African-American News&Issues

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Vol. 19 Issue 6

Greater Houston/Southeast Texas

“It was always the few committed in taking it on for the masses.”

“Our children don’t know our history, that’s because many of us cannot gain the attention of our children because we are not relevant to them in the present.”

~Roy Douglas Malonson, Publisher~


“President Obama faces criticism with grace and dignity because he understand the price that was paid to get him there.”

“We must not tolerate the vile behaviors on the part of our young people in our neighborhoods today.”

March 3-9, 2014 | FREE

“Choose wisely who you allow to control your mind; Your Money & Your Vote these are the most powerful things you have; Be careful who you give them to.”

“Stop disrespect and self hate.”

“It was never about being better, it was about being equal.”

“Everybody did not march ... everybody did not participate ...” “There are those who want to say, I do things a different way ... Civil Rights did not write my resume ...” “Continuing the movement because there are civil rights issues today.” “How you define yourself is how you confine yourself.” “The only thing that matters when your gone is, did you do something for some one other than yourself!”

“Your qualifications were not under consideration until some one sacrificed for you ... its the uneducated illiterate grandmother that laid down in front of biting dogs and cold fire hoses for you.”

“You got an education because people were doing things ... laid their lives down, went to jail, shed their blood, to open doors that you could not go through doors where they could not go.” “We remember the people of Black History because of their sacrifices and what they did for others.”

“Too many people think the turbulence is over but as long as we’re not equal we have not arrived in this country. We have an obligation to continue to

“Until there is equal opportunity and protection, we are not where we need to be.” See INEQUALITY pg. 4


Read us online! www.a f r a m n e ws .c om

Houston’s Affordable Care Act Enrollment Events


his January, we saw an additional 1.2 million people sign up for health coverage, bringing the overall total to an estimated 3.3 million people since the opening of the federal online market place. The Affordable Care Act is working and can work even better. It is working for senior citizens by closing the doughnut hole, which requires them to pay more for pharmaceuticals; it is working for persons under 26 years of age by allowing them to stay on their parents’ insurance policies; it is working for people with preexisting conditions by allowing them to get insurance coverage; and it is working for all persons covered by providing them with preventative care. It can work even better if our


Honorable Al Green TX 9th Dist.

state of Texas would accept the $100 billion Medicaid Expansion. This would provide healthcare to an additional 1.5 million Texans. It would work even better if Navigators are allowed to do their jobs and enroll more of the 2.4 million eligible uninsured Latinos. This could reduce healthcare costs. The Affordable Care Act provides healthcare that actually works for you before and after an illness, and it will work even better when we put people above politics.

Make sure you vote!

his is a very important represent your best interests in time in the life of our our courthouses, our statehouse, community and our and in Washington, D.C. country, and I am asking that There is an ever-increasing you go to the polls to vote in the assault that is taking place in March 4th primary. I believe that Washington against the victories Business Card for Paper_Layout 1 2/18/14 12: you must select those who will that we have won in healthcare. There are those who want to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a piece of legislation that I helped to pass in Congress. For the first time in the history of our nation, millions of our citizens are able to afford health insurance. Previously, uninsured people throughout 979-921-9908 28820 FM 1736 Road our country, including 200,000 Hempstead, TX 77445-7204 in Texas, have signed up for Trophy Hunting: coverage, and we cannot allow Whitetail - Axis - Blackbuck conservative Republicans to take Archery • Camping • Camp Fire that coverage away as they have Canoeing • Family & Church Reunions Fishing • Guided Nature Hike tried so many times since the law Hay Rides • Hiking • Horseshoes was enacted. Kayaking • Nature Photography Last summer a conservative Pedal Boats • Picnics • Sand Volleyball Supreme Court ruling crippled website: the Voting Rights Act of 1965. email: I am working with other fairTX-2


Texas •Texas December 9-15, • March 3-9,2013 2014 Texas • August 12-18, 2013

“Stand Your Ground” Laws – Florida Court Shows the Harm


oo many people think they can shoot others – particularly Black and Latino males – without legal consequences. And all too often they are correct. A Florida court once again demonstrated the harm of “Stand Your Ground” laws. Michael Dunn was not found guilty of first degree murder after shooting and killing Jordan Davis, a 17 year-old black male. Dunn confronted Davis over the teen’s music – “rap crap,” according to Dunn. After a disagreement over the noise level, Dunn fired his pistol into Davis’ car; at least 9 bullets made contact with the vehicle, enough to kill Davis. He would have turned 19 this year. In both this case and the

Trayvon Martin incident we see armed men seeking out confrontations with Black teenage boys, shooting them dead after that conflict escalates. And in both cases, neither man was found to be guilty of murder (though Dunn was found guilty of attempted murder for peppering the car with bullets even as it was driving away). In this latest case, Dunn argued that he fired multiple bullets into Davis’s car out of “self-defense”; Dunn claimed the teenagers had a shotgun in the car, but no weapon was found and all passengers denied carrying a gun. I believe in the right to own weapons and self-defense, but we must remember that there are certain individuals who are

minded members of Congress to cure the harm that the Court’s action did to one of the most precious rights that an American citizen has, the right to vote. We also have members of Congress who support legislation that depresses the rights of people to vote. Their actions are aimed at minorities, senior citizens and students. They do not want to see the American people elect a leader such as President Barack Obama as they did in 2008 and 2012. There are some people in Congress who oppose issues that are important to our country such as immigration reform, a livable wage, and climate control simply because they are on the president’s agenda. He cannot fight this battle alone, and I am there to help him fight, and to help him prevail. The Republican majority in the House has refused to extend unemployment insurance to people whose earned benefits

have expired. Each day that I am in Washington I fight to restore these benefits to people who are struggling to feed their families. We must address the issue of income inequality in this country. A true democracy should not be one in which only the top one percent of income earners enjoy the benefits of living in this country, while others struggle from paycheck to paycheck. My position as a leader in the Congress gives me a voice. It was that position of leadership that enabled me to bring billions of dollars to our district for DART, the Trinity River Coordinator Project, affordable housing, healthcare program, small business development and numerous other projects so vitally important to all of us. Voting is a sacred right for all of us. Thousands of people lost their lives so that all of us could cast our ballots. We must honor the sacrifices that they made. So, on March 4th I urge you to vote!

Honorable Garnet Coleman TX 147th Dist.

all-too-eager to begin confrontations and then use their firearm to end them. Young, male, people of color are disproportionately at risk. I filed a bill last session (HB 3773) that would repeal Texas’ “Stand Your Ground” law while maintaining the ability of Texans to defend themselves and their families, particularly in their own homes. I will re-file this bill next session. As long as these laws are on the books, we won’t stop reading about innocent people being killed by scared, overeager gunmen. This has to stop.

Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson TX 30th Dist.

R.D. Malonson S.A. Malonson Darwin Campbell Chandra Jarmon Bria Taylor-Johns Rebecca S. Jones

Publisher President/C.E.O. Managing Editor Production Web


General: Ads: Website: African-American News&Issues is published by African-American News & Issues, Inc., 6130 Wheatley Street, Houston, Texas 77091, (713) 692-1892. Our office hours are Monday-Friday, 8:15am - 5pm. The entire contents of the paper are copyrighted by African-American News & Issues, Inc. All rights reserved. Material in this publication may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the publisher. African-American News&Issues is not responsible for any claims made by advertisers. The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the publisher.


Texas • March 3-9, 2014

Edit rial & Opini n

Calling on Leaders to Repeal ‘Stand Your Ground’ Rev. Al Sharpton


President, National Action Network

ver since the verdict in the Michael Dunn so-called 'loud music' trial was announced, many parents have asked me what they should tell their children. How do they even begin to explain why a judge was forced to declare a mistrial on the charge of first-degree murder? How do they say to their young boys and girls that no matter what they achieve, how educated they are or what they do in life, some may only view them as dangerous or threatening? Whether these parents have called into my radio show or stopped me on the street, my answer has continuously been that the very first thing we must do is permanently remove despicable legislation like 'stand your ground' laws. It is 2014 and we must focus our energy on state legislative elections so that we may have leaders in places like Florida and elsewhere that can revoke these laws. Our children's lives are literally at stake. It seems as if we are stuck in some sort of disturbing pattern. A young Black teen is shot to death, we are all consumed by a trial against the alleged perpetrator, we watch this defendant claim that he was fearful for his life and then we see a jury fail to deliver appropriate justice. Well, it's time to stop dancing around the issue and address the 800-lb. gorilla in the room: 'stand your ground' and similar laws have become an escape route for

people to justify anything. And the state of Florida is ground zero for the devastation that has been caused by this legislation. In the Dunn case, just as in the George Zimmerman trial last year, the defense may not have invoked 'stand your ground' specifically, but the jury was instructed using language from that law. Because of this deplorable regulation, an individual has no duty to retreat and can therefore justify his/her actions by simply stating they feared for their life. Despite the fact that Jordan Davis, the 17-year-old victim in the Dunn case, wasn't armed and no weapon was recovered in the vehicle that he and three of friends were in, Dunn claimed he felt threatened. 'Stand your ground' and similar self-defense rules have created a dangerous space where any shooting can be excused by simply stating that you feared for your life. It has allowed an individual's ingrained biases to potentially be protected under the law, no matter who gets hurt in the process. And let's not act like Florida is the only place where this is happening. There are currently 23 states (including Florida) where legislation like 'stand your ground' exists. That means that in 23 states, cases like the Dunn and Zimmerman trials are taking place continuously without the presence of the media. That means mothers and fathers are burying their young because someone or multiple people felt 'threatened'. And that means jurors across the country may very well fail to convict people who kill others because the burden of proof is virtually impossible to achieve.

American News&Issues


“We MUST never forget slavery, lynching, Jim Crow Laws, the disrespect of the Black race and the first Black president.”

- Roy Douglas Malonson

Don’t Get Mad With Al Sharpton – Inequality is the Issue

We MUST Understand


he Rev. Al Sharpton’s talk about fighting inequality drew some interesting reactions on the faces of the Houston’s influential Black education and financial circles. For some, the truth appeared very uncomfortable as Sharpton forced the audience to look in the mirror and step out of the box. The idea of looking at yourself and admitting how out of touch and out of focus you are when it comes to the issues of race and inequality and the Black community is an eyeopening experience – especially if you are one of many affluent Blacks who pretend like you made it without Civil Rights Movement or you took credit for participating in the struggle and fighting for equality when you did not. We MUST Understand what inequality does to the Black community and how it renders us powerless to control our own destiny as a people and a community. According to a study by the Brookings Institute, inequality in the 50 biggest cities grew modestly from 2007 to 2012. The effect was not primarily because of rapid income growth among the richest families — generally, earnings for the top one-percent of income earners in the country. Rather, it was because poor families, saddled with debt and high unemployment rates, have suffered through the recession and the recovery. The study comes as a number of cities across the country are trying to tackle income inequality and expand opportunity through measures like increasing the minimum wage, which

President Obama has promised to do at the federal level. Excerpts from the study reveal some challenging things for the Black community in Houston to think about and focus on as one of the nation’s largest and prosperous cities. A city where the rich are very rich, and the poor very poor, is likely to face many difficulties. It may struggle to maintain mixed-income school environments that produce better outcomes for low-income kids. It may have too narrow a tax base from which to substantially raise the revenues necessary for essential city services. And it may fail to produce housing and neighborhoods accessible to middle-class workers and families, so that those who move up or down the income ladder ultimately have no choice but to move out. The Black community in Houston is facing school closings, gentrification issues, unemployment and wage inequality that is stunting Black power, diluting population, killing neighborhoods and leaving too many of our youth behind. Sharpton may have stunned some and shocked others by his point blank draw dropping assessment of “Negroes” who think they have arrived. However, that complacency and “teflon” do-nothing attitudes among those with money, education, influential positions, good jobs and lavish lifestyles are making those gains harder to take advantage of and have made the modern struggle 1000-times tougher than it needs to be. The people who don’t see it, don’t know the importance of or have a serious lack of understanding of Black history and

By Roy Douglas Malonson, Publisher

the pain and heartache it took to fight for freedom. Sharpton was on point to highlight the damage and fallout of that poor attitude towards neglecting civil rights sacrifices. We MUST Understand that some of us are living a lie and that lie is not only damning, but also has a sweeping effect on the African-American generations coming behind us. The recklessness that exists today among Black youth is a direct result of a lack of direction brought on by our lack of knowledge of Black history, our failure to pay attention to detail on our own history and our failure to interact with our youth. We are too busy making money and funding lifestyles to stop long enough and spend time to make sure the generation coming behind us is ready to take that civil rights struggle into the next generation. That poor approach to nurturing, parenting and role modeling has created a deep and widening generation gap that has our youth wallowing in pools of hopelessness and wandering aimlessly – a path that leads them to bad choices, drugs, drug dealers, dropping out, gangs, prison and even death. We Must Understand that the fight for Civil Rights and Equality is far from over. Until we have a nation where you have equal protection under the law and real equal opportunity, we are not where we need to be. TX-3



American News&Issues


Rev. Al Sharpton National Action Network, Founder & President INEQUALITY from pg. 1

HOUSTON- The future of the Civil Rights Movement depends on African-Americans sensing the urgency of linking Black history to modern issues affecting race and inequality in America. “You can talk about heroes an she-roes and the past all day but the challenge is about what we are doing today,” said National Action Network Leader and Founder Al Sharpton. “Some 50 years after the March on Washington, we are still faced with challenges and plenty of us have become so self indulged that we took advantage of the doors that were opened to us and walked through those doors like they were done just for you personally. If people then act the way they do now, we would never have had the

advancement we enjoy today.” Sharpton was speaking to about 500 people attending the 2014 Houston Community College Black History Scholarship Gala. Rev. Sharpton is currently the host of a daily television show on MSNBC that analyzes the top political and social news and features the country’s leading newsmakers. ”Politics Nation” with Rev. Al Sharpton airs at 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The show is so popular it broke MSNBC ratings history with the highest viewership of any show at 6:00 p.m. since the network’s inception. He also hosts a nationally syndicated radio show “Keepin it Real” that is heard daily all over the country as well as two weekend radio shows that air in markets within the U.S. and is the author of The Rejected Stone: Al Sharpton and the Path to American Leadership. The activist and civil rights giant has

even been praised by President Barack Obama as “the voice of

Cover Story

the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden.” While reviewing the tapestry of triumphs in Black history at the gala, Sharpton also was quick to remind African-Americans of the new dangers faced today that threaten to hinder and derail progress. Inequality is the Issue Once Blacks understand the present civil rights landscape, they must respond to fight the battle of inequality. “It was never about being better, it was about being equal,” he said. “Until we have a nation you have equal protection under the law and equal opportunity we are not where we need to be.” Some of the issues Black face that are a huge obstacle to full equality include how desegregation practices have created greater imbalance and had a negative impact on schools, teachers and education. Another issue is the struggle to vote. Some states are making laws to suppress voting rights and others have laws requiring photo identification to cast ballots. The imbalance and inequality surrounding the “Stand Your Ground” laws in states that have been deadly to Blacks or convicts Blacks for

standing their ground and allow Whites to kill, get away with murder or escape with lesser charges. Blacks also are continuing to battle inequality when it comes to pay, employment and going after home, bank and business loans. “We

have gone from Jim Crow to James Crow Jr. esquire – a little for slicker and educated but at end of the day you end up at the same place...Unequal,” he said. “Things may be better, but still not equal...” We Have Not Arrived Yet He described inequality in America as a plane ride involving turbulence. “An air plane ride with turbulence in air with bad weather makes the plane rock. You may get through the plane rocking and turbulence, but you still on plane,” Sharpton said. “We just got through the storm, but we had not arrived anywhere ... you still on plane. Too many people think the turbulence is over, but as long as we not equal we have not arrived in this country ... we all have an obligation to continue the fight.”

HoustonCommunityCollege 2014 Scholarship Gala TX- 4

Texas • August 12-18, 2013 Texas • March 3-9, 2014

Black Complacency Must End He pointed out the complacency of Black education and business leaders who appear to be inconvenienced and uneasy about civil rights issues and involvement and have allowed the controversial issues to slide to the back burner in favor of enjoying good paying jobs and more lavish lifestyles. “Do you realize folks died so that you could get your degree,” he said. “You didn’t just get that education because someone just put you there in that spot. You got an education because people were doing things ... they laid their lives down, went to jail and shed their blood to open doors that you can go through doors where they could not go.” The challenge to the great audience of affluent Blacks was to do an honest personal self assessment of where they fit into Black history in Houston and America and chided the group for thinking more highly of themselves than they ought to think. “You have the ability to make money that they could not make ... live in neighborhoods they could not live in ... do things they could not do and eat where they could not eat,” he said. “You have the nerve to get upset when someone asks you to help with a scholarship for a kid coming up behind you. To continue reading “Inequality” visit Cover Story by : Darwin Campbell, African-American News&Issues


Texas • March 3-9, 2014

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The objective of this series of articles is to enable its reader to learn the basic laws, rights and rules of conduct one should know to avoid incarceration and reduce the chances of recidivism. Of course it is impossible to eliminate the occurrence of arrests for that is beyond one ultimate control; an officer can and may arrest you improperly if he/she chooses, and there is nothing one can do without the risk of injury or loss of life. The judicial system may provide vindication at some later date. Notwithstanding, to be Forewarned is to be Forearmed. To know the basic functions of the Criminal Justice system, your rights and certain rules of conduct may greatly enhance

one‘s chances of successfully negotiating the system and remaining free. Searches-Inventory Search A true inventory search is conducted in accordance with standard police procedure, and the burden is on the state to show compliance with such procedure . Proper scope of inventory search is : (a) Passenger compartment of vehicle. (b) Glove compartment. An inventory search may include an unlocked glove compartment. It may extend to a locked glove compartment when a key is readily available. An inventory search may include the trunk when

the search may be conducted without using force to open the trunk. Closed containers may be opened during an inventory search only when standardized criteria call for the opening of containers . Plain View The plain view doctrine authorizes the seizure of certain objects, rather than searches of them The officer must be able to make this determination at the time the officer is viewing the item . This is common in drug cases where the officer says that some or all of the drugs were in plain view. If so then the resulting search is justified and the evidence found will be used

at trial.

Consent Of course, an officer may search without a warrant when one has given consent to the search.. The voluntariness of consent by considering factors such as : (a) Voluntariness of defendant's custodial status. (b) Presence of coercive police procedures. (c) Extent and level of defendant's cooperation with police. (d) Defendant's awareness of right to refuse consent. The failure to admonish the defendant that he or she does not have to submit to a search does not automatically invalidate the consent, but the occurrence or lack of a warn-

Judge Warren Fitzgerald The Right ing is of evidentiary value in determining the validity of the consent . Consent is invalid when it is merely submission to a claim such as one by the officer that he or she has a warrant to search . Attorney Warren Fitzgerald Muhammad is a native of a Acres Homes Community. He is both an Attorney and Municipal Court Judge. His office is located at 6415 W. Montgomery, Houston Texas 7091. He may be contacted at 713-692-4688.

Houston Sit-In Commemoration is Reminder that the Struggle Continues

Community protest at Southmore Post Office

It was 1960. Blacks said enough was enough and that level of frustration led to the first Houston Sit-In 54 years ago. The Civil Rights Movement was heating up and students from Texas Southern University decided to march over to a grocery store and lunch counter to initiate

the sit-in. All they wanted to do was be treated fairly and equally, but their actions would help define the movement in Houston. Freedom fighters will remember the 54th year commemoration of the TSU sit-in at the supermarket this week at the sit where history

took place – Southmore Post Office at 4110 Almeda Road at 4 p.m. According to historical accounts, the students stood up to protest the unfair treatment of African-Americans. Tired of Jim Crow Laws that limited freedoms of Blacks, 17 students met at a flag pole and lined up in pairs and marched 45-minutes to then Weingarten's Supermarket. Jim Crow was a phrase used to describe a system of Southern laws that denied blacks basic rights. These laws were strongly enforced between 1896 to 1964. Students marched singing spirituals and others joined the march and crusade for equality. When they arrived, they expected

service at the lunch counter only to find out that Whites were not interested in their protests. Sitting there for hours, no service ever was provided to them. During the protests, they endured harassment and racial slurs in the name of freedom and equality. A Texas Historic Marker sits near the site of that first sit-in and serves as a daily reminder of what these heroic TSU students did 54 years ago. Their courage has echoed across decades and has motivated a new generation of freedom fighters to stand up for the Southmore Post Office – at the same historic site where TSU students made their stand. Community leaders are in the middle of a fight to save the post office. It sits on the same property where the protest took place.

Officials want to close the post office for economic reasons, but freedom fighters say it is vital to the lifeblood of the community and utilized by the poor and elderly residents living in the community surrounding the site. The controversy has drawn numerous protests and even gotten local U.S. representatives of Congress in the fight. History repeats itself as once again the fight is on to send a message the our rights and voices matter. Many of the TSU protesters are gone now, but they left a rich legacy and would be proud of those freedom fighters who have stepped up once again to protect the civil rights of those who need it. Story By: Darwin Campbell, African-American News&Issues TX- 5

Rate and size of 2” ad to run in AAN&I’s Marketplace Edition. Run Dates: November 18-24, 2013- May 12-18, 2014 6


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Texas • March 3-9, 2014

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Fifteen years ago, Gabrielle Hadnot was asked by a friend to take a course at a defensive driving school and consider being an instructor. “I agreed and took the class, which was a two class, 8- hour class back then,” she said. “I enjoyed the new experience and knowledge of the driving safety environment. I taught my first class and I was hooked.” Hadnot taught at the school a few more times, but scheduling did not permit me to continue. Not letting her talent go to waste, she registered with the State of Texas as a Defensive Driving Instructor and acquired a list of locations to teach. “The classes were always interesting due because of the people that have to take it,” she said. According to Hadnot, some of the reasons that people have to take the class are traffic tickets, insurance discounts, or when a person needs it for employment. Also, various transportation companies are required to have all their drivers take a driver safety course and the class Hadnot teaches qualifies as one. After teaching nearly every Saturday at a school in Bellaire as a defensive

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driving instructor, she got familiar with different types of curriculum of teaching. “I felt like I should open my own school on the north side of town,” she said. “Due to the fact that I was laid off from my regular job, I really did not want to go to work for anybody because I felt like I had too much to offer myself in my own business.” In February 2013, she opened Check Point Defensive Driving and Driver Education. Check Point is located at 3440 Ella Blvd. @34th Street in the strip center next to the famous Shirley Donut Shop. However, the Driver Education part was yet to come. She had to comply with a few regulations and inspections that come with opening the driver education portion of the business. “I hope to have that running in time for the summer months,” she said. “I have taught driver education behind the wheel and that was so interesting.” To continue reading about Check Point visit Story by : Darwin Campbell, African-American News&Issues

1213_FAST_Ad_2x2.pdf 1 6/21/2013 9:30:31 AM



Texas • March 3-9, 2014


Mar. 4 - Mar. 6 Tuesday-Thursday


Acres Home Library After School Zone 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Thursday

Rev. William “Bill” Lawson

Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Networking Luncheon 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 11am -12:30pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131

This should be your Event~ Post your event here!


Thursday Acres Home Library Email Basics 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 11:30am For more info contact: (832)393-1700

Mar. 6 - Mar. 7

Thursday - Friday The High School for Performiong and Visual Arts Spring Dance Concert 4001 Stanford Houston, TX 77006 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (713)942-1965


Saturday Acres Home Library Book Club 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700

American News&Issues

What’s Happenin’ in 2014

Mar. 11- Mar. 13 Tuesday-Thursday



Mar. 18- Mar. 20

Acres Home Library After School Zone 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Thursday Acres Home Library Open Job Search Lab 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 11:30am For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Thursday Acres Home Library Tweens/Teens Craft 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Thursday Houston Museum African-American Culture “Black Orpheus” 4807 Caroline St Houston, TX 77004 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (713) 526-1015 Saturday Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Digital Computer Classes *Members Free* 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 10am - 12pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131




15 Saturday Dillard Univ Alumni

Assoc Houston Ch & The Metropolitian CME The Dillard University Concert Choir of New Orleans 8955 S. Frwy Houston, TX 77074 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (713)376-3364

Saturday Houston Museum African-American Culture Definition of A Party 4807 Caroline St Houston, TX 77004 Beginning at 8pm For more info contact: (713) 526-1015 Tuesday-Thursday Acres Home Library After School Zone 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Sunday First Baptist Church of Lincoln City FBC Praise Dancers 844 Fortune St Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 11:30am For more info contact: (832) 892-5078


Mar. 25- Mar. 27 Tuesday-Thursday Acres Home Library After School Zone 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700


Thursday Acres Home Library Computer Help 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 11:30am For more info contact: (832)393-1700 Thursday Houston Museum African-American Culture “Hip-Hop: Beyond Beats & Rhymes” 4807 Caroline St Houston, TX 77004 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (713) 526-1015





Thursday Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Business Network Meeting *Members Free* 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 5:30 - 7pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131

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Tuesday Our Mother of Mercy Parish Civil Rights Class 4000 Sumpter St Houston, TX 77020 From 7pm - 8pm For more info contact: (281)704-6655

20 Thursday Acres Home Library Social Networking 8501 W. Montgomery Rd Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (832)393-1700

Mar. 20 - Apr. 14

Thursday - Monday Ensemble Theatre By The Way, Meet Vera Stark 3535 Main St Houston, TX 77002 *Various Showtimes* For more info contact: (713)520-0055

Silver Anniversary 25 thAnnual Awards Banquet Friday, March 28, 2014 7pm-9pm Beulah Ann Shepard Building

6112 Wheatley Street • Houston, Texas 77091


Tuesday Our Mother of Mercy Parish Civil Rights Class 4000 Sumpter St Houston, TX 77020 From 7pm - 8pm For more info contact: (281)704-6655

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American News&Issues

Educati n/Y uth

Texas • March 3-9, 2014

Take Control of Destiny

Youth Praise Al Sharpton for Grooming Minds to Believe in Self

Young Men’s College Prep Academy

Miller Intermediate

Challenge Early College

O’Donnell Middle School

HOUSTON- When Challenge High Seniors Kyle Miller and Mia Delafuente met Civil Rights Activist and Icon Al Sharpton it was a life changing experience they said they would never forget. Sharpton appeared before an audience of 200 middle and high school students and Houston Community College students at its West Loop Campus to motivate them to look inside themselves to discover their talents and strengths and find the power to follow through to success. It was needed words for Miller who is growing up in a single parent home and struggling to persevere and overcome the odds and feeling of rejection by a parent. "My dad is not in my life like I would like him to be," the 17-year old said. "I really identified with Mr. Sharpton because his life was a lot like mine and now meeting him and hearing his story has reignited me to believe in myself, my dream and my ability to get things done for me." Sharpton spoke to students from the Miller Intermediate School, Young Men's College Preparatory School, O'Donnell Middle School and Challenge Early College High School and the HCC Minority Male TX-8

Initiative Men of Honor. Sharpton shared an emotional message of growing up poor in a single parent home without a father, but stressed that it is important to learn that having the odds against you does not mean life is over or that you have to throw in the towel on yourself. He also talked about the importance for minority students to get a complete education that rounds out and prepares the whole man to compete and be successful. Miller will be attending West Virginia University and plans to study Business Management and International Business. "Discipline yourself ... Never

HCC Men of Honor Male Initiative

drop out, make excuses or settle for anything less that your best," he said. "Set your goals, don't give up on you. Do what must be done ... It is about you proving what you can do yourself for yourself." Sharpton is a great orator and nationally known activist from New York City who became famous in the 1980’s for his protests on police brutality and racial injustice. Today, Sharpton promotes a modern civil rights agenda that advocates one standard of justice, decency and equal opportunities for all people, regardless of race, religion nationality or gender. He shared several stories of

challenges he faced getting an education and fighting for acceptance in a American society still having difficulty treating African-Americans equal and with genuine respect. He also expressed deep concerns to youth about how many youth fall into the traps of despair and bow to hopelessness and defeat before giving themselves a chance to develop their skills to full potential. For 18-year old Delefuente, having someone who understands and identifies with youth and the challenges for the education of minority students in American society is impressive. "I am at a crossroad in my life

where I must go into the uncertainty of adulthood," she said. "This is my life. He helped me understand that I must never give up on myself, believe in myself now and know that I am pushing myself forward to my goal." Delefuente has a dream of attending the University of Texas at Tyler and studying nursing specializing in being a midwife. For 11-year old Yakaira Lewis of Miller Intermediate School, Sharpton spoke directly to her heart and caused her to recommit to staying focused on her educational goal. "A lot of people when through a lot of stuff for us to be here," she said. "This has helped me understand that education is valuable and I have to push myself ahead so that I can make a difference and help others too." Bryan Rudder, 14, who attends O'Donnell, but hails from Brooklyn, N.Y., said he knows how easy it can be to be claimed by the streets and understands how tempting it can be to quit. To continue reading “Destiny” visit Story By: Darwin Campbell, African-American News&Issues


Texas • March 3-9, 2014

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University of Texas and NFL Running Back Hall of Famer Earl Campbell

DALLAS – Today, the Arthritis Foundation named the University of Texas and NFL Running Back Hall of Famer Earl Campbell as the 2014 Official Hero of the Texas Walk to Cure Arthritis Series. In his new role, Campbell will lend his support to the Arthritis Foundation’s statewide signature events to be held in Austin (4/26), D/FW (5/3), Houston (5/3) and San Antonio (5/17). The Texas Walks will be four of more than 130 similar events across the nation in recognition of National Arthritis Month in

May. The Walks unite these major Texas cities to put an end to arthritis, a chronic disease that affects 53 million adults in the U.S., four million Texans and more than 25,000 children across the state. They also feature family festivities, food, entertainment, a pet-friendly environment and loads of fun! “Earl has a huge heart for Texas communities and it’s only fitting as one of the state’s leading sports legends that he join the Arthritis Foundation to help spread the word about the impact arthritis has on so many people by sharing his own personal experience,” said Susan Carter, Chief Executive Officer, Arthritis Foundation South Central Region. Throughout his football career, Campbell was always known for his ability to sustain a hit. And while this led to amazing success - first as a linebacker in his early playing days and later as a running back at John Tyler High School, the University of Texas at Austin and the Houston Oilers - the punishment his body received on the football field ultimately took its toll. Since retiring from football in 1985, Campbell has suffered from severe osteoarthritis in his

Fact Sheet about Arthritis What is arthritis?

Arthritis is an umbrella term encompassing more than 100 conditions affecting joints and connective tissue. As there are different types of arthritis, there is no uniform set of symptoms. In general, arthritis and other related conditions are characterized by pain and stiffness in and around joints. Symptoms can develop gradually or they can appear suddenly. Conditions are clinically diagnosed by assessing medical history, symptoms and laboratory studies.

Who is affected?

Arthritis affects one in five

adults in the United States This equates to an estimated 52.5 million adults. Projections estimate this figure will rise to 67 million by the year 2030. Two-thirds of people with arthritis are younger than age 65. A greater proportion of Caucasians (22%) report doctor-diagnosed arthritis than Hispanics (16%). However, Hispanics and African-Americans report higher rates of activity limitations and severe pain in comparison to Caucasians.

What is the impact of arthritis?

Activity limitations are com-

knees, feet and back. He’s gone through more surgeries than he can count, including two knee replacements. But he’s happy to report these days he isn’t sidelined by arthritis. Thanks to new medications and regular work outs in the UT weight room, Campbell has ditched his wheel chair and now has real hopes of playing nine holes of golf again. “Arthritis is terribly misunderstood. No one talks about it, and most just shrug it off as something inevitable that happens as they age. We need people to understand the impact arthritis has on the young and old alike, and there’s no one better to command an ear than Earl Campbell,” said Carter, “Earl has graciously agreed to step up and help us get the dialogue started. He is a true hero in so many ways, but using his voice in this manner will impact the lives of thousands of people at risk for and living with arthritis.” Today, Campbell is thankful for greater mobility and wants to make sure no one is limited by arthritis, our nation’s number one cause of disability. That’s why he’s joined forces with the Arthritis Foundation’s Walk to Cure Arthritis and formed mon: over 22.7 million adults experience limitations in everyday activities due to arthritis. Among adults with doctordiagnosed arthritis, many report significant limitations in vital activities: walking 1/4 mile - 6 million stooping/ bending/ kneeling 8 million climbing stairs - 5 million social activities such as church and family gatherings - 2 million One quarter of adults with doctor diagnosed arthritis report severe pain in the last 30 days. Arthritis commonly occurs with and can complicate the management of other chronic diseases More than half the people

EARL’S DREAM TEAM. CALL TO ACTION “Arthritis affects people of all ages from nine months to 90 years of age, and the debilitating symptoms are devastating," said Carter. "We are encouraging everyone throughout the state of Texas to join EARL’S DREAM TEAM to help the millions of children and adults living in disabling pain. And we invite those who live in and around Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston and San Antonio to sign up and participate in this year's Texas Walk to Cure Arthritis Series.” According to the Arthritis Foundation, there are three simple ways for individuals to join EARL’S DREAM TEAM: Form your own team of family members, co-workers and friends as part of EARL’S DREAM TEAM, and fundraise to help find a cure and end the pain of arthritis. Join EARL’S DREAM TEAM as an individual and fundraise to help find a cure and end the pain of arthritis. Donate to EARL’S DREAM TEAM to help find a cure and end the pain of arthritis. To join Earl’s Dream Team, or to learn more, register or

with heart disease and diabetes also have arthritis. People with heart disease or diabetes in conjunction with arthritis are more likely to be inactive than people with none or just one of those conditions. Nearly one-third (30%) of obese Americans have arthritis; the combination of obesity and arthritis makes them 44% more likely to be inactive.

What is the cost to society?

Total cost attributable to arthritis was estimated at $128 Billion in 2003, $81 Billion in direct medical expenses, and $47 Billion in indirect costs such as lost wages. Arthritis is the most common cause of disability among adults

make a donation online, visit: earlcampbell/ Earl Campbell is an excellent source for a story about: • Former athlete affected by arthritis • The challenges of living with arthritis • Turning around a challenging situation into something positive About the Arthritis Foundation Striking one in every five adults and 300,000 children, arthritis is the nation’s leading cause of disability. The Arthritis Foundation ( is committed to raising awareness and reducing the unacceptable impact of this serious and painful disease, which can severely damage joints and rob people of living life to its fullest. The Foundation funds life-changing research that has restored mobility in patients for more than six decades; fights for health care policies that improve the lives of the millions who live with arthritis; and partners with families to provide empowering programs and information. Photo Credit: Courtney Prinzo Photography

in the United States. Arthritis causes work limitations for 30% of working age people with the condition. An estimated 8.8 million working Americans report work limitations. Arthritis negatively impacts the ability of American adults ≥45 years old to volunteer (or do unpaid work outside of their home). 41% of people with arthritis (4.9 million) who volunteer reported arthritis impedes their ability to volunteer. 27% (6.8 million) of people with arthritis who do not volunteer cited arthritis as their main barrier to doing so. Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention TX-9


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Texas • March 3-9, 2014

“Son of God” Movie Stirs Emotions, Self Reflection, & Answers for a Trouble World

Pastor Keion Henderson

HUMBLE- For 18-year old Ja'Torrie Dickerson watching the first screening of the “Son of God” movie was a time of self reflection and rededication. The realism of the life, times and horrors of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ not only spilled out from the screen and touched her, but also caused a wave of emotions to fill the room with crying, sniffles, sobbing and tears. “This was real to me and ties into my life and with what I have learned about Jesus,” she said. “It makes you look at your self honestly and lets me know that choices do matter in life.” Dickerson said her plans are to recommend people see the film because it can change a person's life. The screening of “Son of God” was part of a exclusive initiative by Senior Pastor Keion Henderson of The LightHouse Church in Texas and 20th Century Fox. “We are in love with promoting this movie,” Henderson said. “It not only helps bring people closer to God, but in some cases, reintroduces them to God.” Producer and actress Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel, The Bible) and Producer March Burnett (The Voice, Survivor, The Bible) was released the film to the public on Friday. “For people not fortunate enough to get on a plane and go to Jerusalem, I think that the movie does a great job of bringing Jerusalem into the TX-10

theater and into living rooms,” Henderson said. “Christians will benefit from seeing this movie.” Son of God “brings the story of Jesus' life to audiences through compelling cinematic storytelling that is both powerful and inspirational.” It is complete with on location flavor and dazzling visual effects. The film tells the story of Jesus' birth, his teachings, crucifixion and ultimate resurrection. It marks the first motion picture about Jesus’ life since Passion of the Christ, released ten years ago. “It really lets you know all he went through for me,” said Jason Graves, who attended the screening. “It is amazing that Jesus knows me and who I am and cares enough about me to have died like that. Even now he loves me, and that is hard to put into words.” Denise Tolliver of Spring said the movie made her really think about how good God is to all of us, despite mankind's appetite for sin, selfishness and violence in the world. Barbara Owens who was moved with emotion during the screening said she never seen anything so touching. Her words were the entire world needs to see the movie and at least come to know the real message of the savior. “It was excellent and phenomenal to witness this,” she said. “It brought the message home and all honor and blessing and glory to God for this movie. It let's me know just how good God is.” For Marquette Hall, the movie took her back and placed her walking with Jesus through every scene “It was phenomenal,” she said. “It made me feel like I went back in time and felt like I was there the whole time. There is a message in this for all. He did all that for us. How can it not mean anything to people.” Pastor Henderson said he

believes the impact of the movie will be that people will be able to take a visual journey and retrace the footsteps of Jesus. “A lot of people don't see the Bible in pictures, they see it in words,” he said. “I am a picture person ... and pictures have away of connecting, and so I think it is important for Christians and others to see this film so that they can see those words alive...” Henderson was shaped as a pastor at the Tree of Life Missionary Baptist Church in Gary, Indiana under the leadership of Dr. Cato Brooks Jr. On July 1995 , Henderson was called to the ministry at age 14. He organized New Horizon Baptist Church in Fort Wayne before coming to organize the LightHouse Church in Houston. The church has over 2,300 members and Henderson has preached the gospel in Europe, Africa and visited the Sea of Galilee, Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and other key Holy Land sites. He also was nominated for a CNN Heroes award in 2014. Henderson believes the file has great relevancy for youth and the church today. “It becomes relevant when people can see that he is real,” he said “...Being in the young generation and in age of social media, it is difficult to have respect for something you have not seen or experienced...” He compared seeing the movie to understanding the Civil Rights movement.. Youth and the younger generation must make a connection to it. “We were not there when there were segregated tables and not there when there were whites only and Black only water fountains.

Movie Clip: Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross to Golgatha Hill

To continue reading “Son of God” visit Cover Story by : Darwin Campbell, African-American News&Issues

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Texas HBCU Corner

Texas • March 3-9, 2014


American News&Issues


Support OUR Texas HBCUs! If WE don’t, then who will?

Texas Southern University Invests in America’s STEM Future $31 Million Spearman Technology Building Opens


ith the dedication and ribbon cutting ceremony of the Leonard H.O. Spearman Technology Building, Texas Southern University’s Board of Regents, administrators and faculty officially launched a $31 million investment in the University’s current and future STEM students. The 107,791-square-foot gem features the latest in technology for instruction and research, and will help to offset the inadequacy of STEM education for African American and Hispanic students, which currently has a negative impact on U.S. economic power.

Named after TSU’s fifth president, the Spearman Technology Building houses 35 state-of –the art labs, such as a full motion flight simulator lab, a vehicle emission testing lab, an air traffic control lab, a high performance computing lab, a construction lab, a Mini -TranStar lab, a driving simulation lab, two design labs, health and nuclear physics labs, a geotechnical/material testing lab, an environmental engineering lab, a wireless sensor networks lab, and various other engineering, physics, and computer science labs. The departments of Aviation Science and Technology, Computer Science,

Engineering Technology, Industrial Technology, Physics, and Transportation Studies academic programs will be housed in the building. “Technology is going to be a great part of creating jobs for TSU graduates,” said Dr. John Rudley, president of Texas Southern University. “This building, which is a great part of the legacy and vision of President Spearman, will not only be a place for students to train and study for the jobs of the future, but will provide them with the resources to participate in the research that our Provost [Dr. Sunny Ohia] is pushing for.” In addition to the labs, the facility is home to a new Tier 1 University Transportation Center, the Center for Transportation Training and Research, and the new National Science Foundation Center for Research on Complex Networks. Together with the Science Building, the Spearman Building forms a complex that brings all of the departments in the College of Science and Technology into one area of campus to better foster interdisciplinary research and learning. “I am so pleased to see this step in our college’s evolution,” said Lei Yu, dean of the College of Science and Technology. “As we build more interdisciplin-

ary programs that focus on incorporating technology and research into potential careers for students, the facilities in this building will be critical to our success.” State Senator Rodney Ellis; U.S. Congressman Al Green; former technology dean

and founder of the aviation science program, Naomi Lede; TSU Board of Regents; surviving family of Leonard H.O. Spearman; and other supporters of the College of Science and Technology were on hand and spoke at the dedication ceremony. Sin 19 ce 94

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American News&Issues

Texas • March 3-9, 2014

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