FLEX 2012

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FLEX 2012 Adult Community Service Program

AFS Statement of Purpose, Core Values and Attributes AFS is an international, voluntary, nongovernmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world. AFS enables people to act as responsible global citizens working for peace and understanding in a diverse world. It acknowledges that peace is a dynamic concept threatened by injustice, inequity and intolerance. AFS believes in the dignity and worth of every human being and of all nations and cultures. It encourages respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without distinction as to race, sex, language, religion or social status. AFS activities are based on our core values of dignity, respect for differences, harmony, sensitivity and tolerance.

AFS History During World Wars I and II, volunteer ambulance drivers from the American Field Service helped the wounded on the battlefields. In 1946, the ambulance drivers decided to create an international student exchange network to promote a better understanding between peoples. Since then, over 325,000 participants took part in an AFS program. AFS is the leading non-profit, volunteer organization. We have AFS partners in over 50 countries, each with its own network of volunteers and professional employees who are directed by a board of directors composed of volunteers.

FLEX Program Are you looking for international work experience? Are you interested in learning a new language while contributing to a community in need? Or maybe you are looking for a different way of spending your summer? Choose the program and destination that fit your goals and expectations and live an experience of a lifetime! The FLEX program combines placements in a work environment with a host family or work site accomodations, including participation in community activities allowing you to live the cultural and socioeconomic realities of your host country. Projects vary by hosting country and participants’ interests, and last a minimum of four weeks. You can decide the length of his or her stay. You want to combine community service and a trip of your own? AFS Interculture Canada offers the possibility of a program extension to visit the hosting country by yourself.

FLEX • • • • • • • •

Program includes: Transit from airport to and from local community Potential flexible dates of arrival per community service project At the end of the program, a certificate of appreciation for the participant that outlines the assignment and time spent abroad Food & accommodation with a local family 24 hour emergency support team Work placement AFS professional staff & volunteer support in Canada & overseas Access to the international AFS Alumni network

Participant responsibilities: • Prepare his/her project • Respond to qualification requirements (professional and language) • Pay asking fees • Accept and follow AFS Rules • Purchase his/her own flight according to AFS instruction and inform AFS of his/her travel arrangements • Ensure compliance with host country regulations and safety guidelines (Visa, vaccine, and return date) • Respect his/her commitment toward NGO that provides work project

Community Service Projects in Denmarks Middelaldercentret Middelaldercentret (Middle Ages Center) is a nongovernmental organization, a self-containing foundation, financially supported by state and county authorities. The Centre has around 70,000 visitors per year. The Middelaldercentret is an experimental living history museum in Denmark situated in the town of Nykøbing Falster. It features a village, boats, market, and siege weapons of the period. All of the items are built on site using period tools. Activities include live firing of the weapons, archery, tournaments of knights, and demonstrations of crafts and tasks from the late 14th century. To become a volunteer at the Medieval Centre you have to go complete a beginner’s course, where you will get a basic knowledge of the Medieval Age and learn to act in the medieval town of Sundkøbing.

You will find that we demand a high standard of ourselves and others concerning authenticity. If you want to use your own medieval clothes and equipment, you must know that they only accept equipments that are replicas of around 1397. Materials and sewing techniques etc. must be as authentic as possible. However they can provide you with all the necessary equipment, clothes, shoes etc. Modern things like glasses, modern jewellery, makeup, visible piercings, visible tattoos etc. are not allowed. Neither is bringing coffee, cigarettes, modern tools or anything not medieval into the medieval town. Working hours: From Saturday morning to Friday afternoon. Level of English language skill: Conversational Note. This program starts on June 25th 2011 only.

Community Service Projects in Honduras Associacion Ninos de la Luz “Niños de la Luz” is a non-profit Christian Institution located in The Ceiba.

Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children.

Mission: The project ‘Village of Hope’s purpose is to improve the way of life for children living on the streets. Provide an opportunity for the children to choose a different way of living, promote and strengthen their moral and spiritual values, orientation and training to the children in different areas and work with the children’s families, in order to make them aware of their needs. Work sector: Children.

Level of Spanish language skill: Conversational

Number of employees: 8

Week: From 7h30 am to 5h00 pm Weekends: Sometimes

Responsibilities: During the morning the volunteer will work at the project`s school as an English teacher but as the volunteer gets more fluent in Spanish he or she will be teaching other classes such as math or science. In the afternoon, the volunteer will accompany children to the project housing and join the children in meals, help and supervise with the cleaning process (dining areas and bedrooms) Help them with their school home work, the agricultural and green area reforestation activities and play sports with the children. In the evening help with the program “Education for adults”.

Dress code: Comfortable clothes and shoes (t-shirts, jeans, long shorts), good walking shoes and tennis shoes, bathing suit. The weather is very tropical but there is also lots of rain, an umbrella and a rain jacket will be advisable. Working hours:

Community Service Projects in Honduras COFADEH Is a non-governmental organization founded in 1982 based in Tegucigalpa. Mission: This organization tries to keep the collective memory of the victims of the enforced disappearances alive and to avoid the silence that surrounds them. COFADEH is unique in its kind not only because of the content of its work; it is the only organization that works the cases of the enforced disappeared in Honduras; but also because of the fact that since it´s start it has been an effort lead by women and this is has been very important for their struggle. To this day it are still women who lead and decide the past, present and the future of the organization; including daughters and younger sisters now of the disappeared. Employees: 25 and some volunteers. Work sector: Protection of human rights

Responsibilities: Actively work in the implementation and promotion of human rights among youth. Workshops with youth leaders about Human rights. Receive complaints of violations of human rights. Level of Spanish language skill: Fluent Working hours: Week: from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Weekend: Special occasions only

Community Service Projects in Honduras Familia Ninez y Valores FANIVA Organization established in 2005 in Tegucigalpa. Tegucigalpa is presently divided into “barrios” and “colonias”. The latter represents relatively recent 20th-century middle class residential suburbs that are continuously spreading while the former are old inner-city neighbourhoods. Mission: The main aim is to teach about values to children and their families in order for them to be more aware and try to improve themselves in this respect. An important focus is also on the community. The Mission of FANIVA, is to fortify the confidence in the economic, social and moral development of the families living in poverty by creating a self educational process, auto-management of the present that will stimulate people to make an effort to choose and to execute projects that will improve their quality of life. The values unify and improve the future of the children. Employees: 15 and 50 volunteers. Work sector: Community development.

Responsibilities: • Volunteers receive an training on what they will be expected to do, workshops. • Assisting as English teachers • Visiting the families of the area as a social worker • The volunteer will be an Educator • Helping in workshops for the community FANIVA has 15 projects mainly in Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Projects include working with children, youth, teenage mothers (living in special homes), and fieldwork. Dress code: N/A Level of Spanish language skill: Conversational Working hours: Volunteer will work from Monday to Friday and on some Saturdays (with advance notice) working hours from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Community Service Projects in Honduras Jardin de NiĂąos Japon Governmental association situated in San Pedro Sula; main industrial and commercial city in northwest Honduras, near the Guatemalan border, capital of CortĂŠs department and the second-largest city in the country. Mission: Education for children from 4 to 6 years old, knowledge of the ABC and a lot of themes. The kindergarten has two big classrooms and a big play garden and football court. Employees: 6 Work sector: Education Responsibilities: In charge of the English classes, assisting the teachers, and creating sports activities for children. If the volunteer has knowledge of Spanish then he or she will also be in charge of different classes.

Skills needed: Likes working with children, has a big heart, creative to help children and teachers, the most important thing is to love children. Level of Spanish language skill: Conversational Dress code: Comfortable clothes that will enable the volunteer to move and work with children. (No flip flops) Working hours: Week: from 8:00 am to 11:30am and from 1:00 pm to 4:00pm Weekends: No

Community Service Projects in Honduras Montana de Luz Is a non-governmental organization founded in 1982 located in La Esperanza. Mission: Montaña de Luz was founded after Hurricane Mitch to provide hospice care for children dying from HIV/AIDS. With the availability of ARV (anti-retroviral) treatment, the organization has evolved from hospice care to providing a home for the children. Employees: 32 and 2 volunteers. Work sector: Other

Group Leader will work at preparing projects for visiting groups and guiding them. The Group Leader will also work at identifying tasks that are appropriate for Mission Teams to work on/complete. The volunteer should have experience working with children, preferably experience with HIV/AIDS.

Level of Spanish language skill: Fluent Dress code: Comfortable clothes as the volunteer will be working with children.

Working hours: Responsibilities: Montana de Luz seeks three volunteer positions for its volunteer service program. Week: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm • Store Manager/Community Relations Liaison; to Weekend: N/A manage the community store where the goods produced at Montana de Luz are sold. • Agriculture Production Supervisor is expected to have business skills in order to oversee our production endeavors while managing our farming staff.

Community Service Projects in India Adapt (not available in May & June)

AMWA (not available in May & June)

Is a non-governmental organization founded in 1972 based in Mumbai. Formerly Bombay, Mumbai is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. Mumbai ranks among the most populous cities in the world in terms of population, with the city proper having a population of approximately 14 million inhabitants, and along with the neighbouring cities of Navi Mumbai and Thane, an urban agglomeration with a population of around 19 million people.

Is a non-governmental organization based in Ahmedabad, the largest city in the state of Gujarat, with a population of approximately 52 lakhs (5.2 million).

Mission : Inclusive Education, education and therapy for disabled and under privileged, community projects in education. Employees: 50 Work sector: Education Responsibilities: Assist special educators, teaching, sports activities, teach new games, art & craft activities. Skills needed: Likes working with children, has a big heart, creative to help children and teachers, the most important thing is to love children.

Mission: AMWA started on a small scale in 1988. it works at the grassroots level with Muslim women. It runs sewing and other art classes, so that the women become independant. Has an area for children, partly funded by the Government. It has 24 hours women’s help line. Employees: 5 women Work sector: Help for women and children. Responsibilities: Many different possibilities depending of the knowledge of the participant and the need of the organization. Skills needed: Openness, friendliness and interest in learning. Level of English language skill: Basic

Level of English language skill: Basic

Dress code: The volunteer needs to wear appropriate clothing to suit the Muslim environment.

Dress code: Summer clothes

Working hours:

Working hours:

Week: From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Weekend: (negotiable)

Week: From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (negotiable) Weekends: No

Community Service Projects in India Anand Bal Marg-Darshan Kendra

Blind People’s Association

(not available in May

(not available in May & June)

& June)

Organization founded in 1996 situated in the city of Baroda. Vadodara or Baroda, formerly the capital city of the Gaekwar State, is the third most-populated city in the Indian state of Gujarat after Ahmedabad and Surat.

A governmental organization based in Ahmedabad, it is the largest city in the state of Gujarat with a population of approximately 52 lakhs (5.2 million).

Mission: To create active awareness in parents, the general public and social institutions about common childhood related behaviour problems and learning disorders. It conducts diagnostic tests (psychological) psycho education, psycho therapy and counseling. It also conducts speech therapy.

Mission: BPA was founded in 1954 and started as an organization for blind people. In the 70’s, BPA started working with people, multiple disabilities, people affected by leprosy and also elderly people. The BPA also has an eye hospital at Bareja a few miles to the South of Ahmedabad.

Employees: 5

Employees: Nearly 300 people in 10 campuses.

Work sector: Education

Work sector: Education

Responsibilities: Participate in treatment program of Children with learning disabilities, autistim, speech disorders, and parent / individual counseling.

Responsibilities: The volunteer would work with children, their parents, communities and BPA staff.

Skills needed: The volunteer should have knowledge of clinical and educational psychology, educational research and arts.

Skills needed: No specific skills, just openness, friendliness and interest in learning. Level of English language skill: Conversational

Level of English language skill: Conversational

Dress code: Decent clothes.

Dress code: N/A

Working hours:

Working hours:

Week: From 10:00 am to 6:00 pm from Monday to Friday. Weeekend: Maybe on Sunday.

Week: Fluctuates between 4 to 6 hours per day Weekend: 8 hours

Community Service Projects in India Brindavan Education Trust

(not available in

May & June)

Child Development Center & June)

(not available in May

Is a non-governmental organization based in Bangalore, capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Bangalore is India’s third most populous city and fifth-most populous urban agglomeration.

A governmental organization based in Bangalore, capital of the Indian state of Karnataka. Bangalore is India’s third most populous city and fifth-most populous urban agglomeration.

Mission: Brindavan is involved in the work of bringing children with special needs, especially in the area of specific learning difficulties into main education (inclusion) through remedial support, teacher training, awareness and parent support.

Mission: Founded 10 years ago, this organization specializes in women and children’s education.

Employees: 35

Employees: 12 and some volunteers Working sector: Children and women`s education.

Working sector: Children’s education.

Responsibilities: Help in teaching, planning programs and events.

Responsibilities: Remedial support to children, extracurricular activities such as art, theatre, music...

Skills needed: Teaching skills, singing, dancing, acting, arts and crafts mostly for pre-school children.

Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children.

Level of English language skill: Fluent

Level of English language skill: Fluent

Dress code: Long skirts or trousers. No transparent or revealing clothes.

Dress code: N/A

Working hours:

Working hours: Week: From 9:15 am to 2:30 pm and 3:00 pm to 6:30 pm. Weekends: 2 Saturdays per month.

Week: From 8:30 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Weekends: No, unless the participant wants to do it.

Community Service Projects in India IPD Orthopedic Center June)

(not available in May &

A non-governmental organization based in Chennai, the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai is the fourth most populous metropolitan area and the fifth most populous city in India. Located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, Chennai city had a population of 4.34 million in the 2001 census. Mission: Founded in 1940, the centre offers medical treatment, runs a residential school for the physically and mentally challenged people and those with cerebral palsy. It also has a pre-school for hearing impaired children, runs a school for mentally challenged adult men and offers vocational training in printing, tailoring and computers for physically challenged women. The centre offers services such as surgery, therapy and education, among other. Employees: 70 and 10 volunteers. Work sector: Education.

Responsibilities: • Work as a teacher, trainee or volunteer in the classroom of special-needs children (mentally challenged and with cerebral pals. • Work in the nursing school. • Help to update the website and help with documentation. • Help in designing publicity material for the centre. Skills needed: The participants must have some teaching or nursing skills. They could also have some skills in computer web designing or designing of publicity material. They could have art skills to help the children with art work. Only female volunteers are needed. Level of English language skill: Conversational Dress code: Pants and jeans are permissible. No T-shirts, only shirt with long sleeves. No plunging necklines. Working hours: Week: From 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Weekends: No, unless the participant wants to do it.

Community Service Projects in India Manav Sahyog Society


(not available in May &

Is a non-governmental organization based in Jalandhar. Mission: Manav Sahyog Society was founded in 1973. It provides health care facilities for the poor in the city and surrounding villages, provides education for children living in the slums (informal) and in rural area. It also helps students financially at the college level and for professional courses.


(not available in May & June)

Is a non-governmental organization based in Pune. Formerly known as Punavadi, Pune is the eighth largest city in India and the second largest in the state of Maharashtra, after Mumbai. Mission: An organization working for HIV positive orphan children. Employees: 20 and some volunteers.

Employees: 125 and volunteers.

Working sector: Health.

Work sector: Education

Responsibilities: Teaching, creating various games related to personality development, arts, crafts etc.

Responsibilities: Teaching students innovative methods of learning. Protecting the environment. Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children. Level of English language skill: Conversational

Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children. Volunteers should have knowledge about HIV. Level of English language skill: Conversational

Dress code: N/A

Dress code: Participant should wear full dress. No short tops, tights or short clothes.

Working hours: To be confirmed

Working hours: Week: From 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Friday. Weekends: Saturday from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm and Sunday from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Community Service Projects in India Palakneeti Pariwar

(not available in May & June)

A non-governmental organization based in Pune. Formerly known as Punavadi, Pune is the eighth largest city in India and the second largest in the state of Maharashtra, after Mumbai. Mission: To provides education to children living in the slum area named Lakshminagar at Kothrud, Pune. Employees: 5 and 10 volunteers. Working sector: Education. Responsibilities: Teaching, organizing informal educational activities, helping in administrative work or helping in research work.


(not available in May & June)

A non-governmental organization based in Jalandhar. Mission : Prayas was founded in 1993 to train and socially empower children with special needs (mental disabilities) in order to make them independent and socially productive. Employees: 27 Work sector: Education. Responsibities: To socialize with the students, to make them vocationally independent, to educate them according to their potential.

Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children.

Skills needed: Patience, creativity, willingness to play, basically to give love to these children. Skills in art and music would be great.

Level of English language skill: Fluent.

Level of English language skill: Conversational

Dress code: Formal clothes.

Dress code : Appropriate clothes as per weather, clothes should not be skimpy or too revealing.

Working hours: Week: 3 to 6 hours per day. Weekends: No, unless the participant wants to do it.

Working hours: 8 hours work day from Monday to Satrurday.

Community Service Projects in India RMD Nursing Home

(not available in May & June)

Is a non-governmental organization based in Chennai, the capital city of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. Chennai is the fourth most populous metropolitan area and the fifth most populous city in India. Located on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal, Chennai city had a population of 4.34 million in the 2001 census. Mission:A unique centre for elderly patients that provides health programs and palliative care. Partnered with several NGOs to empower social workers, paramedicals and volunteers in these fields. Employees: 12 and 8 volunteers. Work sector: Health. Responsibilities: To help with counseling, creating awareness and care. To be involved in community based studies and develop media awareness regarding these issues. Develop an international website for the institution and research data’s for development. Home care services. Skills needed: Need empathy towards the chronically ill and the elderly. Some computer skills required. They need only male volunteers. Better if previously exposed to geriatric care. Level of English language skill: Conversational / Fluent Dress code: Long tops with sleeves are a must. Pants and jeans are allowed. No plunging neckline for women volunteers, shirts for male volunteers. Working hours: Week: From 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Weekend: On Saterday from 9:00 am to :00 pm.

SVADES – Society for Village Development in Petroch (not available in May & June) Is a non-governmental organization based in Vadorada, formerly called Baroda. It is the third most-populated city in the Indian state of Gujarat after Ahmedabad and Surat. It is one of four cities in the state with a population of over 1 million inhabitants. Mission: SVADES, established in 1995, undertakes activities like school support, youth and women empowerment, infrastructure, agriculture and HIV/ AIDS awareness. Employees: 8 and 20 volunteers. Work sector: Health and education. Responsibilities: Many different possibilities depending on the knowledge of the participant and the need of the organization. Skills needed: Openness, friendliness and interest in learning. Level of English language skill: Conversational Dress code: If possible, a formal Indian outfit or jeans for women, a formal shirt and trouser for men. Working hours: Week: 8 hours a day. Weekends: No, unless the participant wants to do it.

Community Service Projects in Paraguay Cebifina Ko’e ju

Cebifana Obdulia Rivas:

Governmental organization located in Asuncion.

Governmental organization located in Asuncion.

Mission: The mission of the institution is to help working mothers in a poor financial situation to improve their socioeconomic level and their children who stay at the daycare until 6:00 pm.

Mission: To cater to children up to 5 years old whose mothers are single or working. In the institution we have two avenues. A. Day Care: they enter in the morning and they leave in the afternoon, for children from 2 through 5 years old. B. The children stay all week and leave on Saturday. Right now we have around 107 children that are divided into nursery, kindergarten and pre-primary.

Work sector: Education - Children Responsibilities: Some specific activities that the volunteer will work on: 7:00am the children arrive at the daycare 7:30 to 8:00am: breakfast 8:00 to 9:00am: free activities 9:00 to 9:30am: snack and hygiene 9:30 to 10:30am: different activities such as music, arts, etc. 11:00 to 12:00: lunch and nap time 1:30 to 2:00pm: hygiene 2:00 to 4:00pm: different activities such as music, arts, etc 4:00 to 4:30pm: snack 4:30 to 6:00pm: free activities and playground 6:30pm: time to go home Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge

Work sector: Education - Children Responsibilities: Specific activities are: • Help with all the meals • Recreation: playing inside or outside • Help cleaning the place. • Help with the organized activities. Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. Some specific activities that the volunteer will work on: 7:00 am to 11:00 am: education and recreation. 11:00 am to 11:30 am: lunch with the children 11:30 am to 2:00 pm: hygienic cleaning and nap. 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: cleanliness 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm: mid-afternoon meal 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm: personal hygiene 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm: recreation

Community Service Projects in Paraguay Cebifina San Alfonso

Cebifina Santa Teresita

Governmental organization located in Asuncion.

Governmental organization located in Asuncion,

Mission: To take care of the children who are under 5 years old while their mothers work and to give them food, hygiene and education. We also work with their families giving them information about general children´s care. This centre has been open for 12 years.

Mission: The mission of the organization is to care for children up to the age of 5 whose mothers are single or working. In the institution we have two avenues: A. Day Care: they enter in the morning and they leave in the afternoon, for children from 2 to 5 years old. B. The children stay all week and leave on Saturday, the ages goes from 40 days old until 5 years old. Right now we have around 107 children that are divided between nursery, kindergarten and pre-primary.

Work sector: Education - Children Responsibilities: The volunteer will be working as a staff member and will be assisting the teachers in every area like: arts, math, Spanish, health, science, playground, etc.

Work sector: Education - Children

Skills needed: The volunteer must have basic Spanish and willingness to work. The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas.

Responsibilities: • Help with all the meals • Recreation: playing inside or outside • Help cleaning the place. • Help with the organized activities.

Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge

Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas.

Working hours: From 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, from Monday to Friday. Weekends: No

Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: The volunteer will work 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday. Some specific activities that the volunteer will work on: 7:00 am to 11:00 am: education and recreation. 11:00 am to 11:30 am: lunch with the children 11:30 am to 2:00 pm: hygienic cleaning and nap. 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm: cleanliness 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm: mid-afternoon meal 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm: personal hygiene 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm: recreation

Community Service Projects in Paraguay Fundacion Dequeni

Fundacion Dequeni Caacupe

Non-governmental organization situated in Asuncion, in Villa Mora.

Non-governmental organization situated in Caacupé, located 53 km east of the capital Asunción. It is considered the spiritual capital of the country and it is surrounded by green valleys and streams. It has around 35,000 inhabitants.

Mission: The mission of the organization is to establish links with the street children and teenagers in order to give educational workshops with an emphasis on motivating them to go to school on a regular basis, instead of working in the streets. Work sector: Education.

Mission: The mission of the organization is to establish links with the street children and teenagers in order to give educational workshops with an emphasis on motivating the children to go to school on a regular basis, instead of working in the streets.

Responsibilities: Some specific activities are: • Going out into the streets to inform about the courses in DEQUENI (the courses are free). • To supervise, accompany and organize activities (sports, games, etc.) with the young street vendors. • Help to facilitate “personal development” group activities (group work, opinion-sharing, group discussion) with young students attending at DEQUENI.

Work sector: Education.

Skills needed: The most important issue is that the volunteer must love to be around children and teenagers.

Skills needed: Availability, capacity to adapt to the necessities of the workplace, someone who really loves to work with street children.

Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: Week: From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday Weekend: N/A

Responsibilities: STREET: a social worker helps the kids to organize themselves around the Basilica. HOUSE: before/after school program in a daily systematic manner for children of 7-15 years who go to school and sell candles. The volunteer works at the children’s house and helps the teacher and the kids to do their works.

Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: Week: From 7:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday Weekend: N/A

Community Service Projects in Paraguay Fundacion Piche Roga

Fundación Casa Cuna <Dr. Carlos Santiviago>

A non-governmental organization located in Encarnación, 367 km s of the capital from Asunción, by the border with Argentina. It is in the middle of the most important agricultural areas of the country. It has around 103,000 inhabitants.

Non-governmental organization located in Asuncion.

Mission: • To give the street children material, psychological and educational attention. • To try to decrease the time kids spend in the streets in order to reduce its negative influences. • To improve the nutrition of the children and fortify the family links among them. Work sector: Education - Children Responsibilities: To help the educators and to organize activities Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Fluent Working hours: A typical day starts at 08:00am when the kids eat breakfast until 08:20. After having washed themselves a bit, the daily program starts. Usually from 10:30 am to 12:00, they have free time, when they also have the possibility to watch TV or play outside in the park. At 12:00 they have lunch, after which they brush their teeth and the program starts again. After having recreation at 3:00 pm, they have a snack and at 4:00pm they return home. Mondays and Thursdays are the “days of cleanness”, which means that they take a shower, wash their hair and body, brush their hair, cut their finger and toe nails and we also talk about personal hygiene. Medical, dental and educational supports are included in the program.

Mission: To help children from 2 months to 5 years of age and support their the families. Work sector: Children. Responsibilities: To help educators and to organize activities, games, reading, etc. Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: From 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. Weekends: Only if the participant wants to.

Community Service Projects in Paraguay Guarderia Santa Catalina

Garderia Los Kerubines

A non-governmental organization located in Ciudad Del Este, 328 km from Asuncion.

A non-governmental organization located in Santa Rita, a small city of 5,000 inhabitants.

Mission: To provide educational opportunities for children in under developed conditions. The school has 300 students.

Mission: To work with poor children, teaching educational learning.

Working sector: Education. Responsibilities: To help teachers and organize activities. Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: From 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. Weekends: No

Work sector: Education, children. Responsibilities: To help teachers and organize activities. Skills needed: The volunteer should have an affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: From 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, from Monday to Friday. Weekends: No

Community Service Projects in Peru CEE de Ceguera « Tulio Herrera Leon »

Hogar para Niños Paul Harris

A governmental organization situated in the city of Trujillo, in the province pf La Libertad.

A non-governmental organization situated in Chincha in Ica Province.

Mission: Founded in 1981, the main focus is the education of blind and autistic children. The organization offers a free education to nearly 125 young people.

Mission: Founded in 2000, this organization helps abandoned female children between 3 to 18 years old.

Work sector: Education Responsibilities: To help the teachers and students during classes and activities. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge.

Working sector: Early child development Responsibilities: Help young girls for all activities related to school. Skills needed: To like to work with children, to be dynamic and open minded.

Specific skills: An affinity for working with children, responsibility and openness to guidance, and of course willingness to work in different situations and areas.

Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge

Working hours:

Week: From 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Weekend: Sometimes

Week: From 8:00 am to 1:00 pm Weekend : No

Working hours:

Community Service Projects in Peru Peru Solidario Non-governmental organization situated in Tablada de Lurin and Villa del Triunfo South of Lima. Mission: The PERU SOLIDARIO Association of “Shared in common Development� been founded in 2001. Its Mission is to promote human dignity and moral and material development of the popular sectors, affirming their cultural values, morals and seeking to establish relations of justice in our society, from an educative proposal, ecumenical and shared in common. Working sector: Human rights, education Responsibilities: Supporting all the activities of the organization, integrating the team of work and sharing their experiences and vision, showing respect for local sensitivities. Skills needed: Sensitivity for world cooperation and knowledge about north-south problematic in the world, to

be dynamic and open minded. Level of Spanish language skill: Basic knowledge Working hours: Week: From 8:00 am to5:30 pm Weekend: No

Community Service Projects in Peru Reserva Nacional del Lago Titicaca A governmental organization situated in the National reserve of the Titicaca in the middle of the plateau of Collao. The Titicaca Lake is the natural shelter of native species of fishes, amphibians and birds. The mission of the National Reserve is: • To conserve the flora and wild fauna of the Lake. • To guarantee the conservation of its natural resources. • To support the socio-economic development of the bordering human populations by means of the rational use of the resources of wild flora and fauna. • To promote the local tourism. • To identify needs and opportunities for new Protected National Areas (ANP in Spanish) and Biological Runners. • Protection of the Islands Amantaní - Taquile, outstanding by its characteristics. They are of interest by the relative isolation in which they are, biologically and culturally. Working sector: Environment Responsibilities: (The tasks will be programmed every month for these programs)

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Training given to rural people and high school students. Support in activities of investigation. Stay at the entry boxes of control and security patrol. Work in the field and in the office. Indeterminate schedule, basically in the morning. Conservation and protection Support to management team Public attention.

Skills needed: Sensibility for the conservation of natural resources, vocation for a job with rural people. Level of Spanish language skill: Conversational Dress code: Camouflage clothes. Working hours: Week: From 8:30 am to 1:00 pm and from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm. Schedule work in the field is subject to change. Weekend: It depends of the schedule activities.

Participation Fees Participant must pay a participation fee of $1000* -The cost of a program with AFS Interculture Canada includes: -Transportation to your host family upon your arrival -The complete, international AFS medical insurance -Food and shelter at your host family’s home during your program participation -A 24 hour emergency hotline service in Canada and your host country -A network of well-trained volunteers to assist you during the duration of your experience Not included: International flights, transportation from/to host family to working project, passport and visa, mandatory vaccines, glasses and contact lenses, dental care and pocket money for personal expenses. * * Fees of 250$/additional week for the volunteer work program with AFS.

Fundraising Mandatory fundraising amount is $800 Like many institutions dedicated to education, AFS Interculture Canada relies on the support of the community. Contributions from individuals, foundations and corporate sponsors help AFS ensure that our programs are of high quality and life-changing. The fundraising activity develops resourcefulness, initiative and the ability to create a network of contacts. Doing fundraising activities requires preparation, organization and entrepreneurship. The fundraising is mandatory since it is part of the learning, preparation and community commitment of the AFS program.

*Prices are subjet to change without notice.

www.afscanada.org e r o m r o f l l a Click or c ! n o i t a m r o f in

AFS Interculture Canada 1425, Rene-Levesque Blvd. West, Suite 1100 Montreal, QC, H3G 1T7 1-800-361-7248 or 514-288-3282 info-canada@afs.org

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