Breonna Taylor - george floyd - ahmaud arBery - emmeTT Till JusTice is served Cont. on Pg. 3 August 28, 2022 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION Vol. 27, Issue 32 “Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community” African-American News&Issues your vote matters your vote and your money are the two most powerful things you have. Be careful who you give them to. our choice and liberty are under attack. roy Douglas malonson
the “Make
ries are giving us impor tant insight into the future politics of our country. All
aremuchandwhofavoritism:employmentisThistoTSUintegrityasituation,istrativeemployedistratorshameful.appointedcallyadministratoragainstanteacher.civilly?andprofessionalhowadministrativeselvessionallynotheadlanedesignatedtiontorspoliciesandwillbecausedocumentedpoliciesinstitutionalizedandproceduresonpaper,butadministratorsnotfaithfullyfollowimplementstatedandprocedures.ToomanyadministraatTSUdonotfunceffectivelyintheiradministrative(s).Ifdepartmentadministratorsdoknowhowtoprofesconducttheminacivilmannerinmeetings,canweexpecttheircolleagues,studentstobehaveExampleisthebestRecentlyatTSU,assaultchargewasfiledadepartmentheadforphysiattackingacourtprocess-server:TheadminisstillcurrentlyatTSU:adminmalfeasance.Thisinandofitself,isclear-cutunprofessionalexampleofwhyisungovernabledueinternalcorruption.inpartduetoishired,howtheypaid. Our Vote: OurAgainstWeaponRacism The
College of Education.
(MAGA).movementAgain” For more aframnews.comvisit For more aframnews.comvisit EDITORIAL A Revival of ConsciousnessGod Bobby Mills, Phd Is Ungovernable?UniversitySouthernTexas News: Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. President/Chief Editor Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.: Editor Nick Jones: Afram TV Tristar: Layout Design AboutThink It By Dr. John E. Warren We ARe lookInG foR CommunITy And BlACk hIsToRy WRITeRs from all over the houston area (Acreage home, Independent heights, Third Ward, fifth Ward, missouri City, Piney Point, Carverdale, Bordersville, north forest, and all other Black communities) that can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. Please send your inquiries to Question: Can we make an unclean situation into a clean one? TSU should be given an opportunity for creative institutional rebirth, but due to historic State underfunding and land-lock inmustandingTSU;toisNodilemmacommunitydoesinment,forForLegislativeingtutionalizingHence,tualconfusionmentdohumancanbeenconstraintsdevelopmentaltheprocesshasslow.However,Goddoanything,butasbeingswecanonlysomethings.TSU’shistoricaldevelopisrepletewithmoralandintellecleadershipdishonesty.TSUisnotinstiandadvancitsSpecialPurposeDesignationUrbanProgrammingcommunitydevelopwhichwasgranted1973.Question:WhythisinstitutionaldevelopmentexistatTSU?doubtaboutit,thereenoughblameandguiltgoaroundinternallyatincludingsurroundpublicschoolfailures,dysfunctionsthatbecreativelyresolvedconjunctionwithTSU’s
not to again. Just this week, saw Congress woman Elizabeth Cheney lose her primary race as a Wyoming Republican to a Trump supporter of the “Big Lie” that President Biden did not win the election. Let there be no doubt that racism in the form of fear of the Black and Brown voting elector ate is at the heart of the Trump movement of voter suppression and planned efforts to decertify future elections.Ourvote is most important weapon against this movement of racism cloaked in America Great
Therefore, the administrativeinternalstructure at TSU is morally and intel lectually corrupt, not be cause TSU does not have proper recent electoral prima one has to do is at the number of Trump sup porters winning primary elections for a place on the November General Election ballots. Eight out of ten of the Republicans who voted to impeach former President Donald Trump have either lost their primaries decided
Georgia. It wasn’t until a video surfaced of the encounter that gave this case national attention. The men involved, Greg Mc Michael, Travis Mc Michael, and William Roderick Bryan, were found guilty of hate federal crimes back in February. This is another case where justice has been served.Thenation will also never forget George Floyd, who died by former police officer Derek Chauvin who had his knee pressed against his neck for several minutes. Floyd told the officer several times that he couldn’t breathe, but Chauvin never moved his knee. Chauvin was con victed of murder and ourthen.haspeningeverythingWhitethetakeandwastheingcountswereotherTheremanslaughter.werethreecopswhocharged twoeachofaidandabetting indeath. TheworldshakenbythiswatchedFloydhislastbreathbyhandsofanotherman.Ifyouthinkaboutthatishapnow,notmuchchangedfrombackWhathelpsintimeistechnol that have come out of this. For one, the fight for Emmett Till is still going on, and even after all these years, this case and the events that occurred in this case are still relevant to what is going on today.
Another case is Breonna Taylor, the 26-year-old emergency medical technician who was sleep with her boyfriend on March 13, 2020, when police conducted a no-knock raid. Taylor’s boyfriend thought police were intruders in their home and begin firing shots,
ogy. Without it, some of these cases wouldn’t stand a day in court due to whatever lack of evidence they may rule against it.
By: Roy Douglas Malonson
In addition, President Biden signed the Em mett Till Antilynching Act earlier this year, which has made lynch ing a federal crime.
Justice is served
For many years, the justice system has failed Blacks. It was a system that was intentionally designed to keep Black people down, locked up, and forgotten about. Blacks have always been looked at as less than, and even in 2022, we are still working twice as hard to prove our value and worth. In today’s society, we have seen numerous “trends” when it comes to racism, discrimina tion, and which prompted the police to return fire. They fired 32 shots, six of which hit and killed Taylor. The former Louisville detective, Kelly Hanna Goodlett recently plead guilty to falsifying a search war rant that led to Taylor’s death. She is the first officer to be held ac countable for the raid. It has been said that the justice department is now trying to come down on racial dis parities and injustices against Black people. It’s about time. We cannot forget the case of Ahmaud Arbery, who was shot and killed by the hands of White men while he was jogging through a neighborhood in South Bryant and J.W. Milam, both White men, and one of the men was Donham’s husband. Till’s mother held an open casket funeral so the world could see what they did to her son. This act added more fuel to the Civil Rights Movement. A team in Mississippi began searching a courthouse base ment for evidence about the case of Emmett Till. They found an unserved warrant that was issued on August 29, 1955, that had been placed in a file folder that was placed in a box, according to Elmus Stockstill, a Leflore County Circuit Clerk. It was noted that the warrant wasn’t served because they didn’t want to “bother” Donham. This search for the warrant was started by the Emmett Till Legacy Foundation by his cousin Deborah Watts and her daughter TeriAlthoughWatts. the grandy jury in somedence,being80s,Donham,decidedMississippinottoindictwhoisinherduetotherenotenoughevitherehavebeenpositivethings
Students attending Texas Southern University and Prairie View A & M University Students attending Texas Southern University and Southern University
By: Crystal LaShan Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are vital to African Americans’ continued success and upward mobility in the United States. In the academic year of 2019–2020, some 48, 200 degrees were conferred by HBCUs: 11 percent were associate degrees, more than two-thirds were bachelor’s degrees (69 percent), 14 percent were master’s degrees, and six percent were doctor’s degrees. HBCUs truly make a difference in the Black Community. On February 25, 1837, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania became the nation’s first Historically Black College and University (HBCU). In 1854, Lincoln University of Pennsylvania became the first HBCU granting college degrees. In 1856, Wilberforce University became the first college run by African Americans. In 1857, this increase is what many call the George Floyd Effect. Our world after Minneapolis Police Officers brutally murdered George Floyd changed the way the world saw the importance of equality, humanity, and the importance of Black cultural experience. HBCU’s donations increased tenfold from people of diverse backgrounds who wanted to give to significant African American causes that helped to advance our culture.
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the Breakfast kluB’s first annual hBcu send Off COMMUNITY
Marcus Davis, the owner of The Breakfast Klub, has always been a supporter of HBCUs. He is a proud graduate of Texas Southern University. His father was a proud graduate of Texas Southern university as well. Davis believes supporting HBCUs is crucial to the success and progress of Black culture and building Black wealth in America. Davis said he did the 1st Annual HBCU Send–Off Party at The Breakfast Klub because, “It was important to celebrate students who are Harris-Stowe State University became the first HBCU focused on teaching and education courses.Although HBCUs were initially f ounded to educate Black students, they also enrolled students of other races. The composition of HBCUs has changed over time. In 2020, non-Black students made up 24 percent of enrollment at HBCUs, compared with 15 percent in 1976. While Black enrollment at HBCUs increased by 11 percent between 1976 and 2020, the total number of Black students enrolled in all degree-granting postsecondary institutions, more than doubled during this period. As a result, the percentage of Black students enrolled at HBCU’s fell from 18 percent in 1976 to 8 percent in 2014 and then increased to 9 percent in 2020. It is a fact that attending HBCUs and necessary. It is important to make a Big Deal out of it. Having students from different HBCU’s come together and support each other. To have a good time and start the sh** talking was important to support our HBCU students. I purposely asked our intern, Camera, a Clark -Atlanta University student, to produce a party they would want to have, and that is what she did.”
The 1st Annual Breakfast Klub HBCU Send-Off party had DJ Rob G spinning great music, and the HBCU freshmen were treated to The Breakfast Klub’s famous wings and waffles, fruit, and drinks. The kids were having a blast dancing, playing dominoes, and cards in front of The Breakfast Klub, and intodeliciousSnowballsNewSneaux-AuthenticJustOrleansprovidedsnowballseverystudentattendance.
Lieutenant Daryl Henderson, who has been with the city for 30 years and was assigned to recruiting right at the onset of the pandemic, mentioned that in his time with the department, HPD has had a great amount of support from the community, the mayor, and city council. He also mentioned that “even during COVID, we had to retool how we engaged the public because businesses were closed, but we still in my opinion did well as a far as our recruiting efforts locally when you look at our counterparts across the country.”
Chief cadetspeakingFinnertoclass256PhotoCredit:HPD
Commander Kristine AnthonyMiller stated, “We know that our numbers are down in Houston from our allocated strength versus our current manpower, so certainly in Houston we continue our recruiting efforts so we can add more officers to our ranks. We are going to have attrition like resignations and retirements, so it’s the mission of the recruiting division to recruit those qualified individuals to join ourCommanderranks.”
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Do you have dreams of becoming a police officer, or have you ever considered a career in law enforcement? If so, the Houston Police Department (HPD), is hosting a career fair on Saturday, August 27, 2022, at Discovery Green from 10am-2pm.Acrossthe nation, police departments have struggled with keeping police officers, and HPD is looking for new individuals to join their phenomenal team.
Anthony-Miller also mentioned a variety of reasons as to why there is a police shortage stating, “We have competition from other industries, we had the pandemic, and incidents in society that challenge someone from wanting to be in law enforcement. We also work shift work, so you’re not going to get day shifts and weekends off, so maybe that doesn’t appeal to some people as well as salary challenges.”
are YOu the next hPd Officer? COMMUNITY
ONLADVERTISEINEWITHUS • Mother’s/Father’s Day • Anniversaries • In Memory Of • Birthday • Graduations • Weddings etc. For more information ERTISEE 6 AFRAMNEWS.COM August 28, 2022 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION African-American News&Issues tours • Family Tours • School Tours • Church Tours • Nature Walks • Education Tours • Deer Breeding Tours • Trophy Deer Hunting • Cattle Roundups • Nature Photography • Camp Fire • Hayride • Kayak • Fishing • Day Camp • Overnight Camping • Outdoor BBQ • Ranch Breakfast MARKETPLACE chemical shoe repair Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH churchchurch OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS flowers home repair lanDscapinG LandscapingbytheJelks commercialresidentialand terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 jamesbond6030pebble@gmail.comcell:832.713.0102services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations mailinG call Us todaY 713-780-9804 W e o FF er QU alit Y ser V ice at a com P etiti V e P rice e-Z mAIl mAnAGemenT Services: Direct Mail Consulting, 1st Class Mail, Standard/NonProfit Mail, Mail Merge, Folding/ Tabbing/Inserting, Mailing Lists, Postcards, Political Mail, Bulk Mailing, Courier Services OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS arts, Gifts Ministries,WrightWillieJrInc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and” 2810 rosedale st. houston, tX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism 713.489.8905carria281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE REED OWNER Facebook Go Vintage LLC Instagram: govintagellc 713 489 8905/281 901 4966 gocarriagevintagecompany,llcfaceBook:vintage,llcinstagram:govintagellcterencej.reeD,owner V NTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY LLC k s o t e c 7 4 8 5 8 0 9 contractor paintinBlessinGGBonDeD&insureD RComPleTeemodelInG • Mother’s/Father’s Day • Ann ive r sa r ie s • In Memory Of • Birthdays • Graduations • Weddings etc. For more information ONLINEADVERTISEWITHUS permitswedevelopementsilverlightpullsilverlightdevel@gmail.comaskfordarryl281.687.3117 • Remodeling • Demolition • Sheetrock • Mold Removal • Framing • Foundation Repair • Insurance Specialist • A/c & Heating • Electrical Work • SILVERLIGHTDEVELOPMENT.COMPlumbing huntinG Less than one hour from downtown Houston and College Station Roy Douglas & Shirley Ann malonson@rsdeerranch.comMalonson 713-244-4067 28978 FM 1736 Road Hempstead 77445 (Waller County) onehundAyT AInCludesloGdInGndmeAl hunt all year whitetailfallowaxisarounD&Deertrophyhunting
Ford and his partner created a community group program called the C.G.E., which stands for Creative Group Economics. It’s a mechanism that Ford and Shelby use to engage the community. A lot goes into this program such as education, agriculture, community gardening, and leveraging politics on their side with using another mechanism like P.A.I.D Texas, which means Political Advocates for Independent Democracy. The Black Store supports this political committee and its grassroot candidates during campaign runs have the means or connections to promote their business right away. “They can come here, make money, and expose their brands more to help take their business to another level,” Ford said. There are also more services coming soon to the store that include a full beauty salon and job opportunities/internships to advance employment rate around theMostcommunity.beautysupply stores in the Houston area don’t engage with the community outside of the business the way The Black Store in Houston. Supporting P.A.I.D Texas helps with bringing political awareness to the Black community and encourages them to be more politically involved with issues inside their communities.
“I want The Black Store to always fulfill and be an economic base for what we’re trying to do. This is more than just a store,” Ford stated. The Black Store is heavily involved in the community and truly cares for the community. They work with the Harris County Health Department with Violence Intervention, and they recently gave over 600 backpacks away at a back-to-school drive they hosted, in addition to poetry nights, free movie nights, and the list goes on. The Black Store is not in it to only make money, but to also be a beacon of light that helps the blinding eyes of the community to see a better way out. Monetizing your passion is the motto that the Black Store wants every kid to strive for in their program.Withhopes to expanding their brand in the near future around the Houston area, customers can expect top of the line high quality products, goods, and services when visiting The Black Store. Only two and a half years old, the business found great success for itself so far bringing in more than $100,000 dollars in sales last year and attracted publicity from KHOU News. If you’re ever by Cullen and Bellfort Avenue, come over to the great one stop shop store for an amazing experience.
The Black Store: Beauty Supply Experience is the name that’s changing the beauty supply industry game. “We give people what they want in order to feed them what need they need,” the famous motto the store lives by said Ford. This is a powerful and bold statement that can hopefully penetrate the minds of the youth and elders in the Black community. The store is home to a one stop shop for countless skin beauty products, hair products, clothes for men and women, etc. What makes this beauty supply store unique is that they have natural foods such as sea moss and natural juices that customers can better their lives with. After all health is wealth.Another thing to point out about this beauty supply store is how helpful they are to other Black local owners that might not does.
The Black Store is not just a beauty supply store, it’s an open hub to enlighten visitors about the Black experience as a whole. Houston native Lloyd Ford and his partner Randy Shelby passionately thought out and opened a successful black owned business right off Cullen and Bellfort back in 2020. Before opening, other beauty supply stores in the area had already been established by Asian owners, but that didn’t stop Ford and Shelby to carve out their own lane, and creatively open a beauty supply store that could better serve the Black community in every aspect of life.
Lloyd Ford
the Black stOre BUSINESS
By: Kenneth Payne
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