again, Black voters’ intelligence should be equally insulted if it’s suggested that we don’t know where (erstwhile Congresswoman and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter) Geraldine Ferraro was coming from when she gave Obama’s skin color due consideration. “Igno-ranting” aside, only in “Fairy Tales,” can one ignore the reality that the land of the free, indeed, is “Two Nations: Black and White, separate, hostile and unequal.” Consequently, since Decision 2008 isn’t a Walt Disney production, truth becomes a double-edged sword. yer, or any other profession that plays with God’s truth. First and foremost, one must grasp the concept of lying if they are to seek the truth. Worship in spirit and truth aside, as much as my folks played with the truth (when they embellished their tall tales, if you lied because you feared truth’s consequences), they considered you a coward. My folks’ strange logic was that, inasmuch as we can’t lie to an omniscient God, if we lie to appease White folks, or bad-ass Negroes, we fear their retribution more than the Good Lord’s wrath. Denial aside, some folks also value men’s praises over God’s small blessings and tender mercies. Then again, my Grandpa (Rev. William Paul Fonteno) considered looking a White man in the eyes and telling him an ugly truth was a Black man’s declaration of independence. Hey, don’t kill the messenger here. I’m just saying that God don’t like ugly. Hence, if His anointed “rocks” don’t cry out against an ugly America, we’re part of the problem. And be assured, you can lie by commission, and/or omission. Mayhaps, it’s not political protocol to tell the truth about ugly America, but when God’s chosen rocks of truth (preachers and journalists) fail to condemn the kind of lies that corrupt our nation’s very soul, they condone them. I wonder if anybody knows where I’m coming from? To contact Bud Johnson, please call 281- 847-9929 (8-5- Wednesday -Thursday) or via e-mail at
despise, when our rival Black publishers actually solicited their advertising by dissing our “racist newspaper.” If you notice, most Black newspapers have stopped writing their own editorials. See LIES page 3
sport that young “brothers” and/or “sisters” get too serious about. Nevertheless, not only is Tennessee, a medical professional, very serious about cycling, but he also aspires to use his favorite pastime and fitness vehicle, to address serious health issues bedeviling Katrina victims. Thus, “Gregory’s Tour du Rouge Bike Ride from H-Town to the Big Easy” was born. “Call it a mid-life crisis if you like. However, my plan is to ride my bike (as in bicycle, like human-powered), from Houston to New Orleans in an effort to help raise money for The Red Cross, to help those in need,” says Tennessee, who explains that he developed a passion for cycling when he was an eighth grader at Ryan Middle School. “I am required to raise $2,500.00 and am gracious for your support in any amount. My goal is to have raised the required amount by October 1, 2008 and appreciate your help in this endeavor,” concludes the message on his Web site: He says several friends, of like mind and hobby of cycling, are currently “putting in saddle time” in training toward the goal of cycling from Houston to New Orleans in a ride sponsored by The American Red Cross that’s scheduled for October 18-23, 2008. Proceeds from the ride will support the Texas and Louisiana Chapters of the Red Cross (primarily those chapters closest associated with aid to victims of hurricane Katrina and Rita). The donations are tax-deductible and allowances are made for corporate donors. The posse slated to ride with him so far, includes: Carlette Moore, a tax attorney at Exxon-Mobil; John Charles, a former NFL player with Boston, New England Patriots, Minnesota Vikings and HousSPEECH -from Page 1
tries as “invaders, alien hordes,” and other dehumanizing terms. At one time, this type of racist bombast was restricted to hard-core racist White supremacists and a handful of American right-wing extremists, but vicious unrestricted racist comments of dark-skinned immigrants are heightening across the political spectrum. African-Americans and Hispanics can even be found repeating the racist rhetoric of conservative propaganda. Just listen to the racist rhetoric bound through as some propagandized member of the Hispanic or African-American community can be found supporting building a wall on the Mexican border. We can find some Hispanics attacking Mexican immigrants and even supporting building a wall on
Roy Douglas Malonson-Chairman Shirley Ann Malonson-Pres./CEO Bud Johnson-Mgr. Editor Emeritus Marvin D. Cloud-Production Mgr. Lisa Smith - Production Assistant Jesse Simon - Photojournalist Mario Salas-Cont. Writer Oswald J. Scott -Cont. Writer Roger Jackson-Photographer Fred Smith-Advertising/Sales James Johnson-Distribution Allen Carlton-Distribution David Johnson-Distribution • Advertising: 713-692-1178 • Houston: 713-692-1892 • Fax Line: 713-692-1183 • General: • Ads: • Web: African-American News&Issues is published by African-American News &Issues, Inc., 6130 Wheatley Street Houston, Texas 77091, (713)692-1892. The entire contents of the paper are copyrighted by African-American News&Issues, Inc. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. African-American News&Issues assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and other material, unless accompanied by a self-address stamped envelope. African-American News&Issues is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher. Letters to the Editor should include name, address and daytime phone number (name & city will be printed).
ton Oilers; John Wesley, a businessman; Darryl Mayfield, a realtor; Ben Scott II, a critical care nurse; Wesley Wade, a materials manager; DuJana Abdunur, an independent telecommunications contractor; and Darryl Hubbard, a G-man with the FBI. Over the past several years, Tennessee has logged an average of 7000 plus miles and ridden in the MS 150 nearly every year since 1988. The MS 150 is an annual ride from Houston to Austin to support the Multiple Sclerosis. And although he has been personally saluted by Tour de France legend Lance Armstrong, he admits that he backed into cycling. “I actually wanted to try boxing, but my mother frowned on that,” says Tennessee who credits his late parents Abe (passed in 1999), and Velma Tennessee (1997), for his Louisiana “can do” attitude. He also credits them for his penchant for helping people, therefore he attended Michael E. DeBakey High School for Health Professions, with aspirations of becoming a doctor. However, after graduating in 1979 and enrolling in Texas Southern to major in biology, his lack of funds led him to join HPD. After working as a police officer from 1985 until 1990, he completed the University of Texas Medical Branch’s, School of Allied Health Sciences, and Physician Assistants Graduate Program in 1992. Tennessee worked in M.D. Anderson’s Surgical Oncology Department for five years, before moving to his current post at the Veterans Hospital’s Mental Health Care Line since 2001. He is married to Sondra Richardson-Tennessee, Dean of Student Affairs, University of Houston, Law Center and they are the proud parents of Catherine 28, Gregory Jr. 26, and Jacob 5. For more information, visit: www. the Mexican border. Obama was correct in talking about the issues of race and how this conversation is being ignored. It is being ignored because America does not want to deal with its ugly racist past, and since it doesn’t, it can then scapegoat certain minorities and brainwash others to go along for the racist ride. The result of not talking about racism is tragic and predictable. According to hate crime statistics published by the FBI, hate crimes rose considerably in the latest year for which statistics are available, and we can find groups of Hispanics and Blacks that are going along with the ideas of White supremacy. Raise your hand if somebody you know or someone in your family made a racist comment about a Mexican or an African-American recently. Not surprisingly this increase in racism is not restricted to White racism. Hatred abounds across the political landscape and minorities, both Blacks and Brown, often parrot the racist rants set in place by an Euro-centric model. Racism is on the rise and we can expect more of it as advances against racism are increasing. Some of the backlash may be the result of racist hatred for the election Obama’s election efforts. Shamefully and disgracefully, other forms of ethnocentrism are coming from the minority community. A few misguided African-Americans have made the claim that Obama is not an African-American, because his mother is White and his father is from Kenya, Africa. This foolish talk is a form of racism that more aptly fits the label of ethnocentrism. Obama is an African- American because he says he is, it’s that simple. People are what they believe they are, and Obama is no exception. Also, Obama correctly accepts the White side of the family with equal acceptance and rejects the so-called “One Drop Rule.” By the same token, ethnocentric idiots targeted me over the course of the years because of my mixed race background. It is even more problematic when your own relatives refuse to recognize their
African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008 • 3 WRIGHT -from Page 1
compelled to distance, denounce and separate his candidacy from Dr. Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Shortly after repeated interviews, Obama provided via a nationwide broadcast, a mini-sociology lesson on “Race in America” and validated for those who were still in the dark, that “racism still lives and that people of “color” might still harbor feelings of anger and betrayal.” Now, news commentators and the general public alike are debating, if Obama’s race to White House is over, if the statements by Wright were “right” or were they filled with what many on the right, call statements of “anti-American, hate and bigotry. Many years ago, I had an opportunity to have a similar discussion with many of Houston’s business and community elite; it was an invited effort to address the issues of race, openly and constructively. Needless to say, the conversation did little more than scratch the surface of African-American History 101. The problem with these conversations is that there is such a wide gap in experiences and that there is an even wider gap in “White Americans” coming to grips with the part their ancestors played in the creation of that history. Not to mention, its continuing impact. The legacy and impact of slavery is so easily dismissed, once any level of success can be demonstrated. That is why after slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, integration, red-lining and White flight, we are still struggling to begin the discussion on “Racism in America.” History clearly documents, that it was in the Black church that “slaves sought refuge, education and information, including, political messaging. Truth be told, if a poll was taken of likely African-American voters, many of those polled would have to admit that on at least a couple of Sundays, they have walked away shaking their head in disbelief or disappointment, about something that a minister said from the pulpit. But they are probably still at those same congregations. So what about those comments? Are they really so radical? “Have the chickens come home to roost?” Well, let’s put it in con-
text. America’s arrogance and super-nation status have not helped in creating strong international relations and many critics have argued that our historical zeal to fight on everyone else’s soil has only helped in fostering the notion, that one day the attack would come to America. However, to restate the former, even in its expanded format, in this political climate, is tantamount to being unpatriotic and anti-American. Wright does indeed have the ability to put into context the history of past injustices of this nation, while making the connection with present day turmoil. But isn’t that what so many Black ministers do? They often weave the pain of their congregation into a more palatable serving that will inspire them to have faith and yet fight another day. That is in fact the essence of faith, the ability to look beyond what you can see and still believe. But that was not the only controversy here. It was also the reference to “God D--- America,” that got everyone excited. Well, the word is in the Bible. Yes, it is harsh and it does reflect a level of condemnation for the proposed target. And while it would not have been my choice of words, no one has stopped to reflect on the response from the audience. There was no sigh or uncomfortable silence, nor did you see droves walking out, down the center pew. At that time, in the context of a full message, the educated, less educated, professional, skilled, unskilled, student, drop-out, old and young, all stood in affirmation. Something worked that Sunday. Something made that audience connect. There still remains a lingering argument over whether comments like those made by Wright are made by Black ministers all over the country. White America and some emancipated Blacks, want to believe that Black ministers stand and expound the “Bible only” during Sunday morning services. This really underscores the chasm that divides Blacks and Whites in America, that our “real” life existence is so extremely different. But this is the wrong question. It is the red-herring dialogue. The real question should be, do Afri-
can-Americans still feel disenfranchised from the very country that they live in? Has this disenfranchisement created a sub-culture that spills over into our churches and creates the necessity for our ministers to take a role that is not necessary for White ministers, in White churches at 11 a.m. Sunday morning service. Why would any White minister spend Sunday morning talking about getting shut-out in America because of race? Why would that minister have to spend their pulpit time discussing the growing incarceration rate of Black men, the growth of HIV/AIDS in the minority community, the increasing birth rate of teen and unwed pregnancies and miseducation of the Negro? Not to mention homelessness, helplessness and the blight of our community and yet, none these discussions have anything to do with the current economic climate, the recession or the rising cost for a barrel of oil. They are issues always apparent and only receiving attention when they become a national crisis. So why would I expect a White minister of a White congregation to address any of this for Black America? I would not, there would be no reason. Then is it not such a wide leap to assume that the dialogue, the spiritual exchange that happens in the Black church might be different and a minister might feel compelled to address and describe our issues differently? So was Wright right? Well there is an Old Testament verse that reads, “to everything there is a season … a time to be born, a time to die… a time to sow and a time to reap… a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace…” The delivery of truth stings. We run, fearing that it might strike us right between the eyes. We duck and dodge and finally one day as we give up or get weary, truth slaps us in the face. Of course, we deny and we call it all kinds of names, none nice, but sooner or later, we have to face truth. The packaging of truth is like the words of a child, innocent, unfiltered and politically-incorrect, but it is still truth. LIES -from Page 2
Jeremiah Wright (behind pole) assists in the surgery for Lyndon Baines Johnson. interracial past. My father steadfastly refused to recognize the maternal Black Indian side of my family. When are we being ethnocentric? We are ethnocentric and maybe even racist, when we use our cultural standards to make generalized assertions about other peoples’ cultures. Such generalizations become stereotypes, and are often made without a sensible consciousness. You become ethnocentric when you say that your race or culture is superior. Ethnocentrism also perverts interaction between human beings, and leaves one less enriched from a meeting between people of different backgrounds. When taken to an extreme, Afro-centric and Hispano-centric ideas are just as racist as Euro-centric interpretations of the world. Ethnocentrism often necessitates the idea that one’s own race or ethnic group is the most important in the world or that other aspects of
its culture are greater to those of other cultural groups. Within this false and bigoted ideology, individuals will conclude that others are inferior to their own specific ethnic group or culture. I don’t believe that AfricanAmericans or Mexican-Americans can be racist in the strictness of the term, because they do not control the institutions of power in this country, but they can be ethnocentric which is also a crime against humanity. Obama not only challenged Whites to look at the issues of racism, but also challenged minorities to check themselves before making foolish assumptions about others. Some AfricanAmericans and Hispanics need to recognize that interracial marriages are on the increase, and with these marriages are people who accept and celebrate all of their cultural identities. The “One Drop Rule” is beginning to die!
Cutting to the chase, White America only supports candidates that just happen to be Black, and racist advertisers only support newspapers that are owned by publishers who just happen to be Black. It’s nothing new. In fact Farrakhan alluded to that reality at the NNPA’s 1995 Conventions when he said, “Black publishers are under pressure to not offend advertisers, but if Black publishers were united they could respond collectively to advertisers who withdraw their ads because of a paper’s editorial viewpoint.” Wake up Black America!
Educators elgible for Asa G. Hilliard scholarship
Road Scholar announces the Asa Grant Hilliard III Road Scholar Award for Lifelong Learning — a $5,000 scholarship named in honor of the late Dr. Asa Grant Hilliard III, world-renowned Pan-Africanist, educator, historian and psychologist. The scholarship will be awarded in 2008 to an African-American educator with at least 10 years of experience in education who is a member of the National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) a professor of African-American studies, or on the faculty of a Historically Black College or University (HBCU.) Applications and nominations will be accepted until August 31, 2008. For more information, visit www. TX-3
EDITION DATE: March 12-18, 2008
4 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008 MICHAEL LOVE, CPA ELECTRONIC FILING
Member AICPA
713-666-2900 Off 713-666-2932 Fax Email: 2626 South Loop W, #420 Houston, TX 77054 Michael Love specializes in tax planning and return filing for individuals; taxes and bookkeeping for small businesses and corporate tax returns. Education courses offered by local chapters of national associations keep the firm on the leading edge of ever-changing tax laws and accounting methods. Computerized offices and internet access ensures clients accurate, efficient, state-of-the-art service at a competitive price.
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Funeral Home & Cemeteries Janitorial & Commercial REGISTERED DISPENSER Contact Information OF HEARING AIDS Pest Control Company CONTACT INFORMATION 10401 W. Montgomery Rd. Name: Company: (713) 692-EARS(3277) 3521 Jensen St. Houston, TX 77026 Phone: FAX (713) 697-9410 Houston,Name: Texas 77088 Billie Burns 713/227-4808 or 4809 Fax: PARKWAY TOWERS 281-445-1201 Janitorial Supplies Phone: 713-522-9821 150 W. PARKER ROAD, SUITE 506 Sales-Service-Supplies Address for tearsheets: HOUSTON, TX. 77076 Wholesale-Retail "Committed Fax: to the 713-520-5247 Community" We repair buffers, vacuum, shampooers Charles Dawson and all other machines.
723 Main Street, Suite 325 Houston, TX
Ad to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Gulf Coast edit Hearing Aids of Houston Paradise EDITION DATE: March 14-20, 2007 Sandi Coe, M.A., CCC-A Citywide Chemical
WANTED- Class A and B CDL Drivers - Local Haul
Citywide Chemical, founded in 1977,AD COST You must be 21 years old, have six months is the largest minority-owned chemical Net Rate: $35 x 3.5’’= $122.50 company in the southwest. They pride experience, a clean driving record and be able themselves on being customer-oriented $350 offering same day, free delivering, free in- (4 weeks) pass a DOT physical and drug test. stallation of dispensers and free training Total Cost: on all equipment, rented or bought.
APPLY at 430A Airtex, Houston, TX 77073 Williams Brothers Construction Co. Inc. CHILDCARE AD COST EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYERS The Learning Garden Net Rate: $35 x 1’’= $35 6672 Antoine 281-209-1811 Houston 77091 $100 (4 weeks) (713) 682-0601 Total Cost: LL&S &S Heading Title: Part Time House Small Academy SmallWorld World Academy AD Child CareCOST cleaning Person needed on 2x2” ad for 52 weeks=$2,080 Mondays &Tuesdays “Learning to Compete” +one time set-upinfee=25.00 the Hempstead • LICENSED BY THE STATE Total cost to run ad for 52 weeks= (FM 1736 Rd. & • NEWBORN- 13 Years Wallis Gladdis area). Contact Information • LEARNING ENVIROMENT $2,105 • QUALITY CHILD CARE Name: Mr. Robert Leday Please call • TRANSPORTATION Company: L&S Small World Academyto inquire 713-692-1100 • DROP-INS WELCOME
Rate and size of ad to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston edition. Publication Date: November 28- December 4, 2007 Available Now !!!! NEW !!!!
Floyd’s Premier 2201 W. Little York Houston 77091 (713)688-7325
Acres Homes Barber College 2306 Ferguson Way Houston 77088 (281)931-5591 Elliott Community Shop 13030 Woodforest Suite G Houston 77075 (713)455-2321 Hair Design by Antoinette 163 Greens Rd. Houston 77060 (281)875-4993 Professional Hair Designers of TX 10767 Eastex Freeway Houston 77093 (713)691-0868 Rogers Barbershop 2113 West Little York Houston 77091 (713)680-8827
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INSURANCE (713) 697-7879 REGULAR and STORE HOURS: Please sign for approval fax back to 713-692-1183 401 West Donovan Thursday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. GEORGE W. Houston, 77091 BORRIS L. MILES Friday: 11 a.m to 7 p.m.publication LUNNON, JR. Please for approval to 713-692-1 by 12 NOON Friday before for Wednesday or&the adsign will not run. and fax back (Between N. Shepard Yale) Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Insurance Agency Agent
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FUNERAL HOMES Boyd Funeral Home Date 7411 Wheatley St. Houston Texas 77088 (281)445-0971 Kashmere Funeral Home 5908 Lavender Houston Texas 77026 (713)633-3809
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Barnes & Turner
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O.W. Wiley Mortuary, Inc. 1290 Pinemont Dr. Houston, Texas 77018 (713)681-7475 Our advertisers SUPPORT OUR NEWSPAPER!
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African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008 • 5
H-E-B Houston Children’s Festival
New Direction Job Service 8222 Antonie #112 Houston 77088 HOUSTON– Designated as “Houston’s Official Family Celebration,” the H-E(281)447-0663 B Houston Children’s Festival, presented by Baker Hughes, is gearing up for its 20th year as Houston’s favorite family outing. Scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, North Houston Academy April 5 and April 6, 2008 from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., the event takes place around 1126 W. Tidwell Houston 77088 City Hall, Tranquility Park and Sam Houston Park in downtown Houston. As the (713)686-6900 largest children’s outdoor event in the country, the festival is expected to attract On Point Music & Dance Heading: an expected attendance of 50,000 plus people. Proceeds benefit Child Advocates, 8222 Antoine Dr. Suite #250 Inc., and the abused and neglected children it serves. Pest Control Houston 77088 This year, the H-E-B Houston Children’s Festival is proud to present a special (281)447-3517
Ad to run in AAN&I’s Marketplace ning Edition Date: December 12-18, 2007 d to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston edition. n Date: November 28- December 4, 2007
appearance by Corbin Bleu, star of Disney hit movies, “High School Musical,” Heading Title: “High School Musical 2,” and “Jump In.” The talented actor, singer and dancer will Small Academy CONTACT SHOE REPAIR Your BUGS areWorld our Problem! Small World Academy ChildINFORMATION Careappear at the festival on Sunday only. The H-E-B Houston Children’s Festival also six Pest stagesControl of music and entertainment and more than 350 exciting activities, RAYCO Name: Raynard Jones-offers Rayco “Learning to Compete” music, crafts, exhibits, participatory games, sports and rides. The non-stop fun MIGHTY FINE Pest Control Corbin Bleu SHOE Phone:REPAIR 281-444-3525 continues in the exciting, interactive Family Adventure Zones including the H-E-B GUARANTEED! • LICENSED BY THE STATE Men & Ladies Boots & Shoes Kid’s Kingdom, featuring Child Advocates, Inc., Baker Hughes Circus Town, Earth• NEWBORN- 13 Years 281-444-3525 Shined, Waxed, Glazed, Contact Information Zone, by Shell & Motiva, Chevy Safety Zone, McDonald’s Family Fitness Zone, Wells Fargo Great American Barnyard, Fax: 281-999-0161 • LEARNING ENVIROMENT Dyed & Repaired • QUALITY CHILD CARE Name: Mr. Robert Leday SABIC Monster Math Zone, Healthy Kid Zone, presented by YMCA, Texas Children’s Hospital and the Health Muse281-448-9255 Rayco will get•rid of or prevent, pest probTRANSPORTATION Company: L&S Small World um and Academy TeamKid Town, featuring top selling new music group, pureNRG. Pager 713-687-8592 • lems, inside•and out at your residence or DROP-INS WELCOME AD COST Phone: 338-4766 or (713) 249-9337 business. Rayco can help with mice, ants, Admission for the festival is $5 per person with one (1) H-E-B grocery receipt per each person; $8 at the gate without 1400 South Victory Houston,(832) TX 77088 wasps, roaches, spiders, bees, silverfish, Major Credit Cards receipt; and children under 3 years old are free. Corbin Bleu fans can also take advantage of the “Corbin Bleu Buy One, DAY SERVICE 1.5’ACCEPTED ad for 52 weeks - $780.00 termites,24fleas,Hour earwigs and CARE much more. Get One Free” Offer. Present any Corbin Bleu CD at the admission gate and receive one free admission ticket when purRayco uses microencapsulated products L&S TOTAL COST TO RUN AD:one$780.00 697-7879 for a more (713) effective treatment. chasing ticket at full price (only one free ticket per CD). Food, beverage and game coupons will be sold for $10 for T-SHIRTS 401 West Donovan nine tickets. Houston, 77091 Obama T-Shirts & Buttons PHOTOGRAPHY The H-E-B Houston Children’s Festival, presented by Baker Hughes, benefits Child Advocates, Inc. and the abused (Between N. Shepard & Yale) wholesale/groups/organizations and neglected Harris County children that it serves. The festival has now raised more than $3,680,000 for Child Creative Colours By RJ cates, Inc. and kicks off Child Abuse Prevention Month. (713)747-0021
Outdoor PortraitsCommercial Weddings Fashion-Advertising
713/734-1442 4925 Richfield Lane
Houston, TX 77048
Roger Jackson, Photographer
L & S Youth Sports Basketball League Boys & Girls Ages 9 thru 18
For more information call (832) 338-4766 or (713)249-9337
How Waller ISD overturned Brown vs. Board of Education and America never batted an eye DeWAYNE CHARLESTON Contributing Writer
WALLER- Waller County, Texas is home to Waller Independent School District and Prairie View A&M University. This county is a racialConnect the Dots ly diverse one that recently became 10:00- 11.30 a.m. Wed one of 44 new counties in the U.S. to KPFT 90.1 FM Support Black Businesses become majority minority (NY TIMES 8/9/2007). Waller County gave presiand your local Black dential candidate Barack Obama his REAL ESTATE Businesses! largest percentage margin of victory Where we spend our money is HUD/RESALE AND NEW HOME SALES of the state’s 254 counties. IMPORTANT! Call Your Hometown Realtor Now! The 67% of voters Obama received Frances Campbell 281-414-2211 was due in large part to support from CCD Ventures, Realtors Prairie View students. This student body has been at the forefront of a RESTAURANTS voting rights dispute that has lastJosie’s Place ed over 40 years. In 1978, the U.S. 7473 N. Shepherd Dr. Supreme Court affirmed the right Houston 77091 of Prairie View students to vote in (713) 695-7711 Waller County. Lacy’s Restaurant From there it has gotten progres9606 Mesa Dr The Houston Independent sively worse for Prairie View students Houston, TX 77078 Date Date School District (HISD) Board of and Blacks in the county. In 1978, a (713) 631-3962 Education recognized Charles Waller ISD decision to hold elections Leonard’s Famous Burgers E. Cade for his commitment to when Prairie View A&M University 1913 W. Little York Rd. Albert Johnston Middle School was on summer break was rejected by Houston 77091 by naming the school’s audito- the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ). In (713) 686-3555 rium the Charles E. Cade Per- May 2007 they did it anyway. Sartins Seafood of Nassau Bay In 1988, a local minister was charged forming Arts Center. 18023 Upper Bay Road Cade, a member of the HISD and convicted of 71 counts of feloHouston 77028 family for more than 30 years, ny voter fraud for registering Prai(281) 333-4040 rie View students to vote. In 1991, was instrumental in securHeading Title: ing funding for the redesign 19 Prairie View students were indictSENIORS’ FACILITY and rebuilding of Healthcare the Johnston ed for “illegally” voting in the county. Comforts of Home for Seniors Middle School auditorium. His Weeks later, 1,000 students marched seeking quality care in a vision and dedication resulted to the county’s courthouse in protest home setting in a venue that brings families, and support of the “Prairie View 19.” • Hot meals & other amenities From 1978-1995 Waller ISD communities, and students to• Daily activities Contact Information gether in the shared apprecia- “unapologetically” refused to submit • 24 hour supervision Joyce Jenkins tion ofName: performance art. As a Section 5 preclearance for its trustee ** 713-515-9460 ** P.O.#: email: tireless advocate for Johnston, and bond elections. No penalties or of Home punishments were assessed. Cade Company: spearheadedComforts this effort, Phone: 713-515-9460 You can get a 4-line ad In 2002, Waller County’s redistrictalong with many others, and Fax: 281-561-6875 for only $17.50 per week. brought them all to successful ing plan was rejected and overturned Address for tearsheets: For more information, call by the U.S. Department of Justice. conclusions. (713)692-1892. 1538 W. Donovan St. They use it anyway. In 2004, Waller Houston, TX 77091 County Criminal District Attorney Oliver Kitzman threatened criminal prosecution against Prairie View students who would register to vote in Waller County. Five thousand students and supporters again marched the 7.2 miles to the courthouse in protest. In 2006, Waller County voting officials for seven months failed to process the voter registration cards of hundreds of Prairie View students. In 2007, Waller ISD officials called a bond election in the wake of a voting scandal that saw the entire Waller County elections office abolished. The bond election had not been precleared by DOJ and a criminal investigation was ongoing. In an effort to get retroactive preclearance of its Cade stood among dozens of colleagues at the HISD Board May 2007, $49.3 million bond elecof Education meeting and thanked the trustees for namtion, Waller officials “cut a deal” with ing the fine arts building at Johnston Middle School in his DOJ. A “deal” was made sometime in honor. MIN. ROBERT MUHAMMAD
ENROLL NOW !! All games will be played at Harvest Time Community Center- 17770 Imperial Valley
sign for approval and fax back to 713-692-1183 Building n for approval and fax back to roved and payment received by713-692-1183 12 NOON Friday the week named for before for Wednesday publication thenot ad run. will not run. e Wednesday publication or the adorwill
HISD’s Cade
o run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston edition. on Date: March 26-April 1, 2008
late July 2007 that future Waller ISD elections would be “co-located” with the City of Prairie View for both early voting and election day voting. Waller ISD passed a resolution on August 4, 2007 agreeing to the joint elections. Several days later, and three months after the bond election was held, DOJ precleared Waller’s $49.3 million bond. The passage of that bond and the unequal distribution of its expenditures, led to a state lawsuit and a federal civil rights lawsuit being filed. The district had planned to spend only $220,000 of the total $49.3 million in the African-American community. What is more appalling is that they planned to build a $17 million football stadium, even as a 50year-old Black elementary school sat neglected, decaying, and without complete air-conditioning. Keep in mind that the district had a spell of 17 years when it held elections and spent bond funds without DOJ approval. The Jackson and Charleston families filed a federal civil rights lawsuit. Frank Jackson is the mayor of the city of Prairie View and the father of two children that attend that Black school. I am a local Justice of the Peace and the parent of two students in the district. I might add that I attended the “Black” school. It is much the same as it was when I attended it in 1968. With the federal courts dismissal of our lawsuit on Monday March 24, 2008, the courts have just affirmed that white voters in Waller ISD may do what public officials and jurisdictions were prohibited from doing by “Brown vs. Board of Education” —create and maintain separate and unequal facilities for its students. In essence, what the federal judge has just ruled is that “you can do it, just so long as you do it at the ballot box.” Our lawsuits went before five courts and 15 judges, all Republicans. Albeit, we were never even allowed to step foot in a courtroom and press our federal civil rights claims. Our federal claims were summarily dismissed and denied oral arguments by every court. There was a time in America, that a Black man was flatly denied justice “in” a court of law. Here is a time that we have been denied justice “and” a court of law. This is the school and the “school of thought” that Barack Obama was referring to in paragraghs 29 and 48 of his now famous speech on race in America: Obama Paragraph 29 “Segregated schools were, and are, inferior schools; we still haven’t fixed them, fifty years after Brown v. Board
Please visit our website at
of Education, and the inferior education they provided, then and now, helps explain the pervasive achievement gap between today’s black and white students.” Obama Paragraph 48 “ ... .at this moment, in this election, we can come together and say, ‘Not this time.’ This time we want to talk about the crumbling schools that are stealing the future of Black children and White children and Asian children and Hispanic children and Native American children. ... that those kids who don’t look like us are somebody else’s problem. The children of America are not those kids, they are our kids, and we will not let them fall behind in a 21st century economy. Not this time.” And while I agree with the message put forth by Barack Obama, I must ask the question, “Why should we (African-Americans) willingly assimilate into a economic, judicial, and educational system and culture that is inherently discriminatory against African-Americans. If we cannot even get a court date to press our claims, is that not, at best, a step back from Brown vs. Board of Education, and at worst, the overturning of it?” If we must, in 2008, march by the thousands for more than seven miles, as Prairie View students recently did to get to the nearest polling site, because the local jurisdiction eliminates local voting sites that benefit minorities. If we must be arrested and jailed for attempting to display the deplorable conditions of our run down school buildings, as I have been. If we must file lawsuits that costs us thousands of dollars and not even get a court date, as we have done. If the “tyranny of the majority” reigns supreme, and even the Supreme Courts of our states are tyrannical, then should we assimilate? No, I think Jeremiah “was” right when he said “America never batted an eye.” This is wrong. You cannot approve a bond that appropriates expenditures of $49.1 million in three predominately White communities and spend just $220,000 in the one predominately Black community, just because a predominately White electorate says its okay. This is a race problem and somebody needs to, at the very least, bat an eye. Schools should be equal and “all” schools should come before football stadiums. Every court in America can rule against me, but no court in America can convince me otherwise. For more information, call (281)608-3305 or email dcharleston@juno. com. Charleston is a Justice of Peace in Waller County.
6 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008
Greater True Vine MBC 3010 Fontinot Houston 77026 713) 672-9086
Blessed Hope MBC 3741 Colvin Houston 77013 (713) 673-6309
Green Meadow MBC 777 Green Meadow Lane Houston 77091 (713) 694-7624
Cliffdale BC 854 Enterprise Houston 77088 (281) 447-8850
Jerusalem MBC 2835 Fidelity Rd. Houston 77029 (713) 674-3794
Ebenezer MBC 1814 Jensen Houston 77026 (713) 222-0838
Mt. Ararat BC 5801 W. Montgomery Houston 77073 (713) 692-9954
8 AM and 11 AM BIBLE STUDIES Wednesday 7:30PM Leonard N. Barksdale, Pastor
Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church 4300 Noble Street, Houston TX 77020 Ph: 713/675-5111 • Fx: 713/675-1522
Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church members will endeavor to provide a strong foundation of love; we will stand on Biblical Truths; and we will equip one another to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and in our world.
14055 Dublin
Houston, TX. 77085
Office: 713-728-9503 Study: 713-728-4428 Experience the Friendship! Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church is a church with a mission- “Let Each One, Reach One!” They have been committed to following the Lord’s command to reach out to the lost (Matt. 28: 18-20) since their founding in 1987.
Greater Progressive MBC 840 Ringold Houston 77088 (281) 445-8603
Mt. Ararat Community BC 9313 Lockwood Houston 77016 (713)858-9801 Mt. Olive BC 3239 Areba St. Houston 77091 (713)812-9061 New Pleasant Grove MBC 3221 Bain St. Houston 77021 (713) 672-7419 Olivet MBC 3115 Lyons Ave. Houston 77020 (713) 224-1515 Progressive MBC 944 Reverend B.J. Lewis Dr. Houston 77088 (281) 447-2342 Starlight MBC 9202 Willow St. Houston 77088 (281) 447-8788 St. Matthew’s MBC 870 Paul Quinn Houston 77091 (713) 695-2288 Historical Black churches are IMPORTANT!
Praise in the Communities Catholic
St. Monica Catholic Church 8421 West Montgomery Rd. Houston 77088 (281) 447-5837
Church of Christ
Church of God in Christ
SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:15 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Worship MONDAY 10:00 a.m. Gary Smith Ladies Bible Class Minister WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Bible Class for all
Website “GIVING, GROWING, & GAINING” 4308 Stonewall St. Hou. Tx 77020
In addition to their other activities, the Fifth Ward COC also holds a Bible Class for non-members on Thursday nights at 7:30 PM. For more information on the various special events or activities you really should visit their website, it is very well done, informative and worth a visit even if you have another church home.
(713) 674-5466
2222 Lockwood Dr.
Houston, Tx 77020 SUNDAY
Morning Prayer: 9:15 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Church Services: 11 am Duncan’s Vision Statement: “To train, educate, empower, evangelize, and to insipre the body of Christ by developing GODLY character through the word of GOD (2:Timothy 2:15). Duncan Memorial holds Morning worship on Tuesday mornings at 11 am and Bible Band & Mission from 12-1 p.m. Choir Rehearsals are held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night. They also have Friday night Bible Study at 7:30p.m.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church 1055 W. Tidwell Rd. Houston 77091 (713) 680-1419
Christian Life Community Church 8146 E. Houston Rd. Houston 77028 (713)631-4851 Hope In Christ Church HOUSTON- Frank Preston was crowned “King” for the Homestead Rd. Church of Christ 10310 Antoine Drive Suite A day by his family and friends as he celebrated his 70th birth7211 Homestead Rd. Houston 77086 Houston 77028 day in the fellowship hall of the Darien Loop Church of (832) 882-7925 (713) 633-1540 Christ, 7014 Darien Street, Houston, Texas. Bro. Thomas
Reed, Minister. Preston is associate minister of the Darien Loop COC. The gala was well Wesley UMC attended by church members, friends and preachers of the brotherhood. Happy 7225 Homestead three scores and 10 Bro. Frank, we wish you many more. Houston 77028 Photo: 1). Frank Preston is surrounded by his children, grandchildren and great (713)635- 3191 grandchildren: Tiffany Moore, John Moore III, Erica Moore, Victor Preston, Janice Thomas, Markesha Thomas, Gail Hall, Ceera Hall, Samson Hall and Frank Preston 2). Frank Brown and Willie Childress 3). John Williams and Van Jones.
United Methodist
Sr. Pastor Elder Greg Edwards
OFFICE: 713/674-5131
o run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston edition. ion Date: April 2-April 28, 2008
Please send résumé to:
MINISTER: Mid-Week Bible Class Theaster Maloy, Sr. 7:00 p.m.
140 Fidelity Rd. Houston Tx 77029
with Jesse Simon
FIDELITY CHURCH OF CHRIST “The Church That Cares” Morning Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Bible Class 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Chorus Group Rehearsal 7:30 p.m.
Everyday People
713/861-6625 Early Worship 6 am Minister Frank Melton Jr. Sunday School 9:30 am Regular Worship Res.713/733-0868 10:30 am Off. 713/861-9249 Evening Worship 6 pm FX 713/861-2744 Wednesday Assoc. Minister General Song Practice Glen Burgess, Sr. 7:00 pm Bible Study 7:30 pm Res.713/734-8983
HOUSTON- KROI Praise 92.1 FM is one of nine Radio One affiliate stations partnering with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in the fight against childhood cancer, sickle cell disease, pediatric HIV/AIDS and other catastrophic illnesses by broadcasting the inaugural Radio One/St. Jude Radiothon on Thursday, April 3, 2008. Other participating Radio One affiliate stations include Charlotte, N.C.; Atlanta, Ga.; Raleigh, N.C.; Cleveland, Ohio; Richmond, Va.; Philadelphia, Pa; Indianapolis, Ind. and Washington, D.C. The live broadcast will begin 6:00 a.m. CST during the Yolanda Adams Morning Show. As of Valentine’s Day 2007, Yolanda is heard on 14 radio stations (and counting) across the country with her barrier-breaking “The Yolanda Adams Morning Show,” a program of her creation and ownership in thrilling conjunction with Radio One. Most of Yolanda’ fans know she was once a school teacher, but far less know that she earned her college degree in Radio/Television Broadcasting. Joined by her distinguished cohost Larry Jones and hilarious comedian/character Marcus Wiley, Yolanda’s show is all about waking up in the sandbox every morning and having F-U-N! At the conclusion of Adams’ show at 10:00 a.m., Praise 92.1 FM will continue the radiothon until 7:00 p.m. CST through the commitment of DJs. Listeners in Houston can donate to St. Jude by calling 1-800345-HOPE (4673) or visiting during broadcast hours. Since opening in 1962, St. Jude has treated children from all 50 states and around the world. Through its research and treatment, St. Jude has become a leader in increasing overall survival rates for childhood cancers from less than 20 percent when the hospital first opened to more than 70 percent today. In fact, St. Jude has played a critical role in moving the survival rate for the most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, from just 4 percent in 1962 to 94 percent today. Significant strides have also been made at St. Jude in the study and treatment of sickle cell disease. The St. Jude Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center is one of the largest such programs in the United States. Doctors at St. Jude were the first to cure sickle cell disease through bone marrow transplantation. This procedure still offers the only option for a cure for the most severe cases of sickle cell disease.For more inforHeading Title: PASTOR NEEDED mation, visit Pastor Wanted
Southwind Baptist Church P.O. Box 331778 Houston, TX 77233-1778 or email to:
730 West 26th St, Houston, TX 77008
Brookhaven Church of Christ 8630 Southview Houston 77051 (713) 733-5664 East Houston Church of Christ 7515 E. Houston Houston 77028 (713) 631-7435
KROI Praise 92.1 FM participates in radiothon for St. Jude
Southwind Baptist Church is actively searching for a Pastor whom God has chosen. We are a small, growing, family-oriented, inner-city church which has been established for 28 years. We are seeking a dynamic visionary minister.
Contact Information Name: Robert Sims P.O.#: Company: Southwind Baptist Church Phone: 832-236-9624 Fax: Address tearsheets: Yolanda Adams andfor Larry Jones. P.O. Box 331778 Houston, TX 77233-1778
HOUSTON- Johnny B. Felder, Jr. “Our Living Legend”, was honored as being an outstanding football coach, scholar, humanitarian, dedicated church member, a family man and an all-around good citizen, by his family, friends, classmates, ex-students, team players, politicians and church members, at the East Orange A.M.E Church, 4415 Orange St. Houston, Texas, where Rev. Barry Spencer, is pastor, and Rev. Ricky Warren, associate pastor. Participants included Master of Ceremony, Rev. Michael Felder; welcome, Vonnie Felder- Williams; tribute, Johnny B. Felder III), introduction of speaker, Bro. Morris Sylvester; and speaker, Min. Timothy Daniels, Trinity Gardens C.O.C, Remarks were given by Sharyle Felder and Pastor Spencer. All proceeds will go to East Orange A.M.E Church Building Fund. For more information, call (281) 449-5528. 4.) Carl Davis (Bill White), Johnny Felder, Anita James (Jackson-Lee), and Martha Galvan (Melissa Noriega) 5). Rev. Michael Felder and Bro. Timothy Daniels 6). Bro. Arthur Brooks, Johnny Felder and Min. David Rawls 7). Eugene Felder, Betty and Hollis Felder 8). Minister Howard Watson
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African-American News&Issues • Texas • April 2-8, 2008 • 7
AKA Sorority promoted Math and Science workshop for Fort Worth ISD students
FORT WORTH- Over 90 fifth and sixth grade girls from Glenpark, Carter Park, Mitchell Blvd., Clifford Davis, Harlean Beal, Morningside elementries, Morningside Middle and Glencrest Sixth Grade Center engaged in math and science workshops led by Beta Mu Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., members and invited community presenters. The AKAdemy was held at Glencrest Sixth Grade School at 4801 Eastline. The AKAdemy consisted of workshops and activities designed to reinforce shkills learned at school and to introduce new concepts. Workshop titles included Science Jeopardy, sequencing, M&M Sorors and participants of the math, Centsability and CalcuAKAdemy Math and Science Workshop. lating the right dosage. “Alpha Kappa Alpha has adopted an economic success platform for the next few years. We feel that it is important that young people strengthen their math and science skills not only for school or the TAKS test, but, for the jobs that they will hold one day,” says Beta Mu Omega President Beverly Butler. Each girl was gven a bag of goodies, and they were treated to lunch following the sessions. The following companies and individuals sponsored the event: Aetna, Frito Lay, the FW Library, Goodwill Industries, Tarrant County Commissioner Roy Brooks, Albertson’s, Minyard’s Food Stores, U.S. House of Representatives Mark Veasey, Tarrant County Constable Chester Luckett and Bert C. Williams. This is the third year that Beta Mu Omega has hosted an AKAdemy. It began as an idea to empower young girls, help girls, help them increase their TAKS scores and dispel negative myths about math and science.
Early college classes to be offered to students at HISD’s Kashmere High School this fall
HOUSTON- HISD’s Kashmere High School, located at 6900 Wileyvale, 77028, celebrated 50 years of community service on Wednesday, March 26, by announcing a bold new plan for the future. Beginning in the 2008-09 school year, students working toward a high school diploma at Kashmere will also be able to work toward an Associates Degree at the Houston Community College System’s Northeast campus. The new Kashmere High School/HCC College Connection Program will enroll 100 new 9th graders for the fall 2008 program launch. Students enrolled in this dual credit early college program will be able to graduate with a Kashmere High School diploma and Associate’s Degree from Houston Community College. The students will end up with at least 61 college credits that can be transfered to any college or university and will allow the students to start at a four year college as a junior. HISD currently operates several early college programs in collaboration with the Houston Community College, but the Kashmere program is the only early college model in HISD being provided on a comprehensive high school campus. Therefore, students enrolling in the dual credit program will enjoy the benefits of attending a traditional high school campus including athletics, UIL Competition, band, choir, dance, and other fine arts offerings. In addition, students will be exposed to a rigorous advance academic and enriched college preparatory curriculum. It will provide students with the solid skills and concepts necessary to prepare them for careers and post-secondary education. The Kashmere High School/HCC College Connection Program also will offer tutition-free college credit and transportation between Kashmere and the HCC Northeast campus is provided. Kashmere Principal Charlotte Parker said, “The financial cost associated with college is tremendous. The ability to provide our students with the opportunity to complete two years of college course work free of charge is phenomenal and saves our families thousands of dollars.” For more information, please call Kashmere High School at (713)696-6400.
Prairie View Nursing School celebrates 90th year PRAIRIE VIEW- Prairie View A&M University, the second oldest public institution of higher education in Texas, will host its 2008 Gala to celebrate 90 years of nursing education through its College of Nursing, Saturday, April 12, 2008 at the George R.Brown Convention Center, George Bush Grand Ballroom, 1001 Avenida de las Americas in Houston. Proceeds from the Gala will benefit the university’s “Extend the View, Shape Tomorrow Today,” capital campaign. Anchored in a rich history of teaching, research and service, Prairie View A&M University’s celebrated College of Nursing has educated and trained nurse and health care professionals for nearly a century. The College is housed in the Texas Medical Center and was the first program at PVAMU to offer a diploma in 1922 to enrolled students. Individual tickets for the Gala are $150. To reserve seating or inquire about sponsorship opportunities, please call (936) 261-2130 for ticket and general information.
Texas Historically Black Colleges and Universities Directory Huston-Tillotson University 900 Chicon Street Austin, 78702-2795 (512)505-3000
St. Philip’s College 1801 Martin Luther King Dr. San Antonio, Texas 78203-2098 (210) 531-3200
Jarvis Christian College P.O. Box 1470 Hawkins, 75765 (903)769-5700
Texas College 2404 N. Grand Avenue Tyler, 75702 (903)593-8311
Paul Quinn College 3837 Simpson Stuart Road Dallas, 75241 (214)376-1000
Texas Southern University 3100 Cleburne Avenue Houston, 77004 (713)527-7011
Prairie View A&M University P.O. Box 188 Prairie View, 77446 (936)261-1000
Wiley College 711 Wiley Avenue Marshall, 75670 (903)927-3300
Southwestern Christian College P.O. Box 10 Terrell, 75160 (214)524-3341
Supporting OUR Historically Black Colleges and Universities is IMPORTANT for our future!
Huston-Tillotson University to host 1958 Reunion Weekend in Austin; concert in Houston AUSTIN- Huston-Tillotson University will host its 2008 Reunion Weekend on May 8-10, 2008, at the Hilton Austin Airport Hotel, 9515 Hotel Drive, Austin, TX. Some of the reunion activities will include: a 50-Year Class Brunch, Student Union, Spirit Activity, Honors Luncheon, and many more activities. Registration and activities fees should be made payable to: HT International Alumni Association, Mailed to: Dr. Audrey L. Mackey, 6801 Willamette Drive, Austin, TX 78723-2249. For more information, contact Dr. Mackey at (512) 926-1206 or Registration confirmation will only be sent via e-mail to the e-mail address provided. All tickets will be held for pick-up during on-site registration. Refund requests must be made in writing to Dr. Mackey at the address above. Refund requests will be processed after May 30, 2008. Please be aware that on-site registration may not guarantee that you will receive the banquet meal choice, in which case a substitute menu item will be provided. Contributions to the University should be mailed directly to: Huston-Tillotson University, ATTENTION: La Juana R. Napier, Director of Alumni Affairs, 900 Chicon Street, Austin, TX 78702. Email: lrnapier@ Please write Reunion Weekend 2008 in the memo section of your check or money orders. HOUSTON- The Huston-Tillotson University Concert Choir under the direction of Dr. Gloria Quinlan, a Wheatley High School graduate will be presented in concert, Sunday, April 13, 2008 at the Riverside United Methodist Church, 4920 Cullen @ N. MacGregor in Houston, Texas. Special Guest: Dr. Larry Earvin, President, H-T University. The event will be held at 4:30 p.m. Admission is free. Sponsored by the Huston-Tillotson Alumni-Houston Chapter (a non-profit organization). For more information, call (713) 529-7785.
Ida B. Wells Society of Women in Journalism to host Tea HOUSTON- The Ida B. Wells Society of Women in Journalism (IBW) of Texas Southern University, will present “A Tea Break”, on Thursday, April 8, 2008 in the University Museum, on the campus of Texas Southern University, 3100 Cleburne, from 3 p.m.- 5 p.m. The scholarship tea will support graduating communications students in their professional and educational development. Dr. Docia Rudley, first lady of Texas Southern University, will be the honorary host for the event. The Ida B. Wells Society of Women in Journalism is an active student organization of the Tavis Smiley School of Communication. IBW’s mission is to continuously organize academic and professional networking events for students pursuing degrees in Communication. For event information, please contact Monica Hill at (713) 313-4401 or send an e-mail to
Ten Star Basketball Camp
Prairie View School of Nursing, class of 1947.
COMMERCE- Application are now being evaluted for the Ten Star All Star Summer Basketball Camp. The Ten Star All Star Summer Basketball Camp is by Invitation Only. Boys and Girls ages 10-19 are eligible to apply. Past participants include: Michael Jordan, Tim Duncan, Vince Carter, Jerry Stackhouse, Grant Hill,and Antawn Jamison. Players from 50 states and 10 Foreign Countries atten ded the 2007 camp. Camp locations include: Commerce, TX, Thousand Oaks, CA, Babson Park, FL, Gainsville, GA, Champaign, IL, Glassboro, NJ, Lebanon, TN, and Blackburg, VA. There is also a Summer Camp available for boys and girls ages 6-18 of all skill levels. For a free brochure on these Summer Camps, please call (704)-3730873, or visit their website at
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