Afrika wa
Thank You Trinity Church!
You have touched lives and hearts through your generosity! Your gift of money to outfit our Afrika Wa Yesu students in Nacala, at the Bible School and the Vocational Centre, has truly elevated them to a new place - they have learnt how to receive and they have learnt that they are loved. They know that God is their source and are absolutely delighted with the blessing! Many of them gave a portion of what they have received as a tithe and offering to the Afrika Wa Yesu church, out of their own hearts. They have learnt the joy of giving. Each student received the equivalent of US$25. They went to the market in their small groups with their teachers, and were able to purchase things they needed most. ‘The Market’ is where American and European donated clothes end up - Oxfam, Goodwill, charity clothes collections are shipped to Africa, providing a business opportunity for many enterprisers - where many a treasure can be found at the ‘Bend Down Boutique’ along the side of the roads and in various corners of cities and villages! BrandName clothing like Gap, Nike, Marks & Spencer, even Dolce & Gabana or Luis Vuitton bags can be found at bargain prices, a little worn but none the less always an exciting find! Of course, many are not interested in such value, they simply need the items to fulfill the function they were created for. Many of the students have never had so much money to spend only on themselves. It was amazing to see their ‘haul’ upon return to the campus! They were extremely excited to show off their things. Belts, shoes, jeans, shirts, even bags to carry their new goods in, were purchased. The ladies found handbags, shoes, capulanas (traditional wrap around skirts) and ‘mexa’ - extensions for their hair! In this report are some pictures as well as two letters of thanks, from the Nacala Bible School and from the Vocational Centre. Thank you for outfitting our students and uplifting them not only physically but also spiritually as you pray for them. You are a blessing to Afrika Wa Yesu Ministries.
Together for His Glory,
Rodney & Ellie Hein and the Afrika Wa Yesu Team
From the Bible School Peace and Grace Forever. The students are grateful since we arrived in February and were well received, so far we are seeing that we are growing spiritually in the classes. We want to thank you for the blessings that we have received since the classes started until now. We give thanks to God for Pae Rodney and Mae Ellie, Pai Jeff and Mae Nicky, and Boss Chris and Senhora Deborah for the material blessings – money we received. We ask God our Mighty Father to protect and give wisdom and knowledge to the ministry of Afrika Wa Yesu so it can continue to equip men and women in Mozambique. Peace and grace be with you forever and God bless you, amen. Peace and Grace be with you forever and God bless you! Amen!
Afrika Wa Yesu
June, 2015
From the Vocational Centre
Relating Our Thanks
In the beginning of our article we give our most solemn salutation in that the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. We provide you with this report to demonstrate our satisfaction and recognition and convey our gratitude for the dear and loving gesture from you that you contributed, giving with joy. So the students of Afrika Wa Yesu Vocational Centre now feel more blessed and motivated than before. Our Thanks: Father Rodney and Mai Elly, Pai Jeff and Mai Nick, Boss Chris and Senhora Debora. In conclusion we want and declare that God’s blessing doors are always open in their lives to meet any need and wherever they are. May God bless you richly.
May God bless you richly.
June, 2015 Afrika Wa Yesu
The Nacala Market
e one of th f o r e p e eke The stor in town! s ll a t s in a best barg
Looking for something for that special occasion?
Shoes, belts, scarves, stuffed animals, bags.... ....even a linens and bedding department!
Afrika Wa Yesu
June, 2015
Dress shirts and work shirts for the busy man...
This little gu y with his own-made p ush car.
The reason behind the nickname, ‘Bend Down Boutique’ ... you do a lot of bending over, scrathing through piles for that perfect item.
Challenges of shoe shopping - “Sure, this one’s perfect, but where’s it’s mate?”