August updated 2014 online version

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Vol 6 Issue 8

African Community News

US-Africa Leaders Summit Concludes in Washington Pg. 7

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Afrikan Post

August 2014

7 Facts You Need to Know About Africa

From the Editor

O u r G r ea tes t G lor y is n o t in n ever f a llin g b u t in r is in g ever y time we f a ll . We ar e committted to b r in gin g th e commu n ity th e bes t in N ews f r om Af r ica a n d th e D ia s p or a .  Yo u may als o vis it o u r webs ite a t r ik an po s f or d a ily n ews u p da tes o n Af r ica . D is cla imer : Th e o p in ion s ex pr es s ed in ar ticles a n d s to r ies in th is N ews pa per ar e th os e o f th e a u th o r s a n d d o n o t n eces s ar ily r ef lect th e views o f Af r ik an Po s t . All co mmen ts a n d s u g g es tio n s a r e welcome.

Page 2

George Bright-Abu Publisher and Editor

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D E PA R T M E N T S Vol.6 Issue 8


Rev. Dr. Seth Baah’s First USA Album Launching Pg. 36

Ghana President Addresses Centenial Attendees in Missouri Pg. 17

Ghana-US sign $498m compact as ECG management set to be outsourced Pg. 18


Contemplating Suicide? Don’t Throw Away Your Blessings Pg. 20


Didier Drogba Retires From International Football Pg. 39


Meriam Ibrahim, Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Die, Arrives in U.S. Pg. 5

Washington, D.C. was a buzz with African dignitaries attending high-level meetings and receptions with President Obama and other U.S. leaders for the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit. By more than 50 African presidents meeting in our nation’s capital at the same time, history was made and more positive images of African people abounded. The theme of this extraordinary Summit was Investing in the Next Generation, a topic that has been at the forefront of my work for the past 20 years. During Nelson Mandela's presidency, I quit my T.V. gig in Los Angeles to move to South Africa to launch my consulting business, Wilson Global Communications, focusing on promoting a more positive image of Africa I had experienced firsthand, and to help balance out some of the western media's largely negative reports. You know, the doom and gloom, the poverty, corruption, and disease narratives that are so popular, even today. While there are elements of truth in those stories, there are also positive stories that were never told. Over the years, I pleaded passionately with private sector investors, U.S. government agencies, and media outlets -- anyone who would listen -- to consider investing in Africa and its future. I talked about the increasing young African populations, now at 50 percent being under the age of 30 years old on average throughout the continent. So I’m thrilled to witness this convergence of Americans and Africans embracing each other, with a focus on investment, at this magnitude. In my work, I gave examples of investment opportunities in agriculture and energy, especially to improve electricity since I personally experienced a ‘3-days on/3-days off’ power cycle while living in Accra, Ghana, which made it difficult to conduct business on a consistent basis. I learned firsthand the value of electrical power and the negative impact on doing business without being able to plug in my computer or re-charge my cell phone. Now, President Obama’s ‘Power Africa’ initiative is gaining` momentum with investment pledges such as the one to overhaul Ghana’s power sector made by the Millennium Challenge Corp. (according to the Washington Post). I also witnessed the surge in cell phones throughout the continent, with many of the handheld devices having more bells and whistles than the ones here in the U.S., such as being able to watch TV on your cell or take care of farming business issues from rural and remote locations. During those years, no one heeded my pleas for investment in Africa. Today, with the Chinese government having invested billions of dollars throughout the African continent and Chinese businesses popping up in nearly every sector over the past decade, buying arable land, building infrastructure such as railways and conference centers like the one they built in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia for the African Union by the Chinese government, the U.S. is paying attention. Not to say that America is looking at Africa differently solely because of China’s growing stake on the continent, but America is now realizing the vast opportunities for trade and investment that bring mutual benefits. Trade with Africa, instead of mainly aid.

Amidst all of the fanfare in our nation’s capital this week, there are announcements of substantial commitments for investments in various African countries, such as those made by the Coca-Cola Company for over a billion U.S. dollars, and by other multinationals in agriculture and other key business sectors such as energy, health, women, food and security, and the environment. The African Diaspora has had opportunities to not only learn about investment opportunities, but to also build relationships with Africans living on the continent. While I’ve maintained my contacts throughout Africa over the years, I made new contacts this week as well, like meeting the Secretary General of COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), the regional umbrella organization comprised of 19 countries on the east coast and southern portion of Africa, who is reaching out to minority-owned businesses to explore opportunities with support through the organization. IN LIGHT OF THE RECENT U.S.-AFRICA SUMMIT, THERE ARE SEVERAL THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE CONTINENT'S PROMISING FUTURE

Here are some vital things you need to know about Africa 1. Africa – the Continent (not country): Africa is made up of 54 countries, and you can fit the entire U.S. inside Africa three times. 2. Africa’s youthful continent: About 65% of the total population of Africa is below the age of 35 years, and over 35% are between the ages of 15 and 35 years – making Africa the most youthful continent. (Only 3% of Africa’s population is 65 years and over) 3. Africa’s Fastest Growing Economies: African countries such as Sierra Leone and The Gambia are among the fastest growing economies in the world. In Sub-Saharan Africa this year, the economic growth is 5.2 percent- and rising. Sales soar for refrigerators, television sets, mobile phones, motorcycles and automobiles in almost every African country, and in Ghana for example, cars and motorcycle sales have increased by 81 percent in less than 10 years! (Since 2006). 4. Technology-savvy Africa: You can watch TV, and conduct farming business remotely from your cell phones in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Nigeria. 5. Poverty has declined: The poverty rate in subSaharan Africa has fallen by 1 percent every year since 2006, and increasingly people are moving from rural to urban areas. 6. Infant Mortality Rates have declined: In Rwanda for example, the rate has decreased by 17 percent since 2009. 7. Gross National Income (GNI) per capita has increased: In Sub-Saharan Africa, GNI has increased by 70 percent in the last five years (from $1,130 to $1,624).


August 2014


Afrikan Post



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We Have Mobile Phones You can Use in Ghana


Afrikan Post


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Obama Renames Young African Leadership Iniatitive (YALI) After Mandela

from the University of Pretoria, which brings expertise in governance training, and Innovation Hub, which provides entrepreneurship support.

• The Center in Senegal will assist young entrepreneurs through the African Center for Advanced Studies in Management’s experience in professional management studies, the West African Research Center’s youth leadership training experience, and the Synapse Center’s support to young leaders.

Expanding the Flagship Program: The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders

AMIP News Photo

During a town hall with 500 young African leaders, President Obama announced the expansion of his Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) which was launched in 2010. Through YALI, the United States is investing in the next generation of African leaders, and has committed significant resources to enhance leadership skills, bolster entrepreneurship, and connect young African leaders with one another, the United States, and the American people.

Signature aspects of this expansion include:

• The creation of four Regional Leadership Centers in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa. • The Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders was renamed as the “Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders” and will be doubled in size to reach 1,000 participants each year by 2016. • New virtual resources and vibrant physical spaces for the YALI Network. • Hundreds of new entrepreneurship grants and mobile incubators, and the Global Entrepreneurship Summit will be held in sub-Saharan Africa in 2015.

Deepening Our Reach on the Continent: Regional Leadership Centers

President Obama also announced the creation of four Regional Leadership Centers in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, and South Africa. Beginning in 2015, these Centers will improve the availability and quality of leadership training programs and professional development opportunities for young African leaders. Each will be run as a public-private partnership, capitalizing on the energy and dynamism of the private sector, the knowledge of African and American institutions, and the programmatic and educational resources of the U.S. Government. The Centers will focus on engaging young leaders from a wide range of organizations and backgrounds and with a diversity of experiences. The Regional Leadership Centers will:

• Provide Quality Leadership Training: Centers will provide both long and short courses on leadership and issues across multiple sectors.

• Support Entrepreneurship: Centers will provide entre-

Today, in front of 500 Fellows, the President announced that the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders will reach 1,000 participants each year by 2016. The Fellowship currently brings 500 of Africa’s most dynamic young leaders to the United States each year for six weeks of leadership training, networking, and mentoring at top U.S. universities. Training and mentorship are focused on three areas: business and entrepreneurship, civic engagement, and public administration. Upon returning home, the Fellows will have access to professional development opportupreneurship support services, including mentoring, technolnities, mentoring, networking, training, and seed funding to support their ogy, and access to capital. ideas, businesses, and organizations.

• Enhance Professional Networking: Centers will offer young leaders the opportunity to connect with each other, American professionals, and experts from across the region.

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will provide $38 million for the creation of and programs in the Regional Leadership Centers. American and African companies and foundations have more than matched these funds, providing principal capital for the startup costs, equipment, and technology for the Centers. The MasterCard Foundation will provide financial support over five years to develop the Centers. With financial and in-kind contributions from Microsoft, Dow Chemical Company, Intel Corporation, and Cisco Systems, the U.S. Government will be able to establish and maintain the Centers, and provide business software and hardware, mentoring, and information technology training through them. With in-kind support from Proctor & Gamble, General Electric, Atlas Mara, and McKinsey & Company, the U.S. and its partners will be able to provide leadership training, technical support, and access to capital for young entrepreneurs. The U.S. Government has joined with the following partners to establish and deliver high quality training, support, and networking through the Centers. In collaboration with USAID, host institutions in Africa will provide instruction and collaboration space, expert training, and coursework for the Centers.

Providing the Tools, Training, and Technology to Promote Leadership: The YALI Network

The YALI Network provides virtual resources and vibrant physical spaces to equip young African leaders with the skills and connections they need to improve their communities and their countries. Established by President Obama in April 2014, the Network already includes more than 68,000 members. Using and social media, the United States provides online courses and materials, and connects members with global leaders in their field. Over the next year, President Obama will continue to engage the YALI Network.

Virtual training, tools, and technology for the YALI Network. YALI Network members will have access to an array of online courses and training materials, along with virtual mentoring and networking opportunities.

• Over 20 Curated MOOCs and 60 facilitated MOOC Camps: YALI Network members are able to access more than 20 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and will be offered 60 facilitated courses in MOOC Camps in YALI Spaces across the continent over the coming year. Additional courses, including on vocational education, will come online in the months ahead. • Tailored web training videos: The YALI Network platform will also provide access to tailor-made training videos on leadership, business and entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and public management featuring U.S. university professors and experts in their field. • Meetups – the ability to connect at home and in person: The YALI Network website will provide members with a “Meetup” option, which enables members to connect, network and even collaborate on new initiatives. • The Center in Ghana will be supported by a consortium Creation of state-of-the-art YALI Spaces. Over the next year, American of civil and private sector organizations including Africa Corners in Cote d’Ivoire, Zimbabwe, and South Africa will be outfitted to 2.0, Africa Capacity Building Foundation, Ghana Private provide YALI Network members opportunities to meet, learn, and incubate Enterprise Federation, and the Center for Policy Analysis, their ideas; spaces in seven additional countries will be renovated over the led by the Ghana Institute of Management and Public next two years. YALI staff will facilitate online courses and provide advice Administration. on everything from business start-ups to opportunities for study abroad. Meeting rooms, collaboration spaces, and business tools will allow YALI • The Center in Kenya will have a robust training curricuNetwork members to work together to create social ventures, community lum with direction from a partnership that brings together service projects, and new business start-ups. Deloitte’s global management and strategy skills, the estabBuilding on a tradition of engagement. All of our embassies in Africa have lished curriculum and capacity of Kenyatta University, the significant, sustained engagements with young leaders. Currently, 43 public administration training of the Kenya School of embassies have youth councils that provide input into U.S. policies and Government, and Africa Nazarene University’s youth contribute to the design and execution. engagement and outreach.

• The Center in South Africa will benefit from an education alliance led by the University of South Africa, with support


2014 Page 6

A sneak peek of how picnic is done at GATEWAY International Christian Center (GICC). The event took place on Saturday AUGUST 9, 2014 at Leeslyvania State Park.

Apostle Acheampong interacting with the men

Apostle Acheampong and Wife relaxing at the picnic

Members having a good time

GICC Children Ministry

GICC LADIES MINISTRY with first Lady Prophetess Mrs. Marie Acheampong, co-founder of GICC Worldwide Ministries.

GICC MEN MINISTRY with Apostle Rev. Elvis Acheampong founder & presiding Pastor of GICC Worldwide Ministries

The Men, Women And Youth Competing at Musical Chairs

More than just a picnic... with beach experience

Fryin' in style

US-Africa Summit: US firms to invest $14bn in Africa US companies have pledged $14bn (ÂŁ8.3bn) of investment in Africa in areas such as energy and infrastructure, US President Barack Obama has said.

The announcement came at the first US-Africa Leaders' Summit, attended by over 40 African heads of state.

The summit is an effort to strengthen US ties with Africa as China increases its African investments.

Mr Obama also hosted a dinner for African leaders at the White House.

The deals announced on Tuesday included a $5bn partnership between private-equity firm Blackstone and Aliko Dangote, Africa's richest businessman, for energy infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as more investments in Mr Obama's Power Africa initiative.

According to the White House, Power Africa received an additional $12bn in pledges towards its effort to develop energy supplies on Africa through a mix of investment and state involvement. Unlocking growth' The World Bank announced a $5bn investment in Power Africa and General Electric said it had committed $2bn to help boost infrastructure and access to energy.

"We gave it to the Europeans first and to the Chinese later, but today it's wide open for us," said General Electric chief executive Jeff Immelt.

Mr Obama also said that the US would offer an additional $7bn of financing through the Doing Business in Africa (DBIA) Campaign, bringing the total new US commitments to investment in Africa announced on Tuesday to $33bn.

"Up to tens of thousands of American jobs are supported every time we expand trade with Africa", said Mr Obama.

"As critical as all these investments are, the key to unlocking the next era of African growth is not going to be here in the US, it is going to be in Africa, " he added. The three-day summit ended on Wednesday August 6, 2014.

United States Commitment To Africa 2014 Schedule of Events at the US Africa Summit August


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U.S. Government Statements, Briefings, Speeches and Fact Sheets -08/06/14 Remarks by the President in Press Conference after U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit -08/06/14 A Conversation Between First Lady Michelle Obama and Mrs. Laura Bush Moderated by Cokie Roberts at "Investing in our Future," a Symposium for Spouses on Advancements for Women and Girls in Africa -08/06/14 Investments Announced at Symposium for African Spouses Hosted by First Lady Michelle Obama and Former First Lady Laura Bush -08/06/14 Media Note: Joint Statement on Libya by the Governments of Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, and the United States -08/06/14 Remarks by First Lady Michelle Obama at "Investing in Our Future," A Symposium for Spouses on Advancement for Women and Girls -08/06/14 Statement by the Chair of the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit -08/06/14 White House Fact Sheet: Security Governance Initiative -08/06/14 White House Fact Sheet: Partnering to Counter Terrorism in Africa -08/06/14 White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Support for Peacekeeping in Africa -08/05/14 Executive Order - Establishing the President's Advisory Council on Doing Business in Africa [104 Kb] -08/05/14 Expected Attendees at Tonight's U.S. - Africa Leaders Summit Dinner -08/05/14 Information on the White House State Dinner on the Occasion of the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit [152 Kb] -08/05/14 Readout of National Security Advisor Susan Rice's Meeting with Prime Minister Mavinchandra Ramgoolan of Mauritius -08/05/14 Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria -08/05/14 Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting with President Jacob Zuma of South Africa -08/05/14 Readout of Vice President Biden's Meeting with President Moncef Marzouki of Tunisia -08/05/14 Remarks by President Obama at the U.S.-Africa Business Forum -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry Kerry At the U.S.-Africa Business Forum Leaders Forum Session "Game Plan: Shaping the Future of a Fast-Growing Continent" -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry And African Union Commission Chairperson Dr. Dlamini-Zuma Before Their Meeting -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry And South Sudanese President Salva Kiir Before Their Meeting -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Before Their Meeting -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and the IGAD Leaders After Their Meeting -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry at the U.S. - Africa Clean Energy Finance Initiative Signing Ceremony -08/05/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry, Ghanaian President John Mahama and Millennium Challenge Corporation CEO Dana Hyde at the Signing of the Ghana Power Compact -08/05/14 Toast Remarks by President Obama at U.S.-African Leaders Summit Dinner -08/05/14 U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker Delivers Remarks at U.S.-Africa Business Forum -08/05/14 White House Fact Sheet: Powering Africa: Increasing Access to Power in Sub-Saharan Africa -08/05/14 White House Fact Sheet: The Doing Business in Africa Campaign -08/04/14 Presidential Memorandum -- Establishing a Comprehensive Approach to Expanding Sub-Saharan Africa's Capacity for Trade and Investment [64 Kb] -08/04/14 Readout of National Security Susan E. Rice's Meeting with Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni of Libya -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry And President of Mauritania Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Angolan Vice President Manuel Domingos Vicente Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Burkina Faso President Blaise Campaore Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Burundi President Pierre Nkurunzizu Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Democratic Republic of the Congo President Joseph Kabila Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Prime Minister of Libya Abdullah al-Thinni Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry and Tunisian Foreign Minister Mongi Hamdi Before Their Meeting -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary Kerry at AGOA Ministerial -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary of Kerry at a Working Session on Resilience and Food Security in a Changing Climate -08/04/14 Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry at the Civil Society Forum Global Town Hall -08/04/14 White House Fact Sheet: Shared Investment in Youth -08/04/14 White House Fact Sheet: U.S. - African Cooperation in Advancing Gender Equality -08/04/14 White House Fact Sheet: U.S. - African Cooperation on Global Health -08/04/14 White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Support for Combating Wildlife Trafficking -08/04/14 White House Fact Sheet: U.S. Support for Democratic Institutions, Good Governance, and Human Rights in Africa -07/31/14 On-The-Record Conference Call on the U.S. - Africa Leaders Summit -07/31/14 Remarks at the Atlantic Council by Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs -07/30/14 African Affairs Video Content by the Department of State [55 Kb] -07/30/14 Remarks by National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice "Africa and America: Partners in a Shared Future" -07/30/14 Remarks by the First Lady Before a Roundtable with Young African Leaders -07/30/14 Remarks by the First Lady at the Summit of the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders -07/29/14 Remarks by Ambassador Michael Froman on Growing the Development Dividend: U.S. Trade Policy & Global Development in the 21st Century -07/28/14 Remarks by President Obama in Town Hall with the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders -07/28/14 Remarks by Secretary of State John Kerry at the Presidential Summit of the Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders -07/28/14 White House Background & Fact Sheet: The President's Young Africa Leaders Initiative (YALI) -07/09/14 LiveAtState: U.S.-Africa Relations, the YALI Summit, and the U.S.-Africa Leaders' Summit -04/14/14 President's Video Message - Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) -01/21/14 Statement by the Press Secretary Announcing the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit

Source:US State Department




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World Bank Revitalizes Education Development in Sierra Leone with US$17.9Million and US$5.5Million The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the learning environment in targeted schools and establish systems for monitoring of education interventions and outcomes.

“Over its three-year implementation period,the Revitalization Education Development in Sierra Leone (REDiSL) project is expected to directly benefit approximately 6,000 primary schools and 150 JSS in select districts.

Approximately 900,000 students in grades 1-3 levels (about 50 percent of whom are female) are expected to benefit from the early grade reading program.”

By: SEM Contributor on August 5, 2014.

The World Bank has in the form of a grant, make available the sum of more than twenty million United States Dollars to uplifting educational development in Sierra Leone.

The Proposed Global Partnership for Education Fund and MDTF grant in the amount of more than Seventeen Million Dollars ($17.9 Million) and more than Five Million United States Dollars ($5.5Million) are meant for a Revitalization Education Development in Sierra Leone (REDiSL) Project.

“Indirect beneficiaries will be all those children of primary school age (this figure is estimated to reach 1.1 million by 2015).

“Targeted interventions like the school grants and early childhood education will further benefit those located in poorest districts of the country, aiming at improving the learning environment. “Ten percent of the teaching workforce or approximately 4,000 teachers and administrators will have the opportunity to complete the trainings associated with the reading program,

or the early childhood education program.

“Future classes of teaching institutions will also benefit as teachereducators will also be involved in the training (development and roll out) and will in due course incorporate it into the pre-service teaching curriculum. The larger circle of beneficiaries will include all teachers who will benefit from the services of the Teaching Services Commission to be established, as well as communities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), district education offices, Local Councils, and third parties involved in the project.

The Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST) will benefit from the efficiency inputs, to be supported through this project and the capacity enhancements to monitoring and reporting. Finally, donor partners are expected to be indirect beneficiaries of the REDiSL as systems will be established to coordinate donor activities and to provide a more comprehensive, consolidated framework for working in the education sector. The signing ceremony which took place at the World Bank in Washington DC USA saw Ambassador Ibrahim S. Conteh signed on behalf of the government of Sierra Leone on Friday August 1, 2014. He was accompanied by Ms. Fattmata Dao. Source:


August 2014

Next to Blaze N Cuts and Aburi Gardens Restaurant -Opposite Checkers





August 2014



Nigerian Man Igho Sanomi Emerges Africa’s Ghanaians in the United Youngest Billionaire States Interact with During his time in this role he single handedly develDiaspora Affairs Bureau oped the company’s trading operations by negotiating August 2014

the export and delivery of fuel oils from West Africa to the United States Gulf Coast. He also developed a strategic alliance with a major international oil trading group based in Zug, Switzerland.

This partnership oversaw the import and export of millions of tons of refined petroleum products to and from the West African coast.

In the power sector, Taleveras Group is working in partnership with Nigeria’s Federal Capital Development Authority on the construction of several electrical substations. Additional substations are also under construction in the Niger Delta region as part of the National Integrated Power Project. In 2010 the Taleveras Group coordinated a number of well known power industry suppliers to construct an 185MW power station and distribution substation.

At age 39, Igho Charles Sanomi II has made history as the youngest billionaire from Africa.

He hailed from Agbor area of Delta state. He owns businesses in oil and power sector and also has his own private jet. Here is his official biography:

“Igho Charles Sanomi II was born in 1975 in Agbor Delta State, Nigeria, the fifth child (and first son) of a devout Catholic family.

His father, the late Dickens Oghenereumu Patrick Sanomi hailed from Delta State Nigeria and was a retired Assistant Inspector General of the Nigerian Police.

He is the young, dynamic founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Taleveras Group, an internationally recognized energy and power conglomerate with offices in London, Geneva, Cape Town, Dubai, the Ivory Coast, Abuja and Lagos.

The second phase of this project, involving the delivery of a further 200MW capacity is currently in progress. Most recently, the Taleveras Group lead a consortium that acquired a majority stake in the Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution company via a process of competitive tender. This company will be responsible for the distribution of more than 2,000MW of power in River State, Nigeria.

Mr Sanomi entered the world of business shortly after completing his Bachelor’s Degree in Geology and Mining at the University of Jos in Northern Nigeria. He rose quickly to the position of Executive Director with Sarian Oil and Cosmos Oil AG, an international Oil Trading Company with its core activities in West Africa.

The Diaspora Affaires bureau of the ministry of foreign affairs is a landmark initiative of the the Government of Ghana, which has formalized the engagement of the Ghanaian diaspora for effective migration management and national development planning. The new Diaspora Affairs Bureau, which enjoys the direct support of Ghana’s President and Minister of Foreign Affairs, is responsible for national diaspora engagement and migration matters within the Ministry.

Proposed objectives include the creation of a diaspora database, engagement of diaspora for national development, awareness campaigns, research, and coordination with migration and development stakeholders. On wednesday, August 7 and saturday August 9, 2014 officials of the bureau held meetings at the Ghana Embassy in Washington DC to collate views from the Ghanaian community in respect of Diaspora engagement , explore effective ways to tap and harness the Ghanaian Dispora for National Development There was also a presentation by Fedelity Bank which has established several branches in Ghana and currently seeking ways to provide the platform for Ghanaians in the dispora to invest in real estate.

At the meeting were Mrs. Amma Twum Amoah , Head of Mission at the Ghana Embassy and Mr. Jojo Bruce-Quansah, Head of Information

As the driving force behind the Taleveras Group, Mr Sanomi has been instrumental in the expansion and diversification of the company’s operations. Annually, the Taleveras Group trades hundreds of millions of crude oil barrels and millions of tons of fuel oil, jet fuel, gasoline, condensates and liquefied petroleum gas.

The company’s oil exploration and recovery activities include the acquisition of production sharing contracts (PSCs) for three offshore oil blocks in Ivory Coast and rights to a further two oil blocks in Nigeria.

He also acts as Chairman or Co-chair on the boards of Source: www. companies with interests as diverse as construction, telecommunications, shipping, aviation and real estate. Mr Sanomi’s mother, Mabel Iyabo Sanomi holds a Royal title of Yeye Jemo of Isotun Ijesha Kingdom in Osun State. She was a renowned nurse and medical entrepreneur from Osun State in South Western Nigeria.


Officials of the Diaspora Bureau


August 2014



August 2014


Rev. Frank Opoku Amoako Shares Thoughts On Marriage Life With Ohemaa Mercy And Husband On Highlife Radio

Rev. Frank Opoku-Amoako

Host of Highlife radio program “Awarie Mu Nkomoh” (Discussions on Marriiage) Apostle Frank Opoku-Amoako, hosted Ghana’s Gospel music Queen and her manager and husband on his sunday evening program on August 10 to discuss issues in marriage . The program had to extend for close to five hours as callers to the program did not want to be left out of the discussion varied opinions were poured out and diverse experiences were shared . Ohemaa Mercy was of the view that due to cultural differences marriage in Africa is different from the western world but the centerpiece of mariage should be based on Godly principles of love, submission and respect. One of the panelists on the program was of the view that the Church today does not play an effective role in mending marriages but rather tearing marriages apart due to spouses commitment to the Church than to marital responsibilities. Rev. Amoako who is a veteran marriage counselor with a passion for harmonous marriages seemed to excert control over the subject that he answered questions thoroughly to the admiration of the listeners. Ohemaa Mercy and her husband who are currently on a private visit to the United States decried the rate of divorce in marriages in the Western World and appealed to the Pastors to properly counsel couples on their expectations in marriage inorder to prepare adequately for any eventuality. Rev. Opoku Amoako. affectionately called Pastor Frank, is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Destiny Life International Church, based in Manassas, Northern Virginia, USA.

Pastor Frank is also the Apostolic Overseer of Destiny Life International Churches, as well as the International Director of Globepart International – a non-profit organization that seeks to "Make People A Part Of The Global Community"

He is a great preacher and teacher of God’s Word, a church planter, visionary leader and author of several books, including: ‘Wisdom for Singles’, ‘Passion for Your Marriage Bed’ and ‘Surviving Your Troubles’. He is a motivational speaker, marriage counselor and host of radio marriage talk shows.

He has accumulated a great wealth of wisdom and leadership experience in ministry over the years that make him preach, teach and write with knowledge, clarity, conviction and power.

In December 2013, he was recognized and awarded an Honorary Doctor of Divinity Degree by the US-based American Bible University, for his strong pioneering, church planting, leadership development and community impact ministry across the world.

He is married to Doris and they live together in Northern Virginia with their three children, David, Phebe and Charles.

Ohemaa Mercy and Husband



August 2014

Kwabi-Addo Seeks “Ethnic Sensitivity” In Cancer Research


icantly associated with Colorectal cancer”.

On the other hand, diets rich in fruits and vegetables and modest exercise has proven to significantly reduce risk of Colorectal cancer. Other cancers, such as prostate cancer has a strong genetic component Dr. Addo says.

Individuals who come from a family with history of an affected male relative have increased risk of prostate cancer compared to individuals with no such family history. Through genetic studies, “we have identified several genes that may be associated with the disease etiology and or progression of prostate cancer and this is helping us to design better markers for early detection of the disease when there is a good chance for a cure and such studies would ultimately lead to new therapeutic interventions”.

When asked about how his interest in cancer begun, Dr. Addo reveals: “an aunt of mine was diagnosed with breast cancer in the late 1980s, a time when we little was known the disease particularly in Ghana. Even though my auntie had mastectomy, she eventually succumbed to the disease because we were unable to afford several medications that might have helped her and this really was the impetus for my pursuit of cancer research.”

A US based Ghanaian medical research scientist has asked Ghanaians and Africans living on and off the continent to be more aware of their health, asking that they pay more attention to their lifestyles to modulate their risk to cancer because cancer is no more a disease of the West.

Dr. Bernard Kwabi-Addo is a cancer research biologist and an Associate Professor of Biochemistry at Howard University in Washington D.C. where he talked about the research he is conducting on cancer risks, particularly in individuals of African ancestry. He also talks about his findings and recommends preventative measures.

“I joined Howard University in 2007 after completion of my postdoctoral research training because I felt this historically black institution will give me a greater opportunity to conduct more research on Africans and African Americans as we seek to discover better ways of attacking the disease among the world’s black communities.”

Dr. Addo completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry at the University of Dundee in Scotland and a Master of Science in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University College London in the UK where he worked for a year at the Medical Research Council in Cambridge prior to embarking on a PhD research program at the University of London.

After completing his PhD work in Molecular Biology, he came to the USA for a post-doctoral fellowship in the laboratory of Professor Michael Ittmann at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas where he studied the molecular mechanisms underlying prostate carcinogenesis. His work in Prof. Ittmann’s laboratory really inspired him to look more into cancer in ways that will assist sufferers of the disease with particular interest in people of the black race.

As he says, “in comparison to the past century, these are very exciting times to do cancer research because we are now understanding a lot more about the causes of cancer, the factors associated with its etiology and or progression. For some types of cancers such as Colorectal cancer, we know that the predominant risk factors are environmental factors and life style choices: for instance, epidemiological studies have demonstrated that a diet rich in red meat and highly processed foods, combined with sedentary lifestyle is signif-

This rather unfortunate incident made the doctor decide to study breast and prostate cancers because they are major public health concerns not only in the US but globally. Both cancers share a lot in common as some studies have reported a common etiology by observing high incidence of prostate cancer among men in geographic regions where breast cancer is also common. These 2 organs are hormone dependent; breast tissues is dependent on estrogen and prostate tissues is androgen-dependent.

“My research focus is primarily investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying prostate cancer etiology and progression. I carry out a lot of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) analysis: looking for mutations, deletions and other genetic changes that can alter gene expression and contribute to carcinogenesis. In addition I study another phenomenon known as epigenetic changes such as DNA methylation changes and how these alterations contributes to prostate cancer disparity” explains Dr. Addo.

Speaking on his research findings, the doctor says his laboratory is focused on finding novel biomarkers for cancer detection. The current screening tools for breast and prostate cancers are namely, mammography and Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screening respectively. The PSA is not specific to prostate cancer. Indeed if you have benign prostatic hyperplasia a condition that causes encouragement of the prostate that is common in older men of 60+ there is some form of infection causing prostatitis, increasing PSA levels and creating problems with the sensitivity and specificity of using PSA screening for prostate cancer tissues.

“We therefore need other markers that can be used perhaps in conjunction with the current PSA screening. Another issue is that the PSA threshold is different for African American and Caucasian men. Therefore, there is a need for a more “ethnic sensitive” marker for the disease’s detection. My work investigating the DNA methylation pattern in prostate tissue samples from both races has identified several genes that shows differential methylation patterns in these 2 groups with varying sensitivity and specificity for each group. We are therefore pursuing this angle of research in a large population based setting.”

Another area of scientific interest to Dr. Addo is cancer prevention. The American Cancer Society predicts that 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.



What is causing this alarming rate of cancer incidence—— aging. Cancer is mostly detected in people over the age of 60 years and for the first time in modern history we are living longer than our predecessors so we will find increase cancer incidence. We also know that our environment is changing our diet and lifestyle due to urbanization.

Unfortunately these changes are causing harm to our DNA, thus anything that can potentially affect your DNA can lead to cancer. However, less than 10% of genetic mutations underlies hereditary or familial predisposition to cancer. Thus the majority causes of cancer are environmental exposures and how these interact with our genes. These and other issues related to this topic are thoroughly explained in a book entitled “Cancer causes and controversies——understanding risk reduction and prevention” written by Dr. Bernard Kwabi-Addo. This book is available in hard or paperback at

Besides his book, Dr. Addo and his collaborators have published several scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals reporting genetic and epigenetic alterations that underlie breast and prostate carcinogenesis and the disease disparities. They are actively pursuing several genes they’ve identified from studies as biomarkers for disease detection.

On the downside, a major challenge faced in cancer research, according to Dr. Addo is that the molecular basis of both breast and prostate cancer is heterogeneous, meaning that there are multiple genetic factors that can cause each disease. For example, there are sub-types of breast cancer such that one individual or individuals belonging to one ethnic group may be more susceptible to one particular subtype of breast cancer compared to another individual or ethnic group.

The good news is that the completion of the human genome project now makes it possible to generate a molecular profile for each cancer patient to specifically target treatment; this is ultimately paving the way for precision or personalized medicine. This excites Dr. Addo who says his “long term research goal is to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer disparities and to design more “ethnic sensitive” markers for the disease detection.

It has become important for Ghana and African researchers in cancer to work on discovering avenues of treatments that work better for people of that race and to also remove the stigma and dread attached to all forms of cancer to enable people speak more on their conditions, take necessary precancer tests and begin working in communities to promote cancer prevention.

By Oral Ofori



Key facts

Ebola virus disease (EVD), formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic fever, is a severe, often fatal illness in humans. EVD outbreaks have a case fatality rate of up to 90%. EVD outbreaks occur primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests. The virus is transmitted to people from wild animals and spreads in the human population through humanto-human transmission. Fruit bats of the Pteropodidae family are considered to be the natural host of the Ebola virus. Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. No licensed specific treatment or vaccine is available for use in people or animals. Ebola first appeared in 1976 in 2 simultaneous outbreaks, in Nzara, Sudan, and in Yambuku, Democratic Republic of Congo. The latter was in a village situated near the Ebola River, from which the disease takes its name.

Genus Ebolavirus is 1 of 3 members of the Filoviridae family (filovirus), along with genus Marburgvirus and genus Cuevavirus. Genus Ebolavirus comprises 5 distinct species:

Bundibugyo ebolavirus (BDBV) Zaire ebolavirus (EBOV) Reston ebolavirus (RESTV) Sudan ebolavirus (SUDV) Taï Forest ebolavirus (TAFV). BDBV, EBOV, and SUDV have been associated with large EVD outbreaks in Africa, whereas RESTV and TAFV have not. The RESTV species, found in Philippines and the People’s Republic of China, can infect humans, but no illness or death in humans from this species has been reported to date.


Ebola is introduced into the human population through close contact with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected animals. In Africa, infection has been documented through the handling of infected chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, forest antelope and porcupines found ill or dead or in the rainforest.

Ebola then spreads in the community through humanto-human transmission, with infection resulting from direct contact (through broken skin or mucous membranes) with the blood, secretions, organs or other bodily fluids of infected people, and indirect contact with environments contaminated with such fluids. Burial ceremonies in which mourners have direct contact with the body of the deceased person can also play a role in the transmission of Ebola. Men who have recovered from the disease can still transmit the virus through their semen for up to 7 weeks after recovery from illness.

Health-care workers have frequently been infected while treating patients with suspected or confirmed EVD. This has occurred through close contact with patients when infection control precautions are not strictly practiced.

Among workers in contact with monkeys or pigs

Facts About Ebola Virus Disease infected with Reston ebolavirus, several infections have been documented in people who were clinically asymptomatic. Thus, RESTV appears less capable of causing disease in humans than other Ebola species.

However, the only available evidence available comes from healthy adult males. It would be premature to extrapolate the health effects of the virus to all population groups, such as immuno-compromised persons, persons with underlying medical conditions, pregnant women and children. More studies of RESTV are needed before definitive conclusions can be drawn about the pathogenicity and virulence of this virus in humans.

Signs and symptoms

EVD is a severe acute viral illness often characterized by the sudden onset of fever, intense weakness, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, impaired kidney and liver function, and in some cases, both internal and external bleeding. Laboratory findings include low white blood cell and platelet counts and elevated liver enzymes.

People are infectious as long as their blood and secretions contain the virus. Ebola virus was isolated from semen 61 days after onset of illness in a man who was infected in a laboratory.

The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms, is 2 to 21 days. Diagnosis

Other diseases that should be ruled out before a diagnosis of EVD can be made include: malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsiosis, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers.

Ebola virus infections can be diagnosed definitively in a laboratory through several types of tests:

antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) antigen detection tests serum neutralization test reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay electron microscopy virus isolation by cell culture. Samples from patients are an extreme biohazard risk; testing should be conducted under maximum biological containment conditions. Vaccine and treatment

No licensed vaccine for EVD is available. Several vaccines are being tested, but none are available for clinical use.

Severely ill patients require intensive supportive care. Patients are frequently dehydrated and require oral rehydration with solutions containing electrolytes or intravenous fluids.

No specific treatment is available. New drug therapies are being evaluated.

Natural host of Ebola virus

In Africa, fruit bats, particularly species of the genera Hypsignathus monstrosus, Epomops franqueti and Myonycteris torquata, are considered possible natural hosts for Ebola virus. As a result, the geographic distribution of Ebolaviruses may overlap with the range of the fruit bats.

August 2014



Ebola virus in animals

Although non-human primates have been a source of infection for humans, they are not thought to be the reservoir but rather an accidental host like human beings. Since 1994, Ebola outbreaks from the EBOV and TAFV species have been observed in chimpanzees and gorillas.

RESTV has caused severe EVD outbreaks in macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) farmed in Philippines and detected in monkeys imported into the USA in 1989, 1990 and 1996, and in monkeys imported to Italy from Philippines in 1992.

Since 2008, RESTV viruses have been detected during several outbreaks of a deadly disease in pigs in People’s Republic of China and Philippines. Asymptomatic infection in pigs has been reported and experimental inoculations have shown that RESTV cannot cause disease in pigs.

Prevention and control

Controlling Reston ebolavirus in domestic animals No animal vaccine against RESTV is available. Routine cleaning and disinfection of pig or monkey farms (with sodium hypochlorite or other detergents) should be effective in inactivating the virus.

If an outbreak is suspected, the premises should be quarantined immediately. Culling of infected animals, with close supervision of burial or incineration of carcasses, may be necessary to reduce the risk of animal-to-human transmission. Restricting or banning the movement of animals from infected farms to other areas can reduce the spread of the disease.

As RESTV outbreaks in pigs and monkeys have preceded human infections, the establishment of an active animal health surveillance system to detect new cases is essential in providing early warning for veterinary and human public health authorities.

Reducing the risk of Ebola infection in people In the absence of effective treatment and a human vaccine, raising awareness of the risk factors for Ebola infection and the protective measures individuals can take is the only way to reduce human infection and death.

In Africa, during EVD outbreaks, educational public health messages for risk reduction should focus on several factors:

Reducing the risk of wildlife-to-human transmission from contact with infected fruit bats or monkeys/apes and the consumption of their raw meat. Animals should be handled with gloves and other appropriate protective clothing. Animal products (blood and meat) should be thoroughly cooked before consumption. Reducing the risk of human-to-human transmission in the community arising from direct or close contact with infected patients, particularly with their bodily fluids. Close physical contact with Ebola patients should be avoided. Gloves and appropriate personal protective equipment should be worn when taking care of ill patients at home. Regular hand washing is required after visiting patients in hospital, as well as after taking care of patients at home. Communities affected by Ebola should inform the population about the nature of the disease and about outbreak containment measures, including burial of the dead. People who have died from Ebola should be promptly and safely buried. Pig farms in Africa can play a role in the amplification of infection because of the presence of fruit bats on these farms. Appropriate biosecu

Nigeria: U.S. Recovers Millions of Dollars Stolen From Nigerian Government



The United States has recovered more than $480 million hidden in bank accounts around the world by a former Nigerian dictator and his associates.

A Justice Department news release Thursday said the money represents a portion of the billions of dollars stolen from the people of Nigeria by former Nigerian president Sani Abacha, his son Mohammed Sani Abacha, their associate Abubakar Atiku Bagudu and other corrupt individuals.

The department says the money can be used for the benefit of the Nigerian people, but that the ultimate disposition of the funds depends on rulings in several foreign jurisdictions.

Approximately $303 million are in two bank accounts in the British dependency of Jersey, $144 million are in two bank accounts in France, and three other bank accounts in Britain and Ireland have at least $27 million.

Claims to an additional $148 million in four investment portfolios in Britain are pending.

General Abacha became president of Nigeria through a military coup in November 1993. He held the position until his death in 1998.

August 2014

Robin Williams Dead at 63


Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams died at his Northern California home on August 11, 2014 at the age of 63. "He has been battling severe depression of late," his media representative Mara Buxbaum told CNN. Williams, born in Chicago on July 21, 1951, studied theater at Juilliard School before taking his stand up act to nightclubs. He was cast as Mork, an alien visitor to Earth, for a 1974 episode of television's "Happy Days. The death of the Mrs. Doubtfire actor is a tragic and sudden loss. was an American actor, voice actor, and stand-up comedian. Rising to fame with his role as the alien Mork in the TV series Mork & Mindy (1978-1982), Williams went on to establish a successful career in both stand-up comedy and feature film acting. His film career included such acclaimed films as Good Morning, Vietnam (1987), Dead Poets Society (1989), Awakenings (1990), The Fisher King (1991), and Good Will Hunting (1997), as well as financial successes such as Popeye (1980), Hook (1991), Aladdin (1992), Mrs. Doubtfire (1993), Jumanji (1995), The Birdcage (1996), Night at the Museum (2006), and Happy Feet (2006). He also appeared in the video to "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin.

Nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actor three times, Williams went on to receive the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor for his performance in Good Will Hunting (1997). He also received two Emmy Awards, four Golden Globes, two Screen Actors Guild Awards and five Grammy Awards. On August 11, 2014, Williams was found unconscious at his residence and was pronounced dead at the scene. The Marin County, California coroner's office suggested the cause of death to be suicide by asphyxiation,though it is still under investigation.


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August 2014

Ghana President Addresses Centenial Attendees in Missouri Mahama flew to Springfield following the conclusion of a firstof-its-kind three-day trade and security summit in Washington, D.C., hosted by President Barack Obama with leaders from 50 African nations. Since March, Mahama has been chairman of Economic Community of West African States.

On Tuesday, Mahama signed a $498 million compact with the U.S. government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation, designed to invest in greater energy efficiency in Ghana, a nation of 24.7 million people. The compact marks the largest U.S. transaction under the Obama administration’s Power Africa initiative. Tuesday night, Mahama and his wife, Lordina, dined at the White House with President and Mrs. Obama.

By John W. Kennedy – John Dramani Mahama, president of Ghana since 2012, greeted attendees Thursday night August 8th, at the kickoff of the Assemblies of God Centennial Celebration at JQH Arena in Springfield, Missouri.

The congenial Mahama, calling himself a onetime nominal Presbyterian who is now a committed member of the Assemblies of God, said he accepted an invitation to attend the global gathering because of a “happy coincidence.”

At the start of the AG Centennial, Mahama, wearing all white and accompanied by Secret Service agents, recounted how he for years dropped his spiritually minded wife and children off for services at an AG church while he engaged in non-church activities. He said the pastor met him one day after services and explained the rest of his family eventually would be dropped off at the gates of heaven but Mahama would be locked out. He began attending church regularly after that.

Mahama said his faith gives him comfort and confidence in a stressful job as he knows God guides his steps. He said he


appreciates the backing of AG members, and he considers his ascension to the highest office in the land the exclusive work of Almighty God.

“The world is becoming a very dangerous place,” Mahama said. “All sorts of fundamentalist groups threaten freedoms and liberties of nations. Working together as a global alliance we can block it.”

According to a 2010 census, 72.1 percent of Ghanaians are Christian, with 28.3 percent of the population self-identifying as Pentecostals. The AG has more than 1.9 million members and adherents.

Ghana became the first sub-Saharan African nation to peacefully attain European independence in 1957. Mahama, 55, is the first Ghanaian leader born since the country gained independence. Ghana is considered a model of democracy on the often-turbulent continent. Source:

Meriam Ibrahim, Sudanese Woman Sentenced to Die, Arrives in U.S.

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese mom who was sentenced to death for refusing to renounce her Christian faith, arrived Thursday in the U.S. after an international campaign to save her. Ibrahim, 27, landed at the Manchester, New Hampshire, airport shortly after 8 p.m. ET, with her husband, Daniel Wani, and their children, Martin and Maya, on a flight from Rome, where they’d taken refuge for the past week after a month of diplomatic negotiations won her release.

Ibrahim doesn’t speak English, but with tears streaming down his face, Wani, a U.S. citizen from southern Sudan, said how happy he was that he and his family were on safe ground. Members of Sudanese Evangelical Covenant Church in Manchester, which has one of the largest expatriate south Sudanese communities in the U.S., were also on hand after having spent more than a month preparing for their arrival. While in Rome, Ibrahim — who gave birth to Maya while she was in a Sudanese prison was blessed by Pope Francis, who praised her “courageous witness to faith.”

The Rev. Joel Kruggel, pastor of Bethany Covenant Church, which sponsors the Sudanese congregation, told NBC News the next step would be to get the family out of Wani’s studio apartment and into a larger home.

“There’s been tons of support. There’s been tons of love,” he said Thursday night. Now the community is focused on helping the family “absorb the fact that they are safe in New Hampshire, where life can be closer to normal.” Source:


Edusei Foundation Cuts Sword for International Center

August 2014


The Edusei Foundation on Friday the 8th of August, cut the sword for the building of the multi-purposed Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei Internation Center in Bekwai, Ashanti Region. On hand to do the sword-cutting was Head of the Bekwai Catholic Diocese Simon Kwaku Wiredu as a crowd of traditional leaders and well-wishers looked on.

The center will house the head office of the Edusei Foundation, which is dedicated to youth development and the empowerment of women and children. The center will also be used for other commercial activities to help boost the development of the rural areas. The location is in line with an effective developmental adage of decentralization, a bottom up approach to development with special emphasis on the rural areas.

The International Center consists of a huge multipurpose conference Hall, computer labs, library, museum, seminar auditoriums with full audiovisual equipment, twelve class rooms, science laboratories, thirty hostel rooms each with bath and other amenities, restaurant, and stores all to help create an ideal milieu for our goals. Estimated jobs that would be created as a result of the center number well into the hundreds.

It may be recalled that the Edusei Foundation has reached out and organized a number of Youth Workshops in cities across the globe including London, New York City, Hartford, Connecticut, Washington DC, and Toronto, Canada. Plans are in the advanced stages to hold its first Youth Workshop on Ghana’s soil in Kumasi this Fall. At each of these Youth Workshops, the enthusiasm elicited among the attending youth, the positive feedback, and the encouraging galvanization that has engulfed the youth in those cities in the aftermath of the events all combined to inform the decision to build an international resource center to further the ambitious mission of steering the youth towards positivity, and empowering women and children.

The Catholic Priest of Bekwai Diocese Rev. Father Simon Kwaku Wiredu Cutting the sod to commission the project

The center represents a heeding by Dr. Kwame Bawua-Edusei of a UNICEF report from a comprehensive study called Generation 2030/Africa. The report estimates that the children population in Africa will increase by 75% to one billion by 2050. The clarion call made by that UNICEF report to better prepare the continent's youth falls in line with the Edusei Foundation's mission of fostering positive thinking among the youth.

Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei, using his own up-bring by parents who focused on positive thinking as testimony, is complete in his conviction that the negativity that ails Africa has been the bane of our developmental challenges. To combat the menace, the consumate diplomat and philathropist believes we must instill leadership and positive thinking in the lives of Africans while they are young. That way they would be better positioned to take the mantle of leadership and development from our generation.

This enormous task of developing the youth has become the central focus of Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei's. He has thus declared his resolve to dedicate the remainder of his life as a private citizen to focus of building his business, developing the youth, and empowering women and children.

Construction work has already begun less than a week after the sword-cutting event, and will continue feverishly until completion anticipated to be around the summer of 2015 while the multipurpose conference center will be ready later in fall of 2015. A six acre land has also been acquired at Esumeja to provide a retreat to help in youth development and other activities.

The whole international center is sponsored by Dr Kwame Bawuah Edusei and family. Dr Edusei will use his immense international experience to attract international and local experts to use the facilities in the center to offer their best in capacity building to the Ghanaian youth who constitute the future of our nation.

The UNICEF children wing of United Nations released a study : called Generation 2030/Africa Report] yesterday that showed hence a clarion call was made for the continent to make plans for children as a foremost importance. In addition to this the Foundation is committed to ensuring positive thinking and actions as one can get all the education if they have the wrong[ NEGATIVE} mind set it does not only help society but work against

Models of the Dr. Edusei International Center


August 2014

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Contemplating Suicide? Don’t Throw Away Your Blessings Her Page

Dr. Miriam C. Gyimah “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end” (Jeremiah 29:11). The expected end that God speaks of in the scripture is not one where you take your life. He has plans for you. He wants you to be joyful and successful, so don’t at anytime submit to a contrary voice that wants to lead you to destruction. Despite your challenges, despite the gloomy predicament, you can and will rise above. This too shall pass and you can have a joyful and fulfilling life. On the afternoon of July 11, 2014, the anniversary of my 16th wedding anniversary, I sat in a funeral service for a 21 year old top university senior who in his short life had managed to have accomplished so much academically and socially. His many friends from high school, college and church joined his family in a very bitter sweet moment not only to mourn his death, but also to celebrate his short shinning life. While sitting there, often shaking my head, with sadness hovering all about me as I could only imagine the pain my friend, his mother, was feeling, I wondered to myself more than once, why this very handsome and brilliant young man would kill himself? The fact is in the aftermath of his suicide, we learned of his reasons to take his own life, but I will not share it here. I think the better question is how could he have come to such a pass? I reflected on this haunting question even in the initial days of the discovery of his death and after his funeral. I still wonder how, but I believe I already know how he could come to this, because while solemnly sitting in this mega church in a sea of people wearing black, I remembered my own thoughts of suicide many years ago. My college friend’s only child, a very promising young man is dead— gone out of her physical realm forever, leaving behind unfathomable heart break, loss and sweet memories that a mother would always treasure. But this Christian young man, an active member of his

church and college community is lost and I wonder why o why as I am hurting for my friend and mourning the thoughts of what could have been. After contemplating suicide myself, I know the dark suggestions that can haunt one and push them to an early grave by their own hands. Nearly 15 years after these dark episodes of suggestions to end my life, I am here in the land of the living to give praise and gratitude to my Savior Jesus Christ who has saved me in so many ways and times. I am glad I didn’t follow through with the path that the devil wanted to lead me. I am glad that I resisted his insistent urge to end my life in such a violent and tragic way. For I have come to live these 15 trying yet very blessed years and so thankful to God that I am still here. Within the first year I was married, in the midst of such immeasurable blessings of sealing my fate with my wonderful life partner, embarking on a prestigious dissertation fellowship and my husband having been blessed with scholarships to pursue a double master’s degree at Syracuse University, I, for weeks at a time, struggled with thoughts of suicide. The reality was that I could have been truly lost to my husband, family and friends, not to mention my future in a matter of seconds each day I drove that brown Chevrolet Celebrity that my brother had passed down to me after he had received it years before from our father. My death would have been ruled an accident or perhaps the suicide that it actually would have been and my family and loved ones would have been in utter disbelief that one so young, vivacious and with great possibilities ahead of her could choose to end her life while she had so much going for her. That year, I was faced with a series of life threatening health scares that overwhelmed me and threatened to alter the course of my life. First, during a routine pap smear, I was diagnosed with abnormal cells on my cervix which if not removed could become cancerous. I was afraid and boy did I hear the loud palpitations of my heart during that diagnoses and each time I thought about it. But gratefully, I underwent the outpatient procedure and the cells were successfully removed. Months after, having been given the okay to begin a family, we did and became pregnant. Precisely three months into the pregnancy, on the very day that we had decided to share the great news with our family and loved ones, I suffered a terrible miscarriage. I remember lying on the new gray carpet of my renovated apartment, there in the living room suffering excruciating pain, the ambulance coming and hauling me to the hospital and having doctors and nurses inform me that

the child had been lost but that the lodged placenta will have to be extracted by performing a D&C although they had hoped to avoid that. My husband held my hand in this large and cold hospital in Syracuse, where we were hundreds of miles from friends and family. We returned to our apartment about two days later empty and devastated. In the midst of this loss and upon some medical follow ups, it was discovered that I not only had an incompetent cervix as a result of the cervical procedure, but that I also had a benign brain tumor which if left alone would threaten my life. So here my body, which I had always proudly depended on for its health and fitness, was betraying me and I wondered if there was much I could do about it. Thank God for a praying family! During that time, my husband and I prayed, but I can remember that I surely shed more tears than uttered words to God’s throne. While you are going through difficulties, depending on your level of maturity as a Christian, it can be truly trying to hold on to the positives and rest on your faith in God. So here, I was working on this voluminous dissertation and teaching literature to college students and undergoing these tiring experiences of further medical tests, MRIs, contemplations of brain surgery, medications and so on. Meanwhile, my husband who had begun his intense double masters program also found himself undergoing a series of blood texts and painful bone marrow exams with doctors suggesting he might have lupus, aids, leukemia etc. It was within this period, while everything seemed so dark and overwhelming that these thoughts of suicide haunted me. I cried behind the wheel of my car. I cried in my bed, I cried in my shower, I cried on my knees in prayer. Why was this happening? How could this be happening and how am I to survive all these issues? We just got married. I am nearly at the end of 11 years of full time university studies. This should be my victory lap, yet I saw no victory in sight, only pain and uncertainties. Why was life dealing with me this way? How could I live through all of this? But I did! As much as I wept, as much as I was hurting and as much as I was depressed with such pressures and fears, I didn’t listen to the voice of the enemy to drive my car into the electrical polls or off the roads. The fear of the Lord contained me and the hope of tomorrow kept me still holding on to the wheel steadily making my way to my destination. The Lord’s written word encouraged my heart and kept me living, kept me swimming in these murky waters until I found my way out of the pain. In the end, there was nothing wrong with my husband and while my physical ailments were real and challenging, they were not a death sentence, so I did not

August 2014



have to quicken my demise. I wish my friend’s son would have held on and listened to the voice of the Lord. I wish he would have realized as I did that life would be better tomorrow. Tragically, he didn’t and now we mourn this great loss and the bright future he would have had. My mom always says “Christ makes the difference” and it is quite true, but I have also learned that even when we have Christ and we go through tough adversities, we should be careful to listen to His voice. We should be more careful to seek His face and ask for prayers from friends and family. Such prayers will help guide you out of the darkness. I never told anyone that I had contemplations of suicide. I was too ashamed, but I talked enough with my husband and mother for them to know I was in deep agony. Their prayers and encouragement greatly helped me. Should you be in any such situation, know that life has better things to offer than what you are suffering at the moment. Know that Christ has great plans and blessings for your life and Satan only wants to steal them. Don’t allow the devil to talk you into ending your life. Don’t allow the devil to convince you that things will not get better. It is a lie. Life will get better. Trouble will pass and you will have a brighter tomorrow. Remember the Bible says about Satan that, “the thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” but Christ says of himself, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). So fight for your long life here on earth and in heaven. Don’t succumb to the devil’s suicidal suggestions to kill and destroy you. Cling to God, hear His words, comfort yourself in Him and live for yourself, live for Christ and shame the devil.

Who Is The Funniest?

Joke Center

3. A man who goes to a bank with a spanner to open an account

The Professor answered No. 'Well, that means crocodileology will eat your headology & u will dieology with your knowledgeology because of your badmouthology'.

4. A man who puts a radio in a freezer to listen to cool music

Source: Evans Awuah

Mumuni Sister Wants to Die

Mumuni's sister Kafaya took a rope to commit suicide...

Mumuni: Ah ah Kafaya why you dey tire rope for up? Kafaya : I wan hang myself jor! Mumuni: Why do you have make up on ? Kafaya : You dey mad ni?!!! You dont know say my face go show for papers and telivision tomorrow?

Iron Call

Akpos was walking in the street and met Mumuni who asked him what had happened to his ears as both were covered with bandages.

He said "I was ironing my shirt when my phone rang. Instead of picking up my phone, I picked up the hot iron so I burnt my ear"

Mumuni asked, "So what happened to your other ear?" He said, "That same idiot called again!"

A Sinking Boat.

The Professor got angry and said 'what the hell do you know? You will die of illiteracy'. One hour later, the boat start sinking, the sailor looked at the professor and said ' Do you know swimminology and escapeology from sharkology?'

2. A nurse who wakes up a sleeping patient to give him sleeping pills because she forgot to give him the medicine

6. A man who puts perfume on his body to snap a picture...


A Professor was travelling by boat, on their way he asked the sailor ' do you know biology, ecology, zoology, embryology & epidemiology? ' NO' answered the sailor.

1. The man who waves a newscaster while watching TV news

5. A man who lowers the volume of his TV because he wants to read a text message

August 2014

Only in Africa

Akpos Cheating In An Exam During the exam, Akpos kept looking under the table, then he would write on the answer sheet. His teacher saw him When collectdoing that & thought he was copying. ing the paper after the exam. Teacher: I'm gonna minus 10 marks. Akpos: Haaaa!! Why ma? Teacher: For copying. Akpos: How do you know that I was copying ? Teacher: I saw you looking under the table. Akpos: *laughing* Question 9 said, STUDY THE TABLE BELOW.

What's My Birthday Gift?

Akpos: Happy Birthday Sweetie Girl: Thanks so much baby...So what's my birthday gift? Akpos: (pointing) Can you see that red BMW parked over there? Girl: Oh my God!....yes.... yes...yes...I can't believe this... Akpos: I bought you a toothbrush of the same colour... Girl: Na THUNDER go fire you!

The Marathon Race

Akpos sees lot of guys running on the highway. He asks a pedestrian, "Who’re those guys?" THE PEDESTRIAN: A Marathon race is going on. AKPOS: What do they get from that? PEDESTRIAN: The winner will get a prize. AKPOS: Then why are the others running? Source:


5th Anniversary Barbecue and Picnic of Kingslight Chapel International Church August 2014



As part of the 5th Anniversary Celebrations of Kingslight Chapel, the church organized a very successful Barbecue and Picnic at the beautiful Leesylvannia Park. The packed to capacity shelter 4 was full of people from all walks of life and there was so much fun and great celebration. There was so much to eat and drink. A whole grilled pig was on display and was ceremonially opened by the Senior Pastor and the first lady. There were highly contested games like Ludo, Oware, Lime and spoon, chair dancing etc CONGRATULATIONS TO KINGSLIGHT CHAPEL. INT.!! Located at 14348 Jefferson Davis Hwy, Woodbridge, VA 22191 (703) 910-7828

Some Church Members Assisting Rev. Dr. and Rev. Mrs. Ahia-Armah to cut the Anniversary Cake

A whole grilled pig on display

Packed to capacity shelter 4

Traditional Fufu Pounding

Fired Up Grill

Fun Time

Ghana-Us Sign $498m Compact As ECG Management Set To Be Outsourced

August 2014


Electricity Company of Ghana, the country’s main distribution company, on a sustainable path, help the utility meet current electricity needs and upgrade infrastructure to reduce outages and improve service. A second tranche of up to $190 million in funds will be made available if Ghana accomplishes a set of reform targets set forth in the compact.


The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) , a bilateral United States foreign aid agency signed the first compact with Ghana in August 2006 and gave the country US$547 million. It brought significant infrastructural projects including the now iconic National Highway (N1) in Accra. MCC signs either a compact or a threshold agreement with a partner country. A compact is awarded if the country scores highly on the selection criteria indicators. If the country scores poorly but has a positive, upward trend on the selection criteria, it can still be eligible for a smaller grant, called a threshold program. Source: Ghana||Edwin.appiah

Mr. Terkper and Dana Hyde in a handshake after the signing

Confirming the signing to Joy News, Director of communications at the presidency Ben Dotse Malor explained the MCA "is going to make a huge difference in the lives of people, in the lives of companies and in the work of many will be devoted to the largest degree to power energy production. This will greatly result in the reduction of poverty across Ghana".

Ghanaians have had to endure a two-year erratic supply of power that has brought businesses to its knees. The Ghana Revenue Authority has explained its inability to achieve its tax collection targets was because businesses have suffered due to the energy crisis.

The President has assured, he will end Ghana's energy crisis and asked Ghanaians to give him sometime.

“This new Compact with the MCC demonstrates the growing cooperation between Ghana and the USA. It will benefit millions of our people and contribute immensely to the achievement of my 'Energy For All' objective," said President John Dramani Mahama.

Mr. Terkper and Dana Hyde in a handshake after the signing

Under the second compact which will last for five years, Ghana has agreed to give up the management of the Electricity Company of Ghana for a private company in the hope of bringing efficiency in ECG's operations.

The outsourcing of management of the company allays fears the government-owned power company was up for outright sale.

Ghana is also expected to contribute 15 per cent of its own funds to the project pushing the figure to $535,565,000.

The second compact according to the MCC, is the largest U.S. Government transaction to date under Power Africa and will serve as an anchor for increased American engagement in Ghana.

“MCC’s Ghana Power Compact takes a system-wide approach to transforming Ghana’s energy sector. The compact invests in projects focused on distribution to make the country’s power utility financially viable and capable of attracting private investment while it also funds initiatives supporting greater energy-efficiency and cleaner renewable energy. These investments will provide Ghanaian homes, schools and hospitals with the access to the reliable electricity they need to thrive,” said Dana J. Hyde, MCC’s chief executive officer. MCC will make an initial investment of up to $308.2 million, including funding to put the

President John Mahama speaking before the signing of the compact

I Was Not A Brilliant Student But Won Many Awards For My School – Kwadwo Nkansah Lil Win




Arguably the most popular actor in Ghana now, Kwadwo Nkansah Lil Win has stated that even though his rise to fame took him through a lot of obstacles, he is here to stay on the Ghanaian entertainment scene. Speaking on Sankofa Radio in Virginia, USA, during his recent tour, the “Gamiee” coiner said, “I don’t allow stardom to get into my head but I keep calm and learn from others because I know where I am coming from. I have really gone through a lot before getting here and if I am making it today, I believe the best thing is to learn more and be on top for a very long time.” Lil Win recollecting his past said “I was nobody not too long ago, but look at me now. I’m here to stay” Talking about how he entered into movies, Lil Win, a former student of Methodist Primary JSS in Kumasi said he was not a brilliant student in class but won many awards for his drama group in school because he was very funny. The “Made In Agege” actor who has starred in over 200 movies also stated that he has a good working relationship with the English actors and has worked with Majid Michel, Van Vicker among others. He therefore rubbished the perceived tension between the Twi (Kumawood) and English actors.

Lil Win singled out the late John Evans Bosempem Santo as the person whose antics on the screen influenced him as an actor. The father of one stated, ”I loved how he (Santo) fused jokes with wise sayings. He was a genius and an interesting character. I was very sad when he passed away”

Lil Win pointed to his humility, commitment to the needy and hard work as the reasons why his career is soaring. He therefore reiterated the need for


Page 24

DJ Ras and Lil Win at the Sankofa Studio celebrities to reach out to the less unfortunate in society and use their status and power to positively influence society. Sankofa Radio is the first privately owned Ghanaian radio station in Virginia, United States. Log on or dial 7124322873 to enjoy 24/7 programming content.

A Voice for Women Emerges on Sankofa Radio

Naa who goes by the name Ewuraabena when on air is very passionate about this program on radio where women are able to express themselves without holding back. “ I have made a few mistakes in my life as a woman and my main aim is to be able to talk about it freely and help the 21st century woman to have a different approach to life. In my opinion a woman should be able to talk about anything , sex, health and social difficulty. I know that because of our African backgrounds a lot of women hold back on a lot of issues and this is why I came up with this program which is made up of only women as panel and we are able to discuss any topic that comes up. I love what I do and love when my listeners call me with their feedback. “

Tune in to or call to listen on 712-432-2873 . You can also connect with us on on Facebook (Tulip Tulip)

Naa Ameley Tagoe, a radio talk show host on Sankofa radio has emerged as the voice for women in the community. Her show which comes on air every Wednesday from 7pm-9 pm ET on Sankofa Radio is dedicated to giving women the platform to speak about issues affecting women in various aspects of life without holding back.

Hanging out with one of Ghana's finest Gospel artiste Ohemaa Mercy and Fiifi Banson of Peace 104.3FM

Stevie Wonder Flew And Landed My Plane Safely – Rawlings Reveals



May 13, 1950 and has been blind since birth. He has recorded more than thirty U.S. top ten hits and received twenty-two Grammy Awards, the most ever awarded to a male solo artist, and has sold over 100 million albums and singles.

New Jersey: Immigration Official Charged With Illegally Bringing Person Into U.S. From Ghana August 2014

Page 25

The former president explained that Stevie Wonder was able to land the plane successfully because he is blind.

Source: Ghana | | Ernest Dela Aglanu Former president Jerry John Rawlings has revealed that Grammy award winning musician, Stevie Wonder, who is visually impaired has successfully flown a plane.

According to President Rawlings, who is also reputed for his prowess in flying military jets, he handed over the controls of the plane to Stevie Wonder, who was then on a trip to Ghana, and Wonder miraculously flew the plan and landed safely.

The former president made the interesting revelation when his family donated some items to boxers Bukom Banku and Ayittey Powers at his Ridge residence Thursday.

He narrated that, “Sometimes I would fly with people in the right seat, I would take off and I would give the controls to them and say ‘you fly’. I do that with a lot of people and they have difficulties flying straight and level through the air etc but on this day, when I took from the Akosombo bush, I handed over to him this blind man, who couldn’t see, flew that aircraft so well.”

“All I was doing was to tell him to turn right a bit, [turn] left,” and whenever he turns, he did something else which could only be done by people who knew how to fly.

He said he accused Wonder of knowing how to fly but Stevie Wonder said he has never flown a plane before, Rawlings added. The former president, who was a Flight Lieutenant, revealed that, when they were coming back to Accra, he “guided this guy [Stevie Wonder] all the way till we landed, I didn’t touch the controls not once and…we did a beautiful landing and I was just on the power.”

“People on board the plane were clapping [and] it was a small 13-seater. I think my wife was on board then. There was a French television crew on board, they filmed it. Not too long afterwards they were seeking permission to show it,” which he said Stevie Wonder did not agree.

According to Rawlings, the musician did not allow it because “he had landed that thing unaided so successfully, he thought people won’t believe it and they probably won’t believe that he’s truly blind.”

The ‘Signed, Sealed, Delivered’ hit singer has talked about the incident in his memoir and people still don’t believe it, Rawlings noted.

Known in real life as Stevland Hardaway Morris, Stevie Wonder was born

“When you can see and you are coming to land, the approaching runway has a way of intimidating you. You think you are going to crash into it so before you even reach low enough you are pulling back, you are afraid you are going to crash into the group. We all do it as leaners till we overcome that thing,” he observed.

“Because this man could not see, he did not have that fear. He was not intimidated by an approaching run way,” Rawlings added.

The former president also disclosed that he thought his daughter Zanetor to fly at age 13 and she even flew a plane by herself.

By Bill Wichert | The Star-Ledger

Hillside, New Jersey — Soon after the sun rose today over his Hillside home, Samuel Nyanteng apparently had some unexpected visitors knocking on his door: Those visitors were federal and state authorities looking to arrest Nyanteng, a federal immigration official, on charges of submitting fraudulent documents and making false statements in order to illegally bring another person into the United States from Ghana.

Nyanteng, 33, was taken into custody at about 6 a.m. when detectives executed a search warrant at his Leslie Street home, according to the Essex County Prosecutor’s Office. Nyanteng has been charged with perjury, false swearing and conspiracy. Bail has been set at $30,000 with a 10 percent option, and he is expected to make his first court appearance later . The arrest was made by detectives with the prosecutor’s office, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and its division of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. A naturalized American who was born in Ghana, Nyanteng has been working for the last three years in the Newark office of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an agency within the Homeland Security department, prosecutors said. As an “immigration services assistant,” Nyanteng performed administrative support duties, said USCIS spokeswoman Anita Moore. He has been placed on administrative leave, Moore said.

At the time of his arrest, Nyanteng was in line for a promotion, prosecutors said. Before working for Homeland Security, Nyanteng worked for the U.S. Department of Defense, prosecutors said.

Prosecutors allege that Nyanteng submitted fraudulent documents and knowingly made false statements to immigration authorities in order to bring another person into the United States from Ghana. Authorities did not identify the other person. No one answered calls made today to Nyanteng’s residence.

Fiifi Banson, Ohemaa Mercy And Others Climax Prayer For Children In Virginia



We pray for ourselves, businesses, families, jobs and many others but prayers dedicated to children against mental, physical and spiritual challenges is something that Fiifi Banson has been inspired to champion.

The idea has caught on so well with Ghanaian parents in the Diaspora such that after one of such successful programs in Ghana a special invitation was sent to Fiifi Banson and his team to come to Virginia .

Almost every radio station in Virginia hosted the ace radio broadcaster from peace fm to talk about the idea behind such a laudable program. Ohemaa Mercy the gospel diva from Ghana who coincidentally happened to be on a tour in the United States volunteered to be part of this program and joined Mr. Banson to share her thoughts about the value of dedicated prayers for the children of today. Speaking on Manassas based highlife radio station prior to the program, Fiifi recalled how he started his career as a sports presenter on Radio Gold, and transitioned to entertained segment of peacefm . His 20 year career can be described as a success however as a man of faith he has been inspired to veer into this kind of ministry alongside show business.

On Saturday, July 26th, the A and C banquet hall in Woodbridge Virginia was filled to capacity as many residents of the Washington Metro area joined hands to seek the face of God for their children.

Mrs. Catherine Forson , founder of Ghana based prayer chain ministries lamented on how children had often been ignored in the quest to forge a relationship with their parents but has seen this movement as a new way of rekindling the spiritual relationship and bond that is needed in various homes and in the community

Nana Yaw Akosah, known in show business as Papa

August 2014



Sheee who is now a pastor joined Rev. Thomas Ofosuhene , Rev. Manford and Rev Paitoo of Resurrection Power ministries to lead the gathering to cry unto the almighty to intercede on behalf of the children.

The testimonies that followed the night’s event caused an overflow at the banquet hall on Sunday July 27.

A lady minister shared a testimony about how two of her children were born with autism and through dedicated prayers God had healed one of them so with that determination she joined the meeting believing for a miracle for the second one. Many others shared testimonies about how their wayward children had been delivered from satanic entanglements. Some children had also been detached from generational curses in the families. It was a sight to behold as the power of the Holy Spirit descended into the A and C banquet hall.

Ohemaa Mercy's songs kept many people on their feet throughout the two day program

At the end the visibly shaken and elated Fiifi Banson expressed his appreciation to the various sponsors, including Regimanuel gray estates , Mrs. Jennifer Patterson and Ishark Ahmed who offered the hall for the program at no cost, the musicians, the radio stations , Afrikan Post newspaper and all others who contributed to the success of the program.

Mrs. Catherine Forson , founder of Ghana based prayer chain ministries

Victor Nyankah,Tulip (Sankofa radio) Ohemaa Mercy, Papa Shee and wife with Fiifi Banson

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8 Year Old Boy Marries 61 Year Old Woman

Sanele Masilela said that he feels like a proper husband now Married 61-year-old friend Helen Shabangu in an extravagant white wedding His dead grandfather asked him to wed from beyond the grave His family insists it was just a ritual to appease ancestral spirits

With his feet dangling above the floor and his child's portion of food, it looks like he's having dinner at his grandma's. In fact Sanele Masilela, 8, is enjoying dinner with his wife, following his marriage to her two weeks ago, and said he is now beginning to feel like a proper husband. The school boy married Helen Shabangu after his grandfather contacted him from beyond the grave telling him that he needed to wed.

The schoolboy chose family friend and mother-of-five Helen and his family paid ÂŁ500 for her to be his wife at a ÂŁ1,000 ceremony in Tshwane, South Africa. Sanele admitted that since the wedding, he has begun to feel like a married man. He said:'The day was great and it was exactly what I had imagined it would be like. 'My friends thought it was really funny that I was getting married but I do now feel like a husband.' Dressed in a bow tie and tiny silver suit, little Sanele, the youngest of five children, exchanged rings in front of 100 guests and even puckered up for a kiss. But, despite appearances, it wasn't real, the marriage was just a ritual and not legally binding. The couple do not live together but Helen is often invited to have dinner with him at the family's home. Sanele has gone back to his life and continues to enjoy school and playing football with his friends but admits that the wedding was important to him. He said: 'My grandfather contacted me through a picture of my mother's wedding. 'We have a special bond because I am named after him. 'He said he had seen the picture and felt sad that he had never been able to have a white wedding of his own so he asked me to get married. I chose Helen because I love her.' News of the wedding sent shockwaves around the world but Helen, who has already been married for 30 years and has five children between 37 and 27 years old, defended the ceremony. She said: 'I know the story went out all over the world and it's great that other countries have been able to learn about our culture and our ancestors. 'What we did was not wrong. It's just our culture. When the ancestors ask something, we do what they say. I don't think other people understand that.

August 2014


Ceremony: The schoolboy kisses his 61-year-old bride, who is already married and a mother of five. He said he had been told to tie the knot by his ancestors

Eight-Year Old Sanele Masilela posing with his 61-year-old bride at their wedding ceremony. The marriage has caused shock-waves around the world

'I know the ancestors are happy now because we are all alright and everything seems better and greater. 'The whole family is much happier than we've ever been.' Helen admitted the expensive ceremony had been much bigger than her original wedding to husband, Alfred, 65, and had no regrets. She added: 'I will always stay close to Sanele's family even before the wedding and before Sanele chose me as his wife we were very close. 'Nothing has changed since then.' Her husband of 30 years, Alfred, 65, said: 'My kids and I are happy. Sanele also said he hoped he would have a proper wedding to a woman his own age when he was older.




Sanele Masilela and Helen Shabangu share a meal together at Helen's home. The eight-year-old has said that he feels like a married man now

August 2014




Advert Sponsored by Ghana Tourist Coach Radio

As part of the Asante Festival taking place later this month in Alexandria, Virginia on August 30th and 31st, the organizers have arranged for one of Ghana’s foremost children’s authors to come and launch a book at the event. This 48-page book entitled “Ancient Royal Tales from Ghana for Children” teaches children the history of some ancient Ghanaian Kings and Queens. Osei Tutu I of the Asante, Ntim Gyakari of the Denkyira, Dode Akaibi of the Ga and Ndewura Jakpa of the Gonja are some of the royals featured in this book. Abyna-Ansaa Adjei is the author of eight books and has a writing career spanning some 15 years. Her first book published in 2001 was a biography of the Asantehene, “Otumfuo Osei Tutu II: King of Gold” and is found on the shelves of universities like Harvard and Yale. In 2006, Abyna-Ansaa was commissioned by the Government of Ghana to write and produce the commemorative book for the celebration of Ghana’s Golden Jubilee of Independence: Ghana @ 50. She has also published books for children on the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the independence of Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya. In July 2014, she launched ‘Anansesem: The Adventures of Kweku Ananse: The most cunning spider that ever lived’ which has been very well-received. You may find more information about Abyna-Ansaa and her work at



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Osita Iheme To Inspire Students With His New Book

and distribute copies of his new book titled “INSPIRE 101” to different schools in the country to form part of their library and research materials.

The book has already been reviewed by respectable personalities including Professor Pat Utomi who gave it high marks for the way he espouses his ideas of inspiration.

For Osita, this was an opportunity he has been waiting for:

“This is a dream come true, I pray and believe that the ‘Inspire 101’ (book) will have a direct positive impact on students and any other person that reads it. It is the fragment of my thoughts and beliefs that drove and elevated me from my ‘not too comfortable background’ to a better person in the society.

Years of acting and the numerous challenges of life has led the Porpo to write all his experiences in a book.

Osita Iheme who received an endorsement from the Universal Basic Education Commission of Nigeria, has contracted Africana First Publishers PLC to print

People can move from the background of lack and insufficiency to become a beacon of hope and inspiration to others. As role interpreters, our fans erroneously believe that what we act in movies depicts our true self but this cannot be the truth; ‘Inspire 101’, which is a compilation of my original quotes, is a peep through the window of my soul.”

Brazilian Woman Discovers Her Husband Is Also Her Brother

Bijan Stephen The two have been together for 10 years

A Brazilian woman on a quest to find her long-lost birth mother recently received the shock of her life: After locating her parent with the help of a radio program that specializes in finding lost relatives, she found out that her husband of seven years was actually the brother she never knew she had.

Adriana and her husband, Leandro, had known they’d both been abandoned by their birth mothers at a very young age. Adriana, 39, hadn’t seen her mother since she was 1, and Leandro learned at 8 that the woman he thought was his mother was, in fact, his stepmother.

The two got together ten years ago, after Adriana moved back to her hometown in the wake of a failed marriage, and had a child together; neither of them, however, gave up the quest to find their birth mothers, and last month Adriana reached out to Radio Globo’s “The Time Is Now”. On air, Adriana’s mother disclosed that she’d also had a son whom she’d left—Leandro.

Adriana apparently told Radio Globo that she and Leandro planned to stay together. “Only death is going to separate us,” she said. “All this happened because God wanted it to happen.”

August 2014


T.B. Joshua Sends 4,000 ‘Anointing Water’ To Sierra Leone, Gives $100,000 In Humanitarian Aid


Nigerian Prophet T.B. Joshua announced in his service today that 4,000 bottles of his ‘Anointing Water’ had reached Sierra Leone and were received by ‘government officials’, to spiritually fortify the country in their fight against the deadly disease, Ebola.

According to the outspoken pastor, a private jet was chartered to the tune of $50,000 to convey the spiritual items to the Ebola-stricken nation yesterday.

An additional $50,000 was also given in humanitarian aid to the victims of the disease, courtesy of Joshua and his ‘Emmanuel TV Partners’.

Before ministering to foreign visitors at his ‘prayer line’ service, Joshua then gave a stern warning to Nigeria about the way the Ebola crisis was being handled.

“Ebola is not Nigeria's challenge,” he began. “Our challenge is insecurity. It is a strange ailment. That someone from another country for an ECOWAS meeting and died of Ebola does not mean Nigeria is not safe," he stated, adding that fear-mongering in the media was only making matters worse.

“To the extent we talk bad about Nigeria, to that same extent our name is destroyed,” the cleric defiantly continued, bemoaning the name Nigeria was being given in the international community because of the news projected.

“This is a country under repair because of what Boko Haram has done to the nation. Don’t damage it more. This nation is safe. If there is any challenge, we have what it takes to surmount it,” he stated, calling on Nigerians to learn from the way Ghana protected the name of their nation.

He added that two deaths recorded in the most populated African country from Ebola did not merit a state of emergency as announced by President Goodluck Jonathan. “All of this is propaganda,” Joshua angrily stated.

“When a little thing happens, you exaggerate it because you are looking for funds. How much can the international community give to us that can redeem the name Nigeria we are soiling? A beggar always remains a beggar. Africa, stop begging – you have what it takes to solve your problems.”

Joshua further decried the news that some African nations had closed their borders to the countries affected by the Ebola outbreak, stating that it negated the premise of African unity.

“What is the meaning of African unity? The wound of an African is the wound of all Africans. The wound of one is the wound of all. A nation that stands to solve the problem of other nations will become successful,” he added.

“We should rise up and see the wound of others as our wound. Stand up to the occasion and help instead of closing your borders against your African brothers.”

Joshua concluded that giving citizens proper education about the disease was important but the spread of the disease should not be maliciously exaggerated.

“That does not mean you should use it to destroy the name of Nigeria as if it is here. It’s not! Protection and prevention – that should be our assignment in Nigeria,” he said.

The fear of Ebola did not seem to deter foreigners flocking to The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) as nearly 2,000 visitors arrived in Nigeria this week alone to worship at the international church.

According to Joshua, the ‘Anointing Water’, has been anointed by God to bring healing and deliverance to people. His website boasts a large amount of testimonials from people who have ministered the water and received healing from a vast array of ailments.

Source: Ihechukwu Njoku - freelance Nigerian journalist


Anita A. Bediako- REALTOR® –Licensed in the Common Wealth of Virginia Prince William County-Local Expert CONTACT 571-229-6694; Email:

The other side of the issue that troubles me is that our parents have failed to recognize that their decision for not investing has impacted the younger generation. We find it difficult to keep par with our peers who are non-Africans. Most of our peers graduate with minimum or no student loans because their parents were able to use their home equity to support their college education. Furthermore, our peers tend to get ahead of us because they have the luxury of living with their parents after college and as a result they are able to purchase their own first home and other things that give them an edge over us. Most importantly, our parents have failed to recognize that "us” the 2nd, 3rd etc…generations, the chances of us going back to motherland to acquire or posse your properties are slim. We ask that you keep the investment(s) here so we (your children, grand children, great grand children) can enjoy your labor. Mommy, Daddy, Uncle, Aunt; the younger generation is crying out loud that you wake up and begin to realize that America is the land of opportunities and investment through home ownership is part of the deal that drove you from motherland to this great country you live in and now call “home”. When we see you investing or owning a property, it gives us something to look up to and the will to achieve greater things. It is no longer about you and going back to motherland; it’s about investing in our future so we can also enjoy all that America has to offer. I will leave you with this to ponder; scripture says “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children.” So as you start thinking of this, I urge you to start planning and start dreaming. The American dream is achievable and attainable. Imagine that! Stay tuned for the next article which will provide a step by step guide on how to achieve the American dream through home ownership. Blessings in full portion!

For more information about your real estate needs call me I am a 2nd generation of an African descent living overseas and at 571-229-6694 and I will help you get started. Thank you. over the years I have realized that the first generation of African descent has a myopic way of thinking and doing things. As a Realtor, I have come across a number of scenarios that I feel burdened and overwhelmed to address. One of the attributes I have encountered is “IGNORANCE”. Of course scripture does say that “for lack of knowledge my people perish” and indeed most Africans are perishing because of the symptom of ignorance. What I have been trying to wrap my mind around is when you lay the foundation and educate one about the benefits of buying a real estate property in America, they are quick to say “I am concentrating on my project back home where I will spend my golden years!” Over and over I keep hearing this statement. Yet, I have seen people go back home and come back to America in a twinkle of an eye. When I asked the reason for their sudden return back to America, the laundry list of things that drove them back to America goes on and on. Most go back home to find their project in shamble, or the monies that were sent home have been used by their relative (s) for other things; or sadly they go home and tragically die and not even enjoy the fruits of their labor. You know the stories. It puzzles me that we have not learned anything from these atrocious stories. We continue to perpetuate this cycle. Imagine if you had invested in real estate here in America, you would have greatly reaped the benefits. Here are a few things to consider. You would have gone back home and come back to your real estate property in whole to enjoy, or you could have enjoyed rental income from the real estate property in America while living overseas or you could have sell and cashed out the equity on your real estate in America as you venture off to motherland. You see real estate investment in America is a win-win coin for you.

U.S. Hosts West Africa Cooperative Security Initiative Forum on Transnational Organized Crime August 2014



On August 8, the United States hosted West African partners from Benin, Cabo Verde, Cotê d’Ivoire, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, and Togo at the U.S. Department of State to discuss the mutual concern of transnational organized crime. The dialogue brought together representatives from West African states and members of the U.S. interagency community in order to strengthen regional cooperation and discuss future priorities for combatting transnational organized crime.

Transnational criminal activity, particularly narcotics trafficking, threatens regional stability in West Africa and U.S. national security. Criminal organizations operate globally and leverage vital transportation, communications, and financial networks, and enjoy impunity by exploiting or co-opting vulnerable individuals and institutions. Proceeds from these activities have been known to provide support, directly or indirectly, to violent extremist organizations. It is not sufficient to tackle these threats solely through bilateral law enforcement cooperation. Combating transnational organized crime requires an integrated, whole-ofgovernment approach in coordination with regional and global partners, underpinned by the UN drug control and anti-crime treaties.

During the meeting, the United States and our West African partners affirmed our commitment to cooperatively address transnational organized crime in West Africa. The United States will continue to offer technical assistance to build accountable and effective government institutions and an active civil society, both of which can address transnational organized crime and its supporting activities, including drug trafficking, corruption, and money laundering. The United States reaffirmed its commitment to work with West African states to reduce demand for illicit drugs. We are also committed to working cooperatively with West African partners following the U.S.-Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington and in the lead up to the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs scheduled for 2016.

The West Africa Cooperative Security Initiative (WACSI) is a U.S. government effort to increase global security by addressing transnational organized crime in West Africa. Please contact for more information. You can follow the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs on Twitter @StateINL and on Facebook at


Ghanaians Against Bad Governance Protest Against Mahama Administration in Washington DC


August 2014

As early as 8.30am on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 there was hardly any place to park around the Ghana Embassy in Washington DC as Ghanaians from various cities and states along the east coast geared up to protest against the policies of the Mahama administration in Ghana that has resulted in untold hardship among the people of Ghana. About 150 young men and women stood behind a barricaded fence in front of the Embassy in Washington beating drums , singing and demonstrating with placards some of which read, : The President must start working” , Mr. President enough is enough !!!!”, “ We need our Ghana back ” Various leaders took turns to address the fired up protestors most of whom wore black T shirts with the inscription “Arise !! Speak Up, Speak up for Ghana “ One of the leaders read out loudly issues of concern in Ghana which included the high levels of corruption by government officials, Inability to stabilize the exchange rates , unprecedented rates at which businesses are failing, poor oversight , neglect and incompetence on the part of the John Mahama Administration. The Ghanaians against Bad Governance (GABG) demonstrators were united with a common message “We demand responsive and responsible governance to alleviate the plight of the good people of Ghana.” After about four hours of demonstration, the leaders of the group were allowed into the Embassy compound to present their petition to the chargé d’affaires of the Ghana Embassy in the absence of a substantive Ambassador for onward transmission to the President of Ghana. Mrs. Amma Twum-Amoah, the Head of the Chancery received the petition on behalf of the Government of Ghana and assured the group that since the petition was addressed to the President she would make sure it reaches his office. She also expressed her appreciation to the leaders being Mr. Kwaku Boateng, Lawyer Acolatse and Ms. Sally Sarpong for ensuring that the demonstration was a peaceful one. Ghanaians Against Bad Governance is a non-partisan group of concerned Ghanaians living in the United States of America, who are interested in the economic and social well being of Ghana. It is a diverse group of nonprofessionals, professionals and academics who believe that the Government of Ghana has a responsibility to deliver on their own promises, and that they should not wait for the next election cycle to raise our voices to demand that their leaders work in the interest of the good people of Ghana.

Paul Ofori granting an interview to Sahara Telivision The leaders presenting the petition to the embassy staff





August 2014

Demonstrations Rock US/Africa Summit in Washington DC

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the intersection of 23rd and E street in North West Washington DC to protest against some African leaders whose style of leadership leave much to be desired. There were groups of Africans from different countries protesting a number of diverse issues ranging from corrupt and incompetent governance, human rights, economic decline and mismanagement, poverty and many others.

Among the protestors were Congolese who were calling for the end of President Kabila’s regime, Burkinabe’s who felt there is a time for change of leadership as President President Blaise Compaoré was making efforts to introduce a bill that would allow him to run for another term in office, Gambians appalled at President Yahya Jammeh’s human rights record and Ghanaians who constituted the bulk of the protestors demonstrating against corrupt and incompetent governance by President Mahama.

Burkinabe Demonstrators

Inspite of the high security network put in place the protestors made their case carrying placards some of which read, “Corruption is a national canker”, “Corruption kills “.

They sang patriotic songs amidst drumming and positioned themselves along the route the Presidents were likely to use to exit the state department where the various leaders were meeting. Congolese Protesting Against President Kabila

Ghanaians Demonstrating Against President Mahama



Gospel musician Rev. Kusi Berko is dead!



Sonnie Badu to get married on August 23 August 2014

Even though Sonnie has personally not announced it publicly, close friends and family sources say he’s excited about the marriage and sees it as an overwhelming blessing.

Rev. Kusi Berko is known for hit songs like Ofata, Eden Ben ni, Mrane and others.

Sonnie Badu is a multiple award-winning Gospel singer, songwriter, philanthropist, producer, TV presenter and author. He is arguably the most successful gospel export to emerge out of Africa in recent years.

His unique blend of intimate worship, highclass visuals, and his energetic style of ushering congregations into the presence of God is affecting lives worldwide.

Ace Gospel Musician, Barima Kusi Brimpong known popularly as Rev. Kusi Berko is dead.

Award-winning Ghanaian gospel musician Sonnie Badu is busily finalizing arrangements to get married to the love of his life.

Sonnie leaves his audiences mesmerized both emotionally and spiritually.

Rev. Dr. Seth Baah’s First USA Album Launching

The album launching took place on July 19th in Burlington, NJ. The climax moment was when he and his wife respectively were each presented with a certificate of Doctorate of Sacred Music. Three albums were launched and the songs in each album contains great worship songs and worth having in your home music library.


Close friends and family sources have confirmed the news to Citifmonline. The ceremony, which would be officiated by Rev. Dr. Victor Osei of Family Chapel in Kumasi and Pastor Kingsley Appiagyei of the Trinity Baptist Church, is scheduled to take place in the United Kingdom on August 23.

“I have a resilient faith in God. For six good years, I was bed-ridden as a result of stroke. I could not walk but I told God that I will not die but live to testify his good works. Today, here I am, proclaiming the work of God,” noted the gospel artiste of ‘Eden Ben Ni’ fame.

The musician who suffered from stroke for about six years, took to the podium of the Perez Chapel in 2013 and told his audience that his faith in God has kept him alive.




Yaw Boamah and Ruth (Adwoa) Exchange Vows

August 2014



Mr. and Mrs. Boamah are residents of Chantily Virginia and members of the Queen of Apostles Catholic Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Mr. Yaw Boamah is a prominent community statesman whose endeering personality has earned him so much respect within the Ghanaian Community. The couple renewed their vows before Rev. Anthony Appiah on Saturday, July 19,2014 in the presence of the Catholic community, friends and family . After a thanksgiving service on Sunday July 20, the couple hosted a big picnic for all friends, family and loved ones at the Joseph Hensley Park in Alexandria, Virginia

Special moments of Mr. and Mrs. Boamah

Throwing of Bouquet

Bridal party

Family Members of the Groom


Family Members of the Bride

Nana Kofi Boateng--Asantefoohene of Washington Metro and his wife



Yaw Boamah and Ruth (Adwoa) Exchange Vows

August 2014

Nana Obuor Gyau and Wife

Aduanaba Frempong

Thanksgiving Picnic with friends, family and loved ones

Jerry Wiafe and Dr. Kwame Bawuah-Edusei





Didier Drogba Retires From International Football

for Les Elephants during the World Cup in Brazil. “It is with much sadness that I have decided to retire from international football,” Drogba said. “I am very proud to have been captain of this team for eight years and to have contributed to placing my country on the world stage of football, taking part in three World Cups and two African Cup of Nations finals. “I cannot convey enough thanks to the fans for all the love and support during these years. All my goals, all my caps, all our victories are for you. “I also owe much gratitude to my team-mates – the players with whom I have shared all these emotions and I wish you all much success for the future and a very warm welcome to the new manager (Herve Renard).” Source::

Chelsea striker made 104 appearances for Ivory Coast and captained side for eight years

The 36-year-old, who last month re-joined Chelsea following a two-season absence with spells in China and Turkey, made his 104th and final appearance

Zimbabwe National Soccer team Dissolved

By Augustine Hwata The Zimbabwe national soccer teams were dissolved with the governing body Zifa saying they will have a new begining.

Appearing before the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Sport, Arts and Culture Zifa president, Cuthbert Dube, said they dissolved the Warriors and are looking for a fresh start with the junior age groups starting with the under 13s.

He said the Under 23 team will form the nucleus of the senior team.

Source : The Herald

Germany Players Damage World Cup Trophy

The chief of Germany's football association (DFB) has revealed that one of the team's triumphant players has damaged their World Cup trophy. Joachim Low's men defeated Argentina 1-0 in the final after extra-time to win the inter-continental tournament for the fourth time in their history, following on from 1954, 1974 and 1990 victories.

The Mannschaft were welcomed home from Brazil to jubilant scenes and toured Berlin with the trophy during midweek, however, they may have celebrated a little bit too hard as their World Cup trophy has been damaged by an unknown member of the Germany team.

"At one point, a small piece of our World Cup trophy was chipped off," DFB president Wolfgang Niersbach is quoted by Die Welt as saying. "But do not worry! We have specialists on the case who can fix it.

"We have investigated persistently who it was that damaged the trophy, but the investigation was concluded without a result."

Luckily for Germany, the cup they have been given by Fifa is just a replica of the World Cup trophy they were presented with at the Maracana on July 13, which is estimated to be worth over €10 million.

Fifa - it would seem wisely - tends not to trust football associations with the trophy after the original World Cup award, the Jules Rimet trophy, had a history of being a target for thieves before being stolen for good in 1983 from Brazil. Source:

August 2014

Afrikan Post


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