Vol 28 Issue 33

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PastoRal leaDeRshIP Is It Real?

Initially, let the editorial writer say emphatically that this editorial is not a condemnation of all pastoral leaders. However, those of us who know pastors that fit the nonspiritual description in this editorial pray for them. It is spiritually written that many are called, but few are spiritually chosen by God. All churches in the Black community struggle to become physical monuments of what it is that God desires the church to be, because: “For every house is built by some man, but he that built all things is God.” (Hebrews

3: 4). Black pastors for God’s sake, please examine yourselves, and cease espousing self-glorification, power, glory, and honor that you built the church rather than God built the church. Pastors are only pastoral stewards and servants of God, and this scripture is a Godly reminder: “Thou art worthy O Lord, to receive glory, and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4: 11).

Pastoral on pg. 5


She was preceded in death by grandparents LA and Freddy B McCoy, parents Irvin and Matilda McCoy, sister Diane Gainous, brothers Harold Malbrough, James Malbrough and Charles Malbrough.

Earline Syon was born on March 29, 1945, in Houston Texas. She was the oldest of 14 children. Earline attended school at old Kashmere HISD. She accepted Christ at an early age.

Sisters are one of the greatest gifts that we will ever have and that our hearts will ever know.

Earline on pg. 7

African-American News&Issues FREE September 3, 2023 Vol. 28, Issue 33
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
If you don’t know your history, you don’t know where you come from.
- Roy Douglas Malonson
Matilda on pg. 7

Abbott Travels Miles to Destroy H.I.S.D

At the directive of Governor Greg Abbott, the state of Texas has been greedily hovering over the Houston Independent School Board since 2018 with the conspicuous presumption of “saving” it. This spring his victory equaled everyone else’s loss. Well before 2019 HISD had identified insufficient campus funding as one of its most formidable challenges, which of course disadvantaged the least advantaged of the then 209,772 enrolled students.

That was the year the district was honored in U.S. News & World Report as having four of the top 100 high schools (DeBakey High School for Health Professions, ranked #3 in Texas, #17 in the nation; Carnegie Vanguard High School, ranked #4 in Texas, #24 in the nation; Eastwood Academy High School, ranked #9 in Texas, #97 in the nation, and Challenge Early College High School, ranked #10 in Texas, #102 in the nation) in its Best High Schools rankings. The school system earned 88 out of 100 points from the state which bested many districts

in Texas’ big cities. HISD also had pared its number of “failing” schools from 58 in 2015 to 21. Still, less than half of Black, Hispanic and “economically disadvantaged” students overall were performing on grade level in math and reading in 2019, compared to about 7 out of 2 whites from more prosperous households. The proportion of students in need of special education ranked among the least of Texas’ priorities. Poorly supported schools, especially magnet schools, were unequal in quality and unequally located around the city.

The following year capital was similarly scarce when online learning was necessitated by COVID. At that time 42% of our students received one or more failing grades during the first six-week interval. Seven other area school

districts also described an increased number of students failing at least one class compared to last year. HISD reopened for in person classes that October, but days later 16 campuses were closed again because of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 cases. Mental health deteriorated as children were separated from their routines and their classmates. Many

of their adults lost their jobs and, in some cases, their lives. Students were in desperate need of expensive services.

Even as the financially besieged school district was making sweeping improvements at low performing schools,

Governor Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Education Agency to summarily exile the district’s superintendent and board trustees selected by Houston voters.,

They installed strangers, including Mike Miles, the recently disastrous leader of the Dallas Independent School District, to oversee HISD against the public’s vehement protest. Miles left his previous position in Dallas with deteriorating test scores and abundant scandals. Texas finances its schools on the number of students in each district and their daily attendance. HISD receives between $5,000 and $6,000 per student per year. With 189,337 currently enrolled, there are 20,724 fewer than when the pandemic hit during the 2019-20 school year. That means the district is projected to lose $124 million from its already inadequate prepandemic budget. Not only that, but in February Michael Love, the executive officer of HISD’s Innovation and Strategic Initiatives, told (channel) 13 Investigates, “Over the next 20 years we may lose another 20,000, 30,000 students. We may be at 150,000 in 10 years. It’s hard to know, but we are at least predicting a decrease over the foreseeable future.”

Meanwhile, the new superintendent none of us voted for has a new contract, which includes some $25,000 to cover his moving expenditures, awards him $1,473 compensation for every day he acts as superintendent. Remember that next time you vote for governor.

EDITORIAL And all that Jazz
Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Esperanza Jazz Paz
President/Chief Editor Contributing Writers Dr. Bobby Mills Jazz Pazz Asia Williams
EDITOR, EMAIL TO news@aframnews.com We are looking for historical writers That can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. PLEASE SEND YOUR INQUIRIES TO PROD@AFRAMNEWS.COM PO BOX 41820 Houston, TX 77241
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Race based violence is an integral part of American society, because of America’s racial discriminatory slave-based laws, gun violence culture, and spiritual misinterpretation of the Second Amendment. As Americans, we tend to forgive adults for killing each other, and we punish mass killers to the nth degree of the law. However, we can never ever forgive mass killers of school children and the untold psychological effect on our children from such evil ungodly events. One of the Ten Commandments is thy shalt not kill. Individuals should not take that which they cannot give, and just for spiritual clarification God knew us before we were in our mother’s womb. Therefore, children are a gift from God. The rhetoric and actions of race-based mass violence has always existed in American society, but never as commonplace acceptable events, especially as it is becoming in the 21st century, especially since the unfortunate election of Donald J. Trump to the Presidency in 2016. Race-based violence and murders are becoming more prevalent than it has ever been, because Trump and White Nationalist groups are stoking the ambers of racial hatred and societal unrest. Governor DeSantis of Florida is also

a guilty party, because of his attacks on WOKISM, Black self-awareness. The recent race-based murders in Jacksonville, Florida are empirical evidence of DeSantis’s complicity in stoking the flames of racial confusion and hatred of minorities, especially Blacks. For example, if a so called intelligent, Harvard graduate, makes an unintelligent statement, such as: “There were benefits in slavery for Black slaves”, what then can we expect from a common individual who was not privileged to receive an Ivy League Harvard education? America, take heed: “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.”

(1 Corinthians 15: 33). Keeping company with individuals, such as Donald J. Trump and Governor Ronald DeSantis, who deny the truth is a dangerous life proposition. America, to be forewarned is to be foretold: “God is not mocked, individuals reap whatever they sow”.

Black people take nothing for granted, remain

sober, vigilant, and stay WOKE, because if you see cattle cars lined-up in the Black community on side tracks, alarm the entire community, and most of all, remember what happened to the Jewish people in Germany. Therefore: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist in the faith,” (1 Peter 5: 8-9a). Sadly, it seems as though racism drives some Whites insane. Thank God it’s not in the DNA of Blacks to simply hate Whites because they are White. Hate the sin, and love the sinner is Godly.

The Preamble to the U. S.

Constitution as well as the Constitution are almost perfect documents, even though the writers were spiritually flawed individuals, because many of them owned slaves. Yet, the documents declare that all men are created equal. Even in the twenty-first century, we cannot live by the spiritual tenets of the documents. There is still untold racial hatred in American society, even though we are a society of immigrants. We seemingly cannot live together and respect each other’s universal humanity as Americans. Unfortunately, we have created racial and ethnic divisions that are tearing the moral fabric of American society apart. Just maybe racial and ethnic tensions are the reasons why we cannot resolve our gun culture issues, because we are divided into racialized Totem pole conflict. Of course, it is spiritually written, if you live by the sword you die by the sword. It is not in the spiritual and moral DNA of Black people to simply hate White people because of skin-tone. The question of questions is whether it

is in the DNA of Whites to simply hate Blacks because of skin-tone? Of course, we all know that hatred can only be defeated by a spiritual moral God conscience. Self-righteousness is easy because it is only talk, not deeds. Righteousness is hard, because it is about walking the talk. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and too many GOP-cult MAGA-Leaders are speaking death from their tongues rather than life. However, a word to the wise should be sufficient, remember Paroah and the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, and Moses warned Pharoah that the next plague inflicted upon the Israelites will be visited upon the people of Egypt. America, it is spiritually written “if God be for you, who can be against you”. Be careful Christian Right Evangelicals, The GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some spiritually misguided Blacks, and other minorities, especially GOP Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy. Racism is an exacting devilish concept grounded in hatred, and physically delivered in violence. Likewise, love is an exacting spiritual concept between God and individuals delivered in service to others, not self-service. Amen.




Long-time Houston Community College (HCC) administrator

Margaret Ford Fisher, Ed.D., has taken the helm as HCC’s interim chancellor.

She will serve in that capacity as the HCC governing board completes a national search to identify a permanent chancellor.

“I am greatly honored to serve as interim chancellor, and for the trust of our esteemed trustees,”

Dr. Ford Fisher said. “I am deeply invested in advancing student success and diligently working with our great faculty and staff to provide lifechanging education for our students and our community.”

During her 38-year career at HCC, Dr. Ford Fisher was the inaugural president of HCC Online College, the seventh HCC college, which was established in February 2018. HCC Online College was recognized by Newsweek as “One

of America’s Best Online Colleges” in 2022 and 2023.

As president of the Online College, Dr. Ford Fisher’s team established more than 60 fully online degree programs, and more than 70 hybrid programs with an annual enrollment president of HCC Northeast College for 20 years.

Dr. Ford Fisher is the author of more than 50 publications and four books, including the first book focused on dual credit, High School Students Earning

College Credit: Guide to Creating Dual Credit Programs (1996), which bolstered dual credit enrollment across the country and received national and international acclaim.

Dr. Ford Fisher received a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and master’s degree in the Teaching of English at Wichita State University. She also received her doctorate in Education Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Houston.

“The Board of Trustees and I believe Dr. Ford Fisher’s accomplishments, qualifications, and willingness to serve will be critical to advancing the Board’s expectations,” said Board Chair Dr. Cynthia LentonGary.

Learn more about the interim chancellor appointment at hccs. edu/chancellor.


While listening to National Public Radio the other day, I was stunned to hear a former State Department official say that the United States is spending more than $2 billion a month on the war in Ukraine and that it is anticipated that a certain amount of those funds will be lost to waste, fraud and abuse.

Hearing this figure, I became curious about how much the U.S. government spent on the war in Afghanistan – a war whose outcome Graeme Herd, writing for The George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, stated: “constitute[s] a clear-cut strategic failure for the U.S. and NATO, when calculated in terms of ‘blood and treasure’ costs as set against benefits and potential future threats.”

A quick internet search revealed that our country spent $2.3 trillion on the war in Afghanistan, $19 billion of which was lost to waste,

fraud and abuse.

Besides having difficulty wrapping my head around how much money was spent – and how much was lost – in a cause many reputable political scientists have characterized as “American Adventur-

racial animus and racism itself.

It is an incontrovertible fact that politicians put our money where their interests lie. As a child growing up in the segregated South, I witnessed my parents’ tax dollars being used to build “community” swimming pools that Black children like me were forbidden by law to use.

ism in Afghanistan,” I became angry at the members of Congress who refuse to spend any tax dollars at all to help African Americans in our own country recover from the damage caused by centuries of slavery, racial abuse and intentional neglect.

The refusal to repair the damage caused by past and present racial animus and racism is a crime against humanity, just as much as the

On hot summer days, as I walked past these civic amenities built in part by Black tax dollars, I was made acutely aware of how self-interest drives public spending. This reality was made even more painful by the fact that my state, Virginia, proudly, but falsely, proclaimed itself to be a “Commonwealth” where all the blessings of freedom and prosperity were shared fairly.

So now, I weigh the reality of politicians in my country frantically throwing Trillion cont. Pg. 7


Therefore, knowing this we all know what Jesus told Peter based upon his revelatory knowledge: “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16: 16). Jesus replied: “Blessed art thou Simon Bar Jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” (Matthew 16: 17-18). Thus, for some ungodly reason or reasons too many Pastoral Leaders are allowing the devil to create confusion in God’s church among God’s people. Hence, in selfish confusion too

many pastoral leaders are misusing and abusing the resources of churches. Hence, we all know, that God holds pastoral leaders responsible for both spiritually nourishing souls, and at the same time, demanding faithful stewardship over resources, because: “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?”

(Matthew 16: 26).

Black people let’s spiritually, empirically, and physically examine the church houses that exist in our communities as well as the surrounding physical

environments. Churches must not only be concerned with spiritual enlightenment development, but environmental development, and quality of life, as well. The teaching and preaching of God’s word should improve

the quality of life at every level, and being peculiar people others should behold their good works. Thus, the doors of the church should be open seven days a week,

not just on Sundays, and mid-week Bible study. God is an everyday, twenty-

four-seven-GOD, in time, on time, and all the time. All churches should be Bible-based, and not personality driven, and most of all, about: “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2: 15). Therefore, every Christian both Pastoral as well as Laity should read and study God’s Word (Bible) diligently and consistently. The truth of God is both rational and emotional, and this is why every Godfearing Christian should be able to declare: “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone

that believeth:”

(Romans 1: 16a).

This editorial is a clarion call to every Christian believer either Pastoral or Laity and know:

“For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.” (1 Corinthians 14: 33). A word to the spiritually wise is sufficient, if the church your family attends is in devilish confusion, because of Pastoral and Church leadership, please relocate your membership to a Bible-based Godfearing church; whereby the Pastor, not only teaches and preaches the word of GOD, but lives the WORD (Truth). Amen

AFRAMNEWS.COM 5 September 3, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION sale starts august 11th every friday and saturday 6130 Wheatley st. houston, tX 77091 713.692.1195 10% to off 40% 11am TO 5Pm 10% to off 40%
Pastoral cont.

PuBlic nOTice

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ShOe rePair


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money at what they perceive to be a problem abroad while withholding funds that could help to eliminate problems crushing Black communities here at home.

It cannot be the case that these politicians don’t know that funding can be used to solve problems in the poorer Black communities of our nation. Multiple studies after multiple studies throughout the decades have provided evidence that many of the problems plaguing Black people in America can be alleviated with the proper application of funding. But the politics of selfinterest stand in the way.

The politics of selfinterest can most clearly be illustrated by England’s “Slave Compensation Act” of 1837, where the British government agreed to a generous compensation package – not to the formerly enslaved whose labor had been stolen, but to the slave owners for “the loss of their property.”

Reparations to people of color need not necessarily be cash giveaways to individuals. They can be in the form of meaningful community investments. Improving and supporting community infrastructure, including schools, transportation systems, social service programs and financial institutions, would go a long way toward improving lives damaged by past and present racial hostility. While the problems afflicting communities of color can be alleviated

with appropriate funding, politicians with the power to provide that funding either don’t care to alleviate those problems, or they have an interest in continuing our suffering by withholding funding.

I am not saying that the people of Ukraine should not receive our help. But I am saying that Black people here in the United States deserve as much consideration and help as the people of Ukraine. Our determination to aid Ukraine today is reminiscent of this country’s World War II effort. Black men and women were sent overseas to help people abroad when lynchings still were rampant in our own Southland.

In 1942, The Pittsburgh Courier launched the “Double V” campaign to bring attention to the hypocrisy of America sending Black men and women overseas to fight for freedom while they were still being lynched at home. The Double V stood for “Victory at Home” as well as “Victory Abroad.” But even then, racism dictated that Black folks had to take a back seat. So, the slogan had to be phrased as “Victory Abroad and Victory at Home.” Worse still, Victory at Home became a hollow slogan as many Black World War II veterans who wore their uniforms home at the end of the war were met with violent hostility from Southern whites who were offended by such a sight.

For more visit aframnews.com

She leaves behind sisters Earline Syon, Dorothy Davis (Robert), Babara Santos (John), Pamela McCoy Jones and Tammie WesleyThomas (Columbus) and brother Burley Malbrough (Cynthia).

Tilly was first wed to Patrick Joseph Sr. in her early years. From this union she had two children, Jasmine and Patrick Joseph Jr., three stepchildren Alexis, Ashley and Torye Joseph. She has five amazing grandchildren, Kaden Carter, Amaris Joseph, Earline was considered that sister. She was a beautiful spirit that was loved, is missed, and will always be cherished. For those who knew and loved her called her “Nanny” She was the matriarch of the siblings. She believed in keeping us together. Whether you knew her or just met her, she would definitely make you feel like family. Earline didn’t worry about anything because she would always give it to God.

He took very good care of her. Earline’s dash in life was extraordinary. She was a devoted mother and grandmother to all of her children. She was a loving caring soul. She warmed and stole the hearts of all that knew her. She loved cooking for her family and friends. She lived life to the fullest. If you knew Earline, you

Christopher Johnson Jr., Peighton Knighton and Jaxon Oduntan.

Tilly’s second marriage was to Keith Balin, married in 2007. They shared many great years traveling, enjoying their kids, grandkids, family and friends.

Tilly lived a beautiful life, loved by so many people, the life all parties and always the hostess with the most! Her legacy and life lessons will continue to live on through all of those she leaves behind, including godchildren

Amanda Jones Johnson, Jessica Jones, Latasha

Jones, Jesse Jones III, Amanda Motilal and Brandy Edwards. She also leaves behind many beloved nieces, nephews, cousins, family and friends.

A visitation for Matilda will be held Sunday, July 9, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Brookside Funeral Home, 13747 Eastex Freeway, Houston, Texas 77039. A celebration of life will occur Sunday, July 9, 2023 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at Brookside Funeral Home. Followed by a reception from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM.

knew her passion and that was “BINGO”. She played Bingo non-stop every day. It was her joy, her stress reliever and her happy place. She probably visited every Bingo Hall in Houston.

She made many friends along the way; who cherished and loved her. She didn’t meet a stranger and if you were after a short talk; you were instant friends. Earline was a construction worker for many years. She later became a caregiver at The Hampton, which quickly became her true passion. She later moved to Brenham to be closer to her grandson Christopher and bonus daughter Kesha. Earline continued her passion of caring for others. She filled in at Embracing Angels and quickly became everyone’s grandmother. As her health worsened, she was surrounded by

her loving family. Her nephew Clayton stepped in and took on the first shift of caring for her. Her sister Barbara was there whenever she had a hospital stay and needed someone to keep her company. Ellenor was her driver when she wanted to go to a game room or the casino. Her sons Andre and Samuel were her front runners for whatever she needed. They were but a call away. As her health became more complexed her son Reginald moved in with her. Where he remained until the end along with her sister Barbara and niece Cassandra Sadness and crying is not what she wanted from us.

For I can hear her say: You may wonder why I went away and didn’t say good-bye.

For more visit aframnews.com

Trillion cont. Matilda cont. Earline cont.
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