African-American News&Issues your vote matters
One Fight At A time Cont. on Pg. 3 September 11, 2022 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION Vol. 27, Issue 34 “Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
your vote and your money are the two most powerful things you have. Be careful who you give them to. our choice and liberty are under attack. roy Douglas malonson
By Groves“Hollywood”Billy Bordersville, north forest, and all other Black communities) that can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. Please send your inquiries to
The Rise AmericanOfIdiocracy
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News: Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. President/Chief Editor Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.: Editor Nick Jones: Afram TV Tristar: Layout Design We ARe lookinG foR Community And BlACk histoRy WRiteRs from all over the houston area (Acreage home, independent heights, t hird Ward, fifth Ward, missouri City, Piney Point, Carverdale,
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A Revival of ConsciousnessGod
Questions: has America regressed into a caveman mentality? Is America becoming a society madeup of unadulterated idiots? The prefix “Idio” is the same as idiot. Is American society full of dumb, noGod
governmental positions at all levels-- city, county, regional, state and nation ally. We must also reassure our citizens that they can safely vote, without fear, as provided by the consti tutional rules of America’s government and laws. We must not be intimi dated and scared by the “Fake News” people, who continuously tell lies to the public while pretending and acting like their lies are the truth. These fake news people are not on our team. A highly visible example of their nefarious fake news is, the big “lie” that Trump won the elec tion, although they know that President Joe Biden le gally won the presidential election over former Presi dent liespreadingcontinueTrump,Donaldtheythisdaily.
Bobby Mills, Phd
Go Out Vote!and
These days we are all read ing, hearing, and seeing lots of politically oriented people who are delivering “Fake News” and a lot of untrue information about America’s political world. It is imperative that we don’t ignore these dishon orable actions, especially with our current upcoming midterm elections so close at hand. It will be very important and essential to America’s position as the “greatest” leadership na tion in “democratic voting” on this planet. We must address this issue with all urgency! We must all go out and vote for the right people to be elected to our
Christian Right Evan gelicals, The GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “Fake News”, and some spiritu ally misguided Blacks, and other minorities were more spiritually confused than Trump, because they should have known better. American democracy has suffered severe moral credibility consequences because the world com munity is now looking at US in a low Ungodly fashion as a Sidewinder nation. President Biden is working day and night to rebuild America’s integrity and credibility at home and abroad against the odds of GOP Obstruction ism in both the House and The Senate. The GOP has vulgarly politicized everything that represents multi-cultural democracy, because their desire is White Privilege Autocracy. America, God is the balancer of all accounts. Therefore, we can repay evil with good, because: “Answer not a fool ac cording to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit” (Prov erbs 26: 4-5). However, in no way believe: “When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are 26:(Proverbshistionsabominaseveninheart”25).
“I complained about the lack of lightning and the fact that they did not have any recording on what was going on outside of the store, and how there were no loitering signs.” There was an ordinance that stores had to have no loiter ing signs eral.gennitiescommutiesmunimybeenaddDanielsThisoverwrittenperiod.videoscameras,displayed,properlyhadtohaveandkeeptheforanextendedThestoreshadthevideo.gaveBlueford-morefueltotoherfight.Sincethen,“Ihaveanadvocateforcomandin
buy the fabric and to pay someone else to make their uniform. Because she worked a part time job, she was able to make just enough to buy the fabric, but to be able to cheer with the oth er cheerleaders, she would have to make the uniform herself, and that’s just what she did. “I was proud of the fact that I had completed that task…I did not know that it was instilling in me a determinant spirit.”
After graduating from high school, she started nursing school, married her high school sweet heart, and had her daughter. After time passed, she then got divorced and opted
L To R-Dr. Ken Davis, Dr. Grenita Lathan, 50 Cent, Kathy Blueford-Daniels, Dr.Patricia Allen, and Mayor Turner
to start working at the post office so that she could provide for her self and her daughter. Working at the post office was good for her as she was sur rounded by different individuals who could teach her the different aspects of life such as saving, investing in stocks, and so much more. She was like a sponge absorbing so much of their knowledge. The post office gave her the support and stability she needed to take care of her family. She stated, “The post office pro vided a good salary or means to be able to have a comfortable lifestyle for myself and my children.” She was even able to
was in the seventh grade, and “I’m glad I did,” werecheerleadersform.neededthebarelycheerleaderhadBlueford-Danielsleygradeableseamstress,”auntbasicswhereherladydollarshemachinesewingforthementioned.Blueford-DanielsOneofladiesshecleanedboughtheramachine.Thewas$29,andhadtopayeverybacktoher.Thewouldalsogivefabric,andthisisshelearnedtheofsewing.Herwasan“excellentsoshewastohelpheraswell.Startingherninth-yearatWheatHighSchool,thedesiretobeabutcouldaffordtobuyfabricthatsheforheruniAlltheotherableto
matic…my daughter is my heart, but my son was my soul,” she said. Two weeks after her son was killed, she was at a city council meet ing expressing her concerns regarding the operation of stores.
Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.
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Raised by a single mother, her whentakemomdollarsandmomgoeford-DanielsethicsinstillednineportworkedAlthoughveryherBlueford-DanielsofFifthHoustonianDanielsaunt,grandmother,greatandKathyBlueford-isanativefromWard.Thethirdninechildren,saidmom“didthebestshecould.”hermomalottosupherselfandherchildren,shegoodworkinallherkids.OnSaturdays,Bluwouldtoworkwithhertocleanhouseswouldearnafewaday.Herinsistedthatsheupsewingshe
buy her first home at the age of 23. One of her goals in life was to give her children their own bedrooms because she grew up with nine siblings who had to share everything.Littledidshe know, she would serve 28 years with the post office. “I really thank God for the fortitude and being surrounded by people that helped direct me, from whom I’ve learned life lessons that have helped me even withSundaystruckwellDanielsAlthoughtoday.”Blueford-wasdoinginlife,tragedyherfamilyonenightin2006,hersonbeingmurderedbasedonmistakenidentityattheirneighborhoodstore.HersonwasveryyoungandwaspreparingtoenrollinTexasSouthernUniversitytobeginthenextchapterofhislife.Itwasextremelytrau
Kathy speakingBlueford-DanielsattheBTWprogram
One Fight At A time EDUCATION
“It has been documented in adults that Black patients with mental illness are more likely to receive substance care and more likely to be diagnosed with psychotic disorders than with depression and anxiety,” Dr. Ross stated.
“These patterns should spark
have increased in recent years among youth, and young ones who have experienced trauma or childhood adversity (or ACEs – adverse child hood experiences) are more likely to experience depression and anxiety and other health and learning chal lenges, this is a significant health and social justice conversation, added Sarah Marikos, the executive director of the ACE Resource Network (ARN).
While the use of multiple psy chotropic medications counts as concerning in such a young popula tion, it is also not surprising given the lack of other treatment options, Dr. Ross told the Washington Informer.
“The issues on prescribing psy chotropic medications for children, adolescents, and young people, and lack of access to behavioral health supports for youth who have an increasing need for mental health support is one of the biggest health challenges our country is facing right now,” Marikos wrote in an email. For more
AdOlescents And PrescriPtiOn drugs HEALTH
“The lack of access and availability of therapeutic options to treat men tal illness and the lack of under standing and acknowledgment that mental illness in teens and children may have their roots in trauma.
Given that depression and anxiety
Dr. Ross’ comments are in response to a new report revealing that anxious and depressed teens are using multi ple, powerful psychiatric drugs, many of which are untested in adolescents or for use in tandem.
The current trend of polypharmacy – the simultaneous use of multiple drugs by a single patient for one or more conditions – reflects racism and discrimination in the treatment of Black, Indigenous, and people of color children and teens, according to Dr. Carolyn Coker Ross, an in tergenerational trauma expert and eating disorder treatment specialist.
“Medication will not fix the brain
She continued: “Both during and before the pandemic, BIPOC children and teenagers are exposed to more trauma and adverse events than any white children and teens.”
In 2020, the journal Pediatrics re ported that 40.7 percent of people ages 2 to 24 who were prescribed a drug for attention deficit hyperac tivity disorder also were prescribed at least one other medication for depression, anxiety, or another mood or behavioral disorder.
Further, researchers found more than 50 psychotropic medicines prescribed in such combinations.
further inquiry about the appro priateness, efficacy, and safety of psychotherapeutic polypharmacy in children and young adults, particu larly within subgroups where the use is high,” the authors concluded.
“Beyond this, however, is a lack of understanding about the root cause of many of the psychiatric conditions being diagnosed and treated with medications,” Dr. Ross asserted.
changes caused by childhood trauma experiences and may not even fix the symptoms. Beyond this, medication use in children and teens is risky at best and dangerous at its worst.”
The District D office will continue to engage with the community and the city departments regarding the next steps. According to Dr. Evans – Shabazz, “My goal is to arm Districtall D Townhomes cont’d PG. 7
Dr. Carolyn Evans-Shabazz at Riverside Terrace Meeting
stOP cAlhOun tOwnhOmes
By: Crystal LaShan
Preserving Third Ward has become a constant fight for its residents. Due to the centralized location, the growth and development of the University of Houston and Texas Southern University, and the population explosion of Houston overall, Third Ward has become a hot spot for developers and transplants from California, New York, and other northern states. They are accustomed to smaller spaces and more expensive housing price tags, while developers are seeking to expand their profit margins purely. From a beautiful property that once held a family home and trees for over 70 years old to a piece of land sanctioned to build 17 households, the property slated for the Calhoun Townhomes is not the right place for a multiplefamily development. This is why the Stop Calhoun Townhomes effort is working hard to stop this development from preceding.
Before the meeting, Dr. Evans –Shabazz’s office received several emails. Dr. Evans – Shabazz and her team immediately got a stop order on the project to determine if there was a violation of Deed Restrictions. The order was lifted after legal determined there were no violations; therefore, the city cannot legally impede the developer from moving forward.
On Thursday, August 26, 2022, the West MacGregor Homeowners Association addressed the concerns of the Stop the Calhoun Townhomes team. Dr. Carolyn Evans – Shabazz, Houston Councilwoman of District D, was in attendance to hear the valid concerns of her constituents.
ONLADVERTISEINEWITHUS • Mother’s/Father’s Day • Anniversaries • In Memory Of • Birthday • Graduations • Weddings etc. For more information ERTISEE 6 AFRAMNEWS.COM September 11, 2022 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION African-American News&Issues tours • Family Tours • School Tours • Church Tours • Nature Walks • Education Tours • Deer Breeding Tours • Trophy Deer Hunting • Cattle Roundups • Nature Photography • Camp Fire • Hayride • Kayak • Fishing • Day Camp • Overnight Camping • Outdoor BBQ • Ranch Breakfast MARKETPLACE chemical shoe repair Sunday School 8:15am Sunday Services 9:00am BAPTIST CHURCH churchchurch OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1100 PLEASE WEAR MASKS flowers home repair lanDscapinG LandscapingbytheJelks commercialresidentialand terrence Jelks 6030 Pebble ln., Houston, t X 77087 jamesbond6030pebble@gmail.comcell:832.713.0102services: Mowing, Landscape Renovation, Edging, General Lawn Clean Up, Shrub Trimming and Removal, Brush Clearing, Lawn Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations mailinG call Us todaY 713-780-9804 W e o FF er QU alit Y ser V ice at a com P etiti V e P rice e-Z mAil mAnAGement Services: Direct Mail Consulting, 1st Class Mail, Standard/NonProfit Mail, Mail Merge, Folding/ Tabbing/Inserting, Mailing Lists, Postcards, Political Mail, Bulk Mailing, Courier Services OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. 10am – 4pm 6130 Wheatley St. Houston, Texas 77091 713.692.1195 PLEASE WEAR MASKS arts, Gifts Ministries,WrightWillieJrInc. “Christ-centered, Bible-based, and” 2810 rosedale st. houston, tX 77004 A Ministry Committed to the Worth of the WORD and Energetic Evangelism 713.489.8905carria281.901.4966 VINTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY, LLC TERENCE REED OWNER Facebook Go Vintage LLC Instagram: govintagellc 713 489 8905/281 901 4966 gocarriagevintagecompany,llcfaceBook:vintage,llcinstagram:govintagellcterencej.reeD,owner V NTAGE CARRIAGE COMPANY LLC k s o t e c 7 4 8 5 8 0 9 contractor paintinBlessinGGBonDeD&insureD RComPleteemodelinG • Mother’s/Father’s Day • Ann ive r sa r ie s • In Memory Of • Birthdays • Graduations • Weddings etc. For more information ONLINEADVERTISEWITHUS permitswedevelopementsilverlightpullsilverlightdevel@gmail.comaskfordarryl281.687.3117 • Remodeling • Demolition • Sheetrock • Mold Removal • Framing • Foundation Repair • Insurance Specialist • A/c & Heating • Electrical Work • SILVERLIGHTDEVELOPMENT.COMPlumbing huntinG Less than one hour from downtown Houston and College Station Roy Douglas & Shirley Ann malonson@rsdeerranch.comMalonson 713-244-4067 28978 FM 1736 Road Hempstead 77445 (Waller County) one AinhuntdAyCludesloGdinGndmeAl hunt all year whitetailfallowaxisarounD&Deertrophyhunting
Upon request, METRO provides free language assistance to help patrons who have a limited ability to read, write, speak, or understand English in accordance with its language assistance plan. METRO’s public hearings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Request for language assistance and other accommodations should be directed to the Board Office at 713-739-4834 at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing.
residents with the tools to preserve and protect the character of our communities.”
The77002.public is invited to attend the hearing and provide comments in person. You may also join the hearing on Zoom or by dialing: 346-248-7799, Meeting ID: 872 8125 2499. Participation on Zoom is only necessary if you want to provide comments during the public hearing. Otherwise, you may view a livestream of the hearing online at A video recording of the hearing will also be archived on
The public may also provide comments by email to or by calling METRO Customer Service at 713-635-4000 in advance of the public hearing.
protected area of the deed restrictions or to seek legal recourse.”
I am speaking in support of the affected neighborhood and would be appalled if townhouses were constructed next door to myThehome.”residents overwhelminglyvotedtoapprove the HOA board to seek legal counsel. Stopping the Calhoun Townhomes is not just the concern of Riverside Terrance residents, but it should concern all Houston residents and homeowners. Preserving the Third Ward community is symbolic of the need to revisit the conversation on zoning in Houston and affordable and fair housing practices throughout Houston and nationwide. If you want to learn more about the Stop Calhoun Townhomes effort, please visit www.stopcalhountownhomes. com or their Instagram stopcalhountowmhomes/.
Townhomes cont’d AFRAMNEWS.COM 7September 11, 2022GREATER HOUSTON EDITION
It is recommended that anyone wanting to make public comments register as a public speaker with METRO’s Board Office at least 48 hours in advance of the hearing by calling 713-739-4834 or sending an email to, and providing their name, address, and telephone number. If you pre-register, your comments will be heard first at the public hearing. Your name will be called at the appropriate time for you to make your comments.
Call or text 713-635-4000
Dr. Evans-Shabazz: “My office is arranging meetings between the HOA representatives and the city departments to give the audience opportunities to make their case to stop the project.
Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas
Alternatively, you may provide public comments after the pre-registered speakers by raising your hand when called upon if you are present in the Board Room, by selecting the “Raise Hand” feature on the Zoom platform online, or by pressing *9 if joining by telephone. Those calling in will automatically be placed on mute. After an unregistered speaker’s name or number is recognized, their microphone will be unmuted and they will be able to provide their comments.
Crystal: How is your office assisting any 3rd Ward residents who have concerns about the effects that the Calhoun Townhomes will have on the Third Ward Community?
Dr. Evans-Shabazz: “The only amicable resolution would be to stop the project. The developers likely, will not do that without the HOA finding ways to change the determination of the Planning and Development Department, who issued the building permits, and, or the Legal Department, who determined that the property is not included in the
A copy of METRO’s proposed Fiscal Year 2023 Operating and Capital Budgets is currently available for review by the public on METRO’s website at and in the lobby of the METRO RideStore in the Lee P. Brown METRO Administration Building, located at 1900 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County, Texas (METRO) is holding a public hearing to receive public comments on its proposed Operating and Capital Budgets for Fiscal Year 2023 (October 1, 2022 – September 30, 2023). The public hearing will be held at 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 in the METRO Board Room on the Second Floor at 1900 Main Street in Houston, Texas
In an interview with Dr. Carolyn Evans -Shabazz I asked her a variety of questions about the new development and the Third Ward Community.Crystal:What does the establishment of Townhouses all over Third Ward do to the value of homes in the neighborhood?
Dr. Evans-Shabazz: “It depends on the location of the development. Some townhouses fit in the right place and enhance the area. Not so with the current proposed Calhoun Townhomes project. These old established homes are our Black River Oaks, and this development changes the quality and character of our long cherished palatial homes and neighborhood.”Crystal:Asaborn and raised Third Ward resident, what do you think is an amicable resolution for both parties’ concerns?
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