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hen things get tough, the tough get going. We have experienced this yet again during the last three years when the ripples of war and fighting on our doorstep at Inhaminga began to rock our ministry boat in the Central provinces. We learned to move with the rocking, determined not to go backwards or let go of our dream and calling. With courage and passion our team pulled together with us and we have seen amazing things happen.
More good news is, we have peace in Mozambique while peace talks are under way, and we believe this is the breakthrough that will see no return to war.
With an acceleration of fighting at “God superseded Without you, our friends, prayer the end of 2016, we realised we could not run our New Generation us in all our plans. warriors and supporters, the Leadership School in Inhaminga, Not only do we amazing things that are happening due to the dangers we would be would not be possible. Thank you have 72 students for your faithfulness to us, we are exposing our visiting ministers to. We were also not sure if we would at Nacala, but we grateful beyond words, be able to have Bible School at all also have 70 in Inhaminga. We decided to move regular bible Rod & Ellie New Generation Leadership School to the safe zone of Nacala. God School students at and the Afrika wa Yesu Team. superseded us in all our plans. Not Inhaminga..� only do we have 72 students at Nacala, but we also have 70 regular bible School students at Inhaminga. We (Rod & Ellie)and some of our key teachers are taking the long African road between our two schools and covering both while the rest of the team stays full time at one or the other. We have stretched ourselves, strengthened our stakes and are covering all, and loving it. We are experiencing the love and power of God in a very tangible way.
Lunch with King Jesus Ministry Team and Guests in Miami
DIVINE Connections E very person we meet is important to God. We are grateful for all our friends and partners in ministry. Sometimes we meet someone in a most unexpected way, but mostly our connections come through relationships.
Our connection with Apostle Guillermo Maldonado and King Jesus Ministry came through our hungry pursuit of anointed material in the Portuguese language. We were ready for great change. Our leaders needed further training so we determined to start a New Generation Leadership School for alumni, those who have already passed through our intensive six-month Bible Schools. Those who are already in leadership and ready for more in God. For this we needed an entirely new curriculum, and we needed it in Portuguese. We discovered some powerful books already translated into Portuguese which led us to King Jesus Ministry, Apostle Guillermo Maldonado in Miami. Knowing we would be visiting Miami, we told our Team “We are going to bring back the new curriculum from Miami. We will knock on the door till the door opens and the material is in our hands. We will not come back to Mozambique without it!” Holy Spirit went before us and on arrival in Florida our Mississippi partners told us they wanted to introduce us to one of the elders of a great church in Miami. It just happened to be King Jesus Ministry! This fine gentleman promised to help us with the material. After a powerful service we were standing in the corridor near the back of a crowd of people. Apostle Guillermo came out his office and as he was greeting people, he looked up and
Dynamic material translated into Portuguese
Tabernacle at King Jesus Ministries in Miami
saw us standing a way off. Pushing through the crowd he asked us if we would please see him in his office. He later told us that Holy Spirit had spoken to him to reach out to us. In his office lined with shelves and shelves of books of which he has written more than 50, he said, “What do you need? What can I do for you?” “We need new material for our Bible Schools, particularly anything you have in Portuguese,” we responded. He called for his team to bring huge bags and started taking book after book off his shelves. It was time for him to be in the next service, (they run 4 services of 4000 - 5000 people over a week-end) yet he took time to chat with us, asking what we do. He told us he wanted to come to Mozambique in 2018 for a crusade, organised for us to be shown around the ministry and meet his team at their university and to be taken out to lunch and looked after very well, prayed for us and rushed off to the next service. It was an encounter that has brought supernatural transformation to our ministry. We travelled back to Africa loaded with books and manuals perfect for our Bible Schools. The manuals were in English but through hard work and inspiration particularly by Jeosafá, Deborah and Rodney, have been translated and printed in Portuguese. There is not one member of Afrika Wa Yesu and not one student who is not ecstatic about the content. It is clear, rich, easy to understand and life transforming. We will never be the same again! Thank you Apostle Guillermo Maldonado and King Jesus Ministry!
Welcoming Apostle Shammah Apwam
Celebrating African Style!
Visiting Ministers A
postle Shammah Apwam was sent to us through King Jesus Ministry, Miami, to help activate Afrika wa Yesu in the supernatural. This big African man, with a big heart and big smile and big voice, originally from the Congo and now living in Johannesburg, carries a big and powerful anointing. Our students had never before encountered such confidence and authority in the Holy Spirit through a fellow African. This man is unique anyway, being African made him someone they could relate to more directly, someone they could look at and say, “God can use me too at that level!� They could totally identify with his humour, his demonstrative actions and the way he spoke of the necessity to break African traditions and the supernatural activity of the devil in order to allow the supernatural of Jesus Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit and the nature of God to rule and reign in their lives. Several more ministers are scheduled to be with us before the end of this school. Each one is unique and carries something special for us. We are grateful for those who sacrifice their time and finances to come over into Mozambique to help us!
Teaching and Holy Ghost Impartation
Thanking God for sending Apostle Shammah
Activated to operate in a new dimension of the Supernatural!
Signs and Wonders
The supernatural has always been in us as it is in every believer. We have seen the demonstration of the supernatural in our ministry but not at the level we desired. Right now, Afrika wa Yesu has stepped into the supernatural at another level. This has come about through the activation of what is in us, through Divine connections. “And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.” ~ Mark 16:20
STUDENT TESTIMONIES Eugenio: For a long time I experienced pain and weakness in my hands, making it difficult for me to work physically. I received healing the pain left my hands, I can now use them normally. I feel a freshness in my hands and I am very happy. Healings and Miracles ~ Daniel delivered from back Daniel (who was visiting from Romania): I pain, Ashira was excited to be a part of this miracle.. was suffering from pain in the legs due to a motor cycle accident which caused me to limp. When I was prayed for I activated my faith and I was instantly healed and could walk normally, without any pain. I am marvelling at the grace of God. Mateus: For five years I suffered from toothache. The pain left when someone made a prophetic declaration over me that I am healed in Jesus’ Name. I feel so happy, praising and glorifying His Name. Nelito: My situation was that I could not hear Words of Knowledge and Prophetic Declaration very well but when Apostle Shammah called for us to
begin praying in tongues my ears were opened and I could hear perfectly. I am so happy and expecting to receive much more from God. Paulino: I was partly deaf, I could not hear well, then I heard a brother testify that his ears were opened, then my ears were opened and I could hear well. Elias: I had a problem with my hearing but as we be began to worship I felt the power of the Holy Spirit descending. Our leader said we should shout loud together, glorifying God. As I did that my ears were opened and I could hear clearly. Nobody prayed for me I was healed as I worshipped God.
Students receive the supernatural and are activated to impart the supernatural to others.
GREATER WORKS The healings received by the students activated them to do greater works than they received. At the church of Racine wa Yesu, there’s a lady named Eva Maria. She has suffered from a constant flow of blood for more than five years. Agostinho and the church knew about this, but the students who visited Racine didn’t know, and in the time of prayer God spoke through a word of knowledge to a student from Beira and he spoke out, “In our midst is a woman named Maria who has suffered from an illness for a long time, but your day of healing has arrived.” Maria came to the front and we prayed for her and she was amazed that God had identified her problem through someone who didn’t know her. She received her healing. At the church of Muzuane wa Yesu the Word ‘With God nothing is Lost,’ was preached. The anointing of healing was manifested and through prayer support from the students the following results occurred: A Grandmother named Abiba, had problems with her sight, she couldn’t see very well. She always received prayer in doubt
because she had been told by people, including her family, that the cause of the problem was old age. Pastor Mariano received revelation of this false interpretation and rebuked the spirit of blindness and soon the vision of the victim was restored. This brought great joy to the church and to the lady Abiba. A man named Constantino Paulino had a problem with his feet and always walked with difficulty. But Pastor Mariano had a dream in which God showed him that on Sunday during church a man who had foot problems would be healed and that the sign would be that he was wearing brown shoes. After Pastor Mariano explained the dream he had, the man pronounced immediately in testimony time that he has received divine healing. In fact in the morning he had put on his sandals but God spoke he was to wear his brown shoes. When
he heard the word of knowledge that had come through a dream that a man with brown shoes would receive healing in his feet, he received faith for healing as he knew it was him.
One of the five House of Peace groups spent Saturday night at the church Coutinho wa Yesu and did the Sunday church service. It started with 15 healings, (headaches, stomach problems, body in pain and couldn’t move well) followed by a powerful Word on “The Kingdom of God is within you!” From there, Holy Spirit baptized eight people with evidence of speaking in tongues and one person was set free from demonic torment. By then end of the meeting everyone in the meeting had been touched by the Holy Spirit. “I have not been able to move, twist or turn without pain in my body “, was the testimony of one of our older members. He confirmed his healing with a huge smile as he twisted and turned. The leader gave the instruction, “Now all of you go and testify to three people in Coutinho how the Lord has healed you.”
CONTINUING STEADFASTLY So we continue steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in the breaking of bread and in prayers. Fear and awe is upon every soul, many signs and wonders are being done. We continue daily in one accord, praising God, the Lord adding souls to the church.