Hello Readers! Here we go again with another edition of our delectable magazine as we showcase scintillating potpourri of brilliant articles especially about African cultures and her rich heritage, interspersed with thought provoking articles on current global issues
The 'ride' continues as we delve into stories from the human angle on resilience, inspiration, adolescent affairs celebrating their achievements, a late legendary Afrobeat musician, and of course interviews with famous personalities who are Africans and making impact in the community
Further, visit our 'ethnic corner' featuring an article in selected African language. Specifically, Hausa language, and it is about an annual youth festival in Northern Nigeria that celebrates the end of the farming season, 'Kalonkuwa '
Furthermore, you will also see exciting African fashion styles to enrich your creativity Brides are not left out; see some beautiful outfits for any wedding To stay healthy, we need to take control of our actions so, browse through our healthy drink and the advice on routine medical tests; the secrets to sound health and longevity Also, the second part series on the foods and ways to reverse Diabetes - a medical condition from a true-life experience Are you a philanthropist or you would like to be blessed by giving out? Please, provide a helping hand to the widows and orphans Check it out
Our goal remains to celebrate African heritage, create awareness among Black immigrants and bridge the informational gap in the black community So sit back, relax and enjoy reading
War is nearly as old as man himself Adaptation ensures survival, and survival is sustained by the domination of one's environment Therefore, when one's environment is threatened there is the potential for confrontation and from which emerges the fittest, the more prepared or the luckier of opposing groups but, there is also man's insatiable appetite for curiosity, to explore and the desire to conquer the unknown When man succumbs to this appetite, his quest inevitably leads him to confrontation And every confrontation has potential for war, as everyone, or group, tries to protect its interests Ultimately, competition for resources is a catalyst for war
We must agree though that there are wars that merely serve to massage the ego of a reckless or ambitious potentate Throughout the ages man has fought wars for a myriad of reasons that are as many as the human mind can conjure. Excuses have never been in short supply And the conquerors of today may be the conquered tomorrow - a violent musical chairs driven by the quest for survival or domination.
Most of the evils of human depravity is manifested in war: rape, hunger, destruction, death, insanity and utter misery. War always brings out the worst in humans, yet, wars continue unabated - people continue to be tormented, people continue to die, and a horde of widows, widowers, and orphans are left to wonder why
So, the big question is, has anything changed over the centuries? Sadly, the answer is NO, actor's may change, geographical spaces may change, reasons adduced for a war may sound different, even though they are obviously replications of reasons offered in the past, and the weapons and outcomes may be different, but nothing has really changed
Innocent people are slaughtered or uprooted from their roots, hundreds of thousands die of starvation, economies are ruined, infrastructure devastated, social life destroyed, physical and mental health compromised And when a winner emerges they set about taking their pound of flesh, and sowing the seeds for the next war. A never ending vicious circle
As I write, Ukraine, supported unequivocally by the US and NATO, is embroiled in a senseless war with Russia Just like in every war, both sides are claiming the moral high ground But, of what use is a moral high ground when hundreds of thousands of soldiers and ordinary citizens are dying from both sides?
Of what use is a moral high ground when millions of citizens are turned into refugees without succour overnight?
To be sure, Ukraine has had some political challenges since 2014, culminating in the Minsk accords I&II between her and Russia Unfortunately, the accords could not be implemented before Russia invaded in February 24th, 2022, citing an existential threat posed by Ukraine's cosy relationship with NATO. Ukraine, on the other hand, has declared that Russia is the aggressor intent on an imperialistic expansionist drive that has already consumed Crimea and parts of the Donbass region
While the US and her NATO allies stand firmly with Ukraine, Russia has gotten some level of understanding, if not support, from the BRICS group (Brazil, India, China and South Africa), and numerous other countries in Asia and Africa
NATO, led by the US, has also bent over backwards to supply Ukraine with the necessary financial muscle and the armaments and munitions to help her defend herself There are war pundits who assert that giving military and financial aid to Ukraine will merely prolong the war, especially as the sanctions - financial and otherwise - meant to break Russia's resolve have not, at least for now, produced the desired outcome.
Both sides have also been reckless - nuclear sites have been threatened, Nordstream I & II bombed, civilian targets, including hospitals, bombed, and most recently, the Nova Kakhovka dam bombed This has caused major humanitarian catastrophe
Different countries have proposed numerous peace deals, none of which has been accepted by the parties at war The latest peace initiative (at the time of writing this report) is coming from a group of African leaders from Zambia, Egypt, Uganda, Republic of Congo, and Senegal They are scheduled to visit Kiev and Moscow "as soon as possible" in pursuit of a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
However, one must say that there seems to be no grounds for optimism as more sophisticated weapons pour into Ukraine, and both sides continue to rely on mercenaries The recent threat by Poland to send personnel to help Ukraine may be an escalation. A former European Union leader also said that the union may not be adverse to allowing any member state who wishes to send in the military on the side of the Ukrainians This does not bode well for peace There are now genuine fears for a third world war or the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons with all its dire consequences
The world needs to pause and take a step back from the brink of a global catastrophe
REMAP NYS: Register, Educate, Mobilize, Advocate, and Protect New York State, is a ten-year civic engagement plan to equitably remap the power, the electorate, and the districts of New York The NYIC's REMAP 2023 Regrant supports NYIC nonprofit member organizations in participating in the REMAP campaign during 2023, the third year of the campaign’s 10-year plan
The African International Collaborative Center (AICC) is a recipient of the REMAP Regrant. Through this regrant AICC conducts get-out-the-vote" or "GOTV" campaigns including voter education, voter registration drives, door to door canvassing, text banking, and phone banking
In September 2022, the NYC Civic Engagement Commission (CEC) launched The People’s Money –NYC’s first-ever citywide participatory budgeting process! All New Yorkers age 11 and up, regardless of immigration status, can decide how to spend $5 million of Mayoral expense funding From May 10th through June 25th, 2023, tens of thousands of New Yorkers voted on paper or digital ballots for their borough and/or neighborhood
One of my most sacred obligations as Mayor is keeping our children safe from harm And one of the leading risks to their health is nicotine-based products, including cigarettes and e-cigarettes, also known as vapes.
We have made great progress, as a city and nation, keeping our youth safe from traditional cigarette smoking—bringing down youth smoking rates from 23% in 2000 to 2 3% in 2021 But with the rise of vaping, nicotine addiction among middle and high school students is once again on the rise Vapes are packed with nicotine, a toxic and highly addictive chemical that is particularly damaging to adolescent minds and bodies
Worse still, companies are luring our children by advertising youth-friendly vape flavors such as “strawberry milkshake,” “cola,” and “pina colada ” Their product packaging often features colorful, child-friendly cartoon characters designed to catch the eye of young people
This is illegal And my administration will not stand by while companies put our children at risk
Last week, we announced a major, federal lawsuit against four distributors of flavored, disposable e-cigarettes Our lawsuit names four distributors of flavored vape that are putting profits over people and hurting our young people We are seeking a court order that will prevent these distributors from further delivering their dangerous flavored products into New York City And we are asking them to pay for the harm they have already caused our children
When children see youth-friendly packaging, they may think: ‘This is something I’d like to try This is something that won’t hurt me ’ Families should be clear: that is 100% false. Nicotine may affect the ability to learn and concentrate and withdrawal symptoms can include irritability, anxiety, and depression, worsening mental health at a time when our young people are already struggling
In 2021, more than 1 in 10 public high school students across the country reported using e-cigarettes in a 30-day sample period And flavored e-cigarettes with their colorful packaging and appealing flavors are the gateway to long-term e-cigarette use 81% of first-time users, ages 12-17, started with flavored products Most have never previously smoked An overwhelming majority of youth e-cigarette users choose to vape because they were attracted to the flavors.
We will not allow this greedy, harmful, and openly illegal behavior to continue We will not allow these nicotine-pushers to harm the health of our children, to put our students on the path to addiction, make them customers and users for life, and expose them to unknown long-term health effects
We will do whatever it takes to keep our children safe, and our lawsuit seeks to stop these four companies dead in their tracks
'My administration will not stand by while companies put our children at risk.'
It was Thanksgiving night in Missouri, when my home caught on fire I was three years old when the fire happened, and I remember waking up seeing flames and hearing the screams of my two brothers I don't remembermuchafterthat
I was rescued by the first police officers on the scene Oneofficerheroicallyleanedthroughmywindowtofind me while another held him by his feet. He couldn’t see through the haze of thick smoke and flames, but by somesortofmiracle,foundmytoe,grabbedmyleg,and pulledmeout.
I wasn’t breathing. He started CPR on me. Two of my brothers weren’t so lucky. Rescue crews didn’t reach them in time Their bodies were found intertwined, the six-year-oldholdingandhuggingtheone-year-old.
I’m thankful I don’t remember any of this But the horror ofthatnightisforeverimprintedonme.60%ofmybody was burned in the fire I lost my left ear, three fingers on mylefthandandoneonmyright Myhairburnedoffmy scalpandI’veonlybeenabletogrowbackalittleonthe sides Muchoftheleftsideofmyfacewasalsoburned
InitiallyIwastakentoanearbyhospitalbutwastoldthere wasnothingtheycoulddoformethere,thenIwasflownby helicopter to another hospital but by the time I made it theremyhearthadstoppedbeating,Mymotherhadbeen toldherbabywouldn'tmakeit
Theywereabletorevivemeafterafewminutes Iwasburnt so badly on my head and had to have many surgeries. Beforemylastsurgeryonmyhead,thedoctorssaidthatI wouldn't be able to function and would be in a vegetative statefortherestofmylife'.
When I woke up from that surgery the doctors were so amazed,Iwasknownasthe"miraclegirl."Iwentthrougha lot of surgeries, 22 on my head alone, but today I am physically well My emotional scars took much longer to heal.
It didn’t help that the real world was especially cruel. SomeoneonceapproachedmyfatherandwhileIwasright there said, “Please keep your daughter away from my children. I don’t want them to catch a disease.” In first grade,studentswouldripthewigoffmyheadandplaytag withitatrecess Igrewupwearingpantsandlongsleeves no matter the weather and doing anything I could to hide myscars
Then when I was 9, I went to a children’s camp for burnsurvivors Everyonetherelookedlikeme Nobody stared It was the first time I had felt that kind of acceptanceandrelief IalsometCalvinthere Hewas a burn survivor too with injuries to his legs We became best friends at the age of 9, starting dating whenwewere17,andtodayheismyhusband
People at school had always told me I wasn’t pretty enough to get married, and doctors didn’t think my skin could stretch enough for me to have children, butIwentontodoboththings CalvinandInowhave 3 children, and my long and painful journey to selflovewasinspiredbyandforthem
The turning point for me came one day in my mid20s. I was looking in the mirror and feeling disgusted withwhatIsaw,whenIheardmythen3yearoldson’s sweetlittlevoicepipeup “Mom,”hesaid,“Youarethe mostbeautifulpersonintheworld”
His comment took my breath away and shook me awake I knew in that moment that if my child saw beauty in me, I needed to see it in myself to be the kind of role model and mom I wanted to be If I lived my life without loving myself, what kind of example wouldthatsetformychildren?
To test out my confidence, I went to the mall wearing a short, spaghetti strap dress, something I had never done before because it made my scars so visible. I was uncomfortable at first and very focused on other people’s reactions to me. But after a little bit, I felt a shift inside and I began to feel brave, confident, and proud to be showing my true self It felt good not to hideanymore Irealizedthatdaythatthereispowerin realizing you don’t have to be a prisoner to other people’s thoughts. Your view of yourself is what mattersthemost
Despite that breakthrough, my thoughts didn’t shift overnight Affirmations helped, though, and have becomeabigpartofmylife You have to speak kind and positive messages out loud to counteract the silent, negative messages that swirl through your mind So I would regularly look in the mirror and say, “You are beautiful” and “You are here for a reason.” I didn’t necessarily always feel these things at first That’sokay.
You keep speaking them intentionally and out loud anyway because you can’t hear a negative and positive thought at the same time Words that are spokencandrownoutthesilentvoicesinyourhead.
I’ve now come to see my scars as a beautiful part of me because they tell my story. At this point, even if I had the power totakethemaway,Iwouldn’t Theyhaveempoweredmetohave an impact and help others see their own beauty. My scars are hereforareason Theyarepartofwhatmakesmebeautiful I’vealsoworkedhardtohelpmychildrenseetheirownstrength andbeautybypointingitouttothemregularly Iwaslatetoselflove,andIwantmoreformydaughterandsons Iwantthemto know it’s not about what they are wearing or how anyone else viewsthem It’saboutwhattheyseeandvalueinthemselves
My mission now is to spread the power and importance of selflove. I want to be a role model not just to my own children and other burn survivors, but to anyone who is allowing other people’s thoughts to determine their self-worth or who they see in the mirror. I am blessed. No matter what you are going throughinlifeknowthatyouhavebeenpickedpersonallytolive the life you are living. Through your bad days and through the good,youarehere!!
Kanisha Anthony published her first book Scarless: A Women’s Journey to Finding Her Strength and Identity in 2018 She is a boardmemberoftheMidwestChildren’sBurnCampinSt Louis, thecampsheattendedasachild
A founder of The Encouragement Company, which sells homemadegiftstospreadkindnessandsupport.
In 2017, at the age of 23 years, a Zimbabwean born young lady, Musawenkosi Donia Saurombe made a remarkable history, breaking astounding academic record of becomingtheyoungestAfricantoobtainaPhD
“I started my academic career journey much earlier than most I have been able to make really impressive strides through the years and I believe God has continued to rewardmydiligentefforts"
Now, years later, the beautiful mother of one has gained the status of associate professor at the University of Johannesburg
“IamverygratefulandIcontinuetodomybest,especially considering that I am a wife and a mother, which sometimes makes my colleagues wonder how I do it. Some even joke about me having more hours in a day thanothers,buthonestlyitissimplybyGod’sgrace.It’snot easy,butIjustdothebestthatIcan,andIamgratefulto have a supportive husband who empowers me to continue flourishing in my career and as a person” she said
Musawenkosi, raised in Botswana, graduated with a bachelorofcommercedegreewithdistinctionfromNorthWestUniversity(NWU)attheageof19years Shewenton
toreceive her honor's and master’s degrees from NWU attheagesof20and21,respectively
“IfIhadlistenedtowhatpeoplewillsayaboutmyage, gender or race, I would not have taken some of the stepsthatItook"
“Myfatherhadtosellhiscar,justtogetmethroughmy third year of study Also the general social challenges, usually being the youngest in my class” is what kept megoing
Many of my peers went to better schools and universities than myself but I made more out of the opportunities I got than they did, through a deliberate and intentional mindset towards doing and being my best.”
Musawenkosiwasjust23whensheobtainedherDoctor of Philosophy in Industrial and Organizational PsychologyalsofromNWU.
Since then, she has started working in the academic field. She worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at theNorth-WestUniversityfrom2017beforebecominga Senior Lecturer at the University of the Free State Bloemfonteinin2019
"Whatmotivatesmeismyresponsibilitytobegoodto others. I worked as a post-doctoral researcher and youth activist, ensuring that others can reach their interestsandtheirgoals’.
Prof Musawenkosi lectures courses in Human ResourceManagementandIndustrialPsychologyand supervises postgraduate research She is also known fortheworkshedoesasacivicinnovator,particularly concerningwomenandyouth
“I’malsoanAfricanadvocateforequalopportunities While I strive for women empowerment, I believe the inverseimbalanceisnotgoodbecausewealsoneed to raise empowered young men, who will be worthy counterpartstoourempoweredyoungwomen"
“I will continue to work hard because I believe God always blesses a diligent effort It doesn’t matter what you have to go through to achieve your purpose because as long as you put in the effort, no matter how gruesome, tough and sometimes confusing the journey, the destination will always be beautiful"
Despite the general economic situation in Africa, Prof Musawenkosi believe that opportunities are abound ingreatZimbabwe
“IwantpeopleinZimbabwetobelieveinthemselves I know it’s difficult because of the situation and circumstances. I feel that some young people who remained in Zimbabwe may have had the same or greater potential than I ever did, but were never afforded that opportunity That’s very sad, although it’s important that young people in Zimbabwe continuetoworkhardandnotgiveup”
Musawenkosi believes there's more room for her to builduponhercapacitythroughanyotheracademic opportunities. “There are no breaks. We will have enough time to rest when we retire and when we eventuallyexpirefromexistence,butfornowwekeep workinghard
I don’t know my next milestone towards my ultimate life’s purpose or destination, but I know it will always be a beautiful one and when you arrive at each milestone, celebrate it, be grateful, and work towards thenext.Thisisatthecruxofwhoweareashumans, inthatweareconstantlysearchingformeaninginlife and while we are at it, we must celebrate each milestone”
Despite being an academic, how does she fill these roles,mostespeciallybeingawifeandamother?
“Those are incredible roles in my life and they speak a lot to the personIamrightnow Obviouslythereismycareer,andIamso thankfulthatIhavebeenabletomaintainthesamelevelofdrive and passion in my career, even after having a family I am thankful I have an extremely supportive spouse who makes my loadlighter
“As young people, it is very important to accrue the right character traits, don’t let anyone tell you that you are substandard, under par or unworthy of having a dream, so be daringbeboldandbeaggressiveinyourpursuitofsuccess
“My identity remains key, especially in taking my place on the global stage. I get a lot of opportunities to represent the African continent and I do it with such pride because as Africans, we have been ostracised, belittled and underestimated for far too long,”shesaid
“And finally, i want to be remembered as an African child from humble beginnings and a humble background, who believed in herself, not inhibiting my abilities and my potentials, not looking down on myself or underestimating myself because I am African.”
Doors opened for Monalisa Chinda in Nollywood, world’s second largest movie industry. It opened like they did for many others at the early stages but what has kept the stunning actress in the limelight long after many have gone into oblivion is, in her own words, “humility ”
Trained by iconic theater artists in the likes of Professors Ola Rotimi and Amatu Braid, multi award-winning Nigerian actress, movie producer, tv anchor and philanthropist recently shared her story and current life focus with Dr. Hadiza Osuji.
Born to an Ikwere father and an Igbo mother from the South South and South East regions of Nigeria, Monalisa Chinda-Coker had initially planned to go into a different profession but ended up studying theater arts at the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.
I wanted to study law, but something just took over for some weird reason. I think it's like divine intervention. At that time, I was a teenager and when I suggested theater arts as a major to my mom, she looked at me in a funny way like, “is this one alright? ”
This, according to Chinda-Coker, was back when parents in Nigeria saw the arts as an immoral and financially unrewarding profession “My mother did not want to hear anything entertainment, let alone being an actor.” This almost derailed her newly discovered plan for her future but somehow, Chinda-Coker stood her ground in the face of her mom’s opposition While she was resolute in what
she wanted, the aspiring actress understood her mother’s concerns "I come from a very laid back background, and you can imagine me- shy, young, inexperienced, very conservative studying theatre arts and entertainment ” Eventually, her father persuaded her mom to let their beloved daughter follow her heart’s desire and Chinda-Coker could barely contain her joy as she embarked on the journey that would birth the brand, Monalisa Chinda.
Referred to as one of the first-generation Nollywood celebrities, the famous actress whose face has graced the big screen for over two decades credits her success to being trained by some of the best hands in the field of drama- late Ola Rotimi and Amatu Braid. "Bless their souls and that of the numerous well-grounded lecturers who trained all of us.”
The multi-award-winning actress has never had cause to regret her choice of career even in the face of resistance “ my acting career has been an amazing step in the right direction… It’s been an amazing journey.”
Over the course of her career, Monalisa Chinda-Coker has won numerous awards locally and internationally and she’s humbled and grateful for the recognition and support of her fans who, without whom she would not be where she is. She appreciates and treasures all the awards that have come her way, but some stand out and elicit the ‘feel good’ feeling
My greatest achievement is none other than my humanitarian awards I am a woman who loves to do charitable work That's another of my passions I think that’s another calling. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why I said it was divine intervention that I am in this industry, maybe to change the narrative in terms of, while you're doing your career, you're also living the best life You know, without really coming out to become a nuisance in society
Monalisa Chinda-Coker reveals that she loves to give backreason the humanitarian awards are her most treasured. She volunteers in church, the healthcare sector and immediate
community. Lending a hand to help uplift the vulnerable has become a lifestyle for her as that is the sure way to make the world a better place
I have grown to realize that some of us are privileged and a lot of us who are privileged should be able to impact society no matter how small. It mustn’t be monetary; it could be in terms of having conversations with young people, giving them pep talks, engaging them on different issues they are facing because every one of us has one demon or the other that we are fighting
To give structure to her humanitarian work so she can help as many people as she’s able to, Monalisa Chinda-Coker founded and incorporated a charitable foundation - Arise Monalisa Foundation (AMF) which caters for children and women It was conceptualized to be a small organization at first, but it took on a life of its own as it has now grown bigger than the actress, in her own words.
The Nollywood practitioner started with autistic children, helping kids on the spectrum as well as helping their parents cope with the challenges that come with raising a child on the spectrum “I engage with them and with the people who have registered organizations and working to address the issues of children or people on the spectrum ”
Between 2011 and 2012, Monalisa Chinda-Coker partnered with corporate organizations who are involved in creating awareness on Autism Spectrum Disorder as well as helped families with children on the spectrum. It’s been over a decade since and she is still at it, in addition to other causes she’s taken up.
I'm still contributing my quota. I don’t think I have even done enough What some of us are trying to do is to also get people who are like minded who also have NGOs to collaborate with people who are willing to get out there It’s not necessarily just about equity. It’s about touching lives and that is what I love to do. I love doing just that.
Being much more involved in humanitarian work has not taken Monalisa Chinda-Coker away from acting; it’s still a big part of her life although many would argue that she’s not been as visible as she used to be. For her, there’s a valid reason “ my generation have kind of stepped back for the younger people to have a chance because if you keep on taking all the roles, there is not room really for the younger ones ”
She further shared that a contributory factor is that some of the first-generation practitioners are more expensive and demand a lot of perks and come with conditions producers are not willing to meet. Another reason, she shares, is that a lot of them have decided to also start producing movies themselves and so are more behind the scenes than in front of the camera.
That is a general overview. For Chinda-Coker, her primary reason for being less visible is because she wanted to launch other projects like her television talk show currently running on DSTV and her humanitarian work. She’s also now starting to do stage plays, and for the big screen, she now leans more towards faithbased stories.
Monalisa Chinda-Coker is that colleague who is everyone’s favorite in the industry She is as professional as they come and gets along with everyone-cast and crew, irrespective of their job description
Fred Amata, male, 60, who is the immediate past president of the Directors Guild of Nigeria (DGN) shares from Lagos, Nigeria, in a phone interview that Monalisa Chinda-Coker is in a class of her own, “I call her the girl next door that should sum it up for you She’s the girl next door Likeable, easygoing, dependable, and just all-round great I’m not surprised she’s so involved in humanitarian work.”
Ethlene Metzger, female, 51, speaks from New York City about how her perception of some celebrities changed after her first and only encounter to date with Monalisa ChindaCoker. In November of 2022, the Not-for-Profit Organization Ethlene volunteers for had contacted ChindaCoker and requested that she make an appearance and speak during their “Giving Tuesday" fund drive Without hesitation or asking questions, the
legendary artist agreed. She made the virtual event on time and did her bit without asking to be paid which made Meztger sit up and take note of the Nollywood celebrity - “to say I was impressed is an understatement ”
Chinda-Coker continues to impress with her acting and brilliant interpretation of roles and winning the hearts of many across the globe with her quest to touch as many lives as she can, while living her best life.
At the stage where I am right now, I want to stay focused on what I love to do and that is my talk show which is also the platform for evangelizing and encouraging young people on one hand and then on the other hand, doing my own film the way I want it to go… you take your time to make a great film that will meet international standards and the film festivals as well So, I'm not totally out I'm not just doing everything and anything that comes my way No, not anymore
for Monalisa Chinda-Coker is a continuous learning process People need to have an open mind to learning and
evolving everyday if they want to improve, grow and be a better version of themselves.
I'm still learning but the topmost on my list is humility. I've always talked about being humble while chasing your career- in the cause of being famous and doing what you love to do I can't over emphasize that You know, just stay humble and keep looking up to who put you there in the first place. Continue to impact people positively.
As always, the Nollywood superstar rounds off the interview with advice to her teeming fans who she continues to be grateful to
I want to tell my fans out there, remain humble. Humility is the key to success. You cannot stay proud and want everything to come to you. That can't work. It will only be very limited It won’t last too long But when you are humble oh my goodness! So many doors will be opened for you
By Ify EzinwaSidikiDonzoistheDirectorandCEOofPloutusLLCand serves asthenewlyelectedchairmanoftheAfricanAdvisoryCouncil (AAC) of the Bronx borough president’s office. He joins Dr. HadizaOsuji(AfricanWhistle)foraninterview.
DR OSUJI:ThanksSidikiforjoiningmeonthisinterview First,give usabriefbackgroundaboutyourself
DONZO: Thank you very much My name is Sidiki Donzo, I was born in Liberia, and I went to high school and college in Liberia, thencametotheUS whereIgotmymaster'sdegreeinfinance andworkingtoimprovemyskillsinvariousaspectsoflife.Iam the Director and CEO of Ploutus LLC and serve as the ChairpersonoftheAfricanAdvisoryCounciloftheBronxborough president’soffice.
DR. OSUJI: Thank you for that introduction. So, as Director and CEOofPloutusLLC,whatdoyoudo?
DONZO: Ploutus LLC is a consulting firm and comprises staff memberswithdiversebackgrounds Wespecializeintemporary, temporarytopermanent,directandcontracthiring Weexcelin finding exceptional candidates to fill openings in professional fields, including Human Resource, Sales and Marketing, Data Entry, IT, Customer Service, Medical fields, Banking, etc So basically, we offer opportunities and help people reach their goals
DR OSUJI: That is wonderful some people may not know about theAAC,orshouldIsayourcommunitymembersmaynotknow, hence the importance of this interview. Especially considering yourelectionasthenewchair,forpeopletosee,andgettoknow you, and have a better understanding of what the AAC is all aboutinthecommunityandtheinterconnectionwiththeBronx borough president’s office. So, can you give us a brief overview ofthepurposeoftheAAC?
DONZO:Thankyouforthequestion IfIwanttotalkaboutAAC,it maytaketheentireday However,Iwillkeepitshortandbriefso people can understand the background of it. The AAC was founded in 2010 The reason AAC was created is because some leaders in the community got to the realization that the African population in the Bronx is growing and they wanted opportunities to be shared equitably from the governmental sector to the private sector So, those brilliant African leaders in New York City came together and met with the borough president, who was Ruben Diaz at the time. They spoke to him and he agreed because those leaders articulated to hm the importanceofhavingtheAAC.
So, they voted to have their first Chairman who was Famod Konneh. Through that they were able to set a goalthattheAACwouldserveasaconduitbetweenone oftheelectedofficialsintheBronxorevenoutsidethe Bronx,NewYork,ortherestofthefiveboroughsoreven fromtheStateandtheAfricancommunities.
Meaning that if there are any resources the African communityislookingfor,insteadofgoingtotheBronx borough president’s office directly, they can come to the AAC and we can tap into the Bronx borough president'sofficefortheresources,andgivetothem.
Since its existence, it has done a tremendous job Community members, and African organizations, have been able to come together with the AAC to have the resources they need and to share with most of their community members The success of AAC is beyond explanation.Itisahugeopportunityforourcommunity andmovingforward Forexample,mostrecently,oneof ourAfricankidsgotmissingandwasfoundintheriver. Thefirstpersontheyreachedoutto,tomakesurethat theinformationgetstothemediawastheChairmanof the AAC and we took the lead on that So, these are someofthesignificancesofAACoftheBronxborough president’soffice.
Dr OSUJI: So,whatwouldyousayisthevisionofAACin relationtoyourvision,andhowdoesthistranslatetothe community,theBlackcommunityspecifically?
DONZO:So, one thing I have come to understand in the community which I think we need to work on concerns young people. Young people are the future of our communityhereintheBronxoroutsidetheBronx So,we arebringingalotofyoungpeopleonboardsothatthey canunderstandtheethicsoftheAAC
Butnotonlythat,Iwasrecentlytalkingtosomeonewho worked in the governmental sector, and he made me realizethattherehasbeenahugeriseinhatecrimesin ourAfricancommunity.So,thatbecameoneofmymain visions
what can I do to have young people off the streets, and look for opportunities to offer them so, they could be more focused on bettering themselves instead of joining gangs and other activities detrimental to their wellbeing?
Backthen,in2015,whenBarrackObamawaspresident,I was opportune to have met him and one of his biggest focuses was on young people. So, I had that idea from PresidentObamaandSince2015,Ihavetakenthatvision andbroughtittothecommunity So,whenyoulookatthe AAC you will see the Young African Men Alliance (YAMA) whichisamentorandmenteeprogramwherepeoplein law enforcement, the security sector, people who are professionals will serve as mentors to African youth and keepthemoffthestreets.Thatisapriorityforme.Ifthere is anything they could do, or meeting with those people onceaweekeverytime.Trustme,therewillbeachangein thelivesofthoseyoungpeople
So,mypriority,beingthechairmanoftheAAC,ishowcan Ibringyoungpeopleonboard,minimizetheirpresencein theprisonsystem,maximizetheirpresenceincommunity affairs, engage with one another, and be more of a professionalthangoingtojail So,thesearethingsIwant to see happening to a lot of young people This is my priorityrightnow
DR. OSUJI: Sounds great. I am looking forward to seeing thatunfoldandmaterializebecausethatisanimportant endeavor,especiallyinthetimesweareinnow.
Now with regards to the African-focused communitybased organizations, what plans do you have in pulling these organizations together, to work collaboratively for thebettermentoftheyouthandAfricancommunityasa whole?
DONZO:Thankyouforthatquestionbecausethatisalsoa majorpriorityonmytable Iwanttohaveameetingwith most if not all the African organizations in the Bronx becauseonethingIunderstandfromusAfricansisthat, whensomebodydoeswrongtosomebody,theykeepitin theirheartsforeverandwecannotgoanywherewiththat
sowhatamIgoingtodo?Iwillhaveameetingwithallthe Africanleaderssothatwefindacollaborativeteam AACis willing to collaborate with any organization, meaning that AACisnotjustsubjectivetoAACanymore So,whenyouhave an event, you can use the AAC logo. If there is any other organization havinganevent,andyouarethefirsttoreach outtoAAC,wewillreachouttothoseotherAfricaneventsto supportyouonyourevent,andtheycanhavetheireventona differentdate,andwecanallgotheretosupportthem.So,we aregoingtouniteinawaywheretherewillnotbeanAfrican eventwhereyoufindlessthantenortwentypeoplethere.We aredoinginclusiveness
WewillinclusivelyworkwitheveryAfricanintheBronx Once wedothattoone,twoorthreepersons,ororganizations,and becomesuccessful,Ibelievethatallotherorganizationswill linkupwithAAC.Onceyouworkalongsideoneperson,and thatpersonbecomessuccessful,youbecomesuccessfulas well.
Youalonecannottakeallthenames Youalonecannotmake success.Itisnotpossible.Successcomprisespeoplecoming togethertobecomesuccessfultogether So,thatismyvision whenitcomestounitingtheAfricancommunity. Regardless ofwhereyoureventis,onceweagreetoworktowardsthat event,wewillallgotheretosupportyouregardlessofyour affiliation
DROSUJI:IamhappytohearthatbecauseIthinkconsidering your role and office, you have a good platform to, not only mobilizetheCBOs,butalsoworkcollaborativelytoempower them. When they are empowered just like you mentioned, attending events, building that solidarity, and relationship, it ustleadstosuccessallaround.Whenyoulookatit,AAC
At the end of your tenure what would you hope your legacywouldbewhenyouleavetheAAC?
DONZO:Thatisanotherimportantquestion Youknowone thing I have observed in African leadership that makes our legacy not be protected enough is that, when someone is heading an organization, and when they leavepower,theydonotcomeback,andbecausethey do not come back, their legacy dies. I want to change thatnotion
It should be in a way that even when I leave as chair, I wanttohaveapositionunderthenextchairtomakesure IwalkthemthrougheverythingthatIdidsothattheycan takeitfromwhereIstopped However,whenourleaders leave,theydonotevenlookback,theydonotcomeback, andonceyoudonotcomebackthenewpersonthatis comingdoesnotknowwhereyoustoppedorwhereyou started Everythingthatyouhavedonehewouldprobably takedownandstartsomethingnew
canguidethechairmantostartfromwhereIstopped,andto becomemoresuccessfulintheirleadership
IwantthenextchairpersontodobetterthanIdid So,Idonot want to bring a leadership where everything has to be me, and when I leave it cannot function because I left. No. So there must be continuity That is going to be my legacy To workwithanybodywhoisgoingtobemysuccessortohavea successfulorganization,regardlessofmyposition
DR.OSUJI:Thatisaveryvalidpoint.BeforeIletyougoSidiki, anylastthoughts,orcomments,youwanttoshare?
DONZO:Yeah,Iwanttocommendpeoplelikeyou Iwantto personallycommendyouandyourteamforthejobyouall aredoingforthiscommunity Takingthisopportunitytohave me on your platform means a lot I am grateful and I acknowledge the fact that you have positioned yourself to haveAfricanleadersinNewYorktocomeontoarticulatethe worktheyaredoingoutthererepresentingthecommunity.
So,Iwanttosay,Iamgratefulandexcitedforwhatyouare doing. Again, my background is in finance so anytime that you think you can tap into my background to make your organization better, or to have conversations about things you think the community can benefit from, I am open and free.Thereisnothingattachedtoitbecauseyouallsetthe right way for us to help the community So, you put us in a position to do what we can do better to also benefit the community I am always open to working alongside you Thankyouverymuchforhavingme
EthiopiaisAfrica'soldestindependentcountryandsecond largest in population Apart from a five-year occupation byMussolini'sItaly,ithasneverbeencolonized Ethiopia is landlocked, bordering Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan,andSudan
It has a unique cultural heritage, being the home of the Ethiopian orthodox church, one of the oldest Christian denominations, and a monarchy that ended in the coup of1974
In 2019 UNESCO inscribed TIMKET on the list of representatives of intangible cultural heritage of humanity
January is the most important & exciting month for Ethiopia, a period of tourists influx, courtesy of strings of religiousactivitiesbytheEthiopianorthodoxchurches
Thisarticlefocusesononeofthemostmagicalcultural& religiousexperiencesinEthiopia,thecelebrationofTIMKAT festival. A religious festival that have taken a cultural colouration
The festival is celebrated across Ethiopian orthodox churchesonJanuary19th&20th
Timkatmeans"Baptism"inEthiopia Thefestivalismeant toreplicateChrist’sbaptismintheRiverJordan Andthis replication is demonstrated with mass baptism at different waterfronts or sacred pools all around the countryduringthefestival.Thetopspotforthisfestivalis GondarCity
Gondar city is one of the best place for this festival, because the city has very stunning spots 17th century churches, palaces, castles and most importantly, a ceremonial monument with a pool bath designed for baptismofTimkat.
The Eve of Timkat festival is called Ketera, and this is when the party begins, music and people starting to fill up the streets, which are adorned with Ethiopian flags andothercolorfulattractions.
This biggest and most anticipated festival in the Ethiopian calendar starts with a procession of the orthodoxpriests,thelocalsandvisitorsfollowthepriests, chanting,singinganddancingenthusiastically, fillingthe streetsofEthiopiancitieswithfunfair
For the orthodox worshippers, the Timkat festival is extremely important because it's a time to reflect on the baptismofJesusChrist,achancetorenewtheirvows, and to strengthen their faith, but to understand better the significance of Timkat to the Ethiopian culture then there's need to go two thousand years back in time, to Biblical times
EthiopiaisoneofthefirstcountriestoadoptChristianity Today, more than half of the population is Christian, with theEthiopianorthodoxchurchesbeingthebiggestamong them. A central place in Ethiopian Christian tradition started with the legend of Queen Makeda and the Ark of theCovenant
AstoryoftheQueenMakeda,alsoknownasTheQueenof Sheba who came to rule around 10th century BC. Upon hearingaboutthewisdomandwealthofKingSolomonshe travelledtoJerusalemtolearnfromtheking-howtobea goodmonarch
ShortlyafterreturningtoEthiopia,shegavebirthtoMenelik I, son of King Solomon, who would later become king himself and start the Solomonic Dynasty which ruled the EthiopianEmpireuntil1974
For the orthodox worshippers, the Timkat festival is extremely important because it's a time to reflect on the baptismofJesusChrist,achancetorenewtheirvows,and tostrengthentheirfaith
Like Queen Sheba, Menelik also travelled to Jerusalem to beastudentofhisfather,thewisekingSolomon
In those times, It is believed that the original Ark of the Covenant, containing the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments which Moses received from God on MountSinaiwashousedinthefirstTempleinJerusalem SowhenMenelikreturnedtoEthiopia,hetooktheArkofthe Covenant with him and it is believed to have been in Ethiopia ever since then. Specifically, in the Church of Our LadyMaryofZion,inAxum,guardedbyasinglemonkwho is the only one allowed to see it and has taken a vow to guard it until his death Every church in Ethiopia has a replica of this ark and a replica of the tablets containing thetencommandments, whichiscalledTabotsinEthiopia
The Ark of the Covenant or Tabots is considered sacred and it is believed that just being near the ark is a blessing andawaytogetclosertoGod Thatiswhyduring Timkat festival, the people would come out and follow the priests from the various orthodox churches, who would lead the procession The priests will take the Tabots out, carrying them on their heads, covering them with richly ornamented and colorful cloth, then using richly embroideredumbrellastoprotectthemabove
The Timkat festival usually features an exhilarating crowd allaroundthestreets,whereeverybodyissinging,
clapping,chanting,playingthebegena(Ethiopianstring instrument) or drums, as the priests continue their journey of procession across the streets. The final destination of the procession is a body of water, be it a river, lake, pond or the Fasiladas Baths The Fasiladas Pool Baths is the most preferred place where the significantpartofthefestivaltakesplace Aplacewhere Ethiopiamostsacredreligiousmonumentisbuilt,where theprocessionwouldendwithbaptism
Before this day, the Tabots stay overnight in a tent speciallybuiltforthatpurpose,andclosetothepool As such,manyoftheattendeeschoosetostaybythepool andspendthenightprayingfacingtheTabots
The annual baptism day starts early morning the next day, before dawn That is when the main event takes place. After the early morning prayer, a senior priest will bless the pool of water and then dips a golden cross in the water to bless it Then the priests will sprinkle the blessedwateronthepeople
This is the moment when even greater joy and festive mood overtake the crowd, some would prefer to jump intothepoolofholywatertorenewtheirvowswithGod, ortrytogetabitofthewater toreceivethebaptism.
Thecelebrationcontinuesthe all the Tabots, except for one churches The only Tabot tha Michael’sChurch,sincethene St Michaelandthecelebratio
BRAVO! Mbano National Convention 2023: The youth convention held in New Jersey this year was a huge success! Double Thumbs up to the leadershipSirBasilNjokuandtheMNAplanning committee. Hats off to Judith Anyanwu (MNA Youth President) and her E-board. Dr. Hadiza Osuji (MNA Youth & Young Adults Committee Chair)andtherestofthecommitteemembersI salute you. New Jersey chapter, thank you for being such a great host! MBANO Kwenu! God bless.
Jos town, the capital city of Plateau State, came alive recently with the2023NzemBeromfestival
Plateau State lies in the north central region of Nigeria The state is widely regarded as the home of peace, hospitality and tourism in Nigeria, with several tourist attractions such a formations, Jos zoological garden, Jos Wildlife Pa reserveandKurafallsamongothers.
Berom is the largest autonomous ethnic group coveringover54ethnicgroupsandpredominant
The Nzem Berom cultural festival is an annual ev speaking people Its a week long event, held ev April and May, to usher in rainfall to mark the planting season and to pray for bountiful harve endofthefarmingseason.
Thefestivalshowcasesdifferentaspectsoftheric of the Berom people such as dance, arts & costumes, music, traditional concerts, tools, dra foods,artifacts,streetcarnivalprocession,among
The festival also attracts the Berom people tourists,friendsandwellwisherstothestateand economy of the state. This wonderful festival is motherofallfestivalsinPlateauState
Thefestivalalsocreatesopportunityforthesonsand daughters of the state and Berom people in particular, to choose wives or husbands, as it presents an array of beautiful young women and men, who easily discover themselves during the festivities
The grand celebration usually takes place at the stadium, and one of the highlights of events is a beauty pageant where the Zere Berom (beauty Queen)fortheyearischosen.
The final day of festival is also spectacular, the Gbong Gwom Jos (The King) is escorted in a regal procession which always leaves the people of Jos in awe Theprocessionisledbythe‘Suga'(warriors)on horses followed by traditional dancers and maidens dressed in full traditional attire, also followed by district heads of all Berom districts and finally, His Majesty,TheGbongGwomJoshimself,adornedinall His Glory This procession makes its way to the stadiumwheretraditionaldancers,guests,Kingsand Noblesfromothertribesawaits.
The Gbong Gwom Jos maintained that the annual cultural festival would be sustained to showcase the richculturaldiversityofthePlateaupeople
In the midst of conformity Fela stood out like a sore thumb - eccentric, dissenter, protester, and an implacable foe to the authorities Although a renowned musician from Nigeria, he was different from his peers, bothhomeandabroad
Butthatshouldn'thavesurprisedanyoneseeingthathe was the archetypal apple that never fell far from the tree. His father, Israel Oludotun Ransome-Kuti, was a reverendgentlemanandateacherwithastrictsenseof discipline,andhismother,FunmilayoRansome-Kuti,was an activist of no mean repute, whose past time was to spit in the face of the native authority. She fought the tradionalrulershipinhernativeEgbalandtoastandstill as she persistently clamoured for a change in the tax laws for women, who were expected to pay tax even at 15 Shealsoadvocatedendlesslyforauniversalsuffrage She was quite a fiery character One can therefore understand why her son turned out to be such an outspoken critic against injustice and inequality. In fact, histhreeothersiblings-Dolapo,Olikoye,andBekowere maverickstoo
Born on October 15, 1938 in Abeokuta, Nigeria, Fela's parents craved for him an education in medicine (his two siblings, Olikoye and Beko, became medical doctors), but as they packed him off to London in 1958, theyhadnoideathathewouldcomebackamusician, havingstudiedmusicinstead
Bythe1950shehadformedabandplayinga"fusionof jazz and highlife." When he finally settled back into Nigerian life his music had metamorphosed into what cametobeknownasAfrobeats-ablendofjazz,highlife, calypso, and traditional genres of yoruba music His music was dominated by the saxophone and piano whichheplayed,accompaniedbyamishmashoflocal and international instruments, complemented by the pulsating rhythm of his voice as he belted out songs in pidginEnglishmixedwithhisnativeYorubalanguagein amannerthatwastypicallyhis
As his rebellious messages cut through the hearts of those in power, his dancers, all ladies, decked in short coquettishnativeskirtsandalluringbeads,gyratedand swayedtothebeatinunison,alwayssendingthelargely maleaudiencewildwiththethoughtsofpossibilities He wasdifferent.Hewasrefreshing.Hewasunique.Hewas Fela
Everyone loved him, especially the youth But the authorities dreaded his fixed gaze They dreaded his refusaltoblinkfirst.For,yousee,Felawasnotjusta
that be over corruption He was fearless He was confrontational
Although there have been skirmishes with Fela in the past, on February 18, 1977, the military raided his compound in Lagos, called "kalakuta republic" (kalakuta,fromSwahili,meaningrascal.Someascribed the name to a cell he was once locked up in, called "Calcutta,"inreferencetoablackholedungeoninIndia wereBritishprisonerswereheld).Themilitaryrazedthe compound to the ground, and his mother sustained injuries (some say she suffered a broken leg). She was to die later in a hospital on 13 April, 1978 Fela insisted that the military should bear responsibility for his mother'sdeath
In September of 1984 he was jailed by another military government for five years on what many claim was a trump up charge of currency trafficking. He never served the full term, as coupist later took over the governmentandsethimfree.
Fela'sstubbornnesswasonlymatchedbyhisinsatiable appetite for sex and marijuana (cannabis) His libidinal exploration was legendary, and in 1978 he married 27 wives in one fell swoop. He had earlier, in 1960, married his first wife, Remi Taylor, whom he later divorced He divorced the 27 wives in 1986 after he was released from prison He had seven children, some say eight, fromfourdifferentwomen.
article by Manjadda Imahand the song has the refrain, them kill my mama. Touching" "Yellow fever," one of my favourites Here he condemns the social vice of bleaching the skin to look "yellow"(fair skin/white) He juxtaposed this against the disease, yellow fever, to drive home his point There is also, "Lady," another masterpiece. "Shakara," "Army arrangement,""Palava,""Sufferingandsmiling,"and"Inobe gentleman."
Fela had many sobriquets, most popular being, "the black president," "Abami eda," meaning, the strange one, and Anikulapo, meaning, one who has subdued death or who hasdeathinhispocket.Indestructible.
He called his band different names at different times, starting with the "koola lobitos,' then "Africa '70," and "Egypt '80." He was a panafricanist, and Kwameh Nkrumah had a strong influence on him He made a half hearted attempt intopolitics,callinghisparty,MovementofthePeople,MOP
Fela had many sobriquets, most popular being, "the black president," "Abami eda," meaning, the strange one, and Anikulapo, meaning, one who has subdued death or who hasdeathinhispocket.Indestructible.
For years he suffered from AIDS, but never gave up performanceinhissignaturesartorialdress,hisunderpants, even when he got too thin from illness And by August 2nd, 1997, the man who caged death for 58 years died, and left millionsofadoringfansteary-eyed
Zobo is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, ranging from Africa to Asia, Europe, America, etc. anditisservedinvarioushomesandrestaurants. You may think Zobo is just a regular drink for quenching thirstandfeelingthebelly,butit’smorethanthat!
Zobo is not just a delicious drink, several studies have uncovered the myriads health benefits it comes with, and this is what you’re about discovering in this article This informative and helpful article will help you learn about the health benefits of Zobo drink and pregnancy, ulcer,diabetesandsomanymore
The Zobo drink, also known as Hibiscus tea is one of the world most popular beverages and it originated from Nigeria The drink is made from Hibiscus Sabdariffa leaves [dried Roselle leaves], and it is often used as a medicinaltea
fact, Zobo is a Hausa word is in the Hausa nguagefortheedibleplantthatisusedtomakethe nk
rt of the reasons that accounted for Zobo drink’s orldwide popularity includes its unique flavour, eat taste, and quality nutrients. Zobo is very tritious as it contains several potent nutrients, cluding Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous, acin, Riboflavin, Fiber, Fat, Thiamine, Carotene, etc. these nutrients are what make the Hibiscus tea a ry healthy drink with lots of amazing health nefits.
part from being a nutritious drink, it is worthwhile so to state that Zobo is very low in calories and is ffeine-free It tastes a little sour and can be nsumed as hot or cold To make your Zobo drink ste more delicious, look colourful, and become cker, you can add secondary ingredients to it, and qualitynaturewillnotbeaffected.
The Zobo drink is packed with several formidable nutrients, including Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorous,Niacin,Riboflavin,Fiber,Fat,Thiamine, Carotene, etc., and it also contains anti-bacterial properties which work harmoniously to repair your digestivesystemandrestoreyourlostappetite
Several studies reveal that regular intake of Zobo canhelplowerhighbloodpressureparticularlyina group of prehypertension and mild hypertension of adults. This is made possible by the enzyme inhibitor found in the Hibiscus leaves; what this inhibitor does is to confine the production of Amylase, an enzyme associated with the decomposition of complex sugar and starches Once this has been successfully blocked, the blood streamwillthenbecomelower.
Additionally,theRoselleleavesusedinmakingZobo contains some other anti-hypertensive properties which are also responsible for regulating sugar level in your bloodstream, which it might, in turn, lowerthelowerbloodstreamaswell.
As earlier stated, the Zobo drink is packed with several formidable nutrients, and one of the nutrients it is very rich in is fibre. The high level of fibre found in Zobo makes it a healthy drink for combating constipation as fibre is scientifically proventobeagreatdigestivesystembooster.
Therefore, if you’re experiencing constipation and you are looking for a healthy way out, then consuming Zobo regularly is your best bet It will not only treat constipation but also boost your digestivesystemaswell.
The Zobo drink has been scientifically proven several times that it helps in lowering the absorptionofthe
articlemajor dietary components [starch and glucose] which are often linked with excess weight gain When these components become lowered, it will then accelerate the weightlossprocess
Additionally, Zobo hinders the production of amylase, which is very helpful in absorbing carbohydrates and starch in the body This means that drinking Zobo regularly can help lessentheabsorptionfromsurfacinganylonger.
Menstruation process is usually accompanied with several intense pains, including cramps But the good news is that Zobo has been proven to be very effective in reducing the paintoasignificantextent Notthatalone,Zoboalsohelpsin restoring hormonal balance in the female body so as to reduce the symptoms of menstruation, including mood swings
Checkingourhealthstatusroutinelyandperiodicallycan unravel hidden ailments at primary stage Human body system can break down or stop working if regular checkupisnotdone
We regularly check our cars on daily basis, gauging oil/water etc but the hilarious part is that we often don't remember to go to a health facility to get a medical checkup to reassure ourselves that our body is functioningwellortodetectearlysymptomsofadisease. Some of the routine medical tests to enhance sound health and longevity include Examining the body for strange lumps in the neck, breast, underarms, or groin; Full blood count to provide information about the cells in your blood. The full blood count indicates the number of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets (ie, cells thathelpsbloodtoclot),theconcentrationofhemoglobin (aproteininyourredbloodcellsthatcarriesoxygenfrom your lungs to the rest of your body). If your hemoglobin levels are abnormal, it may be a sign that you have a blood disorder; the tests can be done for cholesterol and glucose situations in the body, as well as urine test for urinarytracthealth
Thesearesomevitalquestionsweneedtoask ourselvestogiveusthemotivationforgoingon medicalcheck:
* Do I consume nutritious and adequate diets (what to consumeandwhatnottoconsume)?
• Your doctor can quickly notice the onset of lifethreatening conditions before they cause harm to the body
• You can have early options for effective treatment and fullrecovery
• Keep tabs on your health so that you can make sound decisions about your wellbeing including mental and emotionalhealth.
• Paying for medical care can be quite high, especially if you are dealing with a problem that wasn’t discovered beforehand and has now progressed to a severe or lifechangingstage
Therefore, to treat, and control conditions in their early stages, it’s preferable to periodically spend on medical examinations. And of course, it keeps you healthy, to ensurelong-termhealth,extendyourlife,peaceofmind, andstability
It is gratifying to note that the adequate attention you have been paying to your car/equipment is what make them to last longer Then kindly extend the privilege to yourselfandyourbody.
Nobodycanmakeyouenjoysoundhealth,behappy,live longandfeelgreatexceptYOU!Yourself!!
Glory to God!
Hearty Congratulations Kelechi Osuji
Class of 2023, you did it! May Almighty God guard and council you and may His grace be upon you and His glory shine upon you always. Continue to soar higher.
Lots of love The Osuji Family
Glory to God!
Hearty Congratulations
Princess Chinaemerem
(aka China) Osuji
Class of 2023
May Almighty God continue to shield you, may His glory continue to shine upon you and may He strengthen you and continue to lift you up higher and higher. In Jesus name. Amen!
The Osuji Family
Trying to pick the perfect wedding dress can seem like a daunting task at times With so many different silhouettes styles fabrics and more, it can be a little stressful to find a favorite at your bridal appointment, it’s always good to have an idea in mind of what you’d like, different styles as well You never know where your dream dress will be hiding! From dramatic mermaid gowns to simple sheaths, h 7 f Af i f it t f ddi d
Among the African women, the strapless wedding dres most popular selections for brides Not only does it arms and shoulders, but it’s also not as constricting as a In Nigeria there’s a popular saying attached to this "the I no want stress" This saying is an indication that wearing this gown is not a fashionista and would not w as dramatic In the United States this Is also great summer weddings but can be worn in the colder mo you’ll be having your ceremony indoors
This is a perfect gown for women with a petite body figure this formfitting style can also be worn in nearly any type of fabric such as lace, satin.
The designed outfit shape is also quite easy to move such away that you wont be stuck feeling constricted long or at the event
If you are not a dramatic person and wont want to cause a stir then a line wedding gown fits your personality This silhouette is flattering on nearly everyone while also giving you plenty of t d d t t th t
A mermaid dress is definitely one of the most dramatic and catchy but , can also be one of the most flattering if you ’ re looking to show off your curves on your special day or get your audience talking then is is definitely for you A mermaid dress can also help create the illusion of an hourglass shape if you have a more slim or petite figure
A mermaid dress is definitely one of the most dramatic and catchy but can also be one of the most flattering if youre looking to show off your curves on your special day or get your audience talking then is is definitely for you A mermaid dress can also help create the illusion of an hourglass shape if you have a more slim or petite figure
In line with the AICC's commitment to sustaining hope for widows and orphans through its empowerment program, the AICC, Kaduna zone, helditsfirstempowermentprogramonFriday, 30th June, 2023, at Badikko, Kaduna, in Kaduna state of Nigeria
The chair for the occasion was the king of Badikko (Sarkin Badikko) and the district head (mai'angwa) wasthespecialguest
The 2023 beneficiaries include Hauwa Ibrahim, . Umma Abdullahi, Aisha Jibrin, Hafsiya Shehu, and Sa'uraAbdullahi
The beneficiaries were quite excited and promised to make good use of this rare opportunity and highly welcomed initiative especially in a period of prevailinghardshipgulpingthecountry.
The king, Sarkin Badikko emphasized to the the beneficiaries that, this was a rare opportunity, and thatitwastheirdutynottobetraythetrustreposed in them It was quite a success as the pictures show.
The following article is written in Hausa language (Nigeria)
It is about a festival to celebrate the end of cropping season by the youth in Hausa land, annually Describing festivities during the celebration, and how the occasion is used to search for a spouse.
Kalankuwa wani al‘ada ce ta Bahaushe wanda a ke lokacin bazara ko kaka ko rani . Wannan al'adar matasa maza da mata ke shirya wa dan nishadi, da ban sha’awa, da ilmantar wa, da kumatunasardaal’adunHausa.
Anashiryawadananwasanlokacindaangamaaikingonadanoma,dannunafarincikicewaan gama ayukan noma Kuma sau daya ake shirya wa a shekara Akan gaiyata matasa daga kauyukadakekewayedantayamasukalonkuwamurna
KalanKuwa yakan kunshi wassanin gargajiya kamar su sharo, dambe, kokuwa, kwambe, harbi kwaridabaka,dasauransu.Kumayakankunshinunasana’oinkasarHausakamarsukira,jima, wazanci,daireirensu Awurinkalankuwaananunawasual'adunkamarBori,anakumarayeraye da wake wake, domin akan gayyace makada da mawaka, da masu kidin gurmi da goge da Kalangu Lokacinekumadasamaridamatazasunemisadazumuncidannemanaure
Akanfarakalankuwanedakilisakokewayedasamaridasarauniyarshinawannanshekaranda kekankaragaacikingari Akanyimakaraganadososai,shimasarkinsamarinakanyimashiado dasarauniyarsadaalkybbadaamawalidamanyanKaya.
Itakalankuwaanayinshineadandaliindaakakillace.Dukwaniwandayakedabaiwakobasira zaiiyazuwayanuna,kamarsuwasadaMaciji,wasadakura,wasadagogonbiridaireirensu YanBorimasukanzosuyinasuborisukorialjannudaiskokicikinmahaukata. Akankashesatidayakosayibiyu,anakalankuwa
Acikinmatasanzaazabisarkidasauraniyarshinashekaramaizuwawaddandasunezasukula dalamarinmatasatashekaradayakafinakarayinwanikalankuwa
Welcome to the island of stranded ships Sir, Are you the captain of that ship?
I don't see your mate. Sir, Are you alone?
Answer me!
Don't be scared.
We've all lost ships and mates We've all lost some kind of ship, Some ships you're happy to lose, Hardship, Censorship, Dictatorship
Some ships you hope you never lose But you do, Relationship, Kinship, Friendship,Championship, Sponsorship
It's Ok. You're not a alone.
Is that your first lost ship?
I bet you loved that ship
I bet you thought she would last forever T C'mon, Don't I cry.
You will get over it, you will build new ship
You will get a new mate too But no more cheap ships. Promise!
Cross your heart and hope to die The ocean of love will grant you passage. Only with the right ship. Right ship attract right mate Here is to lost ships
May we avoid the superficial ones! May we rebuild the genuine ones. May we sail into the wind with our mast to the sun
Salud, Aye mate!
Get yourself Acquainted!