Are We Protesting for the right PurPose
By: Roy Douglas MalonsonHouston, Tx – March 16, 2023. I have heard this loud protest about the Texas Education Agency (TEA) Taking over HISD. With a 2019-2020 enrollment of 209,309 students, we should be concerned. My question is very basic with the HISD takeover. Are we protesting for the right purpose? Should we ensure a quality education has afforded our children, or should we condemn the TEA assuming its statutory role as the agency that oversees primary and secondary public education. I am also concerned whether those appointed to “right” the system will have the intent and design to really improve the education system or to relegate certain demographics to a place their upbringing has taught they belong. We should ask how many of our schools are failing or functioning
as a quality education campus? Protesting shares your views, but what do we want done? What issues should we be focused on? The Department of Education (DOE) painted a grim picture for students of color in Houston-area public schools. They contend that there is severe inequity in discipline, which means Black and Hispanic kids are more likely to be suspended than white students. Suspension can have a big impact on achievement. In fact, time spent on task learning in the classroom is critical to a student’s success. DOE found a quarter of the students in HISD are Black, but they’re about seven times more likely to end up suspended compared to white students. Purpose on pg. 3
By: Crystal LaShanCortlandt Barrett, remember her name because soon you won’t forget it. She has dynamic talent with an array of theatrical experiences from Dreamgirls to The Wiz. Cortlandt has taken advantage of all the extraordinary acting opportunities that Houston has to offer and will be graduating from HSPVA this Spring to make her mark on the acting scene. We were excited to ask Cortlandt a few questions about her arts experience in Houston.
How have your art experiences in Houston helped you on your journey to being an HSPVA senior approaching graduation?
As a young child, my family made sure I was always in a theatre, whether it was The Ensemble, TUTS, Wildfish Theater, or Stages. HITS Theatre, specifically, became my sanctuary. There, I became confident in, not only my voice but my love for theatre.
What did it mean to have your God Mom, Renee Goldsberry come to see your show and give encouragement and advice to your fellow artist friends?
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D.News:
School Vouchers: Good or Bad?
Office: (713) 692-1892
Governor Abbott has made it clear that he supports a “school choice” policy and how Texas needs to “create an education savings account program.” This is about parental rights and Governor Abbott said that school choice “will give all parents the ability to choose the best education option for their children.” This freedom would be given through a school voucher.
If you’re not familiar with a school voucher, it is funded by the government through taxes. Parents can use the voucher to pay private school tuition. Sounds simple right? However, there are good and bad things that can come out of this. One positive benefit I believe comes from school vouchers is that it does give parents freedom to choose the school they think is right for their child. But, this comes with a cost too. Vouchers might only cover a portion of the tuition, which means parents would have to pay the difference. This also may not include transportation, and parents would have to find a way to get
their child to school. With parents still having to pay some money out of pocket, “school choice,” may still be limited to those who can afford it, which still creates racial and financial inequities within our communities. Some of the downsides with using a school voucher, is that this will take money away from public schools, especially schools that may already be struggling. With less funding, this means less resources. This may also mean a reduction in teachers because there is not enough funding to keep them. In addition, going to a private school does not ensure that a student’s academic performance will improve just because they switch to a private school, or that they will be receiving a better education. So instead of a voucher, why not just pump more money into our public schools so that all students will have an equitable learning environment? And who will be able to qualify for these vouchers anyway? And what’s the hidden agenda? Why vouchers? Why now?
I believe that kids need three things to be successful in anything they do. This includes love, support, and care. If they have those three things, they can thrive.
For more visit
A revival of god Consciousness
Bobby Mills, PhdAtheism
Atheism has its origin in self-denial and self-rejection because Atheism is existence without God’s Biblical Truth. If individuals deny who they are, they cannot accept who God is. God is, ISNESS, that is ontological being no beginning and no end. This is why individuals must go in spiritual search of who God is, to discover who, they are in relationship to God, family, and others. Thus, the study of ontology is the philosophical, scientific, and intellectual foundation for the academic disciplines of theology, sociology, and psychology. Christian
Right Evangelicals, The GOP, White Nationalists, Fox “FAKE” News, and some spiritually misguided Blacks and other minorities desire to play God by instituting systems and processes of exclusion, and by changing Democracy into an Autocracy by lying and doing the work of the devil. The devil is the father of lies. The likes of former President Trump, Representatives McCarthy, Greene, Jordan, Santos, Gates, and so on, are perfect examples.
America was founded upon Biblical Principles, and I beseech you to read the Preamble to the U. S. Constitution, even though, the individuals were flawed that crafted a nearly perfect spiritual document.
Notice to Proposers
Lone Star College Request for Proposal:
• RFP #866: 6-Person Cab Used
Pumper Fire Truck. Electronic bids due Friday 03/31/23 by 11:00AM.
All bid event documents can be found in the iStar Vendor Portal.
For info how to register & bid, attend our WebEx meeting Tuesday 03/21/23 at 10:00AM; www. meeting# 2622 456
8601 Password: YSwUpGCV473
For more information, please visit vendors Contact MC-vendors@ or Lydia.Sterling@
legAl notice
The Houston Independent School District Purchasing Services Department located at 4400 West 18th Street, Houston, TX 77092 is soliciting Request for Proposals (RFP) via the District’s electronic bidding portal. Proposers may login to view specifications and submit their responses at the following link https://houstonisd. until 3:00 p.m. (CST) Tuesday, March 28, 2023, for the following solicitation: rFP 23-03-02 – temporary nursing services
Pre-proposal conferences via Microsoft Teams will be held in conjunction with this RFP. Information regarding dates, times, and instructions to receive a link to join the meeting can be located within the electronic bidding portal under the “Event Details” tab specific to this solicitation.
Notice to Proposers
Lone Star College Request for Proposal:
• RFP #853: University Park System Office Audio-Visual Upgrade for the Executive Briefing Center. Electronic bids due Wednesday 04/12/23 by 11:00AM. Mandatory site visit Wednesday 03/22/23 9:00AM at Lone Star College University Park Bldg 11 Main Lobby (20515 SH 249 S, Houston TX 77070). All bid event documents can be found in the iStar Vendor Portal. For info how to register & bid, attend our WebEx meeting Tuesday 03/21/23 at 10:00AM; meeting# 2622 456 8601 Password: YSwUpGCV473 For more information, please visit https://www.lonestar. edu/vendors Contact or
Notice to Proposers
Lone Star College Request for Proposal:
CSP #862: University Park Bldg
11 Elevator Modernization. Electronic bids due Friday 03/31/23 by 11:00AM. Site Visit Wednesday 03/22/23 10:00AM at Lone Star College University Park Bldg 11
Lobby (20515 SH 249 S, Houston TX 77070). All bid event documents can be found in the iStar Vendor Portal. For info how to register & bid, attend our WebEx meeting Tuesday 03/21/23 at 10:00AM; meeting# 2622 456 8601 Password: YSwUpGCV473 For more information, please visit https:// Contact or
Notice to Proposers
Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #863 – eLearning Authoring Tool. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Thursday, April 6, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, March 22, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 414 4671
• Contact: or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact
notice to contrActors
Sealed bids, in duplicate, addressed to OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment
Authority will be received at 5445 Almeda Rd, #545, Houston, TX 77004, until 2:00 pm (CST) on Thursday, April 6th, 2023. Hard copies of the bid must be delivered in person. Bids will be publicly opened and read at 2:05 Pm on Thursday, April 6th, 2023, for furnishing all necessary materials, equipment, superintendence, labor, and incidentals for the construction of Additional Park upgrades and improvements at Park at Palm center.
There is no cost to download the Bid Documents but you must register at The right is reserved, as the interest of the Owner may require, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. In Person Pre-Bid Conference will be held at 5445 Almeda road, suite 545, Houston, tX 77004, on Wednesday, march 22, 2023 at 10:00 am (cst).
The recent data available shows Black HISD students missed 23,699 days of class for disciplinary reasons in a single school year.
The Hechinger Report/Associated Press analysis of career
Notice to Proposers
Lone Star College Request for Proposal:
• RFP #865: Business Travel Accidental Death and Dismemberment Coverage. Electronic bids due Wednesday 04/05/23 by 11:00AM. All bid event documents can be found in the iStar Vendor Portal. For info how to register & bid, attend our WebEx meeting Thursday 03/23/23 at 10:00AM; meeting# 2621 416 7125 Password: ejY43VkJGn3 For more information, please visit vendors Contact MC-vendors@ or Lydia.Sterling@
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP # 857 – 1098-T Reporting Services. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Thursday, April 6, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, March 22, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 414 4671
• Contact: or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFQ # 832 – Executive Search and Recruitment. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Thursday, April 6, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, March 22, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting # 2621 850 1554
• Contact: or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact
and technical education (CTE) enrollment data from 40 states reveals deep racial disparities in who takes these career-oriented courses. Their article entitled, “How career and technical education shuts out Black and Latinos brings this disparity before us.” The report finds historically, CTE was seen as a dumping ground for students who weren’t considered college material. A twotier educational system tracked predominantly low-income students and students of color into career and technical classes, then known
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #864 – Writing Enhancement Tool. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Thursday, April 6, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, March 22, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 414 4671
• Contact: or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact
Notice to Proposers Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:
• RFP #858 – Web Based Student Course Evaluation System. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Thursday, April 6, 2023.
• WebEx pre-proposal meeting: Wednesday, March 22, 2:00PM; call-in number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 414 4671
• Contact: or (832)813-6782.
• Must Register to Bid: http:// supplier.htm . If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact
as vocational education. But in recent years, schools have revamped these courses to prepare students for higher education and lucrative work in fields such as technology, health care and engineering. Few of our AfricanAmericans know that in June 2013, former Texas Governor Rick Perry signed into law House Bill (HB) 5, 83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session, which established a new high school graduation program—the Foundation High School Program— the purpose of the legislation was to integrate college and career readiness and optimize individual choice for students. Stated another way, HB 5 was designed to instill more flexibility in public education by enabling students to either pursue a traditional path into colleges and universities or move directly into the workforce to help fill what business leaders say is a significant skills shortage. TEA is authorized by the Texas Education Code (TEC) to monitor compliance with requirements applicable to a process or program, and the related use of funds. Monitoring is conducted to ensure compliance with federal law and regulations and financial accountability, including compliance with grant requirements. The relevant statute is TEC §7.021(b)(1),
in conjunction with §§7.028(a)(1) and 7.028(a)(2).)
Changes were made to the state’s graduation requirements and accountability system to ensure school districts prepared all students to enter college or the workforce. Especially, when we view our dangerous gap in middle skill jobs, and the fact that the concept of college for everyone was not meeting the needs of 51% of Texas graduates who did not enter college.
Understand, the Foundation High School Program was designed to give students the flexibility to take more classes focused on their interests and career goals. House Bill 5 also set up five endorsements from which high school students can choose. Students can take a variety of CTE courses to allow for exploration and a diverse education to support career decisions and postsecondary options. The five endorsements are: Arts and Humanities, Business and Industry, Public Service, Multidisciplinary Studies, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).