African-American News&Issues

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™ Vol. 13 Issue 22

TEXAS’ Widest Circulated and Read Newspaper with a Black Perspective

July 2-8, 2008

Houston - Galveston - Texas City - Missouri City - Conroe - Woodlands - Huntsville - Beaumont - Port Arthur - Grove - Orange - Lumberton - Liberty - Cleveland - Livingston - Crockett - San Antonio - Mexia - Gatesville - Bellmead Austin - Brenham - Hempstead - Prairie View - College Station - Bryan - Killeen - Temple - Waco - Dallas - Irving - Fort Worth - Arlington - Waxahachie - Elgin - Round Rock - Harker Heights - Copperas Cove - Ennis - Corsicana

America’s Mixed Signals Should U.S. Congress legislate morality? BUD JOHNSON

African-American News&Issues

Born to be leaders! See page 6

Teen Lesbianism:

The Black community’s silent heartbreak DERIC MUHAMMAD

African-American News&Issues

There was a time when a father’s worst nightmare was the day when his daughter comes home and tells him “Daddy, I have a boyfriend”. His heart skips three beats, his throat gets dry and he immediately goes to the garage and starts cleaning that ‘ole rusty 38. Nowadays little girls’ parents are more relieved that rattled by the traditional boyfriend announcement. It sure beats the new nightmare that too many are having to endure when their daughters come home and boldly declare, “Daddy, I have a girlfriend”. Teen lesbianism in the Black community has become rabid and rampant. It is fast becoming the “elephant in the room” that nobody acknowledges is there. But, the elephant is getting bigger and bigger. Everywhere you go, you are likely to see school-aged girls sporting sagging jeans, wave caps, fade haircuts and mean-mug facial expressions. While the uniform does not necessitate lesbianism, the girl in the short skirt that she is holding hands with usually does. Recently, I saw a couple with their young child at Houston’s Hermann Park having what appeared to be a family outing. The child See LESBIANISM page 3


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Quote of the Week “People are entitled to their personal opinion and preferences but individuals should not be discriminated against based upon sexual orientation.” -Rep. Rob Andrews

TV personality Rosie, seals same-sex marriage with a kiss.

SACC says Clear Channel Communications clearly busted MARIO SALAS

African-American News&Issues

SAN ANTONIO- Clear Channel Communications and Matt Martin, Regional Vice President and Market Manager for Clear Channel Radio in San Antonio, recently made statements to the Federal Comm u n i cations Commission (FCC) Lowery Mays, CEO of Clear Chan- regarding a complaint nel Communicaby tions has come under filed commufire across the U.S. nity repreIndependence Day 2007 will forever be remembered with a tinge of sadness by a wide diversity of citizens that gathered to bid farewell to one of Houston, Texas’ most beloved educators on the eve of the July 5, 2007 celebration of his life at St. Francis Assisi Catholic Church, 5102 Dabney. Reverend Monsignor Patrick Wells and Deacon Ignatius Joseph officiated the Mass of Resurrection for their brother-inChrist, friend and faithful member Joseph Thiel Angle. Liz Hynes, Erika Angle, Nan Sterling, and his beloved grandchildren participated in the mass. Active pallbearers were: Joseph Angle Jr., Austin Angle, Philander Sterling, Al Rogue Jr., J. Michael Angle, Phillip Delphin, Gary Readore and Derrick Delphin. Randolph Fusilier was honorary pallbearer for Joe, who was born in Houston, Texas on August 25, 1930 to Thiel and Effie Angle, and raised by John and Josephine Chevalier, who planted the seeds in him that blossomed into a great educator, which was nurtured at

sentatives in San Antonio. As expected the Bush- dominated FCC ruled in the monopoly’s favor as it has consistently done ever since the FCC let Clear Channel Communications stomp the public in 1996, when Michael Powell, son of General Colin Powell, gave away the bank to Clear Channel greed by doing away with many of the rules that benefited the community. We are now left with a runaway, arrogant, greedy monopoly that refuses to stop ripping off the community and playing the racist rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh. Clear Channel Communications has even censored songs and Black recording artists that it does not like and many are calling for a boycott of WOAI Radio and Clear Channel Communications. In a letter datSee CLEAR CHANNEL page 3

Joseph Thiel Angle

August 25, 1930-June 29, 2007

St. Augustine Seminary at Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. The Seminary was founded by Fr. Matthew Christmann, in 1920 Greenville, Mississippi to train Black men for religious life and priesthood. “It must be clear to everyone that it is surely a grave injustice to exclude a whole race from the priesthood, principally because prejudice will greatly hamper them in their religious activities, or a cordial cooperation with White priests may meet with great obstacles,” Fr.

Can we, do we, and should we legislate morality is a question that rings in the ears of many Americans. It seems that there are more factors, conditions and answers to this frequently asked question than the common person is willing to consider. In order to answer the question presented, one must fully understand the idea of morality and what it means to legislate it. What is morality? According to Webster, morality is “A doctrine or system of moral conduct: or particular moral principles or rules of conduct: or conformity to ideals of human conduct.” This definition leaves much to be answered, such as: Who sets up this system? Is it relative to ones’ personal preferences? And can morality be forced on an individual? To further understand morality let us discuss it in more detail. Is morality relative? What laws would be considered laws of morality? Can a democratic country consider morality while writing laws? At the outset it should be noted that there is no longstanding history in this country of laws directed at homosexual conduct as a distinct matter. The preceding text culled from term papers at a prestigious School of Divinity is apropos for African-American News &Issues’ query into the (real, or imagined) moral decay of an ideally Judeo-Christian nation. History, indeed, records: “Beginning in colonial times there were prohibitions of sodomy derived from the English criminal laws passed in the first instance by the Reformation Parliament of 1533. The English prohibition was understood to include relations between men and women as well as relations between men and men. “Early American sodomy laws were not directed at homosexuals as such but instead sought to prohibit nonprocreative sexual activity more generally. This does not Christmann later explained. Pope Puis Xl, in a letter to the Superior General of the Society of the Divine Word in 1923, congratulated the Society for beginning the first Seminary in America to train Black men for the priesthood. However, although Joe completed four years of philosophical and novitiate studies, he eventually became an educator instead of a priest. He received his undergraduate and masters degrees from Xavier University in New Orleans, Louisiana. Joseph pursued his Ph.D. at both, Texas A&M University and the University of Nebraska. He began his 30-year career with the Houston Independent School District as an English and French teacher at Kashmere Gardens Jr. / Sr. High School. He held the positions of Assistant Principal, Principal, and Deputy Superintendent for Instruction, then ended his career as Superintendent for Area Administration. Joe, an educator with the humility of a priest, was dedicated to educating and shaping young minds. He retired in

suggest approval of homosexual conduct. Instead the colonists disproved of all premarital sex. However, the institution of marriage has been in a state of flux for centuries. In the U.S., it has continually been redefined. Lest we forget, prior to and during 1967, at least sixteen states prohibited mixed race couples from marrying. Interracial marriage became legal throughout the U.S. after a U.S. Supreme Court decision in that year. But, until recently, same-sex couples could not marry anywhere in the world. Denial notwithstanding, although it falls into the signs of the times category, for some odd reason the recent ruling in ‘La La Land’ struck a nerve.” California’s May 15th Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage reverberated throughout Christendom like a spiritual Weapon of Mass Destruction (WMD), as Rosie O’Donnell and other openly gay celebrities brazenly celebrated their marriages. Yet, political naïve citizens of good consciences truly believe that America (a godly nation, that’s governed by mostly godly people) will eventually adhere to God’s divine will. Conversely, the constitution’s purists, reconcile what the Holy Bible calls an abomination against God to be Democracy manifesting itself. Have the people, indeed, spoken? Meanwhile, Black America had cause to pause and ponder why the Black church hasn’t sufficiently discussed the issue religiously? Accordingly, as Black America’s strongest, uncompromised editorial voice we must objectively address the nettlesome issue. Surely, AAN&I’s widely diverse 2.2. million readers and millions more accessing our Web site at will be edified by the Washington Post’s Darryl Fears’ Nov. 2, 2004 article (Gay Blacks Feeling Strained Church Ties: Same-Sex Marriage Debate Has Put ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Relationship Under Scrutiny), that


1986 and focused his free time on his family and international travel. He was the patriarch of the Angle Family and served as a role model to his students, co-workers, and friends. Anyone who knew himknew his priorities: faith, family, education, strength of character and personal responsibility. On June 29, 2007, Joseph Thiel Angle, age 76, loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather was summoned home by our Heavenly Father on Friday, June 29th, 2007 while surrounded by his family at home. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Mary Sue Angle; son Joseph Thiel Angle, Jr. and his wife, Susan Angle; son J. Michael Angle and his wife, Karla Angle; and daughter Ava Angle. He is grandfather to six beautiful grandchildren: Erika, Austin, Marissa, Travis, Cameron and Alden. He is also survived by his mother-in-law, Rosalie Sterling, his first cousin, Randolph Fusilier and his wife, Theresa Fusilier, as well as many close family members and friends. TX-1


2 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008


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“We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us.” -John Russrum, Publisher of Freedom Journal, March 16, 1827

WE MUST UNDERSTAND: Why Why, Reveals Why


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Michelle is Obama’s “help meet” Roy Douglas Malonson

f you’re surprised that I dare to analyze the predictable attack on Michelle Obama (now that her husband has made history by becoming a major political party’s first “presumptive presidential nominee,” who just happens to be Black), maybe I should remind you that I grew up with four beautiful sisters that all have a totally different and unique personality. I’m not saying that makes me an expert on women, but I am saying that I have a pretty good idea about the kind of women men are attracted to. And that’s all I’m going to say about women, other than to assure you men don’t feel the same way about Michelle as women do. I’ve even heard Black women disparage Michelle’s looks and fashion sense. But, suffice it to say, real men don’t see what envious women see when they look at a uniquely attractive, 5’ 11”, self-confident lady that gracefully moves as if she’s comfortable with herself. I’m talking men that refer to foxy females as “stallions,” who know why Barack knew Michelle was his soul mate. It’s something about the way she moves. What I’m saying is, men with older sisters who helped nurture them have a deeper understanding where God was coming from in Genesis 2:8. But, since Afri-

can-American News&Issues’s FYI policy don’t allow presumptions, that particular Bible verse quoted God to say, “It is not good that man should live alone; I will make him a help meet for him,” before He created Eve from Adam’s rib. Denial aside, when men talk about “submissive” women, it becomes obvious that “help meet” eludes them. So, as always we did the research for readers which explains: “A husband would be best advised not to call his wife a ‘helpmate’ these days, but once upon a time the word was considered a high compliment. The term’s prestige derived mostly from its origin in the book of Genesis, where the older form ‘help meet’ is how God describes the mate He creates for Adam. Actually, though, ‘help meet’ is not an integral phrase in the King James translation, and despite the resemblance, ‘meet’ does not mean ‘mate,’ but rather ‘fitting.’ “What God intends for Adam is a ‘help’ (helper) ‘meet for him’ -- in other words, ‘equal to and appropriate for him.’ By 1715, though, the parallel and more logical term ‘helpmate’ had appeared, and it (barely) survives to this day as an epithet for one’s wife. Now that that’s straight, back to the story that inferred in

main reason African-American News&Issues is Texas’ widest circulated and read newspaper with a Black perspective is because we have living historians that know how it was in the old days, therefore can better explain why it’s like it is today. Even so, we also know why our Black perspectives often conflict with Black faces in high places (educated in post Brown v. Board public schools to not question authority), who depend on the mainstream media for their major source of information. Thus, the first question we ask wannabe writers is why they want to write for an uncompromising Black newspaper. Believe it, or not, that question usually starts a process of elimination that doesn’t bode well for the Black press’s future, because they have no idea what a Black perspective is. We Must Understand, the CIA’s insidious “Operation Mockingbird” that neutralized the free press during World War II, was first implemented in the nation’s top journalism schools, to dumb down students’ ability to think logically, and as a result, turned future generations of journalists into intellectual robots. Consequently, the mind numbing process trickled down to public schools, according to E.D. Hirsch, an academic literary critic whose 1987 best seller (Cultural Literacy: What Every American News To Know), revealed how public schools pasteurized their curriculums and “cream rises to the top” teaching methods and created a


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he first thing media pundits (aka journalists) learn is the basic elements of a good story, is to ask questions that ideally give readers a general idea about an issue when properly answered. Then again, good journalists must know enough about the issue to ask questions properly, lest they can’t corroborate the answer.s Knowing the right questions, and having done enough research to validate, or invalidate answers is tantamount for all journalists that are dedicated to informing the public. That’s why the late Tim Russert’s colleagues had such high praise for the wellversed political pundit. We Must Understand, however, well-prepared broadcast journalists like Russert (best known for being moderator of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” who was also a lawyer who served as New York Democrat Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s Chief of Staff from 1977 to 1982), are endangered species in today’s computerized news industry. Unfortunately, today’s fast-paced world that speeds down a superhighway of information, that changes directions with every tick of the clock, has reduced the broadcast industry to sound (bytes) bites designed to say a whole lot, in a very limited time. Hence, the print media has become the broadcast media’s ad hoc interpreter that, ideally, translate for busy citizens who have curious minds and want to know what, when, where, who, why, and how news and issues impact them personally. Self-aggrandizement aside, the

On: Tiger’s Roots & Boots


Bud Johnson: The Old African Warrior

oebeit a young brother disavowed his Griot because my “Typical Boot” Eyeviews indiscriminately disparage Black role models like Warren Moon, Venus Williams, Tiger Woods, or even Barack Obama, I offer no apology. Hey, even if my Eyeviews are misconstrued to be personal, they’re still objective (FYI: Fair, impartial…. Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices-MerriamWebster Dictionary), when I vent about made in America African’s superstars that happen to be Black. For real, objectivity was hot-wired into my cranial circuits when I was a 19-year-old cub reporter for the Houston Informer newspaper. Even so, when I bashed Moon (arguably the greatest NFL QB that just happened to be Black), the brother’s last e-mail accused me of doing racist’s job for them. Shazam! African-American News&Issues’s Web site, is under re-construction, so I can’t share my Eyeview’s rebuttal. But, suffice it to say that I like Warren, and he, indeed, showed young brothers how to persevere against the odds to become a champion. Yet, he failed my objective “Typical Boot” test. Hey, I bet Warren agrees that the Klan’s paranoia about over-sexed, African Bucks becomes prophecy every time a brother loses his head over White tail. So can we talk? Straight up, ain’t nobody Blacker, or prouder than I am when Black

faces invade the plantation’s once exclusive White spaces. But, alas, we can’t deny that descendants of slaves still suffer from the residual affects of Willie Lynch’s (real, or imagined) letter he read to slave owners on the banks of the James River in 1712 Virginia. Aw, come on and pray with me, brothers and sisters, you know I’m right. Then again, mayhaps I should explain my “boot” reference. Think once bare footed ex-slaves sporting boots to emulate White gentry (when poor White folks couldn’t afford shoes), and boots become a prestige symbol. Do the research and you’ll know I ain’t just cracking but facting. For sure, the term “Boots” were lost in translation by the time it reached 1940s’ Fifth Ward. Understandably, a “typical boot” described brothers who got (N-word) rich, and immediately bought a big diamond ring, a black Cadillac, and looked for a light, bright, and damn near White sister. Are you still praying with me brothers and sisters, or dare I cut to the chase and discuss Tiger Wood’s roots, and boots? Incidentally, have you noted that Tiger and Sen. Barack Obama has much in common? Mayhaps I should stop right there. Surely, it borders on political blasphemy to say that Black and proud folks (that reacted to Tiger like we’re reacting to Obama), should have cause to pause and ponder whether or not, the first Black pres-

Genesis 1 that God created man and woman in a single stroke. In another version, however, Yahweh first creates Adam but then realizes he is not complete unto himself. God then tries providing various beasts and fowl for company, but among them ‘there was not found a help meet for him’ (Genesis 2: 20),

so Yahweh casts a deep sleep over Adam, opens his flesh, and extracts a rib. From this rib God creates the first woman. “She remains unnamed at first but whom Adam calls Eve (Havva – ‘life’ in Hebrew, close to the Sumerian for ‘rib’) since, after the fall, she is to be mother of all man-

Read us online at TX-2

generation gap. This was especially devastating for recently freed Black people, insofar as it made it difficult for an educated progeny to communicate with unschooled elders. You can’t teach old dogs new tricks notwithstanding, AfricanAmerican News&Issues’ flips the script, and teaches new dogs, old dog’s tricks. But, alas, even when aspiring writers (responding to our Texas Marketplace’s want ads) have journalism degrees, they fail our most elementary test. Race card aside, White journalists are just as clueless about the history of America’s news industry, as Black journalists are about the Black press’s history. Thus, we give them our Black Perspective Writer’s Guide For Dummies lecture that explains why they should always remember to ask: Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How? In Journalism 101, those questions are referred to as building blocks for a good story. Then again, students are told to avoid asking questions that can be answered with a simple yes or no, because such questions don’t tell you much, and they certainly don’t give you any good quotes for your story. And a good question to ask made in America Africans’ leaders is: Why do well-educated descendants of slaves depend on descendants of slave owners’ media for their major source of information? Denial aside, we will be intellectual slaves in the land of the free until we truthfully answer that question.

ident could pass the “typical boot” test and, indeed, be “Change We Can Believe In” from a Black perspective? Hark! I hear The Twilight Zone queuing, but I must drift into The Outer Limits of reality to tell it like it is. For sure, the operative words here are Black and proud, rather than being a proud American who just happens to be Black. Accordingly, I would be lying if I didn’t admit that it sho’ nuff breaks my heart when “You People” do exactly what White folks predicted you would do when given freedom of choice. Undeniably, it spiritual wounded me to see my African warrior princess Venus snuggling with a White dude (brothers would like to believe couldn’t possibly sexually satisfy a sister with her voluptuous thighs), and I disavowed her. Ergo, I applaud Tiger as a super athlete, and/or good person. In addition, I’m pulling for him to recover and bounce back better than ever. Even so, I’m too proud to want Black folks who don’t want me. In essence, Tiger not only failed my typical boot test, but has become a domesticated exotic pet. Objectivity aside, that’s my personal Eyeview. Nevertheless, it’s important to Black America for Obama to be Black enough to feel Dinah Washington who lamented (in her hit song, I’ve Got Mixed Emotions Over You), “A tiger isn’t a tiger, to a tiger, if he’s tamed.” I wonder if anybody knows where I’m coming from? To contact Bud Johnson, please call 281- 847-9929 (8-5- Wednesday -Thursday) or via e-mail at

kind (Genesis 3:20). Even though Eve was created after Adam and from one of his spare ribs, note that the Bible doesn’t claim this makes her Adam’s inferior.” Cutting to the chase, the operative words for me are “make him a help meet for him,” which translates to a soul mate. See HELP MEET page 3


revealed: “Now, as the debate has intensified over whether same-sex marriage should be legalized or constitutionally banned, what some Black gay Christians characterize as a long-standing ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ relationship between them and their churches is coming under greater strain.’” A study by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life showed that Black Protestant support for gay rights dipped to an all time low in recent years. The Rev. Walter E. Fauntroy, a minister at New Bethel Baptist Church in Northwest Washington and the District’s former congressional delegate, said that he defends gay rights in general, but that “I part ways with advocates of gay rights when it comes to same-sex unions. As an African-American, whose people have not yet recovered from a form of slavery that was based upon destruction of the family. I believe we do not need any more confusion about what a marriage is and what a family is.” In addition, Black ministers reject the comparison of the gay rights struggle to the Black civil rights struggle. “Gays cannot compare what they are going through, ‘sexual decision and preferences, to what happened to us,’ said the Rev. Ken Hutcherson of Antioch Bible Church in Redmond, Washington. “As an African-American, can I have don’t ask, don’t tell? As soon as I walk into a room, you know I’m Black.” Ram A. Cnaan, director of the study of organized religion and social work at the University of Pennsylvania, attributed the feeling among Black Protestants to their historical experience of discrimination. “Black Christians’ attitudes toward homosexuality reflect the traditional church teachings -- and other factors specific to the Black experience in America,” he says. “It’s part of being an oppressed minority in this country. They’re thinking, ‘We have to prove ourselves more than anyone else. Our leadership comes through the Christian church, and the thinking is that having people like that might detract from our strength. It’s more difficult to have people who are different.’” A separate gay culture thrives in the Black church, wrote J.L. King, author of “On the Down Low: a Journey into the Lives of ‘Straight’ Black Men Who Sleep With Men”, in a chapter devoted to life in the Black church. “The church is a choice site for gay men seeking partners,” King wrote. “It’s as if the church is in denial. They are unrealistic about the number of members living double lives.” God Bless America.

LESBIANISM -from Page 1

called out “Daddy look at me”. When Daddy turned around, I realized that, “Daddy,” was a not a man. Daddy was a female and that little baby girl was on her way to sure confusion. Now let me preface further commentary by officially stating that I am not a homophobic. I am aware that this is a sensitive subject for many and I do not wish to be mislabeled. This kind of issue is also often considered a political editorial “no-no”. But, if we as a community do not face our problems squarely, we can never create solutions wisely. Truth is, we as Black men have failed our women miserably. Our mental, spiritual, psychological and emotional condition has deteriorated the hopes of some Black women so badly that some see another woman as an option. And today, an unprecedented number of sisters are exercising that option. The mistreatment of the Black female has so disgusted some of our sisters that they are turning to one another for comfort, consolation and companionship. This has been a fact for years in the hood, but never have we seen so many teen-age girls engaged in this lifestyle at such an early age. It is a scientific, biological and social fact that “opposites attract.” You don’t have to teach a female to be attracted to the male species; her God-given nature dictates that attraction. When the natural inclination toward the opposite sex is reversed, there is a reason for that reversal. Often when a young girl is sexually molested by a man, sometimes her own father, this leaves her with an innate hatred for men in general. Sometimes, a young girl will grow up witnessing her mother, who she loves, suffer extreme abuse from a husband or a boyfriend. She sees and feels the pain of women that she loves and vows to never allow a man to violate her in that way. Wherever you see a little sister who has decided to take this course in life, remember that there is a good chance that you are looking at a victim or a witness of rape, molestation and extreme abuse. It is important that you do not improperly judge her if you would like to help her. I am a firm believer that if one wants to solve a problem; one must get to the root cause of the problem. Teen Lesbianism is not necessarily the problem. It is the result of the deterioration of the social fabric of us as a people. It is the byproduct of a sex-crazed world that uses sex to sell everything from grits to garbage cans. It is the direct result of the conspiracy to destroy the Black male and our

African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008 • 3 willingness to be co-conspirators in our own demise. It is the direct result of the culture that degrades women as tools of pleasure and influences our young boys to treat our young girls like things and not like queens. My impetus for writing this short message of concern is to try and create a dialogue among us about how our baby girls are hurting. Many mothers and grandmothers are heartbroken by this epidemic and don’t know what to do. The first thing that we must do is get out of denial. Brothers and sisters, we have to pay closer attention to our daughters. Everyone thinks that it could never happen to their daughter until it does. Do not allow your young daughters to keep company with strange men and they should never be alone with men at all. We have to guard our daughters and protect them from the abuse of men even if it costs us our lives. This will lessen the chances of teen lesbianism infiltrating your household. If indeed you see some of the tell-tale signs, do not ignore them. Sit down and talk to your daughter and try to find out the root of what led her into such a lifestyle. Do not overreact and try to beat it out of her. Maybe she was raped or molested and hid it from you for years. If you are blessed to find the cause then you should try and get her some professional help to cope with what has happened to her. Once the healing begins then we can begin to take it further. My dear brothers who are preachers of the gospel cannot be afraid to address this on Sunday morning. The time has come that we cannot fear the lightening of the collection plate. Yet, we must fear the heaviness of God’s wrath if we do not speak the truth that can save our people. We must use the healing power of the Word of God to touch the hearts of these young girls. We must not be judgmental in our approach. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. We cannot depend on politicians to raise an issue such as this one. Most may fear that it will affect their numbers on Election Day. It is up to the men of God to facilitate the healing. We must also develop stronger laws to punish those who violate little girls. We must teach the value of the female to every young boy so that young girls will see hope in them and not despair. The bottom line is men must be men. When we as Black men take our rightful place in our communities, Black teen lesbianism will begin to do away with itself. Deric Muhammad heads the Millions More Movement Ministry of Justice and can be reached at

CLEAR CHANNEL -from Page 1

ed May 12, 2008, from Clear Channel Communications (WOAI Radio), but without giving a copy to the San Antonio Communications Coalition (SACC), the FCC provided the SACC with an unreasonable one- day notice to respond to a complaint that involved the media giant’s refusal to let members of the public view its public file. Despite the attempt to get more time to respond to what Coalition members call the “lies of Matt Martin and WOAI Radio,” the letter in question was not provided to the community as one would expect in a restricted proceeding. A copy of this letter was not given to SACC, and in fact the community was not even notified concerning the contents of the letter until the day before the deadline. The FCC would then not give the organization more time to file a response, and render a decision 24 hours later in favor of Clear Channel Communications. The FCC under the Bush regime doesn’t seem to know right from wrong, and that’s to be expected given the Republican Party giveaway to the large corporations. The Republicans and their henchmen are expected to use the Rush Limbaugh show against the campaign of Obama in what is expected to be racist broadcasting from Limbaugh like never seen before. The protesters maintained that much of what was said in the letter to the FCC by Martin, “borders on perjury, and at the very least is an outright mischaracterization of the events on the day that the community wanted to look at their public file, and were but pure fabrications concerning the request to inspect the station’s public file.” The organization requested that the station allow community representatives access to their public file. Specifically, the station was asked if the organization could inspect their public file on the day in question and specifically Matt Martin outlandishly denied that request in violation of FCC rule section 73.3526 that gives the public a right to view their files. Clear Channel stated that “neither the Complainant nor any SACC member requested to inspect or otherwise access the stations public inspection file at any time.” This was a total fabrication, and the FCC fell for it hook line and sinker. The complaint to the FCC declared that Martin violated section 73.3526 in a most blatant manner. Since the station denied every attempt to see and inspect its public file, on the day in question, the Coalition had to settle for another time to review its public file. Since the Coalition was denied a request to review the public file they were left with only one alternative, and that was to get copies at a time the sta-

tion deemed appropriate. The rules were clearly violated. In fact, Martin responded: “I don’t have time to let you inspect the files because I am going on vacation.” It was apparent that he lost his professional demeanor when a few more individuals attended the meeting than expected. All were courteous and respectful until Martin decided to violate the request to inspect the public file in such an arrogant and blatant manner. In the station’s own words, “The Station’s public file is available for review by members of the public on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.” Coalition members maintain that they were never escorted to the “Public File Kiosk” after repeated requests. In addition, the Coalition specifically asked to inspect the station’s EEO report, and this too was denied. Martin said that the Coalition could obtain a copy of the EEO report, but only after denying an initial request to view it along with the public file. In the letter to the FCC, Clear Channel Communications used ignorant racially implied prattle when Martin commented on the uniforms of the Brown Berets who attended the meeting in support of the African-American community. It was interesting to note that by Martin’s own assertion, he “could not recall specifically what comments were made,” as members of the Coalition left the station. When members of the Coalition gathered at the front desk, they remarked for all to hear that they were being denied access to inspect the public file. The attempt to mischaracterize these events was thus covered up by a loss of memory concerning the violation of FCC Rules. There is no doubt that coalition members were angry, but that anger stemmed from the fact that the violation was completed in such a blatant and arrogant manner with full disregard for FCC Rule 73.3526. In addition, the Coalition maintained that Clear Channel Communications programming, specifically the Rush Limbaugh Show, is one of the most vile, racist, and hateful shows on the air and that Clear Channel Communications should be boycotted. Coalition members and supporters made a surprise visit to WOAI’s offices to again make a request to inspect the public file. This time the station complied, but only after a complaint was filed. HELP MEET -from Page 2

And Michelle definitely has the nerve and verve to make a “fitting” helper for America’s first Black president. But if you want to turn a president’s help meet into a beauty contest, it should behoove you to take a gander at John McLain’s “old lady,” and compare her to Michelle.

Amber Pickens: Texas Young Master of the Arts

Roy Douglas Malonson-Chairman Shirley Ann Malonson-Pres./CEO Bud Johnson-Mgr. Editor Emeritus Marvin D. Cloud-Production Mgr. Lisa M. Smith- Production Assistant Jesse Simon - Photojournalist Mario Salas-Cont. Writer Oswald J. Scott -Cont. Writer Roger Jackson-Photographer Fred Smith-Advertising/Sales James Johnson-Distribution Allen Carlton-Distribution David Johnson-Distribution • Advertising: 713-692-1178 • Houston: 713-692-1892 • Fax Line: 713-692-1183 • General: • Ads: • Web: African-American News&Issues is published by African-American News &Issues, Inc., 6130 Wheatley Street Houston, Texas 77091, (713)692-1892. The entire contents of the paper are copyrighted by African-American News&Issues, Inc. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. African-American News&Issues assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and other material, unless accompanied by a self-address stamped envelope. African-American News&Issues is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher. Letters to the Editor should include name, address and daytime phone number (name & city will be printed).

DALLAS- The Texas Commission on the Arts (TCA) and the Texas Cultural Trust announced Amber Barbee Pickens as a member of the 2008 Class of Young Masters. The Young Masters grant program provides exemplary art students in grades 8-12 with the financial help they need to pursue advanced study in the areas of visual arts, literature, music, theatre, dance and media arts. Pickens, one of 15 in the group, has demonstrated exceptional artistic talent in dance. She received the title of “Young Master” and was awarded a grant of $2,500 to further her studies in dance, and has chosen to study dance at The Alvin Ailey School and in theater at Camp Broadway in New York during her summer break. She will be eligible to receive the grant for up to three years. “These young artists were identified as Young Masters due to their phenomenal artistic ability as well as their dedication to developing their talents and knowledge in their chosen discipline,” said TCA Chair Billye Proctor Show.

“The Commission takes great pride in helping these young people like Amber become prominent artists of the next generation.” Selection is sensitive to students who have potential yet may be underserved due to financial need or geographic isolation. Pickens is entering her sophmore year at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. She currently take private lessons under Ann Etgen and Bill Atkinson of Etgen-Atkinson School of Ballet and has studied with Debbie Allen in Los Angeles. Her dream is to become an accomplished performer on Broadway and own an upscale boutique for girls. Pickens is the granddaughter of the late Mrs. Jessie M. Barbee, the daughter of Winsor Barbee and Mr. Zurek Pickens. TX-3

Rate and size of Ad to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston marketplace. 4 • African-American News&Issues 2-8, 2008 EDITION DATE:• Texas May• July 7-May 28, 2008 ACCOUNTANTS





713-666-2900 Off 713-666-2932 Fax Email: 2626 South Loop W, #420 Houston, TX 77054 Michael Love specializes in tax planning and return filing for individuals; taxes and bookkeeping for small businesses and corporate tax returns. Education courses offered by local chapters of national associations keep the firm on the leading edge of ever-changing tax laws and accounting methods. Computerized offices and internet access ensures clients accurate, efficient, state-of-the-art service at a competitive price.

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Citywide Chemical

Morgan Harris Funeral Home 8011 West Montgomery Houston Texas 77088 (281)820-2391

Hunters Insurance Agency 2656 S. Loop West #340 Houston, TX 77054 (832) 778-8194

O.W. Wiley Mortuary, Inc. 1290 Pinemont Dr. Houston, Texas 77018 (713)681-7475

BORRIS L. MILES Insurance Agency

since 1994

Janitorial & Commercial Heading Title

Attorney Pictures on Canvas Available Now!!!

Pest Control Company 3521 Jensen St. Houston, TX 77026

713/227-4808 or 4809 Janitorial Supplies Sales-Service-Supplies

Wholesale-Retail Contact Information We repair buffers, Name: Pamela Foster Davis vacuum, shampooers Company: Attorney atCharles LawDawson and all other machines. SAME DAY FREE DELIVERY Phone: 281-520-8680 METRO Chemical Dawson Chemical Fax: 713-941-6616 US& Janitorial Supply Company & Janitorial Supply Company Kelley St. • Hou., TX 77026 6010 Irvington -Hou.,TX 77009 Address for tearsheets:4308713/633-9019 713/697-7137 1 Pinedale Citywide Chemical, founded in 1977, Houston, TX 77008 is the largest minority-owned chemical


This is the price andCall: size of the Ad to run in Pamela Foster Davis AAN&I’s Greater Houston Marketplace




Acres Homes Automotive

6960 T.C. Jester (@ Little York)


Batteries - Alignments State Inspection


Tune Ups -A/C Work

Brakes - Tires-Front End Work

SHELL RAPID LUBE Oil Change- $19.99 (713) 956-2500


Curtis Adams 5203 N. Shephard Houston 77091 ATTORNEY AT LAW (832)207-6796 Floyd’s Premier 2201 W. Little York Contact Information: Houston 77091 WILLS & PROBATE (713)688-7325 Name: Mr. Elias Michalopoulo SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY ANGELA L. DIXON

Address:BARBER/BEAUTY 6960 T.C. Jester Blvd. Acres Homes Barber College Houston, Texas 77091 2306 Ferguson Way 281-931-1607 Phone Number: 281-701-3790 505 N. Sam Houston Pkwy E#410 Houston 77088 Houston, TX 77060 (281)931-5591 Fax: 281-597-9990 Angela L. Dixon is licensed in Texas. AUTO ACCIDENTS FAMILY

Uncontested Divorce/Name Change Adult Adoption

FAMILY LAW *Child Support *Adoptions *Modifications *Custody *Name Change *All Areas

er Please


(713) 692-EARS(3277)

12 x16” tall

company in the southwest. They pride themselves on being customer-oriented offering same day, free delivering, free installation of dispensers and free training on all equipment, rented or bought.

CHILDCARE 1.5” Ad for 52 weeks LL&S &S 6130 Wheatley Street Academy Houston, Texas 77091 $780.00Small SmallWorld World Academy REGULAR STORE TotalHOURS: Cost for 52 weeks: Thursday: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. $780.00 “Learning to Compete” Friday: 11 a.m to 7 p.m.

(713)455-2321 Hair Design by Antoinette 163 Greens Rd. Houston 77060 Date (281)875-4993 Individual Styles 11635 Homestead Houston 77016 (281)639-2334 Professional Hair Designers of TX 10767 Eastex Freeway Houston 77093 (713)691-0868 Rogers Barbershop 2113 West Little York Houston 77091 (713)680-8827

FAX (713) 697-9410


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Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We accept: American Express, MasterCard, Discover, Visa, ATM/ Debit, Cash, Checks and Lay-A-Way

100% Black Owned We Appreciate Our Customers


...see more on PAGE 2

401 West Donovan Houston, 77091 (Between N. Shepard & Yale)


at the African American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston’s Business Networking Luncheon

HELP WANTED Heading Title:

(713) L&S 697-7879

The Learning Garden 6672 Antoine Houston 77091 (713) 682-0601


Chairman Kofi Taharka Houston Chapter

Auto • Home • Life Disability • Annuity Commercial Health Insurance Contact Information

Rate and size of Ad to run in AA Houston/Galveston marketpl Fax: 713-355-8318 EDITION DATE: May 13-July 3 Part Time House Pgr. 713-406-1088 Name: Mr. Robert Leday Company: L&S Small World Bus. Academy 713-355-8331 Phone: (832) 338-4766 or (713) 249-9337

Cleaning Person needed on Mondays &Tuesdays in the Hempstead (FM 1736 Rd. & Lane View area). Please call 713-692-1100 to inquire


1314 Texas, Ste. 701, Houston, TX 77002

713-223-5811 Se habla Espanol Not certified by Texas Board of Legal Specialization

You looked here...... and so will your CUSTOMERS! Please call 713-692-1892 for pricing information.

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Beulah Ann Shepard Bldg.

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(commission or booth rental) Ask for Natasha or Jacquie


Tracy’s Beautiful Braids and Beyond

8222 Antoine Dr. Suite 101 Houston 77088 (832)888-3906


Attorneys At Law 440 Louisiana Street 1880 Lyric Centre' Houston, Texas 77022

(713) 650-3688/office (713) 650-0308/fax


Ph: 281-448-6677 Apply Online~ “There is no royal flowerstrewn path to success. And if there is, I have not found it, for if I have accomplished anything in life it is because I have been willing to work hard”. -Madam C.J. Walker

Auto - Life Home - Health Business

Ph:281-447-3448 Fax:281-447-8822 11005 North Fwy#A Houston, TX 77037 A sign of a good insurance agent that will care about you is one that cares about the community. George W. Lunnon, Jr. is that kind of agent. Among his activities, he is active in Greenspoint Mng. District, Greenspoint Chamber, Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo, and is a charter member & President of 100 Black Men.

This 1” ad could be yours for only $100 for 4 weeks! Call 713-692-1892 for more information!

Shop Avon, home or office. Personal delivery and guarantee. Avon Independent Sale Representative. Sabre: 281-318-9089. “It will be a good thing all the way around if we can figure out how to do some more mergers because the main issue is size and most black firms aren’t big enough,” - William S. Spriggs


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Problems. Generally you will never have to speak with or meet with the IRS if I am your representative.

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Do not talk to thefax IRS back to 713-692-1183 6112 sign Wheatley St. Please for approval and without Representation!!! Houston, TX 77091 713-692-7003 by 12 NOON Friday before forLetWednesday me handle your IRS Issue andpublication or the ad will not run. We offer:

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Meetings Monday @ 7:00pm

Harris County Judge Members: Presale: $25.00 At the Door: $30.00 Non-Members: Presale: $35.00 At the Door: $40.00 RSVP by July 1, 2008 You can register & pay online.

5302 Almeda Rd. Hou. TX 77004

Our advertisers SUPPORT OUR NEWSPAPER.... And so should YOU!

713-942-0365 or approve the ad and fax to 713-692-1183 by Noon Wednesday. Speaker: Ad must be paid in full by 12 NOON Wednesday Keynote or ad will not run. Judgethe Ed Emmett, CRIMINAL - ACCIDENTS ELECTRICAL Law Offices of James & Stagg

Borris L. Miles

Child Care Supporting The Community


Elliott Community Shop back to 713-692-1183 Please sign for approval and fax National Black United Front 13030 Woodforest Suite G Thursday, July 3, 2008 77075 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM NOON Friday before forHouston Wednesday publication or the ad willHouston notChapter run. She has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Iowa College of Law, an M.B.A. from St. Ambrose University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Alabama A&M University. She handles a variety of legal matters providing clients with quality legal services in a cost-efficient and timely manner.

America can depend on Farmers


Rate and size of ad to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston edition. AUTOMOTIVE Publication Date: November 28- December 4, 2007 Me n t i o n t h i s AD

1 Pinedale, Houston, Texas

Tidwell Estates Aparments 2303 West Tidwell Houston 77091 (713)688-5125 Square Biz Greek Shop 4800 W. 34th Suite C-11 Houston 77092 (713)683-1855

Hearing Aids of Houston


Three Riverway, Suite 555 Houston, Texas 77056 713-271-7805 |

Attention !!! Get this 1 x 2” ad for $520.00 for 13 weeks! For more information, call AAN&I at 713-692-1892

Other Services Include:

746 West 22nd Street Houston, Texas 77008 713.869.4529 Signature

Income Tax Preparation IRS Problems

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Memorial Mortuary

5000 Almeda Rd. Houston Texas 77004 713-942-7673

You can get a 4-line ad for only $17.50 per week. For more information,call (713)692-1892

Read us online at

Media Partnership Purchase an ad in our publication for 26 weeks or more, and we will do a profile on your business that will be published in our newspaper. We will help publicise your events, activities, etc. Contact AAN&I’s staff at 713-6921892 for more information.

Rate and size of Ad to run in AAN&I’s Houston/Galveston marketplace. Heading: BUSINESS & COMMUNITY Pest Control EDITION DATE: July 2-8, 2008 PEST CONTROL

Your BUGS are our Problem!


Pest Control


281-444-3525 Rayco will get rid of or prevent, pest problems, inside and out at your residence or business. Rayco can help with mice, ants, wasps, roaches, spiders, bees, silverfish, termites, fleas, earwigs and much more. Rayco uses microencapsulated products for a more effective treatment.


Creative Colours By RJ Outdoor PortraitsCommercial Weddings Fashion-Advertising

713/734-1442 4925 Richfield Lane

Houston, TX 77048

Roger Jackson, Photographer

Brookhaven holds Bilingual Job Fair

DALLAS- Brookhaven College 3939 Valley View Lane, is having its third Bilingual Job Fair, on Wednesday, July 16, 2008 in the Student Services Center, Bldg. S from 9a.m. to noon. Sponsored this year by Al Dia, more than 40 different companies will be looking for applicants to fill a variety of full- and part-time positions. Employers will be looking for candidates for bilingual and non-bilingual positions. Both national and local businesses, will be represented. The Job Fair is free and open to the public. For more information, call (972)860-4894.


African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008 • 5

Port of Houston Authority presents Richard Huebner

7473 N. Shepherd Dr. HOUSTON- Port of Houston 77091Pest Control Houston Authority Office Name: Raynard JonesRayco MANHATTAN CONSTRUC(713) 695-7711 Small Business DevelTION COMPANY is bidding on HeadingofTitle: Phone: the SPECIALTY CARE281-444-3525 CENTER opment presents Richard Lacy’s Restaurant Bids & Proposals AT VICTORY LAKES PROJECT Huebner, President Houston 9606 Mesa Dr Fax: Of 281-999-0161 at The University Texas MediHouston, TX 77078 Minority Business Councal Branch at Galveston as a Gen(713) 631-3962 cil (HMBC). Attendees will eral Contractor and is soliciting learn about HMBC’s memCOST Leonard’s Famous Burgers subcontractor/supplier bids from AD bership benefits, accessing 1913 W. Little York Rd. Contact Information qualified Historically Underuti1.5’ ad for 52 weeks - $780.00 Name: Sandra Beck training programs, HMBC Houston 77091 lized Businesses (HUBs) for this Company: Manhattancertification Construction Comp. (713)RUN 686-3555 process, and TOTAL COST AD: $780.00 project. The bid date is July 15, TO Phone: 713-529-0000 Sartins Seafood of Nassau Bay business opportunities. The 2008 at 2:00 P.M. Fax: 18023 Upper Bay713-526-9176 Road event will be held, WednesAddress for tearsheets: Houston 77028 The criteria for evaluation and day, July 2, 2008, 4:30 p.m. to (281) 333-4040 2120 Montrose Blvd. selection of successful proposals will include the following: ComHouston, Texas 77006 SCHOOL/CLASSES petitive pricing, demonstrated capability on work of similar New Direction Job Service size and complexity, financial 8222 Antoine #112 HOUSTON-Angela L. resources to satisfactorily perHouston 77088 AD COST Dixon is the founder of the form the work within the time (281)447-0663 of Angela L. schedule projected, favorable Net Rate: $90Law x 5’’=Office $450.00 North Houston Academy Dixon, P.L.L.C., references from past customers, = $180.00 505 North 1126 W. Tidwell 40% discount verifiable safety record, ability to Sam Houston Parkway E Total Cost: $270.00 Houston 77088 furnish the required insurance #410. She received her Juris (713)686-6900 and, if required, the ability to proDoctor from the Universivide acceptable bonding. On Point Music & Dance ty of Iowa College of Law, 8222 Antoine Dr. Suite #250 and she also holds a Master Bids will be received, prior to bid Houston 77088 of Business Administration time, at Manhattan Construction (281)447-3517 degree from St. Ambrose Company, 2120 Montrose Blvd., University as well as a BachSHOE REPAIR Houston, Texas 77006.

6:00 p.m.,at the Port of Houston Executive Office Building, 1st floor 111 East Loop North, Houston, Texas. Attendees will also learn how their company may become a registered small business vendor with the Port Authority; hear about current and upcoming projects at the Port; interact with Port Authority staff; and network with prime contractors, subcontractors, and

other small business owners. Please rsvp by no later than Tuesday, July 1, 2008 by going to the Port Authority’s main website at www., Business Development link, and PHA Small Business Forum rsvp button. You may also rsvp by contacting the Small Business Development Office at (713)670-2588 or drop an e-mail at pgarcia@

Business Profile: Angela L. Dixon, P.L.L.C.

Telephone No. 713/529-0000; Fax No. 713/526-9176; E-mail:


The firm helps individuals with family, wills, probate, affidavit of heirship, guardianship, living wills, power of attorney, guardianship, uncontested divorce, name change, personal injury, adult adoption and automobile accident issues. Dixon continued, “We aim to form a strong partnership with clients by providing personelor of Arts degree from Ala- alized assistance and pracbama A&M University. tical solutions tailored to Before starting her own each individual’s needs. You firm, Ms. Dixon complet- should feel comfortable asked legal internships with the ing questions, understanding U.S. District Court for the your options, and discussing Southern District of Texas, alternatives.” the U.S. Army Corps of EngiShe seeks to provide clineers, and a South African ents with the information family and employment law you needed to make the best practice. The Law Office of decisions while keeping an Angela L. Dixon, P.L.L.C. eye to her motto: “We will be represent clients facing legal Assertive when advocating problems in Harris and sur- for your rights, Loyal to you rounding counties. “We are asTitle our client and DedicatHeading a general practice law firm ed to making sure your legal Weight Loss that engages in family and needs are met all while procivil practice. Our goal is to viding quality legal services provide the highest quali- in a cost-efficient and timety legal services in a cost- ly manner. Office hours are Contact” Information efficient and timely fashion, 9:00a.m. to 5:00p.m., MonName: J.M. Davis Dixon stated. day-Friday, however Satur-

Waxed, Rate and sizeShined, of Ad Glazed, to run in AAN&I’s Dyed & Repaired 281-448-9255 RADIOHouston/Galveston marketplace. 1400 South Victory Houston, TX 77088 EDITION June 11-September 10, 2008 MIN. ROBERT MUHAMMADDATE: Major Credit Cards ACCEPTED Men & Ladies - Boots & Shoes

Pager 713-687-8592 •


Connect the Dots sign for approval and fax back to 713-692-1183 10:00- 11.30 a.m. Wed LOSE DRESS SIZES roved and payment received by KPFT 90.1 FM 12 NOON Friday FAST!the week Let us show you how to lose up Please sign for approval andad faxwill back to 713-692-1183 e Wednesday publication or the not run. to 3 dress sizes in 15 minutes! REAL ESTATE • No Surgery • No Diets Exercisead will not run. NOON Friday before forHUD/RESALE Wednesday publication or• Nothe AND NEW HOME SALES. Call Your Hometown

Realtor Now! Frances Campbell Date 281-414-2211


Seeing is believing—let us show you! For information, call:

Image Creators (832)289-9545

.O. Number

This won’t protect him from disease.

Company: Image Creators Phone: 832-289-9545 Address for tearsheets: 9146 Sunlit Park Dr. Humble, Texas 77396

Angela L. Dixon day and evening appointments are also available. Dixon also participates as a member of the State Bar of Texas, Member of the Houston Bar Association (Wills & Probate and Social Security Disability Section Member), Member of the Houston Lawyers Association, Member of the Houston Young Lawyers Association, Member of Houston Bar Association’s Night Court and Big Brother/Big Sisters of Greater Houston. For more information, call (281)931-1607.

This will. Texas Children’s Hospital and Kohl’s Department Stores have partnered to bring Kohl’s Immunization Drives to a neighborhood near you. This summer, immunize your child Please sign for approval and fax back to 713-692-1183 and protect him not the right by 12 NOON Friday before for Wednesday publication or the ad will run.way. Signature


For more information, call 832.824.6780 or visit

P.O. Number

Please visit our website at



6 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008



Greater Progressive MBC 840 Ringold Houston 77088 (281) 445-8603

Worship throughout our Communities

Greater True Vine MBC 3010 Fontinot Houston 77026 (713) 672-9086 Green Meadow MBC 777 Green Meadow Lane Houston 77091 (713) 694-7624 Jerusalem MBC 2835 Fidelity Rd. Houston 77029 (713) 674-3794

Blessed Hope MBC 3741 Colvin Houston 77013 (713) 673-6309 Cliffdale BC 854 Enterprise Houston 77088 (281) 447-8850 Ebenezer MBC 1814 Jensen Houston 77026 (713) 222-0838 Fidelity BC 9735 Nedwald St. Houston 77029 (713) 671-0095

Starlight MBC 9202 Willow St. Houston 77088 (281) 447-8788

St. Matthew’s MBC 870 Paul Quinn Houston 77091 (713) 695-2288

CATHOLIC St. Monica Catholic Church 8421 West Montgomery Rd. Houston 77088 (281) 447-5837

Mt. Ararat BC 5801 W. Montgomery Houston 77073 (713) 692-9954


8 AM and 11 AM BIBLE STUDIES Wednesday 7:30PM Leonard N. Barksdale, Pastor

Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church 4300 Noble Street, Houston TX 77020 Ph: 713/675-5111 • Fx: 713/675-1522


Fifth Ward Missionary Baptist Church members will endeavor to provide a strong foundation of love; we will stand on Biblical Truths; and we will equip one another to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our community and in our world.


Mt. Ararat Community BC 9313 Lockwood Houston 77016 (713)858-9801 Mt. Olive BC 3239 Areba St. Houston 77091 (713)812-9061 New Pleasant Grove MBC 3221 Bain St. Houston 77021 (713) 672-7419 Olivet MBC 3115 Lyons Ave. Houston 77020 (713) 224-1515

Progressive MBC 944 Reverend B.J. Lewis Dr. Houston 77088 (281) 447-2342

Brookhaven COC 8630 Southview Houston 77051 (713) 733-5664 East Houston COC 7515 E. Houston Houston 77028 (713) 631-7435 Homestead Rd. COC 7211 Homestead Rd. Houston 77028 (713) 633-1540

Church News Hotline! Call (713)692-1892 for more information!

FIDELITY CHURCH OF CHRIST “The Church That Cares” Sunday

Morning Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Evening Bible Class 5:00 p.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Chorus Group Rehearsal 7:30 p.m.


CHURCH OF CHRIST 730 West 26th St, Houston, TX 77008



OFFICE: 713/674-5131

Early Worship 6 am Minister Frank Melton Jr. Sunday School 9:30 am Regular Worship Res.713/733-0868 10:30 am Off. 713/861-9249 Evening Worship 6 pm FX 713/861-2744 Wednesday Assoc. Minister General Song Practice Glen Burgess, Sr. 7:00 pm Bible Study 7:30 pm Res.713/734-8983




MINISTER: Mid-Week Bible Class Theaster Maloy, Sr. 7:00 p.m.

140 Fidelity Rd. Houston Tx 77029

SUNDAY 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Bible Class 11:15 a.m. Worship 6:00 p.m. Worship MONDAY 10:00 a.m. Gary Smith Ladies Bible Class Minister WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Bible Class for all


CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST Sr. Pastor Elder Greg Edwards (713) 674-5466

2222 Lockwood Dr. Houston, Tx 77020 SUNDAY

Morning Prayer: 9:15 am Sunday School: 9:30 am Church Services: 11 am


www. “GIVING, GROWING, & GAINING” 4308 Stonewall St. Hou. Tx 77020


In addition to their other activities, the Fifth Ward COC also holds a Bible Class for non-members on Thursday nights at 7:30 PM. For more information on the various special events or activities you really should visit their website, it is very well done, informative and worth a visit even if you have another church home.

Duncan’s Vision Statement: “To train, educate, empower, evangelize, and to insipre the body of Christ by developing GODLY character through the word of GOD (2:Timothy 2:15). Duncan Memorial holds Morning worship on Tuesday mornings at 11 am and Bible Band & Mission from 12-1 p.m. Choir Rehearsals are held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday night. They also have Friday night Bible Study at 7:30p.m.

LUTHERAN Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church 1055 W. Tidwell Rd. Houston 77091 (713) 680-1419

Please support your local African- American Historical Churches ! NON-DENOMINATIONAL Christian Life Community Church 8146 E. Houston Rd. Houston 77028 (713)631-4851 Hope In Christ Church 10310 Antoine Drive Suite A Houston 77086 (832) 882-7925

UNITED METHODIST Wesley UMC 7225 Homestead Houston 77028 (713)635- 3191

Support Your Local Churches and Religious Organizations!

New Believers MBC’s 9th Church Anniversary

DALLAS- What started as a small vision in the eyes of Bishop Veynell Warren (pictured left) has now come to fruition as the New Believers Missionary Baptist Church, 3523 E. Overton, Dallas will celebrate nine years of ministering to the community. The church anniversary will be held July 7 – July 9, 2008 beginning at 7p.m. The closing ceremony will be on Sunday, July 13 at 3p.m. The 4-day event will include featured speakers from a diverse pool of ministries such as, Bishop Melvin Walker and Pastor Lowell Cleaver, along with performances by praise dancers, stomp teams, gospel groups, and soloists. For more information, please call (214) 486-9198.

“Men Of Iron” Boot Camp 2008

RICHARDSON- The “Men of Iron” men’s ministry of Eirene Christian Fellowship, 701 E. Centennial Blvd. Richardson, will host “Boot Camp 2008.” The “Boot Camp” will be Saturday, July 12-Saturday, July 19, 2008 starting at 11:30 a.m. Invited are all men who would like to experience a life-changing encounter that is designed to empower you, your family, and the community to win the battle. The guest speaker will be Pastor Darryl Webster (pictured right) of the Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, of Indianapolis, Indiana. For more information, please call (972) 991-0200 or visit the website at

International Global Leadership Summit hosted by Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation

HOUSTON- The International Global African-American News&Issues Leadership Empowerment Summit will be held Monday, July 7 - Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at the Westin Oaks Galleria, 5060 W. Alabama. The event will kick off with a Celebrity Golf Tournament and Youth Entrepreneur Night on July 7. Participants will receive “Principles for Economic Development,” “Guides to Leadership Empowerment,” “Strategies for Networking Cultures,” Maximizing Your Business Potential,” “Character in Business,” and “Understanding Purpose for Business.” The Summit will benefit and serve individuals who desire to expand their personal, professional, business, and leadership development. It’s goals are designed to provide maximum information that will impart success strategies for increased growth and it will challenge everyone to take more progressive steps towards a productive future and will help leaders connect communities and cultures. The guest speaker of the International Global Leadership Empowerment Summit is the world renowned Dr. Myles Munroe. Dr. Munroe is the founder and chairman of The International Third World Leaders Association (ITWLA). ITWLA’s primary focus is addressing the unique dynamics of the Third World context. Seeing the universal need to bring people across denominations and cultures together, Munroe formed the ITWLA which now has a global reach to many continents and created a forum for cross-cultural exchange. The organization offers extensive networking opportunities. Munroe is a multi-gifted international motivational speaker, best selling author and business consultant addressing critical issues affecting every aspect of human, social and spiritual, and business development. He is a sought out speaker for major corporations throughout the world and he provides vital leadership strategies to the masses across this world. The dynamics of Dr. Munroe’s message will be enriching and long lasting in the



knowledge that will be transferred to all who attend. The event will be hosted by The Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation, led by its founder, Deavra A. Daughtry, CEO-Excellent Care Management. Daughtry stated that the event should be attended by, “CEO’s, Dr. Myles Monroe executive managers, pastors, bishops, overseers, ministers, chief administrators, CFO’s, businessmen and businesswomen, entrepreneurs, dreamers, and movers and shakers.” The Texas Women’s Empowerment Foundation (TWEF) is a non-profit organization geared towards helping Deavra A. Daughtry families to reach their fullest potential in the areas of business, education, financial, political, and socio-economic development. Daughtry stated, “The Foundation hopes to achieve these goals by advancing interest and focus on successful programs that help achieve and maintain a sense of empowerment for women with respect to the aforementioned core themes. Our values drive us to develop various vehicles to achieve and sustain a predetermined set of goals for women from all walks of life.” Register online for the event at or call (832)-434-5325 for more information.

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African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008• 7



























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8 • African-American News&Issues • Texas • July 2-8, 2008

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