At the U S Capitol, Ghana Diaspora Public Affairs Collective (GHPAC) at a press Conference on September 21, 2022 launched of the Congressional Ghana Caucus (CGC) at the U S House of Representatives with Co Chair Congresswoman Gwen Moore and Ghana’s Trade and Industry Minister Alan Kyerematen.
Ghana Diaspora Public Affairs Collective (GHPAC: a nonpartisan advocacy collective empowering Ghanaians in the diaspora
The Caribbean and African Faith Based Leadership Conference (CAFBLC) honored national and international leaders for their exceptional service to the global African dias pora at the 2022 African and Caribbean International Leadership Conference and Awards Gala onThursday, September 29th This significant event, held in collaboration with the United States 51st Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, took place at the National Press Club under the theme: “United in Faith for Social Change”
The award recipients received awards, including the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award, signed by U S President Joe Biden The honorees consisted of renowned global leaders, volunteers, leaders in community develop ment, diplomats, elected officials, and corporate and spiritual leaders who, operating primarily from a faith perspective, have made an immensely positive impact on major issues such as reli gious liberty, civil rights, humanitarian concerns, social justice, economic development and mission partnerships
Dr Agorom Dike, President and CEO of the Caribbean and African Faith Based Leadership Conference, stated that “the agenda of the conference is to promote transformational leader ship and economic development through faith based partner ships” He describes the awards gala as a way to champion the extraordinary work and volunteerism of the recipients by honor ing them and allowing them to speak on panels Additionally, the event fosters learning, networking, partnerships, and serves as a gateway for people who desire to connect with the African and Caribbean communities
“We issue the Global Humanitarian Leadership Award and certify the U S President’s Lifetime Achievement Award for members, among others of our community, and those who positively impact our constituency the diaspora,” said Dr Dike “This year, we have a prestigious roster of recipients who will receive their awards signed by Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America”
Among the top honorees are: His Royal Majesty Okatekyie Asafo Boakye III, King of the Sanzule Kingdom in Western Ghana; Dr Wayne A I Frederick, President of Howard University; Cardinal Modiri Patrick Shole, President & Founder of Saucic
South Africa; Pastor Frances Mambu, General Overseer of Faith Healing Bible Church in Sierra Leone; Congresswoman Karen Bass, United States House of Representatives California; Ambassador Sonia Johnny, Senior Legal Advisor for Organization of American States St Lucian; Ghanian Prophet Dr Kofi Danso, General Overseer of Miracle Arena for All Nations Toronto, Canada; Nigerian American leader Dr Manny Ohonme, President & CEO Samaritan’s Feet International; Rev Dr Jonathan L Weaver, President & CEO PanAfrican Collective USA; Ambassador Dr Erieka Bennett, Convening Founder & Head of Mission Diaspora African Forum USA; Ambassador Curtis Ward, former Jamaican Ambassador to the United Nations and the President of the Caribbean Research and Policy Center; Angeles Echols Brown, Founder of Educating Young Minds, cur riculum and e learning developer, and author California; Rev Dr Frederick D Haynes III, social activist and Senior Pastor of Friendship West Baptist Church Dallas, TX ; and Ron Busby Sr , President and CEO of U S Black Chamber, Inc
Other distinguished honorees include:
Evangelist Steven Sebyala, Founder and President Church of Christ, Uganda
Hazel Trice Edney, President and CEO of Trice Edney Communications, USA
Sierra Leonean, Rev Dr David Vandy, International Multimedia Broadcaster for Voice of America.
Reverend Steve Mensah, Charismatic Evangelical Ministry CMA, Accra, Ghana
Bishop Dr Never Muparutsa Chairman of Christian Denominations of Zimbabwe
Bob Marshall Sr , Vice President of Wells Fargo Dr Ambassador Hugues Sanon, Corp Special Envoy, Global Relations to the UN, Global Ambassador for FDFW
Honorable Ali Gedikoglu, Founder and Chairman of COJEP International Conseil Pour La Justice L’Egalite’ et la Paix France
Pastor Paul Nya, General Overseer for Praise Chapel in Togo, West Africa
Dr Felicia Bassey Akamune, Conference Co chair and CEO of Milestone Medical Outreach urges people to join
the conference in making a difference
“Together we can strategize, bring hope, and change lives through access to quality healthcare, awareness and education to underserved residents throughout the United States, Africa and other places around the world,” she said.His Royal Majesty Okatekyie Asafo Boakye III, King of the Sanzule Kingdom addressing the gathering
November 21 of every year is observed as World Hello Day Created by Brian and Michael McCormack and first celebrated in 1973, the basis behind the celebration of this day is rather insightful and deserves to be commended.
Salibonani means hello in Ndebele (Spoken in South Africa)
Amosi means hello in the Luo dialect (Spoken in Kenya and Tanzania).
Dumela (singular) / Dumelang (plural) means hello in Northern Sotho lan guage (Spoken in South Africa)
Moni means hello in the Chewa/ Nyanja dialect (Spoken in Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique and Zimbabwe)
Tadiyass means hello in Amharic (Spoken in Ethiopia)
Mholo / Mholweni means hello in Xhosa (Spoken in South Africa)
Selam means hello in Tigrinya (Spoken in Eritrea).
Lumela means hello in Sotho (Spoken in Lesotho, South Africa and Zimbabwe)
Kudual means hello in Dinka (Spoken in South Sudan)
Sannu means hello in Hausa
Sawubona means hello in Swazi
Kedu means hello in Igbo language (Spoken in Nigeria).
Inhlikanhi/ Ndaa to a male/ Aa to a female means hello in Venda (Spoken in South Africa)
Bawo means hello in Yoruba (Spoken in Nigeria)
Mbote means hello in Lingala (Spoken in DRC, Republic of Congo and Angola)
Habari yako means hello in Swahili
Xewane means hello in Tsonga (Spoken in South Africa)
Dumela means hello in Tswana (Spoken in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia)
Sawubona means hello in Zulu (Spoken in South Africa).
Ki kati means hello in Luganda (Spoken in Uganda).
Ashamaa means hello in Oromo (Spoken in Ethiopia)
Mhoro means hello in Shona (Spoken in Zimbabwe).
Inhlikanhi/ Ndaa to a male/ Aa to a female means hello in Venda (Spoken in South Africa)
Bawo means hello in Yoruba (Spoken in Nigeria)
Mbote means hello in Lingala (Spoken in DRC, Republic of Congo and Angola)
Habari yako means hello in Swahili.
Xewane means hello in Tsonga (Spoken in South Africa).
Dumela means hello in Tswana (Spoken in Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Namibia)
Sawubona means hello in Zulu (Spoken in South Africa)
Ki kati means hello in Luganda (Spoken in Uganda)
Ashamaa means hello in Oromo (Spoken in Ethiopia)
Mhoro means hello in Shona (Spoken in Zimbabwe)
Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States Her Excellency (H E ) Hajia Alima Mahama joined Ilhan Omar, Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus representing the State of Minnesota, in the U S in a panel discussion themed “Self Reliance: Advancing a Resilient and Self Sustaining Africa” on September 26 at the 51st Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus Institute.
The all women panel whose discussion lasted over an hour and half included besides H E Mahama and Rep Omar, other impactful female leaders like Ambassador Mathilde Mukantabana, of the Republic of Rwanda to the U S ; Enoh Ebong, Director, U S Trade and Development Agency; and Dina Esposito, USAID Global Food Crisis Coordinator
“I’m grateful that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar has pro vided an opportunity for us to talk about food security in Africa, not just talking about food security but looking at it from an African perspective” said H E Mahama
The panel focused on analyzing African affairs, includ ing building an autonomous and prosperous continent of Africa, infrastructure, food security, climatic resilience, and democratic governance
Omar indicated that Africa has more than 1.3 billion people, over double the size of Europe. In her speech, she noted that by 2050, the population of Africa will have doubled, making up more than a quarter of all peo ple on earth at almost 2 5 billion people on the continent
However, the panel established that despite this pop ulation boom, Africa should be able to sustain itself because “Africa has more than 60% of the globe’s arable uncultivated land and a new trade agreement is expected ”
“Agriculture is the heartbeat of so many African nations. It’s the place where we’re going to lift the most people out of poverty, and at the same time, feed a growing world” said Esposito
“But the continent faces serious threats A third of children remain malnourished and a similar number are unable to complete secondary school The Covid 19 pandemic had made these challenges more diffi cult, with many officials fearing Africa could lose a full decade of development,” said Omar.
Furthermore, the panel stated that Africa is at a stage where the rate of poverty is declining and migration is rising, thereby encouraging new busi ness ideas, entrepreneurship and investment to rise as well Thus, they were confident that Africa is cur rently undergoing a rapid transformation and its economies are set for further growth
The panel also opened up on U.S. aid involvement in Africa.
“The U S government is doing a tremendous amount of work to try and address those needs, both
from agencies like USAID, and from an agency like the U.S. Trade Development Agency. That is looking to catalyze financing and investment into the solu tions that our partners overseas together with the U.S. private sector can develop,” said Enoh in a post panel interview
Referencing the Center for International Development, the panel indicated that over the next five years, seven African countries are expected to be among the nations with the 15 fastest growth rates But the only way to maintain that according to Omar would be to target the root cause of [the problems that hinder their growth]
“Too often, the conversations around Africa’s development focus on international aid and foreign investment. But make no mistake, the only long term path to Africa’s success is self sufficiency,” said Omar
“The African Continental Free Trade Area if implemented could raise incomes by 9% by 2025 and lift 50 million out of poverty,” added Omar
©Embassy of Ghana, Washington DC
Source: Embassy of Ghana, Washington DC
The African Community Service Awards (ACSA), honors the unique contributions of individuals and organizations to humanitarian aide with in the African communities It is an annual event hosted by Alln1 Productions Inc The aim is to recognize individuals or groups who have sacrificed their time and resources for the benefit of Africans all over the world, including Africans from the mother continent, Africans in Diaspora, and African Americans Since 2016, the awards ceremony have made every effort to honour those groups’ distinct cultures, and
sought to bring all Africans together in celebration of remarkable acts of service that foster a stronger sense of community togetherness and connection
According to the organisers, they “hope to unite all Africans in celebration of great acts of service and build a greater sense of unity and connection within the community”
The keynote speaker at the event was Prof Kingsley Moghalu, a Nigerian political economist, and 2023 presidential aspirant. He served as Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, appointed by President Umaru Musa Yar ’Adua, from 2009 to 2014.
The event will featured live performances from various entertainers like dance group ‘CJ & Friends,’ R&B band ‘Smooth Approach,’ comedian ‘Zubby,’ and a fashion show by Nesay Productions
Olivia Owusu Boakyewaah, MSW, Ph D is the Executive Director at Eye On Aging International She is an experienced Program Supervisor with a demonstrated history of working in the government administration industry Also skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Government, Program Evaluation, and Case Management She is a strong healthcare services professional with a Bachelors of Social Work focused in Social Work from Virginia Commonwealth University
The world celebrates Valentine’s day Chocolate day the day of love, most of us naturally begin to think about what love really means African proverbs, which are old age adages often referring to the earth, animals, and everyday activities, con vey life lessons These punchy quotes inspire, illuminate, and humor as they teach
Although love is hard to define, these 20 African proverbs on love give some insights on what the emotion and idea mean
1 Bread without sauce and a home without a wife are meaningless Ethiopia
2 It is better to be loved than feared Sierra Leone
Love takes sacrifice
3 If you do not travel, you will marry your own sister Mozambique
4 If a woman doesn’t love you, she calls you “brother ” Côte d’Ivoire
5 You know who you love but you can’t know who loves you Nigeria
But love is not perfect
6 A married couple is neither enemies nor friends Somalia
7. He who loves you, loves you with your dirt. Uganda (Ganda)
8 A man that does not lie shall never marry Zimbabwe
9 A good wife is easy to find, but suitable in laws are rare Malagasy
10 One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights Egypt
Sometimes, you will love the wrong person
11 If you marry a monkey for his wealth, the money goes and the monkey remains as is Egypt
12 Don’t try to make someone hate the person he loves For he will go on loving but he will hate you Senegal
13 If anyone makes you laugh, it is not always because they love you Kenya
14. To love someone who does not love you is like shaking a tree to make the dew drops fall Congo
15 The house of a person we love is never far Kenya (Kikuyu)
16 If there is cause to hate someone, the cause to love has just begun Wolof
17 Talking with one another is loving one another Kenya
18 One who loves you, warns you Uganda (Baganda)
19 The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love Morocco
20 Let your love be like the misty rain, coming softly but flooding the river Liberia
https://face2faceafrica com/
He who has people is richer than he who has money Nigerian (Igbo) Make some money but don’t let money make you Tanzania
Those who are at one regarding food are at one in life Malawian Where there is love, there is no darkness Burundi
You must attend to your business with the vendor in the market, and not to the noise of the market Benin
Do a good deed and throw it into the sea Egypt
Even the lion, the king of the forest, protects himself against flies Ghana Birds sing not because they have answers but because they have songs African (attributed to Maya Angelou)
https://face2faceafrica com/
Jack Dorsey who co founded Twitter now heads Block, a conglomerate of fintech compa nies housing Square, Cash App, Spiral, TIDAL, TBD
Block builds tools to make the economy more accessible to people and businesses by provid ing a platform aimed at helping small and medium sized businesses accept online pay ments
Bitcoin is also a major part of Block’s business, and Cash App has become one of the most pop ular and accessible Bitcoin exchange platforms in the United States.
In the fourth quarter of 2020, Block purchased $50 million worth of Bitcoin and another $170 million in the first quarter of 2021 Dorsey has stated that he believes Bitcoin can alter the world, and he considers Bitcoin to be the most important project of his lifetime In 2021, Jack Dorsey partnered with rapper Jay Z to launch a new endowment called “B trust” worth 500 BTC to fund Bitcoin software devel opment in Africa and India
Jack Dorsey will join about seventy other speakers in the largest Bitcoin conference ever to take place in Africa
Farida Nabourema, a Togolese human rights activist and the convener of the Africa Bitcoin Conference, believes Bitcoin could become the currency of decolonization, allowing hundreds of millions of unbanked Africans to participate in a global and independent monetary system and providing a powerful resource to activists fighting against authoritarian regimes The Africa Bitcoin Conference will bring together developers, investors, startups, and human rights activists from across the continent and beyond, to build a movement that will accelerate Bitcoin adoption in Africa
Other notable speakers include Obi Nwosu, co founder and CEO of Fedi, Alex Gladstein, CSO of the Human Rights Foundation, Ray Yussuf
International Convention of Africans in Diaspora (ICAD) will host its inaugural conference in Little Rock, Arkansas, U.S.; and Accra, Ghana, in 2023 under the theme “The Truth Need to be Told“.
The conference is expected to attract both Diasporans and Ghanaians to the event as a way of bolstering tourism and relations between the two countries, through a conference that revives the slavery debate
It is organized by International Clergy Association (ICA), and Diaspora Legacy Resorts and Tourism; and sponsored by Bishop Dr Charles Abban, CEO of The Rock Hospital in Accra, Ghana, and founder/president of International Clergy Association (ICA)
A major media partner for the event is TheAfricanDream.net a trademarked multi award winning Communications Consultancy on African Affairs.
According to the organisers, the pro gram will centre around the wealth of information on the slave trade that has been left undiscussed, especially the need to understand the circumstances that led to the slave trade Hence the theme The Truth Need to be Told a contemporary exploration of the transatlantic slave trade from both sides of the coin
“Although intricate evidences outlined dealings between White slavers and
local African chiefs in the transatlantic slave trade, there’s still need to revisit the debate given that some African Americans harbour bitterness against their ancestors and Africa as a result of it We need to change their view and call for harmony,” said Bishop Abban in a interview with TheAfricanDream.net.
The Bishop argues that the conference should be given priority because many African Americans in the diaspora still have a fragmentary understanding of the 400 year old slave argument Therefore, the conference will seek for reconciliation between Africans and the Diaspora through a proper Dialogue. It will also bring together Africans and African Americans in the Diaspora for a common goal of developing the Motherland Africa, and consider Africa as their home
Alongside, it will consider working on policies regarding slavery that will be doc umented, like reparations; and include sub events like networking, renaming services, convention of praise and worship etc.
The list of candidates for Women’s and Men’s World Athlete of the Year was released by World Athletics on Thursday, October 13, with four athletes from Africa on list
In each division, 10 athletes were chosen. Four African athletes are among the 20 nomi nees this year The women’s category includes Kenyan Faith Kipyegon and Nigerian Tobi Amusan On the men’s side are Kenyan Eliud Kipchoge and Moroccan Soufiane El Bakkali
An international panel of athletics specialists, which includes members from each of World Athletics’ six continental regions, chooses the athletes The finalists will be chosen by a three way vote
Voting will take place via email between the World Athletics Council and the World Athletics Family Their votes will make up 50% and 25% of the ultimate outcome, respectively.
Through World Athletics’ social media platforms, users can also vote online Each nomi nee’s unique graphics has been published on social media One vote is equal to one “like” on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube, or one “retweet” on Twitter
On Monday, October 31, voting for the World Athletes of the Year ends at midnight Five men and five women will be named as finalists after the voting is over, according to World Athletics
In the first week of December, World Athletics will announce the winners on its social media channels
The 2021 World Athletics Awards for men and women were won by Karsten Warholm of Norway and Elaine Thompson Herah of Jamaica
Africans who have won the World Athlete Awards
The first winner from the continent was a male athlete, Algerian Noureddine Morceli in 1994 While Ethiopian Meseret Defar became the first female athlete from Africa to excel on that stage in 2007
https://www theafricandream net/
African athletes have taken home the awards for 13 times in total The country with the most representation on the continent is Ethiopia, which is followed by Kenya, Morocco, and Algeria
Even though the world has had some great men and women, very few have had as much of an impact on history as the late Nelson Mandela. Remembered as South Africa’s first Black president and an in international symbol of freedom and equality even after death, Mandela continues to influ ence the world with his great and timeless words of wisdom
Leaders and human rights advocates around the world continue to use his stir ring quotes in their pursuit for liberty and democracy Here, Face2Face Africa takes a look some of the most inspirational quotes from Madiba
“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear ” “Long Walk to Freedom: An Autobiography of Nelson Mandela,” 1995
“Difficulties break some men but make others No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the dead ” From a letter written to then wife Winnie Mandela on Robben Island, February 1, 1975
“Real leaders must be ready to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.” At Chief Albert Luthuli Centenary Celebrations in South Africa, April 25, 1998
“I am fundamentally an optimist Whether that comes from nature or nurture, I cannot say Part of being optimistic is keeping one’s head pointed toward the sun, one’s feet moving forward There were many dark moments when my faith in humanity was sorely tested, but I would not and could not give myself up to despair That way lays defeat and death ” “Long Walk to Freedom: An Autobiography of Nelson Mandela,” 1995
“A fundamental concern for others in our individual and community lives would go a long way in making the world the better place we so passionately dreamt of ” Soweto, South Africa, July 12, 2008
“Death is something inevitable When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace ” Interview for “Mandela” documentary, 1994
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his back ground or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its oppo site.” “Long Walk to Freedom: An Autobiography of Nelson Mandela,” 1995
“I have walked that long road to freedom I have tried not to falter; I have made mis steps along the way But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb I have taken a moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look back on the dis tance I have come But I can only rest for a moment, for with freedom comes respon sibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended ” “Long Walk to Freedom: An Autobiography of Nelson Mandela,” 1995 “If I had my time over, I would do it again. So would any man who dares to call him self a man ” After being charged for inciting violence at a worker ’s strike in Pretoria, South Africa, November 1962
Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity; it is an act of justice Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural, it is man made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings Sometimes it falls on a generation to be great You can be that great generation. Let your generation blossom.” A rally of more than 22,000 people in Trafalgar Square, London, 2005.
es and professionals According to the founders, they estab lished the company because of challenges in getting data driven insights on the African continent. The company focuses primarily on Nigeria.
According to Bloomberg, Stears is a rare subscription suc cess story in a country where subscription services are quite low. The company said its user base has grown at around 6.5% month on month.
“Enterprise customers make up more than 75% of revenue, up from 45% in 2021. The company said its revenue in the first half of 2022 surpassed that for all of 2021,” Bloomberg reported.
Premium Times Nigeria reports that the company plans to use the seed round to enhance its data collection and analyt ics capabilities, talent acquisition and expansion to East and Southern Africa
Serena Williams’ Serena Ventures has backed a Nigerian financial data and insights company called Stears to raise $3.3 million in a seed round. The investment falls in line with her post retirement plan after she quit tennis last month.
The seed round was led by MaC Venture Capital with the partici pation of Melo 7 Tech Partners, Omidyar Group’s Luminate Fund, Cascador, and Hoaq Club.
“One of the reasons I invested in Stears is not because of my love and appreciation for Africa, but because Stears has strategically thought of how to increase the investment community on the continent,” she was quoted by Bloomberg.
“Better and more transparent business and financial data is expect ed to lead to more investment on the African continent Stears has shown a deep appreciation of the complexities involved in solving this problem for global professionals Through a combination of technology and data, Stears is well placed to leverage the massive data opportunity on the continent,” she added
The startup was founded in 2017 by Preston Ideh, Abdul Abdulrahim, Foluso Ogunlana, and Michael Famoroti. They met at the London School of Economics and Imperial College in the UK. The startup offers subscription based data and insight to business
“We know global professionals need our data and insight because banks, research firms, development organizations, and investors are already using our early products. Our cus tomers tell us we are building a ‘systemically important’ company to address Africa’s data problem,” co founder Ideh said about the funding round.
“Globally, information providers like Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters have built data powerhouses, which act as information gateways to Western markets. We are executing an African version of this model, focused on the often miss ing, outdated, or poorly digitized African datasets needed by operators, finance and policy professionals, researchers, and even regulators,” he added
Last month, Stears was among 60 startups that got accepted into the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund 2022 cohort
The 13 member delegation visited Ghana from the 10th of September to the 13th of September and areas of interest and engage ment included addressing issues related to ocean governance, and nature conservation and particularly combatting Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing (IUUF).
NAFAG hosted the delegation to a welcom ing dinner on the 10th of September, 2022 at the Labadi Beach Hotel, for the industry to highlight the significant challenges in the sec tor, and followed up the dinner on 11th September, 2022 with a comprehensive tour of the Tema Canoe Landing Beach and Fishing Harbour.
The delegation and the fisheries sector indus try players led by the Ag. President of NAFAG, Simon Agah in the company of the 1st Vice Chair, Jojo Solomon, and Secretary, Richster Nii Amarh Amarfio, amongst others had extensive discussions with the delegation on key sector issues, challenges, and areas of additional cooperation during the dinner.
Key amongst the issues of discussion were the restoration of lost fisheries habitat, the impact of mining in water bodies of fisheries and food security, the menace of IUUF, mar
itime security including piracy and mar itime crimes, excess fishing vessel capacity, and the concomitant challenge of teaming unemployed/semi employed youth within the fishing industry in Ghana
There was concordance between the visit ing delegation and the Ghanaian industry players on the need to work on all aspects of the fishing industry, which include social, economic, scientific, and planning aspects to ensure that life is returned to the sector.
On Sunday 11th September, the team made a follow up call to the Tema Fishing indus try led by H.E. Virginia E. Palmer, the U.S. Ambassador to Ghana. The tour afforded the delegation the opportunity or first hand information on the entire industrial value chain.
They were met on arrival by the NAFAG President, Simon Agah, Secretary Richster Nii Amarh Amarfio, Chief Fisherman, Nii Odammetey II, the General Manager Tema Fishing Harbour, Ing. Kwabena Frimpong, and the Member of Parliament for Tema East, Hon. Isaac Ashai Odamtten.
The team toured the canoe landing beach and interacted with fishers, visited the anchovies drying site, the fish smoking
centre, and other areas at the canoe beach Led by the host team, the delegation visited the Fishing Harbour to see inshore (semi industrial vessels), trawl vessels, and tuna vessels.
They walked through the fishing port and interacted with the delegation. Ing Frimpong, the fishing Harbour Manager, thanked the team for their visit and asked for greater collaboration to deliv er effective Port State measures against IUUF and other maritime crimes The Ambassador assured us that they are sup porting the country with two patrol boats to fight piracy and IUUF amongst others
The MP for Tema East requested greater collaboration between the US congress and the Parliament of Ghana, particularly with Coastal MPs with fisheries interests, and to also deepen the Sister Cities agenda
The team has since left for other engage ments
Richster Nii Amarh AmarfioShanell Mosely, Director of Community Relations for DC United said “As many of you all know, the power of soccer is immense It brings people together, and especially wherever you find a ball you find young people. We are honored to be pre senting you with our DC United jerseys. We look forward to this long relationship ahead ”
She presented the home jersey for DC United to Mark Addo the deputy chairman of Ghana Football Association, who also presented her a jer sey from Ghana’s Black Stars Making the presen tation he said “Presenting to you this, the new Black Stars Jersey that we will be using in the World Cup,”
The Embassy of Ghana hosted The Ghana Investment Forum in Washington DC in collabo ration with the Ghana Tourism Authority, Ministry of Tourism Art & Culture and The Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development of The District of Columbia. The Forum was intended to promote bilateral trade between Ghanaian and DC busi nesses in the following industry sectors: Agribusiness, Professional Service Innovation, IT and Hospitality and Tourism. During the event, DC businesses were able to hear from Ghanaian partners on how to collaborate with their local companies.
Dr Ibrahim Mohammed Awal, Ghana’s Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture who was the keynote speaker for the event indicated that the Ghana government has prioritized the develop ment of tourism, arts and culture as tools for eco nomic transformation and wealth creation
Andres Hayes Director of International Trade and Commerce at Government of the District of Columbia said it is necessary to strengthen the economic relationship with Ghana.
Mr Akwesi Agyeman, the Chief Executive Officer, Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) stated that a profession al soccer club based in Washington, D C has partnered with Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the Ghana Football Association (GFA) to launch the Capital City Africa Cup where each year, the winner of Ghana’s Premier League will play DC United
Washington DC is one of the key markets promoting travel and tourism to Ghana With a vibrant Ghanaian and African community and a large population of African Americans visiting the continent of Africa. This collabo ration through sports is intended bring the communities together while promoting the spirit of welcome to Ghana and Africa.
Mark Addo, Vice President of Ghana Football Association on his part said “This initiative will not only help bridge the gap between the peoples of Ghana and the Washington DC, but it will lay the foundation for a strong alliance through the exchange of tourism, culture and the promotion of soccer ” Mark Addo also spoke on how the Ghana Football Association is investing in youth football so as to develop a strong base for the future of Ghana Soccer “We’ve now been focusing on youth development by promoting youth football,” he said
Paxton Baker, CEO PKB Enterprises, said the idea behind launching the Capital City Africa Cup is to “establish the city of Washington DC as the anchor to showcase talent coming out of Africa in arts, culture and soccer.”
He explained that the initial game for the Capital City Africa Cup is slated for March 2023 and will be an annual event taking place at Audi Field in Washington DC
Mr Baker indicated that, the week of the game will be dubbed “Ghana Week” in Washington DC, which will feature arts, food fairs and culture prior to the commencement of the game between Kumasi Asante Kotoko (winners of Ghana Premier League) and DC United.
“The Ghana FA is excited about this new alliance with DC United, and we look forward collaborat ing on many fronts to promote soccer in our domains,” he said
The event was attended by officials of events DC, the business community, officials from the DC Deputy Mayors Office,), the Washington Metro Area Business Community, African America Community group, Ghana Diaspora Public Affairs Collective (GH PAC) and potential investors among others
Mr Yofi Grant, the CEO of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre in his presentation affirmed that Ghana’s political stability, economic growth and optimistic people are good business proposi tions that continue to attract investors He took the audience through the various sectors of Ghana’s economy and the opportunities available for potential investors and partnerships
This has been a passion in Ghana for many years but lacked support through official structures He indicated that the FA has made significant strides in securing major sponsorship to make the development of youth soccer a reality
“We look forward to you coming to Ghana, whether it’s for pleasure or investment to take the time to visit our stadiums and watch our teams,” he added
The victim; a Ghanaian employee of the hospital and one other colleague were killed by the shooter who was subsequently con fronted by a Methodist Health System police officer
According to a report by international media outlet; ABC news, the hospital confirming the incident in a statement said a Methodist Health System police officer “confronted the suspect, and fired his weapon at the suspect, injuring him The suspect was detained, stabilized, and taken to another local hospital ”
A source close to the family of the Ghanaian woman told Ghanaweb that the victim identified as Jacqueline Ama Pokuaa, is daughter of one Colonel David Ansah Boakye (Rtd) who resides in Ghana
According to the source, father of the deceased is an ex official of the Ghana Armed Forces and a Church Elder at the Garrison Seventh day Adventist church at Burma Camp in Accra
Methodist Health System police, Dallas police, and Dallas Fire Rescue responded to the shooting inside the hospital at the time of the incident at 11 am
The suspect was reportedly on parole for aggravated robbery and was wearing an active ankle monitor at the time of the shooting, police further said.
The suspect is currently facing capital murder charges
Source: ghanaweb com
The “Tarkhan” dress, however, which bears the name of the Egyptian village where it was first discovered in 1913, has exquisite stitchings contrary to research con clusions prior to its discovery.
The V neck linen shirt with pleated sleeves and bodice was in outstanding condition considering its age, how ever there were folds at the elbows and armpits indicat ing that the clothing had once been worn.
It was precisely dated around seven years ago using the most recent radiocarbon dating method The world’s oldest woven clothing, a linen dress with intricate detailing, is believed to date to between 3482 and 3103 B.C., according to researchers.
During the second season of Sir Flinders Petrie’s exca vations in 1913, at the location he named Tarkhan after, in a small settlement 30 miles south of Cairo, the cloth ing and other pieces of linen were discovered
After the excavation, the pile of linen was delivered to the University College London for analysis, where it remained untouched for 65 years
The dress features a weave with 22 23 warps per cen timetre and 13 14 embroidery thread per centimetre, which resulted in a grey stripe in the warp that may be intended to add decoration
The dress’ primary part was made of a 76 centimetre wide, straight piece of material The dress’s original length cannot be determined because the hem is miss ing.
Conservationists at the Victoria and Albert Museum found the outfit again in 1977 while col lecting and cleaning rags
According to Alice Stevenson, curator of London’s Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, garments discovered at archaeologi cal sites are often no older than 2,000 years
However, the Tarkhan Dress is older than 5,000 years and may have been longer when it was new, according to archaeologists
When the dress’s linen was examined in the 1980s using accelerator mass spectrometry, a new tech nique, it was thought to date to the late third mil lennium BC Researchers, however, felt that this date was too broad
In 2015, the radiocarbon facility at the University of Oxford examined a sample from the clothing itself that only weighed 2 24mg
The findings indicated that the Tarkhan Dress dates to between 3482 and 3102 B.C., possibly even earlier than Egypt’s First Dynasty (ca 3111 2906 B C )
The fabric was preserved by the researchers, who then exhibited it after stabilising it with a seam of crepeline silk Due in large part to the age of the tomb in which it was discovered, it quickly gained recognition as the oldest garment ever made in Egypt and the oldest woven garment ever
Source: New Agencies
Uju started Traders of Africa after losing a business deal to export 20 containers of groundnut to an Indian merchant She spotted a business opportunity to make it easier for peo ple to be able to buy commodities in Africa despite losing the deal
She was able to convince one of the faculty members (Dr Pedro Nueno) at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Zurich, Switzerland, where she was a stu dent, to invest in her business plan.
“He invested when we were about to launch the business in August 2017, and we started in September with 9,000 suppliers sourced from five African countries. The main initial goods were agricultural items,” she told howwe madeitinafrica
Once Traders of Africa started operating in Nigeria, Uju and her team encountered supply chain challenges. And to mitigate this chal lenge, she created a platform to train small farmers and traders on how to boost production and trade in commercial quantities The move was also to ensure that there were traders and suppliers to feed raw materials into the plat form
“We introduce selected trainees into the acade
my where they are mentored on how to source prod ucts This method has become our inroad into differ ent countries through various partnerships,” she noted.
Today, the platform has up to 18,000 suppliers from Africa and some 485 products According to Howwemadeitinafrica, the company has an annual revenue of $4.8 million.
Uju first launched Traders of Africa in Nigeria and has gradually expanded to other African countries, including Benin, Togo, Cameroon and Mali She hopes to be in Ghana, Uganda and Tanzania soon. When she started, she went from Lagos, Nigeria, to Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, and Ghana to recruit mer chant acquisition directors who would source and onboard suppliers
Also, Traders of Africa started as an agro commodi ties trading platform but has expanded into other products like fashion accessories, minerals and met als, food and beverages, beauty products, packag ing, construction materials and furniture.
Uju and her team are not resting on the success recorded so far. They want to expand into at least 10 African markets and also increase their annual rev enue
“We want to be the Alibaba of Africa At maturity, Traders of Africa should be able to generate $20 million monthly, which is part of our growth plan ”
Abu Mubarik Msn comOrganizers of the annual African food festival have revealed that the 2022 edition of the festival will be moving from Africa to Europe and America in November and December respectively
The first edition of the awards was held in Ghana and subsequently in South Africa and Nigeria
This year being the 4th edition, the organiz ers explained that the main idea of the festi val is to let the world know that African foods have a place on every healthy eater ’s plate
The PRO of the event Mustapha Nii Okai Inusah, Popularly known As Attractive Mustapha added that African foods are healthy and delicious, the cuisine is primarily plant based and vegetables are typically the star of the plate which is worth the attention.
As to what people should expect, he said that just like they do every year in other countries, they will offer vendors from different countries the opportunity to teach how to cook natural African food and serve There will be side attractions and entertainment
Source: Attractive Mustapha
Doja Cat “Woman”
Harry Styles “As It Was”
Kendrick Lamar “The Heart Part 5”
Nicki Minaj “Super Freaky Girl”
Taylor Swift “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor ’s Version)”
Taylor Swift
Black Sherif has indeed taken the world by storm and is showing no signs of slowing down.
Weeks after bagging a nomination at the 2022 BET Hip Hop Awards and releasing his debut album, ‘The Villain I Never Was’, the music star has secured yet another enviable nod at the 2022 MTV EMA
Nominated in the Best African Act category, Blacko battles it out with Burna Boy (Nigeria), Tems (Nigeria), Ayra Star (Nigeria), Zuchu (Tanzania), and Mnike (South Africa)
The MTV EMA 2022 will take place in Düsseldorf, Germany, at the multi functional indoor arena PSD Bank Dome. The ceremony will broadcast live on MTV in more than 170 countries on November 13 and will be available on Paramount+ and Pluto TV globally begin ning November 14 This year marks the sixth time Germany has hosted the event
MTV unveiled its nominations for the highly anticipated MTV EMA 2022, featuring international artists who dominated the music charts this past year
Harry Styles leads the pack with seven nominations, including Best Artist, Best Song, and Best Video.
Following Styles with six nominations is Taylor Swift, who also earned a nod for Best Longform Video, a brand new MTV EMA 2022 category
Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone “Me Porto Bonito”
Harry Styles “As It Was”
Jack Harlow “First Class”
Lizzo “About Damn Time”
Nicki Minaj “Super Freaky Girl”
BLACKPINK “Pink Venom”
BEST ARTIST: Adele Beyoncé Harry Styles Nicki Minaj
ROSALÍA Taylor Swift
Bad Bunny, Chencho Corleone “Me Porto Bonito”
David Guetta & Bebe Rexha “I’m Good (Blue)”
DJ Khaled ft Drake & Lil Baby “STAYING ALIVE”
Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa “Sweetest Pie”
Post Malone ft Doja Cat “I Like You (A Happier Song)”
Shakira ft Rauw Alejandro “Te Felicito”
Tiësto & Ava Max “The Motto”
BEST LIVE: Coldplay Ed Sheeran Harry Styles Kendrick Lamar Lady Gaga The Weeknd
BEST POP: Billie Eilish Doja Cat Ed Sheeran Harry Styles Lizzo
BEST NEW: Baby Keem Dove Cameron GAYLE SEVENTEEN Stephen Sanchez Tems
BEST LATIN: Anitta Bad Bunny Becky G J Balvin
BEST ELECTRONIC: Calvin Harris David Guetta DJ Snake Marshmello
Swedish House Mafia Tiësto
BEST HIP HOP: Drake Future
Lil Baby
Megan Thee Stallion
Nicki Minaj
BEST ROCK: Foo Fighters
Liam Gallagher
Red Hot Chili Peppers
The Killers
Imagine Dragons
Panic! At The Disco
Tame Impala
Twenty One Pilots
BEST R&B: Chlöe Giveon
H E R Khalid Summer Walker
Stormzy “Mel Made Me Do It”
Taylor Hawkins Tribute concert, London’s Wembley Stadium
Taylor Swift “All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylor ’s Version)”
Ed Sheeran “2step (feat Lil Baby)”
Kendrick Lamar “The Heart Part 5”
Latto “P*ssy”
Lizzo “About Damn Time”
Sam Smith “Unholy (feat. Kim Petras)”
Stromae “Fils de joie”
BTS Harry Styles Lady Gaga
Nicki Minaj Taylor Swift
BEST PUSH: Nessa Barrett
Mae Muller
BEST LONGFORM VIDEO: Foo Fighters “Studio 666”
Muni Long
Saucy Santana
Stephen Sanchez
BLACKPINK “The Virtual” | PUBG
BTS | Minecraft
Charli XCX | Roblox
Justin Bieber “An Interactive Virtual Experience” | Wave
Twenty One Pilots Concert Experience | Roblox
Best African Act Nominees
Ayra Star (Nigeria)
Black Sherif (Ghana)
Burna Boy (Nigeria)
Zuchu (Tanzania)
Tems (Nigeria)
Mnike (South Africa)
HOW TO VOTE FOR BLACK SHERIF Simply, visit https://mtvema.com/en africa/vote/ and cast your vote as many times as you want
Source: Starrfm com gh
Christopher Sam
GAYLE Shenseea Omar Apollo Wet Leg
The 2022 Golden Gala and Awards Symposium presented by the Ghana Diaspora Public Affairs Collective (GH PAC) was hosted on September 24, at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, D C The Awards celebrated Ghanaian excellence; honouring Ghanaian American appointees of President Biden that are serv ing at the highest levels of the U S government
Members of Congress who have committed to focusing on poli cies that advance U S Ghana diplomatic and bilateral trade rela tions were also recognized on the evening of the event.
In total, the inaugural GH PAC gala honoured a total of 22 elect ed officials, community leaders, top professionals, and advocates that have exemplified excellence and helped to bridge the dias pora with Ghana as a leading example for Africa
The event was founded by Ghanaian American public policy and business professionals who are focused on empowering Ghanaians in the diaspora and advancing U S Ghana relations
The Keynote speech was delivered by Honorable Alan Kyerematen, Ghana’s Minster of Trade and Industry while the special remarks were delivered by Her Excellency (H E ) Hajia Alima Mahama, Ghana’s Ambassador to the United States
In her remarks, H E Alima Mahama commended GH PAC “for the selection of tonight’s awardees from all walks of the profes sional circles It is indeed a delight to see the blend of men and women who will be awarded at tonight’s Gala ”
According to Honorable Alan Kyerematen, “Ghanaians living abroad have a major role to play in changing the narrative where more trade relations could recorded between Ghana and the United States This could be achieved by firstly disseminating reliable information about opportunities that exist in Ghana to those here [in the United States] Secondly, Ghanaians have to offer their services to support Ghana through a more structured engagement that would support the agenda back home.
He added that “ advocacy and the role of lobbying could not be over emphasizd” and thus commended GH PAC for initiating the establishment of the Congressional Ghana Caucus ably led by some very distinguished women such as Congresswoman Moore Finally, the Trade and Industry Minister impressed upon the Ghanaian Diaspora community to “invest heavily in Ghana with their [network, skills, money and friends ]”
Reputed community development leaders, elected officials, diplomats, business executives, and the members of the Clergy were present. These individuals and business entities respective ly represented the achievements of Ghanaians abroad through their hard work to improve Ghana’s development as well as issues affecting the African diaspora
Below are the categories of awards at the ceremony and their respective winners:
Gabe Amo Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs
Adjoa B. Asamoah U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Deniece Laurent Mantey The White House National Security Council
Pioneer Award
Sanders Adu
Mayor Pro Tem Pious Ali
Isaac Fördjour
Acclaimed Awardees & Community Champions
Dr Alexander Anim Mensah
Dr Bertha Serwa Ayi
Abdul Karim Abdullah
Prof. Francis Ali Osman
Kweku Adomako
Mr Kofi Boateng
Nana Gyamfi
Ghana Physicians and Surgeons Foundation
Dr Michael Obeng
Mr. Kwaku D. Ofori
P3ND3MIC Challenge
Guevera Yao
Karen Attiah of the Washington Post
Posthumous Recognition
Virgil Abloh
Dr Kwaku Ohene Frempong
According to the organizers, GH PAC is always “committed to working collectively as Ghanaians, people of Ghanaian descent and friends of Ghana to encourage civic engagement and advance policies through research, education, and community building ”
To learn about GH PAC visit their website ghanadiasporapac org for more information
Source: Ghana Embassy, DC
Mayor Pro Tem Adrian Boafo Executives Officers of GHPACThe defeated Ashanti had already released their prisoners when they were compelled to sign a treaty that ended human sacrifice, ended their claims to coastal territories and required them to pay an enormous indemnity of 50,000 ounces of gold This was referred to as the Wolseley expedition So, the Gold Coast became a colony of the British crown
The British now realized in 1894 that the Wolseley indemnity had never been paid, yet they were still apprehensive of the French in Ivory Coast and concerned about a resurgent Ashanti
Nana Prempeh I attempted to address Queen Victoria directly and dis patched a delegation to London to make his case. However, the British administration put on yet another spectacular British army expedition to Kumasi while covertly refusing to grant Prempeh’s delegates an audience for nearly a year. The governor ’s sole agenda was to request the gold he had previously pledged to Sir Garnet Wolseley
Prempeh did not allow the Ashantis to engage the British army in battle but rather he received the British army diplomatically at his palace He welcomed the troops respectfully as his guests. This was in January 1896 under the command of Robert Baden Powell
His reign was volatile since it coincided with the British annexation and invasion of the Gold Coast Put simply, he reigned as monarch of the Kingdom of Ashanti until the Gold Coast came under British dominion.
The Asante Empire, sometimes known as Asanteman, was an Akan empire that existed for about two centuries from 1701 to 1901 in the West African nation, Ghana It grew from the Ashanti Region to encompass the Northern Region, parts of the Bono Region, Central, Eastern, and Western Regions of the West African country, as well as portions of Ivory Coast and Togo
The Ashanti Empire engaged in several wars with the British Empire in a bid to prevent the latter ’s expedition to the coastal lands Between 1824 and 1900, the Ashanti Empire and the British Empire fought five wars
The British government decided at the turn of the 19th century to formally establish its rule over the Gold Coast An army was sent out to subjugate the Ashanti They defeated the well organized Ashanti only because their artillery and rifles were superior to Ashanti’s traditional muskets.
The British arrived in Kumasi, the capital, and promptly looted the royal palace before setting the city on fire.
Meanwhile, Prempeh I could not afford to pay the full amount of the indemnification all at once, so he proposed making installment pay ments, beginning with 680 ounces. This request was denied, and much to the surprise of the Ashantis, the King and other of his top chiefs were taken into custody without provocation
The home of Prempeh I was robbed The Royal Signals Museum in Blandford, England, still has his throne on exhibit Prempeh I, the kid napped Asantehene, along with a few of his family members and advi sors, were first taken to Elmina for about a year before being trans ferred to Freetown, Sierra Leone.
It was until 1900 during the Yaa Asantewa War that the British decided to move the royal members to the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean out of fear for their safety
After 24 years of exile in the Seychelles, the British enabled the Asantehene, Prempeh I, to come back to Kumasi as an ordinary citizen According to the Ghanaian Museum, on September 13, 1924, Prempeh and 49 other people boarded the SS Karoa in Seychelles and headed to the Gold Coast
To pacify the Ashanti, the British created Prempeh I the rank of Kumasehene in 1926, which he maintained until his death in Kumasi, Ghana, on May 12, 1931 His successor was Prempeh II of the Ashanti kingdom
Jonathan Shroyer worked to develop Officium Labs back in 2019, which was acquired by Arise Virtual Solutions in 2021. Jonathan Shroyer is now the Chief CX Innovation Officer at Arise Virtual Solutions
There, he leads the gaming and consulting verticals and runs the CX Lab in San Francisco Shroyer has two decades of experi ence building companies and leaders up
CIO Journal, a publication of The Wall Street Journal, named Shroyer among its “Top CX Professionals of 2022 “
In October 2022 Oral Ofori, Founder and Editor at TheAfricanDream net had a conver sation with Mr Shroyer on customer service as it relates to diplomacy and business in general
Below is the transcript of the interview:
What is Customer Relations to you personally?
People are the heart of the world, in my opin ion The best customer relations people care for their customers or people they serve.
To this end I like to think customer relations provide the most intimate moments that a product or service can have with its customer
What are some of the major changes you’ve noticed in the world of Customer Relations since the advent of COVID that institutions should be paying attention to?
Two major changes have emerged or have been expedited One, talent can now live any where and work anywhere. Two, companies are investing in technology and security to enable seamless engagements that can be deployed anywhere around the world
The COVID 19 pandemic necessitated major technological and workforce transformations that are ultimately more inclusive for the work er in many ways This tech is allowing cus tomer relations to be both more technically advanced and also more human at the same time
Remote work allows customer service workers to be based anywhere in the world and can work at any time, providing a 24/7, human customer service agent experience to customers.
Companies can provide their workers with remote or hybrid options that embrace a healthy work-life balance while simultaneously providing their customers with top of line technological advancements and human driven customer service experiences
Institutions ultimately need to be paying atten tion to what the people want if they want to succeed in a post pandemic world
We’d love to hear your views and advice on the Customer Service experience in diplomacy as far as running an Embassy is concerned where consular services bring the embassy in direct touch with the public who are mainly seeking assistance with visas, passports, and immigration matters among others
There are three main points I’d like to address in regards to utilizing the customer service experience in diplomatic arenas that regularly engage with the public
Be accessible Enable self service, tech and security protocols to ensure only the most vital
and important touchpoints happen in person Ideally, technology should cen ter around security and user friendli ness
Enable local teams to solve 98% of all concerns on the spot If people have questions or concerns, they need to speak with someone who can People do not like being bounced around to var ious departments or being left on hold or told to contact someone else It is cru cial to have a team that can answer questions and solve problems when they come
Ensure that timeliness of decisions are swift as often they impact people’s lives, their mental health and their families No one likes not having answers, especially when it comes to sensitive matters regarding their families and lives
Timeliness is a key component to mak ing every institution run smoothly When a visa or immigration process will be taking a longer period of time, it is cru cial to relay that information to people as well, in efforts to be transparent, which is also crucial for effective communica tion.
A young Togolese inventor is making waves with his self made 4X4 car, constructed using mostly recycled materials
Liberty University, the world’s largest Christian university is hosting over 600 chief executives, political leaders, athletes, and faith leaders at the 2nd 500 CEO Summit
Sourou Edjareyo Malazouwe, 25, is a self taught engineer with a passion for sports cars But as he could afford to buy one himself, he decided his only option was to build one him self
The award, presented after his keynote presenta tion at the Official Opening Dinner of the 2nd 500 CEO Summit, is to celebrate President Mahama for governing wisely, “advocating and achieving a consistent track record on economic development, women’s participation in educa tion, and enhancing economic growth ”
Dean of the Liberty University School of Business Dr Dave Brat says, “President Mahama was chosen for this award because he demonstrates all of the successful traits of Christian leadership under the greatest pressure and responsibility of governing and being the Chief Executive for a Nation, Ghana ” Amidst applause from the audience of global CEOs attending the Networking the Nations CEO Summit, Dr Brat said, President Mahama exhibited a warmth and joy that resonated with everyone at the summit
Under Mahama’s presidential oversight, the School of Business Dean noted, Ghana saw mas sive infrastructure development drive in all sec tors of its economy, including education, health, ports and harbors, rail, oil, and gas
President Mahama and the Lt Governor of Virginia on Wednesday addressed a Convocation of the student body The former President also took part in an Africa Orientation panel and inter acted with with students from Africa
On Thursday, President Mahama participated in a Doing Business with Africa panel together with the Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo HE Jean Michel Sama Lukonde Kyenge, Finance Minister of the DRC Nicolas Kazadi Kadima Nzuji, US Congressman, The Build Act Ted Yoho, and USAID’s former Acting COO Max Primoric
“I finished secondary school in 2016 and after that, I started my own business, selling and repairing mobile phones and computers It’s because of that that I could afford to build this car,” he said
Work got underway about a year ago in his workshop in the in the Forever district of the capital, Lomé, and the first model has been out on the road for some time now The young inventor has named the car the ‘RAF X Raptor ’ , a play on his own nickname, Raouf
“I used a lot of recycled parts I paid for a few new ones In this box you can see parts from Titan buses, from motorcy cles, from cars, it depends I get the parts from everywhere which is how I manage,” he says.
Malazouwe says there are plenty of people who are impressed by the car and he has received several orders for one, but has not responded as he is currently working on fixing probems with his garage.
His next step, after that, will be to make another one In the meantime, he is the pride of Togo In May, he met with the country’s Prime Minister, Victoire Tomégah Dogbé Dogbé, who later tweeted that she was amazed and charmed by his genius.
“I told him how proud we were and reiterated the govern ment’s commitment to support him,” she said, adding that her government was proud to help develop the enormous poten tial of Togo’s youth
Source: Africa News
Among the military men who escorted the cortege of Queen Elizabeth II on its last journey from Westminster Abbey to the St George's Chapel was a Ghanaian born British soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Nana Kofi Twumasi Ankrah
He was the only Black person in the group of over a dozen officers who marched along with the cortege on September 19, 2022 after the official funeral had been held
A former United Kingdom High Commissioner to Ghana, Jon Benjamin, was full of praise for Twumasi Ankrah, who has been a Personal Assistant of the late monarch as her equerry
The Mayor of the City of Charlotte in the United States of America (USA), Vi Alexander Lyles, has declared today, September 19, 2022, as 'Kumasi Day' to mark and celebrate the friendly sister city relations between the two cities Mayor Vi made the proclamation at the Charlotte Mecklenburg Government Center (CMGC) located in the govern ment district of North Carolina, on September 18.
She remarked in her speech that the rich history of the Ashanti culture, deep rooted in the heart of Kumasi, has been far reaching and thoroughgoing in effect bearing semblance with the City's history.
"We've chosen to mark September 19, 2022, as 'Kumasi Day' here in Charlotte. It is our pleasure to have the Mayor of Kumasi come to grace this memorable occasion "
The City of Charlotte and Kumasi City, as part of our shared history, have an immeasurable bond both in values and cultural representation.
The deep rooted culture of the people of the Great Ashanti Kingdom established in the heart of the Capital, Kumasi, has had a far reaching and thoroughgoing effect on all of us here.
We are excited to celebrate Kumasi city here and find new ways to promote our deep seated bond." Mayor Vi told the media
The Mayor of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Hon Sam Pyne is today expected to visit Charlotte city to participate in the 'Kumasi Day' event and form strategic partnerships with various stakeholders to drive home development
He is expected to spend three working days in the North Carolina District Already, he has been able to establish a strategic partnership with the City of Dallas and has attracted four private investors to develop the dormant Kumasi Children's Park into a befitting amusement centre
Source: purefmonline.com
"Proud to see Her Late Majesty’s equerry, Nana Kofi Twumasi Ankrah, accompanying her coffin in today’s state funeral," the diplomat tweeted
In 2017, then Major Twumasi Ankrah was named by Queen Elizabeth II as her equerry, becoming the first black man to hold this position
The position is for a three year period Hence at Windsor Castle on 27 November 2020, Twumasi Ankrah was received by the Queen, who invested him with the MVO upon relinquishing his appointment as Equerry
An equerry's duty primarily is that, at official activities, including public visits and receptions at Buckingham Palace, he assists the monarch
After Prince Phillip retired from public service, Twumasi Ankrah sup ported Queen Elizabeth II at public events
His military history has it that he is an officer of the Household Cavalry and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan
Born in Ghana in 1979, he moved to the UK with his parents in 1982 when he was three years old
Twumasi Ankrah enrolled at Queen Mary University, London upon com pletion of his school education and then joined the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
He who was commissioned by the Blues and Royals at the time, served in the military all his life He was the first British Army black African officer to be commissioned into the Cavalry of the Household
Speaking on film for a documentary on Britain’s open and democratic society, Major Twumasi Ankrah said: “As a young child, watching her majesty the Queen’s birthday parade on television, I would have never imagined that one day I’d command the regiment which I’d fallen in love with ”
He added: “From where I sit and from what I’ve seen in the UK, our cul tures really do mix and intermingle, and if I’m not a good example of that I really don’t know what is ”
Ghanaian born Personal Assistant to Queen Elizabeth II Maj Nana Kofi Twumasi Ankrah, was part of a cortege of military officers who accom panied the Queen's coffin to St George’s Chapel Maj Twumasi Ankrah is the first black Equerry in British history
After winning $1 million in a global entre preneurship challenge, a team of Kenyan students is taking up a new task: To estab lish a company to produce biodegradable sanitary pads to solve period related prob lems.
The five third year communications stu dents of St Paul’s University in Limuru, in Kiambu County, beat more than 10,000 others from across the world to bag the prestigious annual Hult Prize The award recognises innovative social enterprises that address the “world’s most pressing issues”
With their new enterprise called Eco Bana, Lennox Omondi, Keylie Muthoni, Brian Ndung’u, Shiltone Dullah, and Emmanuel Tony, all aged 20 to 23, say their product can end period poverty and plastic sanitary pad pollution, and reduce youth unemploy ment.
Their company will make biodegradable sanitary pads from banana fibre, which is often discarded as waste. The raw material reduces their costs, allowing them to avail
their product in the market at affordable prices.
Mr Omondi, the organisation’s chief executive, said their main goal is to ensure as many girls as possible can afford sanitary pads. Their product will also solve the decades long problem of pollution caused by polyvinyl chloride the plastic used to make most pads that are 90 percent plastic
“Many leaders often say charity is not enough That’s why we thought of making affordable sanitary tow els so they don’t have to rely on charity,” he said
The Dinka is a South Sudanese ethnic group that has a substantial diaspora abroad The astound ing height of the Dinka people is well known. They are thought to be the tallest people in Africa, alongside the Tutsi of Rwanda
The Nilotic tribe known as the Dinka lives in South Sudan along the Nile from the Jonglei to the Abyei region of the Ngok Dinka The kingdom of Alodia, a Christian, multi ethnic empire ruled by Nubians, is said to have existed in the Gezira (modern day Sudan), where they are said to have originated They are the largest ethnic group in South Sudan and one among the three tribes that comprised the first settlers
After defending their territory from Ottoman Turks and thwarting attempts to sell them into slavery by slave traders who intended to convert them to Islam, the Dinka tribe spread over the region in the middle of the 1800s The Dinka made up around 18% of the 4 5 million people in South Sudan, according to the 2008 census
https://www theeastafrican co ke/
Deborah Dzifa Makafuihttps://face2faceafrica com
WASHINGTON, D C Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Chairwoman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, led a Congressional delegation to Germany, Ghana, Senegal, and Italy to conduct oversight over Department of Defense and State Department appropriations, including global health and international food security programs
Congresswoman Lee was joined by Representatives Sheila Jackson Lee (TX 18), Cheri Bustos (IL 17), Katherine Clark (MA 5), Jay Obernolte (CA 8), Sara Jacobs (CA 53), and Troy Carter (LA 2)
“It was my privilege as Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations to lead an esteemed Congressional delegation to Europe and Africa to conduct oversight over the United States’ investments abroad, from our defense operations to glob al health and food security initiatives,” said Chairwoman Lee. “In Germany, Ghana, Senegal, and Italy, our dele gation held high level meetings with country officials and toured sites of importance to nations’ economic, humanitarian, and public health infrastructures I thank all those who we met with on this trip for their contribu tions to strengthening the U S mission abroad and look forward to returning to committee work and putting our values into action ”
The delegation began with a visit to Stuttgart, Germany, where members received an AFRICOM Command Brief on security cooperation with Africa as well as an update from EUCOM on the latest regarding Ukraine
In Accra, Ghana, the delegation reaffirmed the strong partnership between our two countries through meetings with the President Nana Akufo Addo, members of Parliament and other country government officials, as well as members of civil society Members conducted oversight of U S projects including the SEKAF Shea Company and Global Shea Alliance and Tema Fishing
Harbor/Canoe Beach to learn about USAID’s support to restore fisheries, Ghana’s primary protein source, and com bat illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing
In Dakar, Senegal, the delegation received briefings from and met with government officials. Members visited a USAID Feed the Future horticulture program, the USAID Trafficking in Persons Project Wallu Talibe as well as the Peace Corps Training Center Members visited Goree Island which memorializes the final exit point of slaves from Africa and heard first hand about the horrors of the Atlantic slave trade
In Rome, Italy, the members met with the US UN Rome country team, Vatican country team, and Italy country team Members received briefings from Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and World Food Program (WFP) lead ership on the growing food crisis threatening 345 million people globally with food insecurity
Congresswoman Lee is a member of the House Appropriations Committee and Chair of the Subcommittee on State and Foreign Operations She serves as Co Chair of the Steering & Policy Committee, former Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus, Chair Emeritus of the Progressive Caucus, Co Chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus Health Task Force, and Co Chair of the Pro Choice Caucus She also serves as Chair of the Majority Leader ’s Task Force on Poverty and Opportunity As a member of the House Democratic Leadership, she is the highest ranking Black woman in the U.S. Congress.
https://lee house gov/
It is one of the tallest memorials in Africa built in the early 1970s. The Limete Tower, which is situated in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was built in honor of the country’s first Prime Minister, Patrice Emery Lumumba
It is 210 meters high and was designed by French Tunisian architect Olivier Clément Cacoub It com menced at the instance of military dictator and former president Mobutu Sese Seko when he assumed the realms of power.
He cited the tower at the center of the city with the N’djili airport and changed the name of the road lead ing to the monument from the Boulevard Leopold II to Boulevard Lumumba after the Martyr of Independence
It is one of the iconic attractions in the industrial hub of Limete, a burgeoning suburb of the national capi tal. The tower, which was completed in 1974, was one of the heart desires of Mobuto Sese Seko, according to Alluring World. His passion to honor the country’s first prime minister compelled him to declare Lumumba a national hero on June 30, 1966
The striking edifice comprised a skyscraper, pyramid, a sanctuary and 12 storey hosting warehouses, indus trial plants, railroad tracks and accommodation facili ties The Limete interchange tower ’s architecture has been described by many as unique but strange given its makeup and how it is structured.
The breathtaking feature of the tower lies in the four columns which can be seen many miles away in any part of the city It was meant to be a museum and an eatery, but, due to the non availability of funds and
poor commitment, that section of the structure had been abandoned According to the architectural designs, the top of the tower was meant to be weaved with a copper spire.
Tourists have reported how awe striking the views are from the upper section of the tower with its impeccable sights Many residents are however disappointed the government could not carry through with its plans to renovate the monu ment in 2010
But the government is confident that when the memorial is renovated, it promises to offer a grotesque look It is expect ed that the first and second floors will be converted into medical cabinets which have been fitted already The base will be used as a hospital and site for healing the sick Other floors are expected to be used by legal luminaries as offices, a restaurant and a school for aviation
A space has been preserved for poets, inventors and scien tists to reflect and create innovations that will transform the republic and its business community.
Its top floor is reserved for birds and pious faithful to rejuve nate their soul The copper spire zone has also been desig nated for prayers and lovers of nature to observe the beauti ful scenery of the Congo River and the hills of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Either way one would look at the memorial, it has not only served the memory of the country’s first prime minister but also offers an array of professionals space to develop their talents and explore nature
Recently, the remains of Lumumba (his tooth) were finally placed to rest in a glass and concrete mausoleum at the Limete tower, Kinshasa
Fredrick Obateru Akinruntan is a Nigerian monarch and the traditional head of Ugbo Kingdom, a town in Ilaje Local Government, Ondo State, southwest Nigeria He is known as the wealthiest monarch in Nigeria and one of the top five wealthiest monarchs in all of Africa, in addition to being a respected and well known oba (King).
At Ugbo, a riverine region in Ilaje, he was born in 1950 into the royal family of Sir Frederick Adetolugbo He is the fourth child in an eight person family, however, he lost his father when he was 14 years old in 1964 The tale of how he came to be king is a fascinat ing one
Akinruntan never took the 1982 prophecy that he would succeed as the Olugbo of the Ugbo Kingdom serious ly Soon after this prophecy, his younger brother received a chieftaincy title unique to him as the upcoming Olugbo Another royal family in the same lineage filed a lawsuit against the then Olugbo as a result, demand ing that he be dethroned on the grounds that his family had held the position for more than 200 years According to Ugbo Kingdom custom and culture, Akinruntan was crowned King in 2009 after the then King lost the legal battle.
Akinruntan was listed as one of the five richest kings in Africa in 2014, according to Forbes ranking, making
him the richest king in Nigeria. Oba Akinruntan’s net worth is estimated to be $300 million As the creator of Obat Oil, one of Nigeria’s largest and most presti gious privately held oil firms, and an oil magnate, the source of his riches is well known to all
In order to serve the requirements of his immediate family and surrounding villages, Oba Akinruntan founded the Obat Oil Company in 1981 in Okitipupa, Ondo State. Over 50 gas stations operated by Obat Oil are located throughout Nigeria. Along with the oil and gas industry, Oba Akinruntan is also involved in real estate, owning presti gious structures in Nigeria and London, such as the iconic Febson Hotels and Mall in Abuja’s Central Business District.
Recently, it was reported that Akinruntan had made history by becoming the first black person to purchase a Bentley 2014 model that had only been built for Queen Elizabeth of England. The king and his two queens are blessed with eight offspring
Akinruntan’s son Prince Abayomi Akinruntan is a politician and businessman who now serves the Ilaje Constituency in the House of Assembly He oversees opera tions at the Febson Hotel Nigeria in Abuja. Before entering into active politics in Ondo State, he was appointed group executive director of Operation Obat group in 2011 and the Ondo State pioneer coordinator for Nigeria Content Development and Monitoring Board in Yenegoa.
instance of mili-
The story of Congo’s iconic Limete Tower, where you will find all that remains of Lumumba