African-American News&Issues

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Vol. 18 Issue 50

Southeast Texas

“Your Money & Your Vote are the two most powerful things you have; Be careful who you give them to.” ~Roy Douglas Malonson, Publisher~

January 6-12, 2014 | FREE

The Law is Not Above the Law!

Senator John Whitmire, Dean of the Texas State Senate Photo Credit: Roger Jackson

See LAW pg. 4


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Senate Confirmation FHFA Director

Democrats have taken advantage of their weakening of filibusters and muscled through the Senate President Barack Obama’s pick to lead a housing regulation agency. By 57-41, senators confirmed Rep. Mel Watt to lead the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Obama nominated the North Carolina Democrat in May but he’s been in limbo ever since. Republicans have said he’s not qualified, while Democrats say the 21-year House veteran has the needed experience. Until recently, Watt’s nomination was blocked because Democrats needed 60 Senate votes to end a GOP filibuster. But last month, the chamber’s majority Democrats lowered that threshold to a simple majority. Also, the Senate confirmed another top Obama pick: Patricia Millett to join the powerful U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. “I applaud the Senate’s confirmation of Mel Watt as FHFA Director. As he has been in his community, the House

Honorable Marcia L. Fudge OH 11th Dist.

of Representatives and in the Congressional Black Caucus, Congressman Watt will be an exceptional leader of this agency, safeguarding policies that protect consumers and ensuring lender accountability. “Congressman Watt has a long history of advocating against predatory lending and the mortgage practices that caused millions of families to lose their homes. Through his leadership and with his vision for the FHFA and for this country, Watt will work to reverse the policies that have led to the disintegration of many neighborhoods across our nation. With today’s confirmation, the Senate took a critical step towards helping homeowners, and ensuring our nation stays on the path to economic recovery. “On behalf of the entire Congressional Black Caucus, I congratulate Congressman Watt and salute him for this significant accomplishment and his admirable public service career.”


Tell Everyone About the Affordable Care Act!

All of us must continue to support the Affordable Care Act and the opportunity that it provides for nearly six million Texans to purchase affordable health care coverage for the first time. The six month enrollment period ends in March and many of our friends, neighbors, and relatives who are eligible have not signed up. We must spread the word in our churches, our neighborhood association meetings, our social events, and even in our grocery stores that people can get coverage by utilizing the federally-run exchange in Texas. Twenty-six percent of all Texas residents lack health care coverage. This is the largest percentage in the country. The Affordable Care Act is a solution that allows our fellow Texans to get the coverage they need. Coverage of the uninsured is also in the best interest of those who already have coverage for themselves and their families. The cost of care rises for taxpayers when the uninsured and underinsured rely on emergency rooms for treatments that could have been avoided by preventive care with a primarycare physician. Enrollment figures have risen in states in which local

Additional Option for Some Consumers With Cancelled Plans Recently, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee announced that the Department of Health and Human Services has issued a clarification of the Affordable Care Act that provides that if someone’s health plan has been cancelled and they now face difficulties paying for a bronze, silver or gold health plan, they are temporarily eligible to buy a catastrophic plan through a hardship exemption to smooth their transition to coverage through the Marketplace. “This step by the Administration can be helpful for a certain group of consumers in our state of Texas,”


Texas • December 9-15, Texas January 6-12,2013 2014 Texas • •August 12-18, 2013

“I am glad that some consumers in our state whose plans were cancelled have an additional option of being eligible to purchase a catastrophic plan through a hardship exemption if they have found the other plans on the Marketplace unaffordable.” Under the Affordable Care Act, catastrophic plans are available on the Marketplace for those under age 30 and those who qualify for a hardship exemption. This new option clarifies that someone whose plan has been cancelled and is finding a bronze, silver, or gold plan

officials have worked with the federal government. For instance, Kentucky has witnessed increasing numbers of first-time enrollees. Governor Rick Perry, one of the harshest critics of the Affordable Care Act, refused to establish a state exchange, so the federal government established one for Texas residents. This refusal, coupled with the lost opportunity to expand Medicaid, cost Texas taxpayers tens of millions of dollars in additional funds that could be used to cover even more of the uninsured and underinsured. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius was in Dallas on December 20th to promote the Affordable Care Act. She urged Governor Perry to accept the expanded Medicaid funding and to support the Affordable Care Act. I am hopeful that Governor Perry will follow his fellow Republican governors in Florida, Arizona, Mississippi, New Mexico, and Ohio who once opposed the Affordable Care Act, but are now seeking ways in which their states can participate in various programs that the legislation offers. They realize that the law benefits their Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee TX 18th Dist.

unaffordable can be eligible for a hardship exemption. The premiums for catastrophic plans are on average about 20 percent less than premiums for other plans available on the Marketplace. HHS also has set up a separate hotline specifically targeted to help consumers who have received cancellations and are still looking for health plans. The hotline is 1-866-837-0677.

Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson TX 30th Dist.

constituents. The Affordable Care Act makes sense. It gives relief to families and businesses in Texas. It allows families to shop for plans that fit their individual needs. It even provides subsidies for those who can demonstrate that they have a financial need. It protects consumers from inflated deductibles and unreasonable co-pays. It allows students to remain on their family’s plans until they reach the age of 26. It takes the management of health care out of the hands of insurance companies, and places it in the hands of health care providers. While there have been some minor setbacks in the rollout of the website, the law is still effective and necessary in our country. Let’s all urge our friends, family, and neighbors to visit the website,, which is now running effectively.

R.D. Malonson S.A. Malonson Chandra Jarmon Bria Taylor-Johns Rebecca S. Jones Fred Smith

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Texas • January 6-12, 2014

Edit rial & Opini n

Sentencing Disparity On Its Way Out -- And It’s About Time Rev. Al Sharpton President, National Action Network

Somewhere in a U.S. prison today, a young Black man sits behind bars counting down the years, months and days till he sees freedom. After spending the better part of his adolescence locked away for cocaine distribution, he has become hardened and likely more dangerous while his White cellmate was released years prior for virtually the same crime. The difference? The Black kid sold crack and received a severe mandatory sentence, while the White kid distributed grams of loose cocaine for which there was no mandatory sentence. It should come as no surprise that this disparity between crack cocaine offenses and powdered cocaine offense has applied to different folks across unfortunate racial lines. President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder have quickly and diligently worked to reduce this inequity, and now they’re ready to take it one step further. In August of last year, President Obama signed into law the Fair Sentencing Act which tackled this inconsistency head on. Lowering the sentencing disparity from 100:1 to an 18:1 ratio, this law is a tremendous initial method of working towards a more just judicial system. But as AG Holder so eloquently stated, in order to promote public safety and public trust, this progressive legislation must be applied retroactively to the thousands already enduring harsh sentences for these low-level drug offenses.

Testifying before the U.S. Sentencing Commission in Washington, AG Holder not only stressed the significance of the Fair Sentencing Act that is now being implemented nationwide, but he also emphasized the urgent need to apply this law to prior cases. As the Associate Press reported, a year ago, a drug dealer caught with 50 grams of crack cocaine faced a mandatory 10 years in federal prison, but with this new rule, that time has been cut to as little as 5 years. If these new sentencing laws are in fact made retroactive, some 12,000 current inmates could see their time reduced by an average of three years. Holder added that this regulation wouldn’t apply to those individuals who used weapons in the commission of their offense or those that had extensive criminal records. We at National Action Network have been openly vocal about our objection towards drug sentencing inequality for some time now, and we are pleased that our president and AG Holder recognize the direct need to rectify this injustice. More than 60% of our prison population today is comprised of racial and ethnic minorities, and much of this is a direct result of the excessive mandatory penalties of the war on drugs according to The Sentencing Project. A shocking 3/4ths of all persons behind bars for drug offenses are people of color as the Project’s website states, and for Black males in their twenties, 1 in 8 is in jail on any given day. When such horrific stats continue to plague our society, and when there is a proven direct causal relation between harsh low-level drug sentences and incarceration rates among minorities, we must do something.

American News&Issues


“We MUST never forget slavery, lynching, Jim Crow Laws, the disrespect of the Black race and the first Black president.”

Who is Supposed to Police the Police?

“We’re not anti-police... we’re anti-police brutality.” This simple phrase was rendered by the Rev. Al Sharpton and I agree with him to the fullest extent. As it is, when we think of police men and women there is a certain level of expectation and civil commitment that we should feel a sense of protection, not fear. But, when the very ones who were sworn into a position to protect and serve residents and citizens has a reverse effect; it often leaves us wondering, “Who is supposed to police the police?” How is it that if we as citizens so much as touch a cop, then a sentence is imposed upon us which carries a penalty that extends to what seems like nearly life in prison? While on the other hand, a cop can unjustly, brutally beat and stomp members of the Black community and not be held accountable for any consequences as a result whatsoever? Where is the justice and equality? There have been instances where police officials have arrested, captured and handcuffed a criminal and even though the official may have had the situation under control, they still go above and beyond the call of duty. Prime example is the beating incident that occurred at Rice University against 37-year-old Ivan Joe Waller, who stole a “bait bike”

off of the campus; and was caught and subdued by Rice University Police officials and then brutally beaten. A situation I might add, which would never have been manifested had not there been someone within the university (who we will remain nameless), who could not fathom this cruel assault and sit quiet. In light of this event, I felt it necessary to expound on this topic. However, I must state that I am proud that Senator John Whitmire has vowed to take a stand in this issue and is doing what he can to combat situations and incidents such as these. We MUST Understand that, enough is enough! And it is time that the individuals who are supposed to enforce the law, are abiding by them. I believe that it is time to make these individuals accountable for their actions; lest more members from the Black community and others like it face the same pitfalls. Now, it is one thing to wrestle with someone at an attempt to defend one’s self, but when someone is already restrained, exactly what is the purpose? It is sad to state, but many of these police authorities abuse the authority and power that has been entrusted to them. Ironically, there is a mission statement that has been adopted and passed down by police forces throughout the nation

- Roy Douglas Malonson

We MUST Understand By Roy Douglas Malonson, Publisher

which states to, ‘protect and serve’. While it does sound really nice and looks really good when displayed; I often wonder exactly who are these menaces with legalized guns and badges out to really protect and serve? It never ceases to amaze me the amount of uniformed corruption that goes on within the very walls of those responsible for serving the public. Furthermore, I don’t know how true it is, but I heard that the KKK decided to trade in their white sheets and robes for police badges and robes. Although it may be hearsay the actions and demonstrations that have been exemplified from authority figures have surely given it a valid basis regardless of its validity. Concluding, I do have one question as it relates to the matter. If the individuals who vow to protect and serve are not holding true to their obligation, which holds them liable and responsible for protecting and serving the public; who then is responsible for protecting the public from them? At the end of the day, all I am stating is that even the police needs to be policed!!

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American News&Issues


Ivan Joe Waller

HOUSTON - An excerpt retrieved from John W. Whitehead’s book entitled, A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State expresses the following. “While the use of non-lethal weapons such as tasers and LEDI’s may not necessarily reduce the number of civilian casualties, they have been largely accepted as the humane alternative to deadly force because they make the use of force appear far less dramatic and violent than it has in the past. In contrast, for instance, the image of police officers beating Rodney King with billy clubs as opposed to police officers continually shocking a person with a taser. Both are severe forms of abuse. However, because the act of pushing a button is far less dramatic and visually arresting than swinging a billy club, it can come across as much more humane to the general public. This, of course, draws much less media coverage and, thus, less bad public relations for the police.” This thought is synonymous with the outraged Senator John Whitmire, who is noted as the longest-serving of current members of the Texas State Senate representing District 15; inclusive with majority of the northern territory of Houston. This district is one that he has effectively served in and represented for at least three decades. Senator Whitmire has taken a special interest in the matter of

TX- 4

the brutal and horrendous beating of 37-year-old, Ivan Joe Waller by three Rice University police officials. In August, Ivan Joe Waller was arrested for stealing a “bait bike” off of the campus of Rice University; which was a part of a “sting operation”. Consequently, three police officers from the Rice University Police Department not only arrested but literally struck Waller repeatedly while he was already handcuffed and not resisting arrest. One individual noted that she counted at least 49 strikes by police officers within the 90-second clip of the video that was released. Though records indicate that Waller does have a lengthy criminal history, legislators and activists all agree that his actions does not excuse nor justify, blatant police brutality. These allegations may easily be verified by previewing an excerpt from the video that has left many members from the Black community wondering, “when will it end?” Activist Deric Muhammad offered a statement regarding the matter as he stated, “Being a fitness enthusiast, I have had run-ins with Rice University police in the past when I exercised there. I found them to be very overzealous. They want the same prestige as a regular cop with a dangerous beat, but without the real danger. I don’t fault them for trying to catch an alleged thief, but they did not have to “Rodney King” him. He was a “bicycle thief” - not a manslaughter suspect. I say if RUPD officers want the respect of real cops they should have to turn over their dash-cam videos like real cops!” Ultimately, Waller did plead guilty to the theft misdemeanor and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. He has since filed a complaint with the Civil Rights Division of the Harris County District Attorney’s Office. While the incident occurred in August, it did not surface to the media until over three months later. Leaving many curious as to how

Cover Story

many instances such as these have happened and have went unnoticed and undocumented. As it relates to the Rice University Police Department, the university’s website gives an insight into the history of its origination. Accordingly it states that, “Prior to becoming the Rice University Police Department, the Rice University Security Department was organized in July of 1967. In 1969, legislation was passed through the Texas Legislature allowing private universities to create a Police Department and hire licensed police officers. In 1970, RUPD came into existence.” During an interview Senator Whitmire expressed that the problem with private entities such as these, is that they do not feel that they are accountable and are exempt from open record laws. This, he further suggested creates a major problem that he has already begun to address and speak out about. Rice University has refused to comply with requests under the Texas Public Information Act to release the entire video or the mug shot from the arrest, claiming that the information is private. Although, Rice University is considered a private entity, Whitmire shared that the university receives state funding and is licensed by the state as well. To that regard, KPRC-TV exposed that the university, “receives millions in state funding, including $7.4 million from the scandalplagued Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas in 2012, and students are eligible for state-funded financial aid programs.” Thus, “they should be held accountable and investigated by the Commissioner and Law Enforcement agencies” Whitmire added. As the interview continued, it was quite clear that the Senator could not silently contain his discontent regarding the entire ordeal. The more he spoke of and divulged

Texas 2013 Texas••August January12-18, 6-12, 2014

his knowledge on the assault his face turned a fiery red, which spoke volumes as to how he absolutely did not approve of the careless and inhumane treatment imposed upon Waller. Though he made no justification and in no means upheld the initial criminal actions committed by Waller; the Senator did reveal that the vicious assault did not warrant that of which he received. Senator Whitmire shared that the intended purpose of the use of the baton is supposed to serve as an intimidation tactic. As such, “police officers are taught that striking an individual with a baton should be done no more than two or three times; and anything beyond that is considered excessive – and besides that most police officers use tasers and pepper spray anyway instead of a baton”. He continued to state, “I am elated to know that the District Attorney’s office has launched an

investigation into this matter and we can only wait and see the final determination.” However, if he doesn’t feel that the appropriate actions have been taken, Whitmire assured that he will handle it in Austin. Tentatively, the Senator intends to, “tighten current laws and create new ones that will allow these private institutions to be subject to state investigation – because something has to be done!” While several attempts to contact the authoritative officials from Rice University in reference to this situation were made; all efforts proved to be unsuccessful. Therefore, African-American News&Issues both thanks and salutes Senator John Whitmire, for being a consistent and dependable voice for the members of the African-American community and those of whom he represents. Cover Story By: Rebecca Jones Photo Credit: Harris County Sheriff Office

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Texas •January 6-12, 2014

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Xi Alpha Omega Chapter Host 3rd Annual Mother and Daughter Tea

Raven Jackson

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.-Xi Alpha Omega Chapter Emerging Young Leaders at Mother and Daughter Tea

“Celebrating the Splendor of the Season with Emerging Young Leaders (EYL)” was the holiday theme of the 3rd Annual Mother and Daughter tea hosted by Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. - Xi Alpha Omega Chapter. The event was recently held at the historic Trinity United Methodist Church located in Houston’s Third Ward. This event marks the third time that Xi Alpha Omega Chapter has hosted this educational and cultural event for girls only. According to EYL Chapter Chair and Chair of the Mother and Daughter Tea Ms. Jacqueline Davis-Gilmore, “Xi Alpha Omega Chapter has made this a service project dedicated to serving girls throughout

communities. Since 2010, we have hosted this event for girls at Ross Sterling Middle School in Humble, Texas, James D. Ryan Middle School and for girls and parents who express an interest in participating and learning. While the weather did not cooperate, everyone had a wonderful time as we learned the history of teas among the African-American culture, customs and the importance of understanding basic etiquette and self-esteem for girls which is significant”. Receiving a standing ovation was the lovely and multi-talented Raven Jackson, a 4th grader at The Rice School. Raven performed an inspirational praise dance to “Encourage Yourself”.

Raven serves as the President of the National Junior Achievers (NJA) for the National Women of Achievement, Inc. Raven will travel to Washington, D.C. where she will represent youth everywhere on behalf of Positive Black Males of Houston. Raven and her mother, Ms. Deborah Manning are both members of South Union Baptist Church and both are members of the National Women of Achievement, Inc. - Missouri City Chapter. While everyone was adorned in their holiday colors, mothers and daughters were treated to holiday gifts while being served sandwiches, hot tea and an assortment of desserts, fruits and vegetables. Special guest included Ms. Kandice Martin,

a former EYL participant, now a student at Lamar High School in Houston, Texas and members of the National Women of Achievement, Inc.-Houston Chapter who serve as partners with Xi Alpha Omega Chapter’s EYL Signature Program. The “Emerging Young Leaders” (EYL) is the 20102014 Signature Program of the International President of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Carolyn House Stewart. Consisting of four AKAdemies, the program is designed to extend the vision of the sorority by cultivating and encouraging high scholastic achievement through: 1) Leadership Development, 2) Educational Enrichment, 3) Civic

The objective of this series of articles is to enable its reader to learn the basic laws, rights and rules of conduct one should know to avoid incarceration and reduce the chances of recidivism. Of course it is impossible to eliminate the occurrence of arrests for that is beyond one ultimate control; an officer can and may arrest you improperly if he/ she chooses, and there is nothing one can do without the risk of injury or loss of life. The judicial system may provide vindication at some later date. Notwithstanding, to be Forewarned is

to be Forearmed. To know the basic functions of the Criminal Justice system, your rights and certain rules of conduct may greatly enhance ones chances of successfully negotiating the system and remaining free. Search Incident to Arrest: A search is not supportable as incident to an arrest if it precedes the arrest and serves as part of the justification for the arrest however the search may precede formal arrest if probable cause to arrest already existed. A search of the site of the arrest that occurs substantially after the completion of the arrest is not supportable as incident to the arrest . A search of the person may occur as an incident of a routine booking

procedure rather than at the site of the arrest. Although the police may generally conduct a complete search of an arrested person, it is not permissible to routinely strip search all arrestees, without regard to the severity of the charge or without any individualized suspicion regarding possession of weapons or contraband. A warrant is usually required for any intrusion into the human body. Officers are entitled to search the area within the arrestee’s immediate control for weapons or evidence but this right to search immediate area exists only when circumstances to support belief that arrestee armed. An officer may make a quick and lim-

ited visual inspection of those places where a person might be hiding for the purpose of protecting the safety of the officer or others . Generally, the suspect’s house may not be searched when an arrest occurs outside of the home . However, an arrest that is made near the house may permit a cursory check of the residence if there is reason to believe there are persons inside the residence who may pose a danger . Areas of residence arrestee requested permission to enter. An officer may accompany an arrestee into any areas of a residence that the arrestee has asked permission to enter before being taken into custody, and any contraband observed in such areas may be seized.

Criminal LawPart III

Engagement, and 4) Character Building. The “Emerging Young Leaders Program” will develop skills and talents of middle school girls (grades 6, 7 and 8) with potential for becoming leaders within their local communities, as well as in other venues. Some of the activities that Xi Alpha Omega Chapter’s EYL Program coordinates and participates in has been the traveling to The Ensemble Theatre to see the stage play “Cinderella”, Shape Community Center, serving the elderly and veterans and participating in the First Annual “Just 4 Us Girls S.T.E.M. Conference. Story & Photo Credit: Jacqueline Davis-Gilmore

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1 6/21/2013 9:30:31 AM










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Texas • January 6 - 12, 2014


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Texas • January 6 - 12, 2014


Jan. 7 - Jan. 9 Tuesday - Thursday Antioch MBC Simultaneous Revival 5902 Beall St Houston, TX 77091 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (713)692-5333 Thursday

9Ruby Mosley

AHCC Board Member Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Networking Luncheon 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 11am -12:30pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131

Jan. 9 - Jan. 10 Thursday - Friday G.W. Carver HS Performing Arts Dept. “In the Heights” 2100 South Victory St Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 7pm For more info contact: (281) 878-0310


Thursday - Monday MLK Community Festival Midtown - Houston San Jacinto @ Elgin Beginning at 12pm - 11pm For more info contact: (713) 953-1633


Friday Antioch MBC 18th Annual Gardere MLK Jr. Oratory Final Competition 500 Clay St Houston, TX 77002 From 10am - 12:30pm For more info contact: (713) 867-3248

What’s Happenin’ in 2014

Saturday Toyota 13th Annual MLK Battle of the Bands 13755 S. Main St Houston, TX 77035 From 4pm - 8pm For more info contact: 713-953-1633


Saturday Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Digital Computer Classes *Members Free* 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 10am - 12pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131 Saturday G.W. Carver HS Performing Arts Dept. “In the Heights” 2100 South Victory St Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 4pm For more info contact: (281) 878-0310


Post Your Event Here!


Jan. 16 - Jan. 20


Sunday First Baptist Church FBC Praise Dancers 844 Fortune St Houston, TX 77088 Beginning at 11:30am For more info contact: (832) 892-5078

Monday Antioch MBC Dr. MLK Jr. Celebration 5902 Beall St Houston, TX 77091 Beginning at 11am & 7pm For more info contact: (713)692-5333

25 Saturday New Mt. Olive BC

American News&Issues

Prayer Breakfast 4706 E. Mt. Houston Rd Houston, TX 77093 Beginning at 8am For more info contact: (713)306-5020


Saturday 100 Black Men Casino Couture 220 Main St Houston, TX 77002 From 8pm - 1am For more info contact:

Jan. 30 - Feb. 23 Thursday - Sunday Ensemble Theatre The Meeting 3535 Main St Houston, TX 77002 *Various Showtimes* For more info contact: (713)520-0055


1 Saturday Houston S.H.O.P.

Houston Creole Heritage Festival Mardi Gras Parade 1400 McKinney St Houston, TX 77010 From 9am - 10pm For more info contact:

Thursday 6 Charles A.

McClelland Jr. Chief of HPD Acres Home Chamber for Bus. & Eco. Dev, Inc. Networking Luncheon 6112 Wheatley St Houston, TX 77091 From 11am -12:30pm For more info contact: (713) 692-7161 Fax: (713) 691-7131


Friday Theatrical Presentation: “God’s Army...The Fighting AME of St. Paul” 1554 Gears Road Houston, TX 77067 Beginning at 7:30pm For more info contact: (832) 722-1905


Feb. 8 - Feb. 9

Saturday - Sunday St. Paul AME Church Celebrating 145 years of spiritual contributions to Houston! Exhibition 1554 Gears Road Houston, TX 77067 (2/8/14) From 10am - 5pm (2/9/14) From 1pm - 5pm Free Admission For more info contact: Dr. Linda Robinson (832) 722-1905


Saturday New Mt Olive BC Workshop 4706 E. Mt. Houston Rd Houston, TX 77093 Beginning at 6pm For more info contact: (713) 306-5020

Feb. 1 - Feb. 2 Saturday - Sunday

Houston S.H.O.P. Houston Creole Heritage Festival Mardi Gras Parade 6320 Madden Rd Houston, TX 77048 (2/1/14) From 6pm - 2am (2/2/14) From 10am - 12am For more info contact:

Feb. 4 - Feb. 5

Tuesday - Wednesday Johnson-Phillip All Faiths Chapel Annual’s Ministers Conference Opal Johnson Smith Auditorium Prairie View, TX 77446 Beginning at 9:30am For more info contact: (936) 261-3590

Email your Community Event information to 2 weeks in advance HOU-7



American News&Issues


HUD AWARDS TEXAS HOUSING AUTHORITIES OVER $3.5 MILLION FORT WORTH – The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded 32 Texas Housing Authorities a total of $3,581,481 in grants to help residents receiving housing assistance gain access to education, job training and employment opportunities. Nearly $57 million is being distributed nationally. HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher Family Self-Sufficiency Program (HCV-FSS) helps public housing authorities across the country to hire or retain more than one thousand service coordinators who will work directly with families to connect them to the supportive services that meet their individual needs and to become gainfully employed. See grantee funding below. “This is a modest investment that can make a world of difference for families looking to find their path to self-sufficiency,” said HUD Regional Administrator Trammye Treviño. “As America’s economy continues to recover, it’s critical that we work to make sure every American has the skills and resources they need to successfully compete for jobs in the 21st Century.” The service coordinators retained or hired through these programs work

directly with residents to connect them with local organizations that provide education and job training and placement opportunities; as well as childcare, counseling, transportation and computer and financial literacy services available in their community. Both programs encourage innovative strategies that link public housing and Housing Choice Voucher assistance with other resources to enable participating families to find employment; increase earned income; reduce or eliminate the need for rental and/or welfare assistance; and make progress toward achieving economic independence and housing self-sufficiency. Participants sign a five-year contract that requires the head of the household to obtain employment and no longer receive welfare assistance at the end of the five-year term. As the family’s income rises, a portion of that increased income is deposited in an interest-bearing escrow account. If the family successfully completes its FSS contract, the family receives the escrow funds that it can use for any purpose, including paying educational expenses, starting a business or paying debts.

Texas • January 6-12, 2014


‘Lone Survivor’ laces action with moral questions that haunt and provoke. Ben Foster, Emile Hirsch and Taylor Kitsch add to the impact.” Peter Travers


Brilliantly acted and directed.”

Pete Hammond, MOVIELINE

EXTRAORDINARY “The most extraordinary war film since ‘Saving Private Ryan.’” Bill Simmons, GRANTLAND



The African-American Finacial Experience: The Research 20113-2014 Prudential Research

A recent study shows 1,153 Americans who identify as AfricanAmerican or Black and 471 general population Americans on a broad range of financial topics. The findings are representatives of the population described above, subject to a margin of sampling error of (+/-) 5% for African-Americans and (+/-) 6% for the general population. In 2013, we enhanced the methodology of our inaugural African-American. Financial Experience study to reach a broader section of the community, including non-Internet households. The primary sample source was the GfK Knowledge Panel, which uses address-based sampling covering 98% TX-8

of the U.S. population. Sampled nonInternet households receive a netbook and free Internet service to ensure broad coverage. A small portion of respondents earning $75,000 or more in annual household income came from online research panels where consumers opt in to take surveys. The results were calibrated for differences in sampling method and weighted according to the U.S. Census. GfK Custom Research, Inc. conducted the research with the support of Stanton Adams Consulting, an African American- and woman-owned consulting firm specializing in diversity and inclusion.





HONOR THOSE WHO SERVE at “People pay for what they do, and still more for what they have allowed themselves to become. And they pay for it very simply; by the lives they lead.” -James Baldwin


Texas • January 6-12, 2014

Educati n/Y uth

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HEB Honors Lucas PreK with Grant

Recently Lucas Pre-K Center of Beaumont ISD was named the winner of the Read 3 School Book Drive Challenge for the Houston Region by H-E-B stores. This is the inaugural year that H-E-B held this contest and Lucas Pre-K donated the most books per student in the region of all of the entries placed. A representative from H-E-B presented the school with a prize check of $1000.00 to be used for the campus’ literacy initiative of its choice during an assembly to honor them for their great effort. Photo Credit: Todd Madden

Houston Endowment released remaining $3 million in Apollo funds to HISD

Recently, Houston Endowment informed the Houston Independent School District that it will release a $3 million payment for the district’s Apollo school turnaround program.

The Foundation deferred the final payment on its three-year, $6 million grant to the HISD Foundation pending its review of the project’s third year report by Dr. Roland Fryer of Harvard University. HISD Superintendent Terry Grier launched the Apollo program three years ago to try to improve some of the district’s worst schools by replacing staff, hiring special tutors and extending class time. “We are grateful to Houston Endowment for their generous support of this transformational program,” said HISD Superintendent Terry Grier. “The progress we have made in closing the achievement gap in math at our Apollo schools would not have been possible

without their leadership and commitment.” Presented in November, Fryer’s report outlined the improved performance of students participating in the program at some of HISD’s lowestperforming campuses. Fryer’s data showed significant gains in math among both elementary and secondary Apollo students, with rapid progress made toward cutting the achievement gap in that subject, with the highest gains from students in fourth-, sixthand ninth-grades receiving daily math tutoring. It also showed a “small but positive” impact on reading scores, and indicated that while students of all ethnicities benefit from Apollo, the greatest gains were visible among Hispanic and low-income students. The effort has become a flash point, with a minority of the school board and some in the

community skeptical of the program’s success and the expense targeting a limited number of campuses. The program, in place at 20 of about 275 HISD schools, has

cost about $56 million, with most coming from federal funds and private donations, according to the latest district budget. HISD has spent about $8.5 million from its general fund.

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Fight for it!

Recently, Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church held a crossover 2013-2014 service. The New Year was brought in on a scripture that came from the book of Genesis 32:22-26. The message let the congregation know that they are in a warfare. There will be obstacles that will come about to cause a distraction, however, when there is something that you want in a positive light or if there is a need to stir away negativity, “Fight for it!” The production team arranged an amazing war scenery as the Praise Dance and Drama Team gave outstanding performances. Another joyous moment was a special “Happy Birthday” dedication to the First Lady Feletha Henderson. As the night came to a close, many accepted an invitation into discipleship. This was truly a blessed service! Mt. Olive MBC is under the leadership of Sr. Pastor Kelton Henderson who received his calling at the age of 9 and has been in ministry for 6 years at Mt. Olive MBC. Mt. Olive MBC is located at 3239 Areba Street Houston, Texas 77091. For more information on visiting the church or upcoming events and functions contact (713) 812-9061.

Religi n

Texas • January 6-12, 2014

First Lady Feletha Henderson & Sr. Pastor Kelton Henderson

(l-) Deginald Malone II, K’ayna Henderson, Garland Thompson Jr., Kason Clark, Kayla Watson Sin 19 ce 94

La Quinceanera Davion Botts

Brittanie Thompson

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By: Kristie Keene Photo Credit: Chandra Jarmon

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Yellow Quinceanera w/ Bouquet 8 1/2” tall

For more information 713-692-1195 6130 Wheatley Street Houston, Texas 77091

Texas HBCU Corner

Texas • January 6-12, 2014

Support OUR Texas HBCUs! If WE don’t, then who will?

“Sustaining Our Successors”

Marinda Fruge

HOUSTON - Marinda Frugѐ is the 2013-2014 Miss Texas Southern University. She is a junior, majoring in Accounting from Houston, Texas. Marinda aspires to be a lifetime mentor, as well as pursue a joint degree in the disciples of Juris Doctor (JD) and Master’s of Business Administration (MBA). Her

campus involvement includes serving as a member of the National Association of Black Accountants and the Collegiate Chapter of 100 Black Women. Marinda has achieved the following honors and awards: Thomas F. Freeman Honors Scholar; Jesse H. Jones School of Business Distinguished Scholar; President’s List Honor Roll; Miss Jesse H. Jones School of Business 2012-2013. In addition, she was also crowned Miss Black and Gold 2012-2013. During her reign as queen, Marinda’s platform is titled “S.O.S.” which stands for “Sustaining Our Successors.” Through this initiative she plans to build younger urban generations through mentoring and instilling the values of leadership, scholarship and giving back to the community.


American News&Issues


“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”

-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

A New World of Sounds

wearing a hearing aid that enabled him to hear electronic voices that interpreted speech. At the end of the fall 2012 semester, Crockett, a Senior Management Information Systems Major, had a cochlear implant installed just behind his ear, enabling him to hear things he had never heard before, like the sound of windshield wipers on a car during rain or the low hum of an air conditioner. Tiivon Crocket “It was like waking up to a PRAIRE VIEW - As an world of new sounds,” said infant, Tiivon Crockett be- Crockett. During his holiday break, came sick and was stricken Crockett had a second imwith a high fever. After rebounding from the illness, plant installed and it will be his mother noticed that there activated just before the start was a negative change in his of the spring 2014 semester. “I believe I’m going to behavior. An audiologist confirmed get 100% hearing because God is on my side,” Crockett that Crockett was nearly said. completely deaf. He began









American News&Issues

Texas • January 6-12, 2014

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