Afrikan Post

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Vol 5 Issue 2

African Community News

Cardinal Peter Turkson (Ghana)


Cardinal Francis Arinze (Nigeria)

Could the Next Pope Be African ? Pg. 35

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How to Get A Green Card Through a Job

From the Editor

O u r G r eates t G lor y is n ot in n ever f a llin g b u t in r is in g ever y time we f a ll . We ar e co mmittted to b r in gin g th e commu n ity th e bes t in N ews f r om Af r ica a n d th e D ia s por a.  Yo u may a ls o vis it o u r webs ite a t www.a f r ik a n pos f or d a ily n ews u p da tes o n Af r ica . D is cla imer : Th e o p in io n s ex pr es s ed in ar ticles a n d s tor ies in th is N ews p ap er a r e th os e o f th e a u th o r s an d d o n ot n eces s ar ily r ef lect th e views o f Af r ika n Po s t . All commen ts a n d s u g g es tio n s ar e welcome.

George Bright-Abu Publisher and Editor

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Call 703- 725- 6968 or E-mail: Address: Bright House Productions 6236 Oscar Court Woodbridge VA 22193 D E PA R T M E N T S Vol. 5 Issue 2


Yaw Osei-Owusu—A Powerhouse In Praises & Worship Has Emerged Pg. 28

Solar Light for Your Rural Community Pg. 21


7 African Herbal Medicines You Should Know Pg. 13

HER PAGE Come Home Pg. 20

SPORTS Nigeria Wins African Title Pg. 39


Gov. Mimiko, Ondo State Discusses Infant/ Maternal Health Program With US Media

Pg. 7

Many people become permanent residents through a job or offer of employment. Some categories require a certification from the U.S. Department of Labor to show that there are not enough U.S. workers who are able, willing, qualified, and available in the geographic area where the immigrant is to be employed and that no American workers are displaced by foreign workers. In other cases, highly skilled workers, those with extraordinary ability in certain professions, and investors/entrepreneurs are given priority to immigrate through several immigrant categories. In all cases, the process involves several steps.

The main ways to immigrate based on a job offer or employment are listed below. For more information on the categories below, see the links to the left under “Green Card Through a Job.”

Green Card Through a Job Offer You may be eligible to become a permanent resident based on an offer of permanent employment in the United States. Most categories require an employer to get a labor certification and then file a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, for you.

Green Card Through Investment Green cards may be available to investors/entrepreneurs who are making an investment in an enterprise that creates new U.S. jobs. Green Card Through Self Petition Some immigrant categories allow you to file for yourself (“self-petition”). This option is available for either “Aliens of Extraordinary Ability” or certain individuals granted a National Interest Waiver. Green Card Through Special Categories of Jobs

There are a number of specialized jobs that may allow you to get a green card based on a past or current job. All of these require a Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, and are described in Section 101(a)(27) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) (see the “INA” link to the right): Afghan/Iraqi Translator Broadcaster International Organization Employee Iraqi Who Assisted the U.S. Government NATO-6 Nonimmigrant Panama Canal Employee Physician National Interest Waiver Religious Worker

In some cases, you may be able to file the immigrant petition (either a Form I-140 or I-360, depending on your category) at the same time that you file Form I485, known as “concurrent filing.” For more information, see the “Concurrent Filing” link to left under “Green Card Processes & Procedures.” If you are not eligible to adjust your status inside the United States to a permanent resident, the immigrant petition will be sent to the U.S. consulate abroad to complete the visa process. In order to apply for a green card, there must be a visa immediately available to you. See the “Visa Availability & Priority Dates” link to left under “Green Card Processes & Procedures”. For information on coming to the United States for temporary or permanent employment, see the “Working in the U.S.” link to the right.

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February 2013

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February 2013


“Free And Fair Elections Are A Fundamental Element Of Democracy And Good Governance” Ambassador Bockari Stevens

retroviral drugs; and enhancing the proportion of women in national parliaments is also on course.

By: Pasco Gerald Temple - IA USA

Though there are challenges, Mr. Bayraytay said there is no quick fix solution to any problem, which is why the government has targeted access to safe drinking water and reducing hunger, with additional efforts which are now being stepped up.

Sierra Leone’s Ambassador to the United States of America His Excellency Bockari kortu Stevens says – “Participatory governance which the government of President Ernest Bai Koroma practices – promotes many forms of citizen participation beyond voting: but nevertheless, free and fair elections are a fundamental element of democracy and good governance.

Speaking to community leaders, heads of organizations and other key Sierra Leonean opinion leaders in the United States of America, at the Conference Hall of the 1701 19th Street NW Washington DC Chancery on Saturday February 9th 2013, Ambassador Bockari Stevens debunked allegations of (Photo: l-r Ambassador Bockari Stevens explaining the concept of elections fraud and said the whole world stood by Good Governance, and Ambassador I S Conteh) Sierra Leone watching-on November 17th, during the conduct of the elections. It was certified by the whole is now a thing of the past: the government of President Koroma world to be free, fair, transparent and credible. has constructed many roads on the Mountains, the seaside and the Reiterating his stance, Ambassador Stevens categori- Hill side. To make mention of inland and improved water ways need not be overemphasized. cally stated that” the November 17th polls were “Credible, Free and fair”. Adding, the government is “Over the past decade, Sierra Leone’s economic performance now focused on implementing the “Agenda for resulted in marginal poverty reduction, with the proportion of peoProsperity. “There is no turning back”. ple living on less than US$ 1 a day. “Today, Sierra Leone has susAccording to National Publicity/Outreach Coordinator tained progress geared- towards several Millennium Development Goals (MDG). “It is on track in reducing child mortality, improvand Communications Advisor, Office of the ing maternal health, slowing down the loss of biodiversity and Government Spokesman, Mr. Abdulai Baraytay, and achieving full and productive employment. “Also on track is “Free and fair elections are the cornerstones of all increasing universal education through the implementation of one forms of democracy”. He said the government of of Sierra Leone’s Commission’s report on education in Sierra President Ernest Bai Koroma does not have the resources to bribe its way – to influence the findings Leone- Professor Gbamanja’s recommendation.” of elections observers of the November 17th Polls. “In many representative democracies, elections are Mr. Bayraytay said achieving gender parity, reducing HIV/AIDS practically the only means, whereby citizens/voters prevalence, increasing the proportion of people with access to antican participate and hold the political parties, candidates and the incumbent governments accountable for their promises and performance.

The People of Sierra Leone spoke with one voice to reward President Ernest Bai Koroma with a vote that led to a resounding victory in the November 17th Polls for transforming Sierra Leone from where it was (Poorest Nation in the World, Most Corrupt Country in the World, Least developed Country in the World, darkest city in the world etc.) to one of Africa’s fastest growing economies, coupled with an independent Anti – graft agency with one of the strongest laws in the world”, said Mr. Bayraytay. The Spokesman recalled four years ago, when the Government of President Ernest Bai Koroma completed the first phase of Bumbuna Hydroelectric project and said the Lungi International Airport is not what it used to be.” The structure has been transformed coupled with state of the art security equipment to ensure safety and to also prevent all forms of smuggling and illegal activities taking place.

He said what used to be the single outlet of Freetown,


Several speakers spoke on the issues highlighted above and called for more meetings of such kind. They thanked

Ambassador Stevens for the briefing and expressed satisfaction over the clarification of the November 17th elections and the update regarding issues and status of the country.

They also requested a channel through which the various Sierra Leonean communities will be channeling their own support to the Country. Earlier, the Head of Chancery/Counselor Mrs. Isatu A. S. Sillah introduced Mr. Bayraytay.

In his vote of thanks, Deputy Chief of Mission Ambassador I.S. Conteh thanked Ambassador Stevens, Mr. Bayraytay and the entire Sierra Leonean Community represented, and made reference to similar meetings held in Maryland in recent past. He also assured Sierra Leoneans that meetings of such nature will be held in a not too distant future.

Mr. Bayraytay, HOC Sillah, Mr. Edward Kawa,Ms Fatmata Dao and other attendees


Mr. Bayraytay making a point (Center) flanked by (L) HOC Mrs. Sillah and (R) Ambassador Bockari Stevens

Zambian Ambassador to U.S. Presents Letters of Credence to President Obama

Photo courtesy of

Washington, DC

The new Zambian Ambassador to the U.S., His Excellency Palan Mulonda presented his Letters of Credence to President Obama at a ceremony at the White House on Monday January 14, 2013.

The presentation of credentials is a traditional ceremony that marks the formal beginning of an Ambassador’s service in Washington, DC. ABOUT ZAMBIA

Zambia, officially the Republic of Zambia, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. The neighboring countries are the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Namibia to the south, and Angola to the west. The capital city is Lusaka, located in the south-central part of the country. The population is concentrated mainly around Lusaka in the south and the Copperbelt Province to the northwest.

Originally inhabited by Khoisan peoples, the region which comprises modern Zambia was colonized during the Bantu expansion of the thirteenth century. After visits by European explorers in the eighteenth century, Zambia became the British protectorate of Northern Rhodesia towards the end of the nineteenth century. For most of the colonial period, the country was governed by an administration appointed from London with the advice of the British South Africa Company.

On October 24, 1964, the country gained independence from the United Kingdom.


The United States established diplomatic relations with Zambia in 1964, following its independence from the United Kingdom. Zambia saw single-party rule from independence until 1973, when it formally became a one-party state. In 1991, elections replaced the country’s 27-year president as Zambia began adopting multi-party democracy and a more liberalized economy. Zambia’s economic growth has not benefited many rural Zambians who continue to live in poverty. The Zambian Government is pursuing an economic diversification program to reduce the economy’s reliance on the copper industry. The country’s challenge is to promote broad-based economic growth, create employment, and develop its human capital.

The United States and Zambia enjoy cordial relations. U.S. goals in Zambia include reducing widespread poverty and building and sustaining a democratic, well-governed country that contributes positively to regional stability. The United States works closely with the Zambian Government to defeat the HIV/AIDS pandemic that is widespread but stabilizing in Zambia, to promote economic growth and development, and to bring about political reform by promoting democratic principles and responsible government. The United States is also supporting the government’s efforts to root out corruption.

New U.S. Ambassador to Kenya – Robert Godec

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 Page 6

President Barack Obama has nominated career diplomat Robert F. Godec to be the next ambassador to the East African nation of Kenya. If confirmed, Godec, who has served as chargé d’affaires at the embassy in Nairobi since August 27, would succeed political appointee Scott Gration, who resigned from his position last June over “differences in leadership styles and priorities with Washington.”

Born circa 1957 to Robert F. Godec and Nancy (Dietrich) Godec, Godec graduated from W.T. Woodson High School in Fairfax, Virginia, in 1975. He went on to earn a B.A. in Foreign Affairs at the University of Virginia, where he was associate news editor on the student newspaper The Daily Cavalier, and an M.A. in International Relations at Yale University.

A career member of the Senior Foreign Service, Class of Minister-Counselor, Godec joined the State Department in 1985. Now focused on Africa and the Middle East, earlier in his career Godec worked on relations with Southeast Asia, serving as director for Southeast Asian Affairs at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative from 1992 to 1994, and as assistant office director for Thailand and Burma in the State Department’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs from 1994 to 1996.

Godec has served in Kenya once before, as economic counselor at the embassy in Nairobi from 1996 to 1999, followed by additional African experience as minister counselor for Economic Affairs at the embassy in Pretoria, South Africa, from 1999 to 2002, concurrently filling the post of acting deputy chief of mission in 2002. In Washington, Godec served as deputy coordinator for the Transition in Iraq from 2004 to 2005, and as deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs from 2005 to 2006.

From 2006 to 2009, Godec was the U.S. ambassador to Tunisia, his first ambassadorship. According to diplomatic cables released by Wikileaks, Godec was quite critical of the regime of President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, describing his “sclerotic regime,” as a “police state” mired in corruption, an evaluation that was much-appreciated by pro-democracy forces in Tunisia when it was made public. Back in Washington, Godec served as principal deputy coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department from 2009 to 2012.

Godec speaks French and German, although neither of these will be especially helpful in Kenya, a former British colony. He has been married to Lori G. Magnusson since May 1986.

Update by AMIP News Robert Godec, was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to Kenya on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Story source:

Gov. Mimiko, Ondo State Discusses Infant/ Maternal Health Program With US Media

February 2013

and universally accessible healthcare services. The goal for the pilot project which began in Ifedore LGA was to reduce child and maternal mortality by at least 50% and increase facility utilization by at least 60% by the end of the year 2011. This was achieved with distinction.

Ondo State Governor Mimiko at the press conference

In an effort to continue giving African government and business leaders an opportunity to interact with U.S. media during official visits to the United States, AMIP News hosted another media roundtable event, this time with Ondo State governor Dr. Olusegun Mimiko and his visiting delegation. It was held at the Gaylord National Hotel and Convention Center. This article is written by AMIP’s Frederick Nnoma-Addison who moderated the event attended by about a dozen reputable news organizations including, Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) and Afrikan Post. Other U.S.-based media agencies represented were African Mirror, African Searchlight, Sharp Edge News, AkDey Productions and Per Sec News By Frederick Nnoma-Addison AMIP News-Washington DC

Governor’s Mimiko’s crusade to make sure that pregnancy is no longer a death sentence for women in his state has attracted international attention and repositioned Ondo State and Nigeria as a destination of new possibilities. The internationally acclaimed, revolutionary and safe motherhood program (Abiye) instituted by Dr. Olusegun Mimiko (a medical doctor) sounds too good to be true, yet it is true and can be backed with empirical evidence and proven testimonials from ordinary female traders, farmers and professionals. One member of his delegation describes him as “deep,” and he has to be, in order to champion the cause of women with such passion and conviction. When I asked the governor what motivates him to pursue safe motherhood the way he does he replied;

“You know I am a medical doctor myself and I saw all kinds of scenarios in my professional life. I have seen a woman lose her seventh consecutive pregnancy because of something very trivial and you know that is not fun. For me what I do as governor is more than a job, it’s like a calling. I had to take career risks, I run for governor on the ticket of the Labor party which is not as big as the PDP and won. That was the only way available to me if I really wanted to influence policy on infant and maternal health and other sectors.”

Before Abiye, Nigeria was listed as one of the 10 most dangerous countries in the world for a woman to give birth. With only 2 percent of the world’s population she accounted for an estimated 14 percent of maternal deaths worldwide each year. In recent years, the federal government has devoted greater policy attention and resources to maternal health and Ondo state is leading the way in tackling the challenge in a strategic and comprehensive way.

The Abiye program was launched in October 2009, with sponsorship from the World Bank. The mandate which remains true three years after was to develop and provide sustainable, equity-based,

Development in Africa is often silent on human capital. Politicians are usually heard trumpeting their agendas and successes in developing infrastructure, building sustainable economies and creating jobs, but not creating a mechanism that almost guarantees safe pregnancy and delivery for every woman, at no cost to patients at the point of service. A maleled state government initiative that puts safe motherhood at the core of development is therefore revolutionary to say the least and no doubt a pointer to where Ondo State in southwest Nigeria is headed, even as the governor prepares to be sworn in for his second term, on February 24.

In most developing countries, free is associated with cheap which explains why Ondo residents themselves and many international organizations were initially skeptical when this program commenced. Within a short time they learned that the pregnancy tracking mechanisms, the health rangers, ambulances, cell phones, paramedics, and medication were there to stay and now even women from neighboring states visit Ondo state to benefit for the program originally created for permanent residents. At the Mother and Child Hospital in Akure the wife of a millionaire shares a ward with a messenger’s wife by choice, simply because the facilities are stateof-the-art and the professionals and services, world-class. Governor Mimiko explains that lack of finances is the number one reason which prevents families from seeking good infant and maternal health care, therefore to guarantee the results he was seeking with this program his administration pushed for a completely free service.

The Mother and Child Hospital Akure was established as part of the strategies of the Abiye project to address the phases of delay contributing to maternal and child deaths in Ondo state and factors militating against achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) 4 and 5. It was commissioned to mark the first year anniversary of the Mimiko administration on the 27th of February 2010, as the premier state-of-the-art, 100-bed facility dedicated to the care of pregnant women and children less than 5 years of age, offering tertiary level health services free of charge. The mandate for the hospital was to reduce in-state maternal and child mortality by 50% and 30% respectively by the year 2013, and the goal was to run an integrated maternal and child care facility fully poised to offer qualitative and critical interventions when required.

The center and program are underway to achieving their goals and Governor Mimiko expressed confidence that his state will achieve MDG goals 4 and 5, a day after he made a presentation at the Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS). Aside support from the World Bank, Ondo State collaborates with CSIS, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and other international medical establishments and will soon be signing a sister-state agreement with the state of Maryland, USA.

The success and promise of Abiye and Ondo State in the past few years is proof that one man and one administration can make a difference, in a country where many of the nationals both at home and abroad are extremely disillusioned by an apparent illusiveness of prosperity in the midst of abundant resources. Governor Mimiko is the man who almost never became governor; who had to contest the original results of the 2007 gubernatorial race for 22 months in court before

Page 7

becoming governor. Nigeria is the most populous nation in Africa, and Governor Mimiko describes it as “a sort of big brother with big opportunities and equally big challenges.” He says however that the current hunger for change in the status quo, especially from the youth is certain to trigger and sustain the much needed change. This is the second time the governor has led a delegation to the United States. In 2010 he led a trade and investment delegation to Washington to forge strategic partnerships with U.S. corporations and investors.

Mimiko was awarded Governor of the Year – 2011 by Ben TV, London and Governor of the Year – 2011 by the Nigeria Union of Journalist (NUJ). In March 2012, he received the prestigious Zik Leadership Award for exemplary leadership and the Governor of the Year – 2012 Award from African Newspapers Nigeria Plc, publishers of The Nigeria Tribune, Nigeria’s oldest newspapers. In October, 2012, the United Nation Habitat (UN-Habitat) honored him with its Scroll of Honor Award in recognition of his contributions to sustainable human settlement and urban development.

Fred Nnoma-Addision of AMIP News Welcoming the Ondo State Governor

Gov. Mimiko and his team from Nigeria

Representatives from various African news organizations based in the United States

February 2013


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Opoku Ware now Compulsory Army Training Proposed in Liberia President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, In a move to enhance adequate readiness and strength of the AFL from the present “German Partner School” capability Commander in Chief of the Armed of the Armed Forces of Liberia, the 2,000 to 7,500 in order to meet its

On Tuesday 29th January 2013, German Ambassador Dr Schimkoreit and Goethe Institute Director Sobotta together with their Ghanaian partners signed a declaration of intent to admit the Opoku Ware Secondary School – a renowned boys school with over 60 years of experience in Kumasi, capital of the Ashanti region – to the German PASCH – Partner School Programme. The PASCH Programme supports about 1,500 schools worldwide in teaching German and is initiated by the German Foreign Office. It is implemented mainly by the Goethe Institute, the International Institute of German Language and Culture. In the medium term, there will be three PASCH Partner Schools in Ghana with altogether about 150 secondary school students in the age of 13 to 17, learning German. German is no part of the Ghanaian curriculum, so the schools are providing a room for the so-called "German Club" in which interested students can study the German language as well as German culture and history. As part of the partnership programme the students and their teachers receive teaching materials and are eligible to be nominated for scholarships to take part in language courses in Germany. From: Ghana | German Embassy

orator on National Armed Forces Day yesterday recommended the drafting of an act by the Ministry of National Defense to establish compulsory military training for all able-bodied Liberian men. Speaking at the Barclay Training Center during outdoor programs marking the 56th Anniversary celebration of the AFL, President Sirleaf's Advisor on Foreign Affairs, Ambassador George underscored the necessity for the country to follow that trajectory especially in the reconstruction of a new Liberia where the army shoulders a crucial role. He suggested the enactment of legislation for compulsory military training for all able-bodied citizens to spend one year at the E.B. Kesselley military camp in Schiefflin to qualify for military service. Amb. Wallace also recommended for the Ministry of Defense to establish a military museum at Camp Kesselley Barracks to keep and reserve military appetite and the important materials and hardware including uniforms and arms, depicting the Armed Forces of Liberia ranging from its establishment to achievements. All able-bodied Liberian males 18-45 underwent compulsory informal military training including quarterly militia drills and ROTC classes at high schools and tertiary institutions preceding the 1980 coup d'état to serve backup of the AFL. Mr. Wallace recommended that more military personnel be trained to beef up the numeral

growing challenges. In order to face the new wave of threats engendered by terrorism, trade in drugs and illicit substances, trade in small arms, and light weapons and other illicit activities by non-state actors, he suggested that "government considers creating a navy and an air force to defend our long coastline, and airspace, respectively. An air force will serve as a deterrent, while the navy would defend our coast lines against illegal imposters on our territorial waters," Amb. Wallace explained. The keynote speaker cautioned officers and men and women in arms to be public protectors and defenders in line with the statute that created the Liberian army. "Your role is to defend our national cause within and outside of our boundaries," the veteran Liberian diplomat cautioned the soldiers. In order to maintain total peace and stability in Liberia, he admonished the nation never again to revert to violence in resolving any differences. There have been persistent media reports suggesting enlisted men of the army were engaged in AWOL for greener pastures.

Forces of Liberia, asserted that the AFL would be fully active and running in the next few years. "Our security sector reform process has entered into a new phase. We've been closely working with UNMIL and our international partners in order to ensure a smooth transition of security responsibilities back to our security institutions. The Armed Forces of Liberia has reached a critical stage in its development. It is a stage of uncertainty and reality that we must be prepared to face on a daily basis," she told the nation yesterday at BTC. She stressed that both economic reality and features for growth expansion create unique opportunity that will positively impact the lives of Liberians as well as sustaining the AFL. The history of the Liberian army can be traced to 1908, where it was known as the Liberia Frontier Force before it metamorphosed to the Armed Forces of Liberia in 1962 through legislative enactment. But the AFL became embroiled with factions in the civil war spanning 19892003.


February 2013



February 2013

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Page 10


Yahya Jammeh Gives Gambians An Extra Day Off

world but some say this disrupts work with Western countries, who have Saturdays and Sundays off.

In a statement last month, Mr Jammeh's office said that from 1 February, the working times in the public sector would be Mondays to Thursdays from 08:00 to 18:00.

"This new arrangement will allow Gambians to devote more time to prayers, social activities and agriculture - going back to the land and grow what we eat and eat what we grow, for a healthy and wealthy nation." The statement said state schools would also be closed on Fridays, but were free to open on Saturdays to compensate for the lost day.

The Gambia has started a four-day week for public sector workers, with Fridays now an extra day off.

President Yahya Jammeh has said the shorter week will give The Gambia's mainly Muslim population more time to pray, socialise and tend to fields.

Mr Jammeh, who took power in a bloodless coup in 1994, is known for his eccentric behaviour. Critics say his latest decision will promote laziness and disrupt the poor West African state's economy.

Agriculture, especially peanut exports, forms the backbone of The Gambia's economy.

This new arrangement will allow Gambians to devote more time to prayers, social activities and agriculture�

Yahya Jammeh Gambian president It is also a popular tourist destination, because of its beaches. Schools given choice

Most people in The Gambia, which has a population of about 1.8 million, are Muslims for whom Friday is a day of prayer. Fridays and Saturdays are non-working days in most of the Muslim

Until now, government employees have been working a five-day week, from 08:00 to 16:00. The change means they would still work a 40-hour week, but critics say it would be disruptive.

They point out that the private sector would still work on Fridays, but would not be able to do any business with the government on that day.

In 2007, Mr Jammeh announced that he could cure HIV-Aids in just three days with a special potion of secret herbs.

This was widely condemned by medical professionals around the world. Mr Jammeh has also been accused of human rights abuses. Last year, nine prisoners on death row were executed by firing squad, with the president vowing to kill all death row inmates within weeks. He later suspended 37 other executions after an international outcry.

Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation Launched In London February 2013



From Left: Former President Olusegun Obasanjo; His Wife Bola; President Goodluck Jonathan And The First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan At The Launch Of Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation In London On Friday Night

FORMER president Obasanjo launched his non-governmental organisation the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation yesterday at a glitzy dinner which took place at London's Grosvenor House Hotel on Park Lane. Attended by Presidents Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria, Eileen Sirleaf-Johnson of Liberia, Boni Yayi of Benin and John Mahama of Ghana, the event attracted over 1,000 guests. Now that it has been launched, the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation hopes to commence work as a charity across Africa, addressing four key areas. These include education, particularly that of the girl-child, combating preventable diseases, youth unemployment and providing food security. President Obasanjo said his charity will focus on helping to assuage the numerous problems facing Africa. In his speech, President Jonathan said: "For any country to achieve meaningful development, its citizens must be educated enough to drive the economic potentials. If I was not educated, I couldn't have been the president of Nigeria, so in one's life, education is important." President Yayi said the Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation's principles were in line with the United Nations’ policy of working towards alleviating the problems of Africa. He added: "We also want to help young people to enable them support their families. Vocational training is important in Africa and training the youths is vital for job creation." Chief Obasanjo added: "I am not saying that government, the private sector and other foundations are not doing enough. However, in spite of all what they are doing, there is still a gap that must filled as human security is not the responsibility of one organisation alone.

"For instance, if you educate a girl child, you educate a family and currently across Africa, there is girl child discrimination due to cultural, religion and poverty. Similarly, out of the 38m people who are blind in the world, 90% are preventable as all they need are simple things like eating good food, exercising regularly and regular medical checks." Other speakers, including Anne Welsh, the chairperson of the foundation and Richard Attias, the chairman of Richard Attias and Associates, and the founder of The New York Forum, said that various African governments are doing their best to reduce the aforementioned issues but a lot more still needs to be done. Now that it has been formally launched, the foundation is to begin work across various African countries and is expected to start with Malawi or Mali. Other dignitaries at the launch included Aliko Dangote, Femi Otedola, Governor Henry Seriake Dickson of Bayelsa State, former Central Bank of Nigeria governor Charles Soludo, Oby Ezekwesili, Senator Grace Bent and Timi Alaibe. Former British industry secretary Peter Mandleson chaired one of the sessions Source:



February 2013

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7 African Herbal Medicines You Should Know

Take note that if you buy commercial Hoodia, you must follow manufacturer’s instructions as directed.

They are many African herbal remedies that are available commercially which can be found in most reputable and established stores that offers mostly supplements. Once you have found stores that are selling African Herbs, then it’s great. Talk with the knowledgeable store representative about your desired herbs. Be sure you trust the staff of the store to believe about their products. You have to rely on what they say about what the products are and what benefits you may get from them. Here are some of the Best African Herbs in the market.

Kanna is another African herb that has gained popularity in other countries. Other refers to it as “nature’s Prozac” as it is used as mood enhancer.

African Herbal Medicines This is considered as a good natural herbal remedy as it can be an effective in aiding digestion, fight off nausea, releases water and it freshens breath. They also use this herb as a delicious spice in some beverages and dishes.

This is an African herb that strikes the Westerners because it contains a lot of healthy ingredients like antioxidants and minerals that enhances longevity. Another benefit of this herb is that it helps with stomach disorders and nausea.

Herb 1:Grains of Paradise

Herb 2: Kola Nut

This African herbal product has been discovered in the West. It is said to help alleviate headaches and considered as a stimulant similar to caffeine.

Herb 3: Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is considered as a “wonder plant” of the African herbal remedies. This specie of the African herb has different properties, benefits and side effects from the aloe in the west.

Herb 5: Kanna (Sceletium tortousum)

Herb 6: Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis)

Hoodia is a variety of the cactus plant derived from the Kalahari Desert. This has been used by the San Bushmen to stave off hunger when they have their long hunting trips. This African herb has become popular in the Western part among others because of its ability to suppress appetite. This is recommended for dieters and binge eaters.

However, Hoodia should be taken after consulting your doctor especially if you have heart problems, hypertension, diabetes and if you have blood clotting disorders or eating disorders.




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It makes the skin smoother and younger looking. This is usually served as a tea or can be added to cakes, soup, marinades and sauce.

Herb 7: Other African herbs

Pellitory – the root is good for digestive problems, epilepsy, toothache, headache, cough and cold.

Senna – used as laxative.

Buchu – recommended for urinary tract and prostate probThe clear gel extracted from the center of its leaf can make the lems. healing process faster. Meanwhile, the juice from the base of its leaf has a laxative effect. Calumba – applicable for stomach disorders and aids in digestion and improves appetite.

Herb 4: Hoodia


Consumers are advised not to use African herbs that has toxin in it as this may cause life threatening conditions. Before using any of these herbs, be sure to familiarize yourself about them. Trying African herbal medicine is good but it is advised that you know how to use them properly.

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Page 14

The Ghanaian Woman Who Made Millions Fighting Skin-Bleaching


February 2013


Although access to bank loans in Ghana might be relatively easier these days, she advises that budding entrepreneurs should take care not to borrow too much.

'Irreparable damage'

Mrs Amey-Obeng explained that, once her clinic was running, she realised that the imported products they were recommending often proved too expensive for their clients.

Mrs Amey-Obeng studied beauty therapy in the United Kingdom and after graduation, in the 1980s, returned to her native Ghana.

She knew that in her country women take great pride in their appearance and was convinced that there was a niche market she could "tap into".

The business empire she started a quarter of a century ago with around $100 (ÂŁ63) now has an annual turnover of between $8m and $10m.

Her FC Group of Companies - which includes a beauty clinic, a firm that supplies salon equipment and cosmetics, and a college has eight branches in Ghana and exports to Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Togo, Ivory Coast, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Mrs Amey-Obeng has won dozens of accolades and industry awards for her skincare beauty products and marketing.

But one of the things that make her especially proud is her FC Beauty College which, since its opening in 1999, has trained more than 5,000 young people, mostly women.


Equally important to her is her role as a medical aesthetician and she cites seeing a skin condition resolved as something that gives her "joy".

"I'm so happy that God has given me that talent and that touch to heal people," she said.

Ghana's Grace Amey-Obeng, one of West Africa's most successful businesswomen, made her fortune promoting products which emphasised the beauty of the black skin, at a time when many of her competitors were selling dangerous skin-bleaching formulas.


Working out of her bag and going from house to house she advised people on skincare.

Soon, however, she became aware that there was "a lot of skin-bleaching going on", a trend she found "alarming" and something that is common in much of Africa.

"The women in the market had destroyed their skin with all this kind of beauty products, bleaching products, and so I saw the need for assisting them to reverse the process because otherwise it would become a social problem," she said.

"The level of damage - in this climate - bleaching does is irreparable," she added.

Made in Ghana

This was often a result of currency exchange rate fluctuations. "It was a challenge. They would come back with worse conditions, and so we said: 'OK, why don't we start our own line that we can sell to our people?'".

Her skincare line, which she started in 1998, would soon have a huge success not only because of the products' prices - which currently range from $3 to $15 - but also, in her opinion, because they were made taking into account black skins and the West African climate.

In view of her concerns about skin bleaching, the name of her brand, Forever Clair (Clear), may seem controversial to some.

However, she argues that "clair" there refers to "light, hope and strength", not skin colour.

"Light shows the way. It's not about complexion, it's about the heart," the entrepreneur said.

And she seems indeed bent on helping others to gain hope and strength. She is well-known in Ghana for her philanthropic work, especially through the Grace Amey-Obeng International Foundation.

Not long after her return to Ghana, she opened her first beau- Women leaders, she says, should offer a helping hand to less fortunate women, encourage them and share expertise. ty clinic with financial support from her family.

"The joy of putting smiles on the faces of people that this business "I couldn't access any funds from the bank. I didn't even think about it because everybody said 'In this country nobody offers, that's what makes me want to do it forever." will give you money'". Business loan offers came pouring in only after her business Source: "It's like a family bond. I'm so proud that they have managed to go through the programme," she told the BBC's series African Dream. had been running for three years.

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African Wisdom



African Quotes on Wisdom

Wisdom is wealth. ~ Swahili Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it. ~ Akan proverb The fool speaks, the wise man listens. ~ Ethiopian proverb Wisdom does not come overnight. ~ Somali proverb The heart of the wise man lies quiet like limpid water. ~ Cameroon proverb Wisdom is like fire. People take it from others. ~ Hema (DRC) proverb Only a wise person can solve a difficult problem. ~ Akan proverb Knowledge without wisdom is like water in the sand. ~ Guinean proverb In the moment of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build dams. ~ Nigerian proverb If you are filled with pride, then you will have no room for wisdom. ~ African proverb A wise person will always find a way. ~ Tanzanian proverb Nobody is born wise. ~ African proverb A man who uses force is afraid of reasoning. ~Kenyan proverb Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden. ~ Akan proverb

African Quotes on Unity and Community

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13. All that we do on earth, we shall account for kneeling in heaven (Ghana).

1. A big goat does not sneeze without reason (Kenya).

15. When there is peace in the country, the chief does not carry a shield

3. A fig tree found on the way is enough to keep you from starving (S. Africa-Azania).

“A stranger has big eyes but sees nothing.” “If a child washes his hands he could eat with kings.”

5. A house that is built by God will be completed (Ethiopia).

“If you don't stand for something, you will fall for something.”

2. A child does not laugh at the ugliness of its mother (Uganda).

4. A full stomach does not last overnight (Uganda).

6. A lion does not eat its own cubs (Kenya).

7. A log thrown into the water does not become a crocodile.

8. A man on the ground cannot fall (S. Africa-Azania).

9. A person cannot dance well on one leg only (S. Africa-Azania).

10. A stick which is far away cannot kill a snake (Uganda).


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Unity is strength, division is weakness. ~ Swahili proverb Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. ~ Bondei proverb It takes a village to raise a child. ~ African proverb Cross the river in a crowd and the crocodile won’t eat you. ~ African proverb Many hands make light work. ~ Haya (Tanzania) proverb Where there are many, nothing goes wrong. ~ Swahili proverb Two ants do not fail to pull one grasshopper. ~ Tanzanian proverb A single bracelet does not jingle. ~ Congolese proverb A single stick may smoke, but it will not burn. ~ African proverb If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. ~ African proverb

African Proverbs


11. A sweet taste does not remain forever in the mouth (Kenya).

“When you live next to the cemetery, you cannot weep for everyone.”

12. A woman is a flower in a garden; her husband is the fence around it (Ghana).

“Quarrels end, but words once spoken never die.”

14. To get lost is to learn the way.

Where you settle in old age depends upon where you stood in your youth.

16. An elephant does not die of one broken rib (S. Africa-Azania)

“If you climb up a tree, you must climb down the same tree.”

“If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.”

“One must talk little and listen much.”

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” “When you know who his friend is, you know who he is.”

No God is more demanding than your stomach – it requires a sacrifice every day.

The man who waits for a perfect opportunity, will wait a life-time.

This Month’s African Proverb

“No Matter How Low A Cotton Tree Falls, It's Still Taller Than Grass”

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt Visits Top Nigerian Filmmaker Tunde Kelani

Chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt was at the Lagos Mainframe Studios of accomplished Nigerian filmmaker Tunde Kelani where both addressed the challenges of the Nigerian film industry. It was during Schmidt’s visit to Lagos to meet with Mr. Babatunde Raji Fashola, the executive governor Lagos State, the commercial capital of Nigeria and the biggest megacity in sub-Saharan Africa

Story by Ekenyerengozi Michael Chima/

February 2013



Plane Carrying Guinean Military Officials Crashes In Liberia

MONROVIA (Reuters) - A plane carrying senior officials from Guinea's military and Defense Ministry crashed close to the Liberian capital Monrovia on Monday, Liberia's Defense Minister Brownie Samukai said.

"Senior Guinean military and defense officials were on the plane," Samukai told Reuters. "An investigation in now underway into why it happened."

Security sources said at least four people were killed in the crash .

Sam Jonah Gets Top Job With Bank Of America and Advisory Board Member of the Centre for Strategic International Studies; Eijiro Katsu (Japan), former Administrative Vice-Minister at Japan's Ministry of Finance and former Director-General at Japan's Finance Bureau; Dr Jurgen Kluge (Germany), Director Emeritus, Mckinsey & Company, Inc., former Chairman and CEO Franz Haniel and Cie, GmbH, and Director on the Board of SMS GmbH; and Ali Y.Koc, (Turkey), Executive Board Member of Koc Holding and Chairman of Ford Otosan, and former group President of Corporate Communication and Information Technology Koc Holding AS.

Dr Sam Esson Jonah has been appointed a member of the Global Advisory Council of the Bank of America.

Dr Jonah, founder and chairman of Jonah Capital (Pty) Ltd and former Executive President, Anglogold Ashanti, is the only African among what the bank described as "internationally recognised business, academic and policy leaders who will share expertise and insights into the bank's global engagements and help strengthen its worldwide relationships".

The council, to be chaired by the bank's Chief Executive Officer, Mr Brian Moynihan, "will also advise senior bank executives on trends and emerging opportunities in local markets". The council will be inaugurated in Hong Kong in March, this year.

A statement from the bank named the other members of the council as, Bader M. A1 Sa'ad, (Kuwait), Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Kuwait Investment Authority; Donald R. Argus (Australia), former Chief Executive Officer of National Australia Bank and former Chairman BHP Billiton Group; Thiery Breton (France), Chairman and CEO, Atos S.E., as well as the Director on the Board of Carrefour S.A. and former Finance Minister of France; Edson de Godoy Bueno (Brazil) President and CEO, Amil Participacoes S.A. and Director on the Board of United Health Group and Chong-Suk Choi (South Korea). Mr Bueno is also President and CEO, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Korea Investment Corporation.

Others are Kay Bailey Hutchison, former US Senator (R-Texas) and former Vice-Chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board

The rest are Prof. Frederick Ma (Hong Kong) GBS, JP, former Secretary, Financial Services and the Treasury and former Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Hong Kong. He is also the Director on the Boards of Agricultural Bank of China, China Resources Land Ltd, COFCO Corporation, Husky Energy Inc., Hutchison Port Holdings Management Pte Limited, as well as the TrusteeManager of Hutchison Port Holdings Trust and International Advisory Council Member, China Investment Corporation; Dr Patrick Soon- Shiong,(USA), founder and former Chairman and CEO, Abraxis Bioscience, founder of American Pharmaceutical Partners, Managing Director California Qapital Equity LLC, founder and CEO, Nantworks, and founder and Chairman, Healthcare Transformation Institute and David Westin (USA), as well as former President and CEO, Newsright LLC, and former President, ABC News.

The statement said, "Bank of America has relationships with Clients who compete in every region of the globe" and expressed the gratitude of the CEO, Mr Moynihan, to members of "Global Advisory Council leaders for sharing their perspectives experience and judgement, which will help make us a better partner for the clients we serve."

Dr Sam Jonah, who is the Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, is also the only African serving on the Board of Vodafone plc.

The Bank of America is one of the world's largest financial institutions, serving individual consumers, small-and mid-

dle- market businesses and large corporations with a full range of banking, investing, asset management and other financial and risk management products and services.

The company provides convenience in the United States, serving approximately 53 million consumer and small business relationships with approximately 5,500 retail banking offices and approximately 16,300 ATMs and award-winning online banking withr30 million active users.

Bank of America is among the world's leading wealth management companies and is a global leader in corporate and investment banking and trading across a broad range of asset classes, serving corporations, governments, institutions and individuals around the world.

Bank of America offers industry-leading “support to approximately three million small business owners through a suite of innovative, easy-to-use online products and services. The company serves clients through operations in more than 40 countries.

Bank of America Corporation stock (BAC) is a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.




cognition or fortune-telling, pouring of libation, extrasensory perception, telepathy or mind reading palm reading, divination, clairvoyance (including water witching, dowsing, voodoo, pendulum and astrology(observing times), mind expansion, hypnotism, and transcendental meditation, sorcery, witchcraft, telekinesis, levitation, astral projection and necromancer and the celebration of Halloween and divers kinds of African traditional religions. A modern day example is the establishment of the First Church of Satan in San Francisco, U.S.A. in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey who also authored the Satanic Bible in 1969 and the Temple of Set in 1975 by Michael A. Aquino in San Francisco (quoted from Charisma Magazine, October 1992 edition, page 32-33)

To understand and be able to relate to the blessings of Abraham as a Christian man or woman of color, it’s imperative that you understand the spiritual background and historical environment prevailing in the days of Abraham in order to appropriate the blessings promised through Abraham into the context of your life by faith.

Prior to God calling Abraham in Genesis chapter 12, Lucifer had gotten man to sin in the Garden of Eden; Nations had been born and named after the sons of Noah. These nations were born as Nimrod led a rebellion against God by building a tower at Babel. Babel in Hebrew means the “gate of the gods”. In other words, Satan used Babel as an entry point to infiltrate into nations, to undermine every developmental activity; his ambition of which warranted his displacement from his duties in heaven and became an outcast and a fugitive on earth with the sole purpose of weakening, frustrating, undermining and destabilizing nations Isaiah 14:12-15. Through Babel, Satan managed to manifest sin in an organized fashion known as cult and cultic practices including secret societies.



A common identification of occultism is the use of symbols. The symbol for Ashteroth was the moon while that of Tammuz or Baal was the sun Jeremiah 8:1-2. But with the advance of the time, many symbols have been incorporated as the religion becomes diversified. They range from human eye, triangle, star, skeleton, water, handkerchiefs, talisman, blood etc.

The curse of Noah did not sentence the black race to servitude and slavery; instead the curse of Cultic worship sentenced every nation on earth to moral disintegration, societal defragmentation, family breakups, political instability, economic collapse, intellectual pride, generational curses and the like. Deuteronomy 18:9-12.


The blessings of Abraham begin in Genesis 12:1-3. Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will show thee:………………………….and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed. A major condition for Abraham to be blessed of God was rejecting and renouncing all the occult and traditional worship of his day and walk with God by faith in obedience to His word and not leaning on his own understanding or trusting in mediSecular history reveals that Nimrod, the founder of the cultic reliums. Joshua referred to Abraham’s household as one that served gious system, married a woman by name of Semerimus who was other god’s Joshua 24:2. as evil as himself. Knowing the promised savior was yet to come into the world this woman declared her first born son, Tammuz People of African descent or blacks in the Diaspora, in an attempt as the fulfillment of that prophecy. The knowledge of a coming to trace their roots and celebrate their identity, think that to be black savior was of course handed down form Adam through Noah. or an African is to embrace traditional religions of the ancestors or Satan further inspired Semerimus to establish a religious system forefathers. To celebrate your identity has nothing to do with that exalted her and her son as objects of worship. This marked voodoo or traditional religion but who you are in Christ. Some the beginning of the MOTHER-SON CULT which was to spread Africans both in the motherland and the Diaspora attest to the claim into all the continents and down through history. With their lanthat Christianity is the white man’s religion which is absolutely guage confounded and scattered, Noah’s children and their generfalse. Before the Pentateuch or the Torah was written and concluded ation took with them this mother-son cult already ingrained in by Moses, all traditional religions that were prevalent on earth trace their thoughts and beliefs into all the nations established and their roots from Baal and Ashtoreth worship of Nimrod’s day. The named after them. grace of God that brings salvation according to Titus 2:11 have appeared to all men, nations and tribes. From Babylon, this satanic religion spread along the trade route to Phoenicia where instead of Semerimus and Tammus, they I have been part of the Pan African Historical Festival celebrated were called Ashteroth and Tammus respectively. From there the annually in Cape Coast and Elmina in Ghana, West Africa and got cult went to Asia Minor and south into Egypt. The Egyptians involved in the colloquium sessions held at the University of Cape called the two Isis and Horis respectively. The Israelites worCoast and I confirm that the idea is great. The zeal is fantastic, but shipped them as Ashteroth and Baal respectively. The Greeks to celebrate black history is not about bitterness and invoking the referred to them as Aphrodite and Adonis respectively whiles the past but to take our destiny into our hands and emulate the faith, the Romans worshipped them us Venus and Cupid in that order. life style of sacrifices and obedience of Abraham and we shall be Satan also inspired Semerimus to assume the title, “Queen of partakers of God’s greater blessings for humanity. Heaven” represented by a statue of a woman with a baby in the arms. The Israelites again latter in history took this statue into Galatians 3:9. So then they which are of faith are blessed with their land just to earn the wrath of God Jeremiah 7:16-18. faithful Abraham.

Over the years the mother-son cult has evolved into different forms of cultic practices. Whatever the modification, all have their roots in the mother-son cult of 3,869BC. They ranges from lodges to spiritual churches, red candle churches, brotherhoods and all forms of religions in which chanting has gained grounds as a means of contacting the spirit realm and getting closer to God. It also includes cultic practices such as metaphysics, pre-

Pastor Gets 700 Cars As Gift On Jan. 1st February 2013

Read more on this subject in a book “GOD’S POPULATION PLAN” to be published soon. Prayer Line 209-255-1000 Access Code: 418392# Fri. Sat., Sun 5am - 6:15am ET

The General overseer of Winners Chapel, Bishop David Oyedepo, has received over 700 exotic cars from his church members as donations. Church members who felt they had been richly blessed in 2013 came to the Cross Over Service on 1st January with various donations.

The most significant ones were the number of exotic brand new cars and SUVs that flooded Canaanland. The people who donated them dropped the car keys and doucments during offering.

The church auctioned the cars at very cheap prices to its members. Some cars were sold for at less than N300k. Source:

The international headquarters of Winners Chapel is called Faith Tabernacle. It covers about 70 acres (280,000 m2) and is built inside an over 10,500-acre (42 km2) church complex called Canaanland. The international headquarters of the ministry is in Ota, a suburb of Lagos. Faith Tabernacle as from 1999-2008 was the largest church building in the world. It has a seating capacity of 50,400 people and an outside overflow capacity of over 250,000, with four services every Sunday. Cannanland was procured in 1998 and was initially 560 acres (2.3 km2). Presently it is over 10,500 acres (42 km2) and will take about 120 km to navigate around it.




Come Home Her Page


Dr. Miriam C. Gyimah

here is a sweet, sweet place where I find myself regularly. This place is where I commune with God. Lately, when I enter this space, I often say “I am here Father, your daughter has come.” (I say this when I have allowed the cares of the world and my busy schedule to pull me away from His presence for a day or more. I say this when I feel within me how much I have missed our fellowship.) When I say this, joy and gladness fill me as I experience the pleasure of being in my heavenly Father’s presence. There is no other person or entity that gives me such pleasure, joy and assurance. It is good to know I can go into my Father’s presence and empty myself, laying all things down, knowing very well, that I will leave that space lightened and empowered. There is a song that I have been singing regularly to myself the past two years. One day about two years ago, I noticed that I had been singing the song internally and then when I did my quiet time, the song would try to force its way out of my mouth. But even as it tried to push itself out of me, I would shake my head and not want to sing it, because I thought it was out of place. You see, it is a Twi funeral song. I have heard it sang only at funerals. The song simply states “I will go to my Father’s house today; all sadness and difficulties are over.” So of course, I would internally question “why would I want to sing this song?” Secondly, I didn’t feel comfortable, because singing the song was as if I were prophesying about my probable death. As a result, I struggled many times to shut this song out, but it would not allow me. One day within these two years, as the song intruded

itself once again, in the middle of my attempt to resist it, I had an epiphany, an internal spiritual revelation, and I finally succumbed to singing it. I learned with the epiphany that it was appropriate to sing the song, for although the lyrics and the music of that song are morose, going to my Father’s house did not always have to mean that physical death has occurred or is about to be realized. Going to my Father’s house also meant going to His sanctuary or going to a private space where one might worship and pray to God. Once I understood this in mind and heart, I was convinced of its truth. After all, it is true that when I enter my

When we go into God’s presence, we enter into the rest that we require, the rest and break from all sorts of confusion and adversities.

Father’s house there is no more sorrow or pain, that when I enter His presence, my burdens are miraculously lifted and I am transformed. The concept of going to my Father’s house reminds me of the Parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. Recall that in the New Testament, the prodigal son, although he went to live a wayward lifestyle and squandered all his inheritance, when he realized the tragic mistake he had made in rejecting his father and family, resolved to return to home. The story of the prodigal son connects to the idea of going home as illustrated in the song and puts the lyrics of the song in a clearer perspective. Again, the song states, “I will go to my Father’s house…all sadness and difficulties are over”. When we consider the meaning of the song outside the discourse of

death, it speaks of God’s grace and mercy. It is to remind us that Jesus says in Mathew 11:28, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. It is to say that God is always there with open arms to receive us and to welcome us into His presence. Why else would King David, a man after God’s own heart, say, “‘I was glad when they said unto me, let us go into the house of the Lord’”? (Psalm 122:1) When God receives us, He grants us the opportunity to lay all our burdens down, to be cleansed and renewed. When we go into God’s presence, we enter into the rest that we require, the rest and break from all sorts of confusion and adversities. Whether we have always remained in God or left Him for a time as the prodigal son left his father’s home, I say come home and lay all your burdens down. Take a break from your busy schedule and enter His presence. Enter to lay everything down. When the prodigal son decided to swallow his pride and to return home, he thought to himself that he would not return as a son, but as a servant, for he knew that even his father’s servants were better off than he was in the pig’s den he found himself. But upon his return, not only was he welcomed as a servant, but also, he was restored as a son. Oo the sweetness of truly going home. Oo the comfort and safety in entering the presence of the Lord. In His presence, whether in a sanctuary or in your own private space where you fellowship with Him, there is cleansing, there is comfort, there is mercy, forgiveness and acceptance and there is unspeakable blessing. Oo to be in the presence of God, to come home to our Father’s house where there is liberty. I am reminded of Ama Ata Aidoo’s novel, Our Sister Killjoy or Reflections from a Black-Eyed Squint. In this book, Sissie, the protagonist travels to Europe and is at one point homesick and yearns for her mother’s akatado (covering cloth). She recollects the warmth, comfort and security she feels when she is covered in her mother’s akatado. Aidoo writes, “Sissie thought of home. To the time when she was a child in the village. Of how she always liked to be sleeping in the bedchamber when it rained, her body completely-wrapped-up in one of her mother’s akatado-cloths while mother

February 2013



herself pounded fufu in the anteroom which also served as a kitchen when it rained. Oo, to be wrapped up in mother’s cloth while it rained. Every time it rained” (64). Millions of Africans can identify with Sissie’s emotional and psychological yearning and connection to a mother’s akatado. For the embrace and care of a mother is like no other on this earth. However, as important as the connection to a mother’s akatado, there is nothing that compares to our heavenly Father’s presence and covering. His akatado is His tabernacle, His wings, His shadow, His blood, His word. When we enter into His presence, there is not only a palpable sense of liberation in the atmosphere, but there is also catharsis and healing. And beyond these benefits, gates and windows are opened unto us, only to pour out blessings which we are unable to contain. So I say, Oo to be in my Father’s house. In joy, sadness and every condition of life, where else would I want to be? Nothing can replace this space. So I continue to sing that song, no longer pushing it back, no longer resisting it, for I know the truth of it. Yes, I will go into my Father’s presence where there is liberty and joy.

Get Solar Light for your Rural Community in Ghana

South Africa Pupils In Hospital After Lightning Strikes

More than 260 people are killed by lightning in South Africa each year

Nine schoolchildren are in hospital in the South African city of Johannesburg after being hit by lightning in two separate incidents, officials say.

later discharged.

Education officials say two of the boys remain in a critical condition, as does one of girls from Protea Glen Secondary School.

Five boys aged between 16 and 18 were admitted to hospital after a lightning bolt hit Following the incidents, South African a cricket field at their school. Weather Service forecaster Puseletso Mofokeng said there was a common misFour 16-year-old girls were struck on conception that lightning mainly struck Monday February 11th on their way back during heavy rain or a severe storm. home from school in Soweto.

South Africa is prone to lightning during its summer rainy season.

According to the South African Weather Service, more than 260 people are killed by lightning in the country each year.

"There doesn't have to be rainfall for lightning to strike, and when a storm is past it can still be dangerous," the South African Press Association quotes him as saying.

February 2013



There is a desperate need for an economic lighting system that can be used by the rural poor who live in remote rural communities of Africa without electricity. There is no hope that the government or anyone else will run electrical lines to such remote villages in the next 20-30 years. Some say, “That would never happen�. Kerosene and other fuel for their night lanterns use about 20%30% of their household income. Some villagers have to walk about miles to buy kerosene for their lanterns. These oil or kerosene lanterns provide poor quality illumination, consume fossil fuel, generate carbon dioxide, and create health hazards not only from fire risks but also the degradation of indoor air quality in the enclosed spaces within which they are used. As we all know, education is a very powerful tool to empower children as future leaders but children in rural communities without electricity find it very difficult to get light source to study at night, also some teachers even refuse to be posted to rural communities without electricity thus affecting academic standards of poor rural school children. World Partners for Development is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization providing solutions and benefits to rural community lighting needs in Ghana and other parts of Africa by supporting rural school children with an innovative solar lanterns that is helping to improve the quality of life school children in Africa. To learn more about this high impact collaborative program please visit or email

The lightning struck as the cricketers from King Edward VII School were pulling covers over the pitch after the storm began. Nine boys were taken to hospital and four were

Liberia: Taylor Claims Over $200,000

Lawyers representing convicted exLiberian President Charles Taylor and his wife Victoria B. Addison-Taylor, have filed a petition for a writ of mandamus before Liberia's Supreme Court to compel the Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Administration to pay US$231,429.99 as total annuities (benefits), covering 111 calendar months from September 1, 2003 to December 31, 2012.

In a 18-count joint petition filed before the Supreme Court of Liberia, former

President Moses Z. Blah's Vice President John D. Gray, is also claiming total annuities of US$114,583.32, representing 110 calendar months from November 1, 2003 up to December 31, 2012. Consistent with Section 1.4 of an act enacted by Legislators on July 6, 1978, Taylor and Gray are pleading for the high court to grant them the necessary relief by compelling the sitting government to pay to them 50% of the salaries of the President and the Vice President per annum respectively, on grounds that they were honorably retired since 2003 to private life and are not in the employ of government. Quoting Section 1.4 of the act titled "An Act to provide for retirement pension of the President, Vice President, The Speaker, The Chief Justice of the Republic of Liberia," Taylor's lawyers argued among others that a former president, who has honorably retired to private life and, who is not in any way gainfully employed by the government shall receive from the government a pension equal to fifty percent (50%) of the salary of the president's."

Besides, the act mandates the sitting government to provide personal staff and facilities for the remainder of the ex-president or vice president's life at a cost not less than US$25,000.00 per annum for the ex-president, and an allowance not less than US$12,500 per annum for the ex-vice president, respectively. But both petitioners are claiming that the Sirleafled government has chosen to sport with their lives and rights by adopting "a pick and choose" biasness and "selective" payments of retirement benefits "as demonstrably shown in its settlement of retirements benefits of former President Samuel Kanyon Doe to his wife Nancy B. Doe.

Liberian Presidency on August 11, 2003 as rebel fighters, including the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy (LURD) massively lunched rockets in Monrovia, coupled with mass killings across the country.

Under pressure from various rebel factions, exPresident Charles Taylor was forced to resign the


Following the departure of Taylor to Calabar, Nigeria in 2003, then Vice President Moses Z. Blah, ascended to the Presidency; thereby bringing onboard John D. Gray, who occupied the Office of the Vice Presidency from August 11, to October 14, 2003. Vice President Gray also retired in 2003 Ex-president Taylor was convicted on April 26, when the interim arrangement or National 2012 for aiding and abetting RUF rebels in Sierra Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) Leone, and subsequently sentenced for 50 years by headed by Charles Gyude Bryant was inauthe Special Court of Sierra Leone, sitting in The gurated on October 14, 2003. Hague.

February 2013

Page 22

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud Visits Washington, DC

tarian, security sector, and democracy and governance assistance that underpins much of Somalia’s progress to date. In FY 2012 alone, we provided over $450 million in foreign assistance to Somalia, including over $200 million in humanitarian assistance. Since 2007 we have provided more than $650 million for the African Union Mission in Somalia, to include UN assessed costs, and more than $130 million for the development of a professional, effective Somalia security sector.

Photo courtesy of (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Office of the Spokesperson Department of State Washington, DC January 17, 2013

On January 17, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton received the president of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, at the U.S. Department of State. During the visit, Secretary Clinton announced that, for the first time since 1991, the United States recognizes the Government of Somalia. President Hassan Sheikh’s visit and the U.S. decision to recognize his government are evidence of the great strides toward stability Somalia has made over the past year. They also demonstrate the strong relationship between the Government of Somalia, its people, and the United States of America.

In 2012, after more than a decade of transitional governments, Somalia completed its political transition process. This culminated in a new provisional constitution, a new parliament, and the election by that parliament of Mr. Hassan Sheikh as Somalia’s president. In recognizing the Government of Somalia, the United States is committing to sustained diplomatic engagement with the Somali authorities. While we maintain responsibility for U.S. engagement in Somalia through our personnel in the Somalia Unit, led by Special Representative for Somalia, James Swan, and co-located with the U.S. Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, we have increased our travel to Somalia over the last six months and plan to establish an even more robust presence there as security permits. In addition, recognition removes an obstacle to Somali participation in certain foreign assistance programs, including security sector programs like International Military and Education Training and Foreign Military Financing.

Along with other partners, U.S. engagement and assistance has played a critical role in getting Somalia to where it is today. We have provided significant humani-

Somalia’s long road to representative and accountable government has not ended. We applaud President Hassan Sheikh’s commitment to inclusive governance and call on Somalia’s new leaders to continue the reform effort and work together to create a better future for all Somalis. We will continue to help the new government strengthen democratic institutions, improve stability and security, and improve its ability to provide services to its citizens.

In addition to meeting Secretary Clinton, President Hassan Sheikh also met with Deputy National Security Advisor Denis McDonough, Deputy Administrator of USAID Donald Steinberg, Under Secretary of Defense for Policy James Miller, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Johnnie Carson, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne Richard, and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for African Affairs Amanda Dory along with other U.S. government officials during his visit to Washington. He will meet with UN Ambassador Susan E. Rice on Friday. President Mohamud was accompanied on his visit by Deputy Prime Minister/Foreign Minister Fowziya Haji Adam, Minister of Information and Telecommunication Abdullahi Elmoge Hersi, and several senior advisors.

Patrice Motsepe: South African Millonaire Giving Away Half of His Wealth February 2013



with the Trophy after winning the final during the SAA Supa 8 Final match between the Mamelodi Sundowns and the Orlando Pirates at the Absa Stadium in September 2007 in Durban, South Africa Patrice Motsepe owns the Mamelodi Sundowns football club The businessman also owns Pretoria-based football club Mamelodi Sundowns.

South Africa's richest black man, Patrice Motsepe, has announced he is giving away half his wealth to improve the lives of the poor.

The mining magnate said the money would be handled by the Motsepe Foundation to address education and health issues.

Mr Motsepe made the announcement at an event in Johannesburg, where on a live video link Microsoft founder Mr Gates praised his decision.

He said he was also going to join the The Giving Pledge, a campaign started by Mr Gates and investor Mr Buffet in 2010. So far more than 70 billionaires have signed up to it.

"I decided quite some time ago to give at least half of the funds generated by our family assets to uplift poor and other disadvanHe said he was inspired by the word's two taged and marginalised South Africans but wealthiest men, Bill Gates and Warren was also duty-bound and committed to Buffet, who are encouraging billionaires ensuring that it would be done in a way that to donate to charity. protects the interests and retains the confidence of our shareholders and investors," Mr Motsepe has a net worth of $2.65bn Mr Motsepe said in a statement. (£1.67bn), Forbes' rich list estimates. 'Part of our culture' Mr Motsepe said he was also inspired by the spirit of "ubuntu" - an African belief system Born in the Soweto township, he is a which translates as "I am because you are", lawyer by training and South Africa's first meaning individuals need other people to be and only black billionaire. fulfilled.

He founded the publicly traded mining conglomerate, African Rainbow Minerals, which has interests in platinum, gold, coal and other minerals.

He made most of his mining fortune through the government's black economic empowerment policy, which mandates that mining companies be at least 26% black-owned, says the BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg. The Mamelodi Sundowns players pose

"South Africans are caring, compassionate and loving people. It has always been part of our culture and tradition to assist and care for less fortunate and marginalised members of our communities. This culture is also embodied in the spirit and tradition of ubuntu/botho," he said.


Ghana’s Parliament Approves Nomination Of First Visually Impared Minister Of State Post

Parliament on Wednesday , February 13, 2013 approved the nomination of Dr Henry Seidu Danaa, a visually impaired Lawyer who is an Expert in Chieftaincy Issues as Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs.

He becomes the first visually impaired person to become a Minister of State

Fun facts about the English language 1. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without repeating a letter is "uncopyrightable."

2. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using letters on one row of the keyboard. 3. The word "CHECK MATE" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "shah mat" which means "D KING IS DEAD.

4. The sentence "THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER A LAZY DOG" has all letters of the alphabet. 5. Canada is an India word meaning "BIG VILLAGE".

6. In English "four" is the only digit that has the same number of letters as it value.

7. The names of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with. "AMERICA, ASIA, AFRICA, EUROPE, ANTARCTICA, AUSTRALIA. 8. The first word spoken on the moon was "OKAY".

9. "DREAMT" is the only English word that ends with "MT"

10. The longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. 11. No word in the English language rhymes with month.

12.The shortest complete sentence in English is the following. "I am." 13.The longest English word without a true vowel (a, e, i, o or u) is "rhythm".

Nurses/Health Practitioners & Medical Technologists/MLS: February 2013



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Foreign Service Health Practitioner: Deadline to submit completed applications is March 13, 2013. Foreign Service Regional Medical Technologist/MLS: Deadline to submit completed applications is March 13, 2013.

We appreciate your interest in a career with the U.S. Department of State.

Apostle Safo To Go Into Commercial Production Of Automobiles



A Ghanaian industrialist, Apostle Dr Kwadwo Safo, is moving beyond the manufacturing of vehicles for exhibition purposes to commercial automobile production in an ambitious effort to venture into an industry dominated by world economic giants like the USA, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Korea.

From a current production level of two vehicles per year, the Apostle Safo Suaye Technology Research Centre (ASSTRC) intends to take the local automobile market by storm and increase production to 40 vehicles per month or 480 vehicles per year.

capable of great exploits in the world of technology.

Since its establishment in 1971, the Kristo Asafo Mission, under the leadership of Apostle Dr Safo, has undertaken what is arguably the largest philanthropic campaign in the country, making huge donations in cash and kind to educational institutions, orphanages and many needy institutions.

It has also spearheaded many technological innovations with the manufacturing of the Katanka brand of vehicles, all without any government or external support

But Apostle Dr Safo is not perturbed by the lack of support, saying in spite of the challenges he might encounter, he At the moment, construction work is underway at the would never be discouraged in his endeavours. ASSTRC at Gomoa Mpota in the Central Region for The Katanka brand of vehicles, according to Mr Akutteh, was the installation of a new automobile assembling designed to suit the local environment and interests. plant to begin the commercial production of various brands of Katanka vehicles in two years' time. All the parts of the Katanka brand of vehicles are produced locally with local materials in line with Apostle Dr Safo's A Technical Officer at ASSTRC, Alfred Akutteh, who conducted a Daily Graphic team around the new philosophy that there is the need to tap the rich natural automobile manufacturing site last Tuesday, said the resources of the country for its development. consignment of the assembling plant was on the high Already, the ASSTRC has successfully experimented the sea and would be delivered by March, this year. manufacturing of a car that has no engine and moves only with the aid of a solar-powered battery, without petrol and After the installation of the assembling plant, water. ASSTRC will train its workers on how to use the The essence is to help the country save fuel for use by big assembling plant, hoping that by 2015, it would be vehicles and industries and for other purposes, while making ready for production of the Katanka brand of vehithe car very manageable for patrons in terms of cost. cles.

But even before the equipment arrives at the port, Apostle Dr Safo is appealing for government support in respect of import duty exemption to cushion ASSTRC in its ambition to venture into commercial production of vehicles.

He said support from the government would enable the ASSTRC to help more youth, including university students and graduates, who had been making use of the practical training at the centre to realise their potential in life.

Apostle Dr Safo said he did not seek any reward for his initiatives, except to help his fellow Ghanaians and prove to the world that the black man was also

Mr Akutteh also conducted the Daily Graphic team around the Electronic, Electricals, Mechanical, Designing and Carving, Moulding and Casting, Machine Shop, Automobile, Body Design, Auto Electrical and Welding sessions of the centre.

Apart from the automobile industry, Apostle Dr Safo is also taking his guts to the aviation and marine industries with an ambition to manufacture aircraft and marine vessels.

The dream of manufacturing aircraft was on course at the time the Daily Graphic team visited the ASSTRC as workers were seen busily working on the wing of the aircraft. Source: Daily Graphic

Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr. Gives Each Member Of The Super Eagles $1Million For Winning The Cup Of Nations February 2013



Globacom boss Dr. Mike Adenuga Jnr. last night gave the victorious Super Eagles $1million for winning the Cup of Nations.

The government’s package for the team was announced when President Jonathan hosts them at the Presidential Villa on Tueday, Feb 12, 2013. Coach Stephen Keshi got $200,000 cash from the billionaire industrialist who said he will take over the payment of his salary from next month. Adenuga announced the package shortly after the team’s 1-0 victory over Burkina Faso’s Stallions. Africa’s richest man Alhaji Aliko Dangote had earlier given the team N130million, promising to do more after they might have won the cup.

Jonathan splashes Cash, Lands, national Honors on Super Eagles Nigeria’s President, Goodluck Jonathan, has rewarded members of the victorious Super Eagles with Cash, Lands in Abuja, and national honors.

At a reception held in Abuja, President Jonathan announced a cash reward of N10 million for the Head Coach Stephen Keshi, and N5 million to other coaches and players. The team’s technical officials are to receive N2 million cash each.

Also Coach Keshi was conferred with a national honor of the Commander of the Order of the Niger (CON), his assistants – Daniel Amokachi and Ike Shorunmu – and team captain, Joseph Yobo got the Officer of the Federal Republic(OFR) while the rest of the players received Member of the Order of the Niger (MON).

The players and officials were decorated with the national honours by President Jonathan shortly after he made the announcements.

President Jonathan also assured coach Stephen Keshi of Government's total support on his “national assignment,” even as he urged governors to honour and reward the victorious national team in their respective states. Source:the examiner, Nigeria

Ghanaian-Born Blitz The Ambassador Wins Prize For Immigrant Contributions



Dr. Dre Visits Rocky Dawuni's Afro Funke

February 2013 Page 26

ing Les Nubians, Chuck D, Shad, and Cornielle.

Mr. Bazawule has released two albums, Stereotype in 2009, and Native Sun in 2011. Stereotype reached the top 10 of the iTunes’ hip-hop albums within the first week of release. Mr. Bazawule also wrote and co-directed a short film as an accompaniment to Native Sun, of the same name, which was filmed in Ghana and tells the story of a young boy searching for his father in Accra. The movie was a selection of the Brooklyn ActNow Film Festival. He is currently working on his third album, Afropolitan Dreams.

Mr. Bazawule is being honored alongside the other recipients of the Vilcek Prizes in Contemporary Music. Internationally renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma received the Vilcek $35,000 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Prize in Contemporary Music for career Contemporary Music Recognizes Young achievements; it comes with a $100,000 cash Immigrant Musicians in America prize. Songwriter James “JHart” Abrahart, and pianist and composer Tigran, are the other two NEW YORK, February 7, 2013/ -- The Vilcek recipients of the Vilcek Prizes for Creative Foundation ( is pleased Promise in Contemporary Music. They will to announce Mr. Samuel Bazawule, AKA Blitz receive their prizes during an awards ceremony the Ambassador, as one of three winners of the in April in New York City. 2013 Vilcek Prizes for Creative Promise in Contemporary Music. The prizes honor young In addition to prizes in the arts, the Vilcek immigrants who have demonstrated exceptionFoundation also awards prizes in biomedical al early accomplishment, and whose careers science. For more information, please visit contribute to the American arts and sciences. The prize includes a $35,000 cash prize. “I never thought my background as an Distributed by the African Press Organization Ghanaian immigrant would give me an advanon behalf of the Vilcek Foundation. tage in hip-hop. But somehow, as the world becomes more global, so has hip-hop,” said The Vilcek Foundation ( Blitz. “My goal is to continue to push more is dedicated to raising awareness of immigrant global voices in hip-hop through collaboracontributions to the American arts and sciences. tions and tours. Hip-hop gave me a voice, and I intend to use it to give others a voice.”

Blitz is being recognized for his work as an MC, composer, and producer. As his stage name suggests, he is a cultural emissary, seeking the intersections between American hiphop and West African musical traditions, citing amongst his influences Highlife, funk, and Afrobeat music, and rapping just as fluently in Twi as in English. Blitz is backed by a horn section, known as the Embassy Ensemble, and has collaborated with a number of well-known artists from both Africa and America, includ-

SOURCE : The Vilcek Foundation

Rocky Dawuni and Dr. Dre

Author: Oral Ofori

In mid January of 2013, famed hip hop superstar Dr. Dre ( hanged out with Ghanaian reggae sensation Rocky Dawuni ( at Afro Funke' in Santa Monica, California. The visit which happened on January 17th of this year was the hip hop superstar's first visit to Afro Funke'.

Afro Funke' ( is the longest running African inspired event in Los Angeles that brings live music, DJs, fashion, art, film, crafts and much more to display and celebration on Thursday nights at Zanzibar in Santa Monica for over 9 years. It is hosted by Rocky Dawuni with resident DJs Jeremy Sole & Glenn Red, along with Cary Sullivan who is a talent booker, producer and photographer as well as special guest DJs and live bands each and every week. According to the producer of Afro Funke', Cary Sullivan, Dr. Dre's visit was not really scheduled and he actually walked in on the show of that day in the company of friends like Les Twins from Paris and his security. The irony of the visit is that Dre had been invited in the past but failed to show and Cary says "I believe this was the first time he came to Afro Funke'."

Resident DJ of Afro Funke', Jeremy Sole of KCRW also says management is working hard on preparations towards the 10th year anniversary celebrations of the popular event in late May / early June of 2013. This promises to be an exciting one that will celebrate good music and artists from not only Africa but from all over the Diaspora. Some of these great stars and artistes that have walked through the doors of Afro Funke' over the years include Stevie Wonder, Prince, India Arie, Seun Kuti (son of the great Fela Kuti), Queen Latifah, Djimon Hounssou, Sean Penn, Edward Norton, Gary Dourdan, and many others. The plan is to invite as many of them as possible to join hands with Rocky Dawuni to celebrate a decade in the life of Afro Funke'.

Dre really loved the music during his visit as he kept asking what was playing and was seen putting the names of the songs into his phone. 'He really had a great time hanging out with Rocky Dawuni as well as the special guest DJ on the night of his visit' Cary said. Fans of Rocky across Africa, especially those from his home country Ghana are waiting with excitement to hear what a Reggae-Rapcollaboration between these two great stars will sound like. Only the future holds the answer to this possibility.

For now, the future is wide open for Afro Funke' as the show organizers plan to branch out to other venues in Los Angeles as well as around the world. There have already been an Afro Funke' Presents events at the Levitt Pavilion Pasadena, California, the UCLA Fowler Museum, as well as international events including Afrodicia night club in Accra, Ghana.

During his visit, Dre hung out with Rocky Dawuni, co-founder of Afro Funke' as they listened to some good music and spent some fun time together. This was not the first encounter between Rocky (musician and activist) and Dre, as disclosed by Cary Sullivan: "Rocky has met Dre in the past in various situations with the most memorable meetings happening between them and U2 as well as another encounter between the two with OutKast."

Cary Sullivan is very excited about the visit of Dre to Afro Funke' and when asked about the likelihood of a future collaboration between Rocky and Dre in the future, she said it will be a great thing if this happens and nothing was impossible, for now inception has begun and even though the future is unknown, it has tons of promises for fans of both artists.

Cary Sullivan




February 2013



Yaw Osei-Owusu—A Powerhouse In Praises & Worship Has Emerged



One of Yaw's successes is the annual “True Worshippers” music concert that he began a few years ago in Virginia bringing the youth together under one roof and fostering an environment of praise and worship where young people could experience the love and presence of God. The “True Worshippers” concert has become an annual gospel event and has now grown with concerts being held in Maryland, New York and Texas.


Page 28

Yaw's ministry continues to grow with the release of his first gospel mix tape in 2011 titled, “The AudioBiography of a Worshipper Chapter 1: My Passion” which featured the original single and music video, “High on High” which got 15,000 hits by its second week on YouTube. The mix tape also features a medley of worship hymns (sung in both English and local African dialect) he grew up listening to and singing in church. Yaw achieved further recognition for his efforts by being awarded 'Artist of the Year' (USA/Canada) at the African Gospel Music Awards in 2012.

Yaw closed 2012 with a widely successful live DVD recording at the Whaley Auditorium at Bishop Ireton High School in Alexandria, Virginia. This concert was This is another music superstar in the making that we are proud- attended by a crowd of over 500 people and featured backing vocals from Levitical worship (a powerhouse ly presenting to the world. A talent directly coming from our local choir) and music direction by Terrell Hunt. The community in America. DVD, “My Reasonable Act” is slated for a Spring 2013 release with his upcoming album to follow in the Yaw Osei Owusu is fast emerging as a powerhouse in Praises and Worship. If one would like to find a brief description from Summer – all releases will be available on iTunes, Google Play, Cdbaby and Amazon. those who have experienced a vibrant praise and worship gift, the one word which will emerge to fit the description is Yaw continues to tour the world as a guest singer and “Anointed”. preacher at Youth conferences and Pentecostal convenGospel music Star, Yaw Osei-Owusu, whose parents originally tions and is truly a young man who has “remembered the Lord in his youth”. hail from Ghana is a person devoted and passionate about his ministry. Yaw's music accomplishments continue to grow and his distinctly soulful voice has won him the respect of many. He is a Praise and Worship leader among the large African His ability to invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to community in the United States and United Kingdom. He has touch the crowds during his ministrations has helped affected the lives of many and continues to pursue his divine many experience Gods presence. calling in life which is to use his voice of worship to draw the lost and broken into the presence of God.

Yaw found joy in singing for the Lord at an early age during his upbringing in Northern Virginia, joining his local church choir and eventually becoming a minister of music and youth leader at The Church of Pentecost.

It is an International Pentecostal church originally founded in Ghana, but has a huge membership in the African community in the United States. The Church of Pentecost has a worldwide membership of 2.5 million people in Africa, Europe, the United States, the Caribbean and South America.

Yaw has been instrumental in his capacity as a Youth leader in mobilizing the next generation to serve God and has been instrumental in creating church programs that serve as an alternative to a wayward path. His role as Youth leader did not end whilst he pursued his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business at Liberty

Yaw has been instrumental in his capacity as a Youth leader in mobilizing the next generation to serve God and has been instrumental in creating church programs that serve as an alternative to a wayward path. His role as Youth leader did not end whilst he pursued his Bachelor of Arts degree in Business at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and he was a founding member of the Liberty University campus ministry that continues to thrive after his graduation.

By : Afromusion, 1.26. 2013

Fif Wilson, a Ghanaian singer based in the United States, has released the video for his latest single, “We Do It”. The “We Do It” song is a bit different than his blockbuster single “Azonto Slow MO”, featuring Kukua Bee. Unlike “Azonto Slow Mo”, which followed the Azonto trend, “We Do It” is a song about a relationship. The “We Do It” video opens up with a couple standing on the street ,fighting over a small issue, while Fif checks his mail and returns to his home, thankful for the relationship he has. The chaotic colors the couple is wearing resembles their chaotic relationship, while Fif and his lady are dressed in simple black and white. In the song, Fif Wilson sings about how he likes how “when they fight they keep it a secret, if it was any other girl , they would have tweeted…they plan things together, and our dreams will come true if we put enough effort, since we fly we should have our own airport”. Fif Wilson continues into the song, introducing the chorus, “ I never really knew that we had it like… it makes my day when I hear them they say, they like the way we do it,do it”. Comparing his love for the girl to an addiction, and stating that she has his heart beating like a stereo, Fif is very clever with word selection. In a video with only four distinct scenes, the video is quite simple. The simplicity of the video is a reflection of the simplicity of the relationship evident in the video, one based on love that is “real, it’s not fiction”. The video closes out with three dancers dancing very simple steps, under red lighting, the red symbolizing love. Once the music stops, the video only shows five guys, looking dapper, singing the chorus of the song. “We Do It” is a love song, praising good, solid relationships that are built on trust and communication. With Valentine’s Day approaching just around the corner, this is a great love song for couples who cherish and appreciate their relationships.

For more information on Fif Wilson, please go to: Twitter: @fifwilson Facebook: Fif Wilson YouTube: iamfif

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F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 Page 30

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February 2013

Page 31



February 2013

Page 32



Show Biz Giant Turns Prophet

February 2013

voice and composition sounded like Daddy Lumba’s music. We parted ways after 7 years of working together and I decided to move on . I had recorded songs but they were not released until 1999.”

On Daddy Lumba’s influence on his life he went on to say, “I owe my rise to fame to Daddy Lumba as he supported me, but my talent was actually discovered by one Marcus .I would say Marcus was the engine and Daddy Lumba was the fuel.

Ofori Amponsah released his first solo album in 2000 after he parted with Daddy Lumba. The nine track album sold over 70,000 copies in the first two weeks. “I also released songs like Papa Kofi ba, Sardine, Rakia, Otoo lege , Emmanuela, and did Yaw Dompreh in collaboration with Kofi B. I later followed up with Odwo in 2008.”

Famous Highlife musician Ofori Amponsah also known as Mr. All 4 Real, has now hung his gloves on secular music and is on a mission to win souls for God’s Kingdom. Ofori Amponsah is currently in the United States and has responded to several invitations to preach, praise, worship , and share his testimony to the glory of God. Ofori Amponsah is now a spirit filled born again, tongue speaking man of God with the special gifts of healing and prophecy. He is the founder and leader of the Family of Faith and Love Ministries at Ofankor in Accra, Ghana. He prefers being called Brother rather than Prophet, Pastor or Mr. All 4 Real.

As we delved into the background of his calling he narrated “The calling is a story people don’t know about and I would like to use this as an opportunity to share. It all started when a friend told me about life. I had a problem with my girlfriend and through the broken heart I went to the Abeka Pentecost Church in Accra. After 3 days I encountered the Holy Spirit at a Church meeting. The Lord was the fuel for me to come out as I was worried about what was going in on knowing life to me would end someday. I felt the need to experience God in this life. It was not an easy thing.

Afrikan Post caught up with the man of God in Alexandria, Virginia where he graciously granted us an interview.

According to Ofori Amponsah he spent most of his childhood years at Agogo, his hometown in the Ashanti region of Ghana and attended Konongo Odumasi Secondary School. When he later moved to Accra he said he was actively involved in Church activities as a member of the Tesano Baptist Church before he turned away from God and pursued the music career in 1994. Writing and composing music was part of his life as he started writing music at the age of 15. Whilst looking for support to pursue his music career he came into contact with Daddy Lumba, a veteran highlife musician and composer who decided to sign him on as an artist on his record label. “There was a time I had to leave school without permission to go and record and I was kicked out. Unfortunately the songs were never released so I went back to school to complete my advance level program. After this episode I surrendered my life to Jesus but Lumba tried to woo me back. I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit and my life was transformed around 1997. My Church wanted to enroll me in the seminary but it was not forth coming and as a young man I needed to start something , so I went to secular music just like Peter went back to fishing”.

Ofori Amponsah recalls how he had the opportunity to sing with Daddy Lumba on stage in 1996. “After a long spell with Daddy Lumba it was not until 1999 that my first album was released titled Auntie Attaa.”

When we inquired as to whether the album was under Daddy Lumba’s name or his he said, “it was my own album. There were 7 songs by me and 2 by Daddy Lumba. It was my own album but the


To his fans he gave this assurance, “I am not neglecting my fans but I want to demonstrate to them that there is a time for everything and as clay in the hands of God I submit to Him to mold my character and direct my path. This is a testimony of what God can do in one’s life.”

The question on everybody’s mind is what happens to all the music he has composed and whether he is now going to record gospel music. Ofori Amponsah’s answer to that is, “Well my music is still on the market. There is nothing wrong with people buying them. I don’t think my music had any bad lyrics. They were focused on love and moral issues which are good for the society. God has just moved me to a higher level. I would only record as I am led by the Holy Spirit, but for now , I will be doing live praise and worship when given the opportunity.”

The man of God is in the United States to seek the face of God for a new direction in his life. He said, “God revealed to me that He would plant me in the United States so my mission is also to survey the system and discover His direction for my life”.

Ofori Amponsah has currently left his ministry in Ghana in the hands of a couple of Pastors as he responds to the call of God to be a mouth piece to encourage and lead people to God whilst he is in the United States.

The highlife musician turned Pastor who looked up to Michael Jackson and Don Moen as role models during his music career says contrary to his expectation on how people would accept him when he converted , things have been very smooth and a lot of ministers have given him the opportunity to speak from their pulpit .

He went on to say, “I would like to express my appreciation to all the fans in the United States especially the All 4 real Fan club, Auntie Maggie of BM Boutique in Alexandria and Cigaro who have supported me through my music career”.

The All4real fan club in Virginia

Ofori Amponsah would be hosting a praise and worship program at the Divine Word Ministry in Alexandria Virginia on March 16, 2013.

I had drifted from the things of God and in 1997, I was praying and a prophecy came over my life that in 10 years’ time I would come back to The Lord. Also I had a dream that conBy: George Bright-Abu firmed it. In the dream I saw a river and I saw myself fetching Afrikan Post water in a bowl and giving to others but when I decided to fetch my own water my bowl was full of fish. It was then that I realized it was time to answer to the call of God. True to the prophecy, my interest in music started waning in 2008. I noticed I was becoming disinterested in music in 2008. I then started fasting and praying and seeking God’s direction for my life. I submitted to God and everything fell into place.”

The ace musician confirmed that the Lord has given him the gift of knowledge, prophecy and healing ministry though which he is led by the spirit to find the sick and pray for them. “Through this experience I believe God is leading me to a higher level of love.”




Culture and Arts - Profiles

Ghanaian Pharmacists Association in Washington Metro Area Hold End of Year Dinner

February 2013


The Ghanaian Pharmacists Association is a professional and non-profit organization based in the United States of America (Virginia) comprised of Ghanaian Pharmacists, bringing together Ghanaian Pharmacists and Pharmacy students in the United States of America to create a forum for networking and cooperation,while also encouraging members to share and exchange ideas, as it pertains to the pharmaceutical world. The 3rd Annual End of the Year Dinner event, held in Woodbridge, VA, brought together pharmacists from around the region, reuniting the seasoned and newly minted pharmacists, while also fostering friendships within the association.

Dr. Nana Amoah , the special guest commending the Pharmacists

Dr. Joel Sarsah vice President of GPHA introducing his executive board

Dr. Boakye -The President of GPHA Presenting his annual report

Dr. Sarsah of Xpress Pharmacy introducing a colleague to Dr. Leslie Nkansah




Could The Next Pope Be African?

February 2013



In the wake of Pope Benedict XVI's shock resignation, bookmakers and international media alike are heralding the prospect of Rome's first black African pontiff.

With the shock resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the international media has gone into overdrive in an attempt to predict the next spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church. Could the world finally see its first black pope?

been tipped as a possible successor to Benedict XVI for a number of years now. He has served as president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, charged with ensuring the acceptance of Catholic social teaching worldwide. He also chaired a synod of African bishops at the Vatican in 2010, and The Church (with more than one billion followers worldwide is proud of the Church’s progress on his home continent. and counting) has had three ‘African’ popes in its history – all from the North African provinces of the Roman Empire Views and none since the fifth century. However, the latest papal election could very realistically see the first black – indeed, Turkson has spoken out and campaigned on a number of first truly non-European – pope. issues. A keen gardener, he is vocal on the environmental impact of global businesses – particularly relating to open-cast In recent years, the Catholic leadership has become increas- mining in his native Ghana. Speaking of the social impact of ingly global in makeup, finally starting to represent Catholic such mining, he explained, “When you move people off land demographics across the planet. Catholicism is truly global, they have been farming, you are also taking away their jobs with the majority of the Catholic community living in the and livelihoods. People think mining companies bring jobs, but Americas today. Second place goes to Europe, and third to when we visited those areas we found far more jobs were lost Africa. However, over the last decade the number of than new ones created.” Europeans adhering to the Catholic faith has been in decline, while Catholicism in Africa is on the rise. The IMF and its handling of the global economic crisis have also come in for criticism from the Ghanaian cardinal, who has In November last year, the Catholic Church made headlines called for a “true world political authority” to regulate the when it created six new cardinals, none of whom were world economy. European. When put into context, the gesture was hardly revelatory – Europe still accounts for 55% of all 210 cardinals – Turkson has spoken out against conflict across the African but it did go some way to diluting Europe’s dominance in the continent, and has made specific comments pertaining to the College of Cardinals. Rwandan genocide. "[The Rwandans] were supposed to be 80% Catholic, but they forgot they were Catholic, and they But now, with Benedict XVI’s upcoming resignation, the forgot they were Christian", he said. possibility has opened up that an African could take the top job. Although bookies’ odds have been changing since the Nigeria’s nominee: Cardinal Francis Arinze Pope’s announcement this morning, there are currently three clear favourites, all with similar odds. Of the three, two are African and the other is Canadian.

So who are the Africans that could soon have a direct hotline to God? What are their backgrounds, their main views, and what could the Church’s future be with them at the helm? Ghana’s Candidate:

Cardinal Peter Kodwo Appiah Turkson

Next Pope? A number of bookmakers (including Ladbrokes) have placed Turkson as odds-on favourite to be next pope.

· Born October 11, 1948, in Wassaw Nsuta, Ghana.

· 1992: appointed Archbishop of Cape Coast.

· 2003: created and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope John Paul II.

A relatively youthful candidate at 64 years old, Turkson has

Rome has been to head a commission ensuring that non-Latin masses (first permitted in the 1960s) did not deviate too far from original doctrine.


Arinze has also held positions dealing with the Church’s relations with other faiths. With roots in Nigeria (almost equally divided between Christians and Muslims) his background provides an obvious advantage. He is keen to reconcile other faiths and served John Paul II during his historic rapprochement with the Jewish faith. He likes to remind Muslims that the Virgin Mary is mentioned 34 times in the Quran, a fact which he says provides the foundations of possible conciliation.

Arinze tends to take conservative positions which have previously been controversial. In 2003, he angered faculty members at Georgetown University with a controversial address condemning the enemies of the family.

"[The family] is opposed by an anti-life mentality as is seen in contraception, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia”, he said. “It is scorned and banalised by pornography, desecrated by fornication and adultery, mocked by homosexuality, sabotaged by irregular unions and cut in two by divorce." The other candidates

Of the other Africans in the College of Cardinals, 11 are under 80 years old and so qualify as cardinal electors and have a vote in the papal elections. (There are 118 cardinal electors overall.)

However, of these African cardinals only Turkson and Arinze have been given odds by bookmakers (alongside some other less serious candidates such as Father Dougal Macguire from sitcom Father Ted and Bono). Suffice to say that none of these African ecclesiastics are being seriously considered as papabili (papal material).

If the race for first black pope is between Turkson and Arinze, then one major factor will undoubtedly be age – although it is difficult to say in whose favour this will be. Arinze is already 80, two years older than Benedict XVI on his election in 2005 – a man who is now citing age and ill health as reasons for his shock resignation. However, Turkson’s perceived youth (at the sprightly age of 64) has also been cited as a weakness in his candidacy.

Next Pope? Arinze generally trails slightly behind Turkson and Canadian cardinal Ouellet in most bookies’ odds, although a handful (including William Hill) have him as odds-on favourite.

· Born November 1, 1932 in Eziowelle, Nigeria.

· 1967: appointed archbishop of Onitsha.

· 1985: appointed and proclaimed Cardinal by Pope John Paul II.

Francis Arinze hails from particularly humble origins, as the son of poor farmers in the small town of Eziowelle, Nigeria. One of the prominent positions he has held since arriving in

Then there are the other challengers for the ‘triple crown’, the most promising of whom is Canadian Marc Ouellet who would not be as headline-making as a black pontiff, but would nevertheless be the first New World pope. Of course, predicting any papal election is no easy feat. However, this time round, the selection the Cardinals make has the exciting potential to of turning the Catholic Church into a much more conspicuously global institution. By Luke Lythgoe

Afrikan Post

Kingslight Chapel Concludes Shebah Convention With Prophetic Anointing Service

Prophet Osbert Blankson-Eduam The Kingslight Chapel in Virginia concluded their four day annual Shebah convention on Sunday February 10, 2013 with a glorious prophetic anointing and blessing. The convention which was under the theme “Lord Speak”, brought together worshippers from the entire Washington Metropolitan Area who packed the Shebah temple , leaving hardly any place to sit. The main speaker, Rev. Osbert Blankson Eduam, a renowned conference speaker, unleashed prophecies, made startling revelations ,and uncovered mysteries in the lives of many people. A lot of people got their breakthrough during the four day power packed convention. The Springs of Melody, the resident Choir of the ministry, entreated the congregation to a lot of soul inspiring songs. Karma Thoronka, their leader, was the toast of the choir as her amazing voice kept everyone on their feet.

Ohemaa Mercy, Ghana’s gospel queen, added more color to the convention as she dazzled the congregation to songs on her “Wobeye Kese” and “Prophecy” albums. Her CDs and DVDs were completely sold out by the time she finished singing. Rev. Dr. and Rev. Mrs. Ahia Armah who hosted the event were so delighted and confessed that this has been a convention with a difference. They however admitted that a lot of work was put in the preparation by the various church coordinators. They also expressed their appreciation to the entire community of worshippers who joined them to make the convention a success. On Sunday Rev. Blankson Eduam preached about God’s purpose for one’s life and assured the congregation that whatever God has said about anybody’s life would surely come to pass. Quoting from the book of Number 23:19, he said, “ God is not a man that would lie” . He went on to say God does not have the element to lie. Lying is therefore associated with man but God would not lie as such his promises on one’s life would come to pass no matter the circumstances. Rev. Blankson Eduam afterwards pronounced ten-fold anointing blessings on everyone’s life.

His amazing prophetic ministration dazzled everyone to the extent that people stayed glued to their seats after the event travelled past 12 midnight on Saturday. He could call people he was meeting for the first time by their full names and would also give their date of birth. There were some he could call their mother’s names and go to the extent of telling them everything about themselves including their home addresses and phone numbers. One lady who is visiting from Ghana confessed, “I believe I came to America because of this man, because I sit under the feet of a prophet in Ghana and have met many of them but no one has uncovered such mysteries in my life as this one.”

The Kings Light Chapel is a word-based Holy Ghost filled multicultural and racially diverse church with a Divine Mandate to bring Light to this dark world, Hope to the hopeless, and to equip the child of God for mission and victory. The Church, which is under the able leadership of Dr. Rev. and Rev. Mrs. Ahia –Armah, is based in Woodbridge, Virginia.

Shebah convention is an annual event of the Church that is organized in February to catapult the ministry for greater strength to go through the year.



Page 36

Rev. and Mrs. Crabbe, Rev. Osbert Blankson Eduam , Dr. and Rev. Mrs. Ahia-Armah (Hosts) and Gospel Singer Ohemaa Mercy

Ohemaa Mercy singing her heart out to the excited and charged congregation

SHEBA TEMPLE (KLC) 14348 Jefferson Davis Hwy. Woodbridge, VA 22191 Tel: 6023665326

Afrikan Post

February 2013



African Post

Who Is The Funniest?

1. The man who waves a newscaster while watching TV news

2. A nurse who wakes up a sleeping patient to give him sleeping pills because she forgot to give him the medicine

3. A man who goes to a bank with a spanner to open an account

4. A man who puts a radio in a freezer to listen to cool music

5. A man who lowers the volume of his TV because he wants to read a text message

6. A man who puts perfume on his body to snap a picture... Source: Evans Awuah

Mumuni Sister Wants to Die Mumuni's sister Kafaya took a rope to commit suicide...


Akpos Cheating In An Exam During the exam, Akpos kept looking under the table, then he would write on the answer sheet. His teacher saw him doing that & thought he was copying. When collecting the paper after the exam. Teacher: I'm gonna minus 10 marks. Akpos: Haaaa!! Why ma? Teacher: For copying. Akpos: How do you know that I was copying ? Teacher: I saw you looking under the table. Akpos: *laughing* Question 9 said, STUDY THE TABLE BELOW.

What's My Birthday Gift?

Akpos: Happy Birthday Sweetie Girl: Thanks so much baby...So what's my birthday gift? Akpos: (pointing) Can you see that red BMW parked over there? Girl: Oh my God!....yes.... yes...yes...I can't believe this... Akpos: I bought you a toothbrush of the same colour... Girl: Na THUNDER go fire you!

A Sinking Boat.

A Professor was travelling by boat, on their way he asked the sailor ' do you know biology, ecology, zoology, embryology & epidemiology? ' NO' answered the sailor. The Professor got angry and said 'what the hell do you know? You will die of illiteracy'. One hour later, the boat start sinking, the sailor looked at the professor and said ' Do you know swimminology and escapeology from sharkology?' The Professor answered No. 'Well, that means crocodileology will eat your headology & u will dieology with your knowledgeology because of your badmouthology'.

Mumuni: Ah ah Kafaya why you dey tire rope for up? Kafaya : I wan hang myself jor! Mumuni: Why do you have make up on ? Kafaya : You dey mad ni?!!! You dont know say my face go show for papers and telivision tomorrow?

Akpos who was a houseboy usually sneaks into his Oga's room, drinks his wine and add water to top it up. One day his Oga bought a new wine called pasties, it was a french wine that changes colour if water is added to it. Akpos unaware of this, sneaked into his Oga's room, drank the new wine and added water to it. Immediately it started changing colour. ... Akpos: I am in trouble, big trouble. He ran to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, oga and madam were seated in the parlor, while Akpos was in the kitchen. ... OGA: Akpos Akpos: Oga OGA: who drank my pasties?. No answer! OGA: Akpos, who drank my pasties?. No answer. Oga walked to the kitchen and saw Akpos there.

OGA: Are you insane or what?. Why when I call, you say "Oga" but when i ask you a question you don't answer me. Akpos: Oga when you are in the kitchen you don't hear or understand anything except your name. OGA: Is that so?. Okay go to the parlor, stand beside madam and ask me a question while I stand here.

Akpos went and did what oga said.

Akpos: Ogaaaaaa OGA: Yes Akpos Akpos: Who goes into the maid's bedroom when madam is not at home?. No answer. Akpos: Ogaaaaaa!!! You dey hear me, I say who dey sneak enter the house girl room when madam no dey house. No answer. OGA: Wonders shall never end. Akpos, it is true o, when one is in the kitchen, one does not hear anything, except one's name. MADAM: That's not true. It's a lie. Akpos: Madam, do you want to be tested?. MADAM: Yes Akpos: Oya enter the kitchen She enters.

Akpos was walking in the street and met Mumuni who asked him what had happened to his ears as both were covered with bandages.

Mumuni asked, "So what happened to your other ear?" He said, "That same idiot called again!"

Akpos The Bad Houseboy

Page 38

Oga runs out of the kitchen.

Iron Call

He said "I was ironing my shirt when my phone rang. Instead of picking up my phone, I picked up the hot iron so I burnt my ear"

February 2013

Only in Africa

Akpos: Madam MADAM: Yes Akpos Akpos: Who is Junior's biological Father?. Me or Oga Madam rushed out of the kitchen MADAM: This kitchen needs to be fumigated o, I can't understand or hear anything at all.


Orange CAF Africa Cup Nigeria Wins African Title of Nations Awards

Samsung Fair Player of the Tournament: Victor Moses (Nigeria)

Tel : (703)725-6968 E-mail:

Man agin g Ed it or G eorge Br ight- A bu Email:editor @af r ikanpos A gn es Ow u s u - Brigh t CEO

Nissan Goal of the Tournament: Youssef El Msakni (Tunisia)

6236 Oscar Court Woodbridge VA 22193

Pu b lis h ed By Brigh t Ho u s e Prod u ct io n s

Pepsi Tournament Top Scorer: Emmanuel Emenike (Nigeria)

The AFCON winning coach for Super Eagles Stephen Keshi has reportedly withdrawn his resignation after having a meeting with the sports Minister Bolaji Abdullahi. An unbelievable twist landed on the Nigerian football camp today Monday evening, after coach Stephen Keshi announced his resignation from his job as the coach of the national team, just less than 24 hours after he guided the Super Eagles to Afcon glory at the National Stadium. A few hours ago, He backtracked and has withdrawn his resignation. see his official statement Below My attention has been drawn to reports in the media that I have resigned my appointment as the Head Coach of Super Eagles of Nigeria. While I have had cause to express my displeasure over some issues that happened in the course of our participation in the AFCON 2013, which my team won by the grace of God, especially concerning my relationship with the Nigerian Football Federation, I have since had opportunity to discuss the various issues with all concerned. I am therefore pleased to say that I have reconsidered my position and have decided to continue with my job. I want to thank the Honourable Minister of Sports, Mallam Bolaji Abdullahi, for his swift and kind intervention.

Afrikan Post

Page 39

Orange Man of the Tournament: Jonathan Pitroipa (Burkina Faso)

Stephen Keshi Withdraws Resignation As Super Eagles Coach

February 2013

Nigeria won its first African Cup of Nations title since 1994, beating Burkina Faso 1-0 Sunday on Sunday Mba's left-footed volley off a rebound in the 40th minute. Nigeria coach Stephen Keshi captained the Super Eagles when they won in 1994. Nigeria also won the title in 1980. Following its victory before a crowd of about 87,000 at Soccer City, 52nd-ranked Nigeria advanced to a first-round group with Spain, Uruguay and Tahiti at June's FIFA Confederations Cup in Brazil. Burkina Faso, ranked 92nd, was seeking its first title. List of Africa Cup of Nations champions:

1957: Egypt 1959: Egypt 1962: Ethiopia 1963: Ghana 1965: Ghana 1968: Zaire 1970: Sudan 1972: Congo Brazzaville 1974: Zaire 1976: Morocco 1978: Ghana 1980: Nigeria 1982: Ghana 1984: Cameroon 1986: Egypt 1988: Cameroon 1990: Algeria 1992: Ivory Coast 1994: Nigeria 1996: South Africa 1998: Egypt 2000: Cameroon 2002: Cameroon 2004: Tunisia 2006: Egypt 2008: Egypt 2010: Egypt 2012: Zambia 2013: Nigeria Titles: 7: Egypt 4: Cameroon, Ghana 3: Nigeria 2: Zaire 1: Algeria, Congo Brazzaville, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan, Tunisia, Zambia Note: Zaire renamed Democratic Republic of Congo

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