Vol 28 Issue 7

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Mentorship is priceless

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” This quote reminds me of the importance of mentoring our youth. Mentorship gives our scholars a strong foundation and the confidence to take the next step. Through mentorship, it allows our youth to know someone cares about the choices they make in life. Even when they don’t make the right choice, a caring mentor will be there to help them figure out the next steps towards improvement.

The City of Houston Councilman Edward Pollard of District J was blessed with one of the best mentors in the world, Rev. Dr. Theodore

Judson Jemison. He was not only Councilman Edward’s beloved grandfather, but a mentor to the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Rev. Dr. Jemison was not only Godfearing, but a compassionate and loving leader who believed in standing up for change. Dr. Jemison believed in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This mindset allowed Dr. Jemison to trust that God would protect him, which allowed him to pursue equality and justice for all.

It is a little-known fact that Dr. Jemison created the blueprint for the Civil Rights Movement’s bus boycotts. Mentorship cont. on pg. 3

Raised in Acres Homes and a graduate of Booker T. Washington class of 1986, Rita Hamilton enjoys helping others and loves working with kids. She grew up in poverty and didn’t get exposed to much outside of her environment, but always knew she wanted to branch out and see what the world had to offer.

She received her cosmetology license in 1993 and became a foster parent in 1998 in the state of Nevada, where she opened a therapeutic foster home. In 2004, she moved back to Houston, and obtained a bachelor’s in theology in 2015. In 2020, she became foster parent of the month and has been with her current agency for 12 years. “I’ve always had love and have love for kids. When my mom passed away, I moved to Reno, and that’s when I found my purpose in life.”

March 5, 2023 GREATER HOUSTON EDITION Vol. 28, Issue 7
BLACK HISTORY IS 24/7/365, NOT 28–29 dAYS
African-American News&Issues
Rev. Dr. Theodore Judson Jemison (far left) (Grandfather of Councilman Edward Pollard) and Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. (far right)
“Addressing Current & Historical Realities Affecting Our Community”
and Kings cont.
Kings and Queens among us Foundation Queens
Rita Hamilton



According to Houston’s Mayor, Sylvester Turner, a possible takeover of the Houston Independent School District (HISD) by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) will happen very soon. The takeover is due to several unacceptable academic ratings at some of HISD’s schools. According to Kathy Blueford-Daniels, “As of the school year ending in 2022, 40 of 54 failing campuses have shown passing grades of C and an overall grade of B for the District as a whole.” For example, Wheatley High School went from an unacceptable rating to a C. This shows that improvements have been made, and that progress takes time. I commend the work that Superintendent House and HISD has done to turn their district around for the better.

this may be easier said than done, but I have personally witnessed what happens when a child has support at home. A child needs to feel cared for, loved, and supported.

Other things that parents can do is to make sure their child is reading something every day. Whatever piques their interest, put it in front of them and let them read. It does not have to be for a long period of time, but they need to engage with some form of literature daily. Through reading, they can build their vocabulary, identify different sentence structures, and so much more.

A revival of God consciousness

In Or Out

The question is: Are you a constitutionalist? Or are you a Fairweather American? This question must be asked simply because Christian Right Evangelicals, The GOP, and White Nationalist Groups seemingly have a distorted conception of who is an American, and who is not an American?

the record straight, there only two groups of individuals in America that are truly Americans. Native American Indians who are native to the land, and everyone else is a free-will immigrant, except Black Americans who came over on slave ships against their free-will, and they know no other country, but America: The sixteen nineteen project.

It is also important that children are eating a balanced meal and getting a good night’s rest so they can focus while at school. And if possible, they should be a part of some sort of extracurricular activity or even play sports. Whatever it is, keep them active. More importantly, learn about how your child learns best so that you can continue their education after they leave school and come home. Learning how they learn can help them in the long run.

In addition, it is imperative that we take care of our teachers. This includes providing teachers with relevant and meaningful training, equipping them with the resources they need to better serve the needs of our students.

In fact, they desire to unilaterally control citizenship based upon distorted conceptualizations who qualifies to become an American via immigration, not based upon constitutional tenets. To set

Christian Right Evangelicals have indoctrinated (73) million “immigrant” Americans to be against constitutional multi-cultural democracy, and an ungodly example is January 6, 2021. Thus, you are either with US or against US in our pursuit for a more perfect union, and just society.

Takeover For more visit aframnews.com For more visit aframnews.com that can produce stories that address current and historical realities affecting our community. please send your inquiries to prod@aframnews.com

By: Chelsea Davis-Bibb, Ed.D. Office: (713) 692-1892 Wednesday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tristar Web Graphics - Layout Design/Print
Chelsea Davis-Bibb,
Ed.D. - Editor
We Are lookinG for historicAl Writers
Why are some of our schools not performing well? And what needs to happen to address this ongoing problem? For me, I think it starts at home. It is important that parents are involved in their child’s education and provide them with the support that is needed so they can be successful. I know
Rev. Dr. Theodore Judson Jemison and Councilman Edward Pollard.

The AsTros FoundATion scholArship Fund

What a selfless way to celebrate your birthday by inviting your friends to give to the Astros Foundation Scholarship Fund in exchange for an awesome party in the Gallagher Club overlooking Minute Maid Field. Kudos to Paula McCann Harris for being dedicated to providing support to Houston’s youth. The party was jamming with killer music and delicious food while everyone enjoyed the Cactus Jack HBCU Classic Game: Texas Southern University (TSU) Vs. Prairie View A&M University. It was a nail bitter, but Texas Southern (TSU) was victorious! The real winners are the scholars who will receive one of the coveted Astros Foundation Scholarships for $5,000. Thank you, Mrs. Paula McCann Harris, Executive Director & the Astros for all the love you give to Houston.

1881 hBcu Blue legAcy: hBcu chorAl explosion

1881 HBCU Blue Legacy is a developing nonprrofit organization of dynamic Spelmanites who are giving back to the Houston community through service, mentorship, and scholarship. Their goal is to raise scholarship money for Spelman College first and all HBCU scholars in Houston and surrounding areas. Founded in 2022, they are excited to collaborate with fellow HBCU Alumni to create networking, mentorship, and fellowship opportunities. Their first fundraiser, the HBCU Choral Explosion will be held on Monday, March 13th at 6:30 pm at Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Sanctuary. You can purchase tickets at https:// www.1881hbcubluelegacy.com/upcoming-events. The musical concert will feature the Spelman College Glee Club with Alumni Guest Artists: Jackson State Grad & World Renowned Jazz Saxophonist, Kyle Turner, Texas Southern GradMarium Echo, Howard Grad - Xandi, Morehouse Grad - Jeremy J. King, Prairie View A&M

Grad - Integra Foxx, and Spelman Grad - Lea Rutherford.

1881 HBCU Blue Legacy wants to thank their major sponsors who made this event possible: The Collins Family, Houston Mayoral Candidate Chris Hollins and wife Morgan Hollis, Trez Bistro & Wine Bar, Gulfgate Dodge Jeep Ram, District J Councilman Edward Pollard, and Dr. Amna Plummer of Critter Care Hospital.

For more visit aframnews.com

L to R-Twana Griffith-Faykus, Rhonda Manuel, Jacqueline Miles, Paula McCann Harris, Chandra Hummons, Belle Brown, and Amber Robinett. Paula McCann Harris & her countless Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Sorors who came out to support and cheer her on for a job well done. Niles and Deon Dillard enjoying a causal date night. It was a family night out for the Guess Crew. (L to R) Kareeme Dale, Carol Guess, and John Guess, IV. Mr. Anthony West & Texas Senator Borris Miles enjoying the TSU vs. Prairie View A&M Game. The HBCU Happy Hour Crew were enjoying a good time. (L to R) Kayla Donnell, Dr. Evans-Shabazz, Tony Black and Jermaine Alexander. HBCU Choral Explosion Silver sponsor, James Davis, owner of Trez Bistro & Wine Bar and Gold Sponsor, and Mayoral Candidate Chris Hollins were enjoying supporting 1881 HBCU Blue Legacy.

giVing Voice

Giving Voice was a beautiful compilation of extraordinary talent united to celebrate Black Excellence in music. The Houston Grand Opera out did themselves bringing together the amazing talent of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, the Houston Ebony Opera Guild, Prairie View A&M University, and Texas Southern University. As if that wasn’t enough, they honored history making artist George Shirley, the first Black Tenor ever to sing a leading role at the Metropolitan Opera.

They also celebrated the exceptional life of Rev. Bill Lawson, Pastor Emeritus of Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, civil rights Icon, and a man of God who has served the Houston community with love and admiration. The expert conducting of the choirs was genius by Wheeler Senior Pastor, Dr. Marcus D. Cosby, Richard Bado, HGO Chorus Director, Joel Thompson, HGO Composer In Residence, and Leon C. Lewis, Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church Minister of Director, worship, & Fine Arts. This was a night of pure musical joy that was enjoyed by everyone in attendance.


Houston Grand Opera General Director & CEO Khori Dastoor, and with Change Happens CEO, Rev. Leslie Smith II celebrating the great success of Giving Voice. Porgy & Bess was amazingly brilliant starring Cory McGee & Renee Richardson. ABC 13 Anchor, Melanie Lawson, Rev. Lawson, and Cheryl Lawson prepare to enjoy Giving Voice in honor of their beloved Dad. Make Our Garden Grow sung by (L to R) Lawrence Brownlee, Nicole Heaston, Cory McGee, and Renee Richardson was an extraordinary finale encompassing the Wheeler Avenue Baptist Choir & Band, Giving Voice Choir, Prairie View A&M University, Texas Southern University and Ebony Opera Guild. Rice Music students are excited to meet their musical Hero. (L to R): Beautiful Sheriff, Adam Partridge, Lawrence Brownlee, James McCarthy, Camille Robles. Giving Voice Founder, Lawrence Brownlee paid tribute to history making Opera Icon, George Shirley.

Fertilization, Flower Bed Installations

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ShOe repair

puBlic nOTice


The Greater Southeast Management District (Houston Southeast) is soliciting Requests for Qualifications for Professional Engineering and Design Services for Neighborhood Greenways Project – Phase II via CivCast until 4:00 pm on Monday, March 27, 2023. Full RFQ also available at www.houstonse.org

Notice to Proposers

Request for Proposals will be received by Lone Star College for:

• RFP # 846 – SaaS Automated Academic Scheduling Solution. Electronic bids due by 3:00PM, Monday, March 27, 2023.

• WebEx-Bid Submission Demo: Thursday, March 9, 2:00PM; callin number 1-408-792-6300, Meeting #2624 222 7691

• Contact: pamela.johnson@lonestar.edu or (832)813-6782.

• Must Register to Bid: http:// wwwappsdstc.lonestar.edu/istar/ supplier.htm .   If registered, please ensure your registration is up to date. For assistance with the online registration process, contact MC-vendors@lonestar.edu.

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Queens and Kings cont.

After her mom died, she gave her life to Christ. Hamilton is a faithful member of New Destiny Praise and Worship Center under the leadership of Bishop Dr. Ethan and Dr. Pam Ogletree, located off 4170 W. Greens Road in Houston, where she proudly serves as the leader of the Greeters Committee. Additionally, she serves our veterans and enjoys every minute of it. “I love working with veterans,” Hamilton stated. She began to reflect on her father who served in the Vietnam War, and sadly died nine years ago.

Although Hamilton has had different obstacles and challenges in her life, God placed it on her heart to create Queens & Kings Among Us Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to empowering faith and self-es -

teem to girls and boys who are high school seniors in Child Protective Services (CPS) or those who are experiencing financial hardship. The desire is to help them attend their formal events in elegance, regardless of their situation. The goal of the organization is to provide free prom dresses, shoes, purses, ties, suits, and accessories needed to make their prom night special.

The name of the nonprofit has a biblical reference as “Jesus is our king, and so we are all kings and queens,” Hamilton said. She also put “among us” because

we are surrounded by each other to help each other.”

In addition, the organization is “adjusting one crown at a time,” no matter what someone may be going through. “That’s why I said adjusting because you still have your crown, so we are just going to adjust is to make it straight,” she said.

Over the years, Hamilton has worked with many different kids who are at different levels of their life and who have had great challenges. For those kids who may be going through a hard time she said, “There’s always light at the end of the tunnel.

Find that inner voice that will help you make it through…find that positive energy around you whether it’s a teacher, someone from your church, someone in the neighborhood, because sometimes it’s not your family that helps you get through.”

The non-profit is currently preparing for their 3rd annual anniversary and are looking for donations to assist in making this year a huge success. The drive is on March 10, 2023, at Redd’s, which is located off 850 Cypress Creek Pkwy Houston, TX 77067, and will be from 10am – 2pm. They will also hold another drive on April 15th at Shiklozet Fashion Boutique off 1702 1st St. E Suite A in Humble TX 77338. For more information about the organization and upcoming events, you can view their website at www.kingsandqueensamongusfoundation.org.

METRORAPID UNIVERSITY CORRIDOR PUBLIC MEETINGS 2023 Get meeting updates and learn more about the project at: RideMETRO.org/University Join a public meeting and be a part of the METRORapid University Corridor project. DATE TIME VENUE ADDRESS SEGMENT # Thursday Mar-02-2023 5 –7 p.m. Houston Community College – Central Campus 1300 Holman Street Houston, TX 77004 Segment 2 Saturday Mar-04-2023 9:30 –11 a.m. Third Ward Multi-Service Center 3611 Ennis Street Houston, TX 77004 Segment 3 Tuesday Mar-07-2023 5:30 –7:30 p.m. Emancipation Park Cultural Center 3018 Emancipation Avenue Houston, TX 77004 Segment 3 Wednesday Mar-08-2023 6 –8 p.m. HCC Felix Fraga Campus 301 N. Drennan Street Houston, TX 77003 Segment 4 Thursday Mar-09-2023 6 –8 p.m. Chinese Community Center 9800 Town Park Drive Houston, TX 77036 Segment 1
L to R-Asia Hubbard, Priscilla PeavyScott, JeNiya Grant-Hamilton, Rita Hamilton, and Rhonisa Hubbard.
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