Vol 27 Issue 29

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August 7, 2022


African-American News&Issues

Vol. 27, Issue 29

We the People

Corrupted preachers and the miseducated negro are very dangerous people.

“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”

- Roy Douglas Malonson

The African American Library Cont. on Pg. 3

Back to School Pg.5

Cancer Cluster in 5th Ward And Kashmere Gardens Pg. 4


August 7, 2022


President/Chief Editor

Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.: Editor Nick Jones: Afram TV Tristar: Layout Design


A Revival of God

Consciousness Bobby Mills, Phd

Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


Can I Change My Mind? “Can I change my mind” is the title of a Rhythm and Blues single recorded by Tyrone Davis, February 1, 1969, replacing Marvin Gaye’s “I Heard It Through The Grape Vine.” Question: what changed Senator Joseph Manchin’s mind? Was it for the love of Country and West Virginians or was it because of personalized inducements? Nevertheless, thank God for the changing of a mindset! America, without a doubt, God knows the beginning and the end, and even in the Sodom and Gomorrah spiritual scenario in the Bible, God allowed Abraham to change his numerical declaration from fifty righteous individuals all the way down to ten. Of course, Abraham searched and searched for ten righteous individuals for God to spare the city from Armageddon destruction. The rest of the story you know, Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed, because of sin. God told Lot and his family “Don’t Look Back” at sin, but Lot’s wife did not have enough FAITH to not look back,

and God allowed the devil to turned her into a pillar of salt: Genesis, Chapter 19. The devil does not care how individuals die, he only desires hell, destruction, and death by any means necessary. Thus: “As it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2: 9). Senator Schumer is obviously a much better America-first democratic statesman than is “Make America Great Mitchell McConnell”: Trump’s Grand Reaper. The Build Back Better compromise called the “Inflation Reduction Act Of 2022” is a historic climate, healthcare price reduction, jobs, and social Justice bill. The Schumer and Manchin Build Back Better compromise bill while scaled down will make a significant difference in the quality of life of Americans, and at the same time, have a positive quality of life impact on the price of prescription drugs, climate change and inflationary factors. It’s been a long time coming, but it seems as though a change is on the horizon.

For more visit aframnews.com

Think About It By Dr. John E. Warren

Monkeypox, Covid, and Your Vote Well, Monkeypox is the latest distraction, right after Covid. As serious as both of these are in the pandemic arena, they both can be distractions from many of the everyday issues so many of us contend with like food, housing, employment, and health care. But in the midst of all these, let us not forget that how we vote has much to do with the quality of life we experience in all the areas mentioned here and many more.

We are only about 90 days away from the Midterm elections in this nation which take place the first Tuesday in November. It is no accident that we are not seeing much, if any, local media discussion other than our own. Unfortunately, we don’t have many choices. While the Democrats under President Biden have not delivered on Voting Rights, The George Floyd Act, or John Lewis; Biden and the Democratic control of both the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate remain better alternatives than the Republican Trump-supporting candidates running for office in just about all states.

For more visit aframnews.com

We are looking for community and Black history writers

from all over the Houston area (Acreage Homes, Independent Heights, Third Ward, Fifth Ward, Missouri City, Piney Point, Carverdale, Bordersville, North Forest, and all other Black communities) that can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. Please send your inquiries to news@aframnews.com.


August 7, 2022



The African American Library By: Crystal LaShan

Preserving African American History is vital in America because our history was distorted, not valued, nor protected for so long. Creating a space for archiving our past is essential to telling and preserving African American history, stories, and memories in the Houston community, our nation, and the world. The Houston community is blessed with the African American Library at the Gregory School to archive the history of African American Houstonians. It is a branch of the Houston Public Library (HPL) in the Fourth Ward. The African American Library at the Gregory School is the city’s first library to focus on African American history and culture. The library features galleries, an oral history recording, and reading rooms. There was $11 million given from the federal community development block grants and construction funds from HPL, and the City of Houston financed

the renovation of the Gregory facility. The building was initially used as the Edgar M. Gregory School, a K-8 school of the Houston Indepen-

of Jack Yates, other ministers, and the Christian Missionaries were celebrating our newfound freedom, rebuilding our culture, and ensuring

Freedmen’s Town. In 1870, the Texas Legislature authorized the creation of public schools for Freedmen’s Town, and by 1872, bureau

army in the U.S. Civil War and the assistant commissioner of the Texas area’s Freedmen’s Bureau. In 1872, The Gregory School was the

The African American Library at The Gregory School dent School District. After the Emancipation Proclamation and the eventual announcement on Juneteenth, creating a safe and productive community for formerly enslaved people was vital. The priority

our survival. They were committed to the success of the African American community in Houston. The Freedmen’s Bureau opened schools for children in the area after the establishment of

schools were closing, so most of the student’s and teachers’ only option was to attend and work at the state-managed Gregory Institute. It was named after Edgar M. Gregory, an officer in the Union

first school for freed people in Houston. Mike Snyder of the Houston Chronicle said it was “perhaps” the first school for freed people in the State of Texas. By 1876, the Gregory School became a

part of the Houston public school system. A document quoted in a U.S. Congressional report stated that The Gregory School was the first established on land that was a donation from African Americans. So, everyone believed that “Gregory Elementary had a special link to black life in the neighborhood.” The number one priority of Rev. Jack Yates, Rev. Ned Pullum of Pullum’s Brick, and Rev. Jeremiah of Freedmen’s Town was to establish the African American Culture, education, business development, and spiritual progress in the Houston community. In 1970, Gladys House–El graduated from the Gregory School sixth grade class. She reflected on her experience stating, “The teachers took a vested interest in you. They would see things in you that no one else saw.” She further stated, “Our teachers had me MCing programs because they saw talent in me

Library cont’d PG. 5


August 7, 2022


COMMUNITY Cancer Cluster in 5th Ward And Kashmere Gardens By: Kenneth Payne

People living around the polluted cancer cluster area in Fifth Ward/ Kashmere Gardens has been a silent tragic epidemic in this community for many years and counting. The Greater Fifth Ward is one of the oldest wards in Houston, originally Fifth Ward had many ethnic groups during the early 1800s mainly to the Irish and Jews. By the mid-1880s after the Abolitionist Movement many Blacks migrated there as the Jews and Irish residents moved out. After settling down, Blacks united in the community and made a living for themselves either working at the ship channel or owning countless bars, restaurants, and businesses. Kashmere Gardens is historically an African American neighborhood right down the street from Fifth Ward, just five minutes away. Both communities are married not only due to how close they are

from each other but they’re adjacent to the cancer-causing Union Pacific rail yard. Kashmere Gardens was also the first community to have a local hospital placed on Lockwood Drive, which serves both historic communities. Do people of the Black community really think government agencies will come to their aid? Or is it a tactic to depopulate and push Black people out in return to gentrify the historical Black communities they’ve always called home? But what is “Cancer Cluster” and how did it even get in Fifth Ward/Kashmere Gardens in the first place? Well, the Union Pacific Railroad of Omaha, Nebraska became the owner of the rail yard in 1996 right in the heart of the greater Fifth Ward and Kashmere Gardens on Liberty Road. Upon buying out the rail yard from Southern Pacific, researchers

traced back years and years to find a chemical called Creosote. Creosote is a preservative considered to be a causing cancer substance, historically used as a treatment for components of seagoing and outdoor wood structure to prevent rot on bridgework and railway sleepers. The chemical was used for more than 80 years on the railroad yard upon (UPR) acquisition. Creosote treatments ceased in the 1980s and chemicals sank deep into the ground that has widely spread beneath 110 homes in the surrounding area and contaminated water flow right under the city of Houston public works nose which they still haven’t done anything about till this day. “I’ve lived here all my life our roots are tied deep here, I watched my mom, dad, and sister all die from cancer, I believe with all my heart union-pacific had something to do with it,” said a long-time

resident of the community. And yet Union Pacific doesn’t want to take accountability for perpetuating the problem concerning health and safety of the historical Black community. Ms. Latonya, a resident across the street from the railroad on Liberty Road went on to say, “I talk with my neighbors and people around the area and everyone I know either have some type of cancer or lost a family or friend to cancer from the hands of the railroad yard”. Protest after protest, city halls meetings after city halls meetings, empty promises made one after another, when will this stop? Countless people that live in the community either died from the cancer cluster or watched a love one slip through the cracks repeatedly and generations For more visit after generations. aframnews.com

Agosto 2022


Volumen 3, Numero 10

“Nuestro voto y nuestro dinero son las dos cosas más poderosas que tenemos. Ten cuidado a quién se los das. “ - Roy Douglas Malonson


Debido a una respuesta abrumadora del público, One Safe Houston Gun Buyback recolectó 845 armas de fuego y distribuyó casi $100,000 en tarjetas de regalo el sábado 30 de julio. Como resultado de la respuesta sin precedentes, el evento, que comenzó a las 8 am y estaba programado para terminar al mediodía, no concluyó hasta casi las 7 pm, cuando la última persona recogió un puñado de tarjetas de regalo. Más temprano ese día, decenas de vehículos

fueron rechazados debido a la demanda y las largas filas. Sin embargo, más de 150 personas recibieron cupones prioritarios para un lugar en la fila en la próxima recompra de armas. El alcalde Sylvester Turner y el Departamento de Policía de Houston anunciarán pronto una fecha para un segundo evento. “Utilizamos las mejores prácticas para planificar y realizar el evento de hoy. No sabía qué esperar y la participación fue abrumadora”, Armas continúa en la página 2 dijo el alcalde de Houston,


El miércoles 3 de agosto de 2022, el congresista Al Green emitió la siguiente declaración: “Me complace mucho saber que la calidad de vida de muchos bebés en Houston mejorará enormemente gracias a la iniciativa Brighter Future for Harris County Kids. La iniciativa Brighter Future for Harris County Kids consta de múltiples programas que abordarán la educación y el desarrollo de la primera infancia, así como también apoyarán la Al Green continúa salud de los bebés y los niños”. en la página 3



Agosto 2022



PARA TI Editora Gerente

Editora Gerente

Por: Roxanne Castillo, Editora

Mi gente , conozco , han oído hablar de los cambios en la ley. Cuando se trata de portar un arma y cuando se trata de aborto. Ahora sé que todos tenemos diferentes sentimientos y entendimientos y no estoy aquí para discutir con eso. Solo estoy aquí diciendo que de acuerdo con “ellos” hemos entrado ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos por la libertad y todas las oportunidades que tiene. ¿ Nos han mentido? Aquí hay libertad. Creemos que hay libertad y tal vez la haya , pero tiene un precio. Es cualquier cosa menos gratis. Dicen que tenemos igualdad pero no la tenemos. No somos iguales como género ni como raza. No importa cómo lo mires. Todo lo que Estados Unidos tiene para ofrecer tiene un costo. La sistema siempre ganará. ¿Es peor en nuestros


países de origen, sí, tal vez lo sea, pero seguiríamos siendo felices allí pase lo que pase? Venimos aquí para ser felices y ayudar a los demás, pero perdemos mucho en esta batalla. ¿ Real-

mente vale la pena? El gobierno aquí hace lo que quiere. Dicen que voten para marcar la diferencia , pero adivinen lo que todos no podemos votar. Así que las únicas personas que pueden votar

no están votando por lo que creemos que es importante , están votando por sí mismos, sus familias, su cultura. Es cualquier cosa a nuestro favor en cualquier lugar. Es mucho en lo que pensar , pero

deberías. ¿ Dónde estás parado o qué representas ? En este momento creo que todos tenemos más preguntas que respuestas o comprensión.


Armas continúa de la página 1 Sylvester Turner. “La participación demuestra que hay demasiadas armas en nuestras calles, y la gente quiere quitárselas de encima. La recompra de armas no es la única solución, pero podemos y haremos que nuestras calles sean más seguras y ayudar a reducir la violencia armada”. El exitoso evento fue una colaboración entre el alcalde Turner, el comisionado del condado de Harris, Rodney Ellis, la representante estadounidense Sheila Jackson Lee y el Departamento de Policía de Houston. El representante estadounidense Al Green, la concejal Abbie Kamin y otros funcionarios electos y líderes comunitarios asistieron al evento del sábado en la Iglesia Bautista Wheeler Avenue. El alcalde Turner extendió una nota

Agosto 2022 especial de agradecimiento a los voluntarios, al pastor José Ortega de NACC Disaster Services y a la Iglesia Bautista Wheeler Avenue. “Gracias a todos los que hicieron de nuestro evento de recompra de armas un éxito tan increíble. En todos los sentidos, fue uno de los eventos de recompra de armas más exitosos de la nación. Felicito la asociación entre la ciudad de Houston, HPD y el condado de Harris, que organizar este evento. El trabajo continúa. Mañana continuaremos arremangándonos y trabajando para detener la violencia armada “, dijo el comisionado del Precinto Uno del condado de Harris, Rodney Ellis. La recompra del arma no fue cuestionada y el tipo y las condiciones de funcionamiento del arma determinaron el monto de la tarjeta de Armas continúa en regalo. HPD la página 4



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Agosto 2022








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Al Green continúa “La ini- del Crédito Tributario por sobre el desarrollo infantil, Armas continúa de revisará c i a t i v a Hijos, el Fondo de Impacto aumentarán la cantidad de cada de la página 1 Brighter en la Primera Infancia, el proveedores de cuidado la página 3 arma Future no Programa de Salud Mater- infantil disponibles, así recolectada para detersería posible sin el apoyo na e Infantil, el Programa como fortalecer la salud de minar si fue robada o de más de $80 millones en de Espacios Contratados muchos bebés. Es extrema- utilizada en un delito. El fondos federales, que me para el Cuidado de Niños, damente importante para HPD destruirá todas las enorgullece haber ayuda- así como el Programa de nosotros invertir en nuestra armas que no puedan do a asegurar para el con- Reducción y Prevención juventud porque ellos son devolverse a sus propidado de Harris a través de del Plomo”. nuestro futuro. Agradezco etarios legítimos o que no la Ley del Plan de Rescate “Todos estos proyectos a la jueza Hidalgo por lo se consideren evidencia Estadounidense de 2021 serán de gran beneficio que ha hecho para ayudar de un delito. junto con mis colegas, los para las personas del área a que Houston sea una ciu“Estoy muy orgulloso de representantes Jackson Lee, metropolitana de Hous- dad líder en el desarrollo de nuestra ciudad. La gente García, y Fletcher. Estos ton porque mejorarán la la primera infancia. Espero puede decir lo que quiera, fondos se distribuirán entre calidad de vida de muchos apoyar futuras iniciativas cinco programas diferen- niños, brindarán a los pa- similares que puedan ser pero una y otra vez, los tes: el Programa de Alcance dres educación y recursos lanzadas por el condado de habitantes de Houston dan un paso al frente con Harris”. FOR ENGLISH TRANSLATION VISIT HISPANIC-NEWS .COM

sentido común y amor. Agradezco a todos los hombres y mujeres uniformados y a los voluntarios que hicieron que este día fuera un éxito. Sabía habría mucha gente, pero ni siquiera yo pensé que habría tanta gente la primera vez”, dijo el jefe de policía de Houston, Troy Finner.


August 7, 2022

EDUCATION Back to School By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.

With some schools starting back next week, many parents have concerns with sending their child back to school. Between COVID-19, Monkeypox, teacher shortages, and school safety, there are a lot of different elements that parents are worrying about. Will my child be safe? What protection measures are put in place if an active shooter comes on campus? What health measures are put in place to help combat COVID and Monkeypox? In this interview, Tamara Frear, mom to five-year-old Zaria King, opens up about her concerns regarding the upcoming school year. Afram News: With Covid numbers on the rise and with the new Monkeypox outbreak, what health concerns do you have sending your child back to school?

Library cont’d that I didn’t see in myself.” They molded us and groomed us to be leaders.” House-El also recalled an event from back then and said, “The May Festival was an excellent opportunity to showcase the students’ various talents. The teachers truly made Frear: One of the health cona difference in our lives.” cerns I have is just the protection The African American Library of all the kids, especially with at the Gregory School is integral Monkeypox since this is someto preserving Houston History. thing new for the students…I have a five-year-old who is going to the Having a place that celebrates and affirms our existence on first grade. How are they going to this earth is a necessity. Acstop them from touching things? cording to Sheena Wilson, the Kids are going to be kids, and we Processing Archivist at The have Lysol and wipes, but you can’t stop a kid from being a kid… African American Library at the Gregory school, “The commuI am actually sending mine back nity-centered and communityto school with a mask on every day. You will wear your mask on at focused archive is dedicated all times and when you’re at recess to preserving the history of African Americans in Houston and finish playing, use your hand sanitizer. My child is really good at and the surrounding region. that, but, I don’t know what every- We are open to preserving the history of all persons, not just one else’s child does… I’ve been those of prominence, those in trying not to think about it too much and stay prayed up about it. leadership or political positions. We focus on family history in Back to School the history of social and profescont’d PG. 7 sional organizations. We believe it is important for people to see themselves or their families within the historical record. The archive is important because we preserve the history that is not being told, which helps the community control the narrative.” Ms. Wilson also believes it is essential that everyone visiting the library knows the fantastic services offered by the African American Library at the Gregory School. “The research center offers visitors a variety of services and experiences onsite. We feature three permanent exhibits which tell the story of the Blacks who established Freedmen’s Town through community building, entrepreneurship, and creating places of worship. Our exhibits highlight the social, cultural, economic, political, religious,

AFRAMNEWS.COM 5 and entrepreneurial contributions the African American community made to Houston, Texas and the nation. We also have a special exhibitions gallery, which features a new exhibit twice a year. The Current exhibit, Fourth Wad Mother Ward: Photographs of Elbert Howze, is open from July 30- October 8, 2022. The exhibit documents the people and spaces of Fourth Ward. Concerning research, our reading room includes a reference collection of books on local, state, and national topics across the Black Diaspora, a microfilm collection of early Black newspapers, oral histories, and archival photographs and documents. All these resources are free and open for exploration.” Ms. Wilson was excited to share her favorite items in the archives. “I have many favorite items in the archive, and usually, it’s something from the current collection I am working with. Although there are no images of it, one of the things I like is a Ledger from the late 1800s to the 1960s, which documented the students who graduated from Booker T. Washington High School and where they attended college. I also love photos that depict the evolution of technology, architecture, and fashion through the early twentieth century. For instance, this image of members of the Taylor family boating during the 1930s.” The African American Library at the Gregory School is a bestkept secret in the Houston Public Library system. It is the cheapest field trip and family outing for African Americans that you can get, but it is priceless when you experience the natural high from seeing the accomplishments, style, culture, and family ties that have stood the test of time in H-Town. We are Houston Strong and Houston Proud in every household, but documenting your story is validation that you came, survived, and thrived.


August 7, 2022


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August 7, 2022


Back to School cont’d

Afram News: what is my child going to be learnWhat are your ing at school? I can do so much at concerns regardhome, but the children still need ing security and safety for the to have that learning experience in school year? school. Also, I don’t want my child Frear: So, I can only speak about to be a movie watcher and just my child’s school. I have been in watch everything online. touch with them, and I did sit on I still believe that there needs to the board with them about upping be someone teaching them ustheir security. They have been ing paperwork and things like emailing us, letting us know we that. But with the shortage, who’s have now put a new armed police going to have time for all that officer there 24/7 while school is if we’re doubling up classes or going on. They’ve installed new they’re loading more kids in the locks and new procedures on how class because they have 400 fourth you can even get into the school. graders and not enough teachers. They have made me feel safer that So, do you cancel classes, or do way…It is a very you double them up scary situation, so in classrooms? Now I try not to let my each child is not child know about getting the benefits too much of everyof having not the thing that is going one-on-one but with on because you the ratio of what was don’t want the kids supposed to be had to be nervous goin the classroom and ing back to school. the attention that So as a parent, I each particular child just asked about may need. the safety proceAfram News: What dures that we have are other concerns in place and what you have? procedures are they The other concerns going to teach to that I have is making Tamara Frear kids at the school. sure that the teachand Zaria King Afram News: ers are not stressed Currently, there is out either or making a national teacher sure that they have shortage, and so many districts somewhat of a work-life balance, are scrambling to find teachers, because that is very important to do you have concerns regarding the teachers and the students… the quality of education that your It is very important because if a child may receive? teacher is in good spirits and not Frear: Yes, I do have concerns overworked and not stressed out, because of the teacher shortage, then they can help the children to because…thinking about last year, become a better performer. they were letting any and everyI make sure I do my due dilibody drive a bus. If you had a gence at home and make sure that license or, had a certification, you I’m involved in my child’s schoolcould drive the school buses, or ing and education because that you could go sit in the classroom is very important. As parents, we and watch the kids. And, my con- can’t always put it on the teachcern is, are we going to be doing ers. That’s why a lot of teachers that again? And if we are, if they are coming out because they’re are not certified teachers or work- finding that parents are not doing ing on their teacher certifications, what they are supposed to.


Basketball Legend Bill Russell By: Stacy M. Brown

Boston Celtics Legend Bill Russell, one of professional basketball’s greatest players and the sport’s most crowned champion, has died at the age of 88. Russell, who won 11 NBA titles as a player and two as a playercoach, died “peacefully” with his wife, Jeannine, at his side, a statement on social media said. Jeannine said funeral arrangements are pending. “But for all the winning, Bill’s understanding of the struggle is what illuminated his life. From boycotting a 1961 exhibition game to unmask too-long-tolerated discrimination, to leading Mississippi’s first integrated basketball camp in the combustible wake of Medgar Evans’ assassination, to decades of activism ultimately recognized by his receipt of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Bill called out injustice with an unforgiving candor that he intended would disrupt the status quo, and with a powerful example that, though never his humble intention, will forever inspire teamwork, selflessness, and thoughtful change,” the statement read. It continued: “Bill’s wife, Jeannine, and his many friends and family thank you for keeping Bill in your prayers. Perhaps you’ll relive one or two of the golden moments he gave us or recall his trademark laugh as he delighted in explaining the real story behind how those moments unfolded. “And we hope each of us can find a new way to act or speak up with Bill’s uncompromising, dignified, and always constructive commitment to principle. That would be

one last and lasting win for our beloved #6.” President Barack Obama presented the Medal of Freedom in 2011, and Russell won five NBA Most Valuable Player awards. He made the All-Star team in 12 of the 13 years he played in the league. The prolific big man finished his career in 1969 with 21,620 career rebounds, an average of 22.5 per game, and led the league in rebounding four times. He grabbed 51 rebounds in one game, 49 in two others, and a dozen consecutive seasons of 1,000 or more rebounds. Many viewed Russell as the greatest player in history until Michael Jordan arrived in the 1980s and 1990s and Lebron James in the 2000s. Born in Monroe, Louisiana, in 1934, Russell’s family moved to the San Francisco area, where he attended McClymonds High School in Oakland. For more visit aframnews.com


August 7, 2022

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