African Cleaning Review JanFeb '22 issue

Page 12

opinion GCE

Contract cleaning industry trends and challenges

Greg Venter

By Greg Venter

The contract cleaning industry plays an important role in job creation in South Africa. Almost 100,000 people are employed by approximately 1,500 contract cleaning companies. These companies provide services for numerous industries ranging from commercial, education, and healthcare to the mining and industrial sectors.


rends in the cleaning industry change continuously as the needs of modern businesses evolve. It is essential for contract cleaning companies to stay up to date with these trends and adapt their practices to accommodate the unique demands of their customers.

Today, however, cleaning companies are increasingly more focused on cleaning to create healthier indoor environments. In addition to increased public focus, there are a variety of regulatory agencies and standards that impact contract cleaning companies. In order to remain compliant with the rules,

In the past, many cleaning companies were contracted mainly for appearance. Today, however, cleaning companies are increasingly more focused on cleaning to create healthier indoor environments. Healthier indoor environments are one of the most defining trends in the cleaning industry today, driven by increased public awareness over health. In the past, many cleaning companies were contracted mainly for appearance.

cleaning companies rely on technology, products, and procedures that meet the stipulated health and safety standards. These factors are the determiner for facilities moving towards greener, environmentally friendly products that

don’t leave behind chemical residues that impact air quality. The future of companies is increasingly gearing towards sustainability. Sustainability is not only developing eco-friendly products and technologies, but more of a deeply rooted concept in corporate culture and identity. Companies like IPC contribute annually to minimising electricity usage and maximising the use of recycled plastics with their Black is Green™ technology used in the production of their vacuum cleaners. With the modern marketplace introducing new competition practically daily, more businesses across all industries are looking for ways to simplify their processes and cut costs. For this reason, many companies consolidate the number of vendors they utilise, including those used for various cleaning services. One vendor means one point of contact and one invoice.

Join the NCCA as a member organisation The National Contract Cleaners Association (NCCA) is one of the largest Employer Associations for the cleaning industry in Southern Africa and is registered with the Department of Labour in terms of the Labour Relations Act. In South Africa, there are an estimated 1,500 registered contract cleaning companies employing in excess of 100,000 cleaners. The NCCA currently has the lion’s share with 928 contract cleaning members who employ a staggering 97,320 cleaners around the country. We further have the support of 50 Associate members. These are members who are suppliers to the industry. Whilst the NCCA is a voluntary Association it has become the watchdog of the industry to ensure that the cleaners employed by its members are not exploited. Member companies with cleaners need to have a compliance audit in order to qualify for a membership certificate which proclaims their compliance with all statutory requirements applicable to the contract cleaning industry’s Sectoral Determination or, in the case of the KZN province, their Bargaining Council. Start-up cleaning companies are provided with, among other documents, guidance on fundamentals and estimating and tendering; labour costings; COID requirements, Occupational Health and Safety guidelines and the Provident Fund rules. More and more companies and government departments now demand a proof of registration with the NCCA when putting out tenders and/or contracts. Contact the nearest Branch to register as a member of the NCCA today! IMPORTANT NOTICE – WE DO NOT OPERATE THROUGH AGENTS – BEWARE OF FRAUDSTERS


African Cleaning Review January/February 2022

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