One year in the Land of Smiles! Make sure to provide all the documents requested, otherwise your grant application will not be considered. Informations to apply for the Thailand 2013 Grant • Present your complete application file before the scholarships application deadline, which is March 1st 2013 • Have paid the $750 admission fee and returned the Participation Agreement formally signed. • Enclose a letter explaining why you (the participant) should obtain a grant (max 1 page long). • Provide the last Notice of Assessments of the parents (issued by the government). • Provide any other documentation or information that may influence the Selection Committee’s decision. The grants will be distributed according to the following criteria: • Social and economic situation of the participant and his/her family, • Overall quality of the participant’s application file, • Participant’s motivation. Please take note that this grant doesn’t remplace the regular AFS grant.
For more information, please contact Stéphanie Girouard : or 514 288-3282 / 1 800 361-7248 ext. 227 Good luck!